Exemplo n.º 1
void iphoneMultiplayerMenu() {
	if ( gameSocket <= 0 ) {
		// no socket, so no multiplayer
		TerminateGameService();		// don't advertise for any more new players
		setupPacket.gameID = 0;		// stop sending packets
		menuState = IPM_MAIN;

	boolean	server = ( setupPacket.gameID == localGameID );
	// different screen when selecting a map to play
	if ( netMenu == NM_MAP_SELECT ) {
		mapStart_t	map;
		if ( !iphoneMapSelectMenu( &map ) ) {
			// haven't selected anything yet
		netMenu = NM_MAIN;
		if ( map.map != -1 ) {
			// selected something new, didn't hit the back arrow
			setupPacket.map = map;
	#ifndef IPAD
	else if ( netMenu == NM_OPTIONS ) {
		Cvar_SetValue( fragLimit->name, setupPacket.fraglimit );
		if ( iphoneSlider( 104, 64, 272, 40, "frag limit", fragLimit, 0, 20, SF_INTEGER ) ) {
			if ( server ) {
				setupPacket.fraglimit = fragLimit->value;
		Cvar_SetValue( timeLimit->name, setupPacket.timelimit );
		if ( iphoneSlider( 104, 64+56, 272, 40, "time limit", timeLimit, 0, 20, SF_INTEGER ) ) {
			if ( server ) {
				setupPacket.timelimit = timeLimit->value;
		if ( BackButton() ) {
			netMenu = NM_MAIN;
	Cvar_SetValue( fragLimit->name, setupPacket.fraglimit );
	if ( iphoneSlider( 314, 410, 400, 40, "frag limit", fragLimit, 0, 20, SF_INTEGER ) ) {
		if ( server ) {
			setupPacket.fraglimit = fragLimit->value;
	Cvar_SetValue( timeLimit->name, setupPacket.timelimit );
	if ( iphoneSlider( 314, 410+58, 400, 40, "time limit", timeLimit, 0, 20, SF_INTEGER ) ) {
		if ( server ) {
			setupPacket.timelimit = timeLimit->value;
	if ( !btnDeathmatch.texture ) {
		// initial setup
		#ifdef IPAD
		SetButtonPicsAndSizes( &btnDeathmatch, "iphone/deathmatch.tga", "Deathmatch", 512-128-50, 150, 128, 128 );
		SetButtonPicsAndSizes( &btnCoop, "iphone/co-op.tga", "Cooperative", 512+50, 150, 128, 128 );
		SetButtonPicsAndSizes( &btnDeathmatch, "iphone/deathmatch.tga", "Deathmatch", 4+48, 64, 96, 96 );
		SetButtonPicsAndSizes( &btnCoop, "iphone/co-op.tga", "Cooperative", 480-148, 64, 96, 96 );		

	if ( BackButton() ) {
		if ( server ) {
			TerminateGameService();		// don't advertise for any more new players
			setupPacket.gameID = 0;		// stop sending packets
		menuState = IPM_MAIN;
	if ( !server ) {
		// we aren't the server
		// send our join packet every frame
		if ( setupPacketFrameNum < iphoneFrameNum - 30 ) {
			// haven't received a current server packet
			char	str[1024];
			struct sockaddr_in *sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)&netServer.address;
			byte *ip = (byte *)&sin->sin_addr;
			sprintf( str, "Joining server at %i.%i.%i.%i:%i\n", ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3], 
					ntohs( sin->sin_port ) );
			#ifdef IPAD
			iphoneCenterText( 512, 384, 1, str );			
			iphoneCenterText( 240, 160, 0.75, str );
	} else {
		// cull out any players that haven't given us a packet in a couple seconds
		int	now = SysIphoneMilliseconds();
		for ( int i = 1 ; i < MAXPLAYERS ; i++ ) {
			if ( setupPacket.playerID[i] && now - netPlayers[i].peer.lastPacketTime > 1000 ) {
				printf( "Dropping player %i: last:%i now:%i\n", i, netPlayers[i].peer.lastPacketTime, now );
				setupPacket.playerID[i] = 0;
	// draw the level and allow clicking to change
	Cvar_SetValue( mpDataset->name, setupPacket.map.dataset );
	Cvar_SetValue( mpEpisode->name, setupPacket.map.episode );
	Cvar_SetValue( mpMap->name, setupPacket.map.map );
	Cvar_SetValue( mpSkill->name, setupPacket.map.skill );
	// map select button / display
	#ifdef IPAD
	if ( NewTextButton( &btnMap,  FindMapName( mpDataset->value, mpEpisode->value, mpMap->value ), 512 - 200, 80, 400, 48 ) ) {
	if ( NewTextButton( &btnMap,  FindMapName( mpDataset->value, mpEpisode->value, mpMap->value ), 64, 0, 480-128, 48 ) ) {	
		if ( server ) {
			// clients can't go into this menu
			netMenu = NM_MAP_SELECT;

	if ( setupPacket.deathmatch ) {
		btnDeathmatch.buttonFlags = 0;
		btnCoop.buttonFlags = BF_DIMMED;
	} else {
		btnDeathmatch.buttonFlags = BF_DIMMED;
		btnCoop.buttonFlags = 0;
	if ( HandleButton( &btnDeathmatch ) ) {
		if ( server ) {
			Cvar_SetValue( mpDeathmatch->name, 3 );	// weapons stay, items respawn rules
			setupPacket.deathmatch = mpDeathmatch->value;
	if ( HandleButton( &btnCoop ) ) {
		if ( server ) {
			Cvar_SetValue( mpDeathmatch->name, 0 );		
			setupPacket.deathmatch = mpDeathmatch->value;
#ifndef IPAD
	if ( NewTextButton( &btnNetSettings, "Settings",  240-64, 64+24, 128, 48 ) ) {
		netMenu = NM_OPTIONS;
	for ( int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i ++ ) {
		#ifdef IPAD
		int x = 320 + ( 64+45) * i;
		int y = 64+260;
		int x = 45 + ( 64+45) * i;
		int y = 64+128;
		// FIXME: show proper player colors
		byte	color[4][4] = { { 0, 255, 0, 255 }, { 128, 128, 128, 255 }, { 128,64,0, 255 }, {255,0,0, 255 } };
		glColor4ubv( color[i] );
		PK_DrawTexture( PK_FindTexture( "iphone/multi_backdrop.tga" ), x, y );
		glColor4f( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
		if ( setupPacket.playerID[i] == playerID ) {
			// bigger outline for your player slot
			PK_StretchTexture( PK_FindTexture( "iphone/multi_frame.tga" ), x, y, 64, 64 );
		// draw doom guy face
		if ( setupPacket.playerID[i] != 0 ) {
			PK_DrawTexture( PK_FindTexture( "iphone/multi_face.tga" ), x, y );
#if 0			
			// temp display IP address
			byte *ip = (byte *)&setupPacket.address[i].sin_addr;
			iphoneDrawText( x-16, (i&1) ? y+16 : y+48, 0.75, va("%i.%i.%i.%i", ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3] ) );
	if ( server ) {
		// flash a tiny pic when transmitting
		if ( iphoneFrameNum & 1 ) {
			glColor4f( 1,1,1,1 );
		} else {
			glColor4f( 0.5,0.5,0.5,1 );
		#ifdef IPAD
		iphoneCenterText( 1024 - 20, 768 - 20, 1, "*" );
		iphoneCenterText( 470, 310, 0.75, "*" );
		glColor4f( 1,1,1,1 );
	if ( setupPacketFrameNum == iphoneFrameNum ) {
	#ifdef IPAD
		iphoneCenterText( 1024 - 40, 768 - 20, 1, "*" );
		iphoneCenterText( 450, 310, 0.75, "*" );
//	iphoneDrawText( 0, 310, 0.75, va("%i:%i", localGameID, setupPacket.gameID ) );

	// only draw the start button if we have at least two players in game
	int	numPlayers = 0;
	for ( int i = 0 ; i < MAXPLAYERS ; i++ ) {
		if ( setupPacket.playerID[i] != 0 ) {
	if ( numPlayers > 1 ) {
		if ( server ) {
			static ibutton_t btnStart;
			#ifdef IPAD
			if ( NewTextButton( &btnStart, "Start game", 512-80, 768-100, 160, 48) ) {
			if ( NewTextButton( &btnStart, "Start game", 240-80, 320-48, 160, 48 ) ) {
				setupPacket.startGame = 1;
				TerminateGameService();		// don't advertise for any more new players
		} else {
		#ifdef IPAD	
			iphoneCenterText( 512, 68-25, 1, "Waiting for server to start the game" );
			iphoneCenterText( 240, 320-10, 0.60, "Waiting for server to start the game" );
	} else {
		byte *ip = (byte *)&gameSocketAddress.sin_addr;
		#ifdef IPAD
		iphoneCenterText( 512, 768-25, 1, va("Waiting for players on %i.%i.%i.%i", 
													ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3] ) );
		iphoneCenterText( 512, 27, 0.75, "Attention: Multiplayer requires a WiFi connection");
		iphoneCenterText( 512, 50, 0.75, "that doesn't block UDP port 14666");
		iphoneCenterText( 240, 320-8, 0.60, va("Waiting for players on %i.%i.%i.%i", 
											   ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3] ) );
		iphoneCenterText( 240, 320-50, 0.60, "Attention: Multiplayer requires a WiFi connection");
		iphoneCenterText( 240, 320-30, 0.60, "that doesn't block UDP port 14666");		
	//	static ibutton_t btnStart;
	//	NewTextButton( &btnStart, "Start game", 512-80, 768-100, 160, 48);

#ifndef IPAD
static ibutton_t	optionButtons[2][6];
static ibutton_t	defaultsButton;
boolean OptionButton( int col, int row, const char *title ) {
	assert( col >= 0 && col < 2 && row >= 0 && row < 6 );
	return NewTextButton( &optionButtons[col][row], title, 10 + 235 * col, 64 + 50 * row, 225, 48 );

void iphoneOptionsMenu() {	
	if ( BackButton() ) {
		menuState = IPM_CONTROLS;

	boolean musicState = music->value;
	if ( SysIPhoneOtherAudioIsPlaying() ) {
		// music always off when ipod music is playing
		musicState = false;

	if ( NewTextButton( &defaultsButton, "Defaults", 240-225/2, 2, 225, 48 ) ) {
		// reset all cvars except the reverse-landscape mode value
		float value = revLand->value;
		Cvar_SetValue( revLand->name, value );
	if ( OptionButton( 0, 0, autoUse->value ? "Auto use: ON" : "Auto use: OFF" ) ) {
		Cvar_SetValue( autoUse->name, !autoUse->value );
	if ( OptionButton( 0, 1, statusBar->value ? "Status bar: ON" : "Status bar: OFF" ) ) {
		Cvar_SetValue( statusBar->name, !statusBar->value );
	if ( OptionButton( 0, 2, touchClick->value ? "Touch click: ON" : "Touch click: OFF" ) ) {
		Cvar_SetValue( touchClick->name, !touchClick->value );
	if ( OptionButton( 0, 3, messages->value ? "Text messages: ON" : "Text messages: OFF" ) ) {
		Cvar_SetValue( messages->name, !messages->value );
	if ( OptionButton( 1, 0, drawControls->value ? "Draw controls: ON" : "Draw controls: OFF" ) ) {
		Cvar_SetValue( drawControls->name, !drawControls->value );
	if ( OptionButton( 1, 1, musicState ? "Music: ON" : "Music: OFF" ) ) {
		if ( !SysIPhoneOtherAudioIsPlaying() ) {
			Cvar_SetValue( music->name, !music->value );
			if ( music->value ) {
			} else {
	if ( OptionButton( 1, 2, centerSticks->value ? "Center sticks: ON" : "Center sticks: OFF" ) ) {
		Cvar_SetValue( centerSticks->name, !centerSticks->value );
	if ( OptionButton( 1, 3, rampTurn->value ? "Ramp turn: ON" : "Ramp turn: OFF" ) ) {
		Cvar_SetValue( rampTurn->name, !rampTurn->value );

 The end-of-level switch was just hit, note the state and awards
 for the map select menu
void iphoneIntermission( wbstartstruct_t* wb ) {
	if ( deathmatch || netgame ) {
		// no achievements in deathmatch mode
	// find the current episode / map combination 
	// if a mapStat_t doesn't exist for this yet, create one
	// mark this level / skill combination as tried
	mapStats_t *cms = FindMapStats( playState.map.dataset, playState.map.episode, playState.map.map, true );
	if ( !cms ) {
	int skill = playState.map.skill;
	cms->completionFlags[skill] |= MF_COMPLETED;
	// add the awards
	if ( wb->plyr[0].stime < wb->partime ) {
		cms->completionFlags[skill] |= MF_TIME;
	int numkills = 0;
	int numsecrets = 0;
	int numitems = 0;
	for ( int i = 0 ; i < MAXPLAYERS ; i++ ) {
		if ( wb->plyr[i].in ) {
			numkills += wb->plyr[i].skills;
			numitems += wb->plyr[i].sitems;
			numsecrets += wb->plyr[i].ssecret;
	if ( numkills >= wb->maxkills ) {
		cms->completionFlags[skill] |= MF_KILLS;
	if ( numitems >= wb->maxitems ) {
		cms->completionFlags[skill] |= MF_TREASURE;
	if ( numsecrets >= wb->maxsecret ) {
		cms->completionFlags[skill] |= MF_SECRETS;

 Do a savegame with the current state
void iphoneStartLevel() {
	if ( deathmatch || netgame ) {
		// no achievements in deathmatch mode
		// reset the levelTimer
		if ( levelTimer && setupPacket.timelimit > 0 ) {
			// 30 hz, minutes
			levelTimeCount = setupPacket.timelimit * 30 * 60;
	playState.map.map = gamemap;

	// automatic save game
	G_SaveGame( 0, "entersave" );

	// mark this level as tried
	mapStats_t *cms = FindMapStats( playState.map.dataset, playState.map.episode, playState.map.map, true );
	if ( cms ) {
		cms->completionFlags[playState.map.skill] |= MF_TRIED;

 Draw a randomish moving cloudy background
void DrawLiveBackground() {
	static float	bgVectors[2][2] = { { 0.01, 0.015 }, { -0.01, -0.02 } };
	float	fade[2];
	// slide and fade a couple textures around
	static float	tc[2][4][2];
	for ( int i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ ) {		
		int		ofs = iphoneFrameNum + i * 32;
		float	dist = ( ofs & 63 );
		for ( int j = 0 ; j < 2 ; j ++ ) {
			for ( int k = 0 ; k < 2 ; k++ ) {
				if ( rand()&1 ) {
					if ( bgVectors[j][k] < 0.03 ) {
						bgVectors[j][k] += 0.0001;
				} else {
					if ( bgVectors[j][k] > -0.03 ) {
						bgVectors[j][k] -= 0.0001;
		fade[i] = sin( ( dist - 16 ) / 32.0 * M_PI ) * 0.5 + 0.5;
		fade[i] *= 0.7;
		for ( int j = 0 ; j < 2 ; j++ ) {
			tc[i][0][j] += bgVectors[i][j];
			tc[i][0][j] -= floor( tc[i][0][j] );
		tc[i][1][0] = tc[i][0][0]+1;
		tc[i][1][1] = tc[i][0][1]+0;
		tc[i][2][0] = tc[i][0][0]+0;
		tc[i][2][1] = tc[i][0][1]+1;
		tc[i][3][0] = tc[i][0][0]+1;
		tc[i][3][1] = tc[i][0][1]+1;
	// Fill rate performance is an issue just for two scrolling layers under
	// modest GUI objects.  Using a PVR2 texture and a single multitexture
	// pass helps.  If all the GUI objects were drawn with depth buffering,
	// the surface rejection would help out, but bumping depth after every
	// draw would be a bit of a chore.
#if 0	
	glDepthMask( 1 );	// write the depth buffer
	glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );	// depth test this background
	PK_BindTexture( PK_FindTexture( "iphone/livetile_1.tga" ) );
	glDisable( GL_BLEND );
	glDisable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );

	// multitexture setup
	glActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE1 );
	glClientActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE1 );
	glEnable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
	PK_BindTexture( PK_FindTexture( "iphone/livetile_1.tga" ) );	
	glTexCoordPointer( 2, GL_FLOAT, 8, tc[1][0] );
	glEnableClientState( GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY );
//	glColor4f( fade[0], fade[0], fade[0], fade[1] );
#ifdef IPAD
	glTexCoord2f( tc[0][0][0], tc[0][0][1] );	glVertex3f( 0, 0, 0.5 );
	glTexCoord2f( tc[0][1][0], tc[0][1][1] );	glVertex3f( 1024, 0, 0.5 );
	glTexCoord2f( tc[0][2][0], tc[0][2][1]+1 );	glVertex3f( 0, 768, 0.5 );
	glTexCoord2f( tc[0][3][0], tc[0][3][1]+1 );	glVertex3f( 1024, 768, 0.5 );
	glTexCoord2f( tc[0][0][0], tc[0][0][1] );	glVertex3f( 0, 0, 0.5 );
	glTexCoord2f( tc[0][1][0], tc[0][1][1] );	glVertex3f( 480, 0, 0.5 );
	glTexCoord2f( tc[0][2][0], tc[0][2][1]+1 );	glVertex3f( 0, 320, 0.5 );
	glTexCoord2f( tc[0][3][0], tc[0][3][1]+1 );	glVertex3f( 480, 320, 0.5 );
	// unbind the second texture
	glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0 );
	glDisable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
	glDisableClientState( GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY );
	glActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE0 );
	glClientActiveTexture( GL_TEXTURE0 );

	glColor4f( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
	glEnable( GL_BLEND );	
#if 0	
	// Enable depth test, but not depth writes, so the tile dorting
	// minimizes the amount of time drawing the background when it
	// is mostly covered.
	glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
	glDepthMask( 0 );

#define MAX_PACKET_LOG	64
int	currentPacketLog;
int	packetLogMsec[MAX_PACKET_LOG];

void iphonePacketTester() {
	if ( BackButton() ) {
		menuState = IPM_MAIN;
	struct sockaddr_in sender;
	unsigned senderLen = sizeof( sender );
	byte	buffer[1024];
	while( 1 ) {
		int r = recvfrom( gameSocket, buffer, sizeof( buffer ), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&sender, &senderLen );
		if ( r == -1 ) {
		packetSetup_t *sp = (packetSetup_t *)buffer;
		if ( sp->sendCount == setupPacket.sendCount ) {
			Com_Printf( "Duplicated receive: %i\n", sp->sendCount );
		} else if ( sp->sendCount < setupPacket.sendCount ) {
			Com_Printf( "Out of order receive: %i < %i\n", sp->sendCount, setupPacket.sendCount );
		} else if ( sp->sendCount > setupPacket.sendCount + 1 ) {
			Com_Printf( "Dropped %i packets before %i\n", sp->sendCount - 1 - setupPacket.sendCount, sp->sendCount );
		setupPacket = *sp;
		packetLogMsec[currentPacketLog&(MAX_PACKET_LOG-1)] = SysIphoneMilliseconds();
	color4_t activeColor = { 0, 255, 0, 255 };
	for ( int i = 1 ; i < MAX_PACKET_LOG ; i++ ) {
		int	t1 = packetLogMsec[(currentPacketLog - i)&(MAX_PACKET_LOG-1)];
		int	t2 = packetLogMsec[(currentPacketLog - i - 1)&(MAX_PACKET_LOG-1)];
		int	msec = t1 - t2;
		R_Draw_Fill( 0, i * 4, msec, 2, activeColor );
Exemplo n.º 2
boolean iphoneSlider( int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *title, cvar_t *cvar, 
				  float min, float max, int sliderFlags ) {
	float value = cvar->value;
	char	str[80];
	float	f = ( value - min ) / ( max - min );
	if ( f < 0 ) {
		f = 0;
	if ( f > 1 ) {
		f = 1;
	// draw the background
	PK_StretchTexture( PK_FindTexture( "iphone/slider_shadow.tga" ), x, y, w, h );
	// draw the current range
	PK_BindTexture( PK_FindTexture( "iphone/slider_bar.tga" ) );
#ifdef IPAD
	// proportional
	glBegin( GL_QUADS );
	glTexCoord2f( 0.0f, 0.0f );	glVertex2i( x, y );
	glTexCoord2f( f, 0.0f );	glVertex2i( x+w*f, y );
	glTexCoord2f( f, 1.0f );	glVertex2i( x+w*f, y+h );
	glTexCoord2f( 0.0f, 1.0f );	glVertex2i( x, y+h );
	// dragging thumb
	glBegin( GL_QUADS );
	glTexCoord2f( 0.0f, 0.0f );	glVertex2i( x+w*f-8, y );
	glTexCoord2f( 1.0f, 0.0f );	glVertex2i( x+w*f+8, y );
	glTexCoord2f( 1.0f, 1.0f );	glVertex2i( x+w*f+8, y+h );
	glTexCoord2f( 0.0f, 1.0f );	glVertex2i( x+w*f-8, y+h );
	// draw the title and fraction
	if ( sliderFlags & SF_INTEGER ) {
		sprintf( str, "%s : %i", title, (int)value );
	} else {
		sprintf( str, "%s : %i%%", title, (int)(f*100+0.5) );
	iphoneCenterText( x+ w/2, y+h-10, 0.75, str );
	// check for touches
	if ( numTouches > 0 && touches[0][0] >= x && touches[0][0] < x + w
		&& touches[0][1] >= y && touches[0][1] < y+ h ) {
		float newValue;
		float	delta;
		f = (float)( touches[0][0] - x ) / w;
		if ( sliderFlags & SF_INTEGER ) {
			newValue = rint( min + f * ( max - min ) );
		} else {
			// round to tenths
			f = (int)( ( f + 0.05 ) * 10 ) * 0.1f;
			if ( f < 0 ) {
				f = 0;
			if ( f > 1.0 ) {
				f = 1.0;
			newValue = min + f * ( max - min );
		delta = fabs( newValue - cvar->value );
		if ( f == 0 && cvar->value == 0 ) {
			// special case of disable-at-0
		} else if ( delta > 0.01 ) {
			Cvar_SetValue( cvar->name, newValue );
			Sound_StartLocalSound( "iphone/slide_01.wav" );
			return true;
		return false;
	return false;
Exemplo n.º 3
void iphoneStartup() {
	int		start = SysIphoneMilliseconds();
	// microseconds will be plenty random for playerID and localGameID
	playerID = localGameID = SysIphoneMicroseconds();

	// init OpenAL before pak file, so the pak file can
	// make all the al static buffers
	char buffer[1028];
	sprintf( buffer, "%s/base.iPack", SysIphoneGetAppDir() );
	// get our new-style pak file
	PK_Init( buffer );

	// register console commands
	Cmd_AddCommand( "listcvars", Cvar_List_f );
	Cmd_AddCommand( "resetcvars", Cvar_Reset_f );
	Cmd_AddCommand( "resetmaps", ResetMaps_f );
	Cmd_AddCommand( "listcmds", Cmd_ListCommands_f );
	Cmd_AddCommand( "give", Give_f );
	Cmd_AddCommand( "god", God_f );
	Cmd_AddCommand( "mail", EmailConsole );  //gsh, mails the console to id

	// register console variables
	Cvar_Get( "version", va( "%3.1f %s %s", DOOM_IPHONE_VERSION, __DATE__, __TIME__ ), 0 );
    freeLevelOfWeek = Cvar_Get("freeLevelOfWeek", "0", 0 );
	skill = Cvar_Get( "skill", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	episode = Cvar_Get( "episode", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE );

	controlScheme = Cvar_Get( "controlScheme", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	stickTurn = Cvar_Get( "stickTurn", "128", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	stickMove = Cvar_Get( "stickMove", "128", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	stickDeadBand = Cvar_Get( "stickDeadBand", "0.05", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	rotorTurn = Cvar_Get( "rotorTurn", "50000", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	tiltTurn = Cvar_Get( "tiltTurn", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	tiltMove = Cvar_Get( "tiltMove", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	tiltDeadBand = Cvar_Get( "tiltDeadBand", "0.08", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	tiltAverages = Cvar_Get( "tiltAverages", "3", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	centerSticks = Cvar_Get( "centerSticks", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	rampTurn = Cvar_Get( "rampTurn", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE );

	music = Cvar_Get( "music", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	cropSprites = Cvar_Get( "cropSprites", "1", 0 );
	mapScale = Cvar_Get( "mapScale", "10", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	drawControls = Cvar_Get( "drawControls", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	autoUse = Cvar_Get( "autoUse", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	statusBar = Cvar_Get( "statusBar", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	touchClick = Cvar_Get( "touchClick", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	messages = Cvar_Get( "messages", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	mapSelectY = Cvar_Get( "mapSelectY", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	miniNet = Cvar_Get( "miniNet", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE );

	// multiplayer setup
	timeLimit = Cvar_Get( "timeLimit", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	fragLimit = Cvar_Get( "fragLimit", "5", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	mpDeathmatch = Cvar_Get( "mpDeathmatch", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	mpDataset = Cvar_Get( "mpDataset", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	mpEpisode = Cvar_Get( "mpEpisode", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	mpSkill = Cvar_Get( "mpSkill", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	mpMap = Cvar_Get( "mpMap", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	mpExpansion = Cvar_Get( "mpExpansion", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_NOSET );
	// debug tools
	showTilt = Cvar_Get( "showTilt", "-1", 0 );
	showTime = Cvar_Get( "showTime", "0", 0 );
	showNet = Cvar_Get( "showNet", "0", 0 );
	showSound = Cvar_Get( "showSound", "0", 0 );
	noBlend = Cvar_Get( "noBlend", "0", 0 );	// disable the damae blends for screenshots
	glfinish = Cvar_Get( "glfinish", "0", 0 );
	throttle = Cvar_Get( "throttle", "0", 0 );	// network packet throttle enable
	// Was origiinally 4. Trying different values to help internet play.
	netBuffer = Cvar_Get( "netBuffer", "12", 0 );	// max tics to buffer ahead
	// load the archived cvars
	Cmd_ExecuteFile( va( "%s/config.cfg", SysIphoneGetDocDir() ) );
	// start the intro music if it wasn't disabled with the music cvar
	iphonePlayMusic( "intro" );
//	iphonePlayMusic( "e1m1" );
	// these should get overwritten by the config loading
	memset( &playState, 0, sizeof( playState ) );
	playState.map.skill = 1;
	playState.map.episode = 1;
	playState.map.map = 1;
	HudSetForScheme( 0 );
	// load the binary config file
	FILE *f = fopen( va( "%s/binaryConfig.bin", SysIphoneGetDocDir() ), "rb" );
	if ( f ) {
		int version;
		version = 0;
		fread( &version, 1, sizeof( version ), f );
		if ( version != VERSION_BCONFIG ) {
			Com_Printf( "Binary config file bad version.\n" );
		} else {
			fread( &playState, 1, sizeof( playState ), f );
			fread( &huds, 1, sizeof( huds ), f );

			version = 0;
			fread( &version, 1, sizeof( version ), f );
			if ( version != VERSION_BCONFIG ) {
				Com_Error( "Binary config file bad trailing version.\n" );
		fclose( f );

	Com_Printf( "startup time: %i msec\n", SysIphoneMilliseconds() - start );

	start = SysIphoneMilliseconds();
	// the texnums might have been different in the savegame
	arialFontTexture = PK_FindTexture( "iphone/arialImageLAL.tga" );
	Com_Printf( "preloadBeforePlay(): %i msec\n", SysIphoneMilliseconds() - start );	

	// prBoom seems to draw the static pic screens without setting up 2D, causing
	// a bad first frame
	menuState = IPM_MAIN;
    lastState = IPM_MAIN;
#if 0
	// jump right to the save spot for debugging