Exemplo n.º 1
static int fips_get_params(const OSSL_PROVIDER *prov,
                            const OSSL_PARAM params[])
    const OSSL_PARAM *p;

    p = OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, OSSL_PROV_PARAM_NAME);
    if (p != NULL && !OSSL_PARAM_set_utf8_ptr(p, "OpenSSL FIPS Provider"))
        return 0;
    p = OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, OSSL_PROV_PARAM_VERSION);
    if (p != NULL && !OSSL_PARAM_set_utf8_ptr(p, OPENSSL_VERSION_STR))
        return 0;
    if (p != NULL && !OSSL_PARAM_set_utf8_ptr(p, OPENSSL_FULL_VERSION_STR))
        return 0;

    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 2
static int core_get_params(const OSSL_PROVIDER *prov, const OSSL_PARAM params[])
    int i;
    const OSSL_PARAM *p;

    if ((p = OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, "openssl-version")) != NULL)
        OSSL_PARAM_set_utf8_ptr(p, OPENSSL_VERSION_STR);
    if ((p = OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, "provider-name")) != NULL)
        OSSL_PARAM_set_utf8_ptr(p, prov->name);

    if (prov->parameters == NULL)
        return 1;

    for (i = 0; i < sk_INFOPAIR_num(prov->parameters); i++) {
        INFOPAIR *pair = sk_INFOPAIR_value(prov->parameters, i);

        if ((p = OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, pair->name)) != NULL)
            OSSL_PARAM_set_utf8_ptr(p, pair->value);

    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 3
static int test_param_construct(void)
    static const char *int_names[] = {
        "int", "long", "int32", "int64"
    static const char *uint_names[] = {
        "uint", "ulong", "uint32", "uint64", "size_t"
    static const unsigned char bn_val[16] = {
        0xac, 0x75, 0x22, 0x7d, 0x81, 0x06, 0x7a, 0x23,
        0xa6, 0xed, 0x87, 0xc7, 0xab, 0xf4, 0x73, 0x22
    OSSL_PARAM params[20];
    char buf[100], buf2[100], *bufp, *bufp2;
    unsigned char ubuf[100];
    void *vp, *vpn = NULL, *vp2;
    OSSL_PARAM *p;
    const OSSL_PARAM *cp;
    static const OSSL_PARAM pend = OSSL_PARAM_END;
    int i, n = 0, ret = 0;
    unsigned int u;
    long int l;
    unsigned long int ul;
    int32_t i32;
    uint32_t u32;
    int64_t i64;
    uint64_t u64;
    size_t j, k, s, sz;
    double d, d2;
    BIGNUM *bn = NULL, *bn2 = NULL;

    params[n++] = OSSL_PARAM_construct_int("int", &i, &sz);
    params[n++] = OSSL_PARAM_construct_uint("uint", &u, &sz);
    params[n++] = OSSL_PARAM_construct_long("long", &l, &sz);
    params[n++] = OSSL_PARAM_construct_ulong("ulong", &ul, &sz);
    params[n++] = OSSL_PARAM_construct_int32("int32", &i32, &sz);
    params[n++] = OSSL_PARAM_construct_int64("int64", &i64, &sz);
    params[n++] = OSSL_PARAM_construct_uint32("uint32", &u32, &sz);
    params[n++] = OSSL_PARAM_construct_uint64("uint64", &u64, &sz);
    params[n++] = OSSL_PARAM_construct_size_t("size_t", &s, &sz);
    params[n++] = OSSL_PARAM_construct_double("double", &d, &sz);
    params[n++] = OSSL_PARAM_construct_BN("bignum", ubuf, sizeof(ubuf), &sz);
    params[n++] = OSSL_PARAM_construct_utf8_string("utf8str", buf, sizeof(buf),
    params[n++] = OSSL_PARAM_construct_octet_string("octstr", buf, sizeof(buf),
    params[n++] = OSSL_PARAM_construct_utf8_ptr("utf8ptr", &bufp, &sz);
    params[n++] = OSSL_PARAM_construct_octet_ptr("octptr", &vp, &sz);
    params[n] = pend;

    /* Search failure */
    if (!TEST_ptr_null(OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, "fnord")))
        goto err;

    /* All signed integral types */
    for (j = 0; j < OSSL_NELEM(int_names); j++) {
        if (!TEST_ptr(cp = OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, int_names[j]))
            || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_set_int32(cp, (int32_t)(3 + j)))
            || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_get_int64(cp, &i64))
            || !TEST_size_t_eq(cp->data_size, sz)
            || !TEST_size_t_eq((size_t)i64, 3 + j)) {
            TEST_note("iteration %zu var %s", j + 1, int_names[j]);
            goto err;
    /* All unsigned integral types */
    for (j = 0; j < OSSL_NELEM(uint_names); j++) {
        if (!TEST_ptr(cp = OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, uint_names[j]))
            || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_set_uint32(cp, (uint32_t)(3 + j)))
            || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_get_uint64(cp, &u64))
            || !TEST_size_t_eq(cp->data_size, sz)
            || !TEST_size_t_eq((size_t)u64, 3 + j)) {
            TEST_note("iteration %zu var %s", j + 1, uint_names[j]);
            goto err;
    /* Real */
    if (!TEST_ptr(cp = OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, "double"))
        || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_set_double(cp, 3.14))
        || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_get_double(cp, &d2))
        || !TEST_size_t_eq(sz, sizeof(double))
        || !TEST_double_eq(d, d2))
        goto err;
    /* UTF8 string */
    bufp = NULL;
    if (!TEST_ptr(cp = OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, "utf8str"))
        || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_set_utf8_string(cp, "abcdef"))
        || !TEST_size_t_eq(sz, sizeof("abcdef"))
        || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_get_utf8_string(cp, &bufp, 0))
        || !TEST_str_eq(bufp, "abcdef"))
        goto err;
    bufp = buf2;
    if (!TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_get_utf8_string(cp, &bufp, sizeof(buf2)))
        || !TEST_str_eq(buf2, "abcdef"))
        goto err;
    /* UTF8 pointer */
    bufp = buf;
    sz = 0;
    if (!TEST_ptr(cp = OSSL_PARAM_locate(params, "utf8ptr"))
        || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_set_utf8_ptr(cp, "tuvwxyz"))
        || !TEST_size_t_eq(sz, sizeof("tuvwxyz"))
        || !TEST_str_eq(bufp, "tuvwxyz")
        || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_get_utf8_ptr(cp, (const char **)&bufp2))
        || !TEST_ptr_eq(bufp2, bufp))
        goto err;
    /* OCTET string */
    if (!TEST_ptr(p = locate(params, "octstr"))
        || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_set_octet_string(p, "abcdefghi",
        || !TEST_size_t_eq(sz, sizeof("abcdefghi")))
        goto err;
    /* Match the return size to avoid trailing garbage bytes */
    p->data_size = *p->return_size;
    if (!TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_get_octet_string(p, &vpn, 0, &s))
        || !TEST_size_t_eq(s, sizeof("abcdefghi"))
        || !TEST_mem_eq(vpn, sizeof("abcdefghi"),
                        "abcdefghi", sizeof("abcdefghi")))
        goto err;
    vp = buf2;
    if (!TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_get_octet_string(p, &vp, sizeof(buf2), &s))
        || !TEST_size_t_eq(s, sizeof("abcdefghi"))
        || !TEST_mem_eq(vp, sizeof("abcdefghi"),
                        "abcdefghi", sizeof("abcdefghi")))
        goto err;
    /* OCTET pointer */
    vp = &l;
    sz = 0;
    if (!TEST_ptr(p = locate(params, "octptr"))
        || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_set_octet_ptr(p, &ul, sizeof(ul)))
        || !TEST_size_t_eq(sz, sizeof(ul))
        || !TEST_ptr_eq(vp, &ul))
        goto err;
    /* Match the return size to avoid trailing garbage bytes */
    p->data_size = *p->return_size;
    if (!TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_get_octet_ptr(p, (const void **)&vp2, &k))
        || !TEST_size_t_eq(k, sizeof(ul))
        || !TEST_ptr_eq(vp2, vp))
        goto err;
    /* BIGNUM */
    if (!TEST_ptr(p = locate(params, "bignum"))
        || !TEST_ptr(bn = BN_lebin2bn(bn_val, (int)sizeof(bn_val), NULL))
        || !TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_set_BN(p, bn))
        || !TEST_size_t_eq(sz, sizeof(bn_val)))
        goto err;
    /* Match the return size to avoid trailing garbage bytes */
    p->data_size = *p->return_size;
    if(!TEST_true(OSSL_PARAM_get_BN(p, &bn2))
        || !TEST_BN_eq(bn, bn2))
        goto err;
    ret = 1;
    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 4
 * The tests are a bit special in that they are trying to do both sides
 * of the param passing.  This means that the OSSL_PARAM structure needs to
 * be updated so that a get call matches size with the corresponding set call.
 * This is not a problem in normal usage because the owner of the OSSL_PARAM
 * "knows" the size of what it wants to put in and gets the size back via the
 * return_size pointer when it needs to get data out.  That is, the owner
 * does not need to call these APIs since it has direct access.
 * The result is that the tests need the locate call to return a non-const
 * pointer at times.  Hence the cast here.
static OSSL_PARAM *locate(OSSL_PARAM *p, const char *name)
    return (OSSL_PARAM *)OSSL_PARAM_locate(p, name);