Exemplo n.º 1
pcl::EnsensoGrabber::openDevice (const int device)
  if (device_open_)
    PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (pcl::IOException, "Cannot open multiple devices!");

  PCL_INFO ("Opening Ensenso stereo camera id = %d\n", device);

    // Create a pointer referencing the camera's tree item, for easier access:
    camera_ = (*root_)[itmCameras][itmBySerialNo][device];

    if (!camera_.exists () || camera_[itmType] != valStereo)
      PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (pcl::IOException, "Please connect a single stereo camera to your computer!");

    NxLibCommand open (cmdOpen);
    open.parameters ()[itmCameras] = camera_[itmSerialNumber].asString ();
    open.execute ();
  catch (NxLibException &ex)
    ensensoExceptionHandling (ex, "openDevice");
    return (false);

  device_open_ = true;
  return (true);
Exemplo n.º 2
template <typename PointInT, typename PointOutT> void
pcl::IntegralImageNormalEstimation<PointInT, PointOutT>::initData ()
  if (border_policy_ != BORDER_POLICY_IGNORE &&
      border_policy_ != BORDER_POLICY_MIRROR)
    PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (InitFailedException,
                         "[pcl::IntegralImageNormalEstimation::initData] unknown border policy.");

  if (normal_estimation_method_ != COVARIANCE_MATRIX &&
      normal_estimation_method_ != AVERAGE_3D_GRADIENT &&
      normal_estimation_method_ != AVERAGE_DEPTH_CHANGE &&
      normal_estimation_method_ != SIMPLE_3D_GRADIENT)
    PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (InitFailedException,
                         "[pcl::IntegralImageNormalEstimation::initData] unknown normal estimation method.");

  // compute derivatives
  if (diff_x_ != NULL) delete[] diff_x_;
  if (diff_y_ != NULL) delete[] diff_y_;
  if (depth_data_ != NULL) delete[] depth_data_;
  if (distance_map_ != NULL) delete[] distance_map_;
  diff_x_ = NULL;
  diff_y_ = NULL;
  depth_data_ = NULL;
  distance_map_ = NULL;

  if (normal_estimation_method_ == COVARIANCE_MATRIX)
    initCovarianceMatrixMethod ();
  else if (normal_estimation_method_ == AVERAGE_3D_GRADIENT)
    initAverage3DGradientMethod ();
  else if (normal_estimation_method_ == AVERAGE_DEPTH_CHANGE)
    initAverageDepthChangeMethod ();
  else if (normal_estimation_method_ == SIMPLE_3D_GRADIENT)
    initSimple3DGradientMethod ();
Exemplo n.º 3
template <typename PointT> void 
pcl::common::deleteCols (const PointCloud<PointT>& input, PointCloud<PointT>& output,
                         const size_t& amount)
  if (amount <= 0 || amount > (input.width/2))
    PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (InitFailedException,
                         "[pcl::common::deleteCols] error: amount must be in ]0.."
                         << (input.width/2) << "] !");

  if (!input.isOrganized ())
    PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (InitFailedException,
                         "[pcl::common::deleteCols] error: " 
                         << "columns delete requires organised point cloud");

  uint32_t old_height = input.height;
  uint32_t old_width = input.width;
  uint32_t new_width = old_width - 2 * amount;
  for(size_t j = 0; j < old_height; j++)
    typename PointCloud<PointT>::iterator start = output.begin () + j * new_width;
    output.erase (start, start + amount);
    start = output.begin () + (j+1) * new_width;
    output.erase (start, start + amount);    
  output.height = old_height;
  output.width = new_width;
Exemplo n.º 4
template <typename PointT> void 
pcl::common::duplicateColumns (const PointCloud<PointT>& input, PointCloud<PointT>& output,
                               const size_t& amount)
  if (amount <= 0)
    PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (InitFailedException,
                         "[pcl::common::duplicateColumns] error: amount must be ]0.."
                         << (input.width/2) << "] !");

  if (!input.isOrganized () || amount > (input.width/2))
    PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (InitFailedException,
                         "[pcl::common::duplicateColumns] error: " 
                         << "columns expansion requires organised point cloud");

  size_t old_height = input.height;
  size_t old_width = input.width;
  size_t new_width = old_width + 2*amount;
  if (&input != &output)
    output = input;
  output.reserve (new_width * old_height);
  for (size_t j = 0; j < old_height; ++j)
    for(size_t i = 0; i < amount; ++i)
      typename PointCloud<PointT>::iterator start = output.begin () + (j * new_width);
      output.insert (start, *start);
      start = output.begin () + (j * new_width) + old_width + i;
      output.insert (start, *start);

  output.width = new_width;
  output.height = old_height;
Exemplo n.º 5
template<typename Container, typename PointT> void
octree_base<Container, PointT>::loadFromFile ()
    // Open JSON
    std::vector<char> idx_input;
    boost::uintmax_t len = boost::filesystem::file_size (treepath_);
    idx_input.resize (len + 1);

    std::ifstream f (treepath_.string ().c_str (), std::ios::in);
    f.read (&(idx_input.front ()), len);
    idx_input.back () = '\0';

    // Parse JSON
    boost::shared_ptr<cJSON> idx (cJSON_Parse (&(idx_input.front ())), cJSON_Delete);
    cJSON* name = cJSON_GetObjectItem (idx.get (), "name");
    cJSON* version = cJSON_GetObjectItem (idx.get (), "version");
    cJSON* pointtype = cJSON_GetObjectItem (idx.get (), "pointtype");
    cJSON* lod = cJSON_GetObjectItem (idx.get (), "lod");
    cJSON* numpts = cJSON_GetObjectItem (idx.get (), "numpts");
    cJSON* coord = cJSON_GetObjectItem (idx.get (), "coord_system");

    // Validate JSON
    if (!((name) && (version) && (pointtype) && (lod) && (numpts) && (coord)))
        PCL_ERROR ( "index %s failed to parse!\n", treepath_.c_str ());
        PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (PCLException, "Outofcore Octree Parse Failure\n");
    if ((name->type != cJSON_String) || (version->type != cJSON_Number) || (pointtype->type != cJSON_String)
            || (lod->type != cJSON_Number) || (numpts->type != cJSON_Array) || (coord->type != cJSON_String))
        PCL_ERROR ( "index failed to parse!\n",treepath_.c_str ());
        PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (PCLException, "Outofcore Octree Exception: Index failed to parse\n");
    if (version->valuedouble != 2.0 && version->valuedouble != 3.0)// || version->valuedouble != 3.0)
        PCL_ERROR ( "index failed to parse!\n",treepath_.c_str ());
        PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (PCLException, "Outofcore Octree Parse Failure: Incompatible Version of Outofcore Octree\n");

    if ((lod->valueint + 1) != cJSON_GetArraySize (numpts))
        PCL_ERROR ( "[pcl::outofcore::octree_base] Index failed to parse: %s\n",treepath_.c_str ());
        PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (PCLException, "Outofcore Octree Prase Failure: LOD and array size of points is not valid\n");

    // Get Data
    lodPoints_.resize (lod->valueint + 1);
    for (int i = 0; i < (lod->valueint + 1); i++)
        //cJSON doesn't have explicit 64bit int, have to use double, get up to 2^52
        lodPoints_[i] = static_cast<boost::uint64_t> (cJSON_GetArrayItem (numpts, i)->valuedouble );
    max_depth_ = lod->valueint;
    coord_system_ = coord->valuestring;
Exemplo n.º 6
octree_base<Container, PointT>::octree_base (const int max_depth, const double min[3], const double max[3], const boost::filesystem::path& rootname, const std::string& coord_sys)
    : root_ ()
    , read_write_mutex_ ()
    , lodPoints_ ()
    , max_depth_ ()
    , treepath_ ()
    , coord_system_ ()
    , resolution_ ()
    // Check file extension
    if (boost::filesystem::extension (rootname) != octree_base_node<Container, PointT>::node_index_extension)
        PCL_ERROR ( "[pcl::outofcore::octree_base] the tree must be created with a root_ node ending in .oct_idx\n" );
        PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (PCLException, "[pcl::outofcore::octree_base] Bad extension. Tree must be created with node ending in .oct_idx\n");

    coord_system_ = coord_sys;

    // Get fullpath and recreate directories
    boost::filesystem::path dir = rootname.parent_path ();

    if (!boost::filesystem::exists (dir))
        boost::filesystem::create_directory (dir);

    // todo: Why is overwriting an existing tree not permitted when setting the
    // max depth, but supported when setting node dims?
    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
        boost::filesystem::path childdir = dir / boost::lexical_cast<std::string> (i);
        if (boost::filesystem::exists (childdir))
            PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::outofcore::octree_base] A dir named %d exists under the root node. Overwriting an existing tree is not supported.\n", i);
            PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION ( PCLException, "[pcl::outofcore::octree_base] Directory exists; Overwriting an existing tree is not supported\n");

    // Create root node
    root_ = new octree_base_node<Container, PointT> (max_depth, min, max, this, rootname);
    root_->saveIdx (false);

    // max_depth_ is set when creating the root_ node
    lodPoints_.resize (max_depth_ + 1);

    // Set root nodes file path
    treepath_ = dir / (boost::filesystem::basename (rootname) + TREE_EXTENSION_);
    saveToFile ();
Exemplo n.º 7
octree_base<Container, PointT>::octree_base (const boost::filesystem::path& rootname, const bool load_all)
    : root_ ()
    , read_write_mutex_ ()
    , lodPoints_ ()
    , max_depth_ ()
    , treepath_ ()
    , coord_system_ ()
    , resolution_ ()
    // Check file extension
    if (boost::filesystem::extension (rootname) != octree_base_node<Container, PointT>::node_index_extension)
        PCL_ERROR ( "[pcl::outofcore::octree_base] Wrong root node file extension: %s. The tree must have a root node ending in %s\n", boost::filesystem::extension (rootname).c_str (), octree_base_node<Container, PointT>::node_index_extension.c_str () );
        PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (PCLException, "[pcl::outofcore::octree_base] Bad extension. Tree must have a root node ending in .oct_idx\n");

    // Create root_ node
    root_ = new octree_base_node<Container, PointT> (rootname, NULL, load_all);

    // Set root_ nodes tree to the newly created tree
    root_->m_tree_ = this;

    // Set root_ nodes file path
    treepath_ = rootname.parent_path () / (boost::filesystem::basename (rootname) + TREE_EXTENSION_);

    loadFromFile ();
Exemplo n.º 8
template <typename PointT> void 
pcl::common::mirrorRows (const PointCloud<PointT>& input, PointCloud<PointT>& output,
                         const size_t& amount)
  if (amount <= 0 || amount > (input.height/2))
    PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (InitFailedException,
                         "[pcl::common::mirrorRows] error: amount must be ]0.." 
                         << (input.height/2) << "] !");

  uint32_t old_height = input.height;
  uint32_t new_height = old_height + 2*amount;
  uint32_t old_width = input.width;
  if (&input != &output)
    output = input;
  output.reserve (new_height * old_width);
  for(size_t i = 0; i < amount; i++)
    typename PointCloud<PointT>::iterator up;
    if (output.height % 2 ==  0)
      up = output.begin () + (2*i) * old_width;
      up = output.begin () + (2*i+1) * old_width;
    output.insert (output.begin (), up, up + old_width);
    typename PointCloud<PointT>::iterator bottom = output.end () - (2*i+1) * old_width;
    output.insert (output.end (), bottom, bottom + old_width);
  output.width = old_width;
  output.height = new_height;
Exemplo n.º 9
pcl::GaussianKernel::compute (float sigma, 
                              Eigen::VectorXf &kernel, 
                              unsigned kernel_width) const
  assert (kernel_width %2 == 1);
  assert (sigma >= 0);
  kernel.resize (kernel_width);
  static const float factor = 0.01f;
  static const float max_gauss = 1.0f;
  const int hw = kernel_width / 2;
  for (int i = -hw, j = 0, k = kernel_width - 1; i < 0 ; i++, j++, k--)
    kernel[k] = kernel[j] = float (exp (-i*i / (2*sigma*sigma)));
  kernel[hw] = 1;
  unsigned g_width = kernel_width;
  for (unsigned i = 0; fabs (kernel[i]/max_gauss) < factor; i++, g_width-= 2);
  if (g_width == kernel_width)
    PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (pcl::KernelWidthTooSmallException,
                        "kernel width " << kernel_width 
                        << "is too small for the given sigma " << sigma);

  // Shift and resize if width less than kernel_width
  unsigned shift = (kernel_width - g_width)/2;
  for (unsigned i =0; i < g_width; i++)
    kernel[i] = kernel[i + shift];
  kernel.conservativeResize (g_width);

  // Normalize
  kernel/= kernel.sum ();
Exemplo n.º 10
template<typename PointT> inline void
pcl::PCA<PointT>::reconstruct (const PointCloud& projection, PointCloud& input)
        initCompute ();
    if (!compute_done_)
        PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (InitFailedException, "[pcl::PCA::reconstruct] PCA initCompute failed");
    if (input.is_dense)
        input.resize (projection.size ());
        for (size_t i = 0; i < projection.size (); ++i)
            reconstruct (projection[i], input[i]);
        PointT p;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < input.size (); ++i)
            if (!pcl_isfinite (input[i].x) ||
                    !pcl_isfinite (input[i].y) ||
                    !pcl_isfinite (input[i].z))
            reconstruct (projection[i], p);
            input.push_back (p);
Exemplo n.º 11
getPcdFilesInDir(const string& directory)
    namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
    fs::path dir(directory);

    std::cout << "path: " << directory << std::endl;
    if (directory.empty() || !fs::exists(dir) || !fs::is_directory(dir))
        PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (pcl::IOException, "No valid PCD directory given!\n");

    vector<string> result;
    fs::directory_iterator pos(dir);
    fs::directory_iterator end;

    for(; pos != end ; ++pos)
        if (fs::is_regular_file(pos->status()) )
            if (fs::extension(*pos) == ".pcd")
                result.push_back (pos->path ().string ());
                result.push_back (pos->path ());
                cout << "added: " << result.back() << endl;

    return result;
Exemplo n.º 12
pcl::OpenNIGrabber::OpenNIGrabber (const std::string& device_id, const Mode& depth_mode, const Mode& image_mode)
  : rgb_sync_ ()
  , ir_sync_ ()
  , device_ ()
  , rgb_frame_id_ ()
  , depth_frame_id_ ()
  , image_width_ ()
  , image_height_ ()
  , depth_width_ ()
  , depth_height_ ()
  , image_required_ (false)
  , depth_required_ (false)
  , ir_required_ (false)
  , sync_required_ (false)
  , image_signal_ (), depth_image_signal_ (), ir_image_signal_ (), image_depth_image_signal_ ()
  , ir_depth_image_signal_ (), point_cloud_signal_ (), point_cloud_i_signal_ ()
  , point_cloud_rgb_signal_ (), point_cloud_rgba_signal_ ()
  , config2xn_map_ (), depth_callback_handle (), image_callback_handle (), ir_callback_handle ()
  , running_ (false)
  , rgb_array_size_ (0)
  , depth_buffer_size_ (0)
  , rgb_focal_length_x_ (std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN ())
  , rgb_focal_length_y_ (std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN ())
  , rgb_principal_point_x_ (std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN ())
  , rgb_principal_point_y_ (std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN ())
  , depth_focal_length_x_ (std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN ())
  , depth_focal_length_y_ (std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN ())
  , depth_principal_point_x_ (std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN ())
  , depth_principal_point_y_ (std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN ())
  // initialize driver
  onInit (device_id, depth_mode, image_mode);

  if (!device_->hasDepthStream ())
    PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (pcl::IOException, "Device does not provide 3D information.");

  depth_image_signal_    = createSignal<sig_cb_openni_depth_image> ();
  ir_image_signal_       = createSignal<sig_cb_openni_ir_image> ();
  point_cloud_signal_    = createSignal<sig_cb_openni_point_cloud> ();
  point_cloud_i_signal_  = createSignal<sig_cb_openni_point_cloud_i> ();
  ir_depth_image_signal_ = createSignal<sig_cb_openni_ir_depth_image> ();

  ir_sync_.addCallback (boost::bind (&OpenNIGrabber::irDepthImageCallback, this, _1, _2));
  if (device_->hasImageStream ())
    // create callback signals
    image_signal_             = createSignal<sig_cb_openni_image> ();
    image_depth_image_signal_ = createSignal<sig_cb_openni_image_depth_image> ();
    point_cloud_rgb_signal_   = createSignal<sig_cb_openni_point_cloud_rgb> ();
    point_cloud_rgba_signal_  = createSignal<sig_cb_openni_point_cloud_rgba> ();
    rgb_sync_.addCallback (boost::bind (&OpenNIGrabber::imageDepthImageCallback, this, _1, _2));
    openni_wrapper::DeviceKinect* kinect = dynamic_cast<openni_wrapper::DeviceKinect*> (device_.get ());
    if (kinect)
      kinect->setDebayeringMethod (openni_wrapper::ImageBayerGRBG::EdgeAware);

  image_callback_handle = device_->registerImageCallback (&OpenNIGrabber::imageCallback, *this);
  depth_callback_handle = device_->registerDepthCallback (&OpenNIGrabber::depthCallback, *this);
  ir_callback_handle    = device_->registerIRCallback (&OpenNIGrabber::irCallback, *this);
Exemplo n.º 13
template <typename PointOperatorsType> void
pcl::common::Convolution<PointOperatorsType>::initCompute ()
  if(kernel_width_ % 2 == 0)
    PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (InitFailedException,
                         "[pcl::common::Convolution::initCompute] convolving element width must be odd.");

  half_width_ = kernel_width_ / 2;

  switch (borders_policy_)
    case IGNORE : break;
    case MIRROR :
      spring_.setInputCloud (input_);
      spring_.setAmount (half_width_);
      spring_.setExpandPolicy (borders_policy_);
      spring_.setDirection (convolve_direction_);
      spring_.expand ();
    } break;
    case DUPLICATE :
      spring_.setInputCloud (input_);
      spring_.setAmount (half_width_);
      spring_.setExpandPolicy (borders_policy_);
      spring_.setDirection (convolve_direction_);
      spring_.expand ();
    } break;
      PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (InitFailedException,
                           "[pcl::common::Convolution::initCompute] unknown border policy");

  if (&(*input_) != &(*output_))
    if (output_->height < input_->height || output_->width < input_->width)
      output_->resize (input_->width * input_->height);
      output_->width = input_->width;
      output_->height = input_->height;
    input_.reset (new PointCloudOut (*input_));
Exemplo n.º 14
template<typename Container, typename PointT> boost::uint64_t
octree_base<Container, PointT>::addPointCloud_and_genLOD (PointCloudConstPtr point_cloud)
    PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::outofcore::octree_base::%s] Function not yet implemented to support point clouds + gen LOD with new PCD dat node files\n",__FUNCTION__);
    PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION ( PCLException, "Function not implemented");

    //and keep the compiler happy
    return 0;//      return addDataToLeaf_and_genLOD (point_cloud->points);
Exemplo n.º 15
pcl::GaussianKernel::compute (float sigma, 
                              Eigen::VectorXf &kernel, 
                              Eigen::VectorXf &derivative,
                              unsigned kernel_width) const
  assert (kernel_width %2 == 1);
  assert (sigma >= 0);
  kernel.resize (kernel_width);
  derivative.resize (kernel_width);
  const float factor = 0.01f;
  float max_gauss = 1.0f, max_deriv = float (sigma * exp (-0.5));
  int hw = kernel_width / 2;

  float sigma_sqr = 1.0f / (2.0f * sigma * sigma);
  for (int i = -hw, j = 0, k = kernel_width - 1; i < 0 ; i++, j++, k--)
    kernel[k] = kernel[j] = expf (-static_cast<float>(i) * static_cast<float>(i) * sigma_sqr);
    derivative[j] = -static_cast<float>(i) * kernel[j];
    derivative[k] = -derivative[j];
  kernel[hw] = 1;
  derivative[hw] = 0;
  // Compute kernel and derivative true width
  unsigned g_width = kernel_width;
  unsigned d_width = kernel_width;
  for (unsigned i = 0; fabs (derivative[i]/max_deriv) < factor; i++, d_width-= 2) ;
  for (unsigned i = 0; fabs (kernel[i]/max_gauss) < factor; i++, g_width-= 2) ;
  if (g_width == kernel_width || d_width == kernel_width)
    PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (KernelWidthTooSmallException,
                        "kernel width " << kernel_width 
                        << "is too small for the given sigma " << sigma);

  // Shift and resize if width less than kernel_width
  // Kernel
  unsigned shift = (kernel_width - g_width)/2;
  for (unsigned i =0; i < g_width; i++)
    kernel[i] = kernel[i + shift];
  // Normalize kernel
  kernel.conservativeResize (g_width);
  kernel/= kernel.sum ();

  // Derivative
  shift = (kernel_width - d_width)/2;
  for (unsigned i =0; i < d_width; i++)
    derivative[i] = derivative[i + shift];
  derivative.conservativeResize (d_width);
  // Normalize derivative
  hw = d_width / 2;
  float den = 0;
  for (int i = -hw ; i <= hw ; i++)
    den -=  static_cast<float>(i) * derivative[i+hw];
  derivative/= den;
Exemplo n.º 16
template<typename PointT> inline void
pcl::PCA<PointT>::project (const PointT& input, PointT& projection)
        initCompute ();
    if (!compute_done_)
        PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (InitFailedException, "[pcl::PCA::project] PCA initCompute failed");

    Eigen::Vector3f demean_input = input.getVector3fMap () - mean_.head<3> ();
    projection.getVector3fMap () = eigenvectors_.transpose() * demean_input;
Exemplo n.º 17
template<typename PointT> inline void
pcl::PCA<PointT>::reconstruct (const PointT& projection, PointT& input)
        initCompute ();
    if (!compute_done_)
        PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (InitFailedException, "[pcl::PCA::reconstruct] PCA initCompute failed");

    input.getVector3fMap ()= eigenvectors_ * projection.getVector3fMap ();
    input.getVector3fMap ()+= mean_.head<3> ();
Exemplo n.º 18
octree_base<Container, PointT>::octree_base (const double min[3], const double max[3], const double node_dim_meters, const boost::filesystem::path& rootname, const std::string& coord_sys)
    : root_ ()
    , read_write_mutex_ ()
    , lodPoints_ ()
    , max_depth_ ()
    , treepath_ ()
    , coord_system_ ()
    , resolution_ ()
    if (boost::filesystem::exists (rootname.parent_path ()))
        PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::outofcore::octree_base] A dir named %s already exists. Overwriting an existing tree is not supported.\n", rootname.parent_path ().c_str () );
        PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION ( PCLException, "[pcl::outofcore::octree_base] Directory exists; Overwriting an existing tree is not supported\n");

    // Check file extension
    if (boost::filesystem::extension (rootname) != octree_base_node<Container, PointT>::node_index_extension)
        PCL_ERROR ( "[pcl::outofcore::octree_base] The tree must be created with a root node ending in .oct_idx\n" );
        PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (PCLException, "[pcl::outofcore::octree_base] Root file extension does not match .oct_idx\n");

    coord_system_ = coord_sys;

    // Get fullpath and recreate directories
    boost::filesystem::path dir = boost::filesystem::system_complete (rootname.parent_path ());
    boost::filesystem::remove_all (dir);
    boost::filesystem::create_directory (dir);

    // Create root_ node
    root_ = new octree_base_node<Container, PointT> (min, max, node_dim_meters, this, rootname);
    root_->m_tree_ = this;
    root_->saveIdx (false);

    // max_depth_ is set when creating the root_ node
    lodPoints_.resize (max_depth_ + 1);

    // Set root_ nodes file path
    treepath_ = dir / (boost::filesystem::basename (rootname) + TREE_EXTENSION_);
    this->saveToFile ();
Exemplo n.º 19
pcl::OpenNIGrabber::stopSynchronization ()
    if (device_->isSynchronizationSupported () && device_->isSynchronized ())
      device_->setSynchronization (false);
  catch (const openni_wrapper::OpenNIException& exception)
    PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (pcl::IOException, "Could not start synchronization " << exception.what ());
Exemplo n.º 20
template<typename PointT> bool
pcl::PCA<PointT>::initCompute ()
    if(!Base::initCompute ())
        PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (InitFailedException, "[pcl::PCA::initCompute] failed");
        return (false);
    if(indices_->size () < 3)
        PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (InitFailedException, "[pcl::PCA::initCompute] number of points < 3");
        return (false);

    // Compute mean
    mean_ = Eigen::Vector4f::Zero ();
    compute3DCentroid (*input_, *indices_, mean_);
    // Compute demeanished cloud
    Eigen::MatrixXf cloud_demean;
    demeanPointCloud (*input_, *indices_, mean_, cloud_demean);
    assert (cloud_demean.cols () == int (indices_->size ()));
    // Compute the product cloud_demean * cloud_demean^T
    Eigen::Matrix3f alpha = static_cast<Eigen::Matrix3f> (cloud_demean.topRows<3> () * cloud_demean.topRows<3> ().transpose ());

    // Compute eigen vectors and values
    Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Eigen::Matrix3f> evd (alpha);
    // Organize eigenvectors and eigenvalues in ascendent order
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
        eigenvalues_[i] = evd.eigenvalues () [2-i];
        eigenvectors_.col (i) = evd.eigenvectors ().col (2-i);
    // If not basis only then compute the coefficients

    if (!basis_only_)
        coefficients_ = eigenvectors_.transpose() * cloud_demean.topRows<3> ();
    compute_done_ = true;
    return (true);
Exemplo n.º 21
pcl::OpenNIGrabber::signalsChanged ()
  // reevaluate which streams are required
  checkImageStreamRequired ();
  checkDepthStreamRequired ();
  checkIRStreamRequired ();
  if (ir_required_ && image_required_)
    PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (pcl::IOException, "Can not provide IR stream and RGB stream at the same time.");

  checkImageAndDepthSynchronizationRequired ();
  if (running_)
    start ();
Exemplo n.º 22
pcl::OpenNIGrabber::startSynchronization ()
    if (device_->isSynchronizationSupported () && !device_->isSynchronized () &&
        device_->getImageOutputMode ().nFPS == device_->getDepthOutputMode ().nFPS &&
        device_->isImageStreamRunning () && device_->isDepthStreamRunning ())
        device_->setSynchronization (true);
  catch (const openni_wrapper::OpenNIException& exception)
    PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (pcl::IOException, "Could not start synchronization " << exception.what ());
Exemplo n.º 23
template <typename PointT> void 
pcl::common::deleteRows (const PointCloud<PointT>& input, PointCloud<PointT>& output,
                         const size_t& amount)
  if (amount <= 0 || amount > (input.height/2))
    PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (InitFailedException,
                         "[pcl::common::deleteRows] error: amount must be ]0.." 
                         << (input.height/2) << "] !");

  uint32_t old_height = input.height;
  uint32_t old_width = input.width;
  output.erase (output.begin (), output.begin () + amount * old_width);
  output.erase (output.end () - amount * old_width, output.end ());
  output.height = old_height - 2*amount;
  output.width = old_width;
Exemplo n.º 24
template <typename PointT> void 
pcl::common::expandRows (const PointCloud<PointT>& input, PointCloud<PointT>& output,
                         const PointT& val, const size_t& amount)
  if (amount <= 0)
    PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (InitFailedException,
                         "[pcl::common::expandRows] error: amount must be ]0.."
                         << (input.height/2) << "] !");

  uint32_t old_height = input.height;
  uint32_t new_height = old_height + 2*amount;
  uint32_t old_width = input.width;
  if (&input != &output)
    output = input;
  output.reserve (new_height * old_width);
  output.insert (output.begin (), amount * old_width, val);
  output.insert (output.end (), amount * old_width, val);
  output.width = old_width;
  output.height = new_height;
Exemplo n.º 25
pcl::OpenNIGrabber::stop ()
    if (device_->hasDepthStream () && device_->isDepthStreamRunning ())
      device_->stopDepthStream ();

    if (device_->hasImageStream () && device_->isImageStreamRunning ())
      device_->stopImageStream ();

    if (device_->hasIRStream () && device_->isIRStreamRunning ())
      device_->stopIRStream ();

    running_ = false;
  catch (openni_wrapper::OpenNIException& ex)
    PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (pcl::IOException, "Could not stop streams. Reason: " << ex.what ());
Exemplo n.º 26
pcl::EnsensoGrabber::EnsensoGrabber () :
    device_open_ (false),
    tcp_open_ (false),
    running_ (false)
  point_cloud_signal_ = createSignal<sig_cb_ensenso_point_cloud> ();
  images_signal_ = createSignal<sig_cb_ensenso_images> ();
  point_cloud_images_signal_ = createSignal<sig_cb_ensenso_point_cloud_images> ();
  PCL_INFO ("Initialising nxLib\n");

    nxLibInitialize ();
    root_.reset (new NxLibItem);
  catch (NxLibException &ex)
    ensensoExceptionHandling (ex, "EnsensoGrabber");
    PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (pcl::IOException, "Could not initialise NxLib.");  // If constructor fails; throw exception
Exemplo n.º 27
Arquivo: io.cpp Projeto: tfili/pcl
pcl::interpolatePointIndex (int p, int len, InterpolationType type)
  if (static_cast<unsigned> (p) >= static_cast<unsigned> (len))
    if (type == BORDER_REPLICATE)
      p = p < 0 ? 0 : len - 1;
    else if (type == BORDER_REFLECT || type == BORDER_REFLECT_101)
      int delta = type == BORDER_REFLECT_101;
      if (len == 1)
        return 0;
        if (p < 0)
          p = -p - 1 + delta;
          p = len - 1 - (p - len) - delta;
      while (static_cast<unsigned> (p) >= static_cast<unsigned> (len));
    else if (type == BORDER_WRAP)
      if (p < 0)
        p -= ((p-len+1)/len)*len;
      if (p >= len)
        p %= len;
    else if (type == BORDER_CONSTANT)
      p = -1;
      PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (BadArgumentException,
                           "[pcl::interpolate_point_index] error: Unhandled interpolation type "
                           << type << " !");

  return (p);
Exemplo n.º 28
pcl::OpenNIGrabber::start ()
    // check if we need to start/stop any stream
    if (image_required_ && !device_->isImageStreamRunning ())
      block_signals ();
      device_->startImageStream ();
      //startSynchronization ();

    if (depth_required_ && !device_->isDepthStreamRunning ())
      block_signals ();
      if (device_->hasImageStream () && !device_->isDepthRegistered () && device_->isDepthRegistrationSupported ())
        device_->setDepthRegistration (true);
      device_->startDepthStream ();
      //startSynchronization ();

    if (ir_required_ && !device_->isIRStreamRunning ())
      block_signals ();
      device_->startIRStream ();
    running_ = true;
  catch (openni_wrapper::OpenNIException& ex)
    PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (pcl::IOException, "Could not start streams. Reason: " << ex.what ());
  // workaround, since the first frame is corrupted
  boost::this_thread::sleep (boost::posix_time::seconds (1));
  unblock_signals ();
Exemplo n.º 29
template <typename PointT> void 
pcl::common::duplicateRows (const PointCloud<PointT>& input, PointCloud<PointT>& output,
                            const size_t& amount)
  if (amount <= 0 || amount > (input.height/2))
    PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (InitFailedException,
                         "[pcl::common::duplicateRows] error: amount must be ]0.." 
                         << (input.height/2) << "] !");

  uint32_t old_height = input.height;
  uint32_t new_height = old_height + 2*amount;
  uint32_t old_width = input.width;
  if (&input != &output)
    output = input;
  output.reserve (new_height * old_width);
  for(size_t i = 0; i < amount; ++i)
    output.insert (output.begin (), output.begin (), output.begin () + old_width);
    output.insert (output.end (), output.end () - old_width, output.end ());

  output.width = old_width;
  output.height = new_height;
Exemplo n.º 30
template<typename PointT> inline void
pcl::PCA<PointT>::update (const PointT& input_point, FLAG flag)
    if (!compute_done_)
        initCompute ();
    if (!compute_done_)
        PCL_THROW_EXCEPTION (InitFailedException, "[pcl::PCA::update] PCA initCompute failed");

    Eigen::Vector3f input (input_point.x, input_point.y, input_point.z);
    const size_t n = eigenvectors_.cols ();// number of eigen vectors
    Eigen::VectorXf meanp = (float(n) * (mean_.head<3>() + input)) / float(n + 1);
    Eigen::VectorXf a = eigenvectors_.transpose() * (input - mean_.head<3>());
    Eigen::VectorXf y = (eigenvectors_ * a) + mean_.head<3>();
    Eigen::VectorXf h = y - input;
    if (h.norm() > 0)
        h.normalize ();
        h.setZero ();
    float gamma = h.dot(input - mean_.head<3>());
    Eigen::MatrixXf D = Eigen::MatrixXf::Zero (a.size() + 1, a.size() + 1);
    D.block(0,0,n,n) = a * a.transpose();
    D /=  float(n)/float((n+1) * (n+1));
    for(std::size_t i=0; i < a.size(); i++) {
        D(i,i)+= float(n)/float(n+1)*eigenvalues_(i);
        D(D.rows()-1,i) = float(n) / float((n+1) * (n+1)) * gamma * a(i);
        D(i,D.cols()-1) = D(D.rows()-1,i);
        D(D.rows()-1,D.cols()-1) = float(n)/float((n+1) * (n+1)) * gamma * gamma;

    Eigen::MatrixXf R(D.rows(), D.cols());
    Eigen::EigenSolver<Eigen::MatrixXf> D_evd (D, false);
    Eigen::VectorXf alphap = D_evd.eigenvalues().real();
    eigenvalues_.resize(eigenvalues_.size() +1);
    for(std::size_t i=0; i<eigenvalues_.size(); i++) {
        eigenvalues_(i) = alphap(eigenvalues_.size()-i-1);
        R.col(i) = D.col(D.cols()-i-1);
    Eigen::MatrixXf Up = Eigen::MatrixXf::Zero(eigenvectors_.rows(), eigenvectors_.cols()+1);
    Up.topLeftCorner(eigenvectors_.rows(),eigenvectors_.cols()) = eigenvectors_;
    Up.rightCols<1>() = h;
    eigenvectors_ = Up*R;
    if (!basis_only_) {
        Eigen::Vector3f etha = Up.transpose() * (mean_.head<3>() - meanp);
        for(std::size_t i=0; i < (coefficients_.cols() - 1); i++) {
            coefficients_(coefficients_.rows()-1,i) = 0;
            coefficients_.col(i) = (R.transpose() * coefficients_.col(i)) + etha;
        a(a.size()-1) = 0;
        coefficients_.col(coefficients_.cols()-1) = (R.transpose() * a) + etha;
    mean_.head<3>() = meanp;
    switch (flag)
    case increase:
        if (eigenvectors_.rows() >= eigenvectors_.cols())
    case preserve:
        if (!basis_only_)
            coefficients_ = coefficients_.topRows(coefficients_.rows() - 1);
        eigenvectors_ = eigenvectors_.leftCols(eigenvectors_.cols() - 1);
        PCL_ERROR("[pcl::PCA] unknown flag\n");