Exemplo n.º 1
// CModelCacheManagerImpl::OnRestreamModel
// Uncache here, now.
void CModelCacheManagerImpl::OnRestreamModel ( ushort usModelId )
    std::map < ushort, SModelCacheInfo >* mapList[] = { &m_PedModelCacheInfoMap, &m_VehicleModelCacheInfoMap };

    for ( uint i = 0 ; i < NUMELMS( mapList ) ; i++ )
        std::map < ushort, SModelCacheInfo >& cacheInfoMap = *mapList[i];

        SModelCacheInfo* pInfo = MapFind ( cacheInfoMap, usModelId );
        if ( pInfo )
            if ( pInfo->bIsModelCachedHere )
                SubModelRefCount ( usModelId );
                pInfo->bIsModelCachedHere = false;
                MapRemove ( cacheInfoMap, usModelId );
                OutputDebugLine ( SString ( "[Cache] End caching model %d  (OnRestreamModel)", usModelId ) );

    // Also check the permo list
    if ( MapContains ( m_PermoLoadedModels, usModelId ) )
        SubModelRefCount ( usModelId );
        MapRemove ( m_PermoLoadedModels, usModelId );
        OutputDebugLine ( SString ( "[Cache] End permo-caching model %d  (OnRestreamModel)", usModelId ) );
Exemplo n.º 2
// CSpatialDatabaseImpl::FlushUpdateQueue
// Process all entities that have changed since the last call
void CSpatialDatabaseImpl::FlushUpdateQueue ( void )
    int iTotalUpdated = 0;

    for ( std::map < CElement*, int >::iterator it = m_UpdateQueue.begin (); it != m_UpdateQueue.end (); ++it )
        CElement* pEntity = it->first;

        // Get the new bounding box
        SEntityInfo newInfo;
        CSphere sphere = pEntity->GetWorldBoundingSphere ();
        newInfo.box = CBox ( sphere.vecPosition, fabsf ( sphere.fRadius ) );
        // Make everything 2D for now
        newInfo.box.vecMin.fZ = SPATIAL_2D_Z;
        newInfo.box.vecMax.fZ = SPATIAL_2D_Z;

        // Get previous info
        if ( SEntityInfo* pOldInfo = MapFind ( m_InfoMap, pEntity ) )
            // Don't update if bounding box is the same
            if ( pOldInfo->box == newInfo.box )

            // Remove old bounding box from tree
            m_Tree.Remove ( &pOldInfo->box.vecMin.fX, &pOldInfo->box.vecMax.fX, pEntity );

        if ( !IsValidSphere ( sphere ) )

        // Add new bounding box
        m_Tree.Insert( &newInfo.box.vecMin.fX, &newInfo.box.vecMax.fX, pEntity );

        // Update info map
        MapSet ( m_InfoMap, pEntity, newInfo );
        OutputDebugLine ( SString ( "SpatialDatabase::UpdateEntity %08x  %2.0f,%2.0f,%2.0f   %2.0f,%2.0f,%2.0f"
                                  ) );
    m_UpdateQueue.clear ();

    int iTotalToUpdate = m_UpdateQueue.size ();
    if ( iTotalToUpdate )
        OutputDebugLine ( SString ( "SpatialDatabase::FlushUpdateQueue  TotalToUpdate: %d   TotalUpdated: %d  m_InfoMap: %d    tree: %d  ", iTotalToUpdate, iTotalUpdated, m_InfoMap.size (), m_Tree.Count () ) );
Exemplo n.º 3
 void DebugDestroyCount ( const SString& strName )
     SDebugCountInfo& info = MapGet ( ms_DebugCountMap, strName );
     if ( info.iCount < 0 )
         OutputDebugLine ( SString ( "[InstanceCount] Count is negative (%d) for %s", info.iCount, *strName ) );
Exemplo n.º 4
bool CRegistry::SetLastErrorMessage ( const std::string& strLastErrorMessage, const std::string& strQuery )
    m_strLastErrorMessage = strLastErrorMessage;
    m_strLastErrorQuery = strQuery;
    OutputDebugLine ( SString ( "[Database] %s [Query was:%s]", *m_strLastErrorMessage, *m_strLastErrorQuery ) );
    return false;
// CResourceFileDownloadManager::BeginResourceFileDownload
// Return false if file could not be queued
bool CResourceFileDownloadManager::BeginResourceFileDownload(CDownloadableResource* pResourceFile, uint uiHttpServerIndex)
    if (uiHttpServerIndex >= m_HttpServerList.size())
        return false;

    // Find enabled server
    while (m_HttpServerList[uiHttpServerIndex].bEnabled == false)
        if (uiHttpServerIndex >= m_HttpServerList.size())
            return false;


    const SHttpServerInfo&            serverInfo = m_HttpServerList[uiHttpServerIndex];
    CNetHTTPDownloadManagerInterface* pHTTP = g_pCore->GetNetwork()->GetHTTPDownloadManager(serverInfo.downloadChannel);
    SString strHTTPDownloadURLFull("%s/%s/%s", *serverInfo.strUrl, pResourceFile->GetResource()->GetName(), pResourceFile->GetShortName());

    SHttpRequestOptions options;
    options.uiConnectionAttempts = serverInfo.uiConnectionAttempts;
    options.uiConnectTimeoutMs = serverInfo.uiConnectTimeoutMs;
    options.bCheckContents = true;
    options.bIsLocal = g_pClientGame->IsLocalGame();
    SString* pstrContext = MakeDownloadContextString(pResourceFile);
    SString  strFilename = pResourceFile->GetName();
    bool bUniqueDownload = pHTTP->QueueFile(strHTTPDownloadURLFull, strFilename, pstrContext, StaticDownloadFinished, options);
    if (!bUniqueDownload)
        // TODO - If piggybacking on another matching download, then adjust progress bar
        OutputDebugLine(SString("[ResourceFileDownload] Using existing download for %s", *strHTTPDownloadURLFull));
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 6
// CSpatialDatabaseImpl::SphereQuery
// Return the list of entities that intersect the sphere
void CSpatialDatabaseImpl::SphereQuery ( CElementResult& outResult, const CSphere& sphere )
    // Do any pending updates first
    FlushUpdateQueue ();

    if ( !IsValidSphere ( sphere ) )

    // Make a box from the sphere
    CBox box ( sphere.vecPosition, fabsf ( sphere.fRadius ) );
    // Make everything 2D for now
    box.vecMin.fZ = SPATIAL_2D_Z;
    box.vecMax.fZ = SPATIAL_2D_Z;

    // Find all entiites which overlap the box
    m_Tree.Search( &box.vecMin.fX, &box.vecMax.fX, outResult );

    OutputDebugLine ( SString ( "SpatialDatabase::SphereQuery %d results for %2.0f,%2.0f,%2.0f  %2.2f"
                                ,outResult.size ()
                              ) );
// CEffectClonerImpl::MaybeTidyUp
// Tidy up if been a little while since last time
void CEffectClonerImpl::MaybeTidyUp ( bool bForceDrasticMeasures, CEffectTemplate* pKeepThis )
    if ( !bForceDrasticMeasures && m_TidyupTimer.Get () < 1000 )

    m_TidyupTimer.Reset ();

    // Everything in Old List can go if not being used
    for ( uint i = 0 ; i < m_OldList.size () ; i++ )
        CEffectTemplate* pEffectTemplate = m_OldList[i];
        if ( pEffectTemplate != pKeepThis && pEffectTemplate->GetTicksSinceLastUsed () > ( bForceDrasticMeasures ? 0 : 1 ) )
            OutputDebugLine ( "[Shader] CEffectClonerImpl::MaybeTidyUp: Releasing old EffectTemplate" );
            SAFE_RELEASE( pEffectTemplate );
            ListRemoveIndex ( m_OldList, i-- );

    // Complex calculation to guess how long to leave an effect unused before deleting
    // 0=30 mins  100=25 mins  200=16 mins  300=1 sec
    float fTicksAlpha = UnlerpClamped ( 0, m_ValidMap.size (), 300 );
    int iTicks = static_cast < int > ( ( 1 - fTicksAlpha * fTicksAlpha ) * 30 * 60 * 1000 ) + 1000;

#ifdef MTA_DEBUG
    iTicks /= 60;  // Mins to seconds for debug

    // Valid Effect not used for a little while can go
    for ( std::map < SString, CEffectTemplate* >::iterator iter = m_ValidMap.begin () ; iter != m_ValidMap.end () ; )
        CEffectTemplate* pEffectTemplate = iter->second;
        if ( pEffectTemplate != pKeepThis && pEffectTemplate->GetTicksSinceLastUsed () > ( bForceDrasticMeasures ? 0 : iTicks ) )
            OutputDebugLine ( "[Shader] CEffectClonerImpl::MaybeTidyUp: Releasing valid EffectTemplate" );
            SAFE_RELEASE( pEffectTemplate );
            m_ValidMap.erase ( iter++ );

    if ( bForceDrasticMeasures )
Exemplo n.º 8
     long long Get ( void )
 #ifdef _DEBUG
         if ( m_TimeSinceUpdated.Get () > 10000 )
             OutputDebugLine ( "WARNING: UpdateModuleTickCount64 not being called for the current module" );
         return m_ResultValue.GetValue ();
Exemplo n.º 9
void CPlayer::MovePlayerToNearList ( CPlayer* pOther )
    OutputDebugLine ( SString ( "[Sync] ++ %s: Move %s to nearlist", GetNick (), pOther->GetNick () ) );

    dassert ( !MapContains ( m_NearPlayerList, pOther ) && MapContains ( m_FarPlayerList, pOther ) );
    SViewerInfo* pInfo = MapFind ( m_FarPlayerList, pOther );
    MapSet ( m_NearPlayerList, pOther, *pInfo );
    MapRemove ( m_FarPlayerList, pOther );
Exemplo n.º 10
 void DebugCreateCount ( const SString& strName )
     SDebugCountInfo& info = MapGet ( ms_DebugCountMap, strName );
     if ( info.iCount > info.iHigh )
         info.iHigh = info.iCount;
         OutputDebugLine ( SString ( "[InstanceCount] New high of %d for %s", info.iCount, *strName ) );
Exemplo n.º 11
// Dynamically increase the interval between near sync updates depending on stuffs
bool CPlayer::IsTimeToReceiveNearSyncFrom ( CPlayer* pOther, SNearInfo& nearInfo )
    int iZone = GetSyncZone ( pOther );

    int iUpdateInterval = g_pBandwidthSettings->ZoneUpdateIntervals [ iZone ];

    if ( m_iLastZoneDebug != iZone )
        // Calc direction from our camera to the other player
        const CVector& vecOtherPosition = pOther->GetPosition ();
        CVector vecDirToOther = pOther->GetPosition () - m_vecCamPosition;

        // Get distance
        float fDistSq = vecDirToOther.LengthSquared ();

        // Get angle between camera direction and direction to other
        vecDirToOther.Normalize ();
        float fDot = m_vecCamFwd.DotProduct ( &vecDirToOther );

        OutputDebugLine ( SString ( "Dist:%1.0f  Dot:%0.3f  %s SyncTo %s zone changing: %d -> %d [Interval:%d] CamPos:%1.0f,%1.0f,%1.0f  CamFwd:%1.2f,%1.2f,%1.2f "
                ,sqrtf ( fDistSq )
                ,pOther->GetNick ()
                ,GetNick ()
            ) );

        m_iLastZoneDebug = iZone;

    long long llTimeNow = GetModuleTickCount64 ();
    long long llNextUpdateTime = nearInfo.llLastUpdateTime + iUpdateInterval;

    if ( llNextUpdateTime > llTimeNow )
        g_pStats->puresync.llSkippedPacketsByZone[ iZone ]++;
        return false;

    nearInfo.llLastUpdateTime = llTimeNow;

    g_pStats->puresync.llSentPacketsByZone[ iZone ]++;
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 12
void SharedUtil::AddReportLog ( uint uiId, const SString& strText )
    SString strPathFilename = PathJoin ( GetMTADataPath (), "report.log" );
    MakeSureDirExists ( strPathFilename );

    SString strMessage ( "%u: %s %s - %s\n", uiId, GetTimeString ( true, false ).c_str (), GetReportLogHeaderText ().c_str (), strText.c_str () );
    FileAppend ( strPathFilename, &strMessage.at ( 0 ), strMessage.length () );
    OutputDebugLine ( SStringX ( "[ReportLog] " ) + strMessage );
Exemplo n.º 13
// CEffectClonerImpl::CreateD3DEffect
ID3DXEffect* CEffectClonerImpl::CreateD3DEffect ( const SString& strFilename, const SString& strRootPath, SString& strOutStatus, bool bDebug )
    // Do we have a match with the initial path
    CEffectTemplate* pEffectTemplate = MapFindRef ( m_ValidMap, ConformPathForSorting ( strFilename ) );
    if ( pEffectTemplate )
        // Have files changed since create?
        if ( pEffectTemplate->HaveFilesChanged () )
            // EffectTemplate is no good for cloning now, so move it to the old list 
            MapRemove ( m_ValidMap, ConformPathForSorting ( strFilename ) );
            m_OldList.push_back ( pEffectTemplate );
            pEffectTemplate = NULL;

    // Need to create new EffectTemplate?
    if ( !pEffectTemplate )
        pEffectTemplate = NewEffectTemplate ( m_pManager, strFilename, strRootPath, strOutStatus, bDebug );
        if ( !pEffectTemplate->IsValid () )
            SAFE_RELEASE( pEffectTemplate );
            return NULL;

        OutputDebugLine ( SString ( "[Shader] CEffectClonerImpl::CreateD3DEffect - New EffectTemplate for %s", *strFilename ) );
        // Add to active map
        MapSet ( m_ValidMap, ConformPathForSorting ( strFilename ), pEffectTemplate );

    // Now we have a valid EffectTemplate to clone the effect from

    // Clone D3DXEffect
    ID3DXEffect* pNewD3DEffect = pEffectTemplate->CloneD3DEffect ( &strOutStatus );

    if( !pNewD3DEffect )
        if ( strOutStatus.empty () )
            strOutStatus = "Error: Clone failed";
        return NULL;

    // Cross ref clone with original
    MapSet ( m_CloneMap, pNewD3DEffect, pEffectTemplate );

    // Return result
    return pNewD3DEffect;
Exemplo n.º 14
VOID CModelInfoSA::Request( bool bAndLoad, bool bWaitForLoad, bool bHighPriority )
    DEBUG_TRACE("VOID CModelInfoSA::Request( BOOL bAndLoad, BOOL bWaitForLoad )");
    // don't bother loading it if it already is
    if ( IsLoaded () )

    if ( m_dwModelID <= 288 && m_dwModelID != 7 && !pGame->GetModelInfo ( 7 )->IsLoaded () )
        // Skin 7 must be loaded in order for other skins to work. No, really. (#4010)
        pGame->GetModelInfo ( 7 )->Request ( bAndLoad, false );

    // Bikes can sometimes get stuck when loading unless the anim file is handled like what is does here
    // Don't change the code below unless you can test it (by recreating the problem it solves)
    if ( IsVehicle () )
        uint uiAnimFileIndex = GetAnimFileIndex ();
        if ( uiAnimFileIndex != 0xffffffff )
            uint uiAnimId = uiAnimFileIndex + 25575;
            CModelInfoSA* pAnim = static_cast < CModelInfoSA* > ( pGame->GetModelInfo ( uiAnimId ) );
            if ( !pAnim )
                LogEvent ( 505, "Model no anim", "", SString ( "%d (%d)", m_dwModelID, uiAnimId ) );
            if ( !pAnim->IsLoaded() )
                OutputDebugLine ( SString ( "[Models] Requesting anim file %d for model %d", uiAnimId, m_dwModelID ) );
                pAnim->Sure2Load ( 0x16 );

    DWORD dwFlags;
    if ( bHighPriority )
        dwFlags = 0x16;
        dwFlags = 6;
    pGame->GetStreaming()->RequestModel(m_dwModelID, dwFlags);

            Sure2Load ( dwFlags );
Exemplo n.º 15
CWebView::~CWebView ()
    if ( IsMainThread () )
        if ( g_pCore->GetWebCore ()->GetFocusedWebView () == this )
            g_pCore->GetWebCore ()->SetFocusedWebView ( nullptr );

    // Ensure that CefRefPtr::~CefRefPtr doesn't try to release it twice (it has already been released in CWebView::OnBeforeClose)
    m_pWebView = nullptr;

#ifdef MTA_DEBUG
    OutputDebugLine ( "CWebView::~CWebView" );
Exemplo n.º 16
bool CWebCore::UpdateListsFromMaster ()
    if ( !m_pXmlConfig )
        return false;

    CXMLNode* pRootNode = m_pXmlConfig->GetRootNode ();
    if ( !pRootNode || !MakeSureXMLNodesExist () )
        return false;

    // Fetch white- and blacklist revision from config
    CXMLNode* pWhiteRevNode = pRootNode->FindSubNode ( "whitelistrev" );
    if ( !pWhiteRevNode || !pWhiteRevNode->GetTagContent ( m_iWhitelistRevision ) )
       m_iWhitelistRevision = 0;
    CXMLNode* pBlackRevNode = pRootNode->FindSubNode ( "blacklistrev" );
    if ( !pBlackRevNode || !pBlackRevNode->GetTagContent ( m_iBlacklistRevision ) )
       m_iBlacklistRevision = 0;

    // Get last update timestamp and compare with current time
    CXMLNode* pLastUpdateNode = pRootNode->FindSubNode ( "lastupdate" );
    if ( pLastUpdateNode )
        SString lastUpdateTime = pLastUpdateNode->GetTagContent ();

        time_t currentTime;
        time ( &currentTime );

        if ( lastUpdateTime < SString ( "%d", (long long)currentTime - BROWSER_LIST_UPDATE_INTERVAL ) )
        #ifdef MTA_DEBUG
            OutputDebugLine ( "Updating white- and blacklist..." );
            g_pCore->GetNetwork ()->GetHTTPDownloadManager ( EDownloadModeType::WEBBROWSER_LISTS )->QueueFile ( SString("%s?type=getrev", BROWSER_UPDATE_URL),
                NULL, 0, NULL, 0, false, this, &CWebCore::StaticFetchRevisionProgress, false, 3 );

            pLastUpdateNode->SetTagContent ( SString ( "%d", (long long)currentTime ) );
            m_pXmlConfig->Write ();

    return true;
// CRemoteMasterServer::ParseListVer0
// Standard Game Monitor reply
bool CRemoteMasterServer::ParseListVer0 ( CServerListItemList& itemList )
    CBufferReadStream stream ( m_Data, true );

    if ( stream.GetSize () < 2 )
        return false;

    unsigned short usCount = 0;
    stream.Read ( usCount );

    uint uiNumServers = usCount;
    uint uiNumServersUpdated = 0;
    uint uiNumServersBefore = itemList.size ();

    while ( !stream.AtEnd ( 6 ) && usCount-- )
        in_addr             Address;        // IP-address
        unsigned short      usQueryPort;    // Query port

        stream.Read ( Address.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1 );
        stream.Read ( Address.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2 );
        stream.Read ( Address.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3 );
        stream.Read ( Address.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4 );
        stream.Read ( usQueryPort );

        // Add or find item to update
        CServerListItem* pItem = GetServerListItem ( itemList, Address, usQueryPort - SERVER_LIST_QUERY_PORT_OFFSET );

        if ( pItem->ShouldAllowDataQuality ( SERVER_INFO_ASE_0 ) )
            pItem->SetDataQuality ( SERVER_INFO_ASE_0 );

    OutputDebugLine ( SString ( "[Browser] %d servers (%d added, %d updated) from %s", uiNumServers, itemList.size () - uiNumServersBefore, uiNumServersUpdated, *m_strURL ) );

    return true;
// CEffectTemplateImpl::HaveFilesChanged
// Recheck MD5's to see if the content has changed
bool CEffectTemplateImpl::HaveFilesChanged ( void )
    if ( !m_bHaveFilesChanged )
        for ( std::map < SString, SString >::const_iterator iter = m_FileMD5Map.begin () ; iter != m_FileMD5Map.end () ; ++iter )
            const SString& strPathFilename = iter->first;
            const SString& strMD5 = iter->second;
            SString strNewMD5 = CMD5Hasher::CalculateHexString ( strPathFilename );
            if ( strNewMD5 != strMD5 )
                OutputDebugLine ( SString ( "[Shader] %s file has changed from %s to %s", *strPathFilename, *strMD5, *strNewMD5 ) );
                m_bHaveFilesChanged = true;
    return m_bHaveFilesChanged;
Exemplo n.º 19
bool CWebCore::StaticFetchBlacklistProgress ( double dDownloadNow, double dDownloadTotal, char* pCompletedData, size_t completedLength, void *pObj, bool bComplete, int iError )
    if ( !bComplete )
        return false;

    CWebCore* pWebCore = static_cast < CWebCore* > ( pObj );
    if ( !pWebCore->m_pXmlConfig )
        return false;

    if ( !pWebCore->MakeSureXMLNodesExist () )
        return false;

    CXMLNode* pRootNode = pWebCore->m_pXmlConfig->GetRootNode ();
    std::vector<SString> blacklist;
    SString strData = pCompletedData;
    strData.Split ( ";", blacklist );
    CXMLNode* pListNode = pRootNode->FindSubNode ( "globalblacklist" );
    if ( !pListNode )
        return false;
    pListNode->DeleteAllSubNodes ();

    for ( std::vector<SString>::const_iterator iter = blacklist.begin (); iter != blacklist.end (); ++iter )
        CXMLNode* pNode = pListNode->CreateSubNode ( "url" );
        pNode->SetTagContent ( *iter );

    // Set blacklist revision
    CXMLNode* pNode = pRootNode->FindSubNode ( "blacklistrev" );
    if ( !pNode )
        return false;
    pNode->SetTagContent ( pWebCore->m_iBlacklistRevision );

    // Write changes to the XML file
    pWebCore->m_pXmlConfig->Write ();

    pWebCore->LoadListsFromXML ( false, true, false );

#ifdef MTA_DEBUG
    OutputDebugLine ( "Updated browser blacklist!" );
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 20
// Called after a Lua function if post call hook has been installed
void CLuaDefs::DidUseFunction ( lua_CFunction f, lua_State* luaVM )
    // Quick cull of unknown pointer range - Deals with calls from client dll (when the server has been loaded into the same process)
    if ( CLuaCFunctions::IsNotFunction( f ) )

    if ( !ms_TimingFunctionStack.empty () )
        // Check if the function used was being timed
        const STimingFunction& info = ms_TimingFunctionStack.back ();
        if ( info.f == f )
            // Finish the timing
            TIMEUS elapsedTime = GetTimeUs() - info.startTime;
            uint uiDeltaBytes = g_uiNetSentByteCounter - info.uiStartByteCount;
            // Record timing over a threshold
            if ( elapsedTime >= CPerfStatFunctionTiming::ms_PeakUsThresh || uiDeltaBytes > 1000 )
                CLuaCFunction* pFunction = CLuaCFunctions::GetFunction ( info.f );
                if ( pFunction )
                    CResource* pResource = g_pGame->GetResourceManager ()->GetResourceFromLuaState ( info.luaVM );
                    SString strResourceName = pResource ? pResource->GetName() : "unknown";
                    CPerfStatFunctionTiming::GetSingleton ()->UpdateTiming ( strResourceName, pFunction->GetName ().c_str (), elapsedTime, uiDeltaBytes );

            ms_TimingFunctionStack.pop_back ();

    // Check if we should remove the hook
    if ( !g_pStats->bFunctionTimingActive && !g_pGame->GetDebugHookManager()->HasPostFunctionHooks() )
        ms_TimingFunctionStack.clear ();
        OutputDebugLine ( "[Lua] Removing PostCallHook" );
        assert ( ms_bRegisterdPostCallHook );
        ms_bRegisterdPostCallHook = false;
        lua_registerPostCallHook ( NULL );

    g_pGame->GetDebugHookManager()->OnPostFunction( f, luaVM );
Exemplo n.º 21
void CWebCore::StaticFetchWhitelistFinished ( char* pCompletedData, size_t completedLength, void *pObj, bool bSuccess, int iErrorCode )
    if ( !bSuccess )

    CWebCore* pWebCore = static_cast < CWebCore* > ( pObj );
    if ( !pWebCore->m_pXmlConfig )

    if ( !pWebCore->MakeSureXMLNodesExist () )

    CXMLNode* pRootNode = pWebCore->m_pXmlConfig->GetRootNode ();
    std::vector<SString> whitelist;
    SString strData = pCompletedData;
    strData.Split ( ";", whitelist );
    CXMLNode* pListNode = pRootNode->FindSubNode ( "globalwhitelist" );
    if ( !pListNode )
    pListNode->DeleteAllSubNodes ();

    for ( std::vector<SString>::const_iterator iter = whitelist.begin (); iter != whitelist.end (); ++iter )
        CXMLNode* pNode = pListNode->CreateSubNode ( "url" );
        pNode->SetTagContent ( *iter );

    // Set whitelist revision
    CXMLNode* pNode = pRootNode->FindSubNode ( "whitelistrev" );
    if ( !pNode )
    pNode->SetTagContent ( pWebCore->m_iWhitelistRevision );

    // Write changes to the XML file
    pWebCore->m_pXmlConfig->Write ();

    pWebCore->LoadListsFromXML ( true, false, false );

#ifdef MTA_DEBUG
    OutputDebugLine ( "Updated whitelist!" );
Exemplo n.º 22
// Assumes CSimControl::UpdatePuresyncSimPlayer is called soon after this function
void CPlayer::MovePlayerToFarList ( CPlayer* pOther )
    OutputDebugLine ( SString ( "[Sync] -- %s: Move %s to farlist", GetNick (), pOther->GetNick () ) );

    dassert ( MapContains ( m_NearPlayerList, pOther ) && !MapContains ( m_FarPlayerList, pOther ) );
    SViewerInfo* pInfo = MapFind ( m_NearPlayerList, pOther );

#ifdef MTA_DEBUG
    dassert ( MapContains ( m_PureSyncSimSendList, pOther ) == pInfo->bInPureSyncSimSendList );
    if ( pInfo->bInPureSyncSimSendList )
        MapRemove ( m_PureSyncSimSendList, pOther );
        m_bPureSyncSimSendListDirty = true;
        pInfo->bInPureSyncSimSendList = false;

    MapSet ( m_FarPlayerList, pOther, *pInfo );
    MapRemove ( m_NearPlayerList, pOther );
Exemplo n.º 23
// Make sure function refs can't be used after a VM has closed
void CLuaFunctionRef::RemoveLuaFunctionRefsForVM( lua_State *luaVM )
    luaVM = lua_getmainstate ( luaVM );

    if ( !luaVM )

    uint uiCount = 0;
    for ( CIntrusiveList < CLuaFunctionRef >::iterator iter = ms_AllRefList.begin() ; iter != ms_AllRefList.end() ; ++iter )
        CLuaFunctionRef* ref = *iter;
        // Compare the main state values to see if its the same VM
        if ( ref->m_luaVM == luaVM )
            luaM_dec_use ( ref->m_luaVM, ref->m_iFunction, ref->m_pFuncPtr );
            ref->m_luaVM = NULL;
    if ( uiCount )
        OutputDebugLine( SString( "Server RemoveLuaFunctionRefsForVM: zeroed:%d  total:%d", uiCount, ms_AllRefList.size() ) );
Exemplo n.º 24
// CCompressorJobQueueImpl::FreeCommand
// Throw away result when this job is done
// Returns false if jobHandle not correct
bool CCompressorJobQueueImpl::FreeCommand ( CCompressJobData* pJobData )
    if ( MapContains ( m_IgnoreResultList, pJobData ) )
        return false;       // Already ignoring query handle

    // if in command or result queue, then put in ignore result list
    bool bFound;
    shared.m_Mutex.Lock ();

    bFound = ListContains ( shared.m_CommandQueue, pJobData ) || ListContains ( shared.m_ResultQueue, pJobData );

    shared.m_Mutex.Unlock ();

    if ( !bFound )
        // Must be in finished list
        if ( !MapContains ( m_FinishedList, pJobData ) )
            OutputDebugLine ( "FreeCommand: Serious problem #2 here\n" );
        return false; 

    IgnoreJobResults ( pJobData );
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 25
// CClientSound::Process3D
// Update position and velocity and pass on the BASS for processing.
// m_pAudio->DoPulse needs to be called for non-3D sounds also.
void CClientSound::Process3D ( const CVector& vecPlayerPosition, const CVector& vecCameraPosition, const CVector& vecLookAt )
    // Update 3D things if required
    if ( m_b3D )
        // Update our position and velocity if we're attached
        CClientEntity* pAttachedToEntity = GetAttachedTo ();
        if ( pAttachedToEntity )
            GetPosition( m_vecPosition );
            DoAttaching ();
            CVector vecVelocity;
            if ( CStaticFunctionDefinitions::GetElementVelocity ( *pAttachedToEntity, vecVelocity ) )
                SetVelocity ( vecVelocity );
            // Update our spatial data position
            UpdateSpatialData ();
    // If the sound isn't active, we don't need to process it
    // Moved after 3D updating as the streamer didn't know the position changed if a sound isn't streamed in when attached.
    if ( !m_pAudio )

    m_pAudio->DoPulse ( vecPlayerPosition, vecCameraPosition, vecLookAt );

    // Trigger script events for things
    SSoundEventInfo eventInfo;
    while ( m_pAudio->GetQueuedEvent ( eventInfo ) )
        if ( eventInfo.type == SOUND_EVENT_FINISHED_DOWNLOAD )
            CLuaArguments Arguments;
            Arguments.PushNumber ( eventInfo.dNumber );
            CallEvent ( "onClientSoundFinishedDownload", Arguments, true );
            OutputDebugLine ( SString ( "[ClientSound] onClientSoundFinishedDownload %f", eventInfo.dNumber ) );
        if ( eventInfo.type == SOUND_EVENT_CHANGED_META )
            CLuaArguments Arguments;
            Arguments.PushString ( eventInfo.strString );
            CallEvent ( "onClientSoundChangedMeta", Arguments, true );
            OutputDebugLine ( SString ( "[ClientSound] onClientSoundChangedMeta %s", *eventInfo.strString ) );
        if ( eventInfo.type == SOUND_EVENT_STREAM_RESULT )
            // Call onClientSoundStream LUA event
            CLuaArguments Arguments;
            Arguments.PushBoolean ( eventInfo.bBool );
            Arguments.PushNumber ( eventInfo.dNumber );
            if ( !eventInfo.strString.empty () )
                Arguments.PushString ( eventInfo.strString );
            CallEvent ( "onClientSoundStream", Arguments, true );
            OutputDebugLine ( SString ( "[ClientSound] onClientSoundStream %d %f %s", eventInfo.bBool, eventInfo.dNumber, *eventInfo.strString ) );
        if ( eventInfo.type == SOUND_EVENT_BEAT )
            CLuaArguments Arguments;
            Arguments.PushNumber ( eventInfo.dNumber );
            CallEvent ( "onClientSoundBeat", Arguments, true );
// CRemoteMasterServer::ParseListVer2
// Extended reply
bool CRemoteMasterServer::ParseListVer2 ( CServerListItemList& itemList )
    CBufferReadStream stream ( m_Data, true );

    // Check EOF marker
    stream.Seek ( stream.GetSize () - 4 );
    uint uiEOFMarker = 0;
    stream.Read ( uiEOFMarker );
    if ( uiEOFMarker != 0x12345679 )
        return false;

    // Skip header
    stream.Seek ( 4 );

    // Read flags
    uint uiFlags = 0;
    stream.Read ( uiFlags );

    //bool bHasAddress        = ( uiFlags & ASE_FLAG_ADDRESS ) != 0;
    //bool bHasPort           = ( uiFlags & ASE_FLAG_PORT ) != 0;
    bool bHasPlayerCount    = ( uiFlags & ASE_FLAG_PLAYER_COUNT ) != 0;
    bool bHasMaxPlayerCount = ( uiFlags & ASE_FLAG_MAX_PLAYER_COUNT ) != 0;
    bool bHasGameName       = ( uiFlags & ASE_FLAG_GAME_NAME ) != 0;
    bool bHasName           = ( uiFlags & ASE_FLAG_NAME ) != 0;
    bool bHasGameMode       = ( uiFlags & ASE_FLAG_GAME_MODE ) != 0;
    bool bHasMap            = ( uiFlags & ASE_FLAG_MAP ) != 0;
    bool bHasVersion        = ( uiFlags & ASE_FLAG_VERSION ) != 0;
    bool bHasPassworded     = ( uiFlags & ASE_FLAG_PASSWORDED ) != 0;
    bool bHasSerials        = ( uiFlags & ASE_FLAG_SERIALS ) != 0;
    bool bHasPlayers        = ( uiFlags & ASE_FLAG_PLAYER_LIST ) != 0;
    bool bHasRespondingFlag = ( uiFlags & ASE_FLAG_RESPONDING ) != 0;
    bool bHasRestrictionFlags = ( uiFlags & ASE_FLAG_RESTRICTIONS ) != 0;
    bool bHasSearchIgnoreSections = ( uiFlags & ASE_FLAG_SEARCH_IGNORE_SECTIONS ) != 0;
    bool bHasKeepFlag       = ( uiFlags & ASE_FLAG_KEEP ) != 0;
    bool bHasHttpPort       = ( uiFlags & ASE_FLAG_HTTP_PORT ) != 0;
    bool bHasSpecialFlags   = ( uiFlags & ASE_FLAG_SPECIAL_FLAGS ) != 0;

    // Rate quality of data supplied here
    uint uiDataQuality = SERVER_INFO_ASE_2;
    if ( bHasSearchIgnoreSections )
        uiDataQuality = SERVER_INFO_ASE_2b;

    // Read sequence number
    uint uiSequenceNumber = 0;
    stream.Read ( uiSequenceNumber );

    // Read server count
    uint uiCount = 0;
    stream.Read ( uiCount );

    struct SItem
        int iTotal;
        int iNoResponse;
    std::map < SString, SItem > totalMap;

    uint uiNumServers = uiCount;
    uint uiNumServersUpdated = 0;
    uint uiNumServersBefore = itemList.size ();

    // Add all servers until we hit the count or run out of data
    while ( !stream.AtEnd ( 6 ) && uiCount-- )
        ushort usLength = 0;        // Length of data for this server
        stream.Read ( usLength );
        uint uiSkipPos = stream.Tell () + usLength - 2;

        in_addr             Address;        // IP-address
        unsigned short      usGamePort;     // Game port

        stream.Read ( Address.S_un.S_addr );
        stream.Read ( usGamePort );

        // Add or find item to update
        CServerListItem* pItem = GetServerListItem ( itemList, Address, usGamePort );

        if ( pItem->ShouldAllowDataQuality ( uiDataQuality ) )
            pItem->SetDataQuality ( uiDataQuality );

            if ( bHasPlayerCount )          stream.Read ( pItem->nPlayers );
            if ( bHasMaxPlayerCount )       stream.Read ( pItem->nMaxPlayers );
            if ( bHasGameName )             stream.ReadString ( pItem->strGameName, true );
            if ( bHasName )                 stream.ReadString ( pItem->strName, true );
            if ( bHasGameMode )             stream.ReadString ( pItem->strGameMode, true );
            if ( bHasMap )                  stream.ReadString ( pItem->strMap, true );
            if ( bHasVersion )              stream.ReadString ( pItem->strVersion, true );
            if ( bHasPassworded )           stream.Read ( pItem->bPassworded );
            if ( bHasSerials )              stream.Read ( pItem->bSerials );

            if ( bHasPlayers )
                pItem->vecPlayers.clear ();

                ushort usPlayerListSize = 0;
                stream.Read ( usPlayerListSize );

                for ( uint i = 0 ; i < usPlayerListSize ; i++ )
                    SString strPlayer;
                    stream.ReadString ( strPlayer, true );
                    pItem->vecPlayers.push_back ( strPlayer );

            if ( bHasRespondingFlag )
                stream.Read ( pItem->bMasterServerSaysNoResponse );

            if ( bHasRestrictionFlags )
                stream.Read ( pItem->uiMasterServerSaysRestrictions );

            if ( bHasSearchIgnoreSections )
                // Construct searchable name
                pItem->strSearchableName = pItem->strName;
                uchar ucNumItems = 0;
                stream.Read ( ucNumItems );
                while ( ucNumItems-- )
                    // Read section of name to remove
                    uchar ucOffset = 0;
                    uchar ucLength = 0;
                    stream.Read ( ucOffset );
                    stream.Read ( ucLength );
                    for ( uint i = ucOffset ; i < (uint)( ucOffset + ucLength ) ; i++ )
                        if ( i < pItem->strSearchableName.length () )
                            pItem->strSearchableName[i] = '\1';

            if ( bHasKeepFlag )
                uchar ucKeepFlag = 0;
                stream.Read ( ucKeepFlag );
                pItem->bKeepFlag = ucKeepFlag ? true : false;

            if ( bHasHttpPort )
                stream.Read ( pItem->m_usHttpPort );

            if ( bHasSpecialFlags )
                stream.Read ( pItem->m_ucSpecialFlags );

            pItem->PostChange ();

            totalMap[ pItem->strVersion ].iTotal += 1;
            if ( pItem->bMasterServerSaysNoResponse )
                totalMap[ pItem->strVersion ].iNoResponse += 1;

        // Make sure past all data for this server
        stream.Seek ( uiSkipPos );

    OutputDebugLine ( SString ( "[Browser] %d servers (%d added, %d updated) from %s", uiNumServers, itemList.size () - uiNumServersBefore, uiNumServersUpdated, *m_strURL ) );
    for ( std::map < SString, SItem >::iterator iter = totalMap.begin () ; iter != totalMap.end () ; ++iter )
        OutputDebugLine ( SString ( "[Browser] version '%s' - %d total  %d noresponse", *iter->first, iter->second.iTotal, iter->second.iNoResponse ) );

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 27
int CLuaDefs::CanUseFunction ( lua_CFunction f, lua_State* luaVM )
    // Quick cull of unknown pointer range
    if ( CLuaCFunctions::IsNotFunction( f ) )
        return true;

    // Get associated resource
    CResource* pResource = m_pResourceManager->GetResourceFromLuaState( luaVM );
    if ( !pResource )
        return true;

    // Update execution time check

    // Check function right cache in resource
    bool bAllowed;
    if ( pResource->CheckFunctionRightCache( f, &bAllowed ) )
        // If in cache, and not allowed, do warning here
        if ( !bAllowed )
            m_pScriptDebugging->LogBadAccess ( luaVM );
        // If not in cache, do full check
        bAllowed = true;

        // Grab the function name we're calling. If it's one of our functions, see if we can use it.
        CLuaCFunction* pFunction = CLuaCFunctions::GetFunction ( f );
        dassert( pFunction );
        if ( pFunction )
            // If it's not one of lua's functions, see if we allow it
            bAllowed = CLuaDefs::CanUseFunction ( pFunction->GetName ().c_str (), luaVM/*, pResource*/, pFunction->IsRestricted () );

        // Update cache in resource
        pResource->UpdateFunctionRightCache( f, bAllowed );

    g_pGame->GetDebugHookManager()->OnPreFunction( f, luaVM, bAllowed );

    // If not allowed, do no more
    if ( !bAllowed )
        return false;

    // Check if function timing is active
    if ( g_pStats->bFunctionTimingActive || g_pGame->GetDebugHookManager()->HasPostFunctionHooks() )
        // Check if hook needs applying
        if ( !ms_bRegisterdPostCallHook )
            OutputDebugLine ( "[Lua] Registering PostCallHook" );
            ms_bRegisterdPostCallHook = true;
            lua_registerPostCallHook ( CLuaDefs::DidUseFunction );
        // Start to time the function
        ms_TimingFunctionStack.push_back ( STimingFunction( luaVM, f, GetTimeUs(), g_uiNetSentByteCounter ) );
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 28
VOID CModelInfoSA::Request( EModelRequestType requestType, const char* szTag )
    DEBUG_TRACE("VOID CModelInfoSA::Request( BOOL bAndLoad, BOOL bWaitForLoad )");
    // don't bother loading it if it already is
    if ( IsLoaded () )

    if ( m_dwModelID <= 288 && m_dwModelID != 7 && !pGame->GetModelInfo ( 7 )->IsLoaded () )
        // Skin 7 must be loaded in order for other skins to work. No, really. (#4010)
        pGame->GetModelInfo ( 7 )->Request ( requestType, "Model 7" );

    // Bikes can sometimes get stuck when loading unless the anim file is handled like what is does here
    // Don't change the code below unless you can test it (by recreating the problem it solves)
    if ( IsVehicle () )
        uint uiAnimFileIndex = GetAnimFileIndex ();
        if ( uiAnimFileIndex != 0xffffffff )
            uint uiAnimId = uiAnimFileIndex + 25575;
            CModelInfoSA* pAnim = static_cast < CModelInfoSA* > ( pGame->GetModelInfo ( uiAnimId ) );
            if ( !pAnim )
                if ( uiAnimId != 25714 )
                    LogEvent ( 505, "Model no anim", "", SString ( "%d (%d)", m_dwModelID, uiAnimId ) );
            if ( !pAnim->IsLoaded() )
                OutputDebugLine ( SString ( "[Models] Requesting anim file %d for model %d", uiAnimId, m_dwModelID ) );
                pAnim->Request ( requestType, szTag );

    if ( requestType == BLOCKING )
        pGame->GetStreaming()->RequestModel ( m_dwModelID, 0x16 );
        pGame->GetStreaming()->LoadAllRequestedModels ( true, szTag );
        if ( !IsLoaded() )
            // Try 3 more times, final time without high priority flag
            int iCount = 0;
            while ( iCount++ < 10 && !IsLoaded() )
                bool bOnlyPriorityModels = ( iCount < 3 || iCount & 1 );
                pGame->GetStreaming()->LoadAllRequestedModels ( bOnlyPriorityModels, szTag );
            if ( !IsLoaded() )
                AddReportLog ( 6641, SString ( "Blocking load fail: %d (%s)", m_dwModelID, szTag ) );
                LogEvent ( 641, "Blocking load fail", "", SString ( "%d (%s)", m_dwModelID, szTag ) );
                dassert ( 0 );
                AddReportLog ( 6642, SString ( "Blocking load: %d (%s) (Took %d attempts)", m_dwModelID, szTag, iCount ) );
                LogEvent ( 642, "Blocking load", "", SString ( "%d (%s) (Took %d attempts)", m_dwModelID, szTag, iCount ) );
        pGame->GetStreaming()->RequestModel ( m_dwModelID, 0x06 );
Exemplo n.º 29
// Called from the main thread during DoPulse
void CBassAudio::CompleteStreamConnect ( HSTREAM pSound )
    if ( pSound )
        m_pSound = pSound;

        BASS_ChannelGetAttribute ( pSound, BASS_ATTRIB_FREQ, &m_fDefaultFrequency );
        BASS_ChannelSetAttribute ( pSound, BASS_ATTRIB_FREQ, m_fPlaybackSpeed * m_fDefaultFrequency );
        if ( !m_b3D )
            BASS_ChannelSetAttribute( pSound, BASS_ATTRIB_VOL, m_fVolume );
        ApplyFxEffects ();
        // Set a Callback function for download finished or connection closed prematurely
        m_hSyncDownload = BASS_ChannelSetSync ( pSound, BASS_SYNC_DOWNLOAD, 0, &DownloadSync, m_uiCallbackId );
        SetFinishedCallbacks ();

        if ( BASS_FX_BPM_CallbackSet ( pSound, (BPMPROC*)&BPMCallback, 1, 0, 0, m_uiCallbackId ) == false )
            g_pCore->GetConsole()->Print ( "BASS ERROR in BASS_FX_BPM_CallbackSet" );
        if ( BASS_FX_BPM_BeatCallbackSet ( pSound, (BPMBEATPROC*)&BeatCallback, m_uiCallbackId ) == false )
            g_pCore->GetConsole()->Print ( "BASS ERROR in BASS_FX_BPM_BeatCallbackSet" );
        // get the broadcast name
        const char* szIcy;
        szIcy = BASS_ChannelGetTags ( pSound, BASS_TAG_ICY );
        if ( 
            ( szIcy = BASS_ChannelGetTags ( pSound, BASS_TAG_ICY ) )
         || ( szIcy = BASS_ChannelGetTags ( pSound, BASS_TAG_WMA ) )
         || ( szIcy = BASS_ChannelGetTags ( pSound, BASS_TAG_HTTP ) )
            if ( szIcy ) 
                for ( ; *szIcy; szIcy += strlen ( szIcy ) + 1 )
                    if ( !strnicmp ( szIcy, "icy-name:", 9 ) ) // ICY / HTTP
                        m_strStreamName = szIcy + 9;
                    else if ( !strnicmp ( szIcy, "title=", 6 ) ) // WMA
                        m_strStreamName = szIcy + 6;
                    //g_pCore->GetConsole()->Printf ( "BASS STREAM INFO  %s", szIcy );
        // set sync for stream titles
        m_hSyncMeta = BASS_ChannelSetSync( pSound, BASS_SYNC_META, 0, &MetaSync, m_uiCallbackId ); // Shoutcast
        //g_pCore->GetConsole()->Printf ( "BASS ERROR %d in BASS_SYNC_META", BASS_ErrorGetCode() );
        //BASS_ChannelSetSync(pSound,BASS_SYNC_OGG_CHANGE,0,&MetaSync,this); // Icecast/OGG
        //g_pCore->GetConsole()->Printf ( "BASS ERROR %d in BASS_SYNC_OGG_CHANGE", BASS_ErrorGetCode() );
        //BASS_ChannelSetSync(pSound,BASS_SYNC_WMA_META,0,&MetaSync,this); // script/mid-stream tags
        //g_pCore->GetConsole()->Printf ( "BASS ERROR %d in BASS_SYNC_WMA_META", BASS_ErrorGetCode() );
        //BASS_ChannelSetSync(pSound,BASS_SYNC_WMA_CHANGE,0,&WMAChangeSync,this); // server-side playlist changes
        //g_pCore->GetConsole()->Printf ( "BASS ERROR %d in BASS_SYNC_WMA_CHANGE", BASS_ErrorGetCode() );
        g_pCore->GetConsole()->Printf ( "BASS ERROR %d in PlayStream  b3D = %s  path = %s", BASS_ErrorGetCode(), m_b3D ? "true" : "false", m_strPath.c_str() );

    OutputDebugLine ( "[Bass]        stream connect complete" );

    AddQueuedEvent ( SOUND_EVENT_STREAM_RESULT, m_strStreamName, GetLength (), pSound ? true : false );
Exemplo n.º 30
// This will return false for non streams if the file is not correct
bool CBassAudio::BeginLoadingMedia ( void )
    assert ( !m_pSound && !m_bPendingPlay );

    // Calc the flags
#if 0   // Everything sounds better in ste-reo
    if ( m_b3D )
        lFlags |= BASS_SAMPLE_MONO;
    if ( m_bLoop )
        lFlags |= BASS_SAMPLE_LOOP;

    if ( m_bStream )
        // For streams, begin the connect sequence
        assert ( !m_pVars );
        m_pVars = new SSoundThreadVariables ();
        m_pVars->strURL = m_strPath;
        m_pVars->lFlags = lFlags;
        CreateThread ( NULL, 0, reinterpret_cast <LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE> ( &CBassAudio::PlayStreamIntern ), m_uiCallbackId, 0, NULL );
        m_bPendingPlay = true;
        OutputDebugLine ( "[Bass]        stream connect started" );
        // For non streams, try to load the sound file
        // First x streams need to be decoders rather than "real" sounds but that's dependent on if we need streams or not so we need to adapt.
            We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. 
            We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. 
            Your culture will adapt to service us. 
            Resistance is futile.

        if ( !m_pBuffer )
            m_pSound = BASS_StreamCreateFile ( false, m_strPath, 0, 0, lCreateFlags );
            if ( !m_pSound )
                m_pSound = BASS_MusicLoad ( false, m_strPath, 0, 0, BASS_MUSIC_RAMP|BASS_MUSIC_PRESCAN|BASS_STREAM_DECODE, 0 );  // Try again
            if ( !m_pSound && m_b3D )
                m_pSound = ConvertFileToMono ( m_strPath );                       // Last try if 3D
            m_pSound = BASS_StreamCreateFile ( true, m_pBuffer, 0, m_uiBufferLength, lCreateFlags );
            if ( !m_pSound )
                m_pSound = BASS_MusicLoad ( true, m_pBuffer, 0, m_uiBufferLength, lCreateFlags, 0 );

        // Failed to load ?
        if ( !m_pSound )
            g_pCore->GetConsole()->Printf ( "BASS ERROR %d in LoadMedia  path:%s  3d:%d  loop:%d", BASS_ErrorGetCode(), *m_strPath, m_b3D, m_bLoop );
            return false;

        m_pSound = BASS_FX_ReverseCreate ( m_pSound, 2.0f, BASS_STREAM_DECODE | BASS_FX_FREESOURCE | BASS_MUSIC_PRESCAN );
        BASS_ChannelSetAttribute ( m_pSound, BASS_ATTRIB_REVERSE_DIR, BASS_FX_RVS_FORWARD );
        // Sucks.
        /*if ( BASS_FX_BPM_CallbackSet ( m_pSound, (BPMPROC*)&BPMCallback, 1, 0, 0, m_uiCallbackId ) == false )
            g_pCore->GetConsole()->Printf ( "BASS ERROR %d in BASS_FX_BPM_CallbackSet  path:%s  3d:%d  loop:%d", BASS_ErrorGetCode(), *m_strPath, m_b3D, m_bLoop );

        if ( BASS_FX_BPM_BeatCallbackSet ( m_pSound, (BPMBEATPROC*)&BeatCallback, m_uiCallbackId ) == false )
            g_pCore->GetConsole()->Printf ( "BASS ERROR %d in BASS_FX_BPM_BeatCallbackSet  path:%s  3d:%d  loop:%d", BASS_ErrorGetCode(), *m_strPath, m_b3D, m_bLoop );

        if ( !m_pSound )
            g_pCore->GetConsole()->Printf ( "BASS ERROR %d in BASS_FX_ReverseCreate  path:%s  3d:%d  loop:%d", BASS_ErrorGetCode(), *m_strPath, m_b3D, m_bLoop );
            return false;
        m_pSound = BASS_FX_TempoCreate ( m_pSound, lFlags | BASS_FX_FREESOURCE );
        if ( !m_pSound )
            g_pCore->GetConsole()->Printf ( "BASS ERROR %d in CreateTempo  path:%s  3d:%d  loop:%d", BASS_ErrorGetCode(), *m_strPath, m_b3D, m_bLoop );
            return false;
        BASS_ChannelGetAttribute ( m_pSound, BASS_ATTRIB_TEMPO, &m_fTempo );
        BASS_ChannelGetAttribute ( m_pSound, BASS_ATTRIB_TEMPO_PITCH, &m_fPitch );
        BASS_ChannelGetAttribute ( m_pSound, BASS_ATTRIB_TEMPO_FREQ, &m_fSampleRate );
        // Validation of some sort
        if ( m_bLoop && BASS_ChannelFlags ( m_pSound, BASS_SAMPLE_LOOP, BASS_SAMPLE_LOOP ) == -1 )
            g_pCore->GetConsole()->Printf ( "BASS ERROR %d in LoadMedia ChannelFlags LOOP  path:%s  3d:%d  loop:%d", BASS_ErrorGetCode(), *m_strPath, m_b3D, m_bLoop );

        BASS_ChannelGetAttribute ( m_pSound, BASS_ATTRIB_FREQ, &m_fDefaultFrequency );
        m_bPendingPlay = true;
        SetFinishedCallbacks ();
        OutputDebugLine ( "[Bass] sound loaded" );

    return true;