Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: ne.c Projeto: AlexSteel/wine
void ne_dump( void )
    unsigned int i;
    const IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *dos;
    const IMAGE_OS2_HEADER *ne;

    dos = PRD(0, sizeof(*dos));
    if (!dos) return;
    ne = PRD(dos->e_lfanew, sizeof(*ne));

    if (globals.do_dumpheader || !globals.dumpsect)
        dump_ne_header( ne );
    if (globals.do_dumpheader)
        dump_ne_names( ne );
    if (globals.dumpsect)
        BOOL	all = strcmp(globals.dumpsect, "ALL") == 0;

        if (all || !strcmp(globals.dumpsect, "resource"))
            dump_ne_resources( ne );
        if (all || !strcmp(globals.dumpsect, "export"))
            dump_ne_exports( ne );
    if (globals.do_dumpheader)
        for (i = 1; i <= ne->ne_cseg; i++) dump_ne_segment( ne, i );
Exemplo n.º 2
static BOOL dump_cv_sst_module(const OMFDirEntry* omfde)
    const OMFModule*	module;
    const OMFSegDesc*	segDesc;
    int		i;

    module = PRD(Offset(cv_base) + omfde->lfo, sizeof(OMFModule));
    if (!module) {printf("Can't get the OMF-Module, aborting\n"); return FALSE;}

    printf("    olvNumber:          %u\n", module->ovlNumber);
    printf("    iLib:               %u\n", module->iLib);
    printf("    cSeg:               %u\n", module->cSeg);
    printf("    Style:              %c%c\n", module->Style[0], module->Style[1]);
    printf("    Name:               %.*s\n",
	   *(const BYTE*)((const char*)(module + 1) + sizeof(OMFSegDesc) * module->cSeg),
	   (const char*)(module + 1) + sizeof(OMFSegDesc) * module->cSeg + 1);

    segDesc = PRD(Offset(module + 1), sizeof(OMFSegDesc) * module->cSeg);
    if (!segDesc) {printf("Can't get the OMF-SegDesc, aborting\n"); return FALSE;}

    for (i = 0; i < module->cSeg; i++)
	printf ("      segment #%2d: offset = [0x%8x], size = [0x%8x]\n",
		segDesc->Seg, segDesc->Off, segDesc->cbSeg);
    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 3
static BOOL dump_cv_sst_seg_map(const OMFDirEntry* omfde)
    const OMFSegMap*		segMap;
    const OMFSegMapDesc*	segMapDesc;
    int		i;

    segMap = PRD(Offset(cv_base) + omfde->lfo, sizeof(OMFSegMap));
    if (!segMap) {printf("Can't get SegMap, aborting\n");return FALSE;}

    printf("    cSeg:          %u\n", segMap->cSeg);
    printf("    cSegLog:       %u\n", segMap->cSegLog);

    segMapDesc = PRD(Offset(segMap + 1), segMap->cSeg * sizeof(OMFSegDesc));
    if (!segMapDesc) {printf("Can't get SegDescr array, aborting\n");return FALSE;}

    for (i = 0; i < segMap->cSeg; i++)
	printf("    SegDescr #%2d\n", i + 1);
	printf("      flags:         %04X\n", segMapDesc[i].flags);
	printf("      ovl:           %u\n", segMapDesc[i].ovl);
	printf("      group:         %u\n", segMapDesc[i].group);
	printf("      frame:         %u\n", segMapDesc[i].frame);
	printf("      iSegName:      %u\n", segMapDesc[i].iSegName);
	printf("      iClassName:    %u\n", segMapDesc[i].iClassName);
	printf("      offset:        %lu\n", segMapDesc[i].offset);
	printf("      cbSeg:         %lu\n", segMapDesc[i].cbSeg);

    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 4
static BOOL dump_cv_sst_global_types(const OMFDirEntry* omfde)
    long	        fileoffset;
    const OMFGlobalTypes*types;
    const BYTE*         data;
    unsigned            sz;

    fileoffset = Offset(cv_base) + omfde->lfo;
    printf ("    GlobalTypes section starts at file offset 0x%lx\n", fileoffset);

    printf ("\n                           ----- Begin Global Types Table -----\n");

    types = PRD(fileoffset, sizeof(OMFGlobalTypes));
    if (!types) {printf("Can't get OMF-GlobalTypes, aborting\n");return FALSE;}

    sz = omfde->cb - sizeof(OMFGlobalTypes) - sizeof(DWORD) * types->cTypes;
    data = PRD(fileoffset + sizeof(OMFGlobalTypes) + sizeof(DWORD) * types->cTypes, sz);
    if (!data) {printf("Can't OMF-SymHash details, aborting\n"); return FALSE;}

    /* doc says:
     * - for NB07 & NB08 (that we don't support yet), offsets are from types
     * - for NB09, offsets are from data
     * For now, we only support the latter
    codeview_dump_types_from_offsets(data, (const DWORD*)(types + 1), types->cTypes);

    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 5
static const IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32 *get_nt_header( void )
    const IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *dos;
    dos = PRD(0, sizeof(*dos));
    if (!dos) return NULL;
    return PRD(dos->e_lfanew, sizeof(DWORD) + sizeof(IMAGE_FILE_HEADER));
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: lnk.c Projeto: Sunmonds/wine
static const void* fetch_block(void)
    const unsigned*     u;
    const void*         ret;

    if (!(u = PRD(offset, sizeof(*u)))) return 0;
    if ((ret = PRD(offset, *u)))   offset += *u;
    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: lnk.c Projeto: Sunmonds/wine
static const lnk_string* fetch_string(int unicode)
    const unsigned short*       s;
    unsigned short              len;
    const void*                 ret;

    if (!(s = PRD(offset, sizeof(*s)))) return 0;
    len = *s * (unicode ? sizeof(WCHAR) : sizeof(char));
    if ((ret = PRD(offset, sizeof(*s) + len)))  offset += sizeof(*s) + len;
    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: pdb.c Projeto: Sunmonds/wine
enum FileSig get_kind_pdb(void)
    const char* head;

    head = PRD(0, sizeof(pdb2) - 1);
    if (head && !memcmp(head, pdb2, sizeof(pdb2) - 1))
        return SIG_PDB;
    head = PRD(0, sizeof(pdb7) - 1);
    if (head && !memcmp(head, pdb7, sizeof(pdb7) - 1))
        return SIG_PDB;
    return SIG_UNKNOWN;
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: ne.c Projeto: AlexSteel/wine
static void dump_ne_resources( const IMAGE_OS2_HEADER *ne )
    const NE_NAMEINFO *name;
    const void *res_ptr = (const char *)ne + ne->ne_rsrctab;
    WORD size_shift = get_word(res_ptr);
    const NE_TYPEINFO *info = (const NE_TYPEINFO *)((const WORD *)res_ptr + 1);
    int count;

    printf( "\nResources:\n" );
    while (info->type_id != 0 && (const char *)info < (const char *)ne + ne->ne_restab)
        name = (const NE_NAMEINFO *)(info + 1);
        for (count = info->count; count > 0; count--, name++)
            if (name->id & 0x8000) printf( "  %d", (name->id & ~0x8000) );
            else printf( "  %.*s", *((const unsigned char *)res_ptr + name->id),
                         (const char *)res_ptr + name->id + 1 );
            if (info->type_id & 0x8000) printf( " %s", get_resource_type(info->type_id) );
            else printf( " %.*s", *((const unsigned char *)res_ptr + info->type_id),
                         (const char *)res_ptr + info->type_id + 1 );
            printf(" flags %04x length %04x\n", name->flags, name->length << size_shift);
            dump_data( PRD(name->offset << size_shift, name->length << size_shift),
                       name->length << size_shift, "    " );
        info = (const NE_TYPEINFO *)name;
Exemplo n.º 10
void	dump_frame_pointer_omission(unsigned long base, unsigned long len)
    const FPO_DATA*     fpo;
    const FPO_DATA*     last;
    const char*         x;
    /* FPO is used to describe nonstandard stack frames */
    printf("Range             #loc #pmt Prlg #reg Info\n"

    fpo = PRD(base, len);
    if (!fpo) {printf("Couldn't get FPO blob\n"); return;}
    last = (const FPO_DATA*)((const char*)fpo + len);

    while (fpo < last && fpo->ulOffStart)
        switch (fpo->cbFrame)
        case FRAME_FPO: x = "FRAME_FPO"; break;
        case FRAME_NONFPO: x = "FRAME_NONFPO"; break;
        case FRAME_TRAP: x = "FRAME_TRAP"; break;
        case FRAME_TSS: x = "case FRAME_TSS"; break;
        default: x = NULL; break;
        printf("%08x-%08x %4u %4u %4u %4u %s%s%s\n",
               fpo->ulOffStart, fpo->ulOffStart + fpo->cbProcSize,
               fpo->cdwLocals, fpo->cdwParams, fpo->cbProlog, fpo->cbRegs,
               x, fpo->fHasSEH ? " SEH" : "", fpo->fUseBP ? " UseBP" : "");
Exemplo n.º 11
void	dump_coff(unsigned long coffbase, unsigned long len, const IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER* sectHead)
    const IMAGE_COFF_SYMBOLS_HEADER *coff = PRD(coffbase, len);
    const IMAGE_SYMBOL              *coff_symbols =
                                        (const IMAGE_SYMBOL *) ((const char *)coff + coff->LvaToFirstSymbol);

    dump_coff_symbol_table(coff_symbols, coff->NumberOfSymbols, sectHead);
Exemplo n.º 12
Arquivo: le.c Projeto: AlexSteel/wine
void le_dump( void )
    const IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *dos;
    const IMAGE_VXD_HEADER *le;

    dos = PRD(0, sizeof(*dos));
    if (!dos) return;
    le = PRD(dos->e_lfanew, sizeof(*le));

    dump_le_header( le );
    dump_le_objects( le );
    dump_le_resources( le );
    dump_le_names( le );
    dump_le_entries( le );
    dump_le_modules( le );
    dump_le_fixups( le );
    dump_le_VxD( le );
Exemplo n.º 13
Arquivo: pdb.c Projeto: Sunmonds/wine
static void pdb_jg_init(struct pdb_reader* reader)
    reader->u.jg.header = PRD(0, sizeof(struct PDB_JG_HEADER));
    reader->read_file = pdb_jg_read_file;
    reader->u.jg.toc = pdb_jg_read(reader->u.jg.header, 
    memset(reader->file_used, 0, sizeof(reader->file_used));
Exemplo n.º 14
enum FileSig get_kind_emf(void)
    const ENHMETAHEADER*        hdr;

    hdr = PRD(0, sizeof(*hdr));
    if (hdr && hdr->iType == EMR_HEADER && hdr->dSignature == ENHMETA_SIGNATURE)
        return SIG_EMF;
    return SIG_UNKNOWN;
Exemplo n.º 15
static BOOL dump_cv_sst_align_sym(const OMFDirEntry* omfde)
    const char* rawdata = PRD(Offset(cv_base) + omfde->lfo, omfde->cb);

    if (!rawdata) {printf("Can't get srcAlignSym subsection details, aborting\n");return FALSE;}
    if (omfde->cb < sizeof(DWORD)) return TRUE;
    codeview_dump_symbols(rawdata + sizeof(DWORD), omfde->cb - sizeof(DWORD));

    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 16
Arquivo: tlb.c Projeto: evelikov/wine
static const void *tlb_read(int size) {
    const void *ret = PRD(offset, size);

        offset += size;
        msft_eof = -1;

    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 17
Arquivo: lnk.c Projeto: Sunmonds/wine
enum FileSig get_kind_lnk(void)
    const LINK_HEADER*        hdr;

    hdr = PRD(0, sizeof(*hdr));
    if (hdr && hdr->dwSize == sizeof(LINK_HEADER) &&
        !memcmp(&hdr->MagicGuid, &CLSID_ShellLink, sizeof(GUID)))
        return SIG_LNK;
    return SIG_UNKNOWN;
Exemplo n.º 18
Arquivo: pdb.c Projeto: Sunmonds/wine
void pdb_dump(void)
    const char* head;

/*    init_types(); */
    head = PRD(0, sizeof(pdb2) - 1);
    if (head && !memcmp(head, pdb2, sizeof(pdb2) - 1))
    head = PRD(0, sizeof(pdb7) - 1);
    if (head && !memcmp(head, pdb7, sizeof(pdb7) - 1))
    printf("Unrecognized header %s\n", head);
Exemplo n.º 19
static int is_fake_dll( void )
    static const char fakedll_signature[] = "Wine placeholder DLL";
    const IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *dos;

    dos = PRD(0, sizeof(*dos) + sizeof(fakedll_signature));

    if (dos && dos->e_lfanew >= sizeof(*dos) + sizeof(fakedll_signature) &&
        !memcmp( dos + 1, fakedll_signature, sizeof(fakedll_signature) )) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 20
Arquivo: pdb.c Projeto: Sunmonds/wine
static BOOL pdb_ds_init(struct pdb_reader* reader)
    reader->u.ds.header = PRD(0, sizeof(*reader->u.ds.header));
    if (!reader->u.ds.header) return FALSE;
    reader->read_file = pdb_ds_read_file;
    reader->u.ds.toc = pdb_ds_read(reader->u.ds.header, 
                                   (const DWORD*)((const char*)reader->u.ds.header + reader->u.ds.header->toc_page * reader->u.ds.header->block_size),
    memset(reader->file_used, 0, sizeof(reader->file_used));
    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 21
static void dump_codeview_all_modules(const OMFDirHeader *omfdh)
    unsigned 		i;
    const OMFDirEntry*  dirEntry;
    const char*		str;

    if (!omfdh || !omfdh->cDir) return;

    dirEntry = PRD(Offset(omfdh + 1), omfdh->cDir * sizeof(OMFDirEntry));
    if (!dirEntry) {printf("Can't read DirEntry array, aborting\n"); return;}

    for (i = 0; i < omfdh->cDir; i++)
	switch (dirEntry[i].SubSection)
	case sstModule:		str = "sstModule";	break;
	case sstAlignSym:	str = "sstAlignSym";	break;
	case sstSrcModule:	str = "sstSrcModule";	break;
	case sstLibraries:	str = "sstLibraries";	break;
	case sstGlobalSym:	str = "sstGlobalSym";	break;
	case sstGlobalPub:	str = "sstGlobalPub";	break;
	case sstGlobalTypes:	str = "sstGlobalTypes";	break;
	case sstSegMap:		str = "sstSegMap";	break;
	case sstFileIndex:	str = "sstFileIndex";	break;
	case sstStaticSym:	str = "sstStaticSym";	break;
	default:		str = "<undefined>";	break;
	printf("Module #%2d (%p)\n", i + 1, &dirEntry[i]);
	printf("  SubSection:            %04X (%s)\n", dirEntry[i].SubSection, str);
	printf("  iMod:                  %d\n", dirEntry[i].iMod);
	printf("  lfo:                   %d\n", dirEntry[i].lfo);
	printf("  cb:                    %u\n", dirEntry[i].cb);

	switch (dirEntry[i].SubSection)
	case sstModule:		dump_cv_sst_module(&dirEntry[i]);	break;
	case sstAlignSym:	dump_cv_sst_align_sym(&dirEntry[i]);	break;
	case sstSrcModule:	dump_cv_sst_src_module(&dirEntry[i]);	break;
	case sstLibraries:	dump_cv_sst_libraries(&dirEntry[i]);	break;
	case sstGlobalSym:	dump_cv_sst_global_sym(&dirEntry[i]);	break;
	case sstGlobalPub:	dump_cv_sst_global_pub(&dirEntry[i]);	break;
	case sstGlobalTypes:	dump_cv_sst_global_types(&dirEntry[i]);	break;
	case sstSegMap:		dump_cv_sst_seg_map(&dirEntry[i]);	break;
	case sstFileIndex:	dump_cv_sst_file_index(&dirEntry[i]);	break;
	case sstStaticSym:	dump_cv_sst_static_sym(&dirEntry[i]);	break;
	default:		printf("unsupported type %x\n", dirEntry[i].SubSection); break;

Exemplo n.º 22
static BOOL dump_cv_sst_global_pub(const OMFDirEntry* omfde)
    long	        fileoffset;
    const OMFSymHash*   header;
    const BYTE*	        symbols;

    fileoffset = Offset(cv_base) + omfde->lfo;
    printf ("    GlobalPub section starts at file offset 0x%lx\n", fileoffset);
    printf ("    Symbol table starts at 0x%lx\n", fileoffset + sizeof (OMFSymHash));

    printf ("\n                           ----- Begin Symbol Table -----\n");

    header = PRD(fileoffset, sizeof(OMFSymHash));
    if (!header) {printf("Can't get OMF-SymHash, aborting\n");return FALSE;}

    symbols = PRD(fileoffset + sizeof(OMFSymHash), header->cbSymbol);
    if (!symbols) {printf("Can't OMF-SymHash details, aborting\n"); return FALSE;}

    codeview_dump_symbols(symbols, header->cbSymbol);

    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 23
Arquivo: ne.c Projeto: AlexSteel/wine
static void dump_ne_segment( const IMAGE_OS2_HEADER *ne, int segnum )
    const struct ne_segtable_entry *table = (const struct ne_segtable_entry *)((const BYTE *)ne + ne->ne_segtab);
    const struct ne_segtable_entry *seg = table + segnum - 1;

    printf( "\nSegment %d:\n", segnum );
    printf( "  File offset: %08x\n", seg->seg_data_offset << ne->ne_align );
    printf( "  Length:      %08x\n", seg->seg_data_length );
    printf( "  Flags:       %08x %s\n", seg->seg_flags, get_seg_flags(seg->seg_flags) );
    printf( "  Alloc size:  %08x\n", seg->min_alloc );
    if (seg->seg_flags & NE_SEGFLAGS_RELOC_DATA)
        const BYTE *ptr = PRD((seg->seg_data_offset << ne->ne_align) + seg->seg_data_length, 0);
        WORD count = get_word(ptr);
        ptr += sizeof(WORD);
        printf( "  Relocations:\n" );
        dump_relocations( ne, count, (const struct relocation_entry *)ptr );
Exemplo n.º 24
static const void*	RVA(unsigned long rva, unsigned long len)
    int				i;

    if (rva == 0) return NULL;

    sectHead = IMAGE_FIRST_SECTION(PE_nt_headers);
    for (i = PE_nt_headers->FileHeader.NumberOfSections - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        if (sectHead[i].VirtualAddress <= rva &&
            rva + len <= (DWORD)sectHead[i].VirtualAddress + sectHead[i].SizeOfRawData)
            /* return image import directory offset */
            return PRD(sectHead[i].PointerToRawData + rva - sectHead[i].VirtualAddress, len);

    return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 25
Arquivo: ne.c Projeto: AlexSteel/wine
static void dump_ne_names( const IMAGE_OS2_HEADER *ne )
    const unsigned char *pstr = (const unsigned char *)ne + ne->ne_restab;

    printf( "\nResident name table:\n" );
    while (*pstr)
        printf( " %4d: %*.*s\n", get_word(pstr + *pstr + 1), *pstr, *pstr, pstr + 1 );
        pstr += *pstr + 1 + sizeof(WORD);
    if (ne->ne_cbnrestab)
        unsigned int pos = ne->ne_nrestab;
        printf( "\nNon-resident name table:\n" );
        while ((pstr = PRD(pos, 0)) && *pstr)
            printf( " %4d: %*.*s\n", get_word(pstr + *pstr + 1), *pstr, *pstr, pstr + 1 );
            pos += *pstr + 1 + sizeof(WORD);
Exemplo n.º 26
int main()
	int i;
	int* p;
	for (i = 0; i <= 4; i++) PRD(a[i]);        // 01234
	for (p = &a[0]; p <= &a[4]; p++) PRD(*p);      // 01234
	for (p = &a[0], i = 0; i <= 4; i++) PRD(p[i]);    // 01234
	for (p = a, i = 0; p + i <= a + 4; p++, i++) PRD(*(p + i));  // 024
	for (p = a + 4; p >= a; p--) PRD(*p);        // 43210
	for (p = a + 4, i = 0; i <= 4; i++) PRD(p[-i]);     // 43210
	for (p = a + 4; p >= a; p--) PRD(a[p - a]);      // 43210
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 27
Arquivo: le.c Projeto: AlexSteel/wine
static void dump_le_names( const IMAGE_VXD_HEADER *le )
    const unsigned char *pstr = (const unsigned char *)le + le->e32_restab;

    printf( "\nResident name table:\n" );
    while (*pstr)
        printf( " %4d: %*.*s\n", get_word(pstr + *pstr + 1), *pstr, *pstr,
                pstr + 1 );
        pstr += *pstr + 1 + sizeof(WORD);
    if (le->e32_cbnrestab)
        printf( "\nNon-resident name table:\n" );
        pstr = PRD(le->e32_nrestab, 0);
        while (*pstr)
            printf( " %4d: %*.*s\n", get_word(pstr + *pstr + 1), *pstr, *pstr,
                    pstr + 1 );
            pstr += *pstr + 1 + sizeof(WORD);
Exemplo n.º 28
Arquivo: ne.c Projeto: AlexSteel/wine
static const char *get_export_name( const IMAGE_OS2_HEADER *ne, int ordinal )
    static char name[256];
    const BYTE *pstr;
    int pass = 0;

    /* search the resident names */

    while (pass < 2)
        if (pass == 0)  /* resident names */
            pstr = (const BYTE *)ne + ne->ne_restab;
            if (*pstr) pstr += *pstr + 1 + sizeof(WORD);  /* skip first entry (module name) */
        else  /* non-resident names */
            if (!ne->ne_cbnrestab) break;
            pstr = PRD(ne->ne_nrestab, 0);
        while (*pstr)
            WORD ord = get_word(pstr + *pstr + 1);
            if (ord == ordinal)
                memcpy( name, pstr + 1, *pstr );
                name[*pstr] = 0;
                return name;
            pstr += *pstr + 1 + sizeof(WORD);
    name[0] = 0;
    return name;
Exemplo n.º 29
static void dump_codeview_headers(unsigned long base, unsigned long len)
    const OMFDirHeader* dirHeader;
    const char*         signature;
    const OMFDirEntry*  dirEntry;
    const OMFSignature* sig;
    unsigned		i;
    int modulecount = 0, alignsymcount = 0, srcmodulecount = 0, librariescount = 0;
    int globalsymcount = 0, globalpubcount = 0, globaltypescount = 0;
    int segmapcount = 0, fileindexcount = 0, staticsymcount = 0;

    cv_base = PRD(base, len);
    if (!cv_base) {printf("Can't get full debug content, aborting\n");return;}

    signature = cv_base;

    printf("    CodeView Data\n");
    printf("      Signature:         %.4s\n", signature);

    if (memcmp(signature, "NB10", 4) == 0)
	const CODEVIEW_PDB_DATA* pdb_data;
	pdb_data = (const void *)cv_base;

        printf("      Filepos:           0x%08lX\n", pdb_data->filepos);
	printf("      TimeStamp:         %08X (%s)\n",
	       pdb_data->timestamp, get_time_str(pdb_data->timestamp));
	printf("      Age:               %08X\n", pdb_data->age);
	printf("      Filename:          %s\n", pdb_data->name);
    if (memcmp(signature, "RSDS", 4) == 0)
	const OMFSignatureRSDS* rsds_data;

	rsds_data = (const void *)cv_base;
	printf("      Guid:              %s\n", get_guid_str(&rsds_data->guid));
	printf("      Age:               %08X\n", rsds_data->age);
	printf("      Filename:          %s\n", rsds_data->name);

    if (memcmp(signature, "NB09", 4) != 0 && memcmp(signature, "NB11", 4) != 0)
	printf("Unsupported signature (%.4s), aborting\n", signature);

    sig = cv_base;

    printf("      Filepos:           0x%08lX\n", sig->filepos);

    dirHeader = PRD(Offset(cv_base) + sig->filepos, sizeof(OMFDirHeader));
    if (!dirHeader) {printf("Can't get debug header, aborting\n"); return;}

    printf("      Size of header:    0x%4X\n", dirHeader->cbDirHeader);
    printf("      Size per entry:    0x%4X\n", dirHeader->cbDirEntry);
    printf("      # of entries:      0x%8X (%d)\n", dirHeader->cDir, dirHeader->cDir);
    printf("      Offset to NextDir: 0x%8X\n", dirHeader->lfoNextDir);
    printf("      Flags:             0x%8X\n", dirHeader->flags);

    if (!dirHeader->cDir) return;

    dirEntry = PRD(Offset(dirHeader + 1), sizeof(OMFDirEntry) * dirHeader->cDir);
    if (!dirEntry) {printf("Can't get DirEntry array, aborting\n");return;}

    for (i = 0; i < dirHeader->cDir; i++)
	switch (dirEntry[i].SubSection)
	case sstModule:		modulecount++;		break;
	case sstAlignSym:	alignsymcount++;	break;
	case sstSrcModule:	srcmodulecount++;	break;
	case sstLibraries:	librariescount++;	break;
	case sstGlobalSym:	globalsymcount++;	break;
	case sstGlobalPub:	globalpubcount++;	break;
	case sstGlobalTypes:	globaltypescount++;	break;
	case sstSegMap:		segmapcount++;		break;
	case sstFileIndex:	fileindexcount++;	break;
	case sstStaticSym:	staticsymcount++;	break;

    /* This one has to be > 0
    printf ("\nFound: %d sstModule subsections\n", modulecount);

    if (alignsymcount > 0)    printf ("       %d sstAlignSym subsections\n", alignsymcount);
    if (srcmodulecount > 0)   printf ("       %d sstSrcModule subsections\n", srcmodulecount);
    if (librariescount > 0)   printf ("       %d sstLibraries subsections\n", librariescount);
    if (globalsymcount > 0)   printf ("       %d sstGlobalSym subsections\n", globalsymcount);
    if (globalpubcount > 0)   printf ("       %d sstGlobalPub subsections\n", globalpubcount);
    if (globaltypescount > 0) printf ("       %d sstGlobalTypes subsections\n", globaltypescount);
    if (segmapcount > 0)      printf ("       %d sstSegMap subsections\n", segmapcount);
    if (fileindexcount > 0)   printf ("       %d sstFileIndex subsections\n", fileindexcount);
    if (staticsymcount > 0)   printf ("       %d sstStaticSym subsections\n", staticsymcount);

Exemplo n.º 30
Arquivo: tlb.c Projeto: evelikov/wine
enum FileSig get_kind_msft(void)
    const DWORD *sig = PRD(0, sizeof(DWORD));
    return sig && *sig == MSFT_MAGIC ? SIG_MSFT : SIG_UNKNOWN;