Exemplo n.º 1
 * codegen_string_table:  Write out string table.
void codegen_string_table(void)
   int i, curpos, total_len;
   char *str;
   list_type l;

   OutputInt(outfile, st.num_strings);

   curpos = FileCurPos(outfile);

   /* Write out offsets of strings (need to know string lengths) */
   total_len = 0;
   l = st.strings;
   for (i=0; i < st.num_strings; i++)
      OutputInt(outfile, curpos + total_len + st.num_strings * 4);
      str = (char *) (l->data);
      total_len += strlen(str) + 1;
      l = l->next;

   /* Now write out the strings themselves */
   l = st.strings;
   for (i=0; i < st.num_strings; i++)
      str = (char *) (l->data);
      write(outfile, str, strlen(str));
      OutputByte(outfile, 0);    // null terminate
      l = l->next;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * codegen_debug_info:  Write out debugging info.
void codegen_debug_info(void)
   list_type l;

   OutputInt(outfile, list_length(debug_lines));

   for (l = debug_lines; l != NULL; l = l->next)
      DebugLine *d = (DebugLine *) (l->data);
      OutputInt(outfile, d->offset);
      OutputInt(outfile, d->lineno);
   debug_lines = list_destroy(debug_lines);
Exemplo n.º 3
 * codegen_dowhile: Generate code for a do-while loop statement.
 *   numlocals should be # of local variables for message excluding temps.
 *   Returns highest # local variable used in code for statement.
int codegen_dowhile(while_stmt_type s, int numlocals)
   opcode_type opcode;
   int our_maxlocal = numlocals, numtemps, sourceval;
   long toppos;
   list_type p;

   toppos = FileCurPos(outfile);

   /* Write code for loop body */
   for (p = s->body; p != NULL; p = p->next)
      numtemps = codegen_statement( (stmt_type) p->data, numlocals);
      if (numtemps > our_maxlocal)
         our_maxlocal = numtemps;
   /* Backpatch continue statements in loop body */
   for (p = current_loop->for_continue_list; p != NULL; p = p->next)
      BackpatchGoto(outfile, (int)p->data, FileCurPos(outfile));

   /* First generate code for condition */
   our_maxlocal = simplify_expr(s->condition, numlocals);

   /* Jump over body if condition is false */
   memset(&opcode, 0, sizeof(opcode));  /* Set opcode to all zeros */
   opcode.command = GOTO;
   opcode.dest = GOTO_IF_FALSE;
   sourceval = set_source_id(&opcode, SOURCE1, s->condition);
   OutputOpcode(outfile, opcode);

   /* Make believe goto is a break statement & leave space for backpatching */
   current_loop->break_list =
      list_add_item(current_loop->break_list, (void *)FileCurPos(outfile));
   OutputInt(outfile, 0);
   OutputInt(outfile, sourceval);

   /* Goto top of loop is last statement of while loop */
   opcode.source1 = 0;
   opcode.source2 = GOTO_UNCONDITIONAL;
   opcode.dest = 0;
   OutputOpcode(outfile, opcode);
   OutputGotoOffset(outfile, FileCurPos(outfile), toppos);

   codegen_exit_loop();  /* Takes care of break statements */

   return our_maxlocal;
bool StandardEncryption::EncryptFileEx2 (char *szSource, char *szDestination, char *szPassword, bool bEncrypt) {
	char szNewsource[SIZE_STRING];
	bool bEncres = false;
	DWORD dwLastError = 0;

	if (strcmp (szSource, szDestination) == 0) {
		ZeroMemory (szNewsource, SIZE_STRING);
		strcpy_s (szNewsource, SIZE_STRING, szSource);
		strcat_s (szNewsource, SIZE_STRING, "src");

		// Now move the source file to the new source file
		if (MoveFile (szSource, szNewsource) != 0) {

			bEncres = EncryptFile (szNewsource, szSource, szPassword, bEncrypt);

			if (bEncres == true) {
				if (DeleteFile (szNewsource) == 0) {
					dwLastError = GetLastError ();
					OutputInt ("EncryptFileEx2: DeleteFile FAILED! Err: ", dwLastError);
			} else {

				if (DeleteFile (szSource) == 0) {
					dwLastError = GetLastError ();
					OutputInt ("EncryptFileEx2: DeleteFile (Recovery) FAILED! Err: ", dwLastError);
				} else {					
					if (MoveFile (szNewsource, szSource) == 0) {
						dwLastError = GetLastError ();
						OutputInt ("EncryptFileEx2: MoveFile (Recovery) FAILED! Err: ", dwLastError);

		} else {
			dwLastError = GetLastError ();
			OutputInt ("EncryptFileEx2: MoveFile FAILED! Err: ", dwLastError);
			return false;

	} else {
		// The file paths are not the same, so just encrypt anyway.
		return EncryptFile (szSource, szDestination, szPassword, bEncrypt);

	return bEncres;
Exemplo n.º 5
void Diagnostics::ParseCommandLine (char *pszCmdline)
	//MessageBox (NULL, "Hello", "Info", MB_OK);
	//MessageBox (NULL, pszCmdline, "Command Line", MB_OK);

	char szAction[SIZE_STRING];
	ZeroMemory (szAction, SIZE_STRING);

	char szPath[SIZE_STRING];
	ZeroMemory (szPath, SIZE_STRING);

	bool bDiagmode = false;

	strncpy_s (szAction, SIZE_STRING, pszCmdline, 5);

	if (strcmp (szAction, "/diag") == 0) {
		OutputInt ("CmdLine length: ", strlen (pszCmdline));
		OutputText ("Time to enter diagnostic mode...");
		bDiagmode = true;

		Show ();

Exemplo n.º 6
static void FormatUFloatScientific (char* szOutputBuffer, unsigned int uiBufferSize, unsigned int& uiWritePos, double value, int iPrecision, unsigned int Flags, bool bUpperCase, bool bRemoveZeroes)
  double dSci = value > 0.0 ? value : -value;
  int exp = 0;

  if (dSci != 0.0)
    while (dSci >= 10.0)
      dSci /= 10.0;

    while (dSci < 1.0)
      dSci *= 10.0;

  if (WouldRoundToTen (value, iPrecision))
    dSci /= 10.0;

  if (FormatUFloat (szOutputBuffer, uiBufferSize, uiWritePos, dSci, iPrecision, Flags, bRemoveZeroes))

  OutputChar (szOutputBuffer, uiBufferSize, uiWritePos, bUpperCase ? 'E' : 'e');
  OutputInt (szOutputBuffer, uiBufferSize, uiWritePos, exp, 0, 3, sprintfFlags::ForceZeroSign, 10);
Exemplo n.º 7
 * codegen_property: Generate code for a single property.
void codegen_property(property_type p)
   /* Write out # of property */
   OutputInt(outfile, p->id->idnum);

   /* Write out value of property */
   OutputConstant(outfile, p->rhs);
Exemplo n.º 8
 * codegen_classvar: Generate code for a single classvar.
void codegen_classvar(classvar_type c)
   /* Write out # of classvar */
   OutputInt(outfile, c->id->idnum);

   /* Write out value of classvar */
   OutputConstant(outfile, c->rhs);
Exemplo n.º 9
 * codegen_parameter: Generate code for a single parameter to a message handler.
void codegen_parameter(param_type p)
   /* Write out parameter's id # */
   OutputInt(outfile, p->lhs->idnum);

   /* Write out parameter's default value */
   OutputConstant(outfile, p->rhs);   
Exemplo n.º 10
 * codegen_header: Write out header stuff before class info.
void codegen_header(void)
   int i;
   for (i=0; i < 4; i++)
      OutputByte(outfile, bof_magic[i]);

   OutputInt(outfile, BOF_VERSION);
Exemplo n.º 11
 * codegen_classes: Generate code for all classes.
void codegen_classes(void)
   list_type templist, c = NULL;
   int numclasses, classpos, endpos, i;

   /* Make list of only classes which appeared in current source file */
   for (templist = st.classes; templist != NULL; templist = templist->next)
      if ( ((class_type) (templist->data))->is_new == True)
	 c = list_add_item(c, templist->data);
   /* Write out # of classes */
   numclasses = list_length(c);
   OutputInt(outfile, numclasses);

   classpos = FileCurPos(outfile);
   /* Write out class table */
   for (i=0; i < numclasses; i++)
      /* Leave space for class id # */
      OutputInt(outfile, 0);
      /* Leave space for class offset */
      OutputInt(outfile, 0);
   /* Loop through classes found in source code */
   for ( ; c != NULL; c = c->next)
      class_type each_class = (class_type) (c->data);
      /* Backpatch in class id # and offset of current class */
      endpos = FileCurPos(outfile);
      FileGoto(outfile, classpos); 
      OutputInt(outfile, each_class->class_id->idnum);
      OutputInt(outfile, endpos);
      classpos = FileCurPos(outfile);  /* Move to next entry */

      if (!codegen_ok)
Exemplo n.º 12
void Encryption::NotifyEvent (HWND hWnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
	// As we're executing in a seperate thread, the only way for the main window
	// to know if we're done is either by Callback functions through pointers
	// or to Post Window messages back to our main window which is then
	// passed to this class. 

		if (lParam != -1) {
			m_progresssingle = (unsigned long ) lParam;
		} else {
			m_bsinglethreaddone = true;
			PostMessage (hWnd, CRYPT_MSG, CRYPT_COMPLETE, 0);

	if (m_progresssingle != m_lastpercentage) {
		m_lastpercentage = m_progresssingle;
		OutputInt ("SingleCipher Progress: ", m_progresssingle);

	if (wParam == CRYPT_PROGRESS1) {
		if (lParam != -1) {
			m_progress1 = lParam;
		} else {
			m_bthread1done = true;

	if (wParam == CRYPT_PROGRESS2) {
		if (lParam != -1) {
			m_progress2 = lParam;
		} else {
			m_bthread2done = true;

	unsigned long fPercentage = (m_progress1 + m_progress2);
	if (fPercentage != m_lastpercentage) {
		m_lastpercentage = fPercentage;
		OutputInt ("MultiCipher Progress: ", fPercentage);

	if (m_bthread1done == true && m_bthread2done == true) {
		m_outbuffer->SetSize (m_tmpBuffer.GetSize ());
		m_outbuffer->Append (m_tmpBuffer.GetBuffer (), m_tmpBuffer.GetSize ());
		m_tmpBuffer.Clear ();
		OutputText ("MultiCipher: OutputBuffer written.");
Exemplo n.º 13
void Encryption::Test ()

	//Beep (1000, 200);
	//HANDLE hThread;
	//DWORD dwThreadID;

	//hThread = CreateThread (NULL, 0, ThreadProc, (void *) this, 0, &dwThreadID);
	//MessageBox (NULL, "Thread", "Info", MB_OK);

	unsigned int i = 0;

	unsigned int iBefore = GetTickCount ();

	//OutputInt ("ForwardInt2: ", ForwardInt2 (80000000, 10000));
	OutputInt ("ForwardEx: ", ForwardIntEx (80000000, 10000));

	OutputInt ("Time Taken: ", GetTickCount ()-iBefore);

Exemplo n.º 14
void Diagnostics::OnCreate (HWND hWnd)
	m_header.SetBitmapResources (IDB_DIAGHEADER);
	m_header.SetBitmapProperties (0, 0, 591, 41);
	m_header.SetProperties (hWnd, CID_HEADER, 1, 1, 591, 41);
	m_uihandler.AddDirectControl (&m_header);
	HFONT hfDefault = (HFONT) GetStockObject (DEFAULT_GUI_FONT);
	m_hwnddiaglist = CreateWindow ("listbox", NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_HSCROLL | WS_VSCROLL, 1, 43, 991, 283, hWnd, (HMENU) ID_DIAGLIST, GetModuleHandle (NULL), NULL) ;
	SendMessage (m_hwnddiaglist, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM) hfDefault, MAKELPARAM (FALSE, 0));
	OutputInt ("Diagnostics Ready: ", 0);
Exemplo n.º 15
 * codegen_return:  Generate code for a RETURN statement.
 *   expr is the expression to return, maxlocal is the highest # local
 *   variable used so far.
 *   Returns highest # local variable used in code for return.
int codegen_return(expr_type expr, int maxlocal)
   opcode_type opcode;
   int our_maxlocal = maxlocal, sourceval;

   /* If expression is complicated, place in temp variable first */
   our_maxlocal = simplify_expr(expr, maxlocal);

   memset(&opcode, 0, sizeof(opcode));  /* Set opcode to all zeros */
   opcode.command = RETURN;
   sourceval = set_source_id(&opcode, SOURCE1, expr);
   opcode.dest = NO_PROPAGATE;

   OutputOpcode(outfile, opcode);
   /* Write out return value (whether a constant or a variable) */
   OutputInt(outfile, sourceval);
   return our_maxlocal;
Exemplo n.º 16
 * codegen_foreach: Generate code for a for loop statement.
 *    numlocals should be # of local variables for message excluding temps.
 *   Returns highest # local variable used in code for statement.
 * Here is how code is generated for a FOR statement:
 *  for i in list ===>       temp = list              1
 *  {body}             top:  if (temp = $) goto end   2
 *                           i = First(temp)          3
 *                           { body }
 *                           temp = Rest(temp)        4
 *                           goto top                 5
 *                     end:
 * Note that continue statements need to jump to statement 4.
int codegen_foreach(foreach_stmt_type s, int numlocals)
   opcode_type opcode;
   int our_maxlocal, numtemps;
   stmt_type temp_stmt = (stmt_type) SafeMalloc(sizeof(stmt_struct));
   expr_type temp_expr = (expr_type) SafeMalloc(sizeof(expr_struct));
   expr_type temp2_expr = (expr_type) SafeMalloc(sizeof(expr_struct));
   assign_stmt_type assign_stmt = (assign_stmt_type) SafeMalloc(sizeof(assign_stmt_struct));
   call_stmt_type call_stmt = (call_stmt_type) SafeMalloc(sizeof(call_stmt_struct));
   arg_type arg = (arg_type) SafeMalloc(sizeof(arg_struct));
   id_type temp_id, temp2_id;
   long toppos;
   list_type p;

   /* Make variable "temp" */
   temp_id = make_temp_var(numlocals + 1);
   /**** Statement #1:   temp = list ****/
   assign_stmt->lhs = temp_id;
   assign_stmt->rhs = s->condition;
   temp_stmt->type = S_ASSIGN;
   temp_stmt->value.assign_stmt_val = assign_stmt;
   temp_stmt->lineno = 0;
   numtemps = codegen_statement(temp_stmt, numlocals);

   /* Reserve variable "temp" through entire loop by incrementing numlocals */
   our_maxlocal = ++numlocals;
   if (numtemps > our_maxlocal)
      our_maxlocal = numtemps;

   toppos = FileCurPos(outfile);

   /**** Statement #2:   if (temp = $) goto end ****/
   /* First put result of temp = $ into temp2 */
   temp2_id = make_temp_var(numlocals + 1);
   if (numlocals + 1 > our_maxlocal)
      our_maxlocal = numlocals + 1;

   temp2_expr->type = E_IDENTIFIER;
   temp2_expr->value.idval = temp_id;

   temp_expr->type = E_BINARY_OP;
   temp_expr->value.binary_opval.op = EQ_OP;
   temp_expr->value.binary_opval.left_exp = temp2_expr;
   temp_expr->value.binary_opval.right_exp = make_expr_from_constant(make_nil_constant());
   assign_stmt->lhs = temp2_id;
   assign_stmt->rhs = temp_expr;
   temp_stmt->type = S_ASSIGN;
   temp_stmt->value.assign_stmt_val = assign_stmt;  /* YECHHH! */
   temp_stmt->lineno = 0;
   codegen_statement(temp_stmt, numlocals);  /* Won't require more temps */
   /* Now perform jump if temp = $ is true */
   memset(&opcode, 0, sizeof(opcode));  /* Set opcode to all zeros */
   opcode.command = GOTO;
   opcode.source1 = LOCAL_VAR;
   opcode.dest = GOTO_IF_TRUE;
   OutputOpcode(outfile, opcode);

   /* Make believe goto is a break statement & leave space for backpatching */
   current_loop->break_list = 
      list_add_item(current_loop->break_list, (void *) FileCurPos(outfile));
   OutputInt(outfile, 0);
   OutputInt(outfile, temp2_id->idnum);   /* Jump if temp2 = TRUE */ 

   /**** Statement #3:    i = First(temp) ****/
   temp_expr->type = E_IDENTIFIER;
   temp_expr->value.idval = temp_id;
   arg->type = ARG_EXPR;
   arg->value.expr_val = temp_expr;
   call_stmt->function = FIRST;
   call_stmt->args = list_create(arg);
   codegen_call(call_stmt, s->id, numlocals);  /* Won't require more temps */

   /* Write code for loop body */
   for (p = s->body; p != NULL; p = p->next)
      numtemps = codegen_statement( (stmt_type) p->data, numlocals);
      if (numtemps > our_maxlocal)
	 our_maxlocal = numtemps;

   /* Backpatch continue statements in loop body */
   for (p = current_loop->for_continue_list; p != NULL; p = p->next)
      BackpatchGoto(outfile,  (int) p->data, FileCurPos(outfile));

   /**** Statement #4:    temp = Rest(temp) ****/
   /* Can reuse most of statement #3 above */
   call_stmt->function = REST;
   codegen_call(call_stmt, temp_id, numlocals);  /* Won't require more temps */

   /**** Statement #5:    goto top ****/
   opcode.source1 = 0;
   opcode.source2 = GOTO_UNCONDITIONAL;
   opcode.dest = 0;
   OutputOpcode(outfile, opcode);
   OutputGotoOffset(outfile, FileCurPos(outfile), toppos);

   codegen_exit_loop();  /* Takes care of break statements */

   return our_maxlocal;
Exemplo n.º 17
* codegen_for: Generate code for a for loop statement.
*   numlocals should be # of local variables for message excluding temps.
*   Returns highest # local variable used in code for statement.
*   Step 1: Assign variables from initassign list.
*   Step 2: Evaluate condition.
*   Step 3: Carry out loop.
*   Step 4: Execute statements from assign list.
int codegen_for(for_stmt_type s, int numlocals)
   opcode_type opcode;
   int our_maxlocal = numlocals, numtemps = 0, sourceval;
   long toppos;
   list_type p;
   stmt_type assign_stmt;

   /* Step #1: Assign variables from initassign list. */
   /* For loop can have no assignments, list will be NULL. */
   for (p = s->initassign; p != NULL; p = p->next)
      assign_stmt = (stmt_type)p->data;
      numtemps = codegen_statement(assign_stmt, numlocals);
      if (numtemps > our_maxlocal)
         our_maxlocal = numtemps;

   toppos = FileCurPos(outfile);

   /* Step 2: Evaluate condition. */
   /* If no condition is listed, it will be a positive constant. */
   /* First generate code for condition */
   our_maxlocal = simplify_expr(s->condition, numlocals);

   /* Jump over body if condition is false */
   memset(&opcode, 0, sizeof(opcode));  /* Set opcode to all zeros */
   opcode.command = GOTO;
   opcode.dest = GOTO_IF_FALSE;
   sourceval = set_source_id(&opcode, SOURCE1, s->condition);
   OutputOpcode(outfile, opcode);

   /* Make believe goto is a break statement & leave space for backpatching */
   current_loop->break_list =
      list_add_item(current_loop->break_list, (void *)FileCurPos(outfile));
   OutputInt(outfile, 0);
   OutputInt(outfile, sourceval);

   /* Step 3: Carry out loop. */
   /* Write code for loop body */
   for (p = s->body; p != NULL; p = p->next)
      numtemps = codegen_statement((stmt_type)p->data, numlocals);
      if (numtemps > our_maxlocal)
         our_maxlocal = numtemps;

   /* Backpatch continue statements in loop body */
   for (p = current_loop->for_continue_list; p != NULL; p = p->next)
      BackpatchGoto(outfile, (int)p->data, FileCurPos(outfile));

   /* Step 4: Execute statements from assign list (iterators) */
   /* If no iteration, list will be NULL. */
   for (p = s->assign; p != NULL; p = p->next)
      assign_stmt = (stmt_type)p->data;
      numtemps = codegen_statement(assign_stmt, numlocals);
      if (numtemps > our_maxlocal)
         our_maxlocal = numtemps;

   /* Goto top of loop is last statement of for loop */
   opcode.source1 = 0;
   opcode.source2 = GOTO_UNCONDITIONAL;
   opcode.dest = 0;
   OutputOpcode(outfile, opcode);
   OutputGotoOffset(outfile, FileCurPos(outfile), toppos);

   codegen_exit_loop();  /* Takes care of break statements */

   return our_maxlocal;
Exemplo n.º 18
This version use vertex and index buffer to draw
bool QuadTree::createTree1( TreeNode* root, float centerX, float centerZ, float radius, IDirect3DDevice9* device )
	// Initialize root node
	root->mcenterX = centerX;
	root->mcenterZ = centerZ;
	root->mwidth = radius;

	if (radius > TreeNode::MAXVERTEX)
		root->hasChild = true;

		for (int i  = 0; i < 4; ++i)
			// Calculate the centerX,  centerZ and width of the sub nodes
			float subCenterX = (((i % 2) < 1) ? -1.0f : 1.0f) * (radius / 2.0f) + centerX;
			float subCenterZ = (((i % 4) < 2) ? -1.0f : 1.0f) * (radius / 2.0f) + centerZ;
			float subRadius = radius / 2;

			root->nodes[i] = new TreeNode();
			createTree1(root->nodes[i], subCenterX, subCenterZ, subRadius, device);

		root->hasChild = false ;
		root->id = TreeNode::NODEID++;
		OutputDebugString("node: ");

		// Calculate number of vertex
		int vertexCount = (radius * 2 + 1) * (radius * 2 + 1);
		int triangleCount = (radius * 2) * (radius * 2) * 2;
		int indexCount = triangleCount * 3;

		root->mvertexCount = vertexCount;
		root->mtriangleCount = triangleCount;

		// Create vertex array
		Vertex* vertices = new Vertex[vertexCount];

		// vertex count
		int k = 0;

		// Start and end coordinates of a quad
		int startX = centerX - radius;
		int endX   = centerX + radius;
		int startZ = centerZ - radius;
		int endZ   = centerZ + radius;

		// Fill the vertex array
		// The rows go from bottom to top
		for (int i = startZ; i <= endZ ; ++i)
			// The column go from left to right
			for (int j = startX; j <= endX; ++j)
				vertices[k].position.x = j;
				vertices[k].position.z = i;
				vertices[k].position.y = 0.0f;


				D3DXVECTOR3 vec3(j, 0, i);

		// Create index array
		DWORD* indices = new DWORD[triangleCount * 3];

		// index array index
		k = 0;

		DWORD numCellsperRow = 2 * radius;
		DWORD numCellsperCol = 2 * radius;

		DWORD numVertexperRow = numCellsperRow + 1;
		DWORD numVertexperCol = numCellsperCol + 1;

		// Fill the index array

		for (DWORD i = 0; i < numCellsperRow; ++i)
			for (DWORD j = 0; j < numCellsperCol; ++j)
				indices[k]     =       i * numVertexperCol + j;			// 0
				indices[k + 1] =	   i * numVertexperCol + (j + 1);	// 1
				indices[k + 2] = (i + 1) * numVertexperCol + j;			// 2

				indices[k + 3] = (i + 1) * numVertexperCol + j;			// 3
				indices[k + 4] =       i * numVertexperCol + (j + 1);	// 4
				indices[k + 5] = (i + 1) * numVertexperCol + (j + 1);	// 5

				// next quad
				k += 6;

		// Create vertex buffer
		if( FAILED( device->CreateVertexBuffer( vertexCount * sizeof(Vertex),
			NULL ) ) )
			return E_FAIL;

		// Lock vertex buffer and copy data
		VOID* pVertices;
		if( FAILED( root->mvertexBuffer->Lock( 0, 0, (void**)&pVertices, 0 ) ) )
			return E_FAIL;
		memcpy( pVertices, vertices, vertexCount * sizeof(Vertex) );

		// Delete vertices array
		delete []vertices;
		vertices = NULL;

		// Create index buffer
		if( FAILED( device->CreateIndexBuffer( indexCount * sizeof(DWORD), 
			0) ) )
			return E_FAIL ;

		// Lock index buffer and copy data
		DWORD *pIndices;
		if( FAILED( root->mindexBuffer->Lock( 0, 0, (void **)&pIndices, 0) ) )
			return E_FAIL;
		memcpy(pIndices, indices, indexCount * sizeof(DWORD) );
		root->mindexBuffer->Unlock() ;

		// Delete indices array
		delete []indices;
		indices = NULL;

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 19
 * codegen_switch: Generate code for an switch-case statement.
 *   numlocals should be # of local variables for message excluding temps.
 *   Returns highest # local variable used in code for statement.
int codegen_switch(switch_stmt_type s, int numlocals)
   opcode_type opcode;
   int our_maxlocal = numlocals, numtemps, sourceval;
   long toppos, endpos, casepos[1024], defaultpos; // Keep track of file positions.
   list_type case_list, case_list2; // List of cases for the switch.
   list_type q; // The code statements in each case.
   list_type p; // Used when backpacking continue statements.
   stmt_type case_stmt = NULL, case_stmt2 = NULL, default_stmt = NULL;
   int numCase = 0; // Keep track of number of cases.
   expr_type temp_expr; // Used for comparison of the switch condition with each case.

   id_type temp_id; // Temp ID for non-ID switch condition expressions.
   expr_type switch_condition; // Switch condition expression.
   stmt_type temp_stmt; // Temp assign statement for non-ID switch conditions.
   assign_stmt_type assign_stmt; // Temp assign statement for non-ID switch conditions. 

   // First iterate through case list and check that none are duplicate constants or IDs.
   for (case_list = s->body; case_list != NULL; case_list = case_list->next)
      case_stmt = (stmt_type)case_list->data;
      if (case_stmt->type == S_DEFAULTCASE)
      for (case_list2 = s->body; case_list2 != NULL; case_list2 = case_list2->next)
         case_stmt2 = (stmt_type)case_list2->data;
         if (case_stmt2 == case_stmt || case_stmt2->type == S_DEFAULTCASE)
         if (case_stmt->value.case_stmt_val->condition->type
            == case_stmt2->value.case_stmt_val->condition->type)
            if (case_stmt->value.case_stmt_val->condition->type == E_CONSTANT
               && case_stmt->value.case_stmt_val->condition->value.constval->value.numval
               == case_stmt2->value.case_stmt_val->condition->value.constval->value.numval)
               codegen_error("Duplicate constant %i in switch statement, line %i",
            if (case_stmt->value.case_stmt_val->condition->type == E_IDENTIFIER
               && case_stmt->value.case_stmt_val->condition->value.idval->idnum
               == case_stmt->value.case_stmt_val->condition->value.idval->idnum)
               codegen_error("Duplicate ID %i in switch statement, line %i",

   if (s->condition->type == E_IDENTIFIER || s->condition->type == E_CONSTANT)
      switch_condition = s->condition;
      // Make a temp ID for switch condition expression, assign the expr to it.
      temp_id = make_temp_var(numlocals + 1);

      // Assign the expression to the ID
      assign_stmt = (assign_stmt_type)SafeMalloc(sizeof(assign_stmt_struct));
      assign_stmt->lhs = temp_id;
      assign_stmt->rhs = s->condition;
      temp_stmt = (stmt_type)SafeMalloc(sizeof(stmt_struct));
      temp_stmt->type = S_ASSIGN;
      temp_stmt->value.assign_stmt_val = assign_stmt;
      temp_stmt->lineno = 0;
      numtemps = codegen_statement(temp_stmt, numlocals);

      /* Reserve variable "temp" through entire loop by incrementing numlocals */
      our_maxlocal = ++numlocals;
      if (numtemps > our_maxlocal)
         our_maxlocal = numtemps;

      // Make the completed ID into an expression.
      switch_condition = (expr_type)SafeMalloc(sizeof(expr_struct));
      switch_condition->type = E_IDENTIFIER;
      switch_condition->value.idval = temp_id;
      switch_condition->lineno = 0;

   /* Generate code for conditions */
   numtemps = simplify_expr(switch_condition, numlocals);
   if (numtemps > our_maxlocal)
      our_maxlocal = numtemps;

   // Loop through cases, generate goto statements for each.
   for (case_list = s->body; case_list != NULL; case_list = case_list->next)
      case_stmt = (stmt_type) case_list->data;
      if (case_stmt->type == S_DEFAULTCASE)
         // If we already have a default case, this means we have two in
         // the same switch statement. Give codegen error.
         if (default_stmt)
            codegen_error("Two defaults defined in switch statement, line %i",

         // Save default for last.
         default_stmt = case_stmt;

      numtemps = simplify_expr(case_stmt->value.case_stmt_val->condition, numlocals);
      if (numtemps > our_maxlocal)
         our_maxlocal = numtemps;
      // Make an equality check expression from switch condition and current case condition.
      temp_expr = make_bin_op(switch_condition, EQ_OP, case_stmt->value.case_stmt_val->condition);
      numtemps = simplify_expr(temp_expr, numlocals);
      if (numtemps > our_maxlocal)
         our_maxlocal = numtemps;

      /* Jump to clause if condition is true */
      memset(&opcode, 0, sizeof(opcode));
      opcode.command = GOTO;
      opcode.dest = GOTO_IF_TRUE;
      sourceval = set_source_id(&opcode, SOURCE1, temp_expr);
      OutputOpcode(outfile, opcode);

      /* Leave space for destination address */
      casepos[numCase] = FileCurPos(outfile);
      OutputInt(outfile, 0);
      OutputInt(outfile, sourceval);

   // Put the goto statement for the default case last.
   if (default_stmt)
      opcode.source1 = 0;
      opcode.source2 = GOTO_UNCONDITIONAL;
      opcode.dest = 0;
      OutputOpcode(outfile, opcode);
      /* Leave space for destination address */
      defaultpos = FileCurPos(outfile);
      OutputInt(outfile, 0);
      // No default case, goto end of switch.
      opcode.source1 = 0;
      opcode.source2 = GOTO_UNCONDITIONAL;
      opcode.dest = 0;
      OutputOpcode(outfile, opcode);
      /* Leave space for destination address */
      endpos = FileCurPos(outfile);
      OutputInt(outfile, 0);

   toppos = FileCurPos(outfile);
   numCase = 0;
   case_list = NULL;
   q = NULL;

   // Loop through cases again and write out code.
   for (case_list = s->body; case_list != NULL; case_list = case_list->next)
      case_stmt = (stmt_type) case_list->data;
      // Default case location is at defaultpos.
      if (case_stmt->type == S_DEFAULTCASE)
         BackpatchGoto(outfile, defaultpos, FileCurPos(outfile));
         BackpatchGoto(outfile, casepos[numCase], FileCurPos(outfile));
      // Write code for statements.
      for (q = case_stmt->value.case_stmt_val->body; q != NULL; q = q->next)
         numtemps = codegen_statement((stmt_type)q->data, numlocals);
         if (numtemps > our_maxlocal)
            our_maxlocal = numtemps;

   /* Backpatch continue statements in loop body */
   for (p = current_loop->for_continue_list; p != NULL; p = p->next)
      BackpatchGoto(outfile, (int)p->data, FileCurPos(outfile));

   /* Go back and fill in destination address for conditional goto */
   if (!default_stmt)
      BackpatchGoto(outfile, endpos, FileCurPos(outfile));


   return our_maxlocal;
Exemplo n.º 20
 * codegen_class: Generate code for a single class.
void codegen_class(class_type c)
   list_type p, m, cv;
   long temppos, endpos, messagepos, propertypos;
   int nummessages, i;
   /* Write out superclass class id */
   if (c->superclass == NULL)
      OutputInt(outfile, NO_SUPERCLASS);
   else OutputInt(outfile, c->superclass->class_id->idnum);

   /* Save current file position for backpatching */
   propertypos = FileCurPos(outfile);
   OutputInt(outfile, 0);   /* Set aside space for property table offset */
   temppos = FileCurPos(outfile);
   OutputInt(outfile, 0);   /* Set aside space for message dispatch table offset */

   /****** Classvar table ******/
   // TOTAL # of classvars for this class
   OutputInt(outfile, c->numclassvars);
   // # of classvars for which we have default values
   OutputInt(outfile, list_length(c->classvars));
   /* Write out values of classvars with default values */
   for (cv = c->classvars; cv != NULL; cv = cv->next)
      codegen_classvar( (classvar_type) cv->data);

   /* Go back and fill in position of property table */
   endpos = FileCurPos(outfile);
   FileGoto(outfile, propertypos);
   OutputInt(outfile, endpos);

   /****** Property table ******/
   // TOTAL # of properties for this class
   OutputInt(outfile, c->numproperties);    
   // # of properties for which we have default values
   OutputInt(outfile, list_length(c->properties));    
   /* Write out values of properties with default values */
   for (p = c->properties; p != NULL; p = p->next)
      codegen_property( (property_type) p->data);

   /* Go back and fill in position of message dispatch table */
   endpos = FileCurPos(outfile);
   FileGoto(outfile, temppos);
   OutputInt(outfile, endpos);

   /* Write out # of message handlers */
   nummessages = list_length(c->messages);
   OutputInt(outfile, nummessages);

   /* Save away position of message dispatch table */
   messagepos = FileCurPos(outfile);

   /* Leave space for each message's entry in dispatch table */
   for (i=0; i < nummessages; i++)
      /* Leave space for each message id # */
      OutputInt(outfile, 0);
      /* Leave space for each message handler's offset */
      OutputInt(outfile, 0);
      /* Leave space for each message handler's comment string */
      OutputInt(outfile, 0);

   /* Now spew code for each message */
   for (m = c->messages; m != NULL; m = m->next)
      message_handler_type handler = (message_handler_type) m->data;

      /* Go back to dispatch table & fill in entry */
      endpos = FileCurPos(outfile);
      FileGoto(outfile, messagepos);

      /* Write out message id #, then handler offset */
      OutputInt(outfile, handler->header->message_id->idnum);
      OutputInt(outfile, endpos); 
      if (handler->comment == NULL)
	 OutputInt(outfile, -1);
      else OutputInt(outfile, handler->comment->value.numval);

      messagepos = FileCurPos(outfile);  /* Move to next entry */

      if (!codegen_ok)
Exemplo n.º 21
 * codegen_if: Generate code for an if-then-else statement.
 *    numlocals should be # of local variables for message excluding temps.
 *   Returns highest # local variable used in code for statement.
int codegen_if(if_stmt_type s, int numlocals)
   opcode_type opcode;
   int our_maxlocal = numlocals, numtemps, sourceval;
   long gotopos, thenpos;
   list_type p;

   /* First generate code for condition */
   our_maxlocal = simplify_expr(s->condition, numlocals);

   /* Jump over then clause if condition is false */
   memset(&opcode, 0, sizeof(opcode));  /* Set opcode to all zeros */
   opcode.command = GOTO;
   opcode.dest = GOTO_IF_FALSE;
   sourceval = set_source_id(&opcode, SOURCE1, s->condition);
   OutputOpcode(outfile, opcode);

   /* Leave space for destination address */
   gotopos = FileCurPos(outfile);
   OutputInt(outfile, 0);

   OutputInt(outfile, sourceval);

   /* Write code for then clause */
   for (p = s->then_clause; p != NULL; p = p->next)
      numtemps = codegen_statement((stmt_type) p->data, numlocals);
      if (numtemps > our_maxlocal)
	 our_maxlocal = numtemps;

   /* If there is an else clause, jump over it */
   if (s->else_clause != NULL || s->elseif_clause != NULL)
      opcode.source1 = 0;
      opcode.source2 = GOTO_UNCONDITIONAL;
      opcode.dest = 0;
      OutputOpcode(outfile, opcode);

      /* Leave space for destination address */
      thenpos = FileCurPos(outfile);
      OutputInt(outfile, 0);

   /* Go back and fill in destination address for conditional goto */
   BackpatchGoto(outfile, gotopos, FileCurPos(outfile));

   /* If there's an else clause, write out its code */
   if (s->else_clause != NULL)
      for (p = s->else_clause; p != NULL; p = p->next)
	 numtemps = codegen_statement((stmt_type) p->data, numlocals);
	 if (numtemps > our_maxlocal)
	    our_maxlocal = numtemps;
      /* Go back and fill in destination address for end of then clause */
      BackpatchGoto(outfile, thenpos, FileCurPos(outfile));
   else if (s->elseif_clause != NULL)
      stmt_type elseif;
      elseif = (stmt_type)s->elseif_clause;
      numtemps = codegen_if(elseif->value.if_stmt_val, numlocals);
      if (numtemps > our_maxlocal)
         our_maxlocal = numtemps;
      BackpatchGoto(outfile, thenpos, FileCurPos(outfile));
   return our_maxlocal;
Exemplo n.º 22
 * codegen_call: Generate code for performing a function call and storing
 *   the return value in the given location (must be local or property).
 *   Set this location to NULL to ignore the return value.
 *   maxlocal is highest # local variable used so far in this message handler.
 *   Returns highest # local variable used in code for call.
int codegen_call(call_stmt_type c, id_type destvar, int maxlocal)
   /* our_maxlocal gives highest #ed temporary needed to evaluate the
    * entire call.  maxtemps is the highest temp needed for a single arg. */
   int our_maxlocal = maxlocal, maxtemps, normal_args = 0;
   int argnum;
   list_type p;
   opcode_type opcode;
   arg_type arg;
   expr_type expr;
   id_type id;

   /* If an argument is complicated, we have to store it in a temporary */
   for (p = c->args; p != NULL; p = p->next)
      arg = (arg_type) p->data;

      /* Get expression and place it in a temp if necessary */
      if (arg->type == ARG_EXPR)
	 expr = arg->value.expr_val;
      else expr = arg->value.setting_val->expr;

      maxtemps = simplify_expr(expr, maxlocal);
      /* If we need to use a temporary, then this temp must stay untouched until
       * the call is made.  So we must increment maxlocal in the case. */
      if (maxtemps > maxlocal)
      if (maxtemps > our_maxlocal)
	 our_maxlocal = maxtemps;

   /* Build up call instruction */
   memset(&opcode, 0, sizeof(opcode));  /* Set opcode to all zeros */
   opcode.command = CALL;

   /* Set source1 field to place for return value */
   if (destvar == NULL)
      opcode.source1 = CALL_NO_ASSIGN;
      switch (destvar->type)
      case I_LOCAL:
	 opcode.source1 = CALL_ASSIGN_LOCAL_VAR;

      case I_PROPERTY:
	 opcode.source1 = CALL_ASSIGN_PROPERTY;

	 codegen_error("Identifier in expression not a local or property: %s", 

   OutputOpcode(outfile, opcode);

   /* Function # to call */
   OutputByte(outfile,  (BYTE) c->function);

   /* Place to store result, if any */
   if (opcode.source1 != CALL_NO_ASSIGN)
      OutputInt(outfile, destvar->idnum);

   /* Count # of "normal" arguments, i.e. all those
    * except for settings. */
   for (p = c->args; p != NULL; p = p->next)
      if ( ((arg_type) (p->data))->type != ARG_SETTING)

   /* # of "normal" parameters */
   OutputByte(outfile,  (BYTE) normal_args);

   /* First have to generate code for "normal" parameters */
   for (p = c->args, argnum = 0; p != NULL; p = p->next, argnum++)
      arg = (arg_type) p->data;

      switch (arg->type)
      case ARG_EXPR:
	 /* Expression was reduced to simple form above */
	 OutputBaseExpression(outfile, arg->value.expr_val);

      case ARG_SETTING:
	 /* Settings are handled below */

	 codegen_error("Unknown argument type (%d) in argument %d", arg->type, argnum);	 

   /* # of settings */
   OutputByte(outfile,  (BYTE) (list_length(c->args) - normal_args));

   /* Now take care of settings */
   for (p = c->args; p != NULL; p = p->next)
      arg = (arg_type) p->data;

      if (arg->type == ARG_SETTING)
	 id = arg->value.setting_val->id;
	 /* Write out parameter #, then rhs of assignment */
	 OutputInt(outfile, id->idnum);

	 OutputBaseExpression(outfile, arg->value.setting_val->expr);
   return our_maxlocal;
Exemplo n.º 23
 * codegen_statement: Generate code for a single statement.
 *    numlocals should be # of local variables for message excluding temps.
 *   Returns highest # local variable used in code for statement.
int codegen_statement(stmt_type s, int numlocals)
   opcode_type opcode;
   int our_maxtemp = numlocals; /* highest numbered temporary required for this statement alone */

   /* Save line # debugging information */
   if (debug_bof && s->lineno != 0)
      DebugLine *d = (DebugLine *) SafeMalloc(sizeof(DebugLine));
      d->lineno = s->lineno;
      d->offset = FileCurPos(outfile);
      debug_lines = list_add_item(debug_lines, d);
   memset(&opcode, 0, sizeof(opcode));  /* Set opcode to all zeros */
   switch (s->type)
   case S_ASSIGN:
      assign_stmt_type stmt = s->value.assign_stmt_val;

      /* Place result directly in lhs */
      our_maxtemp = flatten_expr(stmt->rhs, stmt->lhs, numlocals);

   case S_CALL:
      our_maxtemp = codegen_call(s->value.call_stmt_val, NULL, numlocals);

   case S_PROP:
      opcode.command = RETURN;
      opcode.dest = PROPAGATE;
      OutputOpcode(outfile, opcode);

   case S_RETURN:
      our_maxtemp = codegen_return(s->value.return_stmt_val, numlocals);

   case S_IF:
      our_maxtemp = codegen_if(s->value.if_stmt_val, numlocals);

   case S_FOREACH:
      our_maxtemp = codegen_foreach(s->value.foreach_stmt_val, numlocals);

   case S_FOR:
      our_maxtemp = codegen_for(s->value.for_stmt_val, numlocals);

   case S_SWITCH:
      our_maxtemp = codegen_switch(s->value.switch_stmt_val, numlocals);

   case S_WHILE:
      our_maxtemp = codegen_while(s->value.while_stmt_val, numlocals);

   case S_DOWHILE:
      our_maxtemp = codegen_dowhile(s->value.while_stmt_val, numlocals);

   case S_BREAK:
      /* Goto end of loop */
      opcode.command = GOTO;
      opcode.source1 = 0;
      opcode.source2 = GOTO_UNCONDITIONAL;
      OutputOpcode(outfile, opcode);
      /* Add to list of gotos to be backpatched later, and leave space */
      current_loop->break_list = 
	 list_add_item(current_loop->break_list, (void *) FileCurPos(outfile));
      OutputInt(outfile, 0);

   case S_CONTINUE:
      /* Goto top of loop */
      opcode.command = GOTO;
      opcode.source1 = 0;
      opcode.source2 = GOTO_UNCONDITIONAL;
      OutputOpcode(outfile, opcode);

      /* In for loops, continue statements actually jump forward, but in while loops
       * they jump backward.  Save address of goto for backpatching; if we are
       * in a for loop, the offset written out below will be written over during
       * backpatching in codegen_foreach().
      current_loop->for_continue_list = 
	 list_add_item(current_loop->for_continue_list, (void *) FileCurPos(outfile));

      OutputGotoOffset(outfile, FileCurPos(outfile), current_loop->toppos);

      simple_error("Unknown statement type (%d) encountered", s->type);
   return our_maxtemp;
Exemplo n.º 24
 * codegen: Generate code for all the classes in the symbol table.
void codegen(char *kod_fname, char *bof_fname)
   list_type c = NULL;
   long endpos, stringpos, debugpos, namepos;

   codegen_ok = True;
   debug_lines = NULL;

   outfile = open(bof_fname, O_TRUNC | O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_BINARY, S_IWRITE | S_IREAD);

   if (outfile == -1)
      simple_error("Unable to open bof file %s!", bof_fname);

   /* Write out header info */

   /* Remember position for backpatching location of kod filename, and leave room */
   namepos = FileCurPos(outfile);
   OutputInt(outfile, 0);

   /* Remember position for backpatching location of string table, and leave room */
   stringpos = FileCurPos(outfile);
   OutputInt(outfile, 0);

   /* Remember position for backpatching location of debugging info, and leave room */
   debugpos = FileCurPos(outfile);
   OutputInt(outfile, 0);
   if (codegen_ok)
      /* Backpatch location of string table */
      endpos = FileCurPos(outfile);
      FileGoto(outfile, stringpos); 
      OutputInt(outfile, endpos);


      /* Backpatch location of debug info */
      endpos = FileCurPos(outfile);
      FileGoto(outfile, debugpos); 
      if (debug_bof)
         OutputInt(outfile, endpos);
      else OutputInt(outfile, 0);

      if (debug_bof)

      /* Backpatch location of kod filename */
      endpos = FileCurPos(outfile);
      FileGoto(outfile, namepos); 
      OutputInt(outfile, endpos);



   /* If code generation failed, delete partial bof file */
   if (!codegen_ok)
      if (unlink(bof_fname))
	 codegen_error("Couldn't delete file %s", bof_fname);
      else simple_warning("Deleted file %s", bof_fname);

   /* Write out resources & new database if we compiled ok */
   if (codegen_ok)
      char temp[256];
      set_extension(temp, bof_fname, ".rsc");

   /* Mark all classes as done */
   for (c = st.classes; c != NULL; c = c->next)
      ((class_type) (c->data))->is_new = False;
Exemplo n.º 25
void Encryption::DoMultiCipher (HWND hWnd, MemoryBuffer *pinbuffer, MemoryBuffer *poutbuffer, bool bEncrypt)
	// This is the function that spawns the smaller threads for multi-threaded encryption.
	// This can be thought of as the Multi Cipher parent function.
	// The idea is that this function delegates the whole encryption task to the two threads
	// that actually perform the encryption.

	if (m_bHivecreated == false) {
		OutputText ("MultiCipher: Hive not created!");

	m_hwnd = hWnd;
	m_outbuffer = poutbuffer;

	// First we make the input buffer accessible by the separate threads
	unsigned int algsize = 100;
	//unsigned long part1offset = 0;
	//unsigned long part1length = 0;
	//unsigned long part2offset = 0;
	//unsigned long part2length = 0;
	unsigned long partlength = 0;

	m_pinbuffer_thall = pinbuffer;
	m_bEncrypt_thall = bEncrypt;

	// Now we generate a random hive value that all the ciper parts will need
	if (bEncrypt == true) {
		m_rndHive_thall = GetRand (m_memHive.GetAppendPointer ()-algsize);
	} else {
		memcpy (&m_rndHive_thall, pinbuffer->GetBuffer (), sizeof (unsigned long));

	// Now we need to set the size of the working buffer
	if (bEncrypt == true) {
		m_tmpBuffer.SetSize ((pinbuffer->GetSize ()+sizeof (unsigned long)));
	} else {
		m_tmpBuffer.SetSize ((pinbuffer->GetSize ()-sizeof (unsigned long)));

	// Now we need to write the random hive value to the working buffer
	if (bEncrypt == true) {
		m_tmpBuffer.Write (&m_rndHive_thall, 0, sizeof (unsigned long));

	// Now start delegating
	partlength = pinbuffer->GetSize () / 2;

	if (bEncrypt == true) {
		m_ilength_th1 = partlength;
		m_istartoffset_th1 = 0;

		m_istartoffset_th2 = partlength;
		m_ilength_th2 = pinbuffer->GetSize () - m_istartoffset_th2;
	} else {
		m_ilength_th1 = partlength;
		m_istartoffset_th1 = sizeof (unsigned long);

		m_istartoffset_th2 = partlength+sizeof (unsigned long);
		m_ilength_th2 = pinbuffer->GetSize () - m_istartoffset_th2;

	OutputInt ("partlength: ", partlength);
	OutputInt ("m_istartoffset_th1: ", m_istartoffset_th1);
	OutputInt ("m_ilength_th1: ", m_ilength_th1);
	OutputInt ("m_istartoffset_th2: ", m_istartoffset_th2);
	OutputInt ("m_ilength_th2: ", m_ilength_th2);

	m_lastpercentage = 0;
	m_bthread1done = false;
	m_bthread2done = false;

	// Now Start Multi-Threaded Encryption!!
	DoCipher1 ();
	DoCipher2 ();
bool StandardEncryption::EncryptFileEx (char *szSource, char *szDestination, char *szPassword, bool bEncrypt) {
	// This function will call the encryptfile function, but this function in particular will handle
	// same name source and destination files. - If the destination file is the same as the source file
	// then the destination filepath is renamed with -enc, and then after encryption the original file
	// is deleted and replaced with the encrypted file.

	char szNewdest[SIZE_STRING];
	bool bEncres = false;
	DWORD dwLastError = 0;
	//int retrcount = 0;

	if (strcmp (szSource, szDestination) == 0) {
		ZeroMemory (szNewdest, SIZE_STRING);
		strcpy_s (szNewdest, SIZE_STRING, szDestination);
		strcat_s (szNewdest, SIZE_STRING, "enc");

		// Now encrypt the old file to the new one
		bEncres = EncryptFile (szSource, szNewdest, szPassword, bEncrypt);

		// Now we delete the old file, first setting it's attributes to normal
		if (SetFileAttributes (szSource, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL) == 0) {
			dwLastError = GetLastError ();
			OutputInt ("EncryptFileEx: SetFileAttributes FAILED! Err: ", dwLastError);

		//retrcount = 0;
		if (DeleteFile (szSource) == 0) {
			dwLastError = GetLastError ();
			OutputInt ("EncryptFileEx: DeleteFile FAILED! Err: ", dwLastError);

			//if (retrcount > 300) {
			//	break;

		//retrcount = 0;
		// Now move the new file to the same path as the old one
		for (int i=0;i<50;i++) {
			if (MoveFile (szNewdest, szSource) == 0) {
				dwLastError = GetLastError ();
				OutputInt ("EncryptFileEx: MoveFile FAILED! Err: ", dwLastError);

				//if (retrcount > 300) {
				//	break;
			} else {
		return bEncres;
	} else {
		// The file paths are not the same, so just encrypt anyway.

		return EncryptFile (szSource, szDestination, szPassword, bEncrypt);
Exemplo n.º 27
bool Encryption::DoCipher (HWND hWnd, MemoryBuffer *pinbuffer, MemoryBuffer *poutbuffer, bool bEncrypt)
	// Single threaded encryption function. Operates in a seperate thread, but a single thread
	// only. Unfortunately on a Core Duo, or HT processor, it will only max out one of the CPU
	// windows.

	MemoryBuffer tmpBuffer;
	unsigned long rndHive = 0;
	int algsize = 100;
	unsigned long hivepointer = 0;
	unsigned long inputoffset = 0;
	unsigned long iprogress = 0;
	unsigned long ipercentage = 0;
	int algpointer = 0;
	unsigned long i = 0;

	int cTrans = 0; // Our transposition value
	int cAlg = 0; // The algorithm we use alongside the transposition value
	unsigned long cProduct = 0; // This value is the current result of the transposition multiplication
	bool cShift = 0;  // The transposition shift - up or down
	BYTE cByte = 0; // The current byte we're working on.

	if (m_bHivecreated == false) {
		OutputText ("Encryption: ", "Key hive not created.");
		return false;
	} else {
		tmpBuffer.SetSize ((pinbuffer->GetSize ()+sizeof (unsigned long))*2);
		OutputInt ("DoCipher: ", pinbuffer->GetSize ()*2);

		// Generate a random number between 0 and the size of the hive
		// minus 100 (we use 100 single digits for determining the transposition
		// shift mechanism and transposition multiplier

		if (bEncrypt == true) {
			rndHive = GetRand (m_memHive.GetAppendPointer ()-algsize);
			tmpBuffer.Append (&rndHive, sizeof (unsigned long));
		} else {
			memcpy (&rndHive, pinbuffer->GetBuffer (), sizeof (unsigned long));
			inputoffset+=sizeof (unsigned long);

		for (i=0;i<pinbuffer->GetSize ()-inputoffset;i++) {
			cTrans = GetHiveValue (hivepointer, 2);
			cAlg = GetHiveValue (rndHive+algpointer, 1);

			if (cAlg <= 5) {
				cShift = true; // true means we transpose up
			} else {
				cShift = false; // false means we transpose down

			// Now transpose the current byte given the current hive value
			// algorithm value and shift direction.
			cByte = pinbuffer->GetByte (i+inputoffset);
			cProduct = cTrans * cAlg;

			if (bEncrypt == true) {
				if (cShift == true) {
				} else {
			} else {
				if (cShift == true) {
				} else {

			tmpBuffer.Append (&cByte, sizeof (BYTE));


			if (hivepointer >= m_memHive.GetAppendPointer ()-2) {
				hivepointer = 0;

			if (algpointer >= algsize) {
				algpointer = 0;

			if (iprogress > 10000) {
				iprogress = 0;
				ipercentage = (i * 10) / (pinbuffer->GetSize ()-inputoffset);
				PostMessage (hWnd, CRYPT_MSG, CRYPT_PROGRESSSINGLE, (LPARAM) ipercentage*10);

		poutbuffer->SetSize (tmpBuffer.GetAppendPointer ());
		poutbuffer->Append (tmpBuffer.GetBuffer (), tmpBuffer.GetAppendPointer ());
		tmpBuffer.Clear ();
		return true;