Exemplo n.º 1
void PcapLiveDevice::stopCapture()
	m_StopThread = true;
	LOG_DEBUG("Stopping capture thread, waiting for it to join...");
	pthread_join(m_CaptureThread->pthread, NULL);
	m_CaptureThreadStarted = false;
	LOG_DEBUG("Capture thread stopped for device '%s'", m_Name);
	if (m_StatsThreadStarted)
		LOG_DEBUG("Stopping stats thread, waiting for it to join...");
		pthread_join(m_StatsThread->pthread, NULL);
		m_StatsThreadStarted = false;
		LOG_DEBUG("Stats thread stopped for device '%s'", m_Name);
	m_StopThread = false;
Exemplo n.º 2
void* PcapLiveDevice::statsThreadMain(void *ptr)
	PcapLiveDevice* pThis = (PcapLiveDevice*)ptr;
	if (pThis == NULL)
		LOG_ERROR("Stats thread: Unable to extract PcapLiveDevice instance");
		return 0;

	LOG_DEBUG("Started stats thread for device '%s'", pThis->m_Name);
	while (!pThis->m_StopThread)
		pcap_stat stats;
		pThis->m_cbOnStatsUpdate(stats, pThis->m_cbOnStatsUpdateUserCookie);
	LOG_DEBUG("Ended stats thread for device '%s'", pThis->m_Name);
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
 * main method of the application
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	// IPv4 address of the interface we want to sniff
	std::string interfaceIPAddr = "";

	// find the interface by IP address
	pcpp::PcapLiveDevice* dev = pcpp::PcapLiveDeviceList::getInstance().getPcapLiveDeviceByIp(interfaceIPAddr.c_str());
	if (dev == NULL)
		printf("Cannot find interface with IPv4 address of '%s'\n", interfaceIPAddr.c_str());

	// Get device info
	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

	// before capturing packets let's print some info about this interface
	printf("Interface info:\n");
	// get interface name
	printf("   Interface name:        %s\n", dev->getName());
	// get interface description
	printf("   Interface description: %s\n", dev->getDesc());
	// get interface MAC address
	printf("   MAC address:           %s\n", dev->getMacAddress().toString().c_str());
	// get default gateway for interface
	printf("   Default gateway:       %s\n", dev->getDefaultGateway().toString().c_str());
	// get interface MTU
	printf("   Interface MTU:         %d\n", dev->getMtu());
	// get DNS server if defined for this interface
	if (dev->getDnsServers().size() > 0)
		printf("   DNS server:            %s\n", dev->getDnsServers().at(0).toString().c_str());

	// open the device before start capturing/sending packets
	if (!dev->open())
		printf("Cannot open device\n");

	// create the stats object
	PacketStats stats;

	// Async packet capture with a callback function
	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

	printf("\nStarting async capture...\n");

	// start capture in async mode. Give a callback function to call to whenever a packet is captured and the stats object as the cookie
	dev->startCapture(onPacketArrives, &stats);

	// sleep for 10 seconds in main thread, in the meantime packets are captured in the async thread

	// stop capturing packets

	// print results

	// clear stats

	// Capturing packets in a packet vector
	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

	printf("\nStarting capture with packet vector...\n");

	// create an empty packet vector object
	pcpp::RawPacketVector packetVec;

	// start capturing packets. All packets will be added to the packet vector

	// sleep for 10 seconds in main thread, in the meantime packets are captured in the async thread

	// stop capturing packets

	// go over the packet vector and feed all packets to the stats object
	for (pcpp::RawPacketVector::ConstVectorIterator iter = packetVec.begin(); iter != packetVec.end(); iter++)
		// parse raw packet
		pcpp::Packet parsedPacket(*iter);

		// feed packet to the stats object

	// print results

	// clear stats

	// Capturing packets in blocking mode
	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

	printf("\nStarting capture in blocking mode...\n");

	// start capturing in blocking mode. Give a callback function to call to whenever a packet is captured, the stats object as the cookie and a 10 seconds timeout
	dev->startCaptureBlockingMode(onPacketArrivesBlockingMode, &stats, 10);

	// thread is blocked until capture is finished

	// capture is finished, print results


	// Sending single packets
	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

	printf("\nSending %d packets one by one...\n", packetVec.size());

	// go over the vector of packets and send them one by one
	for (pcpp::RawPacketVector::ConstVectorIterator iter = packetVec.begin(); iter != packetVec.end(); iter++)
		// send the packet. If fails exit the application
		if (!dev->sendPacket(**iter))
			printf("Couldn't send packet\n");
	printf("%d packets sent\n", packetVec.size());

	// Sending batch of packets
	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

	printf("\nSending %d packets...\n", packetVec.size());

	// send all packets in the vector. The returned number shows how many packets were actually sent (expected to be equal to vector size)
	int packetsSent = dev->sendPackets(packetVec);

	printf("%d packets sent\n", packetsSent);

	// Using filters
	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

	// create a filter instance to capture only traffic on port 80
	pcpp::PortFilter portFilter(80, pcpp::SRC_OR_DST);

	// create a filter instance to capture only TCP traffic
	pcpp::ProtoFilter protocolFilter(pcpp::TCP);

	// create an AND filter to combine both filters - capture only TCP traffic on port 80
	pcpp::AndFilter andFilter;

	// set the filter on the device

	printf("\nStarting packet capture with a filter in place...\n");

	// start capture in async mode. Give a callback function to call to whenever a packet is captured and the stats object as the cookie
	dev->startCapture(onPacketArrives, &stats);

	// sleep for 10 seconds in main thread, in the meantime packets are captured in the async thread

	// stop capturing packets

	// print results - should capture only packets which match the filter (which is TCP port 80)

	// close the device before application ends