static bool OnCommand(THREADID tid, CONTEXT *context, const std::string &cmd, std::string *reply, VOID *)
    fprintf (fp, "OnCommand %s\n", cmd.c_str());
    fflush (fp);
    if (cmd == "set_xmm3")
        gotOurCommand = true;
        CHAR fpContextSpaceForFpConextFromPin[FPSTATE_SIZE];
        FPSTATE *fpContextFromPin = reinterpret_cast<FPSTATE *>(fpContextSpaceForFpConextFromPin);
        PIN_GetContextFPState(context, fpContextFromPin);
        for (int j=0; j<16; j++)
            fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._xmms[3]._vec8[j] = 0x5a;
        PIN_SetContextFPState(context, fpContextFromPin);

        CHAR fpContextSpaceForFpConextFromPin1[FPSTATE_SIZE];
        fpContextFromPin = reinterpret_cast<FPSTATE *>(fpContextSpaceForFpConextFromPin1);
        PIN_GetContextFPState(context, fpContextFromPin);
        for (int j=0; j<16; j++)
            if (fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._xmms[3]._vec8[j] != 0x5a)
                fprintf (fp, "***Error tool did not properly set xmm3\n");
                fflush (fp);
        fprintf (fp, "tool properly set xmm3\n");
        fflush (fp);
        return true;
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
void CheckAndSetFpContextXmmRegs (const CONTEXT *ctxtFrom, CONTEXT *ctxtTo)
    fprintf (stdout, "TOOL CheckAndSetFpContextXmmRegs\n");
    fflush (stdout);
    CHAR fpContextSpaceForFpConextFromPin[FPSTATE_SIZE];
    FPSTATE *fpContextFromPin = reinterpret_cast<FPSTATE *>(fpContextSpaceForFpConextFromPin);

    // the application set the each byte in the xmm regs in the state to be 0xa5 before the exception was caused
    PIN_GetContextFPState(ctxtFrom, fpContextFromPin);
    for (int i=0; i<NUM_XMM_REGS; i++)
        for (int j=0; j<16; j++)
            if (fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec8[j] != 0xa5)
                fprintf (stdout, "TOOL unexpected _xmm[%d]._vec8[%d] value %x\n", i, j,
                         (unsigned int)fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec8[j]);
                fflush (stdout);
                //exit (-1);
    fprintf (stdout, "TOOL Checked ctxtFrom OK\n");
    fflush (stdout);

    // the tool now sets the each byte of the xmm regs in the ctxtTo to be 0x5a
    for (int i=0; i<NUM_XMM_REGS; i++)
        for (int j=0; j<16; j++)
            fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec8[j] = 0x5a;
    PIN_SetContextFPState(ctxtTo, fpContextFromPin);

    // verify the setting worked
    for (int i=0; i<NUM_XMM_REGS; i++)
        fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec64[0] = 0x0;
        fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec64[1] = 0x0;
    PIN_GetContextFPState(ctxtTo, fpContextFromPin);
    for (int i=0; i<NUM_XMM_REGS; i++)
        for (int j=0; j<16; j++)
            if (fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec8[j] != 0x5a)
                printf ("TOOL ERROR\n");
                fflush (stdout);
                exit (-1);
    printf ("TOOL Checked ctxtTo OK\n");
    fflush (stdout);

    // application will verify that actual xmm registers contain 0x5a in each byte
 * Pin calls this function to set the value of an emulated register.
static VOID SetReg(unsigned toolRegId, THREADID tid, CONTEXT *ctxt, const VOID *data, VOID *)

    switch (toolRegId)
        const ADDRINT *val = static_cast<const ADDRINT *>(data);
        PIN_SetContextReg(ctxt, REG_RCX, *val);
        const ADDRINT *val = static_cast<const ADDRINT *>(data);
        PIN_SetContextReg(ctxt, REG_RSP, *val);
        const UINT32 *val = static_cast<const UINT32 *>(data);
        PIN_SetContextReg(ctxt, REG_FPSW, static_cast<ADDRINT>(*val));
    case EMULATED_REG_ST0:
        FPSTATE fpstate;
        PIN_GetContextFPState(ctxt, &fpstate);
        std::memcpy(&fpstate.fxsave_legacy._sts[0], data, 10);
        PIN_SetContextFPState(ctxt, &fpstate);
        FPSTATE fpstate;
        PIN_GetContextFPState(ctxt, &fpstate);
        std::memcpy(&fpstate.fxsave_legacy._xmms[0], data, 16);
        PIN_SetContextFPState(ctxt, &fpstate);
VOID GetFpContextFromContext (CONTEXT *ctxt)
     FPSTATE *fpContextFromPin = 
        reinterpret_cast<FPSTATE *>
        (( reinterpret_cast<ADDRINT>(fpContextSpaceForFpConextFromPin) + (FPSTATE_ALIGNMENT - 1))
           & (-FPSTATE_ALIGNMENT));
    PIN_GetContextFPState(ctxt, fpContextFromPin);
 * Pin calls this function to get the value of an emulated register.
static VOID GetReg(unsigned toolRegId, THREADID tid, CONTEXT *ctxt, VOID *data, VOID *)

    switch (toolRegId)
        ADDRINT *val = static_cast<ADDRINT *>(data);
        *val = PIN_GetContextReg(ctxt, REG_ECX);
        ADDRINT *val = static_cast<ADDRINT *>(data);
        *val = PIN_GetContextReg(ctxt, REG_ESP);
        UINT32 *val = static_cast<UINT32 *>(data);
        *val = static_cast<UINT32>(PIN_GetContextReg(ctxt, REG_FPSW));
    case EMULATED_REG_ST0:
        FPSTATE fpstate;
        PIN_GetContextFPState(ctxt, &fpstate);
        std::memcpy(data, &fpstate.fxsave_legacy._sts[0], 10);
        FPSTATE fpstate;
        PIN_GetContextFPState(ctxt, &fpstate);
        std::memcpy(data, &fpstate.fxsave_legacy._xmms[0], 16);
Exemplo n.º 6
VOID OnThread(THREADID threadIndex, CONTEXT *ctxt, INT32 flags, VOID *v)
    printf ("TOOL OnThread callback\n");
    fflush (stdout);
    /* set the xmm regs in the ctxt which is used to execute the thread */
    CHAR fpContextSpaceForFpConextFromPin[FPSTATE_SIZE];
    FPSTATE *fpContextFromPin = reinterpret_cast<FPSTATE *>(fpContextSpaceForFpConextFromPin);

    PIN_GetContextFPState(ctxt, fpContextFromPin);
    for (int i=0; i<NUM_XMM_REGS; i++)
        fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec32[0] = 0xbaadf00d;
        fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec32[1] = 0xbaadf00d;
        fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec32[2] = 0xbaadf00d;
        fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec32[3] = 0xbaadf00d;
    PIN_SetContextFPState(ctxt, fpContextFromPin);

    // verify the xmm regs were set in the ctxt
    CHAR fpContextSpaceForFpConextFromPin2[FPSTATE_SIZE];
    FPSTATE *fpContextFromPin2 = reinterpret_cast<FPSTATE *>(fpContextSpaceForFpConextFromPin2);
    PIN_GetContextFPState(ctxt, fpContextFromPin2);
    for (int i=0; i<NUM_XMM_REGS; i++)
        if ((fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec64[0] != fpContextFromPin2->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec64[0]) ||
                (fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec64[1] != fpContextFromPin2->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec64[1]))
            printf("TOOL ERROR2 at xmm[%d]  (%lx %lx %lx %lx) (%lx %lx %lx %lx)\n", i,
                   (unsigned long)fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec32[0],
                   (unsigned long)fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec32[1],
                   (unsigned long)fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec32[2],
                   (unsigned long)fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec32[3],
                   (unsigned long)fpContextFromPin2->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec32[0],
                   (unsigned long)fpContextFromPin2->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec32[1],
                   (unsigned long)fpContextFromPin2->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec32[2],
                   (unsigned long)fpContextFromPin2->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec32[3]);
            fflush (stdout);
            exit (-1);

    // now the thread should start running with the values from above in the xmm regs
VOID VerifyFpContext(ADDRINT pcval, CONTEXT * context)
    //printf ("fpContextFromXsave %x FPSTATE_SIZE %d FPSTATE_ALIGNMENT %d\n", fpContextFromXsave, FPSTATE_SIZE, FPSTATE_ALIGNMENT);
    //fflush (stdout);
    Do_Xsave (fpContextFromXsave);

    //printf ("fpContextFromFxsave %x\n", fpContextFromFxsave);
    //fflush (stdout);
    Do_Fxsave (fpContextFromFxsave);

    PIN_SaveContext(context, &contextFromPin); 
    FPSTATE *fpContextFromPin = 
        reinterpret_cast<FPSTATE *>
        (( reinterpret_cast<ADDRINT>(fpContextSpaceForFpConextFromPin) + (FPSTATE_ALIGNMENT - 1)) & (-1*FPSTATE_ALIGNMENT));
    //printf ("fpContextFromPin %x\n", fpContextFromPin);
    //fflush (stdout);
    PIN_GetContextFPState(&contextFromPin, fpContextFromPin);

    BOOL hadError = FALSE;
    if (!CompareFpContext (fpContextFromPin, fpContextFromXsave, TRUE))
        fprintf (log_inl, "***ERROR in xsave fp context\n");
        printf ("***ERROR in xsave fp context see file %s\n",  KnobOutputFile.Value().c_str());
        fflush (stdout);
        string s = disassemble ((pcval),(pcval)+15);
        fprintf (log_inl,"    %s\n", s.c_str());
        exit (-1);

    if (!CompareFpContext (fpContextFromPin, fpContextFromFxsave, FALSE))
        fprintf (log_inl, "***ERROR in fxsave fp context\n");
        printf ("***ERROR in fxsave fp context see file %s\n",  KnobOutputFile.Value().c_str());
        fflush (stdout);
        string s = disassemble ((pcval),(pcval)+15);
        fprintf (log_inl,"    %s\n", s.c_str());
        exit (-1);
    //printf ("verify success\n");
    //fflush (stdout);
VOID GetFpContext(const CONTEXT * context)
    CHAR fpContext[FPSTATE_SIZE];
    PIN_GetContextFPState(context, reinterpret_cast<VOID *>(fpContext));

    FPSTATE *fpVerboseContext;
    fpVerboseContext = reinterpret_cast <FPSTATE *>(fpContext);

    printf ("tool: xmm regs in context\n");
    for (int i=0; i<NUM_XMM_REGS; i++)
        printf ("tool: xmm[%d] %x %x %x %x\n", i, fpVerboseContext->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec32[3],
                fpVerboseContext->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec32[2], fpVerboseContext->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec32[1],
Exemplo n.º 9
VOID REPLACE_ReplacedXmmRegs(CONTEXT *context, THREADID tid, AFUNPTR originalFunction)
    printf ("TOOL in REPLACE_ReplacedXmmRegs\n");
    fflush (stdout);

    CONTEXT writableContext, *ctxt;
    if (KnobUseIargConstContext)
    {   // need to copy the ctxt into a writable context
        PIN_SaveContext(context, &writableContext);
        ctxt = &writableContext;
        ctxt = context;

    /* set the xmm regs in the ctxt which is used to execute the
       originalFunction (via PIN_CallApplicationFunction) */
    CHAR fpContextSpaceForFpConextFromPin[FPSTATE_SIZE];
    FPSTATE *fpContextFromPin = reinterpret_cast<FPSTATE *>(fpContextSpaceForFpConextFromPin);

    PIN_GetContextFPState(ctxt, fpContextFromPin);
    for (int i=0; i<NUM_XMM_REGS; i++)
        fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec32[0] = 0xacdcacdc;
        fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec32[1] = 0xacdcacdc;
        fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec32[2] = 0xacdcacdc;
        fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec32[3] = 0xacdcacdc;

    PIN_SetContextFPState(ctxt, fpContextFromPin);

    // verify the xmm regs were set in the ctxt
    CHAR fpContextSpaceForFpConextFromPin2[FPSTATE_SIZE];
    FPSTATE *fpContextFromPin2 = reinterpret_cast<FPSTATE *>(fpContextSpaceForFpConextFromPin2);
    PIN_GetContextFPState(ctxt, fpContextFromPin2);
    for (int i=0; i<NUM_XMM_REGS; i++)
        if ((fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec64[0] !=fpContextFromPin2->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec64[0]) ||
                (fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec64[1] !=fpContextFromPin2->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec64[1]))
            printf("TOOL ERROR at xmm[%d]  (%lx %lx %lx %lx) (%lx %lx %lx %lx)\n", i,
                   (unsigned long)fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec32[0],
                   (unsigned long)fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec32[1],
                   (unsigned long)fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec32[2],
                   (unsigned long)fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec32[3],
                   (unsigned long)fpContextFromPin2->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec32[0],
                   (unsigned long)fpContextFromPin2->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec32[1],
                   (unsigned long)fpContextFromPin2->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec32[2],
                   (unsigned long)fpContextFromPin2->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec32[3]);
            exit (-1);

    // call the originalFunction function with the xmm regs set from above
    printf("TOOL Calling replaced ReplacedXmmRegs()\n");
    fflush (stdout);
    PIN_CallApplicationFunction(ctxt, tid, CALLINGSTD_DEFAULT,
                                originalFunction, PIN_PARG_END());
    printf("TOOL Returned from replaced ReplacedXmmRegs()\n");
    fflush (stdout);

    if (executeAtAddr != 0)
        // set xmm regs to other values
        for (int i=0; i<NUM_XMM_REGS; i++)
            fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec32[0] = 0xdeadbeef;
            fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec32[1] = 0xdeadbeef;
            fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec32[2] = 0xdeadbeef;
            fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec32[3] = 0xdeadbeef;

        PIN_SetContextFPState(ctxt, fpContextFromPin);
        // execute the application function ExecuteAtFunc with the xmm regs set
        PIN_SetContextReg(ctxt, REG_INST_PTR, executeAtAddr);
        printf("TOOL Calling ExecutedAtFunc\n");
        fflush (stdout);
        PIN_ExecuteAt (ctxt);
        printf("TOOL returned from ExecutedAtFunc\n");
        fflush (stdout);
Exemplo n.º 10
void CheckAndSetFpContextX87RegsAtException (const CONTEXT *ctxtFrom, CONTEXT *ctxtTo)
    fprintf (stdout, "TOOL CheckAndSetFpContextX87Regs\n");
    fflush (stdout);
    CHAR fpContextSpaceForFpConextFromPin[FPSTATE_SIZE];
    FPSTATE *fpContextFromPin = reinterpret_cast<FPSTATE *>(fpContextSpaceForFpConextFromPin);
    PIN_GetContextFPState(ctxtFrom, fpContextFromPin);

    // verfiy that x87 registers are as they were set by the app just before the exception
    app set the x87 fp regs just before the exepction as follows
    _mxcsr 1f80
    _st[0] 0 3fff 80000000 0
    _st[1] 0 3fff 80000000 0
    _st[2] 0 3fff 80000000 0
    _st[3] 0 5a5a 5a5a5a5a 5a5a5a5a
    _st[4] 0 5a5a 5a5a5a5a 5a5a5a5a
    _st[5] 0 5a5a 5a5a5a5a 5a5a5a5a
    _st[6] 0 5a5a 5a5a5a5a 5a5a5a5a
    _st[7] 0 5a5a 5a5a5a5a 5a5a5a5a
    printf ("_mxcsr %x\n", fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._mxcsr);
    if (fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._mxcsr & 0x200)
        printf ("***Error divide by zero should be masked\n");
        exit (-1);
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<3; i++)
        RAW32 *ptr =  reinterpret_cast<RAW32 *>(&fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._sts[i]._raw);
        printf ("_st[%d] %x %x %x %x\n", i,ptr->_hi2,ptr->_hi1,ptr->_lo2,ptr->_lo1);
        if (ptr->_hi2 != 0 && ptr->_hi1 != 0x3fff && ptr->_lo2 != 0x80000000 && ptr->_lo1 != 0)
            printf ("***Error in this _st\n");

    for (; i< 8; i++)
        RAW32 *ptr =  reinterpret_cast<RAW32 *>(&fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._sts[i]._raw);
        printf ("_st[%d] %x %x %x %x\n", i,ptr->_hi2,ptr->_hi1,ptr->_lo2,ptr->_lo1);
        if (ptr->_hi2 != 0 && ptr->_hi1 != 0x5a5a && ptr->_lo2 != 0x5a5a5a5a && ptr->_lo1 != 0x5a5a5a5a)
            printf ("***Error in this _st\n");
    fprintf (stdout, "TOOL Checked ctxtFrom OK\n");
    fflush (stdout);

    for (i=0; i< 8; i++)
        RAW32 *ptr =   reinterpret_cast<RAW32 *>(&fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._sts[i]._raw);
    fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._mxcsr |= (0x200);  // mask divide by zero
    PIN_SetContextFPState(ctxtTo, fpContextFromPin);
    // verify the setting worked
    for (i=0; i<8; i++)
        RAW32 *ptr =  reinterpret_cast<RAW32 *>(&fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._sts[i]._raw);
    PIN_GetContextFPState(ctxtTo, fpContextFromPin);
    for (i=0; i<8; i++)
        RAW32 *ptr =  reinterpret_cast<RAW32 *>(&fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._sts[i]._raw);
        if (ptr->_hi2 != 0xbaadf00d ||
            ptr->_hi2 != 0xbaadf00d ||
            ptr->_lo2!= 0xbaadf00d ||
            ptr->_lo1!= 0xbaadf00d 
            printf ("TOOL error in setting fp context in CheckAndSetFpContextX87Regs\n");
            exit (-1);
    printf ("TOOL Checked ctxtTo OK\n");
    fflush (stdout);

Exemplo n.º 11
VOID REPLACE_ReplacedX87Regs(CONTEXT *context, THREADID tid, AFUNPTR originalFunction)
    printf ("TOOL in REPLACE_ReplacedX87Regs x87 regs are:\n");
    fflush (stdout);
    CHAR fpContextSpaceForFpConextFromPin[FPSTATE_SIZE];
    FPSTATE *fpContextFromPin = reinterpret_cast<FPSTATE *>(fpContextSpaceForFpConextFromPin);
    PIN_GetContextFPState(context, fpContextFromPin);

    // verfiy that x87 registers are as they were set by the app just before the call to
    // ReplacedX87Regs, which is replaced by this function
    app set the x87 fp regs just before the call to ReplacedX87Regs as follows
    _mxcsr 1f80
    _st[0] 0 3fff 80000000 0
    _st[1] 0 3fff 80000000 0
    _st[2] 0 3fff 80000000 0
    _st[3] 0 5a5a 5a5a5a5a 5a5a5a5a
    _st[4] 0 5a5a 5a5a5a5a 5a5a5a5a
    _st[5] 0 5a5a 5a5a5a5a 5a5a5a5a
    _st[6] 0 5a5a 5a5a5a5a 5a5a5a5a
    _st[7] 0 5a5a 5a5a5a5a 5a5a5a5a
    printf ("_mxcsr %x\n", fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._mxcsr);
    if (fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._mxcsr & 0x200)
        printf ("***Error divide by zero should be masked\n");
        exit (-1);
    int i;

    for (i=0; i<3; i++)
        RAW32 *ptr =  reinterpret_cast<RAW32 *>(&fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._sts[i]._raw);
        printf ("_st[%d] %x %x %x %x\n", i,ptr->_hi2,ptr->_hi1,ptr->_lo2,ptr->_lo1);
        if (ptr->_hi2 != 0 && ptr->_hi1 != 0x3fff && ptr->_lo2 != 0x80000000 && ptr->_lo1 != 0)
            printf ("***Error in this _st\n");

    for (; i< 8; i++)
        RAW32 *ptr =  reinterpret_cast<RAW32 *>(&fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._sts[i]._raw);
        printf ("_st[%d] %x %x %x %x\n", i,ptr->_hi2,ptr->_hi1,ptr->_lo2,ptr->_lo1);
        if (ptr->_hi2 != 0 && ptr->_hi1 != 0x5a5a && ptr->_lo2 != 0x5a5a5a5a && ptr->_lo1 != 0x5a5a5a5a)
            printf ("***Error in this _st\n");

    CONTEXT writableContext, *ctxt;
    if (KnobUseIargConstContext)
    { // need to copy the ctxt into a writable context
        PIN_SaveContext(context, &writableContext);
        ctxt = &writableContext;
        ctxt = context;

    /* set the x87 regs in the ctxt which is used to execute the 
       originalFunction (via PIN_CallApplicationFunction) */
    PIN_GetContextFPState(ctxt, fpContextFromPin);
    for (i=0; i< 8; i++)
        RAW32 *ptr =  reinterpret_cast<RAW32 *>(&fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._sts[i]._raw);
    fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._mxcsr |= (0x200);  // mask divide by zero
    PIN_SetContextFPState(ctxt, fpContextFromPin);
    // verify the setting worked
    for (i=0; i<8; i++)
        RAW32 *ptr =  reinterpret_cast<RAW32 *>(&fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._sts[i]._raw);
    PIN_GetContextFPState(ctxt, fpContextFromPin);
    for (i=0; i<8; i++)
        RAW32 *ptr =  reinterpret_cast<RAW32 *>(&fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._sts[i]._raw);
        if (ptr->_hi2 != 0xacdcacdc ||
            ptr->_hi2 != 0xacdcacdc ||
            ptr->_lo2!= 0xacdcacdc ||
            ptr->_lo1!= 0xacdcacdc 
            printf ("TOOL error1 in setting fp context in REPLACE_ReplacedX87Regs\n");
            exit (-1);

    // call the originalFunction function with the xmm regs set from above
    printf("TOOL Calling replaced ReplacedX87Regs()\n");
    fflush (stdout);
    PIN_CallApplicationFunction(ctxt, tid, CALLINGSTD_DEFAULT, 
                                originalFunction, PIN_PARG_END());
    printf("TOOL Returned from replaced ReplacedX87Regs()\n");
    fflush (stdout);

    if (executeAtAddr != 0)
        for (i=0; i< 8; i++)
            RAW32 *ptr =  reinterpret_cast<RAW32 *>(&fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._sts[i]._raw);

        PIN_SetContextFPState(ctxt, fpContextFromPin);
        // verify the setting worked
        for (i=0; i<8; i++)
            RAW32 *ptr =  reinterpret_cast<RAW32 *>(&fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._sts[i]._raw);
        PIN_GetContextFPState(ctxt, fpContextFromPin);
        for (i=0; i<8; i++)
            RAW32 *ptr =  reinterpret_cast<RAW32 *>(&fpContextFromPin->fxsave_legacy._sts[i]._raw);
            if (ptr->_hi2 != 0xcacdcacd ||
                ptr->_hi2 != 0xcacdcacd ||
                ptr->_lo2!= 0xcacdcacd ||
                ptr->_lo1!= 0xcacdcacd 
                printf ("TOOL error2 in setting fp context in REPLACE_ReplacedX87Regs\n");
                exit (-1);
        // execute the application function ExecuteAtFunc with the xmm regs set
        PIN_SetContextReg(ctxt, REG_INST_PTR, executeAtAddr);
        printf("TOOL Calling ExecutedAtFunc\n");
        fflush (stdout);
        PIN_ExecuteAt (ctxt);
        printf("TOOL returned from ExecutedAtFunc\n");
        fflush (stdout);
VOID VerifyFpContext(ADDRINT pcval, CONTEXT * context)
    //printf ("fpContextFromXsave %x FPSTATE_SIZE %d FPSTATE_ALIGNMENT %d\n", fpContextFromXsave, FPSTATE_SIZE, FPSTATE_ALIGNMENT);
    //fflush (stdout);
    Do_Xsave (fpContextFromXsave);

    //printf ("fpContextFromFxsave %x\n", fpContextFromFxsave);
    //fflush (stdout);
    Do_Fxsave (fpContextFromFxsave);

    PIN_SaveContext(context, &contextFromPin); 
    FPSTATE *fpContextFromPin = 
        reinterpret_cast<FPSTATE *>
        (( reinterpret_cast<ADDRINT>(fpContextSpaceForFpConextFromPin) + (FPSTATE_ALIGNMENT - 1)) & (-1*FPSTATE_ALIGNMENT));
    unsigned char * ptr = (reinterpret_cast< unsigned char *>(fpContextFromPin))+ sizeof (FXSAVE);
    // set values after fxsave part of fp context - to verify that the deprecated call to PIN_GetContextFPState does NOT change these
    memset (ptr, 0xa5, sizeof(FPSTATE) - sizeof (FXSAVE));
    PIN_GetContextFPState(&contextFromPin, reinterpret_cast<void *>(fpContextFromPin));

    for (int i=0; i<sizeof(FPSTATE) - sizeof (FXSAVE); i++,ptr++)
        if (*ptr != 0xa5)
            printf ("**** ERROR: value set after FXSAVE part in deprecated PIN_GetContextFPState *ptr = %x  (i %d)\n", *ptr, i);
            exit (-1);

    PIN_GetContextFPState(&contextFromPin, fpContextFromPin);
    ptr = (reinterpret_cast< unsigned char *>(fpContextFromPin))+ sizeof (FXSAVE);

    FPSTATE *fpContextFromPin1 = 
        reinterpret_cast<FPSTATE *>
        (( reinterpret_cast<ADDRINT>(fpContextSpaceForFpConextFromPin1) + (FPSTATE_ALIGNMENT - 1)) & (-1*FPSTATE_ALIGNMENT));
    PIN_GetContextFPState(&contextFromPin, fpContextFromPin1);
    // set values after fxsave part of fp context - to verify that the deprecated call to PIN_SetContextFPState does NOT change these
    unsigned char * ptr1 = (reinterpret_cast< unsigned char *>(fpContextFromPin1)) + sizeof (FXSAVE);
    memset (ptr1, 0xa5, sizeof(FPSTATE) - sizeof (FXSAVE));
    PIN_SetContextFPState(&contextFromPin, reinterpret_cast<const void *>(fpContextFromPin1));
    PIN_GetContextFPState(&contextFromPin, fpContextFromPin1);
    if (memcmp (ptr1, ptr, sizeof(FPSTATE) - sizeof (FXSAVE)) != 0)
        printf ("**** ERROR: value set after FXSAVE part in deprecated PIN_SetContextFPState\n");
        exit (-1);

    if (!CompareFpContext (fpContextFromPin, fpContextFromFxsave, FALSE))
        fprintf (log_inl, "***ERROR in fxsave fp context\n");
        printf ("***ERROR in fxsave fp context see file %s\n",  KnobOutputFile.Value().c_str());
        fflush (stdout);
        string s = disassemble ((pcval),(pcval)+15);
        fprintf (log_inl,"    %s\n", s.c_str());
        exit (-1);
Exemplo n.º 13
BOOL CompareFpContext(CONTEXT *context1, CONTEXT *context2)
    ADDRINT regInstPtr1 = PIN_GetContextReg( context1, REG_INST_PTR );
    BOOL compareOk = TRUE;
    CHAR fpContext1[FPSTATE_SIZE];
    CHAR fpContext2[FPSTATE_SIZE];
    FPSTATE *fpVerboseContext1, *fpVerboseContext2;
    fpVerboseContext1 = reinterpret_cast <FPSTATE *>(fpContext1);
    fpVerboseContext2 = reinterpret_cast <FPSTATE *>(fpContext2);
    PIN_GetContextFPState(context1, fpVerboseContext1);
    PIN_GetContextFPState(context2, fpVerboseContext2);

    if ( fpVerboseContext1->fxsave_legacy._fcw != fpVerboseContext2->fxsave_legacy._fcw)
        printf ("fcw ERROR\n");
        compareOk = FALSE;
    if ( fpVerboseContext1->fxsave_legacy._fsw != fpVerboseContext2->fxsave_legacy._fsw)
        printf ("_fsw ERROR\n");
        compareOk = FALSE;
    if ( fpVerboseContext1->fxsave_legacy._ftw != fpVerboseContext2->fxsave_legacy._ftw)
        printf ("_ftw ERROR\n");
        compareOk = FALSE;
    if ( fpVerboseContext1->fxsave_legacy._fop != fpVerboseContext2->fxsave_legacy._fop)
        printf ("_fop ERROR\n");
        compareOk = FALSE;
    if ( fpVerboseContext1->fxsave_legacy._fpuip != fpVerboseContext2->fxsave_legacy._fpuip)
        printf ("_fpuip ERROR\n");
        compareOk = FALSE;
#if 0
    /* the _cs field seems to be changing randomly when running 32on64 linux
       needs further investigation to prove it is not a Pin bug */
    if ( fpVerboseContext1->fxsave_legacy._cs != fpVerboseContext2->fxsave_legacy._cs)
        printf ("_cs ERROR\n");
        compareOk = FALSE;
    /* the _ds field seems to be changing randomly when running 32on64 linux
       needs further investigation to prove it is not a Pin bug */
    if ( fpVerboseContext1->fxsave_legacy._ds != fpVerboseContext2->fxsave_legacy._ds)
        printf ("_ds ERROR\n");
        compareOk = FALSE;
    if ( fpVerboseContext1->fxsave_legacy._fpudp != fpVerboseContext2->fxsave_legacy._fpudp)
        printf ("_fpudp ERROR\n");
        compareOk = FALSE;
    if ( fpVerboseContext1->fxsave_legacy._mxcsr != fpVerboseContext2->fxsave_legacy._mxcsr)
        printf ("_mxcsr ERROR\n");
        compareOk = FALSE;
    if ( fpVerboseContext1->fxsave_legacy._mxcsrmask != fpVerboseContext2->fxsave_legacy._mxcsrmask)
        printf ("_mxcsrmask ERROR\n");
        compareOk = FALSE;
    int i;
    for (i=0; i< 8; i++)
        if ((fpVerboseContext1->fxsave_legacy._sts[i]._raw._lo != fpVerboseContext2->fxsave_legacy._sts[i]._raw._lo) ||
            (fpVerboseContext1->fxsave_legacy._sts[i]._raw._hi != fpVerboseContext2->fxsave_legacy._sts[i]._raw._hi))
           printf ("_st[%d] ERROR\n", i);
            compareOk = FALSE;
    for (i=0; i < 32; ++i)
        if (fpVerboseContext1->_vstate._zmms[i] != fpVerboseContext2->_vstate._zmms[i])
            printf ("_zmms[%d] ERROR\n", i);
            fflush (stdout);
            compareOk = FALSE;
    for (i=0; i < 8; ++i)
        if ((UINT16)fpVerboseContext1->_vstate._kmasks[i] != (UINT16)fpVerboseContext2->_vstate._kmasks[i])
            printf ("_kmasks[%d] ERROR\n", i);
            fflush (stdout);
            compareOk = FALSE;
#else // not TARGET_MIC
    for (i=0; 
# ifdef TARGET_IA32E
        i< 16;
# else
        i< 8; 
# endif
        if ((fpVerboseContext1->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec64[0] != fpVerboseContext2->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec64[0]) ||
            (fpVerboseContext1->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec64[1] != fpVerboseContext2->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec64[1]))
            printf ("_xmm[%d] ERROR\n", i);
            fflush (stdout);
            compareOk = FALSE;

    if (supportsAvx)
        int k = 0;
        for (int i = 0; 
# ifdef TARGET_IA32E
             i < 16; 
# else
             i< 8; 
# endif
            for (int j=0; j<16; j++)
                 if (fpVerboseContext1->_xstate._ymmUpper[k] != fpVerboseContext2->_xstate._ymmUpper[k])
                    printf ("ymm[%d] ERROR\n", i);
                    fflush (stdout);
                    compareOk = FALSE;
#endif // not TARGET_MIC

    if (!compareOk)
        string s = disassemble ((regInstPtr1),(regInstPtr1)+15);
        printf ("Failure at %p: %s\n", reinterpret_cast<VOID *>(regInstPtr1), s.c_str());
    return (compareOk);
BOOL CompareFpContext(CONTEXT *context1, CONTEXT *context2)
    BOOL compareOk = TRUE;
    FPSTATE fpContext1, fpContext2;
    FPSTATE *fpContextPtr1 = &fpContext1;
    FPSTATE *fpContextPtr2 = &fpContext2;
    PIN_GetContextFPState(context1, fpContextPtr1);
    PIN_GetContextFPState(context2, fpContextPtr2);

    if ( fpContextPtr1->fxsave_legacy._fcw != fpContextPtr2->fxsave_legacy._fcw)
        fprintf (log_inl,"fcw ERROR\n");
        compareOk = FALSE;
    if ( fpContextPtr1->fxsave_legacy._fsw != fpContextPtr2->fxsave_legacy._fsw)
        fprintf (log_inl,"_fsw ERROR\n");
        compareOk = FALSE;
    if ( fpContextPtr1->fxsave_legacy._ftw != fpContextPtr2->fxsave_legacy._ftw)
        fprintf (log_inl,"_ftw ERROR\n");
        compareOk = FALSE;
    if ( fpContextPtr1->fxsave_legacy._fop != fpContextPtr2->fxsave_legacy._fop)
        fprintf (log_inl,"_fop ERROR\n");
        compareOk = FALSE;
    if ( fpContextPtr1->fxsave_legacy._fpuip != fpContextPtr2->fxsave_legacy._fpuip)
        fprintf (log_inl,"_fpuip ERROR\n");
        compareOk = FALSE;
    /* the _cs field seems to be changing randomly when running 32on64 linux
       needs further investigation to prove it is not a Pin bug */
    if ( fpContextPtr1->fxsave_legacy._cs != fpContextPtr2->fxsave_legacy._cs)
        fprintf (log_inl,"_cs ERROR\n");
        compareOk = FALSE;
    if ( fpContextPtr1->fxsave_legacy._fpudp != fpContextPtr2->fxsave_legacy._fpudp)
        fprintf (log_inl,"_fpudp ERROR\n");
        compareOk = FALSE;
    /* the _ds field seems to be changing randomly when running 32on64 linux
       needs further investigation to prove it is not a Pin bug */
    if ( fpContextPtr1->fxsave_legacy._ds != fpContextPtr2->fxsave_legacy._ds)
        fprintf (log_inl,"_ds ERROR\n");
        compareOk = FALSE;
    if ( fpContextPtr1->fxsave_legacy._mxcsr != fpContextPtr2->fxsave_legacy._mxcsr)
        fprintf (log_inl,"_mxcsr ERROR\n");
        compareOk = FALSE;
    if ( fpContextPtr1->fxsave_legacy._mxcsrmask != fpContextPtr2->fxsave_legacy._mxcsrmask)
        fprintf (log_inl,"_mxcsrmask ERROR\n");
        compareOk = FALSE;
    int i;
    for (i=0; i< 8; i++)
        if ((fpContextPtr1->fxsave_legacy._sts[i]._raw._lo != fpContextPtr2->fxsave_legacy._sts[i]._raw._lo) ||
            (fpContextPtr1->fxsave_legacy._sts[i]._raw._hi != fpContextPtr2->fxsave_legacy._sts[i]._raw._hi))
            fprintf (log_inl,"_st[%d] ERROR\n", i);
            compareOk = FALSE;
    for (i=0; 
#ifdef TARGET_IA32E
        i< 16;
        i< 8; 
        if ((fpContextPtr1->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec64[0] != fpContextPtr2->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec64[0]) ||
            (fpContextPtr1->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec64[1] != fpContextPtr2->fxsave_legacy._xmms[i]._vec64[1]))
            fprintf (log_inl,"_xmm[%d] ERROR\n", i);
            compareOk = FALSE;

    return (compareOk);