Exemplo n.º 1
 * @brief increases production amount if possible
 * @param[in,out] prod Pointer to the production
 * @param[in] amount Additional amount to add
 * @returns the amount added
int PR_IncreaseProduction (production_t* prod, int amount)
	if (PR_IsDisassembly(prod))
		return 0;

	base_t* base = PR_ProductionBase(prod);

	/* amount limit per one production */
	if (prod->amount + amount > MAX_PRODUCTION_AMOUNT) {
		amount = std::max(0, MAX_PRODUCTION_AMOUNT - prod->amount);

	const technology_t* tech = PR_GetTech(&prod->data);

	amount = PR_RequirementsMet(amount, &tech->requireForProduction, base);
	if (amount == 0)
		return 0;

	prod->amount += amount;
	PR_UpdateRequiredItemsInBasestorage(base, -amount, &tech->requireForProduction);

	return amount;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * @brief decreases production amount
 * @param[in,out] prod Pointer to the production
 * @param[in] amount Additional amount to remove (positive number)
 * @returns the amount removed
 * @note if production amount falls below 1 it removes the whole production from the queue as well
int PR_DecreaseProduction (production_t* prod, int amount)
	base_t* base = PR_ProductionBase(prod);

	if (PR_IsDisassembly(prod))
		return 0;

	if (prod->amount <= amount) {
		production_queue_t* queue = PR_GetProductionForBase(base);
		amount = prod->amount;
		PR_QueueDelete(base, queue, prod->idx);
		return amount;

	const technology_t* tech = PR_GetTech(&prod->data);
	if (tech == nullptr)
		cgi->Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "No tech pointer for production");

	prod->amount += -amount;
	PR_UpdateRequiredItemsInBasestorage(base, amount, &tech->requireForProduction);

	return amount;
Exemplo n.º 3
 * @brief Calculates the remaining time for a technology in minutes
 * @param[in] prod Pointer to the production structure
int PR_GetRemainingMinutes (const production_t* prod)
	const base_t *base = PR_ProductionBase(prod);
	return (prod->totalFrames - prod->frame) / std::max(1, PR_WorkersAvailable(base));