static void MagneticField (const NewtonJoint* contactJoint, dFloat timestep, int threadIndex)
		dFloat magnetStregnth;
		const NewtonBody* body0;
		const NewtonBody* body1; 
		const NewtonBody* magneticField;
		const NewtonBody* magneticPiece;

		body0 = NewtonJointGetBody0 (contactJoint);
		body1 = NewtonJointGetBody1 (contactJoint);

		// get the magnetic field body
		magneticPiece = body0;
		magneticField = body1;
		if (NewtonCollisionIsTriggerVolume (NewtonBodyGetCollision(body0))) {
			magneticPiece = body1;
			magneticField = body0;
		_ASSERTE (NewtonCollisionIsTriggerVolume (NewtonBodyGetCollision(magneticField)));

		// calculate the magnetic force field

		dMatrix center;
		dMatrix location;

		NewtonBodyGetMatrix (magneticField, &center[0][0]);
		NewtonBodyGetMatrix (magneticPiece, &location[0][0]);

		Magnet* magnet;
		magnet = (Magnet*)NewtonBodyGetUserData(magneticField);

		magnetStregnth = magnet->m_magnetStregnth;

		// calculate the magnetic force;

		dFloat den;
		dVector force (center.m_posit - location.m_posit);

		den = force % force;
		den = magnetStregnth / (den * dSqrt (den) + 0.1f);
		force = force.Scale (den);

		// because we are modifiing one of the bodies membber in the call back, there uis a chace that 
		// another materail can be operations on the same object at the same time of aother thread
		// therfore we need to make the assigmnet in a critical section.
		NewtonWorldCriticalSectionLock (NewtonBodyGetWorld (magneticPiece));
		// add the magner force
		NewtonBodyAddForce (magneticPiece, &force[0]);

		force = force.Scale (-1.0f);
		NewtonBodyAddForce (magnet->m_magneticCore, &force[0]);

		// also if the body is sleeping fore it to wake up for this frame
		NewtonBodySetFreezeState (magneticPiece, 0);
		NewtonBodySetFreezeState (magnet->m_magneticCore, 0);

		// unlock the critical section
		NewtonWorldCriticalSectionUnlock (NewtonBodyGetWorld (magneticPiece));
Exemplo n.º 2
NewtonBody* Body::create(NewtonCollision* collision, float mass, int freezeState, const Vec4f& damping)
	Vec4f minBox, maxBox;
	Vec4f origin, inertia;

	m_body = NewtonCreateBody(newton::world, collision, this->m_matrix[0]);

	NewtonBodySetUserData(m_body, this);
	NewtonBodySetMatrix(m_body, this->m_matrix[0]);
	NewtonConvexCollisionCalculateInertialMatrix(collision, &inertia[0], &origin[0]);

	if (mass < 0.0f)
		mass = NewtonConvexCollisionCalculateVolume(collision) * 0.5f;

	if (mass != 0.0f)
		NewtonBodySetMassMatrix(m_body, mass, mass * inertia.x, mass * inertia.y, mass * inertia.z);

	NewtonBodySetCentreOfMass(m_body, &origin[0]);

	NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(m_body, Body::__applyForceAndTorqueCallback);
	NewtonBodySetTransformCallback(m_body, Body::__setTransformCallback);
	NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback(m_body, Body::__destroyBodyCallback);

	NewtonBodySetFreezeState(m_body, freezeState);
	NewtonBodySetLinearDamping(m_body, damping.w);
	NewtonBodySetAngularDamping(m_body, &damping[0]);

	return m_body;
Exemplo n.º 3
void GetConnectedBodiesByJoints (NewtonBody* const body) 
	for (NewtonJoint* joint = NewtonBodyGetFirstJoint(body); joint; joint = NewtonBodyGetNextJoint(body, joint)) {
		CustomJoint* const customJoint = (CustomJoint*) NewtonJointGetUserData(joint);
		NewtonBody* const body0 = customJoint->GetBody0();
		NewtonBody* const body1 = customJoint->GetBody1();
		NewtonBody* const otherBody = (body0 == body) ? body1 : body0;
		// do whatever you need to do here
		NewtonBodySetFreezeState (otherBody, 0);
Exemplo n.º 4
void makeFence(Level* level, const NewtonWorld* newtonWorld)
    CollisionSet fencePartsCollisions;

    Collision* heightMap = level->getCollision("level");

    for (size_t fencesVectorIdx = 0; fencesVectorIdx < level->m_fences.size(); fencesVectorIdx++)
        const vector<Vector>& fence = level->m_fences[fencesVectorIdx];
        for (size_t i = 0; i < fence.size() - 1; i++)
            const Vector startPoint = fence[i];
            const Vector endPoint = fence[i + 1];
            Vector delta(endPoint - startPoint);
            const Vector rotation(0, - delta.getRotationY(), 0);
            float howMany = delta.magnitude() / fenceSpacing;
            delta /= howMany;
            for (int j = 0; j < howMany; j++)
                const string bodyID = "fence" + cast<string>(fencesVectorIdx) + "_" + cast<string>(i) + "_" + cast<string>(j);

                Body* body = new Body(bodyID, level, fencePartsCollisions);
                body->m_soundable = true;

                Vector position = Vector(startPoint + delta * static_cast<float>(j));
                position.y = fenceHeight / 2 + heightMap->getHeight(position.x, position.z) + 0.05f;
                body->setTransform(position, rotation);

                NewtonBodySetAutoSleep(body->m_newtonBody, 1);
                NewtonBodySetFreezeState(body->m_newtonBody, 1);
                //NewtonBodySetMassMatrix(body->m_newtonBody, 0, 0, 0, 0);

                level->m_bodies[bodyID] = body;
Exemplo n.º 5
static void PhysicsApplyPickForce (const NewtonBody* body, dFloat timestep, int threadIndex)
	dFloat mass;
	dFloat Ixx;
	dFloat Iyy;
	dFloat Izz;
	dVector com;
	dVector veloc;
	dVector omega;
	dMatrix matrix;

	// apply the thew body forces
	if (chainForceCallback) {
		chainForceCallback (body, timestep, threadIndex);

	// add the mouse pick penalty force and torque
	NewtonBodyGetVelocity(body, &veloc[0]);

	NewtonBodyGetOmega(body, &omega[0]);
	NewtonBodyGetVelocity(body, &veloc[0]);
	NewtonBodyGetMassMatrix (body, &mass, &Ixx, &Iyy, &Izz);

	dVector force (pickedForce.Scale (mass * MOUSE_PICK_STIFFNESS));
	dVector dampForce (veloc.Scale (MOUSE_PICK_DAMP * mass));
	force -= dampForce;

	NewtonBodyGetMatrix(body, &matrix[0][0]);
	NewtonBodyGetCentreOfMass (body, &com[0]);
	// calculate local point relative to center of mass
	dVector point (matrix.RotateVector (attachmentPoint - com));
	dVector torque (point * force);

	dVector torqueDamp (omega.Scale (mass * 0.1f));

	NewtonBodyAddForce (body, &force.m_x);
	NewtonBodyAddTorque (body, &torque.m_x);

	// make sure the body is unfrozen, if it is picked
	NewtonBodySetFreezeState (body, 0);
Exemplo n.º 6
	void cPhysicsBodyNewton::SetEnabled(bool a_bEnabled)
		NewtonBodySetFreezeState(m_pNewtonBody, !a_bEnabled);
Exemplo n.º 7
	void cPhysicsBodyNewton::SetEnabled(bool abEnabled)
		NewtonBodySetFreezeState(mpNewtonBody, abEnabled ? 1 : 0);