Exemplo n.º 1
 * This function executes all the standard NumPy reduction function
 * boilerplate code, just calling assign_identity and the appropriate
 * inner loop function where necessary.
 * operand     : The array to be reduced.
 * out         : NULL, or the array into which to place the result.
 * wheremask   : NOT YET SUPPORTED, but this parameter is placed here
 *               so that support can be added in the future without breaking
 *               API compatibility. Pass in NULL.
 * operand_dtype : The dtype the inner loop expects for the operand.
 * result_dtype : The dtype the inner loop expects for the result.
 * casting     : The casting rule to apply to the operands.
 * axis_flags  : Flags indicating the reduction axes of 'operand'.
 * reorderable : If True, the reduction being done is reorderable, which
 *               means specifying multiple axes of reduction at once is ok,
 *               and the reduction code may calculate the reduction in an
 *               arbitrary order. The calculation may be reordered because
 *               of cache behavior or multithreading requirements.
 * keepdims    : If true, leaves the reduction dimensions in the result
 *               with size one.
 * subok       : If true, the result uses the subclass of operand, otherwise
 *               it is always a base class ndarray.
 * assign_identity : If NULL, PyArray_InitializeReduceResult is used, otherwise
 *               this function is called to initialize the result to
 *               the reduction's unit.
 * loop        : The loop which does the reduction.
 * data        : Data which is passed to assign_identity and the inner loop.
 * buffersize  : Buffer size for the iterator. For the default, pass in 0.
 * funcname    : The name of the reduction function, for error messages.
 * errormask   : forwarded from _get_bufsize_errmask
 * TODO FIXME: if you squint, this is essentially an second independent
 * implementation of generalized ufuncs with signature (i)->(), plus a few
 * extra bells and whistles. (Indeed, as far as I can tell, it was originally
 * split out to support a fancy version of count_nonzero... which is not
 * actually a reduction function at all, it's just a (i)->() function!) So
 * probably these two implementation should be merged into one. (In fact it
 * would be quite nice to support axis= and keepdims etc. for arbitrary
 * generalized ufuncs!)
NPY_NO_EXPORT PyArrayObject *
PyUFunc_ReduceWrapper(PyArrayObject *operand, PyArrayObject *out,
                      PyArrayObject *wheremask,
                      PyArray_Descr *operand_dtype,
                      PyArray_Descr *result_dtype,
                      NPY_CASTING casting,
                      npy_bool *axis_flags, int reorderable,
                      int keepdims,
                      int subok,
                      PyArray_AssignReduceIdentityFunc *assign_identity,
                      PyArray_ReduceLoopFunc *loop,
                      void *data, npy_intp buffersize, const char *funcname,
                      int errormask)
    PyArrayObject *result = NULL, *op_view = NULL;
    npy_intp skip_first_count = 0;

    /* Iterator parameters */
    NpyIter *iter = NULL;
    PyArrayObject *op[2];
    PyArray_Descr *op_dtypes[2];
    npy_uint32 flags, op_flags[2];

    /* Validate that the parameters for future expansion are NULL */
    if (wheremask != NULL) {
                "Reduce operations in NumPy do not yet support "
                "a where mask");
        return NULL;

     * This either conforms 'out' to the ndim of 'operand', or allocates
     * a new array appropriate for this reduction.
     * A new array with WRITEBACKIFCOPY is allocated if operand and out have memory
     * overlap.
    result = PyArray_CreateReduceResult(operand, out,
                            result_dtype, axis_flags,
                            keepdims, subok, funcname);
    if (result == NULL) {
        goto fail;

     * Initialize the result to the reduction unit if possible,
     * otherwise copy the initial values and get a view to the rest.
    if (assign_identity != NULL) {
         * If this reduction is non-reorderable, make sure there are
         * only 0 or 1 axes in axis_flags.
        if (!reorderable && check_nonreorderable_axes(PyArray_NDIM(operand),
                                        axis_flags, funcname) < 0) {
            goto fail;

        if (assign_identity(result, data) < 0) {
            goto fail;
        op_view = operand;
    else {
        op_view = PyArray_InitializeReduceResult(result, operand,
                            axis_flags, reorderable,
                            &skip_first_count, funcname);
        if (op_view == NULL) {
            goto fail;
        /* empty op_view signals no reduction; but 0-d arrays cannot be empty */
        if ((PyArray_SIZE(op_view) == 0) || (PyArray_NDIM(operand) == 0)) {
            op_view = NULL;
            goto finish;

    /* Set up the iterator */
    op[0] = result;
    op[1] = op_view;
    op_dtypes[0] = result_dtype;
    op_dtypes[1] = operand_dtype;

    flags = NPY_ITER_BUFFERED |
            NPY_ITER_GROWINNER |
            NPY_ITER_ZEROSIZE_OK |
            NPY_ITER_REDUCE_OK |
    op_flags[0] = NPY_ITER_READWRITE |
                  NPY_ITER_ALIGNED |
    op_flags[1] = NPY_ITER_READONLY |

    iter = NpyIter_AdvancedNew(2, op, flags,
                               NPY_KEEPORDER, casting,
                               -1, NULL, NULL, buffersize);
    if (iter == NULL) {
        goto fail;

    /* Start with the floating-point exception flags cleared */

    if (NpyIter_GetIterSize(iter) != 0) {
        NpyIter_IterNextFunc *iternext;
        char **dataptr;
        npy_intp *strideptr;
        npy_intp *countptr;
        int needs_api;

        iternext = NpyIter_GetIterNext(iter, NULL);
        if (iternext == NULL) {
            goto fail;
        dataptr = NpyIter_GetDataPtrArray(iter);
        strideptr = NpyIter_GetInnerStrideArray(iter);
        countptr = NpyIter_GetInnerLoopSizePtr(iter);

        needs_api = NpyIter_IterationNeedsAPI(iter);

        /* Straightforward reduction */
        if (loop == NULL) {
                    "reduction operation %s did not supply an "
                    "inner loop function", funcname);
            goto fail;

        if (loop(iter, dataptr, strideptr, countptr,
                        iternext, needs_api, skip_first_count, data) < 0) {

            goto fail;
    /* Check whether any errors occurred during the loop */
    if (PyErr_Occurred() ||
            _check_ufunc_fperr(errormask, NULL, "reduce") < 0) {
        goto fail;


    /* Strip out the extra 'one' dimensions in the result */
    if (out == NULL) {
        if (!keepdims) {
            PyArray_RemoveAxesInPlace(result, axis_flags);
    else {
        PyArray_ResolveWritebackIfCopy(result); /* prevent spurious warnings */
        result = out;

    return result;

    PyArray_ResolveWritebackIfCopy(result); /* prevent spurious warnings */
    if (iter != NULL) {

    return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 2
static PyObject *
PyUFunc_Accumulate(PyUFuncObject *ufunc, PyArrayObject *arr, PyArrayObject *out,
                   int axis, int otype)
    PyArrayObject *op[2];
    PyArray_Descr *op_dtypes[2] = {NULL, NULL};
    int op_axes_arrays[2][NPY_MAXDIMS];
    int *op_axes[2] = {op_axes_arrays[0], op_axes_arrays[1]};
    npy_uint32 op_flags[2];
    int idim, ndim, otype_final;
    int needs_api, need_outer_iterator;

    NpyIter *iter = NULL, *iter_inner = NULL;

    /* The selected inner loop */
    PyUFuncGenericFunction innerloop = NULL;
    void *innerloopdata = NULL;

    const char *ufunc_name = ufunc->name ? ufunc->name : "(unknown)";

    /* These parameters come from extobj= or from a TLS global */
    int buffersize = 0, errormask = 0;


    NPY_UF_DBG_PRINT1("\nEvaluating ufunc %s.accumulate\n", ufunc_name);

#if 0
    printf("Doing %s.accumulate on array with dtype :  ", ufunc_name);
    PyObject_Print((PyObject *)PyArray_DESCR(arr), stdout, 0);

    if (_get_bufsize_errmask(NULL, "accumulate", &buffersize, &errormask) < 0) {
        return NULL;

    /* Take a reference to out for later returning */

    otype_final = otype;
    if (get_binary_op_function(ufunc, &otype_final,
                                &innerloop, &innerloopdata) < 0) {
        PyArray_Descr *dtype = PyArray_DescrFromType(otype);
                     "could not find a matching type for %s.accumulate, "
                     "requested type has type code '%c'",
                            ufunc_name, dtype ? dtype->type : '-');
        goto fail;

    ndim = PyArray_NDIM(arr);

     * Set up the output data type, using the input's exact
     * data type if the type number didn't change to preserve
     * metadata
    if (PyArray_DESCR(arr)->type_num == otype_final) {
        if (PyArray_ISNBO(PyArray_DESCR(arr)->byteorder)) {
            op_dtypes[0] = PyArray_DESCR(arr);
        else {
            op_dtypes[0] = PyArray_DescrNewByteorder(PyArray_DESCR(arr),
    else {
        op_dtypes[0] = PyArray_DescrFromType(otype_final);
    if (op_dtypes[0] == NULL) {
        goto fail;

    printf("Found %s.accumulate inner loop with dtype :  ", ufunc_name);
    PyObject_Print((PyObject *)op_dtypes[0], stdout, 0);

    /* Set up the op_axes for the outer loop */
    for (idim = 0; idim < ndim; ++idim) {
        op_axes_arrays[0][idim] = idim;
        op_axes_arrays[1][idim] = idim;

    /* The per-operand flags for the outer loop */
    op_flags[0] = NPY_ITER_READWRITE |
                  NPY_ITER_NO_BROADCAST |
                  NPY_ITER_ALLOCATE |
    op_flags[1] = NPY_ITER_READONLY;

    op[0] = out;
    op[1] = arr;

    need_outer_iterator = (ndim > 1);
    /* We can't buffer, so must do UPDATEIFCOPY */
    if (!PyArray_ISALIGNED(arr) || (out && !PyArray_ISALIGNED(out)) ||
            !PyArray_EquivTypes(op_dtypes[0], PyArray_DESCR(arr)) ||
            (out &&
             !PyArray_EquivTypes(op_dtypes[0], PyArray_DESCR(out)))) {
        need_outer_iterator = 1;

    if (need_outer_iterator) {
        int ndim_iter = 0;
        npy_uint32 flags = NPY_ITER_ZEROSIZE_OK|
        PyArray_Descr **op_dtypes_param = NULL;

         * The way accumulate is set up, we can't do buffering,
         * so make a copy instead when necessary.
        ndim_iter = ndim;
        flags |= NPY_ITER_MULTI_INDEX;
        /* Add some more flags */
        op_flags[1] |= NPY_ITER_COPY|NPY_ITER_ALIGNED;
        op_dtypes_param = op_dtypes;
        op_dtypes[1] = op_dtypes[0];
        NPY_UF_DBG_PRINT("Allocating outer iterator\n");
        iter = NpyIter_AdvancedNew(2, op, flags,
                                   NPY_KEEPORDER, NPY_UNSAFE_CASTING,
                                   ndim_iter, op_axes, NULL, 0);
        if (iter == NULL) {
            goto fail;

        /* In case COPY or UPDATEIFCOPY occurred */
        op[0] = NpyIter_GetOperandArray(iter)[0];
        op[1] = NpyIter_GetOperandArray(iter)[1];

        if (PyArray_SIZE(op[0]) == 0) {
            if (out == NULL) {
                out = op[0];
            goto finish;

        if (NpyIter_RemoveAxis(iter, axis) != NPY_SUCCEED) {
            goto fail;
        if (NpyIter_RemoveMultiIndex(iter) != NPY_SUCCEED) {
            goto fail;

    /* Get the output */
    if (out == NULL) {
        if (iter) {
            op[0] = out = NpyIter_GetOperandArray(iter)[0];
        else {
            PyArray_Descr *dtype = op_dtypes[0];
            op[0] = out = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_NewFromDescr(
                                    &PyArray_Type, dtype,
                                    ndim, PyArray_DIMS(op[1]), NULL, NULL,
                                    0, NULL);
            if (out == NULL) {
                goto fail;


     * If the reduction axis has size zero, either return the reduction
     * unit for UFUNC_REDUCE, or return the zero-sized output array
    if (PyArray_DIM(op[1], axis) == 0) {
        goto finish;
    else if (PyArray_SIZE(op[0]) == 0) {
        goto finish;

    if (iter && NpyIter_GetIterSize(iter) != 0) {
        char *dataptr_copy[3];
        npy_intp stride_copy[3];
        npy_intp count_m1, stride0, stride1;

        NpyIter_IterNextFunc *iternext;
        char **dataptr;

        int itemsize = op_dtypes[0]->elsize;

        /* Get the variables needed for the loop */
        iternext = NpyIter_GetIterNext(iter, NULL);
        if (iternext == NULL) {
            goto fail;
        dataptr = NpyIter_GetDataPtrArray(iter);

        /* Execute the loop with just the outer iterator */
        count_m1 = PyArray_DIM(op[1], axis)-1;
        stride0 = 0, stride1 = PyArray_STRIDE(op[1], axis);

        NPY_UF_DBG_PRINT("UFunc: Reduce loop with just outer iterator\n");

        stride0 = PyArray_STRIDE(op[0], axis);

        stride_copy[0] = stride0;
        stride_copy[1] = stride1;
        stride_copy[2] = stride0;

        needs_api = NpyIter_IterationNeedsAPI(iter);


        do {
            dataptr_copy[0] = dataptr[0];
            dataptr_copy[1] = dataptr[1];
            dataptr_copy[2] = dataptr[0];

             * Copy the first element to start the reduction.
             * Output (dataptr[0]) and input (dataptr[1]) may point to
             * the same memory, e.g. np.add.accumulate(a, out=a).
            if (otype == NPY_OBJECT) {
                 * Incref before decref to avoid the possibility of the
                 * reference count being zero temporarily.
                Py_XINCREF(*(PyObject **)dataptr_copy[1]);
                Py_XDECREF(*(PyObject **)dataptr_copy[0]);
                *(PyObject **)dataptr_copy[0] =
                                    *(PyObject **)dataptr_copy[1];
            else {
                memmove(dataptr_copy[0], dataptr_copy[1], itemsize);

            if (count_m1 > 0) {
                /* Turn the two items into three for the inner loop */
                dataptr_copy[1] += stride1;
                dataptr_copy[2] += stride0;
                NPY_UF_DBG_PRINT1("iterator loop count %d\n",
                innerloop(dataptr_copy, &count_m1,
                            stride_copy, innerloopdata);
        } while (iternext(iter));

    else if (iter == NULL) {
        char *dataptr_copy[3];
        npy_intp stride_copy[3];

        int itemsize = op_dtypes[0]->elsize;

        /* Execute the loop with no iterators */
        npy_intp count = PyArray_DIM(op[1], axis);
        npy_intp stride0 = 0, stride1 = PyArray_STRIDE(op[1], axis);

        NPY_UF_DBG_PRINT("UFunc: Reduce loop with no iterators\n");

        if (PyArray_NDIM(op[0]) != PyArray_NDIM(op[1]) ||
                                      PyArray_NDIM(op[0]))) {
                    "provided out is the wrong size "
                    "for the reduction");
            goto fail;
        stride0 = PyArray_STRIDE(op[0], axis);

        stride_copy[0] = stride0;
        stride_copy[1] = stride1;
        stride_copy[2] = stride0;

        /* Turn the two items into three for the inner loop */
        dataptr_copy[0] = PyArray_BYTES(op[0]);
        dataptr_copy[1] = PyArray_BYTES(op[1]);
        dataptr_copy[2] = PyArray_BYTES(op[0]);

         * Copy the first element to start the reduction.
         * Output (dataptr[0]) and input (dataptr[1]) may point to the
         * same memory, e.g. np.add.accumulate(a, out=a).
        if (otype == NPY_OBJECT) {
             * Incref before decref to avoid the possibility of the
             * reference count being zero temporarily.
            Py_XINCREF(*(PyObject **)dataptr_copy[1]);
            Py_XDECREF(*(PyObject **)dataptr_copy[0]);
            *(PyObject **)dataptr_copy[0] =
                                *(PyObject **)dataptr_copy[1];
        else {
            memmove(dataptr_copy[0], dataptr_copy[1], itemsize);

        if (count > 1) {
            dataptr_copy[1] += stride1;
            dataptr_copy[2] += stride0;

            NPY_UF_DBG_PRINT1("iterator loop count %d\n", (int)count);

            needs_api = PyDataType_REFCHK(op_dtypes[0]);

            if (!needs_api) {

            innerloop(dataptr_copy, &count,
                        stride_copy, innerloopdata);



    return (PyObject *)out;



    return NULL;