malloc_zone_t * malloc_zone_from_ptr(const void *ptr) { OSLog("malloc_zone_from_ptr(%p): searching ... ", ptr); lll_lock(&malloc_lock); OSMemoryZone* osm = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ZONES; i++) { OSMemoryZone* tosm = &zones[i]; if (tosm->registred && tosm->memory_space != NULL) { if (XXX_mspace_has_pointer(tosm->memory_space, (void*)ptr)) { osm = tosm; break; } } } lll_unlock(&malloc_lock); if (osm == NULL) { osm = default_zone; OSLog("malloc_zone_from_ptr(%p): no hits, returinig default_zone", ptr); } else { OSLog("malloc_zone_from_ptr(%p): found zone [%p] ", ptr, osm); } return (malloc_zone_t*)osm; }
void _dyld_register_func_for_add_image(AddImageHandler hn) { OSLog("_dyld_register_func_for_add_image(%p)", hn); sAddHandlers[sAddCount] = hn; sAddCount += 1; lnk::runAddImageHandler(hn); }
void dyld_register_image_state_change_handler(enum dyld_image_states state, bool batch, dyld_image_state_change_handler handler) { OSLog("dyld_register_image_state_change_handler(%d, %d, %p)", state, batch, handler); sChangeHandlers[sChangeCount].fn = handler; sChangeHandlers[sChangeCount].state = state; sChangeHandlers[sChangeCount].batch = batch; sChangeCount += 1; lnk::runBatchNotificationsWithHandler(sChangeHandlers[sChangeCount-1]); }
void runAddImageHandler(AddImageHandler fn) { Image* im; im = lnk::firstImage(); while (im != NULL) { /* XXX: check if mach object */ MachObject* obj = (MachObject*)im; OSLog("calling add handler @ %p, image %s", fn, im->getShortName()); fn(obj->getMachHeader() ,obj->getSlide()); /* move on */ im = im->nextImage(); } }
void _OSInitializeMemoryZones(void) { /* create the default memory zone */ if (default_zone != NULL) { OSHalt("default_zone already present!"); } /* 0xfee1dead is the magic that stops the create thing from creating a mspace */ default_zone = (OSMemoryZone*)malloc_create_zone(0, 0xfee1dead); default_zone->global_zone = TRUE; default_zone->basic_zone.zone_name = "DefaultMallocZone"; OSLog("_OSInitializeMemoryZones: all set, %d zones inited, default zone @ %p", MAX_ZONES, default_zone); }
void runBatchNotificationsWithHandler(ChangeHandler hn) { OSLog("runBatchNotificationsWithHandler(%d, %d, %p)", hn.state, hn.batch, hn.fn); dyld_image_info infos[1024]; uint32_t count = 0; Image* im; im = lnk::firstImage(); while (im != NULL) { if (im->getImageType() != kImageTypeMachO) { lnk::halt("(im->getImageType() != kImageTypeMachO)"); } /* XXX: check if mach object */ MachObject* obj = (MachObject*)im; infos[count].imageLoadAddress = obj->getMachHeader(); infos[count].imageFilePath = ""; /* move on */ im = im->nextImage(); count += 1; } /* main image needs to be here too */ MachObject* obj = (MachObject*)(lnk::mainExecutableImage()); infos[count].imageLoadAddress = obj->getMachHeader(); infos[count].imageFilePath = ""; count += 1; dyld_image_state_change_handler fn = hn.fn; fn(dyld_image_state_bound, count, infos); }
/* Abstract. */ malloc_zone_t * malloc_create_zone(vm_size_t start_size, unsigned flags) { OSMemoryZone* osm = _OSGetFirstAvailableMemoryZone(); /* mkay, get default impls */ osm->basic_zone.calloc = (void*)Impl_malloc_zone_calloc; osm-> = (void*)Impl_malloc_zone_free; osm->basic_zone.malloc = (void*)Impl_malloc_zone_malloc; osm->basic_zone.valloc = (void*)Impl_malloc_zone_valloc; osm->basic_zone.memalign = (void*)Impl_malloc_zone_memalign; osm->basic_zone.realloc = (void*)Impl_malloc_zone_realloc; if (flags != 0xfee1dead) { /* make a mspace */ osm->memory_space = create_mspace(start_size, FALSE); } OSLog("malloc_create_zone: created zone {size=%d, space=%p, addr=%p}", start_size, osm->memory_space, osm); return (malloc_zone_t*)osm; }
void _dyld_register_func_for_remove_image(void (*func)(const struct mach_header* mh, intptr_t vmaddr_slide)) { OSLog("_dyld_register_func_for_remove_image(%p)", func); }
/* Entry point for the linker. This is called from the linker bootstrapping code, after the critical bits have been initialized. */ uintptr_t _main(const macho_header* mainExecutableMH, uintptr_t mainExecutableSlide, int argc, const char* argv[], const char* envp[], const char* apple[]) { char* lolo = (char*)0x80000000; lnk::log("WeirdPages: %c%c%c%c ", lolo[0], lolo[1], lolo[2], lolo[3]); lnk::log("size_t: %d", sizeof(size_t)); /* Set up global pointers. XXX: I need to actually fix this. */ int i = 0; while (i < argc) { gArgv[i] = (char*)argv[i]; i++; } gArgv[i] = (char*)NULL; gArgc = argc; /* * Start the embedded runtime. * Do not try to load anything before this is run. */ OSInitializeMainRuntime(); OSLog("mach_task_self(): %d", mach_task_self()); //elfTest(); kern_return_t ret; mach_port_name_t pr; int dd = 0; ret = task_for_pid(mach_task_self(), getpid(), &pr); OSLog("task_for_pid(): ret: %d, port: %d", ret, pr); ret = pid_for_task(pr, &dd); OSLog("pid_for_task(): ret: %d, pid: %d", ret, dd); vm_address_t addr = 0x70000000; ret = vm_allocate(mach_task_self(), &addr, 4096, false); uint32_t* tt = (uint32_t*)addr; lnk::log("vm_allocate(): ret: %d, addr: %p, deref: %p", ret, addr, *tt); uint32_t time0; uint32_t time1; uint32_t time2; uint32_t time3; time0 = get_u_time(NULL); /* * Set up the first image in the chain. * The first image is the image of the core framework. * This image contains a significant portion of the linkable libSystem code. * * The linker image is presented as 'libSystem' */ sDylinker = MachObject::instantiateFromMemory("libSystem.B.dylib", lnk::lnkHeader(), lnk::lnkSlide()); sDylinker->init(); sImageCount++; sFirstImage = (Image*)sDylinker; /* * Now, load the auxiliary libraries. */ lnk::loadAuxiliarySystemLibraries(); /* * Set up the main executable's object. * This object is NOT added to the chain. */ sMainExecutable = MachObject::instantiateFromMemory("MainImage", mainExecutableMH, 0); sMainExecutable->init(); sMainHeader = mainExecutableMH; time1 = get_u_time(NULL); /* * cas */ cas::get()->init(); /* * Bind the symbols for everything else. */ lnk::bindChain(); /* * Bind the symbols for the main executable. */ sMainExecutable->doBindSymbols(); /* * Run the initializers for the rest of libs that were just linked * in by the core framework thing. This can only run after stuff has * been linked in. */ OSInitializeAuxiliaryRuntime(); time2 = get_u_time(NULL); /* * Now run the initializers (constructors) for all loaded images. */ lnk::initializeChain(); /* * At last, run the initializers in the main image. */ sMainExecutable->doInitialize(); /* * Some test stuff is in Tester.c. Call it. */ TesterStart(); time3 = get_u_time(NULL); lnk::log("time: [load: %d, bind: %d, init: %d]", time1 - time0, time2 - time1, time3 - time2); /* * Execute the main image. */ if (sVerboseLnkLog) { lnk::log("starting '%s' {pc=%p} ...", sMainExecutable->getShortName(), sMainExecutable->getMain()); } /* * See 'crt.s'. * * This function calls the entry point in the main image. * It should never return. At least, I don't think so. * Remind me to look into this, it might need an _exit call. */ _call_main(gArgc, gArgv, sMainExecutable->getMain()); return 0; }
void malloc_set_zone_name(malloc_zone_t *zone, const char *name) { OSLog("malloc_set_zone_name(%p, %s)", zone, name); }
// OSScheduleThread *********************************************************** // Start tasks, triggered by hScheduleEvent void OSScheduleThread(INT32U param) { char temp[256]; INT16S oldIndex, nextIndex; #if OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 3 OS_CPU_SR cpu_sr = TRUE; #endif DBGPRINT(0x00000001, "*** OSScheduleThread First Call\n"); while (1) { if (WaitForSingleObject(hScheduleEvent, OS_SCHEDULER_TIMEOUT) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) //Wait for a scheduler event (with timeout) { sprintf(temp, "ERROR: Scheduler timed out in OSScheduleThread %u --> %u IF=%u <-%u<%u<%u<%u<%u<%u<%u<%u<-\n", OSPrioCur, OSPrioHighRdy, virtualInterruptFlag, taskLog[0], taskLog[1], taskLog[2], taskLog[3], taskLog[4], taskLog[5], taskLog[6], taskLog[7] ); DBGPRINT(0x00000040, temp); MessageBox(NULL, temp, "UCOS-II WIN32", MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND | MB_ICONERROR); //In case of timeout, display an error message ... OSRunning=0; SetConsoleCtrlHandler((PHANDLER_ROUTINE) CtrlBreakHandler, FALSE); return; //... and exit (will return to OSStartHighRdy()) } OSTaskSwHook(); //Call the task switch hook function EnterCriticalSection(&criticalSection); if (taskSuspended[OSPrioCur]==-1) { DBGPRINT(0x00000001, "Old Task %d marked for deletion - %X - %X\n", OSPrioCur, hTaskThread[OSPrioCur], OSTCBCur); SuspendThread(hTaskThread[OSPrioCur]); ExecuteDeleteTask(OSPrioCur); oldIndex = OSPrioCur; } else { oldIndex = GetThreadIndexForTask(OSTCBCur); } nextIndex= GetThreadIndexForTask(OSTCBHighRdy); if (oldIndex==-1 || nextIndex==-1) { printf("ERROR: Internal scheduling error: oldIndex=%d - %d nextIndex=%d - %d\n",oldIndex, OSTCBCur->OSTCBPrio, nextIndex, OSTCBHighRdy->OSTCBPrio); exit(-1); } OSTCBCur = OSTCBHighRdy; //Now logically switch to the new task OSPrioCur = (INT8U) nextIndex; idleTrigger = TRUE; DBGPRINT(0x00000001, "*** OSScheduleThread from %2u to %2u\n", oldIndex, nextIndex); if (OSTCBPrioTbl[oldIndex] == NULL) //If a task has been deleted { if (hTaskThread[oldIndex]) //... remove it, normally this should never happen { if (TerminateThread(hTaskThread[oldIndex], 0)==FALSE) { printf("ERROR: Terminate thread for task %d (in OSScheduleThread) WIN32 error code: %Xh\n", oldIndex, GetLastError()); } CloseHandle(hTaskThread[oldIndex]); } hTaskThread[oldIndex] = NULL; taskSuspended[oldIndex]=0; } else if (oldIndex != nextIndex && taskSuspended[oldIndex]==0) //If switching context to a new task ... { if (SuspendThread(hTaskThread[oldIndex])!=0) //... suspend the thread associated with the current task printf("ERROR: SuspendThread() (in OSSCheduleThread) failed with error %Xh - task %d - %d\n", GetLastError(), oldIndex, taskSuspended[oldIndex]); taskSuspended[oldIndex]++; //(update suspend counter to avoid multiple suspends of the same task) } if (taskSuspended[nextIndex]>0) { taskSuspended[nextIndex]--; //(updates suspend counter to avoid multiple resumes of the same task) if (taskSuspended[nextIndex] < 0) taskSuspended[nextIndex]=0; if (virtualInterruptFlag==FALSE) #if OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 3 OSEnableInterruptFlag(&cpu_sr); #else OSEnableInterruptFlag(); #endif OSLog(nextIndex); if (ResumeThread(hTaskThread[nextIndex])!=1) //... and resume the thread associated with the new task printf("ERROR: ResumeThread() (in OSSCheduleThread) failed with error %Xh\n", GetLastError()); } else { if (virtualInterruptFlag==FALSE) #if OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 3 OSEnableInterruptFlag(&cpu_sr); #else OSEnableInterruptFlag(); #endif } LeaveCriticalSection(&criticalSection); } }