Exemplo n.º 1
	NewtonBody* CreateBodyPart(DemoEntity* const bodyPart)
		NewtonWorld* const world = GetWorld();
		NewtonCollision* const shape = bodyPart->CreateCollisionFromchildren(world);

		// calculate the bone matrix
		dMatrix matrix(bodyPart->CalculateGlobalMatrix());

		// create the rigid body that will make this bone
		NewtonBody* const bone = NewtonCreateDynamicBody(world, shape, &matrix[0][0]);

		// calculate the moment of inertia and the relative center of mass of the solid
		//NewtonBodySetMassProperties (bone, definition.m_mass, shape);
		NewtonBodySetMassProperties(bone, 1.0f, shape);

		// save the user data with the bone body (usually the visual geometry)
		NewtonBodySetUserData(bone, bodyPart);

		// assign the material for early collision culling
		//NewtonBodySetMaterialGroupID(bone, m_material);

		// set the bod part force and torque call back to the gravity force, skip the transform callback
		//NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (bone, PhysicsApplyGravityForce);
		NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(bone, ClampAngularVelocity);

		// destroy the collision helper shape 
		return bone;
void CustomPlayerController::SetPlayerOrigin (dFloat originHigh)
	dAssert (0);
	NewtonCollision* const playerShape = NewtonBodyGetCollision(m_body);

		dMatrix supportShapeMatrix (dGetIdentityMatrix());
		supportShapeMatrix[0] = m_upVector;
		supportShapeMatrix[1] = m_frontVector;
		supportShapeMatrix[2] = supportShapeMatrix[0] * supportShapeMatrix[1];
		supportShapeMatrix.m_posit = supportShapeMatrix[0].Scale(m_height * 0.5f - originHigh);
		supportShapeMatrix.m_posit.m_w = 1.0f;
		NewtonCollisionSetMatrix (m_supportShape, &supportShapeMatrix[0][0]);

		dMatrix collisionShapeMatrix (supportShapeMatrix);
		dFloat cylinderHeight = m_height - m_stairStep;
		dAssert (cylinderHeight > 0.0f);
		collisionShapeMatrix.m_posit = collisionShapeMatrix[0].Scale(cylinderHeight * 0.5f + m_stairStep - originHigh);
		collisionShapeMatrix.m_posit.m_w = 1.0f;
		NewtonCollisionSetMatrix (m_upperBodyShape, &collisionShapeMatrix[0][0]);

	NewtonCompoundCollisionEndAddRemove (playerShape);	

	dFloat Ixx;
	dFloat Iyy;
	dFloat Izz;
	dFloat mass;
	NewtonBodyGetMassMatrix(m_body, &mass, &Ixx, &Iyy, &Izz);
	NewtonBodySetMassProperties(m_body, mass, playerShape);
	NewtonBody* CreateBodyPart(DemoEntity* const bodyPart, const dArmRobotConfig& definition)
		NewtonCollision* const shape = MakeConvexHull(bodyPart);

		// calculate the bone matrix
		dMatrix matrix(bodyPart->CalculateGlobalMatrix());

		NewtonWorld* const world = GetWorld();

		// create the rigid body that will make this bone
		NewtonBody* const body = NewtonCreateDynamicBody(world, shape, &matrix[0][0]);

		// destroy the collision helper shape 

		// get the collision from body
		NewtonCollision* const collision = NewtonBodyGetCollision(body);

		// calculate the moment of inertia and the relative center of mass of the solid
		NewtonBodySetMassProperties(body, definition.m_mass, collision);
//NewtonBodySetMassProperties(body, 0.0f, collision);

		// save the user lifterData with the bone body (usually the visual geometry)
		NewtonBodySetUserData(body, bodyPart);

		// assign a body part id
		//NewtonCollisionSetUserID(collision, definition.m_bodyPartID);

		// set the bod part force and torque call back to the gravity force, skip the transform callback
		NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(body, PhysicsApplyGravityForce);
		return body;
Exemplo n.º 4
	NewtonBody* CreateRigidBody(DemoEntityManager* const scene, dFloat mass, NewtonCollision* const deformableCollision)
		//create the rigid body
		NewtonWorld* const world = scene->GetNewton();
		dMatrix matrix(GetCurrentMatrix());

		//matrix.m_posit.m_y = FindFloor (world, matrix.m_posit.m_x, matrix.m_posit.m_z) + 4.0f;
		SetMatrix(*scene, dQuaternion(), matrix.m_posit);
		SetMatrix(*scene, dQuaternion(), matrix.m_posit);
		NewtonBody* const deformableBody = NewtonCreateDynamicBody(world, deformableCollision, &matrix[0][0]);

		// set the mass matrix
		NewtonBodySetMassProperties(deformableBody, mass, deformableCollision);

		// save the pointer to the graphic object with the body.
		NewtonBodySetUserData(deformableBody, this);

		// assign the wood id
		//	NewtonBodySetMaterialGroupID (deformableBody, materialId);

		// set a destructor for this rigid body
		NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback(deformableBody, PhysicsBodyDestructor);

		// set the transform call back function
		NewtonBodySetTransformCallback(deformableBody, DemoEntity::TransformCallback);

		// set the force and torque call back function
		NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(deformableBody, PhysicsApplyGravityForce);

		return deformableBody;
Exemplo n.º 5
	PuckEntity (DemoEntityManager* const scene, int materialID)
		:DemoEntity (dGetIdentityMatrix(), NULL)

		NewtonWorld* const world = scene->GetNewton();

		dVector puckSize(WEIGHT_DIAMETER, WEIGHT_HEIGHT, 0.0f, 0.0f);

		// create the shape and visual mesh as a common data to be re used
		NewtonCollision* const collision = CreateConvexCollision (world, dGetIdentityMatrix(), puckSize, _CYLINDER_PRIMITIVE, materialID);

		// correction: make the puck an upright cylinder, this makes everything simpler  
		dMatrix collisionAligmentMatrix (dRollMatrix(3.141592f/2.0f));
		NewtonCollisionSetMatrix(collision, &collisionAligmentMatrix[0][0]);

		DemoMesh* const geometry = new DemoMesh("cylinder_1", collision, "smilli.tga", "smilli.tga", "smilli.tga");

		//dMatrix matrix = dRollMatrix(3.141592f/2.0f);
		dMatrix matrix (dGetIdentityMatrix());
		matrix.m_posit.m_x = -TABLE_LENGTH*0.5f+WEIGHT_DIAMETER;
		matrix.m_posit.m_z = -11.8f;
//matrix.m_posit.m_z += 4.0f;
		matrix.m_posit.m_y = 5.0f;

		m_puckBody = CreateSimpleSolid (scene, geometry, WEIGHT_MASS, matrix, collision, materialID);

		// Set moment of inertia
		// correction: this is deprecated, NewtonBodySetMassProperties produce the exact result
		//dVector I;
		//dFloat Mass = WEIGHT_MASS;
		//dFloat Radius = WEIGHT_RADIUS;
		//dFloat Height = WEIGHT_HEIGHT;
		//I.m_x = I.m_z = Mass*(3.0f*Radius*Radius+Height*Height)/12.0f;
		//I.m_y = Mass*Radius*Radius/2.0f;
		//NewtonBodySetMassMatrix(gPuckBody,Mass, I.m_x, I.m_y, I.m_z);	
		NewtonBodySetMassProperties(m_puckBody, WEIGHT_MASS, NewtonBodyGetCollision(m_puckBody));

		NewtonBodySetMaterialGroupID(m_puckBody, materialID);

		// remember to make continuous collision work with auto sleep mode, right now this is no working
		NewtonBodySetContinuousCollisionMode(m_puckBody, 1);
		NewtonBodySetAutoSleep(m_puckBody, 1);

		// Set callbacks
		NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(m_puckBody, NewtonRigidBodySetForceCB);

		// do not forget to release the assets
		NewtonDestroyCollision (collision);
Exemplo n.º 6
NewtonBody* CreateSimpleBody (NewtonWorld* const world, void* const userData, dFloat mass, const dMatrix& matrix, NewtonCollision* const collision, int materialId)

	// calculate the moment of inertia and the relative center of mass of the solid
	//	dVector origin;
	//	dVector inertia;
	//	NewtonConvexCollisionCalculateInertialMatrix (collision, &inertia[0], &origin[0]);	
	//	dFloat Ixx = mass * inertia[0];
	//	dFloat Iyy = mass * inertia[1];
	//	dFloat Izz = mass * inertia[2];

	//create the rigid body
	NewtonBody* const rigidBody = NewtonCreateDynamicBody (world, collision, &matrix[0][0]);

	// set the correct center of gravity for this body (these function are for legacy)
	//	NewtonBodySetCentreOfMass (rigidBody, &origin[0]);
	//	NewtonBodySetMassMatrix (rigidBody, mass, Ixx, Iyy, Izz);

	// use a more convenient function for setting mass and inertia matrix
	NewtonBodySetMassProperties (rigidBody, mass, collision);

	// save the pointer to the graphic object with the body.
	NewtonBodySetUserData (rigidBody, userData);

	// assign the wood id
	NewtonBodySetMaterialGroupID (rigidBody, materialId);

	//  set continuous collision mode
	//	NewtonBodySetContinuousCollisionMode (rigidBody, continueCollisionMode);

	// set a destructor for this rigid body
	NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback (rigidBody, PhysicsBodyDestructor);

	// set the transform call back function
	NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (rigidBody, DemoEntity::TransformCallback);

	// set the force and torque call back function
	NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (rigidBody, PhysicsApplyGravityForce);

	// set the matrix for both the rigid body and the graphic body
	//NewtonBodySetMatrix (rigidBody, &matrix[0][0]);
	//PhysicsSetTransform (rigidBody, &matrix[0][0], 0);

	//dVector xxx (0, -9.8f * mass, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	//NewtonBodySetForce (rigidBody, &xxx[0]);

	// force the body to be active of inactive
	//	NewtonBodySetAutoSleep (rigidBody, sleepMode);
	return rigidBody;
	static void AddFracturedEntity(DemoEntityManager* const scene, DemoMesh* const visualMesh, NewtonCollision* const collision, const FractureEffect& fractureEffect, const dVector& location)
		dQuaternion rotation;
		SimpleFracturedEffectEntity* const entity = new SimpleFracturedEffectEntity(visualMesh, fractureEffect);
		entity->SetMatrix(*scene, rotation, location);
		entity->InterpolateMatrix(*scene, 1.0f);

		dVector origin(0.0f);
		dVector inertia(0.0f);
		NewtonConvexCollisionCalculateInertialMatrix(collision, &inertia[0], &origin[0]);

		dFloat mass = 10.0f;
		int materialId = 0;

		//create the rigid body
		dMatrix matrix(dGetIdentityMatrix());
		matrix.m_posit = location;

		NewtonWorld* const world = scene->GetNewton();
		NewtonBody* const rigidBody = NewtonCreateDynamicBody(world, collision, &matrix[0][0]);

		entity->m_myBody = rigidBody;
		entity->m_myMassInverse = 1.0f / mass;

		// set the correct center of gravity for this body
		//NewtonBodySetCentreOfMass (rigidBody, &origin[0]);

		// set the mass matrix
		NewtonBodySetMassProperties(rigidBody, mass, collision);

		// save the pointer to the graphic object with the body.
		NewtonBodySetUserData(rigidBody, entity);

		// assign the wood id
		NewtonBodySetMaterialGroupID(rigidBody, materialId);

		//  set continuous collision mode
		//	NewtonBodySetContinuousCollisionMode (rigidBody, continueCollisionMode);

		// set a destructor for this rigid body
		NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback(rigidBody, PhysicsBodyDestructor);

		// set the transform call back function
		NewtonBodySetTransformCallback(rigidBody, DemoEntity::TransformCallback);

		// set the force and torque call back function
		NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(rigidBody, PhysicsApplyGravityForce);
void dVehicleChassis::Init(NewtonCollision* const chassisShape, dFloat mass, const dMatrix& localFrame, NewtonApplyForceAndTorque forceAndTorque, dFloat gravityMag)
	dVehicleManager* const manager = (dVehicleManager*)GetManager();
	NewtonWorld* const world = manager->GetWorld();

	// create a body and call the low level init function
	dMatrix locationMatrix(dGetIdentityMatrix());
	NewtonBody* const body = NewtonCreateDynamicBody(world, chassisShape, &locationMatrix[0][0]);

	// set vehicle mass, inertia and center of mass
	NewtonBodySetMassProperties(body, mass, chassisShape);

	// initialize 
	Init(body, localFrame, forceAndTorque, gravityMag);
void CustomVehicleController::Init (NewtonCollision* const chassisShape, const dMatrix& vehicleFrame, dFloat mass, const dVector& gravityVector)
	CustomVehicleControllerManager* const manager = (CustomVehicleControllerManager*) GetManager(); 
	NewtonWorld* const world = manager->GetWorld(); 

	// create a body and an call the low level init function
	dMatrix locationMatrix (dGetIdentityMatrix());
	NewtonBody* const body = NewtonCreateDynamicBody(world, chassisShape, &locationMatrix[0][0]);

	// set vehicle mass, inertia and center of mass
	NewtonBodySetMassProperties (body, mass, chassisShape);

	// initialize 
	Init (body, vehicleFrame, gravityVector);
Exemplo n.º 10
void RigidBodyData::CreateBody(NewtonCollision* const collision, const dVector& veloc, const dVector& omega)
	_ASSERTE (!m_body);
	RigidBodyWorldDesc& me = *(RigidBodyWorldDesc*) RigidBodyWorldDesc::GetDescriptor();
	dMatrix matrix (GetIdentityMatrix()); 
	m_body = NewtonCreateDynamicBody(me.m_newton, collision, &matrix[0][0]);

	//NewtonBodySetMassMatrix(m_body, m_mass, m_mass * m_inertia.m_x, m_mass * m_inertia.m_y, m_mass * m_inertia.m_z);
	NewtonBodySetMassProperties(m_body, m_mass, collision);
	NewtonBodySetCentreOfMass(m_body, &m_origin[0]);

	NewtonBodySetVelocity(m_body, &veloc[0]);
	NewtonBodySetOmega(m_body, &omega[0]);
	NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(m_body, RigidBodyController::ApplyGravityForce);
Exemplo n.º 11
dNewtonDynamicBody::dNewtonDynamicBody(dNewtonWorld* const world, dNewtonCollision* const collision, dMatrix matrix, dFloat mass)
	NewtonWorld* const newton = world->m_world;

	m_body = NewtonCreateDynamicBody(newton, collision->m_shape, &matrix[0][0]);

	NewtonBodySetMassProperties(m_body, mass, NewtonBodyGetCollision(m_body));

	NewtonBodySetUserData(m_body, this);
	NewtonBodySetTransformCallback(m_body, OnBodyTransformCallback);
	NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(m_body, OnForceAndTorqueCallback);
Exemplo n.º 12
void dNewtonBody::SetCenterOfMass(float com_x, float com_y, float com_z)
	dVector com;
	dFloat Ixx;
	dFloat Iyy;
	dFloat Izz;
	dFloat mass;

	NewtonBodyGetMass(m_body, &mass, &Ixx, &Iyy, &Izz);
	NewtonCollision* const collision = NewtonBodyGetCollision(m_body);
	NewtonBodySetMassProperties(m_body, mass, NewtonBodyGetCollision(m_body));
	NewtonBodyGetCentreOfMass (m_body, &com[0]);
	com.m_x += com_x;
	com.m_y += com_y;
	com.m_z += com_z;
	NewtonBodySetCentreOfMass(m_body, &com[0]);
Exemplo n.º 13
// it fires a box when a key is pressed.
static void FireNewtonCcdBox(NewtonWorld* world, const dVector & postion, const dVector & velocity)
	NewtonCollision* collision = NewtonCreateBox(world, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0, NULL);

	dMatrix matrix(dGetIdentityMatrix());
	matrix.m_posit = postion;

	NewtonBody* const body = NewtonCreateDynamicBody(world, collision, &matrix[0][0]);

	// set the force callback for applying the force and torque
	NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(body, ApplyGravity);

	// set the mass for this body
	dFloat mass = 1.0f;
	NewtonBodySetMassProperties(body, mass, collision);


	NewtonBodySetVelocity(body, &velocity[0]);
	NewtonBodySetContinuousCollisionMode(body, 1);
Exemplo n.º 14
static void AddSingleCompound(DemoEntityManager* const scene)
    NewtonWorld* const world = scene->GetNewton();

    NewtonCollision* compoundCollision = NewtonCreateCompoundCollision(world, 0);

    NewtonCollision* boxCollision = NewtonCreateBox(world, 50, 50, 50, 0, NULL);
    NewtonCompoundCollisionAddSubCollision(compoundCollision, boxCollision);

    dMatrix matrix(dGetIdentityMatrix());
    matrix.m_posit.m_y = 10.0f;

    NewtonBody* compoundBody = NewtonCreateDynamicBody(world, compoundCollision, &matrix[0][0]);

    // scale after creating body slows everything down. Without the scale it runs fine even though the body is huge
    NewtonCollisionSetScale(NewtonBodyGetCollision(compoundBody), 0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f);

    // adding some visualization
    NewtonBodySetMassProperties (compoundBody, 1.0f, NewtonBodyGetCollision(compoundBody));
    NewtonBodySetTransformCallback(compoundBody, DemoEntity::TransformCallback);
    NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(compoundBody, PhysicsApplyGravityForce);

    DemoMesh* mesh = new DemoMesh("geometry", NewtonBodyGetCollision(compoundBody), "smilli.tga", "smilli.tga", "smilli.tga");
    DemoEntity* const entity = new DemoEntity(matrix, NULL);
    entity->SetMesh(mesh, dGetIdentityMatrix());
    NewtonBodySetUserData(compoundBody, entity);

    NewtonBodySetSimulationState(compoundBody, 0);
    NewtonBodySetSimulationState(compoundBody, 1);
dCustomPlayerController* dCustomPlayerControllerManager::CreateController(const dMatrix& location, const dMatrix& localAxis, dFloat mass, dFloat radius, dFloat height, dFloat stepHeight)
	NewtonWorld* const world = GetWorld();

	dMatrix shapeMatrix(localAxis);
	shapeMatrix.m_posit = shapeMatrix.m_front.Scale (height * 0.5f);
	shapeMatrix.m_posit.m_w = 1.0f;

	dFloat scale = 3.0f;
	height = dMax(height - 2.0f * radius / scale, dFloat(0.1f));
	NewtonCollision* const bodyCapsule = NewtonCreateCapsule(world, radius / scale, radius / scale, height, 0, &shapeMatrix[0][0]);
	NewtonCollisionSetScale(bodyCapsule, 1.0f, scale, scale);

	// create the kinematic body
	NewtonBody* const body = NewtonCreateKinematicBody(world, bodyCapsule, &location[0][0]);

	// players must have weight, otherwise they are infinitely strong when they collide
	NewtonCollision* const shape = NewtonBodyGetCollision(body);
	NewtonBodySetMassProperties(body, mass, shape);

	// make the body collidable with other dynamics bodies, by default
	NewtonBodySetCollidable(body, 1);

	dCustomPlayerController& controller = m_playerList.Append()->GetInfo();

	controller.m_localFrame = localAxis;
	controller.m_mass = mass;
	controller.m_invMass = 1.0f / mass;
	controller.m_manager = this;
	controller.m_kinematicBody = body;
	controller.m_contactPatch = radius / scale;
	controller.m_stepHeight = dMax (stepHeight, controller.m_contactPatch * 2.0f);

	return &controller;
Exemplo n.º 16
void CustomVehicleController::Init (NewtonCollision* const chassisShape, const dMatrix& vehicleFrame, dFloat mass, const dVector& gravityVector)
	m_finalized = false;
	m_externalContactStatesCount = 0;
	m_sleepCounter = VEHICLE_SLEEP_COUNTER;
	m_freeContactList = m_externalContactStatesPoll.GetFirst();
	CustomVehicleControllerManager* const manager = (CustomVehicleControllerManager*) GetManager(); 
	NewtonWorld* const world = manager->GetWorld(); 

	// create a compound collision 	
	NewtonCollision* const vehShape = NewtonCreateCompoundCollision(world, 0);

	// if the shape is a compound collision ass all the pieces one at a time
	int shapeType = NewtonCollisionGetType (chassisShape);
	if (shapeType == SERIALIZE_ID_COMPOUND) {
		for (void* node = NewtonCompoundCollisionGetFirstNode(chassisShape); node; node = NewtonCompoundCollisionGetNextNode (chassisShape, node)) { 
			NewtonCollision* const subCollision = NewtonCompoundCollisionGetCollisionFromNode(chassisShape, node);
			NewtonCompoundCollisionAddSubCollision (vehShape, subCollision);
	} else {
		dAssert ((shapeType == SERIALIZE_ID_CONVEXHULL) || (shapeType == SERIALIZE_ID_BOX));
		NewtonCompoundCollisionAddSubCollision (vehShape, chassisShape);
	NewtonCompoundCollisionEndAddRemove (vehShape);	

	// create the rigid body for this vehicle
	dMatrix locationMatrix (dGetIdentityMatrix());
	m_body = NewtonCreateDynamicBody(world, vehShape, &locationMatrix[0][0]);

	// set vehicle mass, inertia and center of mass
	NewtonBodySetMassProperties (m_body, mass, vehShape);

	// set linear and angular drag to zero
	dVector drag(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	NewtonBodySetLinearDamping(m_body, 0);
	NewtonBodySetAngularDamping(m_body, &drag[0]);

	// destroy the collision help shape
	NewtonDestroyCollision (vehShape);

	// initialize vehicle internal components
	NewtonBodyGetCentreOfMass (m_body, &m_chassisState.m_com[0]);
	m_chassisState.m_comOffset = dVector (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

	m_chassisState.m_gravity = gravityVector;
	m_chassisState.m_gravityMag = dSqrt (gravityVector % gravityVector);
	m_chassisState.Init(this, vehicleFrame);

//	m_stateList.Append(&m_staticWorld);

	// create the normalized size tire shape
	m_tireCastShape = NewtonCreateChamferCylinder(world, 0.5f, 1.0f, 0, NULL);

	// initialize all components to empty
	m_engine = NULL;
	m_brakes = NULL;
	m_steering = NULL;
	m_handBrakes = NULL;

	SetDryRollingFrictionTorque (100.0f/4.0f);
	SetAerodynamicsDownforceCoefficient (0.5f * dSqrt (gravityVector % gravityVector), 60.0f * 0.447f);
void CustomPlayerController::Init(dFloat mass, dFloat outerRadius, dFloat innerRadius, dFloat height, dFloat stairStep, const dMatrix& localAxis)
	dAssert (stairStep >= 0.0f);
	dAssert (innerRadius >= 0.0f);
	dAssert (outerRadius >= innerRadius);
	dAssert (height >= stairStep);
	dAssert (localAxis[0].m_w == dFloat (0.0f));
	dAssert (localAxis[1].m_w == dFloat (0.0f));

	CustomPlayerControllerManager* const manager = (CustomPlayerControllerManager*) GetManager();
	NewtonWorld* const world = manager->GetWorld();

	SetRestrainingDistance (0.0f);

	m_outerRadio = outerRadius;
	m_innerRadio = innerRadius;
	m_height = height;
	m_stairStep = stairStep;
	SetClimbSlope(45.0f * 3.1416f/ 180.0f);
	m_upVector = localAxis[0];
	m_frontVector = localAxis[1];

	m_groundPlane = dVector (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	m_groundVelocity = dVector (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

	const int steps = 12;
	dVector convexPoints[2][steps];

	// create an inner thin cylinder
	dFloat shapeHigh = height;
	dAssert (shapeHigh > 0.0f);
	dVector p0 (0.0f, m_innerRadio, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	dVector p1 (shapeHigh, m_innerRadio, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	for (int i = 0; i < steps; i ++) {
		dMatrix rotation (dPitchMatrix (i * 2.0f * 3.141592f / steps));
		convexPoints[0][i] = localAxis.RotateVector(rotation.RotateVector(p0));
		convexPoints[1][i] = localAxis.RotateVector(rotation.RotateVector(p1));
	NewtonCollision* const supportShape = NewtonCreateConvexHull(world, steps * 2, &convexPoints[0][0].m_x, sizeof (dVector), 0.0f, 0, NULL); 

	// create the outer thick cylinder
	dMatrix outerShapeMatrix (localAxis);
	dFloat capsuleHigh = m_height - stairStep;
	dAssert (capsuleHigh > 0.0f);
	m_sphereCastOrigin = capsuleHigh * 0.5f + stairStep;
	outerShapeMatrix.m_posit = outerShapeMatrix[0].Scale(m_sphereCastOrigin);
	outerShapeMatrix.m_posit.m_w = 1.0f;
	NewtonCollision* const bodyCapsule = NewtonCreateCapsule(world, 0.25f, 0.5f, 0, &outerShapeMatrix[0][0]);
	NewtonCollisionSetScale(bodyCapsule, capsuleHigh, m_outerRadio * 4.0f, m_outerRadio * 4.0f);

	// compound collision player controller
	NewtonCollision* const playerShape = NewtonCreateCompoundCollision(world, 0);
	NewtonCompoundCollisionAddSubCollision (playerShape, supportShape);
	NewtonCompoundCollisionAddSubCollision (playerShape, bodyCapsule);
	NewtonCompoundCollisionEndAddRemove (playerShape);	

	// create the kinematic body
	dMatrix locationMatrix (dGetIdentityMatrix());
	m_body = NewtonCreateKinematicBody(world, playerShape, &locationMatrix[0][0]);

	// players must have weight, otherwise they are infinitely strong when they collide
	NewtonCollision* const shape = NewtonBodyGetCollision(m_body);
	NewtonBodySetMassProperties(m_body, mass, shape);

	// make the body collidable with other dynamics bodies, by default
	NewtonBodySetCollidable (m_body, true);

	dFloat castHigh = capsuleHigh * 0.4f;
	dFloat castRadio = (m_innerRadio * 0.5f > 0.05f) ? m_innerRadio * 0.5f : 0.05f;

	dVector q0 (0.0f, castRadio, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	dVector q1 (castHigh, castRadio, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	for (int i = 0; i < steps; i ++) {
		dMatrix rotation (dPitchMatrix (i * 2.0f * 3.141592f / steps));
		convexPoints[0][i] = localAxis.RotateVector(rotation.RotateVector(q0));
		convexPoints[1][i] = localAxis.RotateVector(rotation.RotateVector(q1));
	m_castingShape = NewtonCreateConvexHull(world, steps * 2, &convexPoints[0][0].m_x, sizeof (dVector), 0.0f, 0, NULL); 

	m_supportShape = NewtonCompoundCollisionGetCollisionFromNode (shape, NewtonCompoundCollisionGetNodeByIndex (shape, 0));
	m_upperBodyShape = NewtonCompoundCollisionGetCollisionFromNode (shape, NewtonCompoundCollisionGetNodeByIndex (shape, 1));

	NewtonDestroyCollision (bodyCapsule);
	NewtonDestroyCollision (supportShape);
	NewtonDestroyCollision (playerShape);

	m_isJumping = false;
static void AddStructuredFractured (DemoEntityManager* const scene, const dVector& origin, int materialID, const char* const assetName)
	// create the shape and visual mesh as a common data to be re used
	NewtonWorld* const world = scene->GetNewton();

#if 0
	// load the mesh asset
	DemoEntity entity(GetIdentityMatrix(), NULL);	
	entity.LoadNGD_mesh (assetName, world);
	DemoMesh____* const mesh = entity.GetMesh();
	dAssert (mesh);

	// convert the mesh to a newtonMesh
	NewtonMesh* const solidMesh = mesh->CreateNewtonMesh (world, entity.GetMeshMatrix() * entity.GetCurrentMatrix());
	int externalMaterial = LoadTexture("wood_0.tga");
	NewtonCollision* const collision = CreateConvexCollision (world, dGetIdentityMatrix(), dVector (3.0f, 3.0f, 3.0f, 0.0), _BOX_PRIMITIVE, 0);
	NewtonMesh* const solidMesh = NewtonMeshCreateFromCollision(collision);
	NewtonMeshApplyBoxMapping (solidMesh, externalMaterial, externalMaterial, externalMaterial);

	// create a random point cloud
	dVector points[MAX_POINT_CLOUD_SIZE];
	int pointCount = MakeRandomPoisonPointCloud (solidMesh, points);
//	int pointCount = MakeRandomGuassianPointCloud (solidMesh, points, MAX_POINT_CLOUD_SIZE);

	// create and interiors material for texturing the fractured pieces
	//int internalMaterial = LoadTexture("KAMEN-stup.tga");
	int internalMaterial = LoadTexture("concreteBrick.tga");

	// crate a texture matrix for uv mapping of fractured pieces
	dMatrix textureMatrix (dGetIdentityMatrix());
	textureMatrix[0][0] = 1.0f / 2.0f;
	textureMatrix[1][1] = 1.0f / 2.0f;

	/// create the fractured collision and mesh
	int debreePhysMaterial = NewtonMaterialGetDefaultGroupID(world);
	NewtonCollision* structuredFracturedCollision = NewtonCreateFracturedCompoundCollision (world, solidMesh, 0, debreePhysMaterial, pointCount, &points[0][0], sizeof (dVector), internalMaterial, &textureMatrix[0][0],
																							OnReconstructMainMeshCallBack, OnEmitFracturedCompound, OnEmitFracturedChunk);

// uncomment this to test serialization
#if 0
	FILE* file = fopen ("serialize.bin", "wb");
	NewtonCollisionSerialize (world, structuredFracturedCollision, DemoEntityManager::SerializeFile, file);
	NewtonDestroyCollision (structuredFracturedCollision);
	fclose (file);

	file = fopen ("serialize.bin", "rb");
	structuredFracturedCollision = NewtonCreateCollisionFromSerialization (world, DemoEntityManager::DeserializeFile, file);
	NewtonFracturedCompoundSetCallbacks (structuredFracturedCollision, OnReconstructMainMeshCallBack, OnEmitFracturedCompound, OnEmitFracturedChunk);
	fclose (file);

#if 0
	// test the interface
	dTree<void*, void*> detachableNodes;

	// remove all chunk that can be detached for the first layer
	for (void* node = NewtonCompoundCollisionGetFirstNode(structuredFracturedCollision); node; node = NewtonCompoundCollisionGetNextNode(structuredFracturedCollision, node)) { 
		if (NewtonFracturedCompoundIsNodeFreeToDetach (structuredFracturedCollision, node)) {
			detachableNodes.Insert(node, node);

		// remove any node that can be deched fro the secund layer, this codul; be reusive
		void* neighbors[32];
		int count = NewtonFracturedCompoundNeighborNodeList (structuredFracturedCollision, node, neighbors, sizeof (neighbors) / sizeof (neighbors[0]));
		for (int i = 0; i < count; i ++ ) {
			if (NewtonFracturedCompoundIsNodeFreeToDetach (structuredFracturedCollision, neighbors[i])) {
				detachableNodes.Insert(node, node);

	// now delete the actual nodes
	dTree<void*, void*>::Iterator iter (detachableNodes) ;
	for (iter.Begin(); iter; iter ++) { 
		void* const node = iter.GetNode()->GetInfo(); 
		NewtonCompoundCollisionRemoveSubCollision (structuredFracturedCollision, node);
#if 1
	dVector plane (0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	NewtonCollision* const crack = NewtonFracturedCompoundPlaneClip (structuredFracturedCollision, &plane[0]);
	if (crack) {
		NewtonDestroyCollision (structuredFracturedCollision);

    dVector com(0.0f);
    dVector inertia(0.0f);
    NewtonConvexCollisionCalculateInertialMatrix (structuredFracturedCollision, &inertia[0], &com[0]);	

    //dFloat mass = 10.0f;
    //int materialId = 0;
    //create the rigid body
	dMatrix matrix (dGetIdentityMatrix());
	matrix.m_posit = origin;
	matrix.m_posit.m_y = 20.0;
	matrix.m_posit.m_w = 1.0f;
    NewtonBody* const rigidBody = NewtonCreateDynamicBody (world, structuredFracturedCollision, &matrix[0][0]);

	// set the mass and center of mass
	dFloat density = 1.0f;
	dFloat mass = density * NewtonConvexCollisionCalculateVolume (structuredFracturedCollision);
	NewtonBodySetMassProperties (rigidBody, mass, structuredFracturedCollision);

	// set the transform call back function
	NewtonBodySetTransformCallback (rigidBody, DemoEntity::TransformCallback);

	// set the force and torque call back function
	NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback (rigidBody, PhysicsApplyGravityForce);

	// create the entity and visual mesh and attach to the body as user data
	CreateVisualEntity (scene, rigidBody);

    // assign the wood id
//    NewtonBodySetMaterialGroupID (rigidBody, materialId);

    // set a destructor for this rigid body
//    NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback (rigidBody, PhysicsBodyDestructor);

	// release the interior texture
//	ReleaseTexture (internalMaterial);

	// delete the solid mesh since it no longed needed
	NewtonMeshDestroy (solidMesh);

	// destroy the fracture collision
	NewtonDestroyCollision (structuredFracturedCollision);
	void SimulationPostListener(DemoEntityManager* const scene, DemoEntityManager::dListNode* const mynode, dFloat timeStep)
		// see if the net force on the body comes fr a high impact collision
		dFloat breakImpact = 0.0f;
		for (NewtonJoint* joint = NewtonBodyGetFirstContactJoint(m_myBody); joint; joint = NewtonBodyGetNextContactJoint(m_myBody, joint)) {
			for (void* contact = NewtonContactJointGetFirstContact(joint); contact; contact = NewtonContactJointGetNextContact(joint, contact)) {
				dVector contactForce;
				NewtonMaterial* const material = NewtonContactGetMaterial(contact);
				dFloat impulseImpact = NewtonMaterialGetContactMaxNormalImpact(material);
				if (impulseImpact > breakImpact) {
					breakImpact = impulseImpact;

		// if the force is bigger than N time Gravities, It is considered a collision force
		breakImpact *= m_myMassInverse;
//		breakImpact = 1000.0f;
			NewtonWorld* const world = NewtonBodyGetWorld(m_myBody);

			dMatrix bodyMatrix;
			dVector com(0.0f);
			dVector veloc(0.0f);
			dVector omega(0.0f);
			dFloat Ixx;
			dFloat Iyy;
			dFloat Izz;
			dFloat mass;

			NewtonBodyGetVelocity(m_myBody, &veloc[0]);
			NewtonBodyGetOmega(m_myBody, &omega[0]);
			NewtonBodyGetCentreOfMass(m_myBody, &com[0]);
			NewtonBodyGetMatrix(m_myBody, &bodyMatrix[0][0]);
			NewtonBodyGetMass(m_myBody, &mass, &Ixx, &Iyy, &Izz);

			com = bodyMatrix.TransformVector(com);
			dMatrix matrix(GetCurrentMatrix());
			dQuaternion rotation(matrix);

			// we need to lock the world before creation a bunch of bodies

			for (FractureEffect::dListNode* node = m_effect.GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext()) {
				FractureAtom& atom = node->GetInfo();

				DemoEntity* const entity = new DemoEntity(dMatrix(rotation, matrix.m_posit), NULL);
				entity->SetMesh(atom.m_mesh, dGetIdentityMatrix());

				int materialId = 0;

				dFloat debriMass = mass * atom.m_massFraction;

				//create the rigid body
				NewtonBody* const rigidBody = NewtonCreateDynamicBody(world, atom.m_collision, &matrix[0][0]);

				// calculate debris initial velocity
				dVector center(matrix.TransformVector(atom.m_centerOfMass));
				dVector v(veloc + omega.CrossProduct(center - com));

				// set initial velocity
				NewtonBodySetVelocity(rigidBody, &v[0]);
				NewtonBodySetOmega(rigidBody, &omega[0]);

				// set the debris mass properties, mass, center of mass, and inertia 
				NewtonBodySetMassProperties(rigidBody, debriMass, atom.m_collision);

				// save the pointer to the graphic object with the body.
				NewtonBodySetUserData(rigidBody, entity);

				// assign the wood id
				NewtonBodySetMaterialGroupID(rigidBody, materialId);

				//  set continuous collision mode
				//	NewtonBodySetContinuousCollisionMode (rigidBody, continueCollisionMode);

				// set a destructor for this rigid body
				NewtonBodySetDestructorCallback(rigidBody, PhysicsBodyDestructor);

				// set the transform call back function
				NewtonBodySetTransformCallback(rigidBody, DemoEntity::TransformCallback);

				// set the force and torque call back function
				NewtonBodySetForceAndTorqueCallback(rigidBody, PhysicsApplyGravityForce);


			// unlock the work after done with the effect 
Exemplo n.º 20
// create physics scene
void PuckSlide (DemoEntityManager* const scene)

	NewtonWorld* const world = scene->GetNewton();

	int	materialGroupIDs[SB_NUM_MATERIALS];

	// Create groups
	for (int i = 0; i < SB_NUM_MATERIALS; i++)
		materialGroupIDs[i] = NewtonMaterialCreateGroupID(world);
	// Setup the material data
	NewtonMaterialSetDefaultSoftness(world, materialGroupIDs[SBMaterial_WEIGHT], materialGroupIDs[SBMaterial_SURFACE], 0.15f);
	NewtonMaterialSetDefaultElasticity(world, materialGroupIDs[SBMaterial_WEIGHT], materialGroupIDs[SBMaterial_SURFACE], 0.30f);
	NewtonMaterialSetDefaultFriction(world, materialGroupIDs[SBMaterial_WEIGHT], materialGroupIDs[SBMaterial_SURFACE], 0.05f, 0.04f);

	// setup callbacks for collisions between two material groups

	// Add table

		// create the shape and visual mesh as a common data to be re used
		NewtonCollision* const collision = CreateConvexCollision (world, dGetIdentityMatrix(), tableSize, _BOX_PRIMITIVE, materialGroupIDs[SBMaterial_SURFACE]);

		DemoMesh* const geometry = new DemoMesh("cylinder_1", collision, "wood_3.tga", "wood_3.tga", "wood_3.tga");

		dMatrix matrix = dGetIdentityMatrix();
		matrix.m_posit.m_x = 0.0f;
		matrix.m_posit.m_z = 0.0f;
		matrix.m_posit.m_y = 0.0f;
		NewtonBody* const tableBody = CreateSimpleSolid (scene, geometry, 0.0, matrix, collision, materialGroupIDs[SBMaterial_SURFACE]);

		// this is deprecated, use NewtonBodySetMassProperties
		//NewtonBodySetMassMatrix(tableBody, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
		NewtonBodySetMassProperties(tableBody, 0.0f, NewtonBodyGetCollision(tableBody));

		NewtonBodySetMaterialGroupID(tableBody, materialGroupIDs[SBMaterial_SURFACE]);

		// it is not wise to se static body to continuous collision mode
		//NewtonBodySetContinuousCollisionMode(tableBody, 1);

		// do not forget to release the assets	

		// the collision need to be destroy, the body is using an instance no a reference
		NewtonDestroyCollision (collision);

	// Add puck
		new PuckEntity (scene, materialGroupIDs[SBMaterial_WEIGHT]);

	// place camera into position
	dMatrix camMatrix (dPitchMatrix(20.0f * 3.1416f /180.0f));
	dQuaternion rot (camMatrix);
	dVector origin (CAMERA_Z, CAMERA_Y, CAMERA_X, 0.0f);
	scene->SetCameraMatrix(rot, origin);