Exemplo n.º 1
int P_PathXYTraverse(coord_t fromX, coord_t fromY, coord_t toX, coord_t toY,
    traverser_t callback, void *context)
    vec2d_t from = { fromX, fromY };
    vec2d_t to   = { toX, toY };
    return P_PathTraverse(from, to, callback, context);
Exemplo n.º 2
static void P_GetChasecamTarget()
   int aimfor;
   subsector_t *ss;
   int ceilingheight, floorheight;

   // aimfor is the preferred height of the chasecam above
   // the player
   // haleyjd: 1 unit for each degree of pitch works surprisingly well
   aimfor = players[displayplayer].viewheight + chasecam_height*FRACUNIT 
               + FixedDiv(players[displayplayer].pitch, ANGLE_1);
   trace.sin = finesine[playerangle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT];
   trace.cos = finecosine[playerangle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT];
   targetx = playermobj->x - chasecam_dist * trace.cos;
   targety = playermobj->y - chasecam_dist * trace.sin;
   targetz = playermobj->z + aimfor;

   targetgroupid = playermobj->groupid;

   // the intersections test mucks up the first time, but
   // aiming at something seems to cure it
   // ioanch 20160101: don't let P_AimLineAttack change global trace.attackrange
   fixed_t oldAttackRange = trace.attackrange;
   // ioanch 20160225: just change trace.attackrange, don't call P_AimLineAttack
   trace.attackrange = MELEERANGE;
   // check for intersections
   P_PathTraverse(playermobj->x, playermobj->y, targetx, targety,
                  PT_ADDLINES, PTR_chaseTraverse);
   trace.attackrange = oldAttackRange;

   ss = R_PointInSubsector(targetx, targety);
   floorheight = ss->sector->floorheight;
   ceilingheight = ss->sector->ceilingheight;

   // don't aim above the ceiling or below the floor
   if(targetz > ceilingheight - 10*FRACUNIT)
      targetz = ceilingheight - 10*FRACUNIT;
   if(targetz < floorheight + 10*FRACUNIT)
      targetz = floorheight + 10*FRACUNIT;
Exemplo n.º 3
//Checks TRUE reachability from
//one actor to another. First mobj (actor) is looker.
bool DCajunMaster::Reachable (AActor *actor, AActor *target)
	if (actor == target)
		return false;

	if ((target->Sector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint (target->x, target->y) -
		 target->Sector->floorplane.ZatPoint (target->x, target->y))
		< actor->height) //Where target is, looker can't be.
		return false;

	looker = actor;
	rtarget = target;
	last_s = actor->Sector;
	last_z = last_s->floorplane.ZatPoint (actor->x, actor->y);
	reachable = true;
	estimated_dist = P_AproxDistance (actor->x - target->x, actor->y - target->y);
	P_PathTraverse (actor->x+actor->momx, actor->y+actor->momy, target->x, target->y, PT_ADDLINES|PT_ADDTHINGS, PTR_Reachable);
	return reachable;
Exemplo n.º 4
void RB_SpawnWallDecal(mobj_t *mobj)
    int i;
    line_t *line;
    rbDecal_t *decal;
    rbDecalDef_t *decalDef;
    float dx, dy;
    float cx, cy;
    float fx, fy, fz;
    float nx, ny;
    float s, c;
    float lx1, lx2;
    float ly1, ly2;
    float d;
    float an;
    float offs;
    float cHeight = 0;
    float fHeight = 0;
    float size;


    decalwall = NULL;
    decal_x = mobj->x;
    decal_y = mobj->y;
    decal_z = mobj->z;

    if(P_PathTraverse(decal_x, decal_y,
                      mobj->x + FixedMul(mobj->momx, 10*FRACUNIT),
                      mobj->y + FixedMul(mobj->momy, 10*FRACUNIT),
                      PT_ADDLINES, PIT_DecalCheckLine))

    line = decalwall;

    if(!line || !(decalDef = RB_GetDecalDef(mobj->type)))
    decal = RB_CreateDecal(decalDef);
    decal->x = mobj->x;
    decal->y = mobj->y;
    decal->z = mobj->z;
    decal->type = DCT_WALL;

    // look for a sector to stick to
        decal->stickSector = line->backsector;
        if(decal->z > line->backsector->ceilingheight)
            decal->type = DCT_UPPERWALL;
            decal->initialStickZ = line->backsector->ceilingheight;
        else if(decal->z < line->backsector->floorheight)
            decal->type = DCT_LOWERWALL;
            decal->initialStickZ = line->backsector->floorheight;

    dx = line->fdx;
    dy = line->fdy;
    lx1 = line->v1->fx;
    ly1 = line->v1->fy;
    lx2 = line->v2->fx;
    ly2 = line->v2->fy;
    // get line angle (direction)
    an = atan2f(dx, dy);
    c = cosf(an);
    s = sinf(an);
    // get line distance
    cx = lx1 - FIXED2FLOAT(decal->x);
    cy = ly1 - FIXED2FLOAT(decal->y);
    d = (dx * cy - dy * cx) * InvSqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
    // get nudge direction
    an -= DEG2RAD(90.0f);
    offs = (float)decal->offset / 256.0f;

    nx = (d - 0.8f) * sinf(an);
    ny = (d - 0.8f) * cosf(an);

  2 ----------- 3
    |         |
    |         |
    |         |
    |         |
    |         |
  1 ----------- 0

    decal->numpoints = 4;
    size = 16 * decal->scale;

    decal->points[0].x = decal->points[3].x =  size * s;
    decal->points[0].y = decal->points[3].y =  size * c;
    decal->points[1].x = decal->points[2].x = -size * s;
    decal->points[1].y = decal->points[2].y = -size * c;
    decal->points[2].z = decal->points[3].z =  size;
    decal->points[0].z = decal->points[1].z = -size;

    fx = FIXED2FLOAT(decal->x);
    fy = FIXED2FLOAT(decal->y);
    fz = FIXED2FLOAT(decal->z);

    decal->points[0].tu = decal->points[3].tu = 0;
    decal->points[0].tv = decal->points[1].tv = 0;
    decal->points[1].tu = decal->points[2].tu = 1;
    decal->points[3].tv = decal->points[2].tv = 1;
        cHeight = FIXED2FLOAT(line->backsector->ceilingheight);
        fHeight = FIXED2FLOAT(line->backsector->floorheight);
    for(i = 0; i < decal->numpoints; ++i)
        decal->points[i].x += fx;
        decal->points[i].y += fy;
        decal->points[i].z += fz;
        // nudge decal to be closer to the wall
        decal->points[i].x += nx;
        decal->points[i].y += ny;
        RB_ClampWallDecalToLine(&decal->points[i], line->backsector != NULL,
                                cHeight, fHeight, fz,
                                lx1, ly1, lx2, ly2);

        // jitter offset a bit
        decal->points[i].x -= (nx * offs);
        decal->points[i].y -= (ny * offs);

Exemplo n.º 5
// The momx / momy move is bad, so try to slide
// along a wall.
// Find the first line hit, move flush to it,
// and slide along it
// This is a kludgy mess. (No kidding?)
static void P_ThingSlidingMove(mobj_t *mo)
    fixed_t leadx;
    fixed_t leady;
    fixed_t trailx;
    fixed_t traily;
    fixed_t newx;
    fixed_t newy;
    int     hitcount;

    slidemo = mo;
    hitcount = 0;

    if(++hitcount == 3)
        goto stairstep;			// don't loop forever

    // trace along the three leading corners
    if(mo->momx > 0)
        leadx = mo->x + mo->radius;
        trailx = mo->x - mo->radius;
        leadx = mo->x - mo->radius;
        trailx = mo->x + mo->radius;

    if(mo->momy > 0)
        leady = mo->y + mo->radius;
        traily = mo->y - mo->radius;
        leady = mo->y - mo->radius;
        traily = mo->y + mo->radius;

    bestslidefrac = FRACUNIT + 1;

    P_PathTraverse(leadx, leady, leadx + mo->momx, leady + mo->momy,
                   PT_ADDLINES, PTR_SlideTraverse);
    P_PathTraverse(trailx, leady, trailx + mo->momx, leady + mo->momy,
                   PT_ADDLINES, PTR_SlideTraverse);
    P_PathTraverse(leadx, traily, leadx + mo->momx, traily + mo->momy,
                   PT_ADDLINES, PTR_SlideTraverse);

    // Move up to the wall.
    if(bestslidefrac == FRACUNIT + 1)
        // The move most have hit the middle, so stairstep.
        if(!P_TryMoveXYZ(mo, mo->x, mo->y + mo->momy, mo->z))
            P_TryMoveXYZ(mo, mo->x + mo->momx, mo->y, mo->z);

    // Fudge a bit to make sure it doesn't hit.
    bestslidefrac -= 0x800;
    if(bestslidefrac > 0)
        newx = FixedMul(mo->momx, bestslidefrac);
        newy = FixedMul(mo->momy, bestslidefrac);
        if(!P_TryMoveXYZ(mo, mo->x + newx, mo->y + newy, mo->z))
            goto stairstep;

    // Now continue along the wall.
    // First calculate remainder.
    bestslidefrac = FRACUNIT - (bestslidefrac + 0x800);

    if(bestslidefrac > FRACUNIT)
        bestslidefrac = FRACUNIT;

    if(bestslidefrac <= 0)

    tmxmove = FixedMul(mo->momx, bestslidefrac);
    tmymove = FixedMul(mo->momy, bestslidefrac);

    P_WallMomSlide(bestslideline);	// clip the moves

    mo->momx = tmxmove;
    mo->momy = tmymove;

    if(!P_TryMoveXYZ(mo, mo->x + tmxmove, mo->y + tmymove, mo->z))
        goto retry;