Exemplo n.º 1
static OSErr GenerateUniqueHFSUniStr(long *startSeed, const FSRef *dir1, const FSRef *dir2,	HFSUniStr255 *uniqueName) {
	OSErr result;
	long i;
	FSRefParam pb;
	FSRef newRef;
	unsigned char hexStr[17] = "0123456789ABCDEF";

	/* set up the parameter block */
	pb.name = uniqueName->unicode;
	pb.nameLength = 8;  /* always 8 characters */
	pb.textEncodingHint = kTextEncodingUnknown;
	pb.newRef = &newRef;

	/* loop until we get fnfErr with a filename in both directories */
	result = noErr;
	while ( fnfErr != result )
		/* convert startSeed to 8 character Unicode string */
		uniqueName->length = 8;
		for ( i = 0; i < 8; ++i )
			uniqueName->unicode[i] = hexStr[((*startSeed >> ((7-i)*4)) & 0xf)];

		/* try in dir1 */
		pb.ref = dir1;
		result = PBMakeFSRefUnicodeSync(&pb);
		if ( fnfErr == result )
			/* try in dir2 */
			pb.ref = dir2;
			result = PBMakeFSRefUnicodeSync(&pb);
			if ( fnfErr != result )
				/* exit if anything other than noErr or fnfErr */
				require_noerr(result, Dir2PBMakeFSRefUnicodeSyncFailed);
			/* exit if anything other than noErr or fnfErr */
			require_noerr(result, Dir1PBMakeFSRefUnicodeSyncFailed);

		/* increment seed for next pass through loop, */
		/* or for next call to GenerateUniqueHFSUniStr */

	/* we have a unique file name which doesn't exist in dir1 or dir2 */
	result = noErr;


		return ( result );
OSErr FSMakeFSRef(
	FSVolumeRefNum volRefNum,
	SInt32 dirID,
	ConstStr255Param name,
	FSRef *ref)
	OSErr		result;
	FSRefParam	pb;
	pb.ioVRefNum = volRefNum;
	pb.ioDirID = dirID;
	pb.ioNamePtr = (StringPtr)name;
	pb.newRef = ref;

#if __LP64__
	result = PBMakeFSRefUnicodeSync(&pb);
	result = PBMakeFSRefSync(&pb);
#endif // __LP64__
	return ( result );
Exemplo n.º 3
URL_TYPE createURLByMakingDirectoryAtURLWithName(URL_TYPE parent, STRING_TYPE name) {
	CFURLRef newDirectory = NULL;

	CFAllocatorRef allocator = parent ? CFGetAllocator(parent) : name ? CFGetAllocator(name) : kCFAllocatorDefault;

	if (parent) parent = CFRetain(parent);
	else {
		char *cwdBytes = alloca(PATH_MAX);
		getcwd(cwdBytes, PATH_MAX);
		parent = CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation(allocator, (const unsigned char *)cwdBytes, strlen(cwdBytes), /*isDirectory*/ true);
		if (!name) {
			newDirectory = parent;
			goto end;
	if (!parent)
		NSLog(CFSTR("in createURLByMakingDirectoryAtURLWithName in CFGrowlAdditions: parent directory URL is NULL (please tell the Growl developers)\n"), parent);
	else {
		if (name)
			name = CFRetain(name);
		else {
			name = CFURLCopyLastPathComponent(parent);
			CFURLRef newParent = CFURLCreateCopyDeletingLastPathComponent(allocator, parent);
			parent = newParent;

		if (!name)
			NSLog(CFSTR("in createURLByMakingDirectoryAtURLWithName in CFGrowlAdditions: name of directory to create is NULL (please tell the Growl developers)\n"), parent);
		else {
			FSRef parentRef;
			if (!CFURLGetFSRef(parent, &parentRef))
				NSLog(CFSTR("in createURLByMakingDirectoryAtURLWithName in CFGrowlAdditions: could not create FSRef for parent directory at %@ (please tell the Growl developers)\n"), parent);
			else {
				FSRef newDirectoryRef;

				struct HFSUniStr255 nameUnicode;
				CFRange range = { 0, MIN(CFStringGetLength(name), USHRT_MAX) };
				CFStringGetCharacters(name, range, nameUnicode.unicode);
				nameUnicode.length = range.length;

				struct FSRefParam refPB = {
					.ref              = &parentRef,
					.nameLength       = nameUnicode.length,
					.name             = nameUnicode.unicode,
					.whichInfo        = kFSCatInfoNone,
					.catInfo          = NULL,
					.textEncodingHint = kTextEncodingUnknown,
					.newRef           = &newDirectoryRef,
				OSStatus err = PBCreateDirectoryUnicodeSync(&refPB);
				if (err == dupFNErr) {
					//dupFNErr == file (or folder) exists already. this is fine.
					err = PBMakeFSRefUnicodeSync(&refPB);
				if (err == noErr) {
					NSLog(CFSTR("PBCreateDirectoryUnicodeSync or PBMakeFSRefUnicodeSync returned %li; calling CFURLCreateFromFSRef"), (long)err); //XXX
					newDirectory = CFURLCreateFromFSRef(allocator, &newDirectoryRef);
					NSLog(CFSTR("CFURLCreateFromFSRef returned %@"), newDirectory); //XXX
				} else
					NSLog(CFSTR("in createURLByMakingDirectoryAtURLWithName in CFGrowlAdditions: could not create directory '%@' in parent directory at %@: FSCreateDirectoryUnicode returned %li (please tell the Growl developers)"), name, parent, (long)err);

		} //if (name)
	} //if (parent)

	return newDirectory;

#	define COPYFORK_BUFSIZE 5242880U /*5 MiB*/

static OSStatus copyFork(const struct HFSUniStr255 *forkName, const FSRef *srcFile, const FSRef *destDir, const struct HFSUniStr255 *destName, FSRef *outDestFile) {
	OSStatus err, closeErr;
	struct FSForkIOParam srcPB = {
		.ref = srcFile,
		.forkNameLength = forkName->length,
		.forkName = forkName->unicode,
		.permissions = fsRdPerm,
	unsigned char debuggingPathBuf[PATH_MAX] = "";
	OSStatus debuggingPathErr;

	err = PBOpenForkSync(&srcPB);
	if (err != noErr) {
		debuggingPathErr = FSRefMakePath(srcFile, debuggingPathBuf, PATH_MAX);
		if (debuggingPathErr != noErr)
			snprintf((char *)debuggingPathBuf, PATH_MAX, "(could not get path for source file: FSRefMakePath returned %li)", (long)debuggingPathErr);
		NSLog(CFSTR("in copyFork in CFGrowlAdditions: PBOpenForkSync (source: %s) returned %li"), debuggingPathBuf, (long)err);
	} else {
		FSRef destFile;

		/*the first thing to do is get the name of the destination file, if one
		 *	wasn't provided.
		 *and while we're at it, we get the catalogue info as well.
		struct FSCatalogInfo catInfo;
		struct FSRefParam refPB = {
			.ref       = srcFile,
			.whichInfo = kFSCatInfoGettableInfo & kFSCatInfoSettableInfo,
			.catInfo   = &catInfo,
			.spec      = NULL,
			.parentRef = NULL,
			.outName   = destName ? NULL : (struct HFSUniStr255 *)(destName = alloca(sizeof(struct HFSUniStr255))),

		err = PBGetCatalogInfoSync(&refPB);
		if (err != noErr) {
			debuggingPathErr = FSRefMakePath(srcFile, debuggingPathBuf, PATH_MAX);
			if (debuggingPathErr != noErr)
				snprintf((char *)debuggingPathBuf, PATH_MAX, "(could not get path for source file: FSRefMakePath returned %li)", (long)debuggingPathErr);
			NSLog(CFSTR("in copyFork in CFGrowlAdditions: PBGetCatalogInfoSync (source: %s) returned %li"), debuggingPathBuf, (long)err);
		} else {
			refPB.ref              = destDir;
			refPB.nameLength       = destName->length;
			refPB.name             = destName->unicode;
			refPB.textEncodingHint = kTextEncodingUnknown;
			refPB.newRef           = &destFile;

			const char *functionName = "PBMakeFSRefUnicodeSync"; //for error-reporting message

			err = PBMakeFSRefUnicodeSync(&refPB);
			if ((err != noErr) && (err != fnfErr)) {
				debuggingPathErr = FSRefMakePath(destDir, debuggingPathBuf, PATH_MAX);
				if (debuggingPathErr != noErr)
					snprintf((char *)debuggingPathBuf, PATH_MAX, "(could not get path for destination directory: FSRefMakePath returned %li)", (long)debuggingPathErr);

				//get filename too
				CFStringRef debuggingFilename = CFStringCreateWithCharactersNoCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault,
																				   /*contentsDeallocator*/ kCFAllocatorNull);
				if (!debuggingFilename)
					debuggingFilename = CFStringCreateWithCStringNoCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, "(could not get filename for destination file: CFStringCreateWithCharactersNoCopy returned NULL)", kCFStringEncodingASCII, /*contentsDeallocator*/ kCFAllocatorNull);

				NSLog(CFSTR("in copyFork in CFGrowlAdditions: %s (destination: %s/%@) returned %li"), functionName, debuggingPathBuf, debuggingFilename, (long)err);

				if (debuggingFilename) CFRelease(debuggingFilename);
			} else {
				//that file doesn't exist in that folder; create it.
				err = PBCreateFileUnicodeSync(&refPB);
				if (err == noErr) {
					/*make sure the Finder knows about the new file.
					 *FNNotify returns a status code too, but this isn't an
					 *	essential step, so we just ignore it.
					FNNotify(destDir, kFNDirectoryModifiedMessage, kNilOptions);
				} else if (err == dupFNErr) {
					/*dupFNErr: the file already exists.
					 *we can safely ignore this error.
					err = noErr;
				} else {
					functionName = "PBCreateFileUnicodeSync";
					goto handleMakeFSRefError;
		if (err == noErr) {
			if (outDestFile)
				memcpy(outDestFile, &destFile, sizeof(destFile));

			struct FSForkIOParam destPB = {
				.ref            = &destFile,
				.forkNameLength = forkName->length,
				.forkName       = forkName->unicode,
				.permissions    = fsWrPerm,
			err = PBOpenForkSync(&destPB);
			NSLog(CFSTR("in copyFork in CFGrowlAdditions: PBOpenForkSync (dest) returned %li"), (long)err);
			if (err != noErr) {
				debuggingPathErr = FSRefMakePath(&destFile, debuggingPathBuf, PATH_MAX);
				if (debuggingPathErr != noErr)
					snprintf((char *)debuggingPathBuf, PATH_MAX, "(could not get path for dest file: FSRefMakePath returned %li)", (long)debuggingPathErr);
				NSLog(CFSTR("in copyFork in CFGrowlAdditions: PBOpenForkSync (destination: %s) returned %li"), debuggingPathBuf, (long)err);
			} else {
				void *buf = malloc(COPYFORK_BUFSIZE);
				if (buf) {
					srcPB.buffer = destPB.buffer = buf;
					srcPB.requestCount = COPYFORK_BUFSIZE;
					while (err == noErr) {
						err = PBReadForkSync(&srcPB);
						if (err == eofErr) {
							err = noErr;
							if (srcPB.actualCount == 0)
						if (err != noErr) {
							debuggingPathErr = FSRefMakePath(&destFile, debuggingPathBuf, PATH_MAX);
							if (debuggingPathErr != noErr)
								snprintf((char *)debuggingPathBuf, PATH_MAX, "(could not get path for source file: FSRefMakePath returned %li)", (long)debuggingPathErr);
							NSLog(CFSTR("in copyFork in CFGrowlAdditions: PBReadForkSync (source: %s) returned %li"), debuggingPathBuf, (long)err);
						} else {
							destPB.requestCount = srcPB.actualCount;
							err = PBWriteForkSync(&destPB);
							if (err != noErr) {
								debuggingPathErr = FSRefMakePath(&destFile, debuggingPathBuf, PATH_MAX);
								if (debuggingPathErr != noErr)
									snprintf((char *)debuggingPathBuf, PATH_MAX, "(could not get path for dest file: FSRefMakePath returned %li)", (long)debuggingPathErr);
								NSLog(CFSTR("in copyFork in CFGrowlAdditions: PBWriteForkSync (destination: %s) returned %li"), debuggingPathBuf, (long)err);


				closeErr = PBCloseForkSync(&destPB);
				if (closeErr != noErr) {
					debuggingPathErr = FSRefMakePath(&destFile, debuggingPathBuf, PATH_MAX);
					if (debuggingPathErr != noErr)
						snprintf((char *)debuggingPathBuf, PATH_MAX, "(could not get path for dest file: FSRefMakePath returned %li)", (long)debuggingPathErr);
					NSLog(CFSTR("in copyFork in CFGrowlAdditions: PBCloseForkSync (destination: %s) returned %li"), debuggingPathBuf, (long)err);
				if (err == noErr) err = closeErr;

		closeErr = PBCloseForkSync(&srcPB);
		if (closeErr != noErr) {
			debuggingPathErr = FSRefMakePath(&destFile, debuggingPathBuf, PATH_MAX);
			if (debuggingPathErr != noErr)
				snprintf((char *)debuggingPathBuf, PATH_MAX, "(could not get path for source file: FSRefMakePath returned %li)", (long)debuggingPathErr);
			NSLog(CFSTR("in copyFork in CFGrowlAdditions: PBCloseForkSync (source: %s) returned %li"), debuggingPathBuf, (long)err);
		if (err == noErr) err = closeErr;

	return err;

static OSStatus GrowlCopyObjectSync(const FSRef *fileRef, const FSRef *destRef, FSRef *destFileRef) {
	OSStatus err;
	struct HFSUniStr255 forkName;
	struct FSForkIOParam forkPB = {
		.ref = fileRef,
		.forkIterator = {
			.initialize = 0L
		.outForkName = &forkName,
	do {
		err = PBIterateForksSync(&forkPB);
		NSLog(CFSTR("PBIterateForksSync returned %li"), (long)err);
		if (err != noErr) {
			if (err != errFSNoMoreItems)
				NSLog(CFSTR("in GrowlCopyObjectSync in CFGrowlAdditions: PBIterateForksSync returned %li"), (long)err);
		} else {
			err = copyFork(&forkName, fileRef, destRef, /*destName*/ NULL, /*outDestFile*/ destFileRef);
			//copyFork prints its own error messages
	} while (err == noErr);
	if (err == errFSNoMoreItems) err = noErr;

	return err;

CFURLRef createURLByCopyingFileFromURLToDirectoryURL(CFURLRef file, CFURLRef dest) {
	CFURLRef destFileURL = NULL;

	FSRef fileRef, destRef, destFileRef;
	Boolean gotFileRef = CFURLGetFSRef(file, &fileRef);
	Boolean gotDestRef = CFURLGetFSRef(dest, &destRef);
	if (!gotFileRef)
		NSLog(CFSTR("in createURLByCopyingFileFromURLToDirectoryURL in CFGrowlAdditions: CFURLGetFSRef failed with source URL %@"), file);
	else if (!gotDestRef)
		NSLog(CFSTR("in createURLByCopyingFileFromURLToDirectoryURL in CFGrowlAdditions: CFURLGetFSRef failed with destination URL %@"), dest);
	else {
		OSStatus err;

		 * 10.2 has a problem with weak symbols in frameworks so we use
		if (FSCopyObjectSync) {
			err = FSCopyObjectSync(&fileRef, &destRef, /*destName*/ NULL, &destFileRef, kFSFileOperationOverwrite);
		} else {
			err = GrowlCopyObjectSync(&fileRef, &destRef, &destFileRef);

		if (err == noErr)
			destFileURL = CFURLCreateFromFSRef(kCFAllocatorDefault, &destFileRef);
			NSLog(CFSTR("in createURLByCopyingFileFromURLToDirectoryURL in CFGrowlAdditions: CopyObjectSync returned %li for source URL %@"), (long)err, file);

	return destFileURL;
Exemplo n.º 4
int ReadTOCData (FSVolumeRefNum theVolume, SDL_CD *theCD)
    HFSUniStr255      dataForkName;
    OSStatus          theErr;
    FSIORefNum        forkRefNum;
    SInt64            forkSize;
    Ptr               forkData = 0;
    ByteCount         actualRead;
    CFDataRef         dataRef = 0;
    CFPropertyListRef propertyListRef = 0;
    FSRefParam      fsRefPB;
    FSRef           tocPlistFSRef;
    FSRef           rootRef;
    const char* error = "Unspecified Error";
    const UniChar uniName[] = { '.','T','O','C','.','p','l','i','s','t' };

    theErr = FSGetVolumeInfo(theVolume, 0, 0, kFSVolInfoNone, 0, 0, &rootRef);
    if(theErr != noErr) {
        error = "FSGetVolumeInfo";
        goto bail;

    SDL_memset(&fsRefPB, '\0', sizeof (fsRefPB));

    fsRefPB.ref = &rootRef;
    fsRefPB.newRef = &tocPlistFSRef;
    fsRefPB.nameLength = sizeof (uniName) / sizeof (uniName[0]);
    fsRefPB.name = uniName;
    fsRefPB.textEncodingHint = kTextEncodingUnknown;

    theErr = PBMakeFSRefUnicodeSync (&fsRefPB);
    if(theErr != noErr) {
        error = "PBMakeFSRefUnicodeSync";
        goto bail;

    theErr = FSGetDataForkName (&dataForkName);
    if (theErr != noErr) {
        error = "FSGetDataForkName";
        goto bail;
    theErr = FSOpenFork (&tocPlistFSRef, dataForkName.length, dataForkName.unicode, fsRdPerm, &forkRefNum);
    if (theErr != noErr) {
        error = "FSOpenFork";
        goto bail;
    theErr = FSGetForkSize (forkRefNum, &forkSize);
    if (theErr != noErr) {
        error = "FSGetForkSize";
        goto bail;
    forkData = NewPtr (forkSize);
    if(forkData == NULL) {
        error = "NewPtr";
        goto bail;
    theErr = FSReadFork (forkRefNum, fsFromStart, 0 , forkSize, forkData, &actualRead);
    if(theErr != noErr) {
        error = "FSReadFork";
        goto bail;
    dataRef = CFDataCreate (kCFAllocatorDefault, (UInt8 *)forkData, forkSize);
    if(dataRef == 0) {
        error = "CFDataCreate";
        goto bail;

    propertyListRef = CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData (kCFAllocatorDefault,
    if (propertyListRef == NULL) {
        error = "CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData";
        goto bail;

    if(CFGetTypeID(propertyListRef)== CFDictionaryGetTypeID())
        CFDictionaryRef dictRef = (CFDictionaryRef)propertyListRef;
        CFDataRef   theRawTOCDataRef;
        CFArrayRef  theSessionArrayRef;
        CFIndex     numSessions;
        CFIndex     index;
        theRawTOCDataRef = (CFDataRef)CFDictionaryGetValue (dictRef, CFSTR(kRawTOCDataString));
        theSessionArrayRef = (CFArrayRef)CFDictionaryGetValue (dictRef, CFSTR(kSessionsString));
        numSessions = CFArrayGetCount (theSessionArrayRef);
        theCD->numtracks = 0;
        for(index = 0; index < numSessions; index++)
            CFDictionaryRef theSessionDict;
            CFNumberRef     leadoutBlock;
            CFArrayRef      trackArray;
            CFIndex         numTracks;
            CFIndex         trackIndex;
            UInt32          value = 0;
            theSessionDict      = (CFDictionaryRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (theSessionArrayRef, index);
            leadoutBlock        = (CFNumberRef) CFDictionaryGetValue (theSessionDict, CFSTR(kLeadoutBlockString));
            trackArray = (CFArrayRef)CFDictionaryGetValue (theSessionDict, CFSTR(kTrackArrayString));
            numTracks = CFArrayGetCount (trackArray);

            for(trackIndex = 0; trackIndex < numTracks; trackIndex++) {
                CFDictionaryRef theTrackDict;
                CFNumberRef     trackNumber;
                CFNumberRef     sessionNumber;
                CFNumberRef     startBlock;
                CFBooleanRef    isDataTrack;
                UInt32          value;
                theTrackDict  = (CFDictionaryRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (trackArray, trackIndex);
                trackNumber   = (CFNumberRef)  CFDictionaryGetValue (theTrackDict, CFSTR(kPointKeyString));
                sessionNumber = (CFNumberRef)  CFDictionaryGetValue (theTrackDict, CFSTR(kSessionNumberKeyString));
                startBlock    = (CFNumberRef)  CFDictionaryGetValue (theTrackDict, CFSTR(kStartBlockKeyString));
                isDataTrack   = (CFBooleanRef) CFDictionaryGetValue (theTrackDict, CFSTR(kDataKeyString));
                int idx = theCD->numtracks++;

                CFNumberGetValue (trackNumber, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &value);
                theCD->track[idx].id = value;
                CFNumberGetValue (startBlock, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &value);
                theCD->track[idx].offset = value;

                theCD->track[idx].type = (isDataTrack == kCFBooleanTrue) ? SDL_DATA_TRACK : SDL_AUDIO_TRACK;

                if (trackIndex > 0) {
                    theCD->track[idx-1].length = theCD->track[idx].offset - theCD->track[idx-1].offset;
            CFNumberGetValue (leadoutBlock, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &value);
            theCD->track[theCD->numtracks-1].length = 
                value - theCD->track[theCD->numtracks-1].offset;

            theCD->track[theCD->numtracks].offset = value;

    theErr = 0;
    goto cleanup;
    SDL_SetError ("ReadTOCData: %s returned %d", error, theErr);
    theErr = -1;

    if (propertyListRef != NULL)
    if (dataRef != NULL)
    if (forkData != NULL)
    FSCloseFork (forkRefNum);

    return theErr;