Exemplo n.º 1
AddToNameHash(struct ubik_trans *tt, char *aname, afs_int32 loc)
    /* add to name hash */
    afs_int32 code;
    afs_int32 i;
    struct prentry tentry;

    i = NameHash(aname);
    memset(&tentry, 0, sizeof(tentry));
    code = pr_ReadEntry(tt, 0, loc, &tentry);
    if (code)
	return PRDBFAIL;
    tentry.nextName = ntohl(cheader.nameHash[i]);
    cheader.nameHash[i] = htonl(loc);
    code = pr_WriteEntry(tt, 0, loc, &tentry);
    if (code)
	return PRDBFAIL;
    code =
	pr_Write(tt, 0, 72 + i * 4, (char *)&cheader.nameHash[i],
    if (code)
	return PRDBFAIL;
    return PRSUCCESS;
Exemplo n.º 2
FindByName(struct ubik_trans *at, char aname[PR_MAXNAMELEN], struct prentry *tentryp)
    /* ditto */
    afs_int32 code;
    afs_int32 i;
    afs_int32 entry;

    i = NameHash(aname);
    entry = ntohl(cheader.nameHash[i]);
    if (entry == 0)
	return entry;
    memset(tentryp, 0, sizeof(struct prentry));
    code = pr_ReadEntry(at, 0, entry, tentryp);
    if (code != 0)
	return 0;
    if ((strncmp(aname, tentryp->name, PR_MAXNAMELEN)) == 0)
	return entry;
    osi_Assert(entry != tentryp->nextName);
    entry = tentryp->nextName;
    while (entry != 0) {
	memset(tentryp, 0, sizeof(struct prentry));
	code = pr_ReadEntry(at, 0, entry, tentryp);
	if (code != 0)
	    return 0;
	if ((strncmp(aname, tentryp->name, PR_MAXNAMELEN)) == 0)
	    return entry;
	osi_Assert(entry != tentryp->nextName);
	entry = tentryp->nextName;
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
SC_FUNC symbol *
FindTaggedInHashTable(HashTable *ht, const char *name, int fnumber,
                      int *cmptag)
    int count=0;
    symbol *firstmatch=NULL;
    uint32_t hash = NameHash(name);
    uint32_t bucket = hash & ht->bucketmask;
    HashEntry *he = ht->buckets[bucket];


    while (he != NULL) {
        symbol *sym = he->sym;
        if ((sym->parent==NULL || sym->ident==iCONSTEXPR) &&
            (sym->fnumber<0 || sym->fnumber==fnumber) &&
            (strcmp(sym->name, name) == 0))
            /* return closest match or first match; count number of matches */
            if (firstmatch==NULL)
            if (*cmptag==0)
            if (*cmptag==sym->tag) {
                *cmptag=1;    /* good match found, set number of matches to 1 */
                return sym;
        he = he->next;

    if (firstmatch!=NULL)
    return firstmatch;
Exemplo n.º 4
int Read_and_Set_Teams( int M )
{   /* 读入并初始化朋友圈信息,返回最大朋友圈里的人数 */
    int L, MaxL;
    int i, j;
    char name[MAXCHAR+1];

    /* 首先默认所有人都没有朋友 */
    for (i=0; i<MAXNAME; i++)
        Team[i] = -1;

    MaxL = 0; /* MaxL记录最大朋友圈里的人数 */
    for (i=0; i<M; i++) {
        scanf("%d ", &L);
        if (L > MaxL) MaxL = L; /* 更新MaxL */
        for (j=0; j<L; j++) {
            scanf("%s", name);
            /* 将name转成数字,并记录其所属朋友圈的编号 */
            Team[NameHash(name)] = i;
    for (i=0; i<M; i++) /* 初始状态无人在排队 */
        TeamInfo[i].Size = 0;

    return MaxL;
Exemplo n.º 5
void AddQ( Queue Q, struct People X )
{   /* 向队列Q中插入X */
    int i, pos, r;

    if ( X.P > MaxProc )  X.P = MaxProc; /* 控制最大事务处理时间 */
    i = Team[NameHash(X.Name)]; /* 找到X所属的朋友圈 */
    if ( (i == -1) || (!TeamInfo[i].Size) ) {
        /* 如果没有朋友,或者前面没有朋友在排队           */
        /* 则新插入一个分支队列到Q中,且将X插入该分支队列 */
        r = ++Q->TeamQ[Q->rear].Trear;
        Q->TeamQ[Q->rear].Customer[r].T = X.T;
        Q->TeamQ[Q->rear].Customer[r].P = X.P;
        strcpy(Q->TeamQ[Q->rear].Customer[r].Name, X.Name);
        if ( i != -1 ) { /* 如果有朋友圈,但是没有朋友在前面排队 */
            TeamInfo[i].Position = Q->rear; /* 记住这个圈子在Q中的位置 */
            TeamInfo[i].Size++; /* 当前多了一人在排队 */
    else { /* 如果可以夹塞 */
        pos = TeamInfo[i].Position; /* 获得前面朋友的位置 */
        /* 将X插入pos位置的分支队列中 */
        r = ++Q->TeamQ[pos].Trear;
        Q->TeamQ[pos].Customer[r].T = X.T;
        Q->TeamQ[pos].Customer[r].P = X.P;
        strcpy(Q->TeamQ[pos].Customer[r].Name, X.Name);
        TeamInfo[i].Size++; /* 当前多了一人在排队 */
Exemplo n.º 6
badEntry(afs_int32 e, afs_int32 i)
    int offset;
    struct kaentry entry;

    offset = i * sizeof(struct kaentry) + sizeof(struct kaheader);
    readDB(offset, &entry, sizeof(entry));

    fprintf(stderr, "Entry %d, %s, hash index %d, is bad: [", i,
	    EntryName(&entry), NameHash(&entry));
    if (e & 0x1)
	fprintf(stderr, " UserEntry");
    if (e & 0x2)
	fprintf(stderr, " FreeEntry");
    if (e & 0x4)
	fprintf(stderr, " OldkeysEntry");
    if (e & 0x8)
	fprintf(stderr, " PastEOF");
    if (!(e & 0xf))
	fprintf(stderr, " <NULL>");
    fprintf(stderr, " ] [");
    if (e & 0x10)
	fprintf(stderr, " UserChain");
    if (e & 0x20)
	fprintf(stderr, " FreeChain");
    if (e & 0x40)
	fprintf(stderr, " OldkeysChain");
    if (!(e & 0xf0))
	fprintf(stderr, " <NULL>");
    fprintf(stderr, " ]\n");
Exemplo n.º 7
FindBlock(struct ubik_trans *at, char *aname, char *ainstance, afs_int32 *toP,
	  struct kaentry *tentry)
    afs_int32 i, code;
    afs_int32 to;

    *toP = 0;
    i = NameHash(aname, ainstance);
    for (to = ntohl(cheader.nameHash[i]); to != NULLO;
	 to = ntohl(tentry->next)) {
	code = karead(at, to, (char *)tentry, sizeof(kaentry));
	if (code)
	    return code;
	/* see if the name matches */
	if (!strcmp(aname, tentry->userID.name)
	    && (ainstance == (char *)0
		|| !strcmp(ainstance, tentry->userID.instance))) {
	    *toP = to;		/* found it */
	    return 0;
    *toP = 0;			/* no such entry */
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 8
RemoveFromNameHash(struct ubik_trans *tt, char *aname, afs_int32 *loc)
    /* remove from name hash */
    afs_int32 code;
    afs_int32 current, trail, i;
    struct prentry tentry;
    struct prentry bentry;

    i = NameHash(aname);
    current = ntohl(cheader.nameHash[i]);
    memset(&tentry, 0, sizeof(tentry));
    memset(&bentry, 0, sizeof(bentry));
    trail = 0;
    if (current == 0)
	return PRSUCCESS;	/* already gone */
    code = pr_ReadEntry(tt, 0, current, &tentry);
    if (code)
	return PRDBFAIL;
    while (strcmp(aname, tentry.name)) {
	osi_Assert(trail != current);
	trail = current;
	current = tentry.nextName;
	if (current == 0)
	code = pr_ReadEntry(tt, 0, current, &tentry);
	if (code)
	    return PRDBFAIL;
    if (current == 0)
	return PRSUCCESS;	/* we didn't find him, already gone */
    if (trail == 0) {
	/* it's the first entry! */
	cheader.nameHash[i] = htonl(tentry.nextName);
	code =
	    pr_Write(tt, 0, 72 + i * 4, (char *)&cheader.nameHash[i],
	if (code)
	    return PRDBFAIL;
    } else {
	code = pr_ReadEntry(tt, 0, trail, &bentry);
	if (code)
	    return PRDBFAIL;
	bentry.nextName = tentry.nextName;
	code = pr_WriteEntry(tt, 0, trail, &bentry);
	if (code)
	    return PRDBFAIL;
    *loc = current;
    return PRSUCCESS;
Exemplo n.º 9
void DeleteQ( Queue Q )
{   /* 删除Q队首顾客 */
    int i, f;

    /* 从Q->front所指的分支队列中删除 */
    f = Q->TeamQ[Q->front].Tfront;
    /* 得到该顾客所属的朋友圈 */
    i = Team[NameHash(Q->TeamQ[Q->front].Customer[f].Name)];
    /* 如果有朋友,则当前该圈排队减少一人 */
    if ( i != -1 ) TeamInfo[i].Size--;
    /* 如果该圈已经没人排队了,则彻底从总队列Q中删除该分支队列 */
    if ( !Q->TeamQ[Q->front].Tsize ) {
Exemplo n.º 10
	Assign indexes to all nodes in the node table.
	The ground node (with name "0") must be assigned index zero.
	The rest nodes are assigned indexes from 1, 2, 3 continuously.
void Index_All_Nodes()
    Insert_Index_Entry(0); // For the ground node index.

    // Go over all the nodes
    Node_Entry *itr = *NodeTable;
    while(itr != NULL)
        int hash = NameHash(itr->name, NodeTableSize);
        int index = Insert_Index_Entry(hash);

        itr->index = index;

        itr = itr->next;

    MatrixSize = IndexTableSize - 1; // number of nodes = matrix size
Exemplo n.º 11
ThreadBlock(struct ubik_trans *at, afs_int32 index,
	    struct kaentry *tentry)
    int code;
    int hi;			/* hash index */

    if (!index_OK(index))
    hi = NameHash(tentry->userID.name, tentry->userID.instance);
    tentry->next = cheader.nameHash[hi];
    code = set_header_word(at, nameHash[hi], htonl(index));
    if (code)
	return KAIO;
    code = kawrite(at, index, (char *)tentry, sizeof(kaentry));
    if (code)
	return KAIO;
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 12
SC_FUNC symbol *
FindInHashTable(HashTable *ht, const char *name, int fnumber)
    uint32_t hash = NameHash(name);
    uint32_t bucket = hash & ht->bucketmask;
    HashEntry *he = ht->buckets[bucket];

    while (he != NULL) {
        symbol *sym = he->sym;
        if ((sym->parent==NULL || sym->ident==iCONSTEXPR) &&
            (sym->fnumber<0 || sym->fnumber==fnumber) &&
            (strcmp(sym->name, name) == 0))
            return sym;
        he = he->next;

    return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 13
UnthreadBlock(struct ubik_trans *at, struct kaentry *aentry)
    afs_int32 i, code;
    afs_int32 to;
    afs_int32 lo;
    struct kaentry tentry;

    i = NameHash(aentry->userID.name, aentry->userID.instance);
    lo = 0;
    for (to = ntohl(cheader.nameHash[i]); to != NULLO;
	 to = ntohl(tentry.next)) {
	code = karead(at, to, (char *)&tentry, sizeof(kaentry));
	if (code)
	    return KAIO;
	/* see if the name matches */
	if (!strcmp(aentry->userID.name, tentry.userID.name)
	    && !strcmp(aentry->userID.instance, tentry.userID.instance)) {
	    /* found it */
	    if (lo) {		/* unthread from last block */
		code =
		    kawrite(at, lo, (char *)&tentry.next, sizeof(afs_int32));
		if (code)
		    return KAIO;
	    } else {		/* unthread from hash table */
		code = set_header_word(at, nameHash[i], tentry.next);
		if (code)
		    return KAIO;
	    aentry->next = 0;	/* just to be sure */
	    return 0;
	lo = DOFFSET(to, &tentry, &tentry.next);
    return KANOENT;
Exemplo n.º 14
static int
WorkerBee(struct cmd_syndesc *as, void *arock)
    afs_int32 code;
    char *dbFile;
    char *outFile;
    afs_int32 index;
    struct stat info;
    struct kaheader header;
    int nentries, i, j, count;
    int *entrys;
    struct kaentry entry;

    dbFile = as->parms[0].items->data;	/* -database */
    listuheader = (as->parms[1].items ? 1 : 0);	/* -uheader  */
    listkheader = (as->parms[2].items ? 1 : 0);	/* -kheader  */
    listentries = (as->parms[3].items ? 1 : 0);	/* -entries  */
    verbose = (as->parms[4].items ? 1 : 0);	/* -verbose  */
    outFile = (as->parms[5].items ? as->parms[5].items->data : NULL);	/* -rebuild  */

    if (outFile) {
	out = fopen(outFile, "w");
	if (!out) {
	    afs_com_err(whoami, errno, "opening output file %s", outFile);
    } else
	out = 0;

    fd = open(dbFile, O_RDONLY, 0);
    if (fd < 0) {
	afs_com_err(whoami, errno, "opening database file %s", dbFile);
    code = fstat(fd, &info);
    if (code) {
	afs_com_err(whoami, errno, "stat'ing file %s", dbFile);
    if ((info.st_size - UBIK_HEADERSIZE) % UBIK_BUFFERSIZE)
		"DATABASE SIZE INCONSISTENT: was %d, should be (n*%d + %d), for integral n\n",
		(int) info.st_size, UBIK_BUFFERSIZE, UBIK_HEADERSIZE);


    readDB(0, &header, sizeof(header));
    code = CheckHeader(&header);
    if (listkheader)

    nentries =
	(info.st_size -
	 (UBIK_HEADERSIZE + header.headerSize)) / sizeof(struct kaentry);
    entrys = calloc(nentries, sizeof(int));

    for (i = 0, index = sizeof(header); i < nentries;
	 i++, index += sizeof(struct kaentry)) {
	readDB(index, &entry, sizeof(entry));

	if (index >= header.eofPtr) {
	    entrys[i] |= 0x8;
	} else if (listentries) {
	    PrintEntry(index, &entry);

	if (entry.flags & KAFNORMAL) {
	    entrys[i] |= 0x1;	/* user entry */

	    if (strlen(entry.userID.name) == 0) {
		if (verbose)
		    printf("Entry %d has zero length name\n", i);
	    if (!DES_check_key_parity(ktc_to_cblock(&entry.key))
		|| DES_is_weak_key(ktc_to_cblock(&entry.key))) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Entry %d, %s, has bad key\n", i,

	    if (out) {

	} else if (entry.flags & KAFFREE) {
	    entrys[i] |= 0x2;	/* free entry */

	} else if (entry.flags & KAFOLDKEYS) {
	    entrys[i] |= 0x4;	/* old keys block */
	    /* Should check the structure of the oldkeys block? */

	} else {
	    if (index < header.eofPtr) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Entry %d is unrecognizable\n", i);

    /* Follow the hash chains */
    for (j = 0; j < HASHSIZE; j++) {
	for (index = header.nameHash[j]; index; index = entry.next) {
	    readDB(index, &entry, sizeof(entry));

	    /* check to see if the name is hashed correctly */
	    i = NameHash(&entry);
	    if (i != j) {
			"Entry %" AFS_SIZET_FMT ", %s, found in hash chain %d (should be %d)\n",
			((index -
			  sizeof(struct kaheader)) / sizeof(struct kaentry)),
			EntryName(&entry), j, i);

	    /* Is it on another hash chain or circular hash chain */
	    i = (index - header.headerSize) / sizeof(entry);
	    if (entrys[i] & 0x10) {
			"Entry %d, %s, hash index %d, was found on another hash chain\n",
			i, EntryName(&entry), j);
		if (entry.next)
		    fprintf(stderr, "Skipping rest of hash chain %d\n", j);
		    fprintf(stderr, "No next entry in hash chain %d\n", j);
	    entrys[i] |= 0x10;	/* On hash chain */

    /* Follow the free pointers */
    count = 0;
    for (index = header.freePtr; index; index = entry.next) {
	readDB(index, &entry, sizeof(entry));

	/* Is it on another chain or circular free chain */
	i = (index - header.headerSize) / sizeof(entry);
	if (entrys[i] & 0x20) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "Entry %d, %s, already found on free chain\n", i,
	    fprintf(stderr, "Skipping rest of free chain\n");
	entrys[i] |= 0x20;	/* On free chain */

    if (verbose)
	printf("Found %d free entries\n", count);

    /* Follow the oldkey blocks */
    count = 0;
    for (index = header.kvnoPtr; index; index = entry.next) {
	readDB(index, &entry, sizeof(entry));

	/* Is it on another chain or circular free chain */
	i = (index - header.headerSize) / sizeof(entry);
	if (entrys[i] & 0x40) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "Entry %d, %s, already found on olkeys chain\n",
		    i, EntryName(&entry));
	    fprintf(stderr, "Skipping rest of oldkeys chain\n");
	entrys[i] |= 0x40;	/* On free chain */

    if (verbose)
	printf("Found %d oldkey blocks\n", count);

    /* Now recheck all the blocks and see if they are allocated correctly
     * 0x1 --> User Entry           0x10 --> On hash chain
     * 0x2 --> Free Entry           0x20 --> On Free chain
     * 0x4 --> OldKeys Entry        0x40 --> On Oldkeys chain
     * 0x8 --> Past EOF
    for (i = 0; i < nentries; i++) {
	j = entrys[i];
	if (j & 0x1) {		/* user entry */
	    if (!(j & 0x10))
		badEntry(j, i);	/* on hash chain? */
	    else if (j & 0xee)
		badEntry(j, i);	/* anything else? */
	} else if (j & 0x2) {	/* free entry */
	    if (!(j & 0x20))
		badEntry(j, i);	/* on free chain? */
	    else if (j & 0xdd)
		badEntry(j, i);	/* anything else? */
	} else if (j & 0x4) {	/* oldkeys entry */
	    if (!(j & 0x40))
		badEntry(j, i);	/* on oldkeys chain? */
	    else if (j & 0xbb)
		badEntry(j, i);	/* anything else? */
	} else if (j & 0x8) {	/* past eof */
	    if (j & 0xf7)
		badEntry(j, i);	/* anything else? */
	} else
	    badEntry(j, i);	/* anything else? */

    exit(code != 0);