Exemplo n.º 1
void CCBRobot::synchronize( double interval )
  double timeNow;
  double duration;
  double sleepDuration = 0.0;

  struct timeval tv;
  gettimeofday( &tv, 0 );
  timeNow = tv.tv_sec + tv.tv_usec * 1e-6;
  duration = timeNow - mLastSynchronizeTime;
  if ( duration < interval ) {
    sleepDuration = interval - duration;
    mSlowRunCount = (mSlowRunCount > 0 ) ? mSlowRunCount - 1 : 0;
    usleep(( int )(( sleepDuration ) * 1e6 ) );
    mLastLoopDuration = interval;
  else {
    mSlowRunCount = (mSlowRunCount < mSlowRunThreshold) ? mSlowRunCount + 1 :
    if( mSlowRunCount >= mSlowRunThreshold ) {
      mSlowRunCount = 0;
      mFgRunningSlowly = true;
      PRT_WARN1( "Control loop running consistently slowly (%f sec)\n", mLastLoopDuration );
    PRT_MSG1( 8, "Control loop ran slowly (%f sec)\n", mLastLoopDuration );

    // the first time we often get outragously large values
    // which cause bad things to happen, so we limit this value
    // to the interval [0,5]
    mLastLoopDuration = limit(duration, 0.0, 5.0);
  //gettimeofday( &tv, 0 );
  //mLastSynchronizeTime = tv.tv_sec + tv.tv_usec * 1e-6;
  mLastSynchronizeTime = timeNow + sleepDuration;
  //printf("timeNow  %f\n", timeNow);
Exemplo n.º 2
CCharger::CCharger ( Stg::Model* mod ) : CDestination ( mod )
  if ( ! mStgModel->GetPropertyFloat ( "chargerate", &mChargeRate, 0.0 ) )
    PRT_WARN1 ( "chargerate not specified for sink %s\n",
                mStgModel->Token() );
Exemplo n.º 3
void CChatterboxCtrl::updateData ( float dt )
  float distance;

  mTime += dt;
  mElapsedTime += dt;

  mVoltageLpf = mVoltageLpf + ( dt / TAU_VOLTAGE_LPF )
                * ( mPowerPack->getVoltage() - mVoltageLpf );
  // update position estimate

  if (mWheelDrop->isAnyTriggered() ) {
    mState = FLYING;

  switch (mState) {
    case START:
      if ( mDrivetrain->getOIMode() != CB_MODE_FULL ) {
        mDrivetrain->setDefaultOIMode ( CB_MODE_FULL );

      if (mTracker->isValid() ) {
        mOdometry->setPose(mTracker->getPose() );
        mEstRobotPose = mTracker->getPose();

      if (mElapsedTime > 5.0 ) {
        if (mPuckLoad == 0)
          mState = GOTO_SOURCE;
          mState = GOTO_SINK;

    case GOTO_SOURCE:
      if (mFgStateChanged)
        mWaypointId = 0;

      if (mVoltageLpf < CHARGING_VOLTAGE) {
        mState = GOTO_CHARGER;
      //if ( driveTo(mCurrentTaskPtr->getSourcePose(), distance ) == COMPLETED ) {
      if ( actionFollowWaypointVector(&(mCurrentTaskPtr->mSourceWaypointVector) ) == COMPLETED) {
        mTravelTime += mElapsedTime;
        mState = LOADING;
      else if (mCurrentTaskPtr->getSourcePose().distance(mEstRobotPose) < SOURCE_PROXIMITY) {
        mState = WAIT_AT_SOURCE;

    case WAIT_AT_SOURCE:
      if ( (mElapsedTime > MIN_SOURCE_WAIT_TIME)  &&
           (drand48() < GIVE_UP_PROBABILITY) ) {
      if ( driveTo(mCurrentTaskPtr->getSourcePose(), 0.2, distance ) == COMPLETED ) {
        mTravelTime += mElapsedTime;
        mState = LOADING;


    case GOTO_SINK:
      if (mFgStateChanged)
        mWaypointId = 0;

      //if ( driveTo(mCurrentTaskPtr->getSourcePose(), distance ) == COMPLETED ) {
      if ( actionFollowWaypointVector(&(mCurrentTaskPtr->mSinkWaypointVector) ) == COMPLETED) {
      //if ( driveTo(mCurrentTaskPtr->getSinkPose(), distance ) == COMPLETED ) {
        mTravelTime += mElapsedTime;
        mState = UNLOADING;

    case GOTO_CHARGER:
      if (actionGotoCharger() == COMPLETED)
        mState = DOCKING;

    case DOCKING:
      if (actionDocking() == COMPLETED)

    case UNDOCKING:
      if (actionUndocking() == COMPLETED)

    case CHARGING:
      if (actionCharging() == COMPLETED)

    case LOADING:
      if (actionLoading() == COMPLETED)
        mState = GOTO_SINK;

    case UNLOADING:
      if (actionUnloading() == COMPLETED) {
        mState = GOTO_SOURCE;

    case FLYING:
      if (not mWheelDrop->isAnyTriggered() ) {
        mState = START;

      PRT_WARN1("Unknown FSM state %d ", mState);
      mState = START;

  } // switch

  if (mTracker->isValid() ) {
    mLights->setLight(0, GREEN);
    mLights->setLight(3, GREEN);
  else {
    mLights->setLight(0, RED);
    mLights->setLight(3, RED);
  mDataLogger->write( mTime );
  if ( mPrevState != mState) {
    mPrevState = mState;
    mElapsedTime = 0;
    mFgStateChanged = true;
    rprintf("state %s, task %s\n", StateNames[mState].c_str(),
  else {
    mFgStateChanged = false;

Exemplo n.º 4
extern "C" int Init ( Stg::Model* mod )
  std::string logFileName = "fasr_analyst.log";
  std::string value;
  float probBroadcast = 1.0;
  char* policy = new char[40];
  static bool init = false;
  Rapi::CLooseStageRobot* robot;
  CTaskManager* taskManager;
  CAnalyst* analyst;
  ABaseRobotCtrl* robotCtrl;

  static CCharger charger ( mod->GetWorld()->GetModel ( "charger" ) );
  static CDestination depotDestination ( mod->GetWorld()->GetModel ( "depot" ) );

  if ( not init ) {
    init = true;
    //mod->AddShutdownCallback ( ( Stg::stg_model_callback_t ) shutDownCallback, NULL );
    printf ( "-----------------------------------\n" );
    printf ( "FASR \n" );
    printf ( "  build %s %s \n", __DATE__, __TIME__ );
    printf ( "  compiled against RAPI version %s (%s) build %s\n", RAPI_VERSION(),
             RAPI_GIT_VERSION(), RAPI_BUILD() );
    printf ( "\n" );

    // init general stuff
    ErrorInit ( 2, false );
  // create robot and its controller
  robot = new Rapi::CLooseStageRobot ( mod );
  if ( ! mod->GetPropertyStr ( "policy", &policy,  NULL ) ) {
    PRT_WARN0 ( "No policy specified " );
    exit ( -1 );
  else {
    if ( strcmp ( policy, "fixed" ) == 0 )
      robotCtrl = new CFixedRatioPolicyRobotCtrl ( robot );
    else if ( strcmp ( policy, "replan" ) == 0 )
      robotCtrl = new CReplanPolicyRobotCtrl ( robot );
    else if ( strcmp ( policy, "static" ) == 0 )
      robotCtrl = new CStaticPolicyRobotCtrl ( robot );
    else if ( strcmp ( policy, "loop" ) == 0 )
      robotCtrl = new CLoopPolicyRobotCtrl ( robot );
    else if ( strcmp ( policy, "epsilon" ) == 0 )
      robotCtrl = new CEpsilonSamplerRobotCtrl ( robot );
    else if ( strcmp ( policy, "wait" ) == 0 ) {
      for ( unsigned int i=0; i< Stg::World::args.size(); i++ ) {
        if ( Stg::World::args[i].compare ( 0, 3, "-pb" ) == 0 ) {
          value = Stg::World::args[i].substr ( 4, Stg::World::args[i].size()-4 );
          probBroadcast = atof ( value.c_str() );
      printf ( "running with prob broadcast %f \n", probBroadcast );
      robotCtrl = new CWaitProbPolicyRobotCtrl ( robot, probBroadcast );
    else {
      PRT_WARN1 ( "Unknown policy: %s", policy );
      exit ( -1 );

  // determine name of log file
  for ( unsigned int i=0; i< Stg::World::args.size(); i++ ) {
    if ( Stg::World::args[i].compare ( 0, 3, "-lf" ) == 0 ) {
      logFileName = Stg::World::args[i].substr ( 4, Stg::World::args[i].size()-4 );

  // get tasks from the task manager and hand them to the robot
  taskManager = CTaskManager::getInstance (
                  mod->GetWorld()->GetModel ( "taskmanager" ) );
  analyst = CAnalyst::getInstance ( mod->GetWorld()->GetModel ( "taskmanager" ), logFileName );

  taskManager->registerRobot ( robotCtrl );
  analyst->registerRobot ( robotCtrl );
  robotCtrl->addCharger ( &charger );
  robotCtrl->setDepot ( &depotDestination );

#ifdef GUI
  gui = CFasrGui::getInstance ( 0, NULL );
  gui->registerRobot ( robot );

  return 0; // ok
