Exemplo n.º 1
	AMinotaurFriend *mo;

	mo = Spawn<AMinotaurFriend> (self->Pos(), ALLOW_REPLACE);
	if (mo)
		if (P_TestMobjLocation(mo) == false || !self->tracer)
		{ // Didn't fit - change back to artifact
			mo->Destroy ();
			AActor *arti = Spawn<AArtiDarkServant> (self->Pos(), ALLOW_REPLACE);
			if (arti) arti->flags |= MF_DROPPED;

		mo->StartTime = level.maptime;
		if (self->tracer->flags & MF_CORPSE)
		{	// Master dead
			mo->tracer = NULL;		// No master
			mo->tracer = self->tracer;		// Pointer to master
			AInventory *power = Spawn<APowerMinotaur> (0, 0, 0, NO_REPLACE);
			power->CallTryPickup (self->tracer);

		// Make smoke puff
		Spawn ("MinotaurSmoke", self->Pos(), ALLOW_REPLACE);
		S_Sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, mo->ActiveSound, 1, ATTN_NORM);
Exemplo n.º 2
void A_BarrelRespawn (AActor *actor)
	fixed_t x = actor->SpawnPoint[0] << FRACBITS;
	fixed_t y = actor->SpawnPoint[1] << FRACBITS;
	sector_t *sec;
	// [BC]
	AActor	*pFog;

	actor->flags |= MF_SOLID;
	sec = R_PointInSubsector (x, y)->sector;
	actor->SetOrigin (x, y, sec->floorplane.ZatPoint (x, y));
	if (P_TestMobjLocation (actor))
		AActor *defs = actor->GetDefault();
		actor->health = defs->health;
		actor->flags = defs->flags;
		actor->flags2 = defs->flags2;
		actor->SetState (actor->SpawnState);
		actor->renderflags &= ~RF_INVISIBLE;
		// [BC] pFog =
		pFog = Spawn<ATeleportFog> (x, y, actor->z + TELEFOGHEIGHT, ALLOW_REPLACE);

		// [BC] If we're the server, set the barrel's flags2, and spawn the fog.
		if ( NETWORK_GetState( ) == NETSTATE_SERVER )
			SERVERCOMMANDS_SpawnThing( actor );
			SERVERCOMMANDS_SpawnThing( pFog );
		actor->flags &= ~MF_SOLID;
Exemplo n.º 3

	AActor *mo;

	mo = Spawn("Wizard", self->Pos(), ALLOW_REPLACE);
	if (mo != NULL)
		mo->AddZ(-mo->GetDefault()->Height / 2, false);
		if (!P_TestMobjLocation (mo))
		{ // Didn't fit
			mo->Destroy ();
		{ // [RH] Make the new wizards inherit D'Sparil's target
			mo->CopyFriendliness (self->target, true);

			self->SetState (self->FindState(NAME_Death));
			self->flags &= ~MF_MISSILE;
			mo->master = self->target;
			P_SpawnTeleportFog(self, self->Pos(), false, true);
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
 * NOTE: See p_enemy for variable descriptions.
void C_DECL A_Summon(mobj_t* actor)
    mobj_t*             mo;

    if((mo = P_SpawnMobj(MT_MINOTAUR, actor->origin, actor->angle, 0)))
        mobj_t*             master;

        if(P_TestMobjLocation(mo) == false || !actor->tracer)
        {   // Didn't fit - change back to item.
            P_MobjChangeState(mo, S_NULL);

            if((mo = P_SpawnMobj(MT_SUMMONMAULATOR, actor->origin, actor->angle, 0)))
                mo->flags2 |= MF2_DROPPED;


        memcpy((void *) mo->args, &mapTime, sizeof(mapTime));
        master = actor->tracer;
        if(master->flags & MF_CORPSE)
        {   // Master dead.
            mo->tracer = NULL; // No master.
            mo->tracer = actor->tracer; // Pointer to master (mobj_t *)
            P_GivePower(master->player, PT_MINOTAUR);

        // Make smoke puff.
        P_SpawnMobj(MT_MNTRSMOKE, actor->origin, P_Random() << 24, 0);
        S_StartSound(SFX_MAULATOR_ACTIVE, actor);
Exemplo n.º 5
void A_GenWizard (AActor *actor)
	AActor *mo;

	mo = Spawn<AWizard> (actor->x, actor->y, actor->z - GetDefault<AWizard>()->height/2, ALLOW_REPLACE);
	if (mo != NULL)
		if (!P_TestMobjLocation (mo))
		{ // Didn't fit
			mo->Destroy ();
		{ // [RH] Make the new wizards inherit D'Sparil's target
			mo->CopyFriendliness (actor->target, true);

			actor->momx = actor->momy = actor->momz = 0;
			actor->SetState (actor->FindState(NAME_Death));
			actor->flags &= ~MF_MISSILE;
			mo->master = actor->target;
			// Heretic did not offset it by TELEFOGHEIGHT, so I won't either.
			Spawn<ATeleportFog> (actor->x, actor->y, actor->z, ALLOW_REPLACE);
Exemplo n.º 6
bool P_MoveThing(AActor *source, const DVector3 &pos, bool fog)
	DVector3 old = source->Pos();

	source->SetOrigin (pos, true);
	if (P_TestMobjLocation (source))
		if (fog)
			P_SpawnTeleportFog(source, pos, false, true);
			P_SpawnTeleportFog(source, old, true, true);
		if (source == players[consoleplayer].camera)
		return true;
		source->SetOrigin (old, true);
		return false;
Exemplo n.º 7
	AActor *mo;

	mo = Spawn("Wizard", self->Pos(), ALLOW_REPLACE);
	if (mo != NULL)
		mo->AddZ(-mo->GetDefault()->height / 2, false);
		if (!P_TestMobjLocation (mo))
		{ // Didn't fit
			mo->Destroy ();
		{ // [RH] Make the new wizards inherit D'Sparil's target
			mo->CopyFriendliness (self->target, true);

			self->velx = self->vely = self->velz = 0;
			self->SetState (self->FindState(NAME_Death));
			self->flags &= ~MF_MISSILE;
			mo->master = self->target;
			// Heretic did not offset it by TELEFOGHEIGHT, so I won't either.
			Spawn<ATeleportFog> (self->Pos(), ALLOW_REPLACE);
Exemplo n.º 8
bool P_MoveThing(AActor *source, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, bool fog)
	fixed_t oldx, oldy, oldz;

	oldx = source->x;
	oldy = source->y;
	oldz = source->z;

	source->SetOrigin (x, y, z);
	if (P_TestMobjLocation (source))
		if (fog)
			Spawn<ATeleportFog> (x, y, z + TELEFOGHEIGHT, ALLOW_REPLACE);
			Spawn<ATeleportFog> (oldx, oldy, oldz + TELEFOGHEIGHT, ALLOW_REPLACE);
		source->PrevX = x;
		source->PrevY = y;
		source->PrevZ = z;
		return true;
		source->SetOrigin (oldx, oldy, oldz);
		return false;
Exemplo n.º 9
boolean EV_ThingSpawn(byte *args, boolean fog)
	int     tid;
	angle_t angle;
	mobj_t *mobj;
	mobj_t *newMobj;
	mobj_t *fogMobj;
	mobjtype_t moType;
	int     searcher;
	boolean success;
	fixed_t z;

	success = false;
	searcher = -1;
	tid = args[0];
	moType = TranslateThingType[args[1]];
	if(nomonsters && (mobjinfo[moType].flags & MF_COUNTKILL))
	{							// Don't spawn monsters if -nomonsters
		return false;
	angle = (int) args[2] << 24;
	while((mobj = P_FindMobjFromTID(tid, &searcher)) != NULL)
		if(mobjinfo[moType].flags2 & MF2_FLOATBOB)
			z = mobj->z - mobj->floorz;
			z = mobj->z;
		newMobj = P_SpawnMobj(mobj->x, mobj->y, z, moType);
		if(P_TestMobjLocation(newMobj) == false)
		{						// Didn't fit
			newMobj->angle = angle;
			if(fog == true)
				fogMobj =
					P_SpawnMobj(mobj->x, mobj->y, mobj->z + TELEFOGHEIGHT,
				S_StartSound(SFX_TELEPORT, fogMobj);
			newMobj->flags2 |= MF2_DROPPED;	// Don't respawn
			if(newMobj->flags2 & MF2_FLOATBOB)
				newMobj->special1 = newMobj->z - newMobj->floorz;
			success = true;
	return success;
Exemplo n.º 10
bool P_UndoMonsterMorph (AMorphedMonster *beast, bool force)
	AActor *actor;

	if (beast->UnmorphTime == 0 || 
		beast->UnmorphedMe == NULL ||
		beast->flags3 & MF3_STAYMORPHED ||
		beast->UnmorphedMe->flags3 & MF3_STAYMORPHED)
		return false;
	actor = beast->UnmorphedMe;
	actor->SetOrigin (beast->Pos(), false);
	actor->flags |= MF_SOLID;
	beast->flags &= ~MF_SOLID;
	ActorFlags6 beastflags6 = beast->flags6;
	beast->flags6 &= ~MF6_TOUCHY;
	if (!force && !P_TestMobjLocation (actor))
	{ // Didn't fit
		actor->flags &= ~MF_SOLID;
		beast->flags |= MF_SOLID;
		beast->flags6 = beastflags6;
		beast->UnmorphTime = level.time + 5*TICRATE; // Next try in 5 seconds
		return false;
	actor->angle = beast->angle;
	actor->target = beast->target;
	actor->FriendPlayer = beast->FriendPlayer;
	actor->flags = beast->FlagsSave & ~MF_JUSTHIT;
	actor->flags  = (actor->flags & ~(MF_FRIENDLY|MF_SHADOW)) | (beast->flags & (MF_FRIENDLY|MF_SHADOW));
	actor->flags3 = (actor->flags3 & ~(MF3_NOSIGHTCHECK|MF3_HUNTPLAYERS|MF3_GHOST))
					| (beast->flags3 & (MF3_NOSIGHTCHECK|MF3_HUNTPLAYERS|MF3_GHOST));
	actor->flags4 = (actor->flags4 & ~MF4_NOHATEPLAYERS) | (beast->flags4 & MF4_NOHATEPLAYERS);
	if (!(beast->FlagsSave & MF_JUSTHIT))
		actor->renderflags &= ~RF_INVISIBLE;
	actor->health = actor->SpawnHealth();
	actor->velx = beast->velx;
	actor->vely = beast->vely;
	actor->velz = beast->velz;
	actor->tid = beast->tid;
	actor->special = beast->special;
	actor->Score = beast->Score;
	memcpy (actor->args, beast->args, sizeof(actor->args));
	actor->AddToHash ();
	beast->UnmorphedMe = NULL;
	DObject::StaticPointerSubstitution (beast, actor);
	PClassActor *exit_flash = beast->MorphExitFlash;
	beast->Destroy ();
	AActor *eflash = Spawn(exit_flash, beast->PosPlusZ(TELEFOGHEIGHT), ALLOW_REPLACE);
	if (eflash)
		eflash->target = actor;
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 11
dd_bool EV_ThingSpawn(byte *args, dd_bool fog)
    int tid, searcher;
    angle_t angle;
    mobj_t *mobj, *newMobj, *fogMobj;
    mobjtype_t moType;
    dd_bool success;
    //coord_t z;

    success = false;
    searcher = -1;
    tid = args[0];
    moType = TranslateThingType[args[1]];
    if(G_Ruleset_NoMonsters() && (MOBJINFO[moType].flags & MF_COUNTKILL))
        // Don't spawn monsters if -nomonsters
        return false;

    angle = (int) args[2] << 24;
    while((mobj = P_FindMobjFromTID(tid, &searcher)) != NULL)
        //z = mobj->origin[VZ];

        if((newMobj = P_SpawnMobj(moType, mobj->origin, angle, 0)))
            if(P_TestMobjLocation(newMobj) == false)
            {   // Didn't fit
                P_MobjRemove(newMobj, true);
                    if((fogMobj = P_SpawnMobjXYZ(MT_TFOG, mobj->origin[VX], mobj->origin[VY],
                                                          mobj->origin[VZ] + TELEFOGHEIGHT,
                                                          angle + ANG180, 0)))
                        S_StartSound(SFX_TELEPORT, fogMobj);

                newMobj->flags2 |= MF2_DROPPED; // Don't respawn
                if(newMobj->flags2 & MF2_FLOATBOB)
                    newMobj->special1 = FLT2FIX(newMobj->origin[VZ] - newMobj->floorZ);

                success = true;

    return success;
Exemplo n.º 12
BOOL P_Thing_Projectile (int tid, int type, angle_t angle,
						 fixed_t speed, fixed_t vspeed, BOOL gravity)
	int rtn = 0;
	int kind;
	AActor *spot = NULL, *mobj;

	if (type >= NumSpawnableThings)
		return false;

	if ( (kind = SpawnableThings[type]) == 0)
		return false;

	if ((mobjinfo[kind].flags & MF_COUNTKILL) && sv_nomonsters)
		return false;

	while ( (spot = AActor::FindByTID (spot, tid)) )
		if (spot->type != MT_MAPSPOT && spot->type != MT_MAPSPOTGRAVITY)

		mobj = new AActor (spot->x, spot->y, spot->z, (mobjtype_t)kind);

		if (mobj)
			if (mobj->info->seesound)
				S_Sound (mobj, CHAN_VOICE, mobj->info->seesound, 1, ATTN_NORM);
			if (gravity)
				mobj->flags &= ~MF_NOGRAVITY;
				if (!(mobj->flags & MF_COUNTKILL))
					mobj->flags2 |= MF2_LOGRAV;
				mobj->flags |= MF_NOGRAVITY;
			mobj->target = spot->ptr();
			mobj->angle = angle;
			mobj->momx = FixedMul (speed, finecosine[angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT]);
			mobj->momy = FixedMul (speed, finesine[angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT]);
			mobj->momz = vspeed;
			mobj->flags |= MF_DROPPED;
			if (mobj->flags & MF_MISSILE)
				rtn = P_CheckMissileSpawn (mobj);
			else if (!P_TestMobjLocation (mobj))
				mobj->Destroy ();

	return rtn;
Exemplo n.º 13
BOOL P_Thing_Spawn (int tid, int type, angle_t angle, BOOL fog)
	fixed_t z;
	int rtn = 0;
	int kind;
	AActor *spot = NULL, *mobj;

	if (type >= NumSpawnableThings)
		return false;

	if ( (kind = SpawnableThings[type]) == 0)
		return false;

	if ((mobjinfo[kind].flags & MF_COUNTKILL) && sv_nomonsters == 1)
		return false;

	while ( (spot = AActor::FindByTID (spot, tid)) )
		if (mobjinfo[kind].flags2 & MF2_FLOATBOB)
			z = spot->z - spot->floorz;
			z = spot->z;

		mobj = new AActor (spot->x, spot->y, z, (mobjtype_t)kind);

		if (mobj)
			if (P_TestMobjLocation (mobj))
				mobj->angle = angle;
				if (fog)
					S_Sound (new AActor (spot->x, spot->y, spot->z, MT_TFOG),
							 CHAN_VOICE, "misc/teleport", 1, ATTN_NORM);
				mobj->flags |= MF_DROPPED;	// Don't respawn
				if (mobj->flags2 & MF2_FLOATBOB)
					mobj->special1 = mobj->z - mobj->floorz;
				mobj->Destroy ();
				rtn = false;

	return rtn != 0;
Exemplo n.º 14
bool P_MoveThing(AActor *source, const DVector3 &pos, bool fog)
	DVector3 old = source->Pos();

	source->SetOrigin (pos, true);
	if (P_TestMobjLocation (source))
		if (fog)
			P_SpawnTeleportFog(source, pos, false, true);
			P_SpawnTeleportFog(source, old, true, true);
		source->renderflags |= RF_NOINTERPOLATEVIEW;
		return true;
		source->SetOrigin (old, true);
		return false;
Exemplo n.º 15
int P_Thing_Warp(AActor *caller, AActor *reference, double xofs, double yofs, double zofs, DAngle angle, int flags, double heightoffset, double radiusoffset, DAngle pitch)
	if (flags & WARPF_MOVEPTR)
		AActor *temp = reference;
		reference = caller;
		caller = temp;

	DVector3 old = caller->Pos();
	int oldpgroup = caller->Sector->PortalGroup;

	zofs += reference->Height * heightoffset;

	if (!(flags & WARPF_ABSOLUTEANGLE))
		angle += (flags & WARPF_USECALLERANGLE) ? caller->Angles.Yaw: reference->Angles.Yaw;

	const double rad = radiusoffset * reference->radius;
	const double s = angle.Sin();
	const double c = angle.Cos();

		if (!(flags & WARPF_ABSOLUTEOFFSET))
			double xofs1 = xofs;

			// (borrowed from A_SpawnItemEx, assumed workable)
			// in relative mode negative y values mean 'left' and positive ones mean 'right'
			// This is the inverse orientation of the absolute mode!
			xofs = xofs1 * c + yofs * s;
			yofs = xofs1 * s - yofs * c;

		if (flags & WARPF_TOFLOOR)
			// set correct xy
			// now the caller's floorz should be appropriate for the assigned xy-position
			// assigning position again with.
			// extra unlink, link and environment calculation
			caller->SetOrigin(reference->Vec3Offset(xofs + rad * c, yofs + rad * s, 0.), true);
			// The two-step process is important.
			caller->SetZ(caller->floorz + zofs);
			caller->SetOrigin(reference->Vec3Offset(xofs + rad * c, yofs + rad * s, zofs), true);
	else // [MC] The idea behind "absolute" is meant to be "absolute". Override everything, just like A_SpawnItemEx's.
		caller->SetOrigin(xofs + rad * c, yofs + rad * s, zofs, true);
		if (flags & WARPF_TOFLOOR)
			caller->SetZ(caller->floorz + zofs);

	if ((flags & WARPF_NOCHECKPOSITION) || P_TestMobjLocation(caller))
		if (flags & WARPF_TESTONLY)
			caller->SetOrigin(old, true);
			caller->Angles.Yaw = angle;

			if (flags & WARPF_COPYPITCH)
				caller->SetPitch(reference->Angles.Pitch, false);
			if (pitch != 0)
				caller->SetPitch(caller->Angles.Pitch + pitch, false);
			if (flags & WARPF_COPYVELOCITY)
				caller->Vel = reference->Vel;
			if (flags & WARPF_STOP)

			// this is no fun with line portals 
				// This just translates the movement but doesn't change the vector
				DVector3 displacedold  = old + Displacements.getOffset(oldpgroup, caller->Sector->PortalGroup);
				caller->Prev += caller->Pos() - displacedold;
				caller->PrevPortalGroup = caller->Sector->PortalGroup;
			else if (flags & WARPF_COPYINTERPOLATION)
				// Map both positions of the reference actor to the current portal group
				DVector3 displacedold = old + Displacements.getOffset(reference->PrevPortalGroup, caller->Sector->PortalGroup);
				DVector3 displacedref = old + Displacements.getOffset(reference->Sector->PortalGroup, caller->Sector->PortalGroup);
				caller->Prev = caller->Pos() + displacedold - displacedref;
				caller->PrevPortalGroup = caller->Sector->PortalGroup;
			else if (!(flags & WARPF_INTERPOLATE))

			if ((flags & WARPF_BOB) && (reference->flags2 & MF2_FLOATBOB))
		return true;
	caller->SetOrigin(old, true);
	return false;
Exemplo n.º 16
bool P_Thing_Spawn (int tid, AActor *source, int type, DAngle angle, bool fog, int newtid)
	int rtn = 0;
	PClassActor *kind;
	AActor *spot, *mobj;
	FActorIterator iterator (tid);

	kind = P_GetSpawnableType(type);

	if (kind == NULL)
		return false;

	// Handle decorate replacements.
	kind = kind->GetReplacement();

	if ((GetDefaultByType(kind)->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) && 
		((dmflags & DF_NO_MONSTERS) || (level.flags2 & LEVEL2_NOMONSTERS)))
		return false;

	if (tid == 0)
		spot = source;
		spot = iterator.Next();
	while (spot != NULL)
		mobj = Spawn (kind, spot->Pos(), ALLOW_REPLACE);

		if (mobj != NULL)
			ActorFlags2 oldFlags2 = mobj->flags2;
			mobj->flags2 |= MF2_PASSMOBJ;
			if (P_TestMobjLocation (mobj))
				mobj->Angles.Yaw = (angle != 1000000. ? angle : spot->Angles.Yaw);
				if (fog)
					P_SpawnTeleportFog(mobj, spot->PosPlusZ(TELEFOGHEIGHT), false, true);
				if (mobj->flags & MF_SPECIAL)
					mobj->flags |= MF_DROPPED;	// Don't respawn
				mobj->tid = newtid;
				mobj->AddToHash ();
				mobj->flags2 = oldFlags2;
				// If this is a monster, subtract it from the total monster
				// count, because it already added to it during spawning.
				mobj->Destroy ();
		spot = iterator.Next();

	return rtn != 0;
Exemplo n.º 17
bool P_Thing_Projectile (int tid, AActor *source, int type, const char *type_name, DAngle angle,
	double speed, double vspeed, int dest, AActor *forcedest, int gravity, int newtid,
	bool leadTarget)
	int rtn = 0;
	PClassActor *kind;
	AActor *spot, *mobj, *targ = forcedest;
	FActorIterator iterator (tid);
	int defflags3;

	if (type_name == NULL)
		kind = P_GetSpawnableType(type);
		kind = PClass::FindActor(type_name);
	if (kind == NULL)
		return false;

	// Handle decorate replacements.
	kind = kind->GetReplacement();

	defflags3 = GetDefaultByType(kind)->flags3;
	if ((defflags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) && 
		((dmflags & DF_NO_MONSTERS) || (level.flags2 & LEVEL2_NOMONSTERS)))
		return false;

	if (tid == 0)
		spot = source;
		spot = iterator.Next();
	while (spot != NULL)
		FActorIterator tit (dest);

		if (dest == 0 || (targ = tit.Next()))
				double z = spot->Z();
				if (defflags3 & MF3_FLOORHUGGER)
					z = ONFLOORZ;
				else if (defflags3 & MF3_CEILINGHUGGER)
					z = ONCEILINGZ;
				else if (z != ONFLOORZ)
					z -= spot->Floorclip;
				mobj = Spawn (kind, spot->PosAtZ(z), ALLOW_REPLACE);

				if (mobj)
					mobj->tid = newtid;
					mobj->AddToHash ();
					P_PlaySpawnSound(mobj, spot);
					if (gravity)
						mobj->flags &= ~MF_NOGRAVITY;
						if (!(mobj->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) && gravity == 1)
							mobj->Gravity = 1./8;
						mobj->flags |= MF_NOGRAVITY;
					mobj->target = spot;

					if (targ != NULL)
						DVector3 aim = mobj->Vec3To(targ);
						aim.Z += targ->Height / 2;

						if (leadTarget && speed > 0 && !targ->Vel.isZero())
							// Aiming at the target's position some time in the future
							// is basically just an application of the law of sines:
							//     a/sin(A) = b/sin(B)
							// Thanks to all those on the notgod phorum for helping me
							// with the math. I don't think I would have thought of using
							// trig alone had I been left to solve it by myself.

							DVector3 tvel = targ->Vel;
							if (!(targ->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY) && targ->waterlevel < 3)
							{ // If the target is subject to gravity and not underwater,
							  // assume that it isn't moving vertically. Thanks to gravity,
							  // even if we did consider the vertical component of the target's
							  // velocity, we would still miss more often than not.
								tvel.Z = 0.0;
								if (targ->Vel.X == 0 && targ->Vel.Y == 0)
									goto nolead;
							double dist = aim.Length();
							double targspeed = tvel.Length();
							double ydotx = -aim | tvel;
							double a = g_acos (clamp (ydotx / targspeed / dist, -1.0, 1.0));
							double multiplier = double(pr_leadtarget.Random2())*0.1/255+1.1;
							double sinb = -clamp (targspeed*multiplier * g_sin(a) / speed, -1.0, 1.0);

							// Use the cross product of two of the triangle's sides to get a
							// rotation vector.
							DVector3 rv(tvel ^ aim);
							// The vector must be normalized.
							// Now combine the rotation vector with angle b to get a rotation matrix.
							DMatrix3x3 rm(rv, g_cos(g_asin(sinb)), sinb);
							// And multiply the original aim vector with the matrix to get a
							// new aim vector that leads the target.
							DVector3 aimvec = rm * aim;
							// And make the projectile follow that vector at the desired speed.
							mobj->Vel = aimvec * (speed / dist);
							mobj->Angles.Yaw = mobj->AngleTo(targ);
							mobj->Vel = aim.Resized (speed);
						if (mobj->flags2 & MF2_SEEKERMISSILE)
							mobj->tracer = targ;
						mobj->Angles.Yaw = angle;
						mobj->Vel.Z = vspeed;
					// Set the missile's speed to reflect the speed it was spawned at.
					if (mobj->flags & MF_MISSILE)
						mobj->Speed = mobj->VelToSpeed();
					// Hugger missiles don't have any vertical velocity
					if (mobj->flags3 & (MF3_FLOORHUGGER|MF3_CEILINGHUGGER))
						mobj->Vel.Z = 0;
					if (mobj->flags & MF_SPECIAL)
						mobj->flags |= MF_DROPPED;
					if (mobj->flags & MF_MISSILE)
						if (P_CheckMissileSpawn (mobj, spot->radius))
							rtn = true;
					else if (!P_TestMobjLocation (mobj))
						// If this is a monster, subtract it from the total monster
						// count, because it already added to it during spawning.
						mobj->Destroy ();
						// It spawned fine.
						rtn = 1;
			} while (dest != 0 && (targ = tit.Next()));
		spot = iterator.Next();

	return rtn != 0;
Exemplo n.º 18
bool FLevelLocals::EV_Thing_Projectile (int tid, AActor *source, int type, const char *type_name, DAngle angle,
	double speed, double vspeed, int dest, AActor *forcedest, int gravity, int newtid,
	bool leadTarget)
	int rtn = 0;
	PClassActor *kind;
	AActor *spot, *mobj, *targ = forcedest;
	auto iterator = GetActorIterator(tid);
	int defflags3;

	if (type_name == NULL)
		kind = P_GetSpawnableType(type);
		kind = PClass::FindActor(type_name);
	if (kind == NULL)
		return false;

	// Handle decorate replacements.
	kind = kind->GetReplacement(this);

	defflags3 = GetDefaultByType(kind)->flags3;
	if ((defflags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) && 
		((dmflags & DF_NO_MONSTERS) || (flags2 & LEVEL2_NOMONSTERS)))
		return false;

	if (tid == 0)
		spot = source;
		spot = iterator.Next();
	while (spot != NULL)
		auto tit = GetActorIterator(dest);

		if (dest == 0 || (targ = tit.Next()))
				double z = spot->Z();
				if (defflags3 & MF3_FLOORHUGGER)
					z = ONFLOORZ;
				else if (defflags3 & MF3_CEILINGHUGGER)
					z = ONCEILINGZ;
				else if (z != ONFLOORZ)
					z -= spot->Floorclip;
				mobj = Spawn (spot->Level, kind, spot->PosAtZ(z), ALLOW_REPLACE);

				if (mobj)
					mobj->tid = newtid;
					mobj->AddToHash ();
					P_PlaySpawnSound(mobj, spot);
					if (gravity)
						mobj->flags &= ~MF_NOGRAVITY;
						if (!(mobj->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) && gravity == 1)
							mobj->Gravity = 1./8;
						mobj->flags |= MF_NOGRAVITY;
					mobj->target = spot;

					if (targ != nullptr)
						VelIntercept(targ, mobj, speed, false, false, leadTarget);

						if (mobj->flags2 & MF2_SEEKERMISSILE)
							mobj->tracer = targ;
						mobj->Angles.Yaw = angle;
						mobj->Vel.Z = vspeed;
					// Set the missile's speed to reflect the speed it was spawned at.
					if (mobj->flags & MF_MISSILE)
						mobj->Speed = mobj->VelToSpeed();
					// Hugger missiles don't have any vertical velocity
					if (mobj->flags3 & (MF3_FLOORHUGGER|MF3_CEILINGHUGGER))
						mobj->Vel.Z = 0;
					if (mobj->flags & MF_SPECIAL)
						mobj->flags |= MF_DROPPED;
					if (mobj->flags & MF_MISSILE)
						if (P_CheckMissileSpawn (mobj, spot->radius))
							rtn = true;
					else if (!P_TestMobjLocation (mobj))
						// If this is a monster, subtract it from the total monster
						// count, because it already added to it during spawning.
						mobj->Destroy ();
						// It spawned fine.
						rtn = 1;
			} while (dest != 0 && (targ = tit.Next()));
		spot = iterator.Next();

	return rtn != 0;
Exemplo n.º 19
bool P_Thing_ProjectileEx (int tid, AActor *source, int type, const char *type_name, angle_t angle,
	fixed_t spawnx, fixed_t spawny, fixed_t spawnz,
	fixed_t speed, fixed_t vspeed, int dest, AActor *forcedest, int gravity, int newtid,
	bool leadTarget)
	int rtn = 0;
	const PClass *kind;
	AActor *spot, *mobj, *targ = forcedest;
	FActorIterator iterator (tid);
	double fspeed = speed;
	int defflags3;
	fixed_t x = 0;
	fixed_t y = 0;
	fixed_t z = 0;
	angle_t pitch;

	if (type_name == NULL)
		kind = P_GetSpawnableType(type);
		kind = PClass::FindClass(type_name);
	if (kind == NULL || kind->ActorInfo == NULL)
		return false;

// [RC] I'm sure there was reason for this code here, but I'm not sure why anymore. Possibly
// deprecated ThingProjectile code.
	if (type_name == NULL)
		if (type >= MAX_SPAWNABLES)
			return false;

		if ((kind = SpawnableThings[type]) == NULL)
			return false;
		if ((kind = PClass::FindClass(type_name)) == NULL || kind->ActorInfo == NULL)
			return false;

	// Handle decorate replacements.
	kind = kind->GetReplacement();

	defflags3 = GetDefaultByType (kind)->flags3;
	if ((defflags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) && 
		((dmflags & DF_NO_MONSTERS) || (level.flags2 & LEVEL2_NOMONSTERS)))
		return false;

	if (tid == 0)
		spot = source;
		spot = iterator.Next();
	while (spot != NULL)
		FActorIterator tit (dest);

		if (dest == 0 || (targ = tit.Next()))
				//fixed_t z = spot->z;
				z += spot->player->mo->z + (spot->player->mo->AttackZOffset+spawnz);//spot->player->mo->AttackZOffset;
				x += spot->player->mo->x + spawnx;
				y += spot->player->mo->y + spawny;
				pitch = spot->player->mo->pitch;

				if (defflags3 & MF3_FLOORHUGGER) z = ONFLOORZ;
				else if (defflags3 & MF3_CEILINGHUGGER) z = ONCEILINGZ;
				else if (z != ONFLOORZ)z -= spot->floorclip;
				if (z < spot->floorz) z = spot->floorz;

				mobj = Spawn (kind, x, y, z, ALLOW_REPLACE);

				if (mobj)
					mobj->tid = newtid;
					mobj->AddToHash ();
					P_PlaySpawnSound(mobj, spot);
					if (gravity)
						mobj->flags &= ~MF_NOGRAVITY;
						if (!(mobj->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) && gravity == 1)
							mobj->gravity = FRACUNIT/8;
						mobj->flags |= MF_NOGRAVITY;
					mobj->target = spot;
					mobj->master = spot; //Ideally, give the projectile an owner. That being the player.
					mobj->angle = angle;
					mobj->velx = FixedMul(speed, finecosine[angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT]);
					mobj->vely = FixedMul(speed, finesine[angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT]);
					mobj->velz = vspeed;

					// Set the missile's speed to reflect the speed it was spawned at.
					if (mobj->flags & MF_MISSILE)
						mobj->Speed = fixed_t (sqrt (double(mobj->velx)*mobj->velx + double(mobj->vely)*mobj->vely + double(mobj->velz)*mobj->velz));
					// Hugger missiles don't have any vertical velocity
					if (mobj->flags3 & (MF3_FLOORHUGGER|MF3_CEILINGHUGGER))
						mobj->velz = 0;
					if (mobj->flags & MF_SPECIAL)
						mobj->flags |= MF_DROPPED;
					if (mobj->flags & MF_MISSILE)
						if (P_CheckMissileSpawn (mobj))
							rtn = true;
					else if (!P_TestMobjLocation (mobj))
						// If this is a monster, subtract it from the total monster
						// count, because it already added to it during spawning.
						mobj->Destroy ();
						// It spawned fine.
						rtn = 1;
			} while (dest != 0 && (targ = tit.Next()));
		spot = iterator.Next();

	return rtn != 0;
Exemplo n.º 20
bool P_Thing_Spawn (int tid, AActor *source, int type, angle_t angle, bool fog, int newtid)
	int rtn = 0;
	const PClass *kind;
	AActor *spot, *mobj;
	FActorIterator iterator (tid);

	if (type >= MAX_SPAWNABLES)
		return false;

	if ( (kind = SpawnableThings[type]) == NULL)
		return false;

	// Handle decorate replacements.
	kind = kind->ActorInfo->GetReplacement()->Class;

	if ((GetDefaultByType (kind)->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) && 
		((dmflags & DF_NO_MONSTERS) || (level.flags2 & LEVEL2_NOMONSTERS)))
		return false;

	if (tid == 0)
		spot = source;
		spot = iterator.Next();
	while (spot != NULL)
		mobj = Spawn (kind, spot->x, spot->y, spot->z, ALLOW_REPLACE);

		if (mobj != NULL)
			DWORD oldFlags2 = mobj->flags2;
			mobj->flags2 |= MF2_PASSMOBJ;
			if (P_TestMobjLocation (mobj))
				mobj->angle = (angle != ANGLE_MAX ? angle : spot->angle);
				if (fog)
					Spawn<ATeleportFog> (spot->x, spot->y, spot->z + TELEFOGHEIGHT, ALLOW_REPLACE);
				if (mobj->flags & MF_SPECIAL)
					mobj->flags |= MF_DROPPED;	// Don't respawn
				mobj->tid = newtid;
				mobj->AddToHash ();
				mobj->flags2 = oldFlags2;
				// If this is a monster, subtract it from the total monster
				// count, because it already added to it during spawning.
				if (mobj->CountsAsKill())
				// Same, for items
				if (mobj->flags & MF_COUNTITEM)
				mobj->Destroy ();
		spot = iterator.Next();

	return rtn != 0;
Exemplo n.º 21
bool P_Thing_Projectile (int tid, AActor *source, int type, const char *type_name, angle_t angle,
	fixed_t speed, fixed_t vspeed, int dest, AActor *forcedest, int gravity, int newtid,
	bool leadTarget)
	int rtn = 0;
	const PClass *kind;
	AActor *spot, *mobj, *targ = forcedest;
	FActorIterator iterator (tid);
	double fspeed = speed;
	int defflags3;

	if (type_name == NULL)
		if (type >= MAX_SPAWNABLES)
			return false;

		if ((kind = SpawnableThings[type]) == NULL)
			return false;
		if ((kind = PClass::FindClass(type_name)) == NULL || kind->ActorInfo == NULL)
			return false;

	// Handle decorate replacements.
	kind = kind->ActorInfo->GetReplacement()->Class;

	defflags3 = GetDefaultByType (kind)->flags3;
	if ((defflags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) && 
		((dmflags & DF_NO_MONSTERS) || (level.flags2 & LEVEL2_NOMONSTERS)))
		return false;

	if (tid == 0)
		spot = source;
		spot = iterator.Next();
	while (spot != NULL)
		FActorIterator tit (dest);

		if (dest == 0 || (targ = tit.Next()))
				fixed_t z = spot->z;
				if (defflags3 & MF3_FLOORHUGGER)
					z = ONFLOORZ;
				else if (defflags3 & MF3_CEILINGHUGGER)
					z = ONCEILINGZ;
				else if (z != ONFLOORZ)
					z -= spot->floorclip;
				mobj = Spawn (kind, spot->x, spot->y, z, ALLOW_REPLACE);

				if (mobj)
					mobj->tid = newtid;
					mobj->AddToHash ();
					P_PlaySpawnSound(mobj, spot);
					if (gravity)
						mobj->flags &= ~MF_NOGRAVITY;
						if (!(mobj->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) && gravity == 1)
							mobj->gravity = FRACUNIT/8;
						mobj->flags |= MF_NOGRAVITY;
					mobj->target = spot;

					if (targ != NULL)
						fixed_t spot[3] = { targ->x, targ->y, targ->z+targ->height/2 };
						FVector3 aim(float(spot[0] - mobj->x), float(spot[1] - mobj->y), float(spot[2] - mobj->z));

						if (leadTarget && speed > 0 && (targ->velx | targ->vely | targ->velz))
							// Aiming at the target's position some time in the future
							// is basically just an application of the law of sines:
							//     a/sin(A) = b/sin(B)
							// Thanks to all those on the notgod phorum for helping me
							// with the math. I don't think I would have thought of using
							// trig alone had I been left to solve it by myself.

							FVector3 tvel(targ->velx, targ->vely, targ->velz);
							if (!(targ->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY) && targ->waterlevel < 3)
							{ // If the target is subject to gravity and not underwater,
							  // assume that it isn't moving vertically. Thanks to gravity,
							  // even if we did consider the vertical component of the target's
							  // velocity, we would still miss more often than not.
								tvel.Z = 0.0;
								if ((targ->velx | targ->vely) == 0)
									goto nolead;
							double dist = aim.Length();
							double targspeed = tvel.Length();
							double ydotx = -aim | tvel;
							double a = acos (clamp (ydotx / targspeed / dist, -1.0, 1.0));
							double multiplier = double(pr_leadtarget.Random2())*0.1/255+1.1;
							double sinb = -clamp (targspeed*multiplier * sin(a) / fspeed, -1.0, 1.0);

							// Use the cross product of two of the triangle's sides to get a
							// rotation vector.
							FVector3 rv(tvel ^ aim);
							// The vector must be normalized.
							// Now combine the rotation vector with angle b to get a rotation matrix.
							FMatrix3x3 rm(rv, cos(asin(sinb)), sinb);
							// And multiply the original aim vector with the matrix to get a
							// new aim vector that leads the target.
							FVector3 aimvec = rm * aim;
							// And make the projectile follow that vector at the desired speed.
							double aimscale = fspeed / dist;
							mobj->velx = fixed_t (aimvec[0] * aimscale);
							mobj->vely = fixed_t (aimvec[1] * aimscale);
							mobj->velz = fixed_t (aimvec[2] * aimscale);
							mobj->angle = R_PointToAngle2 (0, 0, mobj->velx, mobj->vely);
nolead:						mobj->angle = R_PointToAngle2 (mobj->x, mobj->y, targ->x, targ->y);
							aim.Resize (fspeed);
							mobj->velx = fixed_t(aim[0]);
							mobj->vely = fixed_t(aim[1]);
							mobj->velz = fixed_t(aim[2]);
						if (mobj->flags2 & MF2_SEEKERMISSILE)
							mobj->tracer = targ;
						mobj->angle = angle;
						mobj->velx = FixedMul (speed, finecosine[angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT]);
						mobj->vely = FixedMul (speed, finesine[angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT]);
						mobj->velz = vspeed;
					// Set the missile's speed to reflect the speed it was spawned at.
					if (mobj->flags & MF_MISSILE)
						mobj->Speed = fixed_t (sqrt (double(mobj->velx)*mobj->velx + double(mobj->vely)*mobj->vely + double(mobj->velz)*mobj->velz));
					// Hugger missiles don't have any vertical velocity
					if (mobj->flags3 & (MF3_FLOORHUGGER|MF3_CEILINGHUGGER))
						mobj->velz = 0;
					if (mobj->flags & MF_SPECIAL)
						mobj->flags |= MF_DROPPED;
					if (mobj->flags & MF_MISSILE)
						if (P_CheckMissileSpawn (mobj))
							rtn = true;
					else if (!P_TestMobjLocation (mobj))
						// If this is a monster, subtract it from the total monster
						// count, because it already added to it during spawning.
						if (mobj->CountsAsKill())
						// Same, for items
						if (mobj->flags & MF_COUNTITEM)
						mobj->Destroy ();
						// It spawned fine.
						rtn = 1;
			} while (dest != 0 && (targ = tit.Next()));
		spot = iterator.Next();

	return rtn != 0;
Exemplo n.º 22
bool P_UndoPlayerMorph (player_t *activator, player_t *player, int unmorphflag, bool force)
	AWeapon *beastweap;
	APlayerPawn *mo;
	APlayerPawn *pmo;
	angle_t angle;

	pmo = player->mo;
	// [MH]
	// Checks pmo as well; the PowerMorph destroyer will
	// try to unmorph the player; if the destroyer runs
	// because the level or game is ended while morphed,
	// by the time it gets executed the morphed player
	// pawn instance may have already been destroyed.
	if (pmo == NULL || pmo->tracer == NULL)
		return false;

	bool DeliberateUnmorphIsOkay = !!(MORPH_STANDARDUNDOING & unmorphflag);

    if ((pmo->flags2 & MF2_INVULNERABLE) // If the player is invulnerable
        && ((player != activator)       // and either did not decide to unmorph,
        || (!((player->MorphStyle & MORPH_WHENINVULNERABLE)  // or the morph style does not allow it
        || (DeliberateUnmorphIsOkay))))) // (but standard morph styles always allow it),
	{ // Then the player is immune to the unmorph.
		return false;

	mo = barrier_cast<APlayerPawn *>(pmo->tracer);
	mo->SetOrigin (pmo->Pos(), false);
	mo->flags |= MF_SOLID;
	pmo->flags &= ~MF_SOLID;
	if (!force && !P_TestMobjLocation (mo))
	{ // Didn't fit
		mo->flags &= ~MF_SOLID;
		pmo->flags |= MF_SOLID;
		player->morphTics = 2*TICRATE;
		return false;
	pmo->player = NULL;

	// Remove the morph power if the morph is being undone prematurely.
	for (AInventory *item = pmo->Inventory, *next = NULL; item != NULL; item = next)
		next = item->Inventory;
		if (item->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(APowerMorph)))
			static_cast<APowerMorph *>(item)->SetNoCallUndoMorph();
	mo->ObtainInventory (pmo);
	DObject::StaticPointerSubstitution (pmo, mo);
	if ((pmo->tid != 0) && (player->MorphStyle & MORPH_NEWTIDBEHAVIOUR))
		mo->tid = pmo->tid;
		mo->AddToHash ();
	mo->angle = pmo->angle;
	mo->player = player;
	mo->reactiontime = 18;
	mo->flags = ActorFlags::FromInt (pmo->special2) & ~MF_JUSTHIT;
	mo->velx = 0;
	mo->vely = 0;
	player->velx = 0;
	player->vely = 0;
	mo->velz = pmo->velz;
	if (!(pmo->special2 & MF_JUSTHIT))
		mo->renderflags &= ~RF_INVISIBLE;
	mo->flags  = (mo->flags & ~(MF_SHADOW|MF_NOGRAVITY)) | (pmo->flags & (MF_SHADOW|MF_NOGRAVITY));
	mo->flags2 = (mo->flags2 & ~MF2_FLY) | (pmo->flags2 & MF2_FLY);
	mo->flags3 = (mo->flags3 & ~MF3_GHOST) | (pmo->flags3 & MF3_GHOST);
	mo->Score = pmo->Score;

	PClassActor *exit_flash = player->MorphExitFlash;
	bool correctweapon = !!(player->MorphStyle & MORPH_LOSEACTUALWEAPON);
	bool undobydeathsaves = !!(player->MorphStyle & MORPH_UNDOBYDEATHSAVES);

	player->morphTics = 0;
	player->MorphedPlayerClass = 0;
	player->MorphStyle = 0;
	player->MorphExitFlash = NULL;
	player->viewheight = mo->ViewHeight;
	AInventory *level2 = mo->FindInventory (RUNTIME_CLASS(APowerWeaponLevel2), true);
	if (level2 != NULL)
		level2->Destroy ();

	if ((player->health > 0) || undobydeathsaves)
		player->health = mo->health = mo->SpawnHealth();
	else // killed when morphed so stay dead
		mo->health = player->health;

	player->mo = mo;
	if (player->camera == pmo)
		player->camera = mo;

	// [MH]
	// If the player that was morphed is the one
	// taking events, reset up the face, if any;
	// this is only needed for old-skool skins
	// and for the original DOOM status bar.
	if (player == &players[consoleplayer])
		FString face = pmo->GetClass()->Face;
		if (face.IsNotEmpty() && strcmp(face, "None") != 0)
			// Assume root-level base skin to begin with
			size_t skinindex = 0;
			// If a custom skin was in use, then reload it
			// or else the base skin for the player class.
			if ((unsigned int)player->userinfo.GetSkin() >= PlayerClasses.Size () &&
				(size_t)player->userinfo.GetSkin() < numskins)

				skinindex = player->userinfo.GetSkin();
			else if (PlayerClasses.Size () > 1)
				const PClass *whatami = player->mo->GetClass();
				for (unsigned int i = 0; i < PlayerClasses.Size (); ++i)
					if (PlayerClasses[i].Type == whatami)
						skinindex = i;

	angle = mo->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
	AActor *eflash = NULL;
	if (exit_flash != NULL)
		eflash = Spawn(exit_flash, pmo->Vec3Offset(20*finecosine[angle], 20*finesine[angle], TELEFOGHEIGHT), ALLOW_REPLACE);
		if (eflash)	eflash->target = mo;
	mo->SetupWeaponSlots();		// Use original class's weapon slots.
	beastweap = player->ReadyWeapon;
	if (player->PremorphWeapon != NULL)
		player->PremorphWeapon->PostMorphWeapon ();
		player->ReadyWeapon = player->PendingWeapon = NULL;
	if (correctweapon)
	{ // Better "lose morphed weapon" semantics
		PClassActor *morphweapon = PClass::FindActor(pmo->MorphWeapon);
		if (morphweapon != NULL && morphweapon->IsDescendantOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon)))
			AWeapon *OriginalMorphWeapon = static_cast<AWeapon *>(mo->FindInventory (morphweapon));
			if ((OriginalMorphWeapon != NULL) && (OriginalMorphWeapon->GivenAsMorphWeapon))
			{ // You don't get to keep your morphed weapon.
				if (OriginalMorphWeapon->SisterWeapon != NULL)
					OriginalMorphWeapon->SisterWeapon->Destroy ();
				OriginalMorphWeapon->Destroy ();
	else // old behaviour (not really useful now)
	{ // Assumptions made here are no longer valid
		if (beastweap != NULL)
		{ // You don't get to keep your morphed weapon.
			if (beastweap->SisterWeapon != NULL)
				beastweap->SisterWeapon->Destroy ();
			beastweap->Destroy ();
	pmo->tracer = NULL;
	pmo->Destroy ();
	// Restore playerclass armor to its normal amount.
	AHexenArmor *hxarmor = mo->FindInventory<AHexenArmor>();
	if (hxarmor != NULL)
		hxarmor->Slots[4] = mo->GetClass()->HexenArmor[0];
	return true;