Exemplo n.º 1
Ifpack_DiagonalFilter::Ifpack_DiagonalFilter(const Teuchos::RefCountPtr<Epetra_RowMatrix>& Matrix,
					     double AbsoluteThreshold,
					     double RelativeThreshold) :
  Epetra_Time Time(Comm());
  std::vector<int> Indices(MaxNumEntries());
  std::vector<double> Values(MaxNumEntries());
  int NumEntries;
  for (int MyRow = 0 ; MyRow < NumMyRows() ; ++MyRow) {
    pos_[MyRow] = -1;
    val_[MyRow] = 0.0;
    int ierr = A_->ExtractMyRowCopy(MyRow, MaxNumEntries(), NumEntries,
				    &Values[0], &Indices[0]);
    assert (ierr == 0);
    for (int i = 0 ; i < NumEntries ; ++i) {
      if (Indices[i] == MyRow) {
	pos_[MyRow] = i;
	val_[MyRow] = Values[i] * (RelativeThreshold_ - 1) +
	  AbsoluteThreshold_ * EPETRA_SGN(Values[i]);
  cout << "TIME = " << Time.ElapsedTime() << endl;
Exemplo n.º 2
Ifpack2_AMDReordering(const Ifpack2_AMDReordering& RHS) :
  for (int i = 0 ; i < NumMyRows() ; ++i) {
    Reorder_[i] = RHS.Reorder(i);
    InvReorder_[i] = RHS.InvReorder(i);
int Ifpack2_LinearPartitioner::ComputePartitions()
  int mod = NumMyRows() / NumLocalParts_;
  for (int i = 0 ; i < NumMyRows() ; ++i) {
    Partition_[i] = i / mod;
    if (Partition_[i] >= NumLocalParts_)
      Partition_[i] = NumLocalParts_ - 1;

Exemplo n.º 4
// ============================================================================
inline void Ifpack_LinePartitioner::local_automatic_line_search(int NumEqns, int * blockIndices, int last, int next, int LineID, double tol, int *itemp, double * dtemp) const {
  double *xvals=xcoord_, *yvals=ycoord_, *zvals=zcoord_;

  int N = NumMyRows();

  int allocated_space = MaxNumEntries();
  int * cols    = itemp;
  int * indices = &itemp[allocated_space];
  double * dist = dtemp;

  while (blockIndices[next] == -1) {
    // Get the next row
    int n=0;
    int neighbors_in_line=0;

    double x0 = (xvals) ? xvals[next/NumEqns] : 0.0;
    double y0 = (yvals) ? yvals[next/NumEqns] : 0.0;
    double z0 = (zvals) ? zvals[next/NumEqns] : 0.0;

    // Calculate neighbor distances & sort
    int neighbor_len=0;
    for(int i=0; i<n; i+=NumEqns) {
      double mydist = 0.0;
      if(cols[i] >=N) continue; // Check for off-proc entries
      int nn = cols[i] / NumEqns;
      if(blockIndices[nn]==LineID) neighbors_in_line++;
      if(xvals) mydist += (x0 - xvals[nn]) * (x0 - xvals[nn]);
      if(yvals) mydist += (y0 - yvals[nn]) * (y0 - yvals[nn]);
      if(zvals) mydist += (z0 - zvals[nn]) * (z0 - zvals[nn]);
      dist[neighbor_len] = sqrt(mydist);
    // If more than one of my neighbors is already in this line.  I
    // can't be because I'd create a cycle
    if(neighbors_in_line > 1) break;

    // Otherwise add me to the line 
    for(int k=0; k<NumEqns; k++) 
      blockIndices[next + k] = LineID;
    // Try to find the next guy in the line (only check the closest two that aren't element 0 (diagonal))

    if(neighbor_len > 2 && indices[1] != last && blockIndices[indices[1]] == -1 && dist[1]/dist[neighbor_len-1] < tol) {
    else if(neighbor_len > 3 && indices[2] != last && blockIndices[indices[2]] == -1 && dist[2]/dist[neighbor_len-1] < tol) {
    else {
      // I have no further neighbors in this line
Exemplo n.º 5
int Ifpack_UserPartitioner::ComputePartitions()
  if (Map_ == 0)

  // simply copy user's vector
  for (int i = 0 ; i < NumMyRows() ; ++i) {
    Partition_[i] = Map_[i];

  // put together all partitions composed by 1 one vertex
  // (if any)
  std::vector<int> singletons(NumLocalParts());
  for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < singletons.size() ; ++i) {
    singletons[i] = 0;

#if 0
  // may want to uncomment the following to ensure that no
  // partitions are in fact singletons
  for (int i = 0 ; i < NumMyRows() ; ++i) {
  int count = 0;
  for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < singletons.size() ; ++i) {
    if (singletons[i] == 1)

  int index = -1;
  for (int i = 0 ; i < NumMyRows() ; ++i) {
    int j = Partition_[i];
    if (singletons[j] == 1) {
      if (index == -1)
        index = j;
        Partition_[i] = index;

Exemplo n.º 6
Ifpack2_AMDReordering& Ifpack2_AMDReordering::
operator=(const Ifpack2_AMDReordering& RHS)
  if (this == &RHS) {
    return (*this);

  NumMyRows_ = RHS.NumMyRows(); // set number of local rows
  IsComputed_ = RHS.IsComputed();
  // resize vectors, and copy values from RHS
  if (IsComputed()) {
    for (int i = 0 ; i < NumMyRows_ ; ++i) {
      Reorder_[i] = RHS.Reorder(i);
      InvReorder_[i] = RHS.InvReorder(i);
  return (*this);
int Ifpack_LinePartitioner::ComputePartitions()
  // Sanity Checks
  if(mode_==COORDINATES &&  !xcoord_ && !ycoord_ && !zcoord_)  IFPACK_CHK_ERR(-1);
  if((int)Partition_.size() != NumMyRows())  IFPACK_CHK_ERR(-2);

  // Short circuit
  if(Partition_.size() == 0) {NumLocalParts_ = 0; return 0;}

  // Set partitions to -1 to initialize algorithm
  for(int i=0; i<NumMyRows(); i++)
    Partition_[i] = -1;

  // Use the auto partitioner 
  NumLocalParts_ = Compute_Blocks_AutoLine(&Partition_[0]);

  // Resize Parts_
Exemplo n.º 8
int Ifpack_DiagonalFilter::
Multiply(bool TransA, const Epetra_MultiVector& X, 
	 Epetra_MultiVector& Y) const

  if (X.NumVectors() != Y.NumVectors())

  IFPACK_CHK_ERR(A_->Multiply(TransA, X, Y));

  for (int v = 0 ; v < X.NumVectors() ; ++v)
    for (int i = 0 ; i < NumMyRows() ; ++i)
      Y[v][i] += val_[i] * X[v][i];

Exemplo n.º 9
// ============================================================================
int Ifpack_LinePartitioner::Compute_Blocks_AutoLine(int * blockIndices) const {
  double *xvals=xcoord_, *yvals=ycoord_, *zvals=zcoord_;
  int NumEqns = NumEqns_;
  double tol = threshold_;
  int N = NumMyRows();
  int allocated_space = MaxNumEntries();
  int * cols    = new int[2*allocated_space];
  int * indices = &cols[allocated_space];
  double * dist = new double[allocated_space];

  int * itemp   = new int[2*allocated_space];
  double *dtemp = new double[allocated_space];

  int num_lines = 0;

  for(int i=0; i<N; i+=NumEqns) {
    int nz=0;
    // Short circuit if I've already been blocked
    if(blockIndices[i] !=-1) continue;

    // Get neighbors and sort by distance
    double x0 = (xvals) ? xvals[i/NumEqns] : 0.0;
    double y0 = (yvals) ? yvals[i/NumEqns] : 0.0;
    double z0 = (zvals) ? zvals[i/NumEqns] : 0.0;

    int neighbor_len=0;
    for(int j=0; j<nz; j+=NumEqns) {
      double mydist = 0.0;
      int nn = cols[j] / NumEqns;
      if(cols[j] >=N) continue; // Check for off-proc entries
      if(xvals) mydist += (x0 - xvals[nn]) * (x0 - xvals[nn]);
      if(yvals) mydist += (y0 - yvals[nn]) * (y0 - yvals[nn]);
      if(zvals) mydist += (z0 - zvals[nn]) * (z0 - zvals[nn]);
      dist[neighbor_len] = sqrt(mydist);


    // Number myself
    for(int k=0; k<NumEqns; k++)
      blockIndices[i + k] = num_lines;

    // Fire off a neighbor line search (nearest neighbor)
    if(neighbor_len > 2 && dist[1]/dist[neighbor_len-1] < tol) {
    // Fire off a neighbor line search (second nearest neighbor)
    if(neighbor_len > 3 && dist[2]/dist[neighbor_len-1] < tol) {

  // Cleanup
  delete [] cols;
  delete [] dist;
  delete [] itemp;
  delete [] dtemp;

  return num_lines;
Exemplo n.º 10
// NOTE:
// - matrix is supposed to be localized, and passes through the
// singleton filter. This means that I do not have to look
// for Dirichlet nodes (singletons). Also, all rows and columns are 
// local.
int Ifpack_METISPartitioner::ComputePartitions()

  int ierr;
  int nbytes = 0;
  int edgecut;

  Teuchos::RefCountPtr<Epetra_CrsGraph> SymGraph ;
  Teuchos::RefCountPtr<Epetra_Map> SymMap;
  Teuchos::RefCountPtr<Ifpack_Graph_Epetra_CrsGraph> SymIFPACKGraph;
  Teuchos::RefCountPtr<Ifpack_Graph> IFPACKGraph = Teuchos::rcp( (Ifpack_Graph*)Graph_, false );

  int Length = 2 * MaxNumEntries();
  int NumIndices;
  std::vector<int> Indices;

  /* construct the CSR graph information of the LOCAL matrix
     using the get_row function */

  std::vector<idxtype> wgtflag;

  std::vector<int> options;
  int numflag;

  if (UseSymmetricGraph_) {

    // need to build a symmetric graph. 
    // I do this in two stages:
    // 1.- construct an Epetra_CrsMatrix, symmetric
    // 2.- convert the Epetra_CrsMatrix into METIS format
    SymMap = Teuchos::rcp( new Epetra_Map(NumMyRows(),0,Graph_->Comm()) );
    SymGraph = Teuchos::rcp( new Epetra_CrsGraph(Copy,*SymMap,0) );

      if(SymGraph->RowMap().GlobalIndicesInt()) {
        for (int i = 0; i < NumMyRows() ; ++i) {

          ierr = Graph_->ExtractMyRowCopy(i, Length, NumIndices, &Indices[0]);

          for (int j = 0 ; j < NumIndices ; ++j) {
            int jj = Indices[j];
            if (jj != i) {
      if(SymGraph->RowMap().GlobalIndicesLongLong()) {
        for (int i = 0; i < NumMyRows() ; ++i) {
          long long i_LL = i;

          ierr = Graph_->ExtractMyRowCopy(i, Length, NumIndices, &Indices[0]);

          for (int j = 0 ; j < NumIndices ; ++j) {
            long long jj = Indices[j];
            if (jj != i_LL) {
        throw "Ifpack_METISPartitioner::ComputePartitions: GlobalIndices type unknown";

    SymIFPACKGraph = Teuchos::rcp( new Ifpack_Graph_Epetra_CrsGraph(SymGraph) );
    IFPACKGraph = SymIFPACKGraph;

  // now work on IFPACKGraph, that can be the symmetric or
  // the non-symmetric one

  /* set parameters */
  wgtflag[0] = 0;    /* no weights */
  numflag    = 0;    /* C style */
  options[0] = 0;    /* default options */
  std::vector<idxtype> xadj;
  xadj.resize(NumMyRows() + 1);

  std::vector<idxtype> adjncy;
  int count = 0; 
  int count2 = 0; 
  xadj[0] = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < NumMyRows() ; ++i) {

    xadj[count2+1] = xadj[count2]; /* nonzeros in row i-1 */

    ierr = IFPACKGraph->ExtractMyRowCopy(i, Length, NumIndices, &Indices[0]);

    for (int j = 0 ; j < NumIndices ; ++j) {
      int jj = Indices[j];
      if (jj != i) {
	adjncy[count++] = jj;

  std::vector<idxtype> NodesInSubgraph;

  // some cases can be handled separately
  int ok;

  if (NumLocalParts() == 1) {

    for (int i = 0 ; i < NumMyRows() ; ++i) 
      Partition_[i] = 0;
  } else if (NumLocalParts() == NumMyRows()) {

    for (int i = 0 ; i < NumMyRows() ; ++i) 
      Partition_[i] = i;
  } else {

    ok = 0;

    // sometimes METIS creates less partitions than specified.
    // ok will check this problem, and recall metis, asking
    // for NumLocalParts_/2 partitions
    while (ok == 0) {
      for (int i = 0 ; i < NumMyRows() ; ++i) 
	Partition_[i] = -1;
      int j = NumMyRows();
      if (NumLocalParts_ < 8) {

	int i = 1; /* optype in the METIS manual */
	numflag = 0;
	METIS_EstimateMemory(&j, &xadj[0], &adjncy[0], 
			     &numflag, &i, &nbytes );
	METIS_PartGraphRecursive(&j, &xadj[0], &adjncy[0],
				 NULL, NULL,
				 &wgtflag[0], &numflag, &NumLocalParts_, 
				 &options[0], &edgecut, &Partition_[0]);
      } else {

	numflag = 0;
	METIS_PartGraphKway (&j, &xadj[0], &adjncy[0], 
			     NULL, &wgtflag[0], &numflag, 
			     &NumLocalParts_, &options[0],
			     &edgecut, &Partition_[0]);
      numflag = numflag * 2; // avoid warning for unused variable
      if (Graph_->Comm().MyPID() == 0) {
	cerr << "METIS was not linked; now I put all" << endl;
	cerr << "the local nodes in the same partition." << endl;
      for (int i = 0 ; i < NumMyRows() ; ++i) 
	Partition_[i] = 0;
      NumLocalParts_ = 1;
      ok = 1;
      for (int i = 0 ; i < NumLocalParts() ; ++i) 
	NodesInSubgraph[i] = 0;

      for (int i = 0 ; i < NumMyRows() ; ++i) {
	int j = Partition_[i];
	if ((j < 0) || (j>= NumLocalParts())) {
	  ok = 0;
	else NodesInSubgraph[j]++;
      for (int i = 0 ; i < NumLocalParts() ; ++i) {
	if( NodesInSubgraph[i] == 0 ) {
	  ok = 0;
      if (ok == 0) {
	cerr << "Specified number of subgraphs ("
	     << NumLocalParts_ << ") generates empty subgraphs." << endl;
	cerr << "Now I recall METIS with NumLocalParts_ = "
	     << NumLocalParts_ / 2 << "..." << endl;
	NumLocalParts_ = NumLocalParts_/2;
      if (NumLocalParts() == 0) {
	IFPACK_CHK_ERR(-10); // something went wrong
      if (NumLocalParts() == 1) {
	for (int i = 0 ; i < NumMyRows() ; ++i) 
	  Partition_[i] = 0;
	ok = 1;
    } /* while( ok == 0 ) */
  } /* if( NumLocalParts_ == 1 ) */

Exemplo n.º 11
int Ifpack_CrsRiluk::Factor() {

  // if (!Allocated()) return(-1); // This test is not needed at this time.  All constructors allocate.
  if (!ValuesInitialized()) return(-2); // Must have values initialized.
  if (Factored()) return(-3); // Can't have already computed factors.


  // MinMachNum should be officially defined, for now pick something a little 
  // bigger than IEEE underflow value

  double MinDiagonalValue = Epetra_MinDouble;
  double MaxDiagonalValue = 1.0/MinDiagonalValue;

  int ierr = 0;
  int i, j, k;
  int * LI=0, * UI = 0;
  double * LV=0, * UV = 0;
  int NumIn, NumL, NumU;

  // Get Maximun Row length
  int MaxNumEntries = L_->MaxNumEntries() + U_->MaxNumEntries() + 1;

  vector<int> InI(MaxNumEntries); // Allocate temp space
  vector<double> InV(MaxNumEntries);
  vector<int> colflag(NumMyCols());

  double *DV;
  ierr = D_->ExtractView(&DV); // Get view of diagonal

  int current_madds = 0; // We will count multiply-add as they happen

  // Now start the factorization.

  // Need some integer workspace and pointers
  int NumUU; 
  int * UUI;
  double * UUV;
  for (j=0; j<NumMyCols(); j++) colflag[j] = - 1;

  for(i=0; i<NumMyRows(); i++) {

 // Fill InV, InI with current row of L, D and U combined

    NumIn = MaxNumEntries;
    EPETRA_CHK_ERR(L_->ExtractMyRowCopy(i, NumIn, NumL, &InV[0], &InI[0]));
    LV = &InV[0];
    LI = &InI[0];

    InV[NumL] = DV[i]; // Put in diagonal
    InI[NumL] = i;
    EPETRA_CHK_ERR(U_->ExtractMyRowCopy(i, NumIn-NumL-1, NumU, &InV[NumL+1], &InI[NumL+1]));
    NumIn = NumL+NumU+1;
    UV = &InV[NumL+1];
    UI = &InI[NumL+1];

    // Set column flags
    for (j=0; j<NumIn; j++) colflag[InI[j]] = j;

    double diagmod = 0.0; // Off-diagonal accumulator

    for (int jj=0; jj<NumL; jj++) {
      j = InI[jj];
      double multiplier = InV[jj]; // current_mults++;

      InV[jj] *= DV[j];
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR(U_->ExtractMyRowView(j, NumUU, UUV, UUI)); // View of row above

      if (RelaxValue_==0.0) {
	for (k=0; k<NumUU; k++) {
	  int kk = colflag[UUI[k]];
	  if (kk>-1) {
	    InV[kk] -= multiplier*UUV[k];
      else {
	for (k=0; k<NumUU; k++) {
	  int kk = colflag[UUI[k]];
	  if (kk>-1) InV[kk] -= multiplier*UUV[k];
	  else diagmod -= multiplier*UUV[k];
    if (NumL) {
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR(L_->ReplaceMyValues(i, NumL, LV, LI));  // Replace current row of L

    DV[i] = InV[NumL]; // Extract Diagonal value

    if (RelaxValue_!=0.0) {
      DV[i] += RelaxValue_*diagmod; // Add off diagonal modifications
      // current_madds++;

    if (fabs(DV[i]) > MaxDiagonalValue) {
      if (DV[i] < 0) DV[i] = - MinDiagonalValue;
      else DV[i] = MinDiagonalValue;
      DV[i] = 1.0/DV[i]; // Invert diagonal value

    for (j=0; j<NumU; j++) UV[j] *= DV[i]; // Scale U by inverse of diagonal

    if (NumU) {
      EPETRA_CHK_ERR(U_->ReplaceMyValues(i, NumU, UV, UI));  // Replace current row of L and U

    // Reset column flags
    for (j=0; j<NumIn; j++) colflag[InI[j]] = -1;

  // Validate that the L and U factors are actually lower and upper triangular

  if( !L_->LowerTriangular() ) 
  if( !U_->UpperTriangular() ) 
  // Add up flops
  double current_flops = 2 * current_madds;
  double total_flops = 0;
  EPETRA_CHK_ERR(Graph_.L_Graph().RowMap().Comm().SumAll(&current_flops, &total_flops, 1)); // Get total madds across all PEs

  // Now count the rest
  total_flops += (double) L_->NumGlobalNonzeros(); // Accounts for multiplier above
  total_flops += (double) D_->GlobalLength(); // Accounts for reciprocal of diagonal
  if (RelaxValue_!=0.0) total_flops += 2 * (double)D_->GlobalLength(); // Accounts for relax update of diag

  UpdateFlops(total_flops); // Update flop count



// ============================================================================
// Visualize aggregates and (for XYZ or VTK format) also plot vectors
// date: Aug-04
int ML_Epetra::MultiLevelPreconditioner::
Visualize(bool VizAggre, bool VizPreSmoother,
      bool VizPostSmoother, bool VizCycle,
      int NumApplPreSmoother, int NumApplPostSmoother,
      int NumCycleSmoother)
  ML_Aggregate *aggregates = agg_;

  char filename[80] = "";
  int NumDimensions = 0;
  ML_Aggregate_Viz_Stats *grid_info =
        (ML_Aggregate_Viz_Stats *) ml_->Grid[LevelID_[0]].Grid;

  double * x_coord = grid_info->x;
  double * y_coord = grid_info->y;
  double * z_coord = grid_info->z;

  if( x_coord ) NumDimensions++;
  if( y_coord ) NumDimensions++;
  if( z_coord ) NumDimensions++;

  assert( NumDimensions != 0 );

  if (VizAggre == true) {

    // stats about level matrix sizes
    if( verbose_ )
      std::cout << std::endl << "- number of rows for each level's matrix:" << std::endl << std::endl;

    for( int ilevel=0 ; ilevel < NumLevels_ ; ++ilevel ) {
      int imin, iavg, imax;
      int Nrows = ml_->Amat[LevelID_[ilevel]].outvec_leng/NumPDEEqns_;
      Comm().SumAll(&Nrows,&iavg,1); iavg /= Comm().NumProc();

      if( verbose_ ) {
    printf( "\t(level %d) rows per process (min) = %d\n", ilevel, imin);
    printf( "\t(level %d) rows per process (avg) = %d\n", ilevel, iavg);
    printf( "\t(level %d) rows per process (max) = %d\n", ilevel, imax);
    std::cout << std::endl;

    if( verbose_ )
      std::cout << std::endl << "- analysis of the computational domain (finest level):"
    << std::endl << std::endl;


  // prepare output format. Now it can be:
  // - OpenDX (1D/2D/3D)
  // - XD3D (2D only)
  // - Paraview, or any other package that can read .vtk files (1D/2D/3D)

  int Format;
  std::string FileFormat = List_.get("viz: output format", "vtk");
  // you are a cool guy if you plot with "xyz"
  if( FileFormat == "xyz" ) Format = 1;
  // you are a poor man if you need "dx". God bless you.
  else if( FileFormat == "dx" ) Format = 0;
  // you are a very cool guy if you plot with the "vtk" option (paraview)
  else if( FileFormat == "vtk" ) Format = 2;
  else {
    std::cerr << ErrorMsg_ << "Option `viz: output format' has an incorrect" << std::endl
      << ErrorMsg_ << "value (" << FileFormat << "). Possible values are" << std::endl
      << ErrorMsg_ << "<dx> / <xyz> / <vtk>" << std::endl;
    exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

  int ieqn             = List_.get("viz: equation to plot", -1);
  if (AMGSolver_ == ML_MAXWELL) ieqn = -1;
  if( ieqn >= NumPDEEqns_ ) ieqn = 0;
  bool PrintStarting   = List_.get("viz: print starting solution", false);

  ML_Smoother * ptr;
  double * tmp_rhs = new double[NumMyRows()];
  double * tmp_sol = new double[NumMyRows()];
  double * plot_me = new double[NumMyRows()/NumPDEEqns_];

  // Note that this requires the new version of the
  // visualization routines. OpenDX cannot visualize vectors.

  if( ( VizPreSmoother || VizPostSmoother || VizCycle ) && ( Format == 0) ) {
    std::cerr << std::endl;
    std::cerr << ErrorMsg_ << "Option `viz: output format' == `dx' cannot be used"
         << std::endl << ErrorMsg_
         << "to visualize the effect of smoothers and cycle." << std::endl;
    std::cerr << std::endl;
    VizPreSmoother = false;
    VizPostSmoother = false;
    VizCycle = false;

  if( verbose_ )
    std::cout << std::endl << "- visualization:" << std::endl << std::endl;

  // =============================================================== //
  // cycle over all levels. Note that almost the same thing          //
  // is done for pre-smoothing, post-smoothing, and the effect       //
  // of the cycle itself. For each of these, I plot on file          //
  // the starting solution (before-), the final solution (after-),   //
  // for each equation, and for each level (smoother only).          //
  // All these junk works with XYZ only, and it should work in       //
  // 3D too (although I never tested in 3D).                         //
  //                                                                 //
  // JJH 3/11/2005 Paraview has been tested in 3D for .vtk output,   //
  // and it works.                                                   //
  // =============================================================== //

  std::cout << "cycling thru levels 0 to " << NumLevels_ -1 << std::endl;

  for( int ilevel=0 ; ilevel<NumLevels_ ; ++ilevel ) {

    // =================== //
    // plot the aggregates //
    // =================== //

    if( VizAggre )

    // ============ //
    // pre-smoother //
    // ============ //

    ptr = ((ml_->SingleLevel[LevelID_[ilevel]]).pre_smoother);

    if( ptr != NULL && VizPreSmoother ) {


      // visualize starting vector
      if( PrintStarting ) {
        if( ieqn != -1 ) {
          for( int i=0 ; i<NumMyRows() ; i+=NumPDEEqns_ )
            plot_me[i/NumPDEEqns_] = tmp_sol[i+ieqn];
          sprintf(filename,"before-presmoother-eq%d", ieqn);
            printf("%s, numrows = %d\n",filename, NumMyRows());
        } else { // by default, print out all equations
          for( int eq=0 ; eq<NumPDEEqns_ ; eq++ ) {
            sprintf(filename,"before-presmoother-eq%d", eq);
            printf("%s, numrows = %d\n",filename, NumMyRows());
            for( int i=0 ; i<NumMyRows() ; i+=NumPDEEqns_ ) {
              plot_me[i/NumPDEEqns_] = tmp_sol[i+eq];
              //FIXME JJH temporary print
              //printf("(eq %d, %d) %d: %lf\n",eq,LevelID_[ilevel],i,tmp_sol[i+eq]);

      // increase the number of applications of the smoother
      // and run the smoother
      int old_ntimes = ptr->ntimes;
      ptr->ntimes = NumApplPreSmoother;
            tmp_rhs, ML_NONZERO);
      ptr->ntimes = old_ntimes;

      // visualize
      // user may have required one specific equation only
      if( ieqn != -1 ) {
        for( int i=0 ; i<NumMyRows() ; i+=NumPDEEqns_ )
          plot_me[i/NumPDEEqns_] = tmp_sol[i+ieqn];
        sprintf(filename,"after-presmoother-eq%d", ieqn);
      } else { // by default, print out all equations
        for( int eq=0 ; eq<NumPDEEqns_ ; eq++ ) {
          for( int i=0 ; i<NumMyRows() ; i+=NumPDEEqns_ )
            plot_me[i/NumPDEEqns_] = tmp_sol[i+eq];
          sprintf(filename,"after-presmoother-eq%d", eq);
    } // VizPreSmoother

    // ============= //
    // post-smoother //
    // ============= //

    ptr = ((ml_->SingleLevel[LevelID_[ilevel]]).post_smoother);
    if( ptr != NULL && VizPostSmoother ) {

      // random solution and 0 rhs

      // visualize starting vector
      if( PrintStarting ) {
        if( ieqn != -1 ) {
          for( int i=0 ; i<NumMyRows() ; i+=NumPDEEqns_ )
            plot_me[i/NumPDEEqns_] = tmp_sol[i+ieqn];
          sprintf(filename,"before-postsmoother-eq%d", ieqn);
        } else { // by default, print out all equations
          for( int eq=0 ; eq<NumPDEEqns_ ; eq++ ) {
            for( int i=0 ; i<NumMyRows() ; i+=NumPDEEqns_ )
              plot_me[i/NumPDEEqns_] = tmp_sol[i+eq];
            sprintf(filename,"before-postsmoother-eq%d", eq);

      // increase the number of applications of the smoother
      // and run the smoother
      int old_ntimes = ptr->ntimes;
      ptr->ntimes = NumApplPostSmoother;
            tmp_rhs, ML_ZERO);
      ptr->ntimes = old_ntimes;

      // visualize
      // user may have required one specific equation only
      if( ieqn != -1 ) {
        for( int i=0 ; i<NumMyRows() ; i+=NumPDEEqns_ )
          plot_me[i/NumPDEEqns_] = tmp_sol[i+ieqn];
        printf(filename,"after-postsmoother-eq%d", ieqn);
      } else { // by default, print out all equations
        for( int eq=0 ; eq<NumPDEEqns_ ; eq++ ) {
          for( int i=0 ; i<NumMyRows() ; i+=NumPDEEqns_ )
            plot_me[i/NumPDEEqns_] = tmp_sol[i+eq];
          sprintf(filename,"after-postsmoother-eq%d", eq);
    } // VizPostSmoother
  } // for( ilevel )

  // =============================== //
  // run ML cycle on a random vector //
  // =============================== //

  if( VizCycle ) {

    // random solution and zero rhs
    RandomAndZero(tmp_sol, tmp_rhs,ml_->Amat[LevelID_[0]].outvec_leng);

    // visualize starting vector
    if( PrintStarting ) {
      if( ieqn != -1 ) {
        for( int i=0 ; i<NumMyRows() ; i+=NumPDEEqns_ )
          plot_me[i/NumPDEEqns_] = tmp_sol[i+ieqn];
        sprintf(filename,"before-cycle-eq%d", ieqn);
      } else { // by default, print out all equations
        for( int eq=0 ; eq<NumPDEEqns_ ; eq++ ) {
          for( int i=0 ; i<NumMyRows() ; i+=NumPDEEqns_ )
            plot_me[i/NumPDEEqns_] = tmp_sol[i+eq];
          sprintf(filename,"before-cycle-eq%d", eq);

    // run the cycle
    for( int i=0 ; i<NumCycleSmoother ; ++i )
          tmp_sol, tmp_rhs, ML_NONZERO, ml_->comm, ML_NO_RES_NORM, ml_);

    // visualize
    // user may have required one specific equation only
    if( ieqn != -1 ) {
      for( int i=0 ; i<NumMyRows() ; i+=NumPDEEqns_ )
        plot_me[i/NumPDEEqns_] = tmp_sol[i+ieqn];
      sprintf(filename,"after-cycle-eq%d", ieqn);
    } else { // by default, print out all equations
      for( int eq=0 ; eq<NumPDEEqns_ ; eq++ ) {
        for( int i=0 ; i<NumMyRows() ; i+=NumPDEEqns_ )
          plot_me[i/NumPDEEqns_] = tmp_sol[i+eq];
        sprintf(filename,"after-cycle-eq%d", eq);
  } // VizCycle

  // =================== //
  // clean up and return //
  // =================== //

  delete [] tmp_sol;
  delete [] tmp_rhs;
  delete [] plot_me;

Exemplo n.º 13
void Epetra_MsrMatrix::Print(ostream& os) const {
  int MyPID = RowMatrixRowMap().Comm().MyPID();
  int NumProc = RowMatrixRowMap().Comm().NumProc();

  for (int iproc=0; iproc < NumProc; iproc++) {
    if (MyPID==iproc) {
/*      const Epetra_fmtflags olda = os.setf(ios::right,ios::adjustfield);
      const Epetra_fmtflags oldf = os.setf(ios::scientific,ios::floatfield);
      const int             oldp = os.precision(12); */
      if (MyPID==0) {
	os <<  "\nNumber of Global Rows        = "; os << NumGlobalRows(); os << endl;
	os <<    "Number of Global Cols        = "; os << NumGlobalCols(); os << endl;
	os <<    "Number of Global Diagonals   = "; os << NumGlobalDiagonals(); os << endl;
	os <<    "Number of Global Nonzeros    = "; os << NumGlobalNonzeros(); os << endl;
	if (LowerTriangular()) os <<    " ** Matrix is Lower Triangular **"; os << endl;
	if (UpperTriangular()) os <<    " ** Matrix is Upper Triangular **"; os << endl;

      os <<  "\nNumber of My Rows        = "; os << NumMyRows(); os << endl;
      os <<    "Number of My Cols        = "; os << NumMyCols(); os << endl;
      os <<    "Number of My Diagonals   = "; os << NumMyDiagonals(); os << endl;
      os <<    "Number of My Nonzeros    = "; os << NumMyNonzeros(); os << endl; os << endl;

      os << flush;
      // Reset os flags
/*      os.setf(olda,ios::adjustfield);
      os.precision(oldp); */
    // Do a few global ops to give I/O a chance to complete

  {for (int iproc=0; iproc < NumProc; iproc++) {
    if (MyPID==iproc) {
      int i, j;

      if (MyPID==0) {
	os <<  "   Processor ";
	os <<  "   Row Index ";
	os <<  "   Col Index ";
	os <<  "   Value     ";
	os << endl;
      for (i=0; i<NumMyRows_; i++) {
	int Row = RowMatrixRowMap().GID(i); // Get global row number
	int NumEntries = GetRow(i); // ith row is now in Values_ and Indices_
	for (j = 0; j < NumEntries ; j++) {   
	  os <<  MyPID ; os << "    ";	
	  os <<  Row ; os << "    ";	
	  os <<  RowMatrixColMap().GID(Indices_[j]); os << "    ";
	  os <<  Values_[j]; os << "    ";
	  os << endl;

      os << flush;
    // Do a few global ops to give I/O a chance to complete

Exemplo n.º 14
int Ifpack_CrsRiluk::InitAllValues(const Epetra_RowMatrix & OverlapA, int MaxNumEntries) {

  int ierr = 0;
  int i, j;
  int NumIn, NumL, NumU;
  bool DiagFound;
  int NumNonzeroDiags = 0;

  vector<int> InI(MaxNumEntries); // Allocate temp space
  vector<int> LI(MaxNumEntries);
  vector<int> UI(MaxNumEntries);
  vector<double> InV(MaxNumEntries);
  vector<double> LV(MaxNumEntries);
  vector<double> UV(MaxNumEntries);

  bool ReplaceValues = (L_->StaticGraph() || L_->IndicesAreLocal()); // Check if values should be inserted or replaced

  if (ReplaceValues) {
    L_->PutScalar(0.0); // Zero out L and U matrices

  D_->PutScalar(0.0); // Set diagonal values to zero
  double *DV;
  EPETRA_CHK_ERR(D_->ExtractView(&DV)); // Get view of diagonal

  // First we copy the user's matrix into L and U, regardless of fill level

  for (i=0; i< NumMyRows(); i++) {

    EPETRA_CHK_ERR(OverlapA.ExtractMyRowCopy(i, MaxNumEntries, NumIn, &InV[0], &InI[0])); // Get Values and Indices
    // Split into L and U (we don't assume that indices are ordered).
    NumL = 0; 
    NumU = 0; 
    DiagFound = false;
    for (j=0; j< NumIn; j++) {
      int k = InI[j];

      if (k==i) {
	DiagFound = true;
	DV[i] += Rthresh_ * InV[j] + EPETRA_SGN(InV[j]) * Athresh_; // Store perturbed diagonal in Epetra_Vector D_

      else if (k < 0) {EPETRA_CHK_ERR(-1);} // Out of range

      else if (k < i) {
	LI[NumL] = k;
	LV[NumL] = InV[j];
      else if (k<NumMyRows()) {
	UI[NumU] = k;
	UV[NumU] = InV[j];
    // Check in things for this row of L and U

    if (DiagFound) NumNonzeroDiags++;
    else DV[i] = Athresh_;

    if (NumL) {
      if (ReplaceValues) {
	EPETRA_CHK_ERR(L_->ReplaceMyValues(i, NumL, &LV[0], &LI[0]));
      else {
	EPETRA_CHK_ERR(L_->InsertMyValues(i, NumL, &LV[0], &LI[0]));

    if (NumU) {
      if (ReplaceValues) {
	EPETRA_CHK_ERR(U_->ReplaceMyValues(i, NumU, &UV[0], &UI[0]));
      else {
	EPETRA_CHK_ERR(U_->InsertMyValues(i, NumU, &UV[0], &UI[0]));

  if (!ReplaceValues) {
    // The domain of L and the range of U are exactly their own row maps (there is no communication).
    // The domain of U and the range of L must be the same as those of the original matrix,
    // However if the original matrix is a VbrMatrix, these two latter maps are translation from
    // a block map to a point map.
    EPETRA_CHK_ERR(L_->FillComplete(L_->RowMatrixColMap(), *L_RangeMap_));
    EPETRA_CHK_ERR(U_->FillComplete(*U_DomainMap_, U_->RowMatrixRowMap()));

  // At this point L and U have the values of A in the structure of L and U, and diagonal vector D


  int TotalNonzeroDiags = 0;
  EPETRA_CHK_ERR(Graph_.L_Graph().RowMap().Comm().SumAll(&NumNonzeroDiags, &TotalNonzeroDiags, 1));
  NumMyDiagonals_ = NumNonzeroDiags;
  if (NumNonzeroDiags != NumMyRows()) ierr = 1; // Diagonals are not right, warn user

Exemplo n.º 15
int Ifpack_GreedyPartitioner::ComputePartitions()
  std::vector<int> ElementsPerPart(NumLocalParts());
  std::vector<int> Count(NumLocalParts());
  for (int i = 0 ; i < NumLocalParts() ; ++i)
    Count[i] = 0;

  // define how many nodes have to be put on each part
  int div = NumMyRows() / NumLocalParts();
  int mod = NumMyRows() % NumLocalParts();

  for (int i = 0 ; i < NumLocalParts() ; ++i) {
    Count[i] = 0;
    ElementsPerPart[i] = div;
    if (i < mod) ElementsPerPart[i]++;

  for( int i=0 ; i<NumMyRows() ; ++i ) {
    Partition_[i] = -1;

  int NumEntries;
  std::vector<int> Indices(MaxNumEntries());
  // load root node for partition 0
  int CurrentPartition = 0;
  int TotalCount = 0;

  // filter singletons and empty rows, put all of them in partition 0
  for (int i = 0 ; i < NumMyRows() ; ++i) {
    NumEntries = 0;
    int ierr = Graph_->ExtractMyRowCopy(i, MaxNumEntries(),
                                        NumEntries, &Indices[0]);
    if (NumEntries <= 1) {
      Partition_[i] = 0;

  if (TotalCount)
    CurrentPartition = 1;

  std::vector<int> ThisLevel(1);
  ThisLevel[0] = RootNode_;

  // be sure that RootNode is not a singleton or empty row
  if (Partition_[RootNode_] != -1) {
    // look for another RN
    for (int i = 0 ; i < NumMyRows() ; ++i)
      if (Partition_[i] == -1) {
        ThisLevel[0] = i;
  else {
    Partition_[RootNode_] = CurrentPartition;

  // now aggregate the non-empty and non-singleton rows
  while (ThisLevel.size()) {

    std::vector<int> NextLevel;

    for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < ThisLevel.size() ; ++i) {

      int CurrentNode = ThisLevel[i];
      int ierr = Graph_->ExtractMyRowCopy(CurrentNode, MaxNumEntries(),
                                          NumEntries, &Indices[0]);

      if (NumEntries <= 1)

      for (int j = 0 ; j < NumEntries ; ++j) {

        int NextNode = Indices[j];
        if (NextNode >= NumMyRows()) continue;

        if (Partition_[NextNode] == -1) {
          // this is a free node
          NumLocalParts_ = CurrentPartition + 1;
          Partition_[NextNode] = CurrentPartition;
    } // for (i)

    // check whether change partition or not
    if (Count[CurrentPartition] >= ElementsPerPart[CurrentPartition])

    // swap next and this
    for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < NextLevel.size() ; ++i)

    if (ThisLevel.size() == 0 && (TotalCount != NumMyRows())) {
      // need to look for new RootNode, do this in a simple way
      for (int i = 0 ; i < NumMyRows() ; i++) {
        if (Partition_[i] == -1)

  } // while (ok)

Exemplo n.º 16
std::ostream& MLAPI::DistributedMatrix::
Print(std::ostream& os, const bool verbose) const
  if (GetMyPID() == 0) {

    os << std::endl;
    os << "*** MLAPI::DistributedMatrix ***" << std::endl;
    os << "Label = " << GetLabel() << std::endl;
    os << "Number of rows    = " << GetRangeSpace().GetNumGlobalElements() << std::endl;
    os << "Number of columns = " << GetDomainSpace().GetNumGlobalElements() << std::endl;
    os << std::endl;
    os.width(10); os << "row ID";
    os.width(10); os << "col ID";
    os.width(30); os << "value";
    os << std::endl;
    os << std::endl;

  for (int iproc = 0 ; iproc < GetNumProcs() ; ++iproc) {

    if (GetMyPID() == iproc) {

      if (IsFillCompleted()) {
        for (int i = 0 ; i < NumMyRows() ; ++i) {
          int GRID = RangeMap_->GID(i);
          double* Values;
          int* Indices;
          int NumEntries;
          Matrix_->ExtractMyRowView(i, NumEntries, Values, Indices);
          for (int j = 0 ; j < NumEntries ; ++j) {
            os.width(10); os << GRID;
            os.width(10); os << Matrix_->RowMatrixColMap().GID(Indices[j]);
            os.width(30); os << Values[j];
            os << std::endl;
      else {
        for (int i = 0 ; i < NumMyRows() ; ++i) {
          int GRID = RangeMap_->GID(i);
          double* Values;
          int* Indices;
          int NumEntries;
          Matrix_->ExtractGlobalRowView(GRID, NumEntries, Values, Indices);
          for (int j = 0 ; j < NumEntries ; ++j) {
            os.width(10); os << GRID;
            os.width(10); os << Indices[j];
            os.width(30); os << Values[j];
            os << std::endl;

  if (GetMyPID() == 0)
    os << std::endl;


// ================================================ ====== ==== ==== == =
// the tentative null space is in input because the user
// has to remember to allocate and fill it, and then to delete
// it after calling this method.
int ML_Epetra::MultiLevelPreconditioner::
ComputeAdaptivePreconditioner(int TentativeNullSpaceSize,
                              double* TentativeNullSpace)

  if ((TentativeNullSpaceSize == 0) || (TentativeNullSpace == 0))
  // ================================== //
  // get parameters from the input list //
  // ================================== //
  // maximum number of relaxation sweeps
  int MaxSweeps = List_.get("adaptive: max sweeps", 10);
  // number of std::vector to be added to the tentative null space
  int NumAdaptiveVectors = List_.get("adaptive: num vectors", 1);

  if (verbose_) {
    std::cout << PrintMsg_ << "*** Adaptive Smoother Aggregation setup ***" << std::endl;
    std::cout << PrintMsg_ << "    Maximum relaxation sweeps     = " << MaxSweeps << std::endl;
    std::cout << PrintMsg_ << "    Additional vectors to compute = " << NumAdaptiveVectors << std::endl;

  // ==================================================== //
  // compute the preconditioner, set null space from user //
  // (who will have to delete std::vector TentativeNullSpace)  //
  // ==================================================== //
  double* NewNullSpace = 0;
  double* OldNullSpace = TentativeNullSpace;
  int OldNullSpaceSize = TentativeNullSpaceSize;

  // need some work otherwise matvec() with Epetra_Vbr fails.
  // Also, don't differentiate between range and domain here
  // as ML will not work if range != domain
  const Epetra_VbrMatrix* VbrA = NULL;
  VbrA = dynamic_cast<const Epetra_VbrMatrix*>(RowMatrix_);

  Epetra_Vector* LHS = 0;
  Epetra_Vector* RHS = 0;

  if (VbrA != 0) {
    LHS = new Epetra_Vector(VbrA->DomainMap());
    RHS = new Epetra_Vector(VbrA->DomainMap());
  } else {
    LHS = new Epetra_Vector(RowMatrix_->OperatorDomainMap());
    RHS = new Epetra_Vector(RowMatrix_->OperatorDomainMap());

  // destroy what we may already have
  if (IsComputePreconditionerOK_ == true) {

  // build the preconditioner for the first time
  List_.set("null space: type", "pre-computed");
  List_.set("null space: dimension", OldNullSpaceSize);
  List_.set("null space: vectors", OldNullSpace);

  // ====================== //
  // add one std::vector at time //
  // ====================== //
  for (int istep = 0 ; istep < NumAdaptiveVectors ; ++istep) {

    if (verbose_) {
      std::cout << PrintMsg_ << "\tAdaptation step " << istep << std::endl;
      std::cout << PrintMsg_ << "\t---------------" << std::endl;

    // ==================== //
    // look for "bad" modes //
    // ==================== //

    // note: should an error occur, ML_CHK_ERR will return,
    // and LHS and RHS will *not* be delete'd (--> memory leak).
    // Anyway, this means that something wrong happened in the code
    // and should be fixed by the user.

    double Norm2;

    for (int i = 0 ; i < MaxSweeps ; ++i) {
      // RHS = (I - ML^{-1} A) LHS
      // FIXME: can do something slightly better here
      if (verbose_) {
        std::cout << PrintMsg_ << "\titer " << i << ", ||x||_2 = ";
        std::cout << Norm2 << std::endl;

    // scaling vectors
    double NormInf;
    LHS->Scale(1.0 / NormInf);

    // ========================================================= //
    // copy tentative and computed null space into NewNullSpace, //
    // which now becomes the standard null space                 //
    // ========================================================= //

    int NewNullSpaceSize = OldNullSpaceSize + 1;
    NewNullSpace = new double[NumMyRows() * NewNullSpaceSize];
    assert (NewNullSpace != 0);
    int itmp = OldNullSpaceSize * NumMyRows();
    for (int i = 0 ; i < itmp ; ++i) {
      NewNullSpace[i] = OldNullSpace[i];

    for (int j = 0 ; j < NumMyRows() ; ++j) {
      NewNullSpace[itmp + j] = (*LHS)[j];

    // =============== //
    // visualize modes //
    // =============== //

    if (List_.get("adaptive: visualize", false)) {

      double* x_coord = List_.get("viz: x-coordinates", (double*)0);
      double* y_coord = List_.get("viz: y-coordinates", (double*)0);
      double* z_coord = List_.get("viz: z-coordinates", (double*)0);
      assert (x_coord != 0);

      std::vector<double> plot_me(NumMyRows()/NumPDEEqns_);
      ML_Aggregate_Viz_Stats info;
      info.Amatrix = &(ml_->Amat[LevelID_[0]]);
      info.x = x_coord;
      info.y = y_coord;
      info.z = z_coord;
      info.Nlocal = NumMyRows() / NumPDEEqns_;
      info.Naggregates = 1;
                                        NumPDEEqns_, 0.0);

      for (int ieqn = 0 ; ieqn < NumPDEEqns_ ; ++ieqn) {
        for (int j = 0 ; j < NumMyRows() ; j+=NumPDEEqns_) {
          plot_me[j / NumPDEEqns_] = (*LHS)[j + ieqn];
        char FileName[80];
        sprintf(FileName,"nullspace-mode%d-eq%d.xyz", istep, ieqn);
        if (verbose_)
          std::cout << PrintMsg_ << "writing file " << FileName << "..." << std::endl;

                                          NumPDEEqns_, 0.0);
    // Destroy the old preconditioner

    // ==================================================== //
    // build the new preconditioner with the new null space //
    // ==================================================== //

    List_.set("null space: type", "pre-computed");
    List_.set("null space: dimension", NewNullSpaceSize);
    List_.set("null space: vectors", NewNullSpace);


    if (istep && (istep != NumAdaptiveVectors))
      delete OldNullSpace;

    OldNullSpace = NewNullSpace;
    OldNullSpaceSize = NewNullSpaceSize;


  // keep trace of this pointer, it will be delete'd later
  NullSpaceToFree_ = NewNullSpace;

  delete LHS;
  delete RHS;


// ============================================================================
int Ifpack_LinePartitioner::Compute_Blocks_AutoLine(int * blockIndices) const {
  double *xvals=xcoord_, *yvals=ycoord_, *zvals=zcoord_;
  int NumEqns = NumEqns_;
  double tol = threshold_;
  int N = NumMyRows();
  int allocated_space = MaxNumEntries();
  int * cols    = new int[2*allocated_space];
  int * indices = &cols[allocated_space];
  double * merit = new double[2*allocated_space];
  double * vals = &merit[allocated_space];

  int * itemp   = new int[2*allocated_space];
  double *dtemp = new double[2*allocated_space];

  int num_lines = 0;

  for(int i=0; i<N; i+=NumEqns) {
    int nz=0;
    // Short circuit if I've already been blocked
    if(blockIndices[i] !=-1) continue;

    // Get neighbors and sort by distance
    if(mode_==MATRIX_ENTRIES) Matrix_->ExtractMyRowCopy(i,allocated_space,nz,vals,cols);
    else Graph_->ExtractMyRowCopy(i,allocated_space,nz,cols);

    double x0 = (xvals) ? xvals[i/NumEqns] : 0.0;
    double y0 = (yvals) ? yvals[i/NumEqns] : 0.0;
    double z0 = (zvals) ? zvals[i/NumEqns] : 0.0;

    int neighbor_len=0;
    for(int j=0; j<nz; j+=NumEqns) {
      int nn = cols[j] / NumEqns;
      if(cols[j] >=N) continue; // Check for off-proc entries
      if(mode_==COORDINATES) merit[neighbor_len] = compute_distance_coordinates(x0,y0,z0,nn,xvals,yvals,zvals);
      else {
	merit[neighbor_len] =  - compute_distance_matrix_entries(vals,j,NumEqns); // Make this negative here, so we can use the same if tests at coordinates
	// Boost the diagonal here to ensure it goes first
	if(cols[j]==i)   merit[neighbor_len] = -DBL_MAX;
      indices[neighbor_len] = cols[j];


    // Number myself
    for(int k=0; k<NumEqns; k++)
      blockIndices[i + k] = num_lines;

    // Fire off a neighbor line search (nearest neighbor)
    if(neighbor_len > 2 && merit[1] < tol*merit[neighbor_len-1]) {      
    // Fire off a neighbor line search (second nearest neighbor)
    if(neighbor_len > 3 && merit[2] < tol*merit[neighbor_len-1]) {

  // Cleanup
  delete [] cols;
  delete [] merit;
  delete [] itemp;
  delete [] dtemp;

  return num_lines;
// ============================================================================
inline void Ifpack_LinePartitioner::local_automatic_line_search(int NumEqns, int * blockIndices, int last, int next, int LineID, double tol, int *itemp, double * dtemp) const {
  double *xvals=xcoord_, *yvals=ycoord_, *zvals=zcoord_;

  int N = NumMyRows();

  int allocated_space = MaxNumEntries();
  int * cols    = itemp;
  int * indices = &itemp[allocated_space];
  double * merit= dtemp;
  double * vals = &dtemp[allocated_space];

  while (blockIndices[next] == -1) {
    // Get the next row
    int n=0;
    int neighbors_in_line=0;

    if(mode_==MATRIX_ENTRIES) Matrix_->ExtractMyRowCopy(next,allocated_space,n,vals,cols);
    else Graph_->ExtractMyRowCopy(next,allocated_space,n,cols);

    // Coordinate distance info
    double x0 = (xvals) ? xvals[next/NumEqns] : 0.0;
    double y0 = (yvals) ? yvals[next/NumEqns] : 0.0;
    double z0 = (zvals) ? zvals[next/NumEqns] : 0.0;

    // Calculate neighbor distances & sort
    int neighbor_len=0;
    for(int i=0; i<n; i+=NumEqns) {
      if(cols[i] >=N) continue; // Check for off-proc entries
      int nn = cols[i] / NumEqns;
      if(blockIndices[nn]==LineID) neighbors_in_line++;      
      if(mode_==COORDINATES) merit[neighbor_len] = compute_distance_coordinates(x0,y0,z0,nn,xvals,yvals,zvals);
      else {
	merit[neighbor_len] =  - compute_distance_matrix_entries(vals,i,NumEqns); // Make this negative here, so we can use the same if tests at coordinates
	// Boost the diagonal here to ensure it goes first
	if(cols[i]==next) merit[neighbor_len] = -DBL_MAX;

    // If more than one of my neighbors is already in this line.  I
    // can't be because I'd create a cycle
    if(neighbors_in_line > 1) break;

    // Otherwise add me to the line 
    for(int k=0; k<NumEqns; k++) 
      blockIndices[next + k] = LineID;
    // Try to find the next guy in the line (only check the closest two that aren't element 0 (diagonal))

    if(neighbor_len > 2 && indices[1] != last && blockIndices[indices[1]] == -1 && merit[1]  < tol*merit[neighbor_len-1]) {
    else if(neighbor_len > 3 && indices[2] != last && blockIndices[indices[2]] == -1 && merit[2] < tol*merit[neighbor_len-1]) {
    else {
      // I have no further neighbors in this line