Exemplo n.º 1
ObMenuFrame* menu_frame_new(ObMenu *menu, guint show_from, ObClient *client)
    ObMenuFrame *self;
    XSetWindowAttributes attr;

    self = g_slice_new0(ObMenuFrame);
    self->obwin.type = OB_WINDOW_CLASS_MENUFRAME;
    self->menu = menu;
    self->selected = NULL;
    self->client = client;
    self->direction_right = TRUE;
    self->show_from = show_from;

    attr.event_mask = FRAME_EVENTMASK;
    self->window = createWindow(obt_root(ob_screen),
                                CWEventMask, &attr);

    /* make it a popup menu type window */
    OBT_PROP_SET32(self->window, NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE, ATOM,

    XSetWindowBorderWidth(obt_display, self->window, ob_rr_theme->mbwidth);
    XSetWindowBorder(obt_display, self->window,

    self->a_items = RrAppearanceCopy(ob_rr_theme->a_menu);

    window_add(&self->window, MENUFRAME_AS_WINDOW(self));

    return self;
Exemplo n.º 2
void prompt_show(ObPrompt *self, ObClient *parent, gboolean modal)
    gint i;

    if (self->mapped) {
        /* activate the prompt */
        OBT_PROP_MSG(ob_screen, self->super.window, NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW,
                     1, /* from an application.. */
                     0, 0);

    /* set the focused button (if not found then the first button is used) */
    self->focus = &self->button[0];
    for (i = 0; i < self->n_buttons; ++i)
        if (self->button[i].result == self->default_result) {
            self->focus = &self->button[i];

    if (parent) {
        Atom states[1];
        gint nstates;
        Window p;
        XWMHints h;

        if (parent->group) {
            /* make it transient for the window's group */
            h.flags = WindowGroupHint;
            h.window_group = parent->group->leader;
            p = obt_root(ob_screen);
        else {
            /* make it transient for the window directly */
            h.flags = 0;
            p = parent->window;

        XSetWMHints(obt_display, self->super.window, &h);
        OBT_PROP_SET32(self->super.window, WM_TRANSIENT_FOR, WINDOW, p);

        states[0] = OBT_PROP_ATOM(NET_WM_STATE_MODAL);
        nstates = (modal ? 1 : 0);
        OBT_PROP_SETA32(self->super.window, NET_WM_STATE, ATOM,
                        states, nstates);
        OBT_PROP_ERASE(self->super.window, WM_TRANSIENT_FOR);

    /* set up the dialog and render it */

    client_manage(self->super.window, self);

    self->mapped = TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 3
ObPrompt* prompt_new(const gchar *msg, const gchar *title,
                     const ObPromptAnswer *answers, gint n_answers,
                     gint default_result, gint cancel_result,
                     ObPromptCallback func, ObPromptCleanup cleanup,
                     gpointer data)
    ObPrompt *self;
    XSetWindowAttributes attrib;
    gint i;

    attrib.override_redirect = FALSE;

    self = g_slice_new0(ObPrompt);
    self->ref = 1;
    self->func = func;
    self->cleanup = cleanup;
    self->data = data;
    self->default_result = default_result;
    self->cancel_result = cancel_result;
    self->super.type = OB_WINDOW_CLASS_PROMPT;
    self->super.window = XCreateWindow(obt_display, obt_root(ob_screen),
                                       0, 0, 1, 1, 0,
                                       CopyFromParent, InputOutput,
    self->ic = obt_keyboard_context_new(self->super.window,

    /* make it a dialog type window */
    OBT_PROP_SET32(self->super.window, NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE, ATOM,

    /* set the window's title */
    if (title)
        OBT_PROP_SETS(self->super.window, NET_WM_NAME, utf8, title);

    /* listen for key presses on the window */
    self->event_mask = KeyPressMask;

    /* set up the text message widow */
    self->msg.text = g_strdup(msg);
    self->msg.window = XCreateWindow(obt_display, self->super.window,
                                     0, 0, 1, 1, 0,
                                     CopyFromParent, InputOutput,
                                     CopyFromParent, 0, NULL);
    XMapWindow(obt_display, self->msg.window);

    /* set up the buttons from the answers */

    self->n_buttons = n_answers;
    if (!self->n_buttons)
        self->n_buttons = 1;

    self->button = g_new0(ObPromptElement, self->n_buttons);

    if (n_answers == 0) {
        g_assert(self->n_buttons == 1); /* should be set to this above.. */
        self->button[0].text = g_strdup(_("OK"));
    else {
        g_assert(self->n_buttons > 0);
        for (i = 0; i < self->n_buttons; ++i) {
            self->button[i].text = g_strdup(answers[i].text);
            self->button[i].result = answers[i].result;

    for (i = 0; i < self->n_buttons; ++i) {
        self->button[i].window = XCreateWindow(obt_display, self->super.window,
                                               0, 0, 1, 1, 0,
                                               CopyFromParent, InputOutput,
                                               CopyFromParent, 0, NULL);
        XMapWindow(obt_display, self->button[i].window);
        window_add(&self->button[i].window, PROMPT_AS_WINDOW(self));

        /* listen for button presses on the buttons */
        XSelectInput(obt_display, self->button[i].window,
                     ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | ButtonMotionMask);

    prompt_list = g_list_prepend(prompt_list, self);

    return self;