Exemplo n.º 1
HRESULT FlvStream::DispatchSamples()
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    SourceLock lock(source);

    // An I/O request can complete after the source is paused, stopped, or
    // shut down. Do not deliver samples unless the source is running.
    if (m_state != SourceState::STATE_STARTED)
        return S_OK;

    // Deliver as many samples as we can.
    while (ok(hr) && !samples.empty() && !requests.empty())
      IMFSamplePtr sample = samples.pop_front();
      ComPtr<IUnknown> token = requests.pop_front();

        // Pull the next request token from the queue. Tokens can be NULL.
      assert(sample); // token can be null

      if (token)
        hr = sample->SetUnknown(MFSampleExtension_Token, token.Get());

      // Send an MEMediaSample event with the sample.
        hr = event_queue->QueueEventParamUnk(MEMediaSample, GUID_NULL, S_OK, sample.Get());

    if (ok(hr) && samples.empty() && eos)
        // The sample queue is empty AND we have reached the end of the source
        // stream. Notify the pipeline by sending the end-of-stream event.

        hr = event_queue->QueueEventParamVar(
            MEEndOfStream, GUID_NULL, S_OK, NULL);

        // Notify the source. It will send the end-of-presentation event.
        // hr = m_pSource->QueueAsyncOperation(SourceOp::OP_END_OF_STREAM);
        hr = source->AsyncEndOfStream();
    } else if (ok(hr) && NeedsData() == S_OK) {
        // The sample queue is empty; the request queue is not empty; and we
        // have not reached the end of the stream. Ask for more data.
      hr = source->AsyncRequestData();

    if (FAILED(hr) && (m_state != SourceState::STATE_SHUTDOWN))
        // An error occurred. Send an MEError even from the source,
        // unless the source is already shut down.
      source->QueueEvent(MEError, GUID_NULL, hr, NULL);

    return S_OK;
HRESULT MPEG1Stream::DispatchSamples()
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    BOOL bNeedData = FALSE;

    IMFSample *pSample = NULL;
    IUnknown  *pToken = NULL;

    SourceLock lock(m_pSource);

    // It's possible that an I/O request completed after the source
    // paused, stopped, or shut down. We should not deliver any samples
    // unless the source is running.
    if (m_state != STATE_STARTED)
        hr = S_OK;
        goto done;

    // Deliver as many samples as we can.
    while (!m_Samples.IsEmpty() && !m_Requests.IsEmpty())
        // Pull the next sample from the queue.
        CHECK_HR(hr = m_Samples.RemoveFront(&pSample));

        // Pull the next request token from the queue. Tokens can be NULL.
        CHECK_HR(hr = m_Requests.RemoveFront(&pToken));

        if (pToken)
            CHECK_HR(hr = pSample->SetUnknown(MFSampleExtension_Token, pToken));

        CHECK_HR(hr = m_pEventQueue->QueueEventParamUnk(MEMediaSample, GUID_NULL, S_OK, pSample)); 


    if (m_Samples.IsEmpty() && m_bEOS)
        // The sample queue is empty AND we have reached the end of the source stream.
        // Notify the pipeline by sending the end-of-stream event.
        CHECK_HR(hr = m_pEventQueue->QueueEventParamVar(MEEndOfStream, GUID_NULL, S_OK, NULL));

        // Also notify the source, so that it can send the end-of-presentation event.
        CHECK_HR(hr = m_pSource->QueueAsyncOperation(SourceOp::OP_END_OF_STREAM));
    else if (NeedsData())
        // The sample queue is empty and the request queue is not empty (and we did not
        // reach the end of the stream). Ask the source for more data.
        CHECK_HR(hr = m_pSource->QueueAsyncOperation(SourceOp::OP_REQUEST_DATA));


    // If there was an error, queue MEError from the source (except after shutdown).
    if (FAILED(hr) && (m_state != STATE_SHUTDOWN))
        m_pSource->QueueEvent(MEError, GUID_NULL, hr, NULL);

    return S_OK;
void CMPEG1Stream::DispatchSamples() throw()
    // An I/O request can complete after the source is paused, stopped, or
    // shut down. Do not deliver samples unless the source is running.
    if (m_state != STATE_STARTED)

        // Deliver as many samples as we can.
        while (!m_Samples.IsEmpty() && !m_Requests.IsEmpty())
            ComPtr<IMFSample> spSample;
            ComPtr<IUnknown> spToken;

            // Pull the next sample from the queue.

            // Pull the next request token from the queue. Tokens can be nullptr.

            if (spToken != nullptr)
                // Set the token on the sample.
                ThrowIfError(spSample->SetUnknown(MFSampleExtension_Token, spToken.Get()));

            // Send an MEMediaSample event with the sample.
            ThrowIfError(m_spEventQueue->QueueEventParamUnk(MEMediaSample, GUID_NULL, S_OK, spSample.Get()));

        if (m_Samples.IsEmpty() && m_fEOS)
            // The sample queue is empty AND we have reached the end of the source
            // stream. Notify the pipeline by sending the end-of-stream event.

                MEEndOfStream, GUID_NULL, S_OK, nullptr));

            // Notify the source. It will send the end-of-presentation event.
        else if (NeedsData())
            // The sample queue is empty; the request queue is not empty; and we
            // have not reached the end of the stream. Ask for more data.
    catch (Exception ^exc)
        if (m_state != STATE_SHUTDOWN)
            // An error occurred. Send an MEError even from the source,
            // unless the source is already shut down.
            m_spSource->QueueEvent(MEError, GUID_NULL, exc->HResult, nullptr);
Exemplo n.º 4
HRESULT PpboxStream::DispatchSamples()
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    BOOL bNeedData = FALSE;

    SourceLock lock(m_pSource);

    // An I/O request can complete after the source is paused, stopped, or
    // shut down. Do not deliver samples unless the source is running.
    if (m_state != STATE_STARTED)
        return S_OK;

    IMFSample *pSample = NULL;
    IUnknown  *pToken = NULL;

    // Deliver as many samples as we can.
    while (!m_Samples.IsEmpty() && !m_Requests.IsEmpty())
        // Pull the next sample from the queue.
        hr = m_Samples.RemoveFront(&pSample);
        if (FAILED(hr))
            goto done;

        // Pull the next request token from the queue. Tokens can be NULL.
        hr = m_Requests.RemoveFront(&pToken);
        if (FAILED(hr))
            goto done;

        if (pToken)
            // Set the token on the sample.
            hr = pSample->SetUnknown(MFSampleExtension_Token, pToken);
            if (FAILED(hr))
                goto done;

        // Send an MEMediaSample event with the sample.
        hr = m_pEventQueue->QueueEventParamUnk(
            MEMediaSample, GUID_NULL, S_OK, pSample);

        if (FAILED(hr))
            goto done;


    if (m_Samples.IsEmpty() && m_bEOS)
        // The sample queue is empty AND we have reached the end of the source
        // stream. Notify the pipeline by sending the end-of-stream event.

        hr = m_pEventQueue->QueueEventParamVar(
            MEEndOfStream, GUID_NULL, S_OK, NULL);

        if (FAILED(hr))
            goto done;

        // Notify the source. It will send the end-of-presentation event.
        hr = m_pSource->RequestSample();
        if (FAILED(hr))
            goto done;
    else if (NeedsData())
        // The sample queue is empty; the request queue is not empty; and we
        // have not reached the end of the stream. Ask for more data.
        hr = m_pSource->RequestSample();
        if (FAILED(hr))
            goto done;
    } else {
        hr = S_OK;
        goto done;

    if (FAILED(hr) && (m_state != STATE_SHUTDOWN))
        // An error occurred. Send an MEError even from the source,
        // unless the source is already shut down.
        m_pSource->QueueEvent(MEError, GUID_NULL, hr, NULL);

    return S_OK;