Exemplo n.º 1
void V_Move( int mx, int my )
	float fov;
	float fx, fy;
	float dx, dy;
	float c_x, c_y;
	float dX, dY;
	vec3_t forward, up, right;
	vec3_t newangles;

	vec3_t farpoint;
	pmtrace_t tr;

	fov = CalcFov( in_fov, (float)ScreenWidth, (float)ScreenHeight );

	c_x = (float)ScreenWidth / 2.0;
	c_y = (float)ScreenHeight / 2.0;

	dx = (float)mx - c_x;
	dy = (float)my - c_y;

	// Proportion we moved in each direction
	fx = dx / c_x;
	fy = dy / c_y;

	dX = fx * in_fov / 2.0 ;
	dY = fy * fov / 2.0;

	newangles = v_angles;

	newangles[ YAW ] -= dX;
	newangles[ PITCH ] += dY;

	// Now rotate v_forward around that point
	AngleVectors ( newangles, forward, right, up );

	farpoint = v_origin + 8192 * forward;

	// Trace
	tr = *(gEngfuncs.PM_TraceLine( (float *)&v_origin, (float *)&farpoint, PM_TRACELINE_PHYSENTSONLY, 2 /*point sized hull*/, -1 ));

	if ( tr.fraction != 1.0 && tr.ent != 0 )
		hitent = PM_GetPhysEntInfo( tr.ent );
		PM_ParticleLine( (float *)&v_origin, (float *)&tr.endpos, 5, 1.0, 0.0 );
		hitent = -1;
Exemplo n.º 2
// Get the origin of the Observer based around the target's position and angles
void V_GetChaseOrigin( float * angles, float * origin, float distance, float * returnvec )
	Vector vecStart, vecEnd;
	pmtrace_t *trace;
	int maxLoops = 8;

	Vector forward, right, up;

	// trace back from the target using the player's view angles
	AngleVectors( angles, forward, right, up );
	forward = -forward;

	vecStart = origin;
	vecEnd = vecStart + forward * distance;

	int ignoreent = -1;	// first, ignore no entity
	cl_entity_t *ent = NULL;

	while( maxLoops > 0 )
		trace = gEngfuncs.PM_TraceLine( vecStart, vecEnd, PM_TRACELINE_PHYSENTSONLY, 2, ignoreent );

		if( trace->ent <= 0 )
			break; // we hit the world or nothing, stop trace

		ent = gEngfuncs.GetEntityByIndex( PM_GetPhysEntInfo( trace->ent ));
		if( ent == NULL ) break;

		// hit non-player solid BSP, stop here
		if( ent->curstate.solid == SOLID_BSP && !ent->player )

		// if close enought to end pos, stop, otherwise continue trace
		if( trace->fraction < 1.0f )
			ignoreent = trace->ent;	// ignore last hit entity
			vecStart = trace->endpos;

	VectorMA( trace->endpos, 8, trace->plane.normal, returnvec );
	v_lastDistance = (trace->endpos - Vector(origin)).Length();	// real distance without offset
Exemplo n.º 3
// V_GetChaseOrigin
void V_GetChaseOrigin( const Vector &angles, const Vector &origin, float distance, Vector &returnvec )
	Vector vecStart, vecEnd;
	pmtrace_t *trace;
	int maxLoops = 8;

	Vector forward, right, up;	

	// trace back from the target using the player's view angles
	AngleVectors( angles, forward, right, up );
	forward = -forward;

	vecStart = origin;
	vecEnd = vecStart + forward * distance;

	int ignoreent = -1;	// first, ignore no entity
	cl_entity_t *ent = NULL;

	while( maxLoops > 0 )
		trace = gEngfuncs.PM_TraceLine( vecStart, vecEnd, PM_TRACELINE_PHYSENTSONLY, 2, ignoreent );
		if( trace->ent <= 0 ) break; // we hit the world or nothing, stop trace

		ent = GET_ENTITY( PM_GetPhysEntInfo( trace->ent ));
		if( ent == NULL ) break;

		// hit non-player solid BSP, stop here
		if( ent->curstate.solid == SOLID_BSP && !ent->player )

		// if close enought to end pos, stop, otherwise continue trace
		if(( vecEnd - trace->endpos ).Length() < 1.0f )
			ignoreent = trace->ent;	// ignore last hit entity
			vecStart = trace->endpos;

	returnvec = trace->endpos + trace->plane.normal * 8;
Exemplo n.º 4
// Get the origin of the Observer based around the target's position and angles
void V_GetChaseOrigin( float * angles, float * origin, float distance, float * returnvec )
	vec3_t	vecEnd;
	vec3_t	forward;
	vec3_t	vecStart;
	pmtrace_t * trace;
	int maxLoops = 8;

	int ignoreent = -1;	// first, ignore no entity
	cl_entity_t	 *	ent = NULL;
	// Trace back from the target using the player's view angles
	AngleVectors(angles, forward, NULL, NULL);

	VectorCopy( origin, vecStart );

	VectorMA(vecStart, distance , forward, vecEnd);

	while ( maxLoops > 0)
		trace = gEngfuncs.PM_TraceLine( vecStart, vecEnd, PM_TRACELINE_PHYSENTSONLY, 2, ignoreent );

		// WARNING! trace->ent is is the number in physent list not the normal entity number

		if ( trace->ent <= 0)
			break;	// we hit the world or nothing, stop trace

		ent = gEngfuncs.GetEntityByIndex( PM_GetPhysEntInfo( trace->ent ) );

		if ( ent == NULL )

		// hit non-player solid BSP , stop here
		if ( ent->curstate.solid == SOLID_BSP && !ent->player ) 

		// if close enought to end pos, stop, otherwise continue trace
		if( Distance(trace->endpos, vecEnd ) < 1.0f )
			ignoreent = trace->ent;	// ignore last hit entity
			VectorCopy( trace->endpos, vecStart);


/*	if ( ent )
		gEngfuncs.Con_Printf("Trace loops %i , entity %i, model %s, solid %i\n",(8-maxLoops),ent->curstate.number, ent->model->name , ent->curstate.solid ); 
	} */

	VectorMA( trace->endpos, 4, trace->plane.normal, returnvec );

	v_lastDistance = Distance(trace->endpos, origin);	// real distance without offset