Exemplo n.º 1
 * \brief Configures one or more pin(s) of a PIO controller as outputs, with the
 * given default value. Optionally, the multi-drive feature can be enabled
 * on the pin(s).
 * \param pPio              Pointer to a PIO controller.
 * \param dwMask            Bitmask indicating which pin(s) to configure.
 * \param defaultValue      Default level on the pin(s).
 * \param enableMultiDrive  Indicates if the pin(s) shall be configured as open-drain.
 * \param enablePullUp      Indicates if the pin shall have its pull-up activated.
extern void PIO_SetOutput( Pio* pPio, uint32_t dwMask, uint32_t dwDefaultValue,
                                      uint32_t dwMultiDriveEnable, uint32_t dwPullUpEnable )
    PIO_DisableInterrupt( pPio, dwMask ) ;
    PIO_PullUp( pPio, dwMask, dwPullUpEnable ) ;

    /* Enable multi-drive if necessary */
    if ( dwMultiDriveEnable )
        pPio->PIO_MDER = dwMask ;
        pPio->PIO_MDDR = dwMask ;

    /* Set default value */
    if ( dwDefaultValue )
        pPio->PIO_SODR = dwMask ;
        pPio->PIO_CODR = dwMask ;

    /* Configure pin(s) as output(s) */
    pPio->PIO_OER = dwMask ;
    pPio->PIO_PER = dwMask ;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * \brief Configures one or more pin(s) or a PIO controller as inputs. Optionally,
 * the corresponding internal pull-up(s) and glitch filter(s) can be enabled.
 * \param pPio        Pointer to a PIO controller.
 * \param dwMask      Bitmask indicating which pin(s) to configure as input(s).
 * \param dwAttribute .
extern void PIO_SetInput( Pio* pPio, uint32_t dwMask, uint32_t dwAttribute )
    PIO_DisableInterrupt( pPio, dwMask ) ;
    PIO_PullUp( pPio, dwMask, dwAttribute & PIO_PULLUP ) ;

    /* Enable Input Filter if necessary */
    if ( dwAttribute & (PIO_DEGLITCH | PIO_DEBOUNCE) )
        pPio->PIO_IFER = dwMask ;
        pPio->PIO_IFDR = dwMask ;

    /* Enable de-glitch or de-bounce if necessary */
    if ( dwAttribute & PIO_DEGLITCH )
        pPio->PIO_SCIFSR = dwMask ;
        if ( dwAttribute & PIO_DEBOUNCE )
            pPio->PIO_SCIFSR = dwMask ;

    /* Configure pin as input */
    pPio->PIO_ODR = dwMask ;
    pPio->PIO_PER = dwMask ;
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: pio.c Projeto: 00alis/Arduino
 * \brief Configures one or more pin(s) or a PIO controller as inputs. Optionally,
 * the corresponding internal pull-up(s) and glitch filter(s) can be enabled.
 * \param pPio        Pointer to a PIO controller.
 * \param dwMask      Bitmask indicating which pin(s) to configure as input(s).
 * \param dwAttribute .
extern void PIO_SetInput( Pio* pPio, uint32_t dwMask, uint32_t dwAttribute )
    PIO_DisableInterrupt( pPio, dwMask ) ;
    PIO_PullUp( pPio, dwMask, dwAttribute & PIO_PULLUP ) ;

    /* Enable Input Filter if necessary */
    if ( dwAttribute & (PIO_DEGLITCH | PIO_DEBOUNCE) )
        pPio->PIO_IFER = dwMask ;
        pPio->PIO_IFDR = dwMask ;

    /* Enable de-glitch or de-bounce if necessary */
#if (defined _SAM3S_) || (defined _SAM3S8_) || (defined _SAM3N_)
    if ( dwAttribute & PIO_DEGLITCH )
        pPio->PIO_IFSCDR = dwMask ;
        if ( dwAttribute & PIO_DEBOUNCE )
            pPio->PIO_IFSCER = dwMask ;
#elif (defined _SAM3U_) || (defined _SAM3XA_)
    if ( dwAttribute & PIO_DEGLITCH )
        pPio->PIO_SCIFSR = dwMask ;
        if ( dwAttribute & PIO_DEBOUNCE )
            pPio->PIO_SCIFSR = dwMask ;
    #error "The specified chip is not supported."

    /* Configure pin as input */
    pPio->PIO_ODR = dwMask ;
    pPio->PIO_PER = dwMask ;
Exemplo n.º 4
extern void digitalWrite( uint32_t ulPin, uint32_t ulVal )
  /* Handle */
	if ( g_APinDescription[ulPin].ulPinType == PIO_NOT_A_PIN )
    return ;

  if ((g_pinStatus[ulPin] & 0xF) == PIN_STATUS_PWM) {
    pinMode(ulPin, OUTPUT);

  g_pinStatus[ulPin] = (g_pinStatus[ulPin] & 0x0F) | (ulVal << 4) ;

  if ( PIO_GetOutputDataStatus( g_APinDescription[ulPin].pPort, g_APinDescription[ulPin].ulPin ) == 0 )
    PIO_PullUp( g_APinDescription[ulPin].pPort, g_APinDescription[ulPin].ulPin, ulVal ) ;
    PIO_SetOutput( g_APinDescription[ulPin].pPort, g_APinDescription[ulPin].ulPin, ulVal, 0, PIO_PULLUP ) ;
Exemplo n.º 5
extern void digitalWrite( uint32_t ulPin, uint32_t ulVal )
  /* Handle */
	if ( g_APinDescription[ulPin].ulPinType == PIO_NOT_A_PIN )
    return ;

    /* Added by Y.Ishioka */
    if( ulPin == 13 ) {
        led_set( ulVal & 0x01 ) ;
        return ;

  if ( PIO_GetOutputDataStatus( g_APinDescription[ulPin].pPort, g_APinDescription[ulPin].ulPin ) == 0 )
    PIO_PullUp( g_APinDescription[ulPin].pPort, g_APinDescription[ulPin].ulPin, ulVal ) ;
    PIO_SetOutput( g_APinDescription[ulPin].pPort, g_APinDescription[ulPin].ulPin, ulVal, 0, PIO_PULLUP ) ;
Exemplo n.º 6
 * \return 1 if the pins have been configured properly; otherwise 0.
extern uint32_t PIO_Configure( Pio* pPio, const EPioType dwType, const uint32_t dwMask, const uint32_t dwAttribute )
    /* Configure pins */
    switch ( dwType )
        case PIO_PERIPH_A :
        case PIO_PERIPH_B :
#if (defined _SAM3S_) || (defined _SAM3S8_) || (defined _SAM3N_)
        case PIO_PERIPH_C :
        case PIO_PERIPH_D :
#endif /* (defined _SAM3S_) || (defined _SAM3S8_) || (defined _SAM3N_) */
            /* Put the pin under control of peripheral */
            PIO_SetPeripheral( pPio, dwType, dwMask ) ;
            /* Disable interrupts on the pin(s) */
            PIO_DisableInterrupt( pPio, dwMask ) ;
            /* Enable Pullup */
            PIO_PullUp( pPio, dwMask, (dwAttribute & PIO_PULLUP) ) ;

        case PIO_INPUT :
            PIO_SetInput( pPio, dwMask, dwAttribute ) ;

        case PIO_OUTPUT_0 :
        case PIO_OUTPUT_1 :
            PIO_SetOutput( pPio, dwMask, (dwType == PIO_OUTPUT_1),
                          (dwAttribute & PIO_OPENDRAIN) ? 1 : 0,
                          (dwAttribute & PIO_PULLUP) ? 1 : 0);
        break ;

        default :
        return 0 ;

    return 1 ;
Exemplo n.º 7
//Set up the PWM on the pin specified with the alignment and polarity specified
customPWM::customPWM(int channel, bool alignment, bool polarity)
  period = globPeriod;
  _lowFreq = period/3;	//Calculate the low duty cycle setting, for the motor controller
  currentDuty = DUTY;
  motorDuty = DUTY;
  //Get the appropriate number if a pin is given
    case 34:
      _channel = 0;
    case 36:
      _channel = 1;
    case 38:
      _channel = 2;
    case 40:
      _channel = 3;
    case 9:
      _channel = 4;
    case 8:
      _channel = 5;
    case 7:
      _channel = 6;
    case 6:
      _channel = 7;
      assert(0); //You didn't give it a correct pin

  //If its not enabled yet, then enable it with the default settings
    customPWMinit(globFrequency, globPeriod);
  //Arduino code to set the correct settings on the pins
  PIO_SetPeripheral(port[_channel], type[_channel], pin[_channel]);	//Set the peripheral of the pin and remove control from PIO
  PIO_DisableInterrupt(port[_channel], pin[_channel]);	//Disable the interupt on the pin, not needed since it is disabled in SetPeripheral
  PIO_PullUp(port[_channel], pin[_channel],  (conf[_channel] & PIO_PULLUP));	//Enables the pullup resistor on the pin
  //Configure the channels
  //Needed to access the registers because the Arduino code disables the changing of alignment or polarity
  unsigned int holder = (0xBu & 0xF) | (polarity<<9) | (alignment<<8);
  point->PWM_CH_NUM[_channel].PWM_CMR = holder;
  //Set the period (max value)
  PWMC_SetPeriod(point, _channel, period);
  //Set the default duty cycle
  PWMC_SetDutyCycle(point, _channel, DUTY);
  //Enable the pin and make it go
  PWMC_EnableChannel(point, _channel);