Exemplo n.º 1
void pa_sample_clamp(pa_sample_format_t format, void *dst, size_t dstr, const void *src, size_t sstr, unsigned n) {
    const float *s;
    float *d;

    s = src; d = dst;

    if (format == PA_SAMPLE_FLOAT32NE) {
        for (; n > 0; n--) {
            float f;

            f = *s;
            *d = PA_CLAMP_UNLIKELY(f, -1.0f, 1.0f);

            s = (const float*) ((const uint8_t*) s + sstr);
            d = (float*) ((uint8_t*) d + dstr);
    } else {
        pa_assert(format == PA_SAMPLE_FLOAT32RE);

        for (; n > 0; n--) {
            float f;

            f = PA_FLOAT32_SWAP(*s);
            f = PA_CLAMP_UNLIKELY(f, -1.0f, 1.0f);
            *d = PA_FLOAT32_SWAP(f);

            s = (const float*) ((const uint8_t*) s + sstr);
            d = (float*) ((uint8_t*) d + dstr);
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: mix.c Projeto: Thread974/pa
static void pa_mix_s32ne_c(pa_mix_info streams[], unsigned nstreams, unsigned channels, int32_t *data, unsigned length) {
    unsigned channel = 0;

    length /= sizeof(int32_t);

    for (; length > 0; length--, data++) {
        int64_t sum = 0;
        unsigned i;

        for (i = 0; i < nstreams; i++) {
            pa_mix_info *m = streams + i;
            int32_t cv = m->linear[channel].i;
            int64_t v;

            if (PA_LIKELY(cv > 0)) {
                v = *((int32_t*) m->ptr);
                v = (v * cv) >> 16;
                sum += v;
            m->ptr = (uint8_t*) m->ptr + sizeof(int32_t);

        sum = PA_CLAMP_UNLIKELY(sum, -0x80000000LL, 0x7FFFFFFFLL);
        *data = (int32_t) sum;

        if (PA_UNLIKELY(++channel >= channels))
            channel = 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: mix.c Projeto: Thread974/pa
static void pa_mix_s16re_c(pa_mix_info streams[], unsigned nstreams, unsigned channels, int16_t *data, unsigned length) {
    unsigned channel = 0;

    length /= sizeof(int16_t);

    for (; length > 0; length--, data++) {
        int32_t sum = 0;
        unsigned i;

        for (i = 0; i < nstreams; i++) {
            pa_mix_info *m = streams + i;
            int32_t cv = m->linear[channel].i;

            if (PA_LIKELY(cv > 0))
                sum += pa_mult_s16_volume(PA_INT16_SWAP(*((int16_t*) m->ptr)), cv);
            m->ptr = (uint8_t*) m->ptr + sizeof(int16_t);

        sum = PA_CLAMP_UNLIKELY(sum, -0x8000, 0x7FFF);
        *data = PA_INT16_SWAP((int16_t) sum);

        if (PA_UNLIKELY(++channel >= channels))
            channel = 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: mix.c Projeto: Thread974/pa
/* special case: mix 2 s16ne streams, 2 channels each */
static void pa_mix2_ch2_s16ne(pa_mix_info streams[], int16_t *data, unsigned length) {
    const int16_t *ptr0 = streams[0].ptr;
    const int16_t *ptr1 = streams[1].ptr;

    length /= sizeof(int16_t) * 2;

    for (; length > 0; length--) {
        int32_t sum;

        sum = pa_mult_s16_volume(*ptr0++, streams[0].linear[0].i);
        sum += pa_mult_s16_volume(*ptr1++, streams[1].linear[0].i);

        sum = PA_CLAMP_UNLIKELY(sum, -0x8000, 0x7FFF);
        *data++ = sum;

        sum = pa_mult_s16_volume(*ptr0++, streams[0].linear[1].i);
        sum += pa_mult_s16_volume(*ptr1++, streams[1].linear[1].i);

        sum = PA_CLAMP_UNLIKELY(sum, -0x8000, 0x7FFF);
        *data++ = sum;
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: mix.c Projeto: Thread974/pa
/* special case: mix s16ne streams, 2 channels each */
static void pa_mix_ch2_s16ne(pa_mix_info streams[], unsigned nstreams, int16_t *data, unsigned length) {

    length /= sizeof(int16_t) * 2;

    for (; length > 0; length--) {
        int32_t sum0 = 0, sum1 = 0;
        unsigned i;

        for (i = 0; i < nstreams; i++) {
            pa_mix_info *m = streams + i;
            int32_t cv0 = m->linear[0].i;
            int32_t cv1 = m->linear[1].i;

            sum0 += pa_mult_s16_volume(*((int16_t*) m->ptr), cv0);
            m->ptr = (uint8_t*) m->ptr + sizeof(int16_t);

            sum1 += pa_mult_s16_volume(*((int16_t*) m->ptr), cv1);
            m->ptr = (uint8_t*) m->ptr + sizeof(int16_t);

        *data++ = PA_CLAMP_UNLIKELY(sum0, -0x8000, 0x7FFF);
        *data++ = PA_CLAMP_UNLIKELY(sum1, -0x8000, 0x7FFF);
/* Called from I/O thread context */
static int sink_input_pop_cb(pa_sink_input *i, size_t nbytes, pa_memchunk *chunk) {
    struct userdata *u;
    float *src, *dst;
    unsigned n;
    pa_memchunk tchunk;

    unsigned j, k, l;
    float sum_right, sum_left;
    float current_sample;

    pa_assert_se(u = i->userdata);

    /* Hmm, process any rewind request that might be queued up */
    pa_sink_process_rewind(u->sink, 0);

    while (pa_memblockq_peek(u->memblockq, &tchunk) < 0) {
        pa_memchunk nchunk;

        pa_sink_render(u->sink, nbytes * u->sink_fs / u->fs, &nchunk);
        pa_memblockq_push(u->memblockq, &nchunk);

    tchunk.length = PA_MIN(nbytes * u->sink_fs / u->fs, tchunk.length);
    pa_assert(tchunk.length > 0);

    n = (unsigned) (tchunk.length / u->sink_fs);

    pa_assert(n > 0);

    chunk->index = 0;
    chunk->length = n * u->fs;
    chunk->memblock = pa_memblock_new(i->sink->core->mempool, chunk->length);

    pa_memblockq_drop(u->memblockq, n * u->sink_fs);

    src = pa_memblock_acquire_chunk(&tchunk);
    dst = pa_memblock_acquire(chunk->memblock);

    for (l = 0; l < n; l++) {
        memcpy(((char*) u->input_buffer) + u->input_buffer_offset * u->sink_fs, ((char *) src) + l * u->sink_fs, u->sink_fs);

        sum_right = 0;
        sum_left = 0;

        /* fold the input buffer with the impulse response */
        for (j = 0; j < u->hrir_samples; j++) {
            for (k = 0; k < u->channels; k++) {
                current_sample = u->input_buffer[((u->input_buffer_offset + j) % u->hrir_samples) * u->channels + k];

                sum_left += current_sample * u->hrir_data[j * u->hrir_channels + u->mapping_left[k]];
                sum_right += current_sample * u->hrir_data[j * u->hrir_channels + u->mapping_right[k]];

        dst[2 * l] = PA_CLAMP_UNLIKELY(sum_left, -1.0f, 1.0f);
        dst[2 * l + 1] = PA_CLAMP_UNLIKELY(sum_right, -1.0f, 1.0f);

        if (u->input_buffer_offset < 0)
            u->input_buffer_offset += u->hrir_samples;



    return 0;