Exemplo n.º 1
void rc1_fft(REAL *data, complex *cdata, int n, int sign)
	int    j;
	double *datft;

	if (NINT(pow(2.0, (double)NINT(log((double)n)/log(2.0)))) != n) {
		if (npfar(n) == n) pfarc(sign,n,data,cdata);
		else rcdft(data,cdata,n,sign);
	else {
		datft = (double *)malloc(n*sizeof(double));
		if (datft == NULL) fprintf(stderr,"rc1_fft: memory allocation error\n");
		for (j = 0; j < n; j++) datft[j] = (double)data[j];
		realfft(n, datft);
		cdata[0].i = 0.0;
		for (j = 0; j < n/2; j++) {
			cdata[j].r = (REAL)datft[j]; 
			cdata[j+1].i = sign*(REAL)datft[n-j-1]; 
		cdata[n/2].r = datft[n/2];
		cdata[n/2].i = 0.0; 

Exemplo n.º 2
void cr1_fft(complex *cdata, REAL *data, int n, int sign)
	int    j;
	double *datft;

	if (NINT(pow(2.0, (double)NINT(log((double)n)/log(2.0)))) != n) {
		if (npfar(n) == n) pfacr(sign,n,cdata,data);
		else crdft(cdata,data,n,sign);
	else {
		datft = (double *)malloc(n*sizeof(double));
		if (datft == NULL) fprintf(stderr,"cr1_fft: memory allocation error\n");

		for (j = 0; j < n/2; j++) {
			datft[j] = (double)cdata[j].r;
			datft[n-1-j] = (double)cdata[j+1].i;
		datft[n/2] = (double)cdata[n/2].r;

		realifft(n, datft);
		if (sign == -1) {
			for (j = 0; j < n; j++) data[j] = (REAL)datft[j];
		else if (sign == 1) {
			for (j = 1; j < n; j++) data[j] = (REAL)datft[n-j];
			data[0] = (REAL)datft[0];
Exemplo n.º 3
int FromLT (int rsize, double *ltm, double *ltv, int *bin, int *corner) {

/* arguments:
int rsize        i: reference pixel size
double ltm[2]    i: diagonal elements of MWCS matrix
double ltv[2]    i: MWCS linear transformation vector
int bin[2]       o: pixel size in X and Y
int corner[2]    o: corner of subarray in X and Y

	extern int status;
	double dbinx, dbiny, dxcorner, dycorner;

	dbinx = (double)rsize / ltm[0];
	dbiny = (double)rsize / ltm[1];

	dxcorner = (dbinx - rsize) - dbinx * ltv[0];
	dycorner = (dbiny - rsize) - dbiny * ltv[1];

	/* Round off to the nearest integer. */
	corner[0] = NINT (dxcorner);
	corner[1] = NINT (dycorner);
	bin[0] = NINT (dbinx);
	bin[1] = NINT (dbiny);

	return (status);
Exemplo n.º 4
asynStatus MCB4BAxis::sendAccelAndVelocity(double acceleration, double velocity) 
  asynStatus status;
  int ival;
  // static const char *functionName = "MCB4B::sendAccelAndVelocity";

  // Send the velocity
  ival = NINT(fabs(115200./velocity));
  if (ival < 2) ival=2;
  if (ival > 255) ival = 255;
  sprintf(pC_->outString_, "#%02dV=%d", axisNo_, ival);
  status = pC_->writeReadController();

  // Send the acceleration
  // acceleration is in steps/sec/sec
  // MCB is programmed with Ramp Index (R) where:
  //   dval (steps/sec/sec) = 720,000/(256-R) */
  //   or R=256-(720,000/dval) */
  ival = NINT(256-(720000./acceleration));
  if (ival < 1) ival=1;
  if (ival > 255) ival=255;
  sprintf(pC_->outString_, "#%02dR=%d", axisNo_, ival);
  status = pC_->writeReadController();
  return status;
Exemplo n.º 5
void cc1_fft(complex *cdata, int n, int sign)
	int    j;
	double  *real, *imag;

	if (NINT(pow(2.0, (double)NINT(log((double)n)/log(2.0)))) != n) {
		if (npfa(n) == n) pfacc(sign, n, cdata);
		else ccdft(cdata,n,sign);
	else {
		real = (double *)malloc(n*sizeof(double));
		if (real == NULL) fprintf(stderr,"cc1_fft: memory allocation error\n");
		imag = (double *)malloc(n*sizeof(double));
		if (imag == NULL) fprintf(stderr,"cc1_fft: memory allocation error\n");
		for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
			real[j] = (double)cdata[j].r;
			imag[j] = (double)cdata[j].i;

		if (sign < 0) fft(n, real, imag);
		else ifft(n, real, imag);

		for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
			cdata[j].r = (REAL)real[j];
			cdata[j].i = (REAL)imag[j];


Exemplo n.º 6
void smooth (float **in, float **out, long naxes[], float sigma, float radius)
    int i, j, k, l, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;
    float sumwt, sumflux, wt, rad;

    for (j=1; j <= naxes[2]; j++) {
	for (i=1; i <= naxes[1]; i++) {
	    xmin = IMAX (1, i - NINT(radius));
	    xmax = IMIN (i+NINT(radius), naxes[1]);
	    ymin = IMAX (1, j - NINT(radius));
	    ymax = IMIN (j+NINT(radius), naxes[2]);
	    sumwt = 0.;
	    sumflux = 0.;
	    for (l=ymin; l <= ymax; l++) {
		for (k=xmin; k <= xmax; k++) {
		    rad = sqrt((k-i)*(k-i)+(l-j)*(l-j));
		    if (rad <= radius) {
		        wt = exp (-rad*rad/2/sigma/sigma);
			sumwt += wt;
			sumflux += in[l][k] * wt;
	    out[j][i] = sumflux / sumwt;
Exemplo n.º 7
void makefilter(float *f, int nfft, int nfreq, float dt, float *filter)
        float onfft = 1.0 / nfft;
        float df = onfft / dt;
        int nfreqm1 = nfreq - 1;
        int if1 = NINT(f[0]/df);
        int if2 = NINT(f[1]/df);
        int if3 = MIN(NINT(f[2]/df), nfreqm1);
        int if4 = MIN(NINT(f[3]/df), nfreqm1);

        { register int i;
	  register float c = PIBY2 / (if2 - if1 + 2);
	  for (i = if1; i <= if2; ++i) {
		register float s = sin(c*(i - if1 + 1));
		filter[i] = s * s * onfft;

        { register int i;
	  register float c = PIBY2 / (if4 - if3 + 2);
	  for (i = if3; i <= if4; ++i) {
		register float s = sin(c*(if4 - i + 1));
		filter[i] = s * s * onfft;

        { register int i;
          for (i = if2 + 1; i < if3;   ++i)  filter[i] = onfft; 
          for (i = 0;       i < if1;   ++i)  filter[i] = 0.0; 
          for (i = if4 + 1; i < nfreq; ++i)  filter[i] = 0.0; 
Exemplo n.º 8
void lnk_cell_dis(int ia, int ib, int ic, 
		  int ncell_a, int ncell_b, int ncell_c, 
		  double *rcell, double hmat_lnk[], int iperd)

{/*Begin Routine */
/*                 Local variables                                         */
  double acelli, bcelli, ccelli, dx, dy, dz, dsx, dsy, dsz;
  double dsxt, dsyt, dszt;

/*  ia,ib,ic are the shifts along a,b,c                                     */
/*  ncell_a,ncell_b,ncell_c are the number of divisions along a,b,c         */
/*  hmat matrix of cell parameters                                          */
/*  rcell is return with cartesian distance associated with shifts          */
/* scalar temp                                                              */
/* get inverse number of divisions along cell axis                          */

  acelli = 1. / (double) ncell_a;
  bcelli = 1. / (double) ncell_b;
  ccelli = 1. / (double) ncell_c;

  /* convert shifts to a displacement along fractional coord. (the s) */

  dsx = (double) ia * acelli;
  dsy = (double) ib * bcelli;
  dsz = (double) ic * ccelli;

  /* periodic image */
/*  if (iperd >= 1) {  dsx -= NINT(dsx);}*/
/*  if (iperd >= 2) {  dsy -= NINT(dsy);}*/
/*  if (iperd >= 3) {  dsz -= NINT(dsz);}*/
    dsx -= NINT(dsx);
    dsy -= NINT(dsy);
    dsz -= NINT(dsz);

  /* subtract out one cell to account that cell that share edges can have */
  /* particles separteded by one less cell distances */

/*  dsxt = copysign(acelli,dsx); */
/*  dsyt = copysign(bcelli,dsy); */
/*  dszt = copysign(ccelli,dsz); */
  if (dsx != 0.) {dsx -= dsxt;}
  if (dsy != 0.) {dsy -= dsyt;}
  if (dsz != 0.) {dsz -= dszt;}

  /* convert to cartesian displacements */
  dx = dsx * hmat_lnk[1] + dsy * hmat_lnk[4] + dsz * hmat_lnk[7];
  dy = dsx * hmat_lnk[2] + dsy * hmat_lnk[5] + dsz * hmat_lnk[8];
  dz = dsx * hmat_lnk[3] + dsy * hmat_lnk[6] + dsz * hmat_lnk[9];

  /* get distance */
  *rcell = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);
} /* lnk_cell_dis */
Exemplo n.º 9
main(int argc, char **argv)
	int i, j, n;
	float *f,  max, step, rstep;
	float fhist[1024], dev, rdev, ent, error; 
	int hist[1024];
	initargs(argc, argv);


	f = alloc1float(n);

	for(i=0;i<1024;i++) hist[i] = 0;

	   rdev += f[i]*f[i]; 
	rdev = rdev/n;
	rdev = sqrt(rdev);

	if(!getparfloat("dev",&dev)) dev = rdev;

	fprintf(stderr,"dev=%f\n", dev);

	step = dev*3.464*.01;

	rstep = 1./step;

	error = 0.;
	    max = f[i]*rstep;
	    error += (NINT(max)*step - f[i])*(NINT(max)*step - f[i]);
	    hist[NINT(max)+512] ++;

	error = error/n;
	error = sqrt(error);
	error = error/rdev;

	ent = 0.;
		fhist[j] = ((float) hist[j])/((float) n);
		    ent += fhist[j]*log(fhist[j])/log(2.);
	ent = -ent;

fprintf(stderr,"entropy of the signal is=%f, average error=%f\n",ent, error);


Exemplo n.º 10
void remove_fb(float *yp,float *ym,int n,short *scaler,short *shft)
/* Find Scale and timeshift 

	Yp = data trace
	Ym = wavelet
	F=min(Yp(x) - Ym(x)*a)^2 is a function to minimize for scaler
	find shift first with xcorrelation then
	solve for a - scaler 


#define RAMPR 5

	void find_p(float *ym,float *yp,float *a,int *b,int n);
	int it,ir;
	float a=1.0;
	int b=0;
	int ramps;
	float *a_ramp;
	a_ramp = ealloc1float(n);
	for(it=ramps,ir=0;it<n;it++,ir++) {
	if (b<0) {
			yp[it-b] -=ym[it]*a*a_ramp[it-b];
	} else {
			yp[it] -=ym[it-b]*a*a_ramp[it+b];
	*scaler = NINT((1.0-a)*100.0);
	*shft = b;
Exemplo n.º 11
lint2d lint2d_make(	int na, 
					pt2d *aa, 
					fdm2d fdm)
/*< init 2D linear interpolation >*/
    lint2d ca;
    int    ia;
    float f1,f2;
    ca = (lint2d) sf_alloc(1,sizeof(*ca));

    ca->n = na;

    ca->w00 = sf_floatalloc(na);
    ca->w01 = sf_floatalloc(na);
    ca->w10 = sf_floatalloc(na);
    ca->w11 = sf_floatalloc(na);

    ca->jz  = sf_intalloc(na);
    ca->jx  = sf_intalloc(na);

    for (ia=0; ia<na; ia++) {
		if(aa[ia].z >= fdm->ozpad && 
			aa[ia].z <  fdm->ozpad + (fdm->nzpad-1)*fdm->dz &&
			aa[ia].x >= fdm->oxpad && 
			aa[ia].x <  fdm->oxpad + (fdm->nxpad-1)*fdm->dx   ) {
			ca->jz[ia] = NINT((aa[ia].z-fdm->ozpad)/fdm->dz);
			ca->jx[ia] = NINT((aa[ia].x-fdm->oxpad)/fdm->dx);
			f1 = (aa[ia].z-fdm->ozpad)/fdm->dz - ca->jz[ia];
			f2 = (aa[ia].x-fdm->oxpad)/fdm->dx - ca->jx[ia];
		else {
			ca->jz[ia] = 0; 
			ca->jx[ia] = 0;
			f1 = 1; 
			f2 = 0;
		ca->w00[ia] = (1-f1)*(1-f2);
		ca->w01[ia] = (  f1)*(1-f2);
		ca->w10[ia] = (1-f1)*(  f2);
		ca->w11[ia] = (  f1)*(  f2);
    return ca;
Exemplo n.º 12
static void FirstLast (double *ltm, double *ltv, int *snpix, int *npix,
		int *rbin, int *first, int *last, int *sfirst) {

/* arguments:
double ltm[2], ltv[2]   i: linear transformation from scratch to image coords
				(adjusted for use with zero indexed coords)
int snpix[2]            i: size of scratch image
int npix[2]             i: size of actual image
int rbin[2]             o: number of pixels in scratch for one image pixel
int first[2], last[2]   o: corners of overlap region, in image coords
int sfirst[2]           o: lower left corner of overlap, in scratch array

	double scr;		/* pixel coordinate in scratch array */
	int i, k;

	rbin[0] = NINT (1. / ltm[0]);
	rbin[1] = NINT (1. / ltm[1]);

	for (k = 0;  k < 2;  k++) {	/* axis number */
	    /* Search for the first pixel in the image array that maps to a
		point that is completely within the scratch array.  The left
		(lower) edge of pixel i is (i - 0.5).  Map (i - 0.5) to the
		scratch array, and if that point is within the scratch array,
		i is the first fully illuminated pixel.
	    for (i = 0;  i < npix[k];  i++) {
		scr = (i - 0.5 - ltv[k]) / ltm[k];
		/* -0.5 is left (lower) edge of first pixel in scratch */
		if (scr+TOLERANCE >= -0.5) {
		    first[k] = i;
		    sfirst[k] = NINT (scr+0.5);
	    /* Now look for the last fully illuminated pixel, using the
		right (upper) edge of the image pixels.
	    for (i = npix[k]-1;  i > 0;  i--) {
		scr = (i + 0.5 - ltv[k]) / ltm[k];
		/* compare scr with right (upper) edge of last pixel in the
		   scratch array
		if (scr-TOLERANCE <= snpix[k]-1. + 0.5) {
		    last[k] = i;
Exemplo n.º 13
void crm_fft(complex *cdata, REAL *data, int n1, int n2, int ldc, int ldr, int sign)
	int    j, i;
	double *datft;

	if (NINT(pow(2.0, (double)NINT(log((double)n1)/log(2.0)))) != n1) {
		if (npfar(n1) == n1) {
			if (ldr == n1 && ldc == n2) {
				pfa2cr(sign, 1, n1, n2, cdata, data);
			else {
				for (i = 0; i < n2; i++) {
					pfacr(sign, n1, &cdata[i*ldc], &data[i*ldr]);
		else {
			for (i = 0; i < n2; i++) {
				crdft(&cdata[i*ldc], &data[i*ldr], n1, sign);
	else {
		datft = (double *)malloc(n1*sizeof(double));
		if (datft == NULL) fprintf(stderr,"crm_fft: memory allocation error\n");
		for (i = 0; i < n2; i++) {
			for (j = 0; j < n1/2; j++) {
				datft[j] = (double)cdata[i*ldc+j].r;
				datft[n1-1-j] = (double)cdata[i*ldc+j+1].i;
			datft[n1/2] = (double)cdata[i*ldc+n1/2].r;
			realifft(n1, datft);
			if (sign == -1) {
				for (j = 0; j < n1; j++) data[i*ldr+j] = (REAL)datft[j];
			else if (sign == 1) {
				for (j = 1; j < n1; j++) data[i*ldr+j] = (REAL)datft[n1-j];
				data[i*ldr] = (REAL)datft[0];

Exemplo n.º 14
asynStatus MCB4BAxis::move(double position, int relative, double minVelocity, double maxVelocity, double acceleration)
  asynStatus status;
  // static const char *functionName = "MCB4BAxis::move";

  status = sendAccelAndVelocity(acceleration, maxVelocity);
  if (relative) {
    sprintf(pC_->outString_, "#%02dI%+d", axisNo_, NINT(position));
  } else {
    sprintf(pC_->outString_, "#%02dG%+d", axisNo_, NINT(position));
  status = pC_->writeReadController();
  return status;
Exemplo n.º 15
static void adjustAxesValues (int n1, float d1, float f1,
	int n2, float d2, float f2,
	float *x1beg, float *x1end, float *x2beg, float *x2end)
Adjust axes values to nearest samples; ensure at least 2 by 2 samples.
	int ix1beg,ix1end,ix2beg,ix2end;
	ix1beg = NINT((*x1beg-f1)/d1);
	ix1end = NINT((*x1end-f1)/d1);
	ix1beg = MAX(0,MIN(n1-1,ix1beg));
	ix1end = MAX(0,MIN(n1-1,ix1end));
	if (ix1beg==ix1end) {
		if (*x1beg<*x1end) {
			if (ix1beg>0)
		} else {
			if (ix1beg<n1-1)
	*x1beg = f1+ix1beg*d1;
	*x1end = f1+ix1end*d1;
	ix2beg = NINT((*x2beg-f2)/d2);
	ix2end = NINT((*x2end-f2)/d2);
	ix2beg = MAX(0,MIN(n2-1,ix2beg));
	ix2end = MAX(0,MIN(n2-1,ix2end));
	if (ix2beg==ix2end) {
		if (*x2beg<*x2end) {
			if (ix2beg>0)
		} else {
			if (ix2beg<n2-1)
	*x2beg = f2+ix2beg*d2;
	*x2end = f2+ix2end*d2;
Exemplo n.º 16
float alpha_trim_w(float *a,float *w,int n,float p)
alpha_trim_w - Weighted Alpha trim of array 
 the value a[irp] is replaced by the mean of the 
 a values, but the largers and smallest p% of a 
 values are left out fo mean computation,array a is destroyed 
Author: Balasz Nemeth, given to CWP in 2008 by Potash Corporation
	float mean=0;
	unsigned int ist=NINT(n*(p/100.0));
	unsigned int i,ic;
	int *ind=NULL;
	ind = ealloc1(n,sizeof(unsigned int));
	for(i=0;i<n;++i) ind[i]=i;
		mean += a[ind[i]]*w[ind[i]];
Exemplo n.º 17
void randdf(float *x, float *z, int nxp, float dx, float dz, float **gridcp, float **gridcs, float **gridro, float **cp, float **cs, float **ro, float *interface, int *zp, int nx, float sizex, float sizez, int ndiff, int diffrwidth, int type)
    float x0, z0, dsx, dsz;
    int i, rtype;
    long lseed;
    lseed = (long)ndiff;
    x0 = x[0];
    z0 = z[0];
    if (nxp==2) { /* an area is defined, do not fill until end of x and z coordinate */
        dsx = x[1]-x0;
        dsz = z[1]-z0;
    else { /* no area: fill until end of x and z range */
        dsx = sizex-x0;
        dsz = sizez-z0;
    for (i=0; i<ndiff; i++) {
        if (rtype<0) type=NINT(2*drand48());
		else type = rtype;
        x[0] = x0 + diffrwidth*dx+drand48()*(dsx-2*diffrwidth*dx);
        z[0] = z0 + diffrwidth*dz+drand48()*(dsz-2*diffrwidth*dz);
        diffraction(x, z, nxp, dx, dz, gridcp, gridcs, gridro,
                    cp, cs, ro, interface, zp, nx, diffrwidth, type);

Exemplo n.º 18
void wipvfield(float x[], float y[], float r[], float phi[], int npts, float angle, float vent)
    register int i;
    int fill;
    float x1, y1, x2, y2;
    double darg;
    LOGICAL error;

    darg = wipgetvar("fill", &error);
    fill = (error == TRUE) ? 1 : NINT(darg);

    cpgsah(fill, angle, vent);

    for (i = 0; i < npts; i++) {
        x1 = x[i];
        y1 = y[i];
        x2 = x1 + (r[i] * COS(phi[i] * RPDEG));
        y2 = y1 + (r[i] * SIN(phi[i] * RPDEG));
        cpgarro(x1, y1, x2, y2);


Exemplo n.º 19
void wipdecode(const char *string, char *outstr, size_t maxout)
    char *ptr, *tmptr, *savptr;
    char ch;
    char tempstr[BUFSIZ], variable[BUFSIZ];
    int nsig, nopen;
    double arg;
    LOGICAL error;

    ptr = (char *)string;
    if (Strchr(string, ESC) != (char *)NULL) {
      arg = wipgetvar("nsig", &error);
      nsig = NINT(arg);        /* Tells how to format a user variable. */
      tmptr = tempstr;
      while (*ptr) {
        if (*ptr != ESC) {
          *tmptr++ = *ptr++;               /* Just copy the character. */
          continue;                         /* Get the next character. */
        }            /* At this point an ESC character has been found. */
        ch = *ptr++;                        /* save the ESC character. */
        if (*ptr != '[') {  /* No user variable here, so just store... */
          *tmptr++ = ch;        /* ...the two characters and continue. */
          *tmptr++ = *ptr++;           /* This is so "\\" gets passed. */
          continue;                         /* Get the next character. */
        }        /* At this point a user variable flag has been found. */
        ptr++;                          /* Increment ptr past the '['. */
        savptr = variable;       /* Set up user variable name pointer. */
        nopen = 1;              /* Initialize the number of open '['s. */
        while ((*ptr) && (nopen)) {         /* Get user variable name. */
          if (*ptr == '[') nopen++;
          if (*ptr == ']') nopen--;
          if (nopen) *savptr++ = *ptr++;
        if (*ptr != Null) ptr++;                 /* Skip over last ']' */
        *savptr = Null;        /* Skip last ']'; add terminating Null. */
        if (wipisstring(variable)) {          /* User string variable. */
          savptr = wipgetstring(variable);    /* Find string variable. */
          if (savptr == (char *)NULL) savptr = "";     /* Error check. */
        } else {                            /* Standard user variable. */
          arg = wipevaluate(variable, &error);  /* Find user variable. */
          savptr = wipfpfmt(arg, nsig);           /* Format the value. */
        while ((*savptr != Null) && (isspace(*savptr)))
          savptr++;                       /* Strip off leading blanks. */
        while (*savptr) *tmptr++ = *savptr++;    /* Include the value. */
      }                                 /* End of "while (*ptr)" loop. */
      *tmptr = Null;              /* Terminate the string with a Null. */
      ptr = tempstr;        /* Assign the work pointer to this string. */
    }                           /* End of "(domacs == TRUE)" if block. */

    if (Strlen(ptr) >= maxout)
      wipoutput(stderr, "Decoded string overflows output string size.\n");

    (void)Strncpy(outstr, ptr, maxout);
    outstr[maxout-1] = Null;       /* Make sure it is Null terminated. */

Exemplo n.º 20
asynStatus MCB4BAxis::setPosition(double position)
  asynStatus status;
  //static const char *functionName = "MCB4BAxis::setPosition";

  sprintf(pC_->outString_, "#%02dP=%+d", axisNo_, NINT(position));
  status = pC_->writeReadController();
  return status;
Exemplo n.º 21
NV_INT32 pseudo_dist_from_viewer (MISC *misc, NV_FLOAT64 x, NV_FLOAT64 y)
  NV_FLOAT64 xyz_y = ((y - misc->abe_share->edit_area.min_y) / edit_y_range) * misc->draw_area_height;
  NV_FLOAT64 xyz_x = ((x - misc->abe_share->edit_area.min_x) / edit_x_range) * misc->draw_area_width;

  xyz_x = xyz_x * misc->cos_array[misc->ortho_angle] - xyz_y * misc->sin_array[misc->ortho_angle];

  return (NINT (xyz_x * (NV_FLOAT64) misc->ortho_scale));
Exemplo n.º 22
void rcm_fft(REAL *data, complex *cdata, int n1, int n2, int ldr, int ldc, int sign)
	int    j, i;
	double *datft;

	if (NINT(pow(2.0, (double)NINT(log((double)n1)/log(2.0)))) != n1) {
		if (npfar(n1) == n1) {
			if (ldr == n1 && ldc == n2) {
				pfa2rc(sign, 1, n1, n2, data, cdata);
			else {
				for (i = 0; i < n2; i++) {
					pfarc(sign, n1, &data[i*ldr], &cdata[i*ldc]);
		else {
			for (i = 0; i < n2; i++) {
				rcdft(&data[i*ldr], &cdata[i*ldc], n1, sign);
	else {
		datft = (double *)malloc(n1*sizeof(double));
		if (datft == NULL) fprintf(stderr,"rcm_fft: memory allocation error\n");
		for (i = 0; i < n2; i++) {
			for (j = 0; j < n1; j++) datft[j] = (double)data[i*ldr+j];
			realfft(n1, datft);
			cdata[i*ldc].i = 0.0;
			for (j = 0; j < n1/2; j++) {
				cdata[i*ldc+j].r = (REAL)datft[j]; 
				cdata[i*ldc+j+1].i = sign*(REAL)datft[n1-j-1]; 
			cdata[i*ldc+n1/2].r = (REAL)datft[n1/2]; 
			cdata[i*ldc+n1/2].i = 0.0; 

Exemplo n.º 23
float setzsrc(int nb, int *boundary, float *inter, int nx, int ni, float zsrc1, float dzsrc, float h, float oz, int nz, float xsrc, float ox, int id, int verbose)
	int k;
	float zsrc;

	if (nb) {
		k = boundary[id]-1;
		if (inter[k*nx+NINT(xsrc/h)] == 0) {
			if (verbose >= 2) {
				fprintf(stderr,"    setzsrc: boundary %d not defined at x=%f\n",boundary[id],xsrc+ox);
				fprintf(stderr,"    setzsrc: trying next boundary\n");
			while (k < ni) {
				if (inter[k*nx+NINT(xsrc/h)] != 0) {
					if (verbose >= 2) fprintf(stderr,"    setzsrc: deeper boundary found\n"); 
			if (k == ni) {
				fprintf(stderr,"    setzsrc: no boundary found; source put at bottom of model\n");
				zsrc = (nz-1)*h - oz;
			else {
				if (verbose>=2) fprintf(stderr,"    setzsrc: source at boundary %d\n", k+1);
				zsrc = inter[k*nx+NINT(xsrc/h)] - oz;
		else {
			if (verbose>=2) fprintf(stderr,"    setzsrc: source at boundary %d\n", k+1);
			zsrc = inter[k*nx+NINT(xsrc/h)] - oz;
	else {
		zsrc = zsrc1 + id*dzsrc - oz;

	return zsrc;
Exemplo n.º 24
void makecircle(int ix, int iz, int diffrwidth, float **med, float value)
    int j,k, id, ir;
    for (j=-id; j<=id; j++){
        for (k=-id; k<=id; k++){
            ir = NINT(sqrt(j*j+k*k));
            if (ir <= id) med[ix+j][iz+k] = value;
Exemplo n.º 25
QRect CropFrame::_photoToScreenRect(const QRect& r) const
    // r is given in photo coordinates, and we want to convert that
    // to screen coordinates
    double xRatio = 0.0;
    double yRatio = 0.0;

    // flip the photo dimensions if rotated
    int photoW;
    int photoH;

    if (m_photo->rotation == 0 || m_photo->rotation == 180)
        photoW = m_photo->width();
        photoH = m_photo->height();
        photoW = m_photo->height();
        photoH = m_photo->width();

    if (m_photo->width() > 0)
        xRatio = (double) m_pixmap->width() / (double) photoW;

    if (m_photo->height() > 0)
        yRatio = (double)m_pixmap->height() / (double)photoH;

    int x1 = NINT(r.left() * xRatio + m_pixmapX);
    int y1 = NINT(r.top()  * yRatio + m_pixmapY);

    int w  = NINT(r.width() * xRatio);
    int h  = NINT(r.height() * yRatio);

    QRect result;
    result.setRect(x1, y1, w, h);
    return result;
Exemplo n.º 26
void ccm_fft(complex *cdata, int n1, int n2, int ld1, int sign)
	int    i, j;
	double  *real, *imag;

	if (NINT(pow(2.0, (double)NINT(log((double)n1)/log(2.0)))) != n1) {
		if (npfa(n1) == n1) pfamcc(sign, n1, n2, 1, ld1, cdata);
		else {
			for (i = 0; i < n2; i++) ccdft(&cdata[i*ld1],n1,sign);
	else {
		real = (double *)malloc(n1*sizeof(double));
		if (real == NULL) fprintf(stderr,"ccm_fft: memory allocation error\n");
		imag = (double *)malloc(n1*sizeof(double));
		if (imag == NULL) fprintf(stderr,"ccm_fft: memory allocation error\n");
		for (i = 0; i < n2; i++) {
			for (j = 0; j < n1; j++) {
				real[j] = (double)cdata[i*ld1+j].r;
				imag[j] = (double)cdata[i*ld1+j].i;
			if (sign < 0) fft(n1, real, imag);
			else ifft(n1, real, imag);
			for (j = 0; j < n1; j++) {
				cdata[i*ld1+j].r = (REAL)real[j];
				cdata[i*ld1+j].i = (REAL)imag[j];



Exemplo n.º 27
static void prp1d (FILE *fp, char *label, int n, float d, float f, float x[])
	int i,ibase,icx,ic;
	float xmin,xmax,xscale,xbase;

	/* print title */

	/* minimum and maximum x */
	xmin = x[0];
	xmax = x[0];
	for (i=1; i<n; i++) {
		xmin = MIN(xmin,x[i]);
		xmax = MAX(xmax,x[i]);
	fprintf(fp,"minimum = %g\n",xmin);
	fprintf(fp,"maximum = %g\n",xmax);

	/* determine scale factors and shifts for converting x values to *s */
	if (xmin==xmax)
		xscale = 1.0;
		xscale = (ILC-IFC)/(xmax-xmin);
	if (xmin<0.0 && xmax<0.0) {
		ibase = ILC;
		xbase = xmax;
	} else if (xmin<0.0 && xmax>=0.0) {
		ibase = IFC+(0.0-xmin)*xscale;
		xbase = 0.0;
	} else {
		ibase = IFC;
		xbase = xmin;

	/* loop over x values */
	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {

		/* determine column corresponding to x value */
		icx = ibase+NINT((x[i]-xbase)*xscale);
		icx = MAX(IFC,MIN(ILC,icx));

		/* print the index, x value, and row of *s */
		fprintf(fp,"%10.3e %13.6e ",f+i*d,x[i]);
		for (ic=IFC; ic<MIN(ibase,icx); ic++)
			fprintf(fp," ");
		for (ic=MIN(ibase,icx); ic<=MAX(ibase,icx); ic++)
Exemplo n.º 28
void period_lnk(int intact,double dxs[],double dys[],double dzs[],
                double hmat[], double hmati[], int iperd)

{/*begin routine*/
/*            Begin subprogram:                                          */
/*            Local variable declarations                                */

  int jpart;
  double sx,sy,sz;

/* One dimensions */

  if((iperd) == 1) { 
    for(jpart=1;jpart <= intact; ++jpart) {
     sx   =dxs[jpart]*(hmati)[1];
     sx  -= NINT(sx);
     dxs[jpart] = sx*(hmat)[1];
  }/* endif */

/* Two dimensions */

  if((iperd) == 2) { 
    for(jpart=1;jpart <= intact; ++jpart) {
      sx =dxs[jpart]*(hmati)[1]+dys[jpart]*(hmati)[2];
      sy =dxs[jpart]*(hmati)[3]+dys[jpart]*(hmati)[4];
      sx -= NINT(sx);
      sy -= NINT(sy);
      dxs[jpart] = sx*(hmat)[1]+sy*(hmat)[2];
      dys[jpart] = sx*(hmat)[3]+sy*(hmat)[4];
    }/* endfor */
  }/* endif */

/* Three dimensions */

  if((iperd) == 3) {
    for(jpart=1;jpart <= intact; ++jpart) {
      sx =dxs[jpart]*(hmati)[1] +dys[jpart]*(hmati)[4]
      sy =dxs[jpart]*(hmati)[2] +dys[jpart]*(hmati)[5]
      sz =dxs[jpart]*(hmati)[3] +dys[jpart]*(hmati)[6]
      sx -= NINT(sx);
      sy -= NINT(sy);
      sz -= NINT(sz);
      dxs[jpart] =sx*(hmat)[1]+sy*(hmat)[4]+sz*(hmat)[7];
      dys[jpart] =sx*(hmat)[2]+sy*(hmat)[5]+sz*(hmat)[8];
      dzs[jpart] =sx*(hmat)[3]+sy*(hmat)[6]+sz*(hmat)[9];
    }/* endfor */
  }/* endif */ 
}/* end routine */
Exemplo n.º 29
void sinusint(int *zp, int minx, int maxx, float dz, float *interface, float dx, float ampl, float wavel)
	int     j, i;

	j = 0;
	for (i = minx; i < maxx; i++) {
		zp[i] = NINT((interface[i] + ampl*sin(2*M_PI*j*dx/(wavel)))/dz);
		if (SGN(zp[i]) < 0) 
			zp[i] = 0;

Exemplo n.º 30
void setup_fops(complex *Fop, float *Top, int nxys, int Nfoc, int nw, int npos, int ntfft, int *ixpos, int *first, float dxs, float dys, int nshots, int nxy, int nw_low, int *ircv, float *yrcv, float *xrcv, float fxsb, float fysb){
    int ix, idxs, idys, iloop, iw, k, i, l;
    complex *ctrace;

    ctrace = (complex *)calloc(ntfft,sizeof(complex));

    iloop = (*first ? npos : nxys)

    memset(&Fop[Nfoc*nxys*nw].r, 0, nxys*nw*2*sizeof(float));

    /* transform muted Ni (Top) to frequency domain, input for next iteration  */
        //TODO: create a FFT kernel
        for (i = 0; i < iloop; i++) {
            /* set Fop to zero, so new operator can be defined within ixpos points */
            for (l = 0; l < Nfoc; l++) {
                   ix = (*first ? i : ixpos[i]);
                   for (iw=0; iw<nw; iw++) {
                        Fop[l*nxys*nw+iw*nxys+ix].r = ctrace[nw_low+iw].r;
                        Fop[l*nxys*nw+iw*nxys+ix].i = mode*ctrace[nw_low+iw].i;
        if (*first) {
            idxs = 1.0/dxs;
            idys = 1.0/dys;
            ircv = (int *)malloc(nshots*nxy*sizeof(int));
            for (i = 0; i < nxy; i++) {
                for (k=0; k<nshots; k++) {
                    ircv[k*nxy+i] = NINT((yrcv[k*nxy+i]-fysb)*idys)*nx+NINT((xrcv[k*nxy+i]-fxsb)*idxs);
            *first = 0;
