Exemplo n.º 1
  Writes a specified number of bytes to a device.

  @param  This       Indicates a pointer to the calling context.
  @param  MediaId    ID of the medium to be written.
  @param  Offset     The starting byte offset on the logical block I/O device to write.
  @param  BufferSize The size in bytes of Buffer. The number of bytes to write to the device.
  @param  Buffer     A pointer to the buffer containing the data to be written.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The data was written correctly to the device.
  @retval EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED   The device can not be written to.
  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      The device reported an error while performing the write.
  @retval EFI_NO_MEDIA          There is no media in the device.
  @retval EFI_MEDIA_CHNAGED     The MediaId does not matched the current device.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The write request contains device addresses that are not
                                 valid for the device.

NorFlashDiskIoWriteDisk (
  IN EFI_DISK_IO_PROTOCOL         *This,
  IN UINT32                       MediaId,
  IN UINT64                       DiskOffset,
  IN UINTN                        BufferSize,
  IN VOID                         *Buffer
  UINT32              BlockSize;
  UINT32              BlockOffset;
  EFI_LBA             Lba;
  UINTN               RemainingBytes;
  UINTN               WriteSize;
  EFI_STATUS          Status;


  if (MediaId != Instance->Media.MediaId) {

  BlockSize = Instance->Media.BlockSize;
  Lba = (EFI_LBA) DivU64x32Remainder (DiskOffset, BlockSize, &BlockOffset);

  RemainingBytes = BufferSize;

  // Write either all the remaining bytes, or the number of bytes that bring
  // us up to a block boundary, whichever is less.
  // (DiskOffset | (BlockSize - 1)) + 1) rounds DiskOffset up to the next
  // block boundary (even if it is already on one).
  WriteSize = MIN (RemainingBytes, ((DiskOffset | (BlockSize - 1)) + 1) - DiskOffset);

  do {
    if (WriteSize == BlockSize) {
      // Write a full block
      Status = NorFlashWriteFullBlock (Instance, Lba, Buffer, BlockSize / sizeof (UINT32));
    } else {
      // Write a partial block
      Status = NorFlashWriteSingleBlock (Instance, Lba, BlockOffset, &WriteSize, Buffer);
    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      return Status;
    // Now continue writing either all the remaining bytes or single blocks.
    RemainingBytes -= WriteSize;
    Buffer = (UINT8 *) Buffer + WriteSize;
    BlockOffset = 0;
    WriteSize = MIN (RemainingBytes, BlockSize);
  } while (RemainingBytes);

  return Status;
Exemplo n.º 2
 Writes the specified number of bytes from the input buffer to the block.

 The Write() function writes the specified number of bytes from
 the provided buffer to the specified block and offset. If the
 firmware volume is sticky write, the caller must ensure that
 all the bits of the specified range to write are in the
 EFI_FVB_ERASE_POLARITY state before calling the Write()
 function, or else the result will be unpredictable. This
 unpredictability arises because, for a sticky-write firmware
 volume, a write may negate a bit in the EFI_FVB_ERASE_POLARITY
 state but cannot flip it back again.  Before calling the
 Write() function,  it is recommended for the caller to first call
 the EraseBlocks() function to erase the specified block to
 write. A block erase cycle will transition bits from the
 (NOT)EFI_FVB_ERASE_POLARITY state back to the
 EFI_FVB_ERASE_POLARITY state. Implementations should be
 mindful that the firmware volume might be in the WriteDisabled
 state. If it is in this state, the Write() function must
 return the status code EFI_ACCESS_DENIED without modifying the
 contents of the firmware volume. The Write() function must
 also prevent spanning block boundaries. If a write is
 requested that spans a block boundary, the write must store up
 to the boundary but not beyond. The output parameter NumBytes
 must be set to correctly indicate the number of bytes actually
 written. The caller must be aware that a write may be
 partially completed. All writes, partial or otherwise, must be
 fully flushed to the hardware before the Write() service

 @param This                 Indicates the EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_BLOCK2_PROTOCOL instance.

 @param Lba                  The starting logical block index to write to.

 @param Offset               Offset into the block at which to begin writing.

 @param NumBytes             The pointer to a UINTN.
                             At entry, *NumBytes contains the total size of the buffer.
                             At exit, *NumBytes contains the total number of bytes actually written.

 @param Buffer               The pointer to a caller-allocated buffer that contains the source for the write.

 @retval EFI_SUCCESS         The firmware volume was written successfully.

 @retval EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE The write was attempted across an LBA boundary.
                             On output, NumBytes contains the total number of bytes
                             actually written.

 @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED   The firmware volume is in the WriteDisabled state.

 @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR    The block device is malfunctioning and could not be written.

FvbWrite (
  IN        EFI_LBA                               Lba,
  IN        UINTN                                 Offset,
  IN OUT    UINTN                                 *NumBytes,
  IN        UINT8                                 *Buffer

  Instance = INSTANCE_FROM_FVB_THIS (This);

  return NorFlashWriteSingleBlock (Instance, Instance->StartLba + Lba, Offset, NumBytes, Buffer);
Exemplo n.º 3
NorFlashWriteBlocks (
    IN NOR_FLASH_INSTANCE     *Instance,
    IN EFI_LBA                Lba,
    IN UINTN                  BufferSizeInBytes,
    IN VOID                   *Buffer
    UINT32          *pWriteBuffer;
    EFI_STATUS      Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
    EFI_LBA         CurrentBlock;
    UINT32          BlockSizeInWords;
    UINT32          NumBlocks;
    UINT32          BlockCount;

    // The buffer must be valid
    if (Buffer == NULL) {

    if(Instance->Media.ReadOnly == TRUE) {
        return EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED;

    // We must have some bytes to read
    DEBUG((DEBUG_BLKIO, "NorFlashWriteBlocks: BufferSizeInBytes=0x%x\n", BufferSizeInBytes));
    if(BufferSizeInBytes == 0) {
        return EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE;

    // The size of the buffer must be a multiple of the block size
    DEBUG((DEBUG_BLKIO, "NorFlashWriteBlocks: BlockSize in bytes =0x%x\n", Instance->Media.BlockSize));
    if ((BufferSizeInBytes % Instance->Media.BlockSize) != 0) {
        return EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE;

    // All blocks must be within the device
    NumBlocks = ((UINT32)BufferSizeInBytes) / Instance->Media.BlockSize ;

    DEBUG((DEBUG_BLKIO, "NorFlashWriteBlocks: NumBlocks=%d, LastBlock=%ld, Lba=%ld.\n", NumBlocks, Instance->Media.LastBlock, Lba));

    if ((Lba + NumBlocks) > (Instance->Media.LastBlock + 1)) {
        DEBUG((EFI_D_ERROR, "NorFlashWriteBlocks: ERROR - Write will exceed last block.\n"));

    BlockSizeInWords = Instance->Media.BlockSize / 4;

    // Because the target *Buffer is a pointer to VOID, we must put all the data into a pointer
    // to a proper data type, so use *ReadBuffer
    pWriteBuffer = (UINT32 *)Buffer;

    CurrentBlock = Lba;
    for (BlockCount=0; BlockCount < NumBlocks; BlockCount++, CurrentBlock++, pWriteBuffer = pWriteBuffer + BlockSizeInWords) {

        DEBUG((DEBUG_BLKIO, "NorFlashWriteBlocks: Writing block #%d\n", (UINTN)CurrentBlock));

        Status = NorFlashWriteSingleBlock (Instance, CurrentBlock, pWriteBuffer, BlockSizeInWords);

        if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) {

    DEBUG((DEBUG_BLKIO, "NorFlashWriteBlocks: Exit Status = \"%r\".\n", Status));
    return Status;