Exemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    parse_options(argc, argv);
    strcpy(status, EMPTY_LINE);
    /*  read_complete();            no tab-completion */

    if (ui_own_output || tty)
    Legal crap does _not_ belong here.  Anyone interested in the license
can check the files accompanying KBtin, without any need of being spammed
every time.  It is not GNU bc or something similar, we don't want half
a screenful of all-uppercase (cAPS kEY IS STUCK AGAIN?) text that no one
ever wants to read -- that is what docs are for.
        tintin_printf(0, "~2~##########################################################");
        tintin_printf(0, "#~7~               ~12~K B ~3~t i n~7~    v %-25s ~2~#", VERSION);
        tintin_printf(0, "#                                                        #");
        tintin_printf(0, "#~7~ current developer: ~9~Adam Borowski ([email protected]~7~) ~2~#");
        tintin_printf(0, "#                                                        #");
        tintin_printf(0, "#~7~ based on ~12~tintin++~7~ v 2.1.9 by Peter Unold, Bill Reiss,  ~2~#");
        tintin_printf(0, "#~7~   David A. Wagner, Joann Ellsworth, Jeremy C. Jack,    ~2~#");
        tintin_printf(0, "#~7~          Ulan@GrimneMUD and Jakub Narębski             ~2~#");
        tintin_printf(0, "##########################################################~7~");
        tintin_printf(0, "~15~#session <name> <host> <port> ~7~to connect to a remote server");
        tintin_printf(0, "                              ~8~#ses t2t t2tmud.org 9999");
        tintin_printf(0, "~15~#run <name> <command>         ~7~to run a local command");
        tintin_printf(0, "                              ~8~#run advent adventure");
        tintin_printf(0, "                              ~8~#run sql mysql");
        tintin_printf(0, "~15~#help                         ~7~to get the help index");

    return 0;
/* *************************** *
 *  Main computational kernel  *
 * *************************** */
int correlationKernel(int rank,
                      int size,
                      double* dataMatrixX,
                      double* dataMatrixY,
                      int columns,
                      int rows,
                      char *out_filename,
                      int distance_flag) {

    int local_check = 0, global_check = 0;
    int i = 0, j, taskNo;
    int err, count = 0;
    unsigned long long fair_chunk = 0, coeff_count = 0;
    unsigned int init_and_cleanup_loop_iter=0;
    unsigned long long cor_cur_size = 0;
    double start_time, end_time;

    // Variables needed by the Indexed Datatype
    MPI_Datatype coeff_index_dt;
    MPI_File fh;
    int *blocklens, *indices;

    MPI_Status stat;
    MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;

    // Master processor keeps track of tasks
    if (rank == 0) {

        // Make sure everything will work fine even if there are
        // less genes than available workers (there are size-1 workers
        // master does not count)
        if ( (size-1) > rows )
            init_and_cleanup_loop_iter = rows+1;
            init_and_cleanup_loop_iter = size;

        // Start timer
        start_time = MPI_Wtime();

        // Send out initial tasks (remember you have size-1 workers, master does not count)
        for (i=1; i<init_and_cleanup_loop_iter; i++) {
            taskNo = i-1;
            err = MPI_Send(&taskNo, 1, MPI_INT, i, 0, comm);

        // Terminate any processes that were not working due to the fact
        // that the number of rows where less than the actual available workers
        for(i=init_and_cleanup_loop_iter; i < size; i++) {
            PROF(rank, "\nPROF_idle : Worker %d terminated due to insufficient work load", i);
            err = -1;
            err = MPI_Send(&err, 1, MPI_INT, i, 0, comm);

        // Wait for workers to finish their work assignment and ask for more
        for (i=init_and_cleanup_loop_iter-1; i<rows; i++) {
            err = MPI_Recv(&taskNo, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, 0, comm, &stat);

            // Check taskNo to make sure everything is ok. Negative means there is problem
            // thus terminate gracefully all remaining working workers
            if ( taskNo < 0 ) {
                // Reduce by one because one worker is already terminated
                // Break and cleanup

            // The sending processor is ready to work:
            // It's ID is in stat.MPI_SOURCE
            // Send it the current task (i)
            err = MPI_Send(&i, 1, MPI_INT, stat.MPI_SOURCE, 0, comm);

        // Clean up processors
        for (i=1; i<init_and_cleanup_loop_iter; i++) {
            // All tasks complete - shutdown workers
            err = MPI_Recv(&taskNo, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, 0, comm, &stat);
            // If process failed then it will not be waiting to receive anything
            // We have to ignore the send because it will deadlock
            if ( taskNo < 0 )
            err = -1;
            err = MPI_Send(&err, 1, MPI_INT, stat.MPI_SOURCE, 0, comm);

        // Master is *always* OK
        local_check = 0;
        MPI_Allreduce(&local_check, &global_check, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

        // Check failed, abort
        if ( global_check != 0 ) {
            return -1;
        // Stop timer
        end_time = MPI_Wtime();
        PROF(rank, "\nPROF_comp (workers=%d) : Time taken by correlation coefficients computations : %g\n", size-1, end_time - start_time);

        // Start timer
        start_time = MPI_Wtime();

        // Master process must call MPI_File_set_view as well, it's a collective call
        // Open the file handler
        MPI_File_open(comm, out_filename, MPI_MODE_CREATE | MPI_MODE_WRONLY, MPI_INFO_NULL, &fh);

        // Create the file view
        MPI_File_set_view(fh, 0, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_DOUBLE, "native", MPI_INFO_NULL);

        // Write data to disk
        MPI_File_write_all(fh, &cor[0], 0, MPI_DOUBLE, &stat);

        // Stop timer
        end_time = MPI_Wtime();
        PROF(rank, "\nPROF_write (workers=%d) : Time taken for global write-file : %g\n",  size-1, end_time - start_time);

    } else {

        // Compute how many workers will share the work load
        // Two scenarios exist:
        // (1) more OR equal number of workers and rows exist
        // (2) more rows than workers
        if ( (size-1) > rows ) {
            // For this scenario each worker will get exaclty one work asssignment.
            // There is not going to be any other work so it only compute "rows" number
            // of coefficients
            fair_chunk = rows;
            cor_cur_size = fair_chunk;
        } else {
            // For this scenario we are going to allocate space equal to a fair
            // distribution of work assignments *plus* an extra amount of space to
            // cover any load imbalancing. This amount is expressed as a percentage
            // of the fair work distribution (see on top, 20% for now)

            // Plus 1 to round it up or just add some extra space, both are fine
            fair_chunk = (rows / (size-1)) + 1;
            DEBUG("fair_chunk %d \n", fair_chunk);

            // We can use "j" as temporary variable.
            // Plus 1 to avoid getting 0 from the multiplication.
            j = (fair_chunk * MEM_PERC) + 1;

            cor_cur_size = (fair_chunk + j) * rows;
            DEBUG("cor_cur_size %lld \n", cor_cur_size);

        // Allocate memory
        DEBUG("cor_cur_size %lld \n", cor_cur_size);
        long long double_size = sizeof(double);
        DEBUG("malloc size %lld \n", (double_size * cor_cur_size));
        cor = (double *)malloc(double_size * cor_cur_size);

        blocklens = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * rows);
        indices = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * rows);

        mean_value_vectorX = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double) * rows);
        Sxx_vector = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double) * rows);
        mean_value_vectorY = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double) * rows);
        Syy_vector = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double) * rows);

        // Check that all memory is successfully allocated
        if ( ( cor == NULL ) || ( blocklens == NULL ) || ( indices == NULL ) || 
             ( mean_value_vectorX == NULL ) || ( Sxx_vector == NULL ) ||
             ( mean_value_vectorY == NULL ) || ( Syy_vector == NULL ) ) {
            ERR("**ERROR** : Memory allocation failed on worker process %d. Aborting.\n", rank);

            // Free allocated memory
            free_all(cor, blocklens, indices, mean_value_vectorX, Sxx_vector, mean_value_vectorY, Syy_vector);

            // Let the master process know its aborting in order to terminate
            // the rest of the working workers
            // We have to receive a work assignment first and then terminate
            // otherwise the master will deadlock trying to give work to this worker
            err = MPI_Recv(&taskNo, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 0, comm, &stat);
            taskNo = -1;
            err = MPI_Send(&taskNo, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 0, comm);

            // This worker failed
            local_check = 1;
            MPI_Allreduce(&local_check, &global_check, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

            return -1;

        // Compute necessary parameters for Pearson method
        // (this will transform the values of the input array to more meaningful data
        //  and save us from a lot of redundant computations)
        compute_parameters(dataMatrixX, dataMatrixY, rows, columns);

        // Main loop for workers. They get work from master, compute coefficients,
        // save them to their *local* vector and ask for more work
        for(;;) {
            // Get work
            err = 0;
            err = MPI_Recv(&taskNo, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 0, comm, &stat);

            // If received task is -1, function is terminated
            if ( taskNo == -1 )  break;

            // Check if there is enough memory to store the new coefficients, if not reallocate
            // the current memory and expand it by MEM_PERC of the approximated size
            if ( cor_cur_size < (coeff_count + rows) ) {
                PROF(0, "\n**WARNING** : Worker process %3d run out of memory and reallocates. Potential work imbalancing\n", rank);
                DEBUG("\n**WARNING** : Worker process %3d run out of memory and reallocates. Potential work imbalancing\n", rank);

                // Use j as temporary again. Add two (or any other value) to avoid 0.
                // (two is just a random value, you can put any value really...)
                j = (fair_chunk * MEM_PERC) + 2;
                cor_cur_size += (j * rows);

                // Reallocate and check
                cor = (double *)realloc(cor, sizeof(double) * cor_cur_size);
                if ( cor == NULL ) {
                    ERR("**ERROR** : Memory re-allocation failed on worker process %d. Aborting.\n", rank);

                    // Let the master process know its aborting in order to terminate
                    // the rest of the working workers
                    taskNo = -1;
                    err = MPI_Send(&taskNo, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 0, comm);

                    // This worker failed
                    local_check = 1;
                    MPI_Allreduce(&local_check, &global_check, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

                    // Free all allocated memory
                    free_all(cor, blocklens, indices, mean_value_vectorX, Sxx_vector, mean_value_vectorY, Syy_vector);

                    return -1;

            // Compute the correlation coefficients
            if(dataMatrixY != NULL) {
              for (j=0; j < rows; j++) {
                cor[coeff_count] = pearson_XY(dataMatrixX, dataMatrixY, j, taskNo, columns);

            } else {
              for (j=0; j < rows; j++) {
                // Set main diagonal to 1
                if ( j == taskNo ) {
                  cor[coeff_count] = 1.0;
                cor[coeff_count] = pearson(dataMatrixX, taskNo, j, columns);

            // The value of blocklens[] represents the number of coefficients on each
            // row of the corellation array
            blocklens[count] = rows;

            // The value of indices[] represents the offset of each row in the data file
            indices[count] = (taskNo * rows);

            // Give the master the taskID
            err = MPI_Send(&taskNo, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 0, comm);

        // There are two possibilities
        //   (a) everything went well and all workers finished ok
        //   (b) some processes finished ok but one or more of the remaining working workers failed
        // To make sure all is well an all-reduce will be performed to sync all workers and guarantee success
        // before moving on to write the output file
        // This worker is OK
        local_check = 0;
        MPI_Allreduce(&local_check, &global_check, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

        // Check failed
        if ( global_check != 0 ) {
            // Free all allocated memory
          free_all(cor, blocklens, indices, mean_value_vectorX, Sxx_vector, mean_value_vectorY, Syy_vector);
            return -1;

        PROF(0, "\nPROF_stats (thread %3d) : Fair chunk of work : %d \t\t Allocated : %d \t\t Computed : %d\n",
                rank, fair_chunk, cor_cur_size, coeff_count);

        // If the distance_flag is set, then transform all correlation coefficients to distances
        if ( distance_flag == 1 ) {
            for(j=0; j < coeff_count; j++) {
                cor[j] = 1 - cor[j];

        // Create and commit the Indexed datatype *ONLY* if there are data available
        if ( coeff_count != 0 ) {
            MPI_Type_indexed(count, blocklens, indices, MPI_DOUBLE, &coeff_index_dt);

        // Open the file handler
        MPI_File_open(comm, out_filename, MPI_MODE_CREATE | MPI_MODE_WRONLY, MPI_INFO_NULL, &fh);

        // Create the file view
        if ( coeff_count != 0 ) {
            MPI_File_set_view(fh, 0, MPI_DOUBLE, coeff_index_dt, "native", MPI_INFO_NULL);
        } else {
            MPI_File_set_view(fh, 0, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_DOUBLE, "native", MPI_INFO_NULL);

        // Write data to disk
        // TODO coeff_count cannot be greater than max int (for use in the MPI_File_write_all call). 
        // A better fix should be possible, for now throw error.
        DEBUG("\ncoeff_count is %lld\n", coeff_count);
        DEBUG("\INT_MAX is %d\n", INT_MAX);
            ERR("**ERROR** : Could not run as the chunks of data are too large. Try running again with more MPI processes.\n");

            // Free allocated memory
            free_all(cor, blocklens, indices, mean_value_vectorX, Sxx_vector, mean_value_vectorY, Syy_vector);

            // Let the master process know its aborting in order to terminate
            // the rest of the working workers
            // We have to receive a work assignment first and then terminate
            // otherwise the master will deadlock trying to give work to this worker
            err = MPI_Recv(&taskNo, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 0, comm, &stat);
            taskNo = -1;
            err = MPI_Send(&taskNo, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 0, comm);

            // This worker failed
            local_check = 1;
            MPI_Allreduce(&local_check, &global_check, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

            return -1;

        DEBUG("\nWriting %d to disk\n", coeff_count);

        MPI_File_write_all(fh, &cor[0], coeff_count, MPI_DOUBLE, &stat);

        if (coeff_count != 0 )

        // Free all allocated memory
        free_all(cor, blocklens, indices, mean_value_vectorX, Sxx_vector, mean_value_vectorY, Syy_vector);

         DEBUG("\nAbout to write to disk %d\n", rank);
    MPI_File_sync( fh ) ;   		// Causes all previous writes to be transferred to the storage device
         DEBUG("\nWritten to disk %d\n",rank);
  //  MPI_Barrier( MPI_COMM_WORLD ) ; 	// Blocks until all processes in the communicator have reached this routine.
         DEBUG("\nAfter barrier \n", rank);

    // Close file handler
  DEBUG("\nAfter file closed /n");
   // MPI_Barrier( MPI_COMM_WORLD ) ; 	// Blocks until all processes in the communicator have reached this routine.
      DEBUG("\nAbout to return from kernel /n");
      return 0;