Exemplo n.º 1
    void handleNodeStatus(const ReceivedDataStructure<protocol::NodeStatus>& msg)
        if (!needToQuery(msg.getSrcNodeID()))

        NodeData* data = node_map_.access(msg.getSrcNodeID());
        if (data == NULL)
            trace(TraceDiscoveryNewNodeFound, msg.getSrcNodeID().get());

            data = node_map_.insert(msg.getSrcNodeID(), NodeData());
            if (data == NULL)
                getNode().registerInternalFailure("NodeDiscoverer OOM");
        UAVCAN_ASSERT(data != NULL);

        if (msg.uptime_sec < data->last_seen_uptime)
            trace(TraceDiscoveryNodeRestartDetected, msg.getSrcNodeID().get());
            data->num_get_node_info_attempts = 0;
        data->last_seen_uptime = msg.uptime_sec;

        if (!isRunning())
            trace(TraceDiscoveryTimerStart, getPeriod().toUSec());
Exemplo n.º 2
void STimingTrack::OnArrangeChildren(const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, FArrangedChildren& ArrangedChildren) const
	// To make this track look nice and have no overlapping nodes we're going to 
	// treat this as a 1D collision problem and build/resolve islands until everything 
	// is nicely resolved (or until we hit an upper limit as it can't be solved)

	// Helper holding info about a single node
	struct NodeData
		NodeData(TSharedRef<STrackNode>& NodeRef, const FGeometry& Geometry)
			: Node(NodeRef)
			// Separation of the nodes on the track
			const float NodeSeparation = 3.0f;

			FVector2D Offset = Node->GetOffsetRelativeToParent(Geometry);
			FVector2D Size = Node->GetSizeRelativeToParent(Geometry);

			Offset.Y += (Geometry.GetLocalSize().Y - Size.Y) * 0.5f;

			ActualRect = FBox2D(Offset, Offset + Size);
			QueryRect = FBox2D(Offset - FVector2D(NodeSeparation, 0.0f), Offset + Size + FVector2D(NodeSeparation, 0.0f));

		TSharedRef<STrackNode> Node;	// The node widget
		FBox2D ActualRect;				// The actual render rect of the widget
		FBox2D QueryRect;				// An expanded rect used to detect collisions

	// Helper holding list of overlapping nodes
	struct NodeIsland
		TArray<NodeData*> Nodes;

	int32 NumNodes = TrackNodes.Num();

	TArray<NodeData> SortedNodeData;

	// List of collision islands
	TArray<NodeIsland> Islands;
	// Scaling info to translate between local positions and data values
	FTrackScaleInfo ScaleInfo(ViewInputMin.Get(), ViewInputMax.Get(), 0, 0, AllottedGeometry.Size);

	for(int32 TrackIndex = 0; TrackIndex < NumNodes; ++TrackIndex)
		TSharedRef<STrackNode> TrackNode = (TrackNodes[TrackIndex]);

		SortedNodeData.Add(NodeData(TrackNode, AllottedGeometry));

	const static int32 MaxRetries = 5;
	int32 Retries = 0;
	bool bResolved = true;

	while(bResolved && Retries < MaxRetries)
		bResolved = false;

		for(int32 NodeIdx = 0; NodeIdx < NumNodes; ++NodeIdx)
			NodeData& CurrentNode = SortedNodeData[NodeIdx];
			// Island generation
			NodeIsland* CurrentIsland = nullptr;
			CurrentIsland = &Islands[Islands.AddZeroed()];

			int32 Direction = -1;
			int32 Next = NodeIdx + 1;
			int32 HighestNode = NodeIdx;
			FBox2D& CurrentRect = CurrentNode.ActualRect;
			FBox2D CurrentQueryRect = CurrentNode.QueryRect;


			// Walk Nodes
			while(Next >= 0 && Next < NumNodes)
				NodeData& NextNode = SortedNodeData[Next];
				FBox2D& NextRect = NextNode.ActualRect;
				FBox2D& NextQueryRect = NextNode.QueryRect;
					// Add to island
					HighestNode = Next;

					// Expand the current query
					CurrentQueryRect.Max = NextQueryRect.Max;
					// No island, next node


			// Skip processed nodes (those already in islands)
			NodeIdx = HighestNode;

		// Separation of the nodes on the track
		const float NodeSeparation = 3.0f;

		for(NodeIsland& Island : Islands)
			if(Island.Nodes.Num() == 1)
				// Keep single nodes on the data track range but skip everything else
				FBox2D& NodeBox = Island.Nodes[0]->ActualRect;
				FBox2D& NodeQueryRect = Island.Nodes[0]->QueryRect;
				float Offset = 0.0f;
				float Begin = ScaleInfo.LocalXToInput(NodeBox.Min.X);
				float End = ScaleInfo.LocalXToInput(NodeBox.Max.X);
				if(Begin < 0)
					Offset = ScaleInfo.InputToLocalX(-Begin);
				else if(End > TrackMaxValue.Get())
					Offset = ScaleInfo.InputToLocalX(TrackMaxValue.Get() - End);

				if(Offset != 0.0f)
					NodeBox.Min.X += Offset;
					NodeBox.Max.X += Offset;
					NodeQueryRect.Min.X = NodeBox.Min.X - NodeSeparation;
					NodeQueryRect.Max.X = NodeBox.Max.X + NodeSeparation;


			bResolved = true;
			// Island resolution
			int32 NumIslandNodes = Island.Nodes.Num();
			float Width = FMath::Max<float>((NumIslandNodes - 1), 0.0f) * NodeSeparation;
			float Centre = 0.0f;

			for(NodeData* Node : Island.Nodes)
				Width += Node->ActualRect.GetSize().X;
				Centre += Node->ActualRect.GetCenter().X;
			Centre /= NumIslandNodes;

			// Make sure the group stays on the track
			float Begin = Centre - Width / 2.0f;
			float WidthAsInput = Width / ScaleInfo.PixelsPerInput;
			float BeginAsInput = FMath::Clamp(ScaleInfo.LocalXToInput(Begin), 0.0f, TrackMaxValue.Get() - WidthAsInput);
			Begin = ScaleInfo.InputToLocalX(BeginAsInput);
			for(int32 NodeIdx = 0 ; NodeIdx < NumIslandNodes ; ++NodeIdx)
				FBox2D& NodeBox = Island.Nodes[NodeIdx]->ActualRect;
				float NodeWidth = NodeBox.GetSize().X;
				float SeparationOffset = NodeIdx * NodeSeparation;
				float PositionOffset = 0.0f;
				for(int32 PositionNodeIdx = 0 ; PositionNodeIdx < NodeIdx ; ++PositionNodeIdx)
					PositionOffset += Island.Nodes[PositionNodeIdx]->ActualRect.GetSize().X;
				FBox2D& OriginalRect = Island.Nodes[NodeIdx]->ActualRect;
				OriginalRect.Min.X = Begin + PositionOffset + SeparationOffset;
				OriginalRect.Max.X = OriginalRect.Min.X + NodeWidth;
				// Alter Query rect for next pass
				FBox2D& NodeQueryRect = Island.Nodes[NodeIdx]->QueryRect;
				NodeQueryRect.Min = OriginalRect.Min - FVector2D(NodeSeparation, 0.0f);
				NodeQueryRect.Max = OriginalRect.Max + FVector2D(NodeSeparation, 0.0f);

	for(int32 TrackIndex = 0; TrackIndex < NumNodes; ++TrackIndex)
		TSharedRef<STrackNode> TrackNode = (SortedNodeData[TrackIndex].Node);

		FBox2D& Rect = SortedNodeData[TrackIndex].ActualRect;

		ArrangedChildren.AddWidget(AllottedGeometry.MakeChild(TrackNode, Rect.Min, Rect.GetSize()));