PackDetails RenderSystem::CreatePack(uint8_t*data, uint32_t len) 
	bool result;
	uint32_t width, height;

	// Create a new DXTexture
	DXTexture* temp = new DXTexture;
		log_sxerror("RenderSystem", "Ran out of memory to allocate for the texture pack.");
		return PackDetails(0, 0, 0);

	// Initialize the texture
	result = temp->Initialize(data, len, width, height);
		log_sxerror("RenderSystem", "Failed to load your texture pack properly.");
		return PackDetails(0, 0, 0);

	// Create a new pack info
	PackDetails pack(currentPackID++, width, height);

	// Insert the pack into the map
	m_Packs.insert(std::pair<uint16_t, DXTexture*>(pack._pack_id, temp));

	// Insert the texture info into the other map
	m_PackInfo.insert(std::pair<uint16_t, PackDetails>(pack._pack_id, pack));

	return pack;
Exemplo n.º 2
static bool RunMuxing(const std::string& dest_path, const std::string& args)
    Gtk::Dialog dlg(BF_("Muxing \"%1%\"") % fs::name_str(dest_path) % bf::stop);
    SetDialogStrict(dlg, 400, -1);

    Gtk::TextView& txt_view = NewManaged<Gtk::TextView>();
    Execution::Data edat;
    Gtk::ProgressBar& prg_bar = NewManaged<Gtk::ProgressBar>();

        Gtk::VBox& box = *dlg.get_vbox();
        PackStart(box, prg_bar);

        Gtk::Expander& expdr = PackStart(box, NewManaged<Gtk::Expander>(_("Show/_hide Details"), true));
        txt_view.set_size_request(0, 200);

        dlg.add_button(Gtk::Stock::CANCEL, Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL);
        dlg.signal_response().connect(bb::bind(&OnResponse, boost::ref(edat), _1));


    ExitData ed;
        Execution::Pulse pls(prg_bar);
        std::string cmd = boost::format("mplex -f 8 -o %1% %2%") % dest_path % args % bf::stop;
        AppendCommandText(txt_view, cmd);
        ed = ExecuteAsync(0, cmd.c_str(), TextViewAppender(txt_view), &;

    if( !ed.IsGood() && !edat.userAbort )
        MessageBox(_("Muxing error"), Gtk::MESSAGE_ERROR, Gtk::BUTTONS_OK, 
                   BF_("The reason is \"%1%\" (see Details)") % ExitDescription(ed) % bf::stop);;
    return ed.IsGood();