Exemplo n.º 1
void primme_seq_globalSumDouble(void *sendBuf, void *recvBuf, int *count, 
		      primme_params *params) {

   Num_dcopy_primme(*count, (double *) sendBuf, 1, (double *) recvBuf, 1);

Exemplo n.º 2
int solve_correction_zprimme(Complex_Z *V, Complex_Z *W, Complex_Z *evecs, 
   Complex_Z *evecsHat, Complex_Z *UDU, int *ipivot, double *lockedEvals, 
   int numLocked, int numConvergedStored, double *ritzVals, 
   double *prevRitzVals, int *flags, int basisSize, double *blockNorms, 
   int *iev, int blockSize, double eresTol, double machEps, 
   double aNormEstimate, Complex_Z *rwork, int *iwork, int rworkSize, 
   primme_params *primme) {

   int blockIndex;         /* Loop index.  Ranges from 0..blockSize-1.       */
   int ritzIndex;          /* Ritz value index blockIndex corresponds to.    */
                           /* Possible values range from 0..basisSize-1.     */
   int sortedIndex;        /* Ritz value index in sortedRitzVals, blockIndex */
   			   /* corresponds to. Range 0..numLocked+basisSize-1 */
   int neededRsize;        /* Needed size for rwork. If not enough return    */
   int linSolverRWorkSize; /* Size of the linSolverRWork array.              */
   int *ilev;              /* Array of size blockSize.  Maps the target Ritz */
                           /* values to their positions in the sortedEvals   */
                           /* array.                                         */
   int sizeLprojector;     /* Sizes of the various left/right projectors     */
   int sizeRprojectorQ;	   /* These will be 0/1/or numOrthConstr+numLocked   */
   int sizeRprojectorX;    /* or numOrthConstr+numConvergedStored w/o locking*/

   static int numPrevRitzVals = 0; /* Size of prevRitzVals                   */
   int ret;                /* Return code.                                   */
   Complex_Z *r, *x, *sol;  /* Residual, Ritz vector, and correction.         */
   Complex_Z *linSolverRWork;/* Workspace needed by linear solver.            */
   double *sortedRitzVals; /* Sorted array of current and converged Ritz     */
			   /* values.  Size of array is numLocked+basisSize. */
   double *blockOfShifts;  /* Shifts for (A-shiftI) or (if needed) (K-shiftI)*/
   double *approxOlsenEps; /* Shifts for approximate Olsen implementation    */
   Complex_Z *Kinvx;	   /* Workspace to store K^{-1}x                     */
   Complex_Z *Lprojector;   /* Q pointer for (I-Q*Q'). Usually points to evecs*/
   Complex_Z *RprojectorQ;  /* May point to evecs/evecsHat depending on skewQ */
   Complex_Z *RprojectorX;  /* May point to x/Kinvx depending on skewX        */

   Complex_Z xKinvx;                        /* Stores x'*K^{-1}x if needed    */
   double eval, shift, robustShift;       /* robust shift values.           */
   Complex_Z tmpShift;			  /* Temp shift for daxpy           */

   // Subdivide the workspace with pointers, and figure out 
   // the total amount of needed real workspace (neededRsize)

   /* needed worksize */
   neededRsize = 0;
   Kinvx       = rwork;
   /* Kinvx will have nonzero size if precond and both RightX and SkewX */
   if (primme->correctionParams.precondition &&        
       primme->correctionParams.projectors.RightX &&  
       primme->correctionParams.projectors.SkewX ) { 

      /* OLSEN's method requires a block, but JDQMR is vector by vector */
      if (primme->correctionParams.maxInnerIterations == 0) {    
	 sol = Kinvx + primme->nLocal*blockSize;
         neededRsize = neededRsize + primme->nLocal*blockSize;
      else { 					         
         sol = Kinvx + primme->nLocal;
         neededRsize = neededRsize + primme->nLocal;
   else {
      sol = Kinvx + 0;
   if (primme->correctionParams.maxInnerIterations == 0) {    
      linSolverRWork = sol + 0; 		  /* sol not needed for GD */
      linSolverRWorkSize = 0;			  /* No inner solver used  */
   else {
      linSolverRWork = sol + primme->nLocal;      /* sol needed in innerJD */
      neededRsize = neededRsize + primme->nLocal;
      linSolverRWorkSize = 			  /* Inner solver worksize */
	      4*primme->nLocal + 2*(primme->numOrthoConst+primme->numEvals);
      neededRsize = neededRsize + linSolverRWorkSize;
   sortedRitzVals = (double *)(linSolverRWork + linSolverRWorkSize);
   blockOfShifts  = sortedRitzVals + (numLocked+basisSize);
   approxOlsenEps = blockOfShifts  + blockSize;
   neededRsize = neededRsize + numLocked+basisSize + 2*blockSize;

   if (neededRsize > rworkSize) {

   // Subdivide also the integer work space
   ilev = iwork;          // of size blockSize

   //  Figuring out preconditioning shifts  (robust, Olsen, etc)
   /* blockOfShifts will contain the preconditioning shifts:               */
   /* either Ritz values or robustShifts computed below. These shifts      */
   /* will be used in the correction equations or in inverting (K-sigma I) */
   /* approxOlsenEps will contain error approximations for eigenavalues    */
   /* to be used for Olsen's method (when innerIterations =0).             */
   if (primme->locking) {
      /* Combine the sorted list of locked Ritz values with the sorted  */
      /* list of current Ritz values, ritzVals.  The merging of the two */
      /* lists lockedEvals and ritzVals is stored in sortedRitzVals.    */

      mergeSort(lockedEvals, numLocked, ritzVals, flags, basisSize, 
         	   sortedRitzVals, ilev, blockSize, primme);
   else {
      /* Then the sorted evals are simply the ritzVals, targeted as iev */

      sortedRitzVals = ritzVals;
      ilev = iev;

   /* For interior eigenpairs, use the user provided shifts           */

   if (primme->target != primme_smallest && primme->target != primme_largest) {

      for (blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < blockSize; blockIndex++) {
         sortedIndex = ilev[blockIndex];
         blockOfShifts[blockIndex] = 
	    primme->targetShifts[ min(primme->numTargetShifts-1, sortedIndex) ];
         if (sortedIndex < numPrevRitzVals) {
            approxOlsenEps[blockIndex] = 
            fabs(prevRitzVals[sortedIndex] - sortedRitzVals[sortedIndex]);
         else {
            approxOlsenEps[blockIndex] = blockNorms[blockIndex];
      } /* for loop */

   } /* user provided shifts */
   else {    
   /* else it is primme_smallest or primme_largest                    */

      if (primme->correctionParams.robustShifts) { 
         /* Subtract/add a robust shift from/to the Ritz value */

         /* Find the robust shift for each block vector */
         for (blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < blockSize; blockIndex++) {
	    sortedIndex = ilev[blockIndex];
	    eval = sortedRitzVals[sortedIndex];
            robustShift = computeRobustShift(blockIndex, 
	      blockNorms[blockIndex], prevRitzVals, numPrevRitzVals, 
	      sortedRitzVals, &approxOlsenEps[blockIndex], 
	      numLocked+basisSize, ilev, primme);
            /* Subtract/add the shift if looking for the smallest/largest  */
	    /* eigenvalues, Do not go beyond the previous computed eigval  */
            if (primme->target == primme_smallest) {
               blockOfShifts[blockIndex] = eval - robustShift;
	       if (sortedIndex > 0) blockOfShifts[blockIndex] = 
	          max(blockOfShifts[blockIndex], sortedRitzVals[sortedIndex-1]);
	    else {
               blockOfShifts[blockIndex] = eval + robustShift;
	       if (sortedIndex > 0) blockOfShifts[blockIndex] = 
		  min(blockOfShifts[blockIndex], sortedRitzVals[sortedIndex-1]);
            } // robust shifting 
         }  /* for loop */
      }  /* endif robust shifts */
      else {
         /* Otherwise, the shifts for both preconditioner and correction */
         /* equation should be just the Ritz values. For Olsen's method, */
         /* the shifts for r-eps*x, are chosen as the difference in Ritz */
	 /* value between successive iterations.                         */
         for (blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < blockSize; blockIndex++) {
            ritzIndex   =  iev[blockIndex];
	    sortedIndex = ilev[blockIndex];
            blockOfShifts[blockIndex] = ritzVals[ritzIndex];
 	    if (sortedIndex < numPrevRitzVals) {
               approxOlsenEps[blockIndex] = 
               fabs(prevRitzVals[sortedIndex] - sortedRitzVals[sortedIndex]);
	    else {
               approxOlsenEps[blockIndex] = blockNorms[blockIndex]; 
         } /* for loop */
      } /* else no robust shifts */
   } /* else primme_smallest or primme_largest */

   /* Remember the previous ritz values*/

   numPrevRitzVals = numLocked+basisSize;
   Num_dcopy_primme(numPrevRitzVals, sortedRitzVals, 1, prevRitzVals, 1);

   // Equip the primme struct with the blockOfShifts, in case the user
   // wants to precondition (K-sigma_i I)^{-1} with a different shift 
   // for each vector

   primme->ShiftsForPreconditioner = blockOfShifts;

   //  Generalized Davidson variants -- No inner iterations
   if (primme->correctionParams.maxInnerIterations == 0) {
      // This is Generalized Davidson or approximate Olsen's method. 
      // Perform block preconditioning (with or without projections)
      r = &W[primme->nLocal*basisSize];    // All the block residuals
      x = &V[primme->nLocal*basisSize];    // All the block Ritz vectors
      if ( primme->correctionParams.projectors.RightX &&
	   primme->correctionParams.projectors.SkewX    ) {    
 	  // Compute exact Olsen's projected preconditioner. This is 
	  // expensive and rarely improves anything! Included for completeness.
	  Olsen_preconditioner_block(r, x, blockSize, Kinvx, primme);
      else {
         if ( primme->correctionParams.projectors.RightX ) {   
            // Compute a cheap approximation to OLSENS, where (x'Kinvr)/xKinvx 
	    // is approximated by e: Kinvr-e*Kinvx=Kinv(r-e*x)=Kinv(I-ct*x*x')r

    	    for (blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < blockSize; blockIndex++) {
	       // Compute r_i = r_i - err_i * x_i 
      	       {tmpShift.r = -approxOlsenEps[blockIndex]; tmpShift.i = 0.0L;}
               Num_axpy_zprimme(primme->nLocal, tmpShift,
	    } //for

	 // GD: compute K^{-1}r , or approx.Olsen: K^{-1}(r-ex) 

         apply_preconditioner_block(r, x, blockSize, primme );
   //  JDQMR --- JD inner-outer variants
   else {  // maxInnerIterations > 0  We perform inner-outer JDQMR.

      /* Solve the correction for each block vector. */

      for (blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < blockSize; blockIndex++) {

         r = &W[primme->nLocal*(basisSize+blockIndex)];
         x = &V[primme->nLocal*(basisSize+blockIndex)];

	 /* Set up the left/right/skew projectors for JDQMR.        */
	 /* The pointers Lprojector, Rprojector(Q/X) point to the   */
	 /* appropriate arrays for use in the projection step       */

	 setup_JD_projectors(x, r, evecs, evecsHat, Kinvx, &xKinvx, 
   	    &Lprojector, &RprojectorQ, &RprojectorX, 
	    &sizeLprojector, &sizeRprojectorQ, &sizeRprojectorX,
   	    numLocked, numConvergedStored, primme);

         /* Map the index of the block vector to its corresponding eigenvalue */
         /* index, and the shift for the correction equation. Also make the   */
	 /* shift available to primme, in case (K-shift I)^-1 is needed       */

         ritzIndex = iev[blockIndex];
         shift = blockOfShifts[blockIndex];
         primme->ShiftsForPreconditioner = &blockOfShifts[blockIndex];

         ret = inner_solve_zprimme(x, r, &blockNorms[blockIndex], evecs, 
	    evecsHat, UDU, ipivot, &xKinvx, Lprojector, RprojectorQ, 
	    RprojectorX, sizeLprojector, sizeRprojectorQ, sizeRprojectorX,
	    sol, ritzVals[ritzIndex], shift, eresTol, aNormEstimate, 
	    machEps, linSolverRWork, linSolverRWorkSize, primme);

         if (ret != 0) {
            primme_PushErrorMessage(Primme_solve_correction, Primme_inner_solve,
			    ret, __FILE__, __LINE__, primme);
            return (INNER_SOLVE_FAILURE);

         Num_zcopy_zprimme(primme->nLocal, sol, 1, 
            &V[primme->nLocal*(basisSize+blockIndex)], 1);

      } // end for each block vector
   } // JDqmr variants

   return 0;

Exemplo n.º 3
static int dtr(int numLocked, Complex_Z *hVecs, double *hVals, int *flags, 
  int basisSize, int numFree, int *iev, Complex_Z *rwork, primme_params *primme)

   int i;                 /* Loop variable */
   int l, lOpt, lMin;     /* Determine how many left side vectors to retain   */
   int r, rOpt;           /* Determine how many right side vectors to retain  */
   int maxIndex;          /* basisSize - 1                                    */
   int restartSize;       /* The new restart size                             */
   double currentRitzVal; /* The current Ritz value the solver is computing   */
   double newVal, optVal; /* Used to find the optimum gap ratio               */

   /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /* Compute lOpt and rOpt with respect to the first Ritz value being */
   /* targeted by the block.                                           */
   /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */

   currentRitzVal = hVals[iev[0]];
   maxIndex = basisSize-1;

   /* If locking is engaged, then lMin must be large enough to retain */
   /* the coefficient vector associated with a converged target.      */
   /* lMin should be no smaller than primme->minRestartSize.            */

   if (primme->locking) {

      lMin = 0;

      /* Determine the largest index of any converged but unlocked target */
      /* Ritz vector.                                                     */

      for (l = 0; l < basisSize; l++) {
         if (  (flags[l] == CONVERGED || flags[l] == PRACTICALLY_CONVERGED) 
             && (numLocked + l < primme->numEvals)) {
            lMin = l;

      lMin = max(lMin, min(basisSize, primme->minRestartSize));

   else {
      lMin = min(basisSize, primme->minRestartSize);

   lOpt = lMin;
   rOpt = 0;   
   optVal = 0.0L;

   if (primme->printLevel >= 5 && primme->procID == 0) {
      fprintf(primme->outputFile,"DTR basisSize: %d\n", basisSize);

   /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /* Compute lOpt and rOpt that maximize the function.                      */
   /* maximize the function (basisSize-numFree-lMin-rMin)*                   */
   /*                       sqrt((currentRitzVal - hVals[l+1])/              */
   /*                            (hVals[l+1]-hVals[basisSize-1-r]))          */
   /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

   for (l = lMin; l < basisSize - numFree; l++) {
      for (r = 0; r < basisSize - l - numFree; r++)       {
         if ((basisSize - l - r) % primme->maxBlockSize == 0) {
            newVal = (basisSize - l - r)
                     * sqrt((currentRitzVal - hVals[l+1])/

            if (newVal > optVal) {
               optVal = newVal;
               lOpt = l;
               rOpt = r;


   restartSize = lOpt + rOpt;

   /* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /* Swap the rOpt vectors from the right hand side so that they are */
   /* contiguous with the vectors from the left hand side.            */
   /* --------------------------------------------------------------- */

   i = basisSize - restartSize; 

   Num_zcopy_zprimme(i*basisSize, &hVecs[basisSize*lOpt], 1, rwork, 1);
   Num_zcopy_zprimme(rOpt*basisSize, &hVecs[basisSize*(basisSize-rOpt)], 1,
      &hVecs[basisSize*lOpt], 1);
   Num_zcopy_zprimme(i*basisSize, rwork, 1, &hVecs[basisSize*restartSize], 1);

   /* Do the same with the eigenvalues of H */

   Num_dcopy_primme(i, &hVals[lOpt], 1, (double *) rwork, 1);
   Num_dcopy_primme(rOpt, &hVals[(basisSize-rOpt)], 1, &hVals[lOpt], 1);
   Num_dcopy_primme(i, (double *) rwork, 1, &hVals[restartSize], 1);

   /* Set only those flags lower than restartSize. The rest will be reset */
   for (i = 0; i < rOpt; i++) {
      flags[lOpt + i] = flags[basisSize-rOpt + i];

   if (primme->printLevel >= 5 && primme->procID == 0) {
      fprintf(primme->outputFile,"DTR restart size: %d L: %d R: %d\n", 
         restartSize, lOpt, rOpt);

   reset_flags_zprimme(flags, restartSize, primme->maxBasisSize);
   return restartSize;
