Exemplo n.º 1
game_showresultnormal (int pos_x, int pos_y, int pos_w, int pos_h)
    char text[255];
    int i,
        pl_cnt = 0,
        pl_y,                   // player in a row/col
        dy,                     // distance
        px;                     // start view and position

    SDL_Rect dest,
    _player *pl[MAX_PLAYERS];

    /* Sort the playerlist */
    for (p = 0, pl_cnt = 0; p < MAX_PLAYERS; p++)
        if (PS_IS_used (players[p].state)) {
            // Set isplayer statistics for futur display
            players[p].gamestats.isaplayer = 1;
            // Sort player
            pl[pl_cnt] = &players[p];
            i = pl_cnt;

            while (i > 0 && (pl[i - 1]->points < players[p].points
                             || (pl[i - 1]->points == players[p].points
                                 && pl[i - 1]->wins < players[p].wins))) {
                pl[i] = pl[i - 1];
                pl[i] = &players[p];

    if (pl_cnt == 0) {
        /* we still haven't joined the game */

    /* calc the best view and start point */
    pl_x = 0;
    do {
        pl_y = ceil ((float) (((float) pl_cnt) / ((float) pl_x)));
        if (pl_y == 0)
        dy = pos_h / pl_y;
    } while (dy < SHOWRESULT_HEIGHT);
    dx = pos_w / pl_x;

    x = sx = (dx - SHOWRESULT_WIDTH) / 2;
    y = sy = (dy - SHOWRESULT_HEIGHT) / 2;
    px = 0;

    d_printf ("game_showresultnormal: pl_x:%d, pl_y:%d, dx:%d, dy:%d\n", pl_x, pl_y, dx, dy);

    /* draw the playerlist */
    for (i = 1, p = 0; p < pl_cnt; p++) {
        if (PS_IS_used (pl[p]->state)) {
            if (PS_IS_alife (pl[p]->state)) {
                font_gfxdrawbold (10 + pos_x + x + GFX_MENUPLAYERIMGSIZE_X + 8, pos_y + y - 10,
                                  pl[p]->name, 0, COLOR_brown, 1, 1);
                font_gfxdraw (10 + pos_x + x + GFX_MENUPLAYERIMGSIZE_X + 8, pos_y + y - 10,
                              pl[p]->name, 0, COLOR_yellow, 1);
            } else
                font_gfxdraw (10 + pos_x + x + GFX_MENUPLAYERIMGSIZE_X, pos_y + y - 10, pl[p]->name,
                              0, COLOR_gray, 1);

            sprintf (text, "%3d (%2d)", pl[p]->points, pl[p]->wins);
            font_gfxdraw (10 + pos_x + x + GFX_MENUPLAYERIMGSIZE_X, pos_y + y + 6, text, 0, 0, 1);

            if (pl[p]->gfx != NULL) {
                dest.x = pos_x + x;
                dest.y = pos_y + y - 16;
                src.w = dest.w = pl[p]->gfx->menu_image->w;
                src.h = dest.h = pl[p]->gfx->menu_image->h;
                src.x = 0;
                src.y = 0;
                gfx_blit (pl[p]->gfx->menu_image, &src, gfx.screen, &dest, 1);
            } else {
                dest.x = pos_x + x;
                dest.y = pos_y + y - 16;
                src.w = dest.w = gfx.ghost->w;
                src.h = dest.h = gfx.ghost->h;
                src.x = 0;
                src.y = 0;
                gfx_blit (gfx.ghost, &src, gfx.screen, &dest, 1);
            /* setup the new position */
            y += (dy / pl_x);
            x += dx;
            if (px >= pl_x) {
                px = 0;
                x = sx;
Exemplo n.º 2
/* check which player won and free all unnneded data */
game_end ()
    int i;
    int cnt_left = 0;

    gfx_free_players ();
    tileset_free ();
	fire_clear ();
    snd_music_stop ();
    snd_free ();

    /* count the wins for the player, and if only one player
     * left count the points too */
    cnt_left = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) {
        // Update player statistics
        players[i].gamestats.killed += players[i].nbrKilled;
        if (PS_IS_used (players[i].state)) {
            if (PS_IS_alife (players[i].state)) {
                bman.lastwinner = i;
                if ( GT_MP_PTPM )

    if (cnt_left == 1 && GT_MP_PTPM ) {
        players[bman.lastwinner].points += 1; // Bonus for victory
        players[bman.lastwinner].points += players[bman.lastwinner].nbrKilled;
    } else
        bman.lastwinner = -1;

    /* check which team was alife */
    if (bman.gametype == GT_team) {
        int t_nr;

        bman.lastwinner = -1;
        cnt_left = 0;

        for (t_nr = 0; t_nr < MAX_TEAMS; t_nr++)
            for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) {
                if (teams[t_nr].players[i] != NULL)
                    if (PS_IS_alife (teams[t_nr].players[i]->state)) {
                        if (bman.lastwinner != t_nr) {
                            bman.lastwinner = t_nr;

        if (cnt_left == 1) {
            /* set the points */
            cnt_left = 0;
            for (t_nr = 0; t_nr < MAX_TEAMS; t_nr++) {
                for (i = 0; (i < MAX_PLAYERS && teams[t_nr].players[i] != NULL); i++);
                if (i < MAX_PLAYERS && teams[t_nr].players[i] != NULL)
            teams[bman.lastwinner].points += cnt_left;
        } else
            bman.lastwinner = -1;

    if (GT_SP)
        game_showresult ();

    /* check which player is now free,i.e. disconnected during the game and was playing */
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
        if ((players[i].state & PSF_used) == 0)
            players[i].state = 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
game_draw_info ()
    int i,
    char text[255];
    char scrtext[255];
    SDL_Rect src,

    if (GT_MP && (chat.oldscreen == NULL || chat.window.x != 4 || chat.window.y != 4.5 * 16)) {
        chat_show (4, 4.5 * 16, gfx.res.x - 8, gfx.offset.y - 4.5 * 16);
        chat_setactive (0, 0);

    if (bman.updatestatusbar) {
        redraw_logo (0, 0, gfx.res.x, (4.5 * 16));
        dest.x = dest.y = 0;
        dest.h = 4.5 * 16;
        dest.w = gfx.res.x;
        gfx_blitupdaterectadd (&dest);

        /* In Multiplayer mode draw Player names and
           count the players who are still alife. */
        for (x = 0, j = 0, i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
            if ((players[i].state & PSFM_used) != 0) {

                if (players[i].gfx_nr != -1 && PS_IS_used (players[i].state)) {
                    src.x = 0;
                    src.y = 0;
                    src.w = dest.w = players[i].gfx->small_image->w;
                    src.h = dest.h = players[i].gfx->small_image->h;

                    dest.x = x;
                    dest.y = j - 4;

                    SDL_BlitSurface (players[i].gfx->small_image, &src, gfx.screen, &dest);

                sprintf (scrtext, "%10s:%d %1d %1d", players[i].name, players[i].wins, players[i].points, players[i].nbrKilled);
                if (!PS_IS_alife (players[i].state)) { // Player is dead
                    if ((players[i].state & PSF_used) != PSF_used)
                        col = 4;
                        col = 3;
                } else {        // player is alife
                    if (bman.gametype == GT_team)
                        col = teams[players[i].team_nr].col;
                        col = 0;

                font_draw (x, j, scrtext, 0, col);

                x = x + 180;
                if (x >= gfx.res.x - (120 + 170)) {
                    x = 0;
                    j = j + 1.5 * font[0].size.x;

        x = gfx.res.x - 120;
        sprintf (text, "Bombs: %2d", players[bman.p_nr].bombs_n);
        font_draw (x, 0, text, 0, 0);
        sprintf (text, "Range: %2d", players[bman.p_nr].range);
        font_draw (x, 16, text, 0, 0);
        sprintf (text, "Speed: %1.1f", players[bman.p_nr].speed * 10);
        font_draw (x, 32, text, 0, 0);
        if (players[bman.p_nr].special.type != 0) {
            col = players[bman.p_nr].special.type + FT_sp_trigger - 1;
            dest.x = x - 32;
            dest.y = 16;

            dest.w = gfx.menu_field[col]->w;
            dest.h = gfx.menu_field[col]->h;

            SDL_BlitSurface (gfx.menu_field[col], NULL, gfx.screen, &dest);

        if (bman.state == GS_ready && GT_MP_PTPM)
            font_gfxdraw (100, 32, "Press F4 to start the game", 0, COLOR_yellow, 0xFFFF);
        else if (bman.state == GS_ready)
            font_gfxdraw (100, 32, "Waiting for the Server to Start", 0, COLOR_yellow, 0xFFFF);


    /* draw the warning part */
    if (map.state != MS_normal) {
        hurrywarn_to -= timediff;

        if (bman.updatestatusbar || hurrywarn_to <= 0.0 || hurrywarn_to > HURRYWARN_TO_BLINKING) {
            hurrywarn_to = HURRYWARN_TO_BLINKING;
            hurrywarn_state = !hurrywarn_state;

            if (hurrywarn_state) {
                font_drawbold ((gfx.res.x - strlen ("HURRY HURRY") * font[1].size.x) / 2, 40,
                               "HURRY HURRY", 1, 0, 2);
                font_draw ((gfx.res.x - strlen ("HURRY HURRY") * font[1].size.x) / 2, 40,
                           "HURRY HURRY", 1, 1);
            } else {
                font_drawbold ((gfx.res.x - strlen ("HURRY HURRY") * font[1].size.x) / 2, 40,
                               "HURRY HURRY", 1, 1, 2);
                font_draw ((gfx.res.x - strlen ("HURRY HURRY") * font[1].size.x) / 2, 40,
                           "HURRY HURRY", 1, 0);
            dest.x = dest.y = 0;
            dest.h = 4.5 * 16;
            dest.w = gfx.res.x;
            gfx_blitupdaterectadd (&dest);

    if (debug)
        debug_ingameinfo ();

    bman.updatestatusbar = 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
game_check_endgame ()
    int res = 0;
    static float loop;

    loop -= timediff;

    if (loop > 0.0f && loop < ENDGAME_CHECK_AGAIN)
        return 0;

    if (bman.gametype == GT_team) {
         * Team Mode Calculation
        int t_nr;               // teamnumber
        int p_nr;               // playernumber
        int h_team = 0;         // how many human teams are alife
        int ateam = 0;          // teams which are alife
        int h_team_last = -1;   // last human team which was alife
        int team_last = -1;     // last teams which was alift
        _player *p;

        for (t_nr = 0; t_nr < MAX_TEAMS; t_nr++)
            for (p_nr = 0; p_nr < MAX_PLAYERS; p_nr++)
                if (teams[t_nr].players[p_nr] != NULL) {
                    p = teams[t_nr].players[p_nr];
                    if (PS_IS_used (p->state) && PS_IS_alife (p->state)) {
                        if (team_last != t_nr) {
                            team_last = t_nr;
                        if ((!PS_IS_aiplayer (p->state)) && h_team_last != t_nr) {
                            h_team_last = t_nr;

        if (h_team < 1 || ateam < 2)
            res = 1;
    } else if ((bman.gametype == GT_bomberman)
               || (map.state != MS_normal && bman.gametype == GT_deathmatch)) {
        int p_nr;               // playernumber
        int h_alife = 0;        // human players who are alife
        int alife = 0;          // ai players who are alife
        _player *p;

        for (p = &players[0], p_nr = 0; p_nr < MAX_PLAYERS; p_nr++, p++) {
            if (PS_IS_used (p->state) && PS_IS_alife (p->state)) {
                if (!PS_IS_aiplayer (p->state))

        if ((h_alife < 1) || (alife < 2))
            res = 1;

    return res;
Exemplo n.º 5
/* single player loop for calculating the ai players */
single_loop ()
    int p;
    _player *pl;
    _point plpos;
    int nearbomb = 0,
    _airunaway rawdir;

    if (GT_MP_PTPS)             // we are not the master so no need for this.

    for (p = 0; p < MAX_PLAYERS; p++)
        if (p != bman.p_nr && PS_IS_aiplayer (players[p].state)) {
            if (PS_IS_alife (players[p].state)) {
                pl = &players[p];

                i = ai_checkpos (pl, &plpos);

                if (!i)
                    /* we're still moving */
                    pl->m = 1;
                else {
                    nearbomb = ai_findnearbombs (plpos);
                    if (nearbomb == 0) { // no bombs found
                        bestbdir = ai_findbestbombdir (plpos, pl->d, pl->range);
                        if (bestbdir & DIRM_under) {
                            if (ai_easyrunaway (plpos, pl->range) != 0)
                                player_drop_bomb (p);
                        else if (bestbdir == 0) {
                            pl->d = s_random (4);
                            pl->m = 1;
                        else {
                            pl->d = ai_choosedir (bestbdir, 0, pl->d);
                            pl->m = 1;
                        if (!ai_checknewpos (plpos, pl->d))
                            pl->m = 0;
                    else {
                        // bombs in the near found
                        rawdir = ai_runawayfrom (plpos, nearbomb, pl->range, 0);
                        if (rawdir.dir != 0 && rawdir.bestdir == -1) {
                            pl->d = ai_choosedir (rawdir.dir, nearbomb, pl->d); // we have to make a choice.. do it
                            pl->m = 1;
                        else if (rawdir.bestdir != -1) {
                            pl->d = rawdir.bestdir;
                            pl->m = 1;
						else if (rawdir.bestdir == -1 && rawdir.dir == 0) {
							/* no good ways found, just run in the opposite direction of the bomb */
							if (map.field[(int) pl->pos.x][(int) pl->pos.y].type == FT_nothing ||
								map.field[(int) pl->pos.x][(int) pl->pos.y].type >= FT_tunnel)
									pl->m = 1;

                    if (pl->m == 0 && map.field[(int) pl->pos.x][(int) pl->pos.y].type == FT_tunnel)
                        pl->m = 1;
                player_ilness_loop (p);
                player_move (p);
				player_checkdeath (p);
