Exemplo n.º 1
static void
    dict_t conf_node;
    const char *str;

    if (!(conf_node = conf_get_data(GLOBAL_CONF_NAME, RECDB_OBJECT))) {
	log_module(G_LOG, LOG_ERROR, "config node `%s' is missing or has wrong type.", GLOBAL_CONF_NAME);

    str = database_get_data(conf_node, KEY_DB_BACKUP_FREQ, RECDB_QSTRING);
    global_conf.db_backup_frequency = str ? ParseInterval(str) : 7200;
    str = database_get_data(conf_node, KEY_ANNOUNCEMENTS_DEFAULT, RECDB_QSTRING);
    global_conf.announcements_default = str ? enabled_string(str) : 1;

    str = database_get_data(conf_node, KEY_NICK, RECDB_QSTRING);
    if(global && str)
        NickChange(global, str, 0);
Exemplo n.º 2
 * mo_zline - oper message handler
 * parv[0] = Sender prefix
 * parv[1] = [[+|-]<Z-line mask>]
 * For other parameters, see doc/readme.zline.
mo_zline(struct Client *cptr, struct Client *sptr, int parc, char *parv[])
  struct Client *acptr = 0;
  struct Zline *azline = 0;
  unsigned int flags = 0;
  enum ZlineAction action = ZLINE_MODIFY;
  time_t expire = 0;
  char *mask = parv[1], *target = 0, *reason = 0, *end;

  if (parc < 2)
    return zline_list(sptr, 0);

  if (*mask == '!') {

    if (HasPriv(sptr, PRIV_WIDE_ZLINE))
      flags |= ZLINE_OPERFORCE;

  switch (*mask) { /* handle +, -, <, and > */
  case '+': /* activate the Z-line */
    action = ZLINE_ACTIVATE;

  case '-': /* deactivate the Z-line */
    action = ZLINE_DEACTIVATE;

  case '>': /* locally activate the Z-line */

  case '<': /* locally deactivate the Z-line */

  /* OK, let's figure out the parameters... */
  switch (action) {
  case ZLINE_MODIFY: /* no specific action on the Z-line... */
    if (parc == 2) /* user wants a listing of a specific Z-line */
      return zline_list(sptr, mask);
    else if (parc < 4) /* must have target and expire, minimum */
      return need_more_params(sptr, "ZLINE");

    target = parv[2]; /* get the target... */
    if (is_timestamp(parv[3])) {
      expire = strtol(parv[3], &end, 10) + TStime(); /* and the expiration */
      if (*end != '\0')
        return send_reply(sptr, SND_EXPLICIT | ERR_BADEXPIRE, "%s :Bad expire time", parv[3]);
    } else
      expire = ParseInterval(parv[3]) + TStime();

    flags |= ZLINE_EXPIRE; /* remember that we got an expire time */

    if (parc > 4) { /* also got a reason... */
      reason = parv[parc - 1];
      flags |= ZLINE_REASON;

    /* target is not global, interpolate action and require reason */
    if (target[0] != '*' || target[1] != '\0') {
      if (!reason) /* have to have a reason for this */
	return need_more_params(sptr, "ZLINE");

      action = ZLINE_ACTIVATE;

  case ZLINE_LOCAL_ACTIVATE: /* locally activate a Z-line */
  case ZLINE_LOCAL_DEACTIVATE: /* locally deactivate a Z-line */
    if (parc > 2) { /* if target is available, pick it */
      target = parv[2];
      if (target[0] == '*' && target[1] == '\0')
        return send_reply(sptr, ERR_NOSUCHSERVER, target);

  case ZLINE_ACTIVATE: /* activating/adding a Z-line */
  case ZLINE_DEACTIVATE: /* deactivating/removing a Z-line */
    if (parc < 3)
      return need_more_params(sptr, "ZLINE");

    if (parc > 3) {
      /* get expiration and target */
      reason = parv[parc - 1];
      if (is_timestamp(parv[parc - 2])) {
        expire = strtol(parv[parc - 2], &end, 10) + TStime();
        if (*end != '\0')
          return send_reply(sptr, SND_EXPLICIT | ERR_BADEXPIRE, "%s :Bad expire time", parv[parc - 2]);
      } else
        expire = ParseInterval(parv[parc - 2]) + TStime();

      flags |= ZLINE_EXPIRE | ZLINE_REASON; /* remember that we got 'em */

      if (parc > 4) /* also have a target! */
	target = parv[2];
    } else {
      target = parv[2]; /* target has to be present, and has to be '*' */

      if (target[0] != '*' || target[1] != '\0')
	return need_more_params(sptr, "ZLINE");

  /* Is there no mask left? */
  if (mask[0] == '\0')
    return need_more_params(sptr, "ZLINE");

  /* Now let's figure out which is the target server */
  if (!target) /* no target, has to be me... */
    acptr = &me;
  /* if it's not '*', look up the server */
  else if ((target[0] != '*' || target[1] != '\0') &&
	   !(acptr = find_match_server(target)))
    return send_reply(sptr, ERR_NOSUCHSERVER, target);

  /* Z-line deprecation notice */
      sendcmdto_one(&me, CMD_NOTICE, sptr, "%C :Use of Z-line is deprecated. "
 	   " Please use G-line instead.", sptr);

  /* Now, is the Z-line local or global? */
    flags |= ZLINE_GLOBAL;
  else /* it's some form of local Z-line */
    flags |= ZLINE_LOCAL;

  /* If it's a local activate/deactivate and server isn't me, propagate it */
  if ((action == ZLINE_LOCAL_ACTIVATE || action == ZLINE_LOCAL_DEACTIVATE) &&
      !IsMe(acptr)) {
    /* check for permissions... */
    if (!feature_bool(FEAT_CONFIG_OPERCMDS))
      return send_reply(sptr, ERR_DISABLED, "ZLINE");
    else if (!HasPriv(sptr, PRIV_ZLINE))
      return send_reply(sptr, ERR_NOPRIVILEGES);

    Debug((DEBUG_DEBUG, "I am forwarding a local change to a global zline "
	   "to a remote server; target %s, mask %s, operforce %s, action %c",
	   cli_name(acptr), mask, flags & ZLINE_OPERFORCE ? "YES" : "NO",
	   action == ZLINE_LOCAL_ACTIVATE ? '>' : '<'));

    sendcmdto_one(sptr, CMD_ZLINE, acptr, "%C %s%c%s", acptr,
                  flags & ZLINE_OPERFORCE ? "!" : "",
                  action == ZLINE_LOCAL_ACTIVATE ? '>' : '<', mask);

    return 0; /* all done */

  /* Next, try to find the Z-line... */
  if ((flags & ZLINE_GLOBAL) || IsMe(acptr)) /* don't bother if it's not me! */
    azline = zline_find(mask, flags | ZLINE_ANY | ZLINE_EXACT);

  /* We now have all the pieces to tell us what we've got; let's put
   * it all together and convert the rest of the arguments.

  /* Handle the local Z-lines first... */
  if (flags & ZLINE_LOCAL) {

    /* normalize the action, first */
    if (action == ZLINE_LOCAL_ACTIVATE || action == ZLINE_MODIFY)
      action = ZLINE_ACTIVATE;
    else if (action == ZLINE_LOCAL_DEACTIVATE)
      action = ZLINE_DEACTIVATE;

    /* If it's not for us, forward */
    /* UPDATE NOTE: Once all servers are updated to u2.10.12.11, the
     * format string in this sendcmdto_one() may be updated to omit
     * <lastmod> for ZLINE_ACTIVATE and to omit <expire>, <lastmod>,
     * and <reason> for ZLINE_DEACTIVATE.

    if (!IsMe(acptr)) {
      /* check for permissions... */
      if (!feature_bool(FEAT_CONFIG_OPERCMDS))
	return send_reply(sptr, ERR_DISABLED, "ZLINE");
      else if (!HasPriv(sptr, PRIV_ZLINE))
	return send_reply(sptr, ERR_NOPRIVILEGES);

      Debug((DEBUG_DEBUG, "I am forwarding a local Z-line to a remote "
	     "server; target %s, mask %s, operforce %s, action %c, "
	     "expire %Tu, reason %s", target, mask,
	     flags & ZLINE_OPERFORCE ? "YES" : "NO",
	     action == ZLINE_ACTIVATE ? '+' : '-', expire, reason));

      sendcmdto_one(sptr, CMD_ZLINE, acptr, "%C %s%c%s %Tu %Tu :%s",
		    acptr, flags & ZLINE_OPERFORCE ? "!" : "",
		    action == ZLINE_ACTIVATE ? '+' : '-', mask,
		    expire - TStime(), TStime(), reason);

      return 0; /* all done */

    /* check local Z-line permissions... */
    if (!HasPriv(sptr, PRIV_LOCAL_ZLINE))
      return send_reply(sptr, ERR_NOPRIVILEGES);

    /* let's handle activation... */
    if (action == ZLINE_ACTIVATE) {
      if (azline) /* Z-line already exists, so let's ignore it... */
	return 0;

      /* OK, create the local Z-line */
      Debug((DEBUG_DEBUG, "I am creating a local Z-line here; target %s, "
	     "mask %s, operforce %s, action  %s, expire %Tu, reason: %s",
	     target, mask, flags & ZLINE_OPERFORCE ? "YES" : "NO",
	     action == ZLINE_ACTIVATE ? "+" : "-", expire, reason));

      return zline_add(cptr, sptr, mask, reason, expire, 0, 0,
		       flags | ZLINE_ACTIVE);
    } else { /* OK, it's a deactivation/destruction */
      if (!azline) /* Z-line doesn't exist, so let's complain... */
	return send_reply(sptr, ERR_NOSUCHZLINE, mask);

      /* Let's now destroy the Z-line */
      Debug((DEBUG_DEBUG, "I am destroying a local Z-line here; target %s, "
	     "mask %s, operforce %s, action %s", target, mask,
	     flags & ZLINE_OPERFORCE ? "YES" : "NO",
	     action == ZLINE_ACTIVATE ? "+" : "-"));

      return zline_destroy(cptr, sptr, azline);

  /* can't modify a Z-line that doesn't exist...
   * (and if we are creating a new one, we need a reason and expiration)
  if (!azline &&
      (action == ZLINE_MODIFY || action == ZLINE_LOCAL_ACTIVATE ||
       action == ZLINE_LOCAL_DEACTIVATE || !reason || !expire))
    return send_reply(sptr, ERR_NOSUCHZLINE, mask);

  /* check for Z-line permissions... */
    /* only need local privileges for locally-limited status changes */
    if (!HasPriv(sptr, PRIV_LOCAL_ZLINE))
      return send_reply(sptr, ERR_NOPRIVILEGES);
  } else { /* global privileges required */
    if (!feature_bool(FEAT_CONFIG_OPERCMDS))
      return send_reply(sptr, ERR_DISABLED, "ZLINE");
    else if (!HasPriv(sptr, PRIV_ZLINE))
      return send_reply(sptr, ERR_NOPRIVILEGES);

  Debug((DEBUG_DEBUG, "I have a global Z-line I am acting upon now; "
	 "target %s, mask %s, operforce %s, action %s, expire %Tu, "
	 "reason: %s; zline %s!  (fields present: %s %s)", target, 
	 mask, flags & ZLINE_OPERFORCE ? "YES" : "NO",
	 action == ZLINE_ACTIVATE ? "+" :
	 (action == ZLINE_DEACTIVATE ? "-" :
	  (action == ZLINE_LOCAL_ACTIVATE ? ">" :
	   (action == ZLINE_LOCAL_DEACTIVATE ? "<" : "(MODIFY)"))),
	 expire, reason, azline ? "EXISTS" : "does not exist",
	 flags & ZLINE_EXPIRE ? "expire" : "",
	 flags & ZLINE_REASON ? "reason" : ""));

  if (azline) /* modifying an existing Z-line */
    return zline_modify(cptr, sptr, azline, action, reason, expire,
			TStime(), 0, flags);

  assert(action != ZLINE_LOCAL_ACTIVATE);
  assert(action != ZLINE_LOCAL_DEACTIVATE);
  assert(action != ZLINE_MODIFY);

  /* create a new Z-line */
  return zline_add(cptr, sptr, mask, reason, expire, TStime(), 0,
		   flags | ((action == ZLINE_ACTIVATE) ? ZLINE_ACTIVE : 0));
Exemplo n.º 3
SynchronizeFile(const char *dpath, const char *fileName, const char *userName)
	CronFile **pfile;
	CronFile *file;
	int maxEntries;
	int maxLines;
	char buf[RW_BUFFER]; /* max length for crontab lines */
	char *path;
	FILE *fi;

	 * Limit entries
	if (strcmp(userName, "root") == 0)
		maxEntries = 65535;
		maxEntries = MAXLINES;
	maxLines = maxEntries * 10;

	 * Delete any existing copy of this CronFile
	pfile = &FileBase;
	while ((file = *pfile) != NULL) {
		if (file->cf_Deleted == 0 && strcmp(file->cf_DPath, dpath) == 0 &&
				strcmp(file->cf_FileName, fileName) == 0
		   ) {
		} else {
			pfile = &file->cf_Next;

	if (!(path = concat(dpath, "/", fileName, NULL))) {
		errno = ENOMEM;
	if ((fi = fopen(path, "r")) != NULL) {
		struct stat sbuf;

		if (fstat(fileno(fi), &sbuf) == 0 && sbuf.st_uid == DaemonUid) {
			CronFile *file = calloc(1, sizeof(CronFile));
			CronLine **pline;
			time_t tnow = time(NULL);
			tnow -= tnow % 60;

			file->cf_UserName = strdup(userName);
			file->cf_FileName = strdup(fileName);
			file->cf_DPath = strdup(dpath);
			pline = &file->cf_LineBase;

			/* fgets reads at most size-1 chars until \n or EOF, then adds a\0; \n if present is stored in buf */
			while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fi) != NULL && --maxLines) {
				CronLine line;
				char *ptr = buf;
				int len;

				while (*ptr == ' ' || *ptr == '\t' || *ptr == '\n')

				len = strlen(ptr);
				if (len && ptr[len-1] == '\n')
					ptr[--len] = 0;

				if (*ptr == 0 || *ptr == '#')

				if (--maxEntries == 0)

				memset(&line, 0, sizeof(line));

				if (DebugOpt)
					printlogf(LOG_DEBUG, "User %s Entry %s\n", userName, buf);

				if (*ptr == '@') {
					 * parse @hourly, etc
					int	j;
					line.cl_Delay = -1;
					ptr += 1;
					for (j = 0; FreqAry[j]; ++j) {
						if (strncmp(ptr, FreqAry[j], strlen(FreqAry[j])) == 0) {
					if (FreqAry[j]) {
						ptr += strlen(FreqAry[j]);
						switch(j) {
							case 0:
								/* noauto */
								line.cl_Freq = -2;
								line.cl_Delay = 0;
							case 1:
								/* reboot */
								line.cl_Freq = -1;
								line.cl_Delay = 0;
							case 2:
								line.cl_Freq = HOURLY_FREQ;
							case 3:
								line.cl_Freq = DAILY_FREQ;
							case 4:
								line.cl_Freq = WEEKLY_FREQ;
							case 5:
								line.cl_Freq = MONTHLY_FREQ;
							case 6:
								line.cl_Freq = YEARLY_FREQ;
							/* else line.cl_Freq will remain 0 */

					if (!line.cl_Freq || (*ptr != ' ' && *ptr != '\t')) {
						printlogf(LOG_WARNING, "failed parsing crontab for user %s: %s\n", userName, buf);

					if (line.cl_Delay < 0) {
						 * delays on @daily, @hourly, etc are 1/20 of the frequency
						 * so they don't all start at once
						 * this also affects how they behave when the job returns EAGAIN
						line.cl_Delay = line.cl_Freq / 20;
						line.cl_Delay -= line.cl_Delay % 60;
						if (line.cl_Delay == 0)
							line.cl_Delay = 60;
						/* all minutes are permitted */
						for (j=0; j<60; ++j)
							line.cl_Mins[j] = 1;
						for (j=0; j<24; ++j)
							line.cl_Hrs[j] = 1;
						for (j=1; j<32; ++j)
							/* days are numbered 1..31 */
							line.cl_Days[j] = 1;
						for (j=0; j<12; ++j)
							line.cl_Mons[j] = 1;

					while (*ptr == ' ' || *ptr == '\t')

				} else {
					 * parse date ranges

					ptr = ParseField(file->cf_UserName, line.cl_Mins, 60, 0, 1,
							NULL, ptr);
					ptr = ParseField(file->cf_UserName, line.cl_Hrs,  24, 0, 1,
							NULL, ptr);
					ptr = ParseField(file->cf_UserName, line.cl_Days, 32, 0, 1,
							NULL, ptr);
					ptr = ParseField(file->cf_UserName, line.cl_Mons, 12, -1, 1,
							MonAry, ptr);
					ptr = ParseField(file->cf_UserName, line.cl_Dow, 7, 0, 31,
							DowAry, ptr);
					 * check failure

					if (ptr == NULL)

					 * fix days and dow - if one is not * and the other
					 * is *, the other is set to 0, and vise-versa


				/* check for ID=... and AFTER=... and FREQ=... */
				do {
					if (strncmp(ptr, ID_TAG, strlen(ID_TAG)) == 0) {
						if (line.cl_JobName) {
							/* only assign ID_TAG once */
							printlogf(LOG_WARNING, "failed parsing crontab for user %s: repeated %s\n", userName, ptr);
							ptr = NULL;
						} else {
							ptr += strlen(ID_TAG);
							 * name = strsep(&ptr, seps):
							 * return name = ptr, and if ptr contains sep chars, overwrite first with 0 and point ptr to next char
							 *                    else set ptr=NULL
							if (!(line.cl_Description = concat("job ", strsep(&ptr, " \t"), NULL))) {
								errno = ENOMEM;
							line.cl_JobName = line.cl_Description + 4;
							if (!ptr)
								printlogf(LOG_WARNING, "failed parsing crontab for user %s: no command after %s%s\n", userName, ID_TAG, line.cl_JobName);
					} else if (strncmp(ptr, FREQ_TAG, strlen(FREQ_TAG)) == 0) {
						if (line.cl_Freq) {
							/* only assign FREQ_TAG once */
							printlogf(LOG_WARNING, "failed parsing crontab for user %s: repeated %s\n", userName, ptr);
							ptr = NULL;
						} else {
							char *base = ptr;
							ptr += strlen(FREQ_TAG);
							ptr = ParseInterval(&line.cl_Freq, ptr);
							if (ptr && *ptr == '/')
								ptr = ParseInterval(&line.cl_Delay, ++ptr);
								line.cl_Delay = line.cl_Freq;
							if (!ptr) {
								printlogf(LOG_WARNING, "failed parsing crontab for user %s: %s\n", userName, base);
							} else if (*ptr != ' ' && *ptr != '\t') {
								printlogf(LOG_WARNING, "failed parsing crontab for user %s: no command after %s\n", userName, base);
								ptr = NULL;
					} else if (strncmp(ptr, WAIT_TAG, strlen(WAIT_TAG)) == 0) {
						if (line.cl_Waiters) {
							/* only assign WAIT_TAG once */
							printlogf(LOG_WARNING, "failed parsing crontab for user %s: repeated %s\n", userName, ptr);
							ptr = NULL;
						} else {
							short more = 1;
							char *name;
							ptr += strlen(WAIT_TAG);
							do {
								CronLine *job, **pjob;
								if (strcspn(ptr,",") < strcspn(ptr," \t"))
									name = strsep(&ptr, ",");
								else {
									more = 0;
									name = strsep(&ptr, " \t");
								if (!ptr || *ptr == 0) {
									/* unexpectedly this was the last token in buf; so abort */
									printlogf(LOG_WARNING, "failed parsing crontab for user %s: no command after %s%s\n", userName, WAIT_TAG, name);
									ptr = NULL;
								} else {
									int waitfor = 0;
									char *w, *wsave;
									if ((w = strchr(name, '/')) != NULL) {
										wsave = w++;
										w = ParseInterval(&waitfor, w);
										if (!w || *w != 0) {
											printlogf(LOG_WARNING, "failed parsing crontab for user %s: %s%s\n", userName, WAIT_TAG, name);
											ptr = NULL;
										} else
											/* truncate name */
											*wsave = 0;
									if (ptr) {
										/* look for a matching CronLine */
										pjob = &file->cf_LineBase;
										while ((job = *pjob) != NULL) {
											if (job->cl_JobName && strcmp(job->cl_JobName, name) == 0) {
												CronWaiter *waiter = malloc(sizeof(CronWaiter));
												CronNotifier *notif = malloc(sizeof(CronNotifier));
												waiter->cw_Flag = -1;
												waiter->cw_MaxWait = waitfor;
												waiter->cw_NotifLine = job;
												waiter->cw_Notifier = notif;
												waiter->cw_Next = line.cl_Waiters;	/* add to head of line.cl_Waiters */
												line.cl_Waiters = waiter;
												notif->cn_Waiter = waiter;
												notif->cn_Next = job->cl_Notifs;	/* add to head of job->cl_Notifs */
												job->cl_Notifs = notif;
											} else
												pjob = &job->cl_Next;
										if (!job) {
											printlogf(LOG_WARNING, "failed parsing crontab for user %s: unknown job %s\n", userName, name);
											/* we can continue parsing this line, we just don't install any CronWaiter for the requested job */
							} while (ptr && more);
					} else
					if (!ptr)
					while (*ptr == ' ' || *ptr == '\t')
				} while (!line.cl_JobName || !line.cl_Waiters || !line.cl_Freq);

				if (line.cl_JobName && (!ptr || *line.cl_JobName == 0)) {
					/* we're aborting, or ID= was empty */
					line.cl_Description = NULL;
					line.cl_JobName = NULL;
				if (ptr && line.cl_Delay > 0 && !line.cl_JobName) {
					printlogf(LOG_WARNING, "failed parsing crontab for user %s: writing timestamp requires job %s to be named\n", userName, ptr);
					ptr = NULL;
				if (!ptr) {
					/* couldn't parse so we abort; free any cl_Waiters */
					if (line.cl_Waiters) {
						CronWaiter **pwaiters, *waiters;
						pwaiters = &line.cl_Waiters;
						while ((waiters = *pwaiters) != NULL) {
							*pwaiters = waiters->cw_Next;
							/* leave the Notifier allocated but disabled */
							waiters->cw_Notifier->cn_Waiter = NULL;
				/* now we've added any ID=... or AFTER=... */

				 * copy command string
				line.cl_Shell = strdup(ptr);

				if (line.cl_Delay > 0) {
					if (!(line.cl_Timestamp = concat(TSDir, "/", userName, ".", line.cl_JobName, NULL))) {
						errno = ENOMEM;
					line.cl_NotUntil = tnow + line.cl_Delay;

				if (line.cl_JobName) {
					if (DebugOpt)
						printlogf(LOG_DEBUG, "    Command %s Job %s\n", line.cl_Shell, line.cl_JobName);
				} else {
					/* when cl_JobName is NULL, we point cl_Description to cl_Shell */
					line.cl_Description = line.cl_Shell;
					if (DebugOpt)
						printlogf(LOG_DEBUG, "    Command %s\n", line.cl_Shell);

				*pline = calloc(1, sizeof(CronLine));
				/* copy working CronLine to newly allocated one */
				**pline = line;

				pline = &((*pline)->cl_Next);

			*pline = NULL;

			file->cf_Next = FileBase;
			FileBase = file;

			if (maxLines == 0 || maxEntries == 0)
				printlogf(LOG_WARNING, "maximum number of lines reached for user %s\n", userName);
Exemplo n.º 4
 * mo_jupe - oper message handler
 * parv[0] = Send prefix
 * parv[1] = [[+|-]<server name>]
 * Local (to me) style:
 * parv[2] = [Expiration offset]
 * parv[3] = [Comment]
 * Global (or remote local) style:
 * parv[2] = [target]
 * parv[3] = [Expiration offset]
 * parv[4] = [Comment]
int mo_jupe(struct Client* cptr, struct Client* sptr, int parc, char* parv[])
  struct Client *acptr = 0;
  struct Jupe *ajupe;
  unsigned int flags = 0;
  time_t expire_off;
  char *server = parv[1], *target = 0, *reason;

  if (parc < 2)
    return jupe_list(sptr, 0);

  if (*server == '+') {
    flags |= JUPE_ACTIVE;
  } else if (*server == '-')
    return jupe_list(sptr, server);

  if (!feature_bool(FEAT_CONFIG_OPERCMDS))
    return send_reply(sptr, ERR_DISABLED, "JUPE");

  if (parc == 4) {
    if (is_timestamp(parv[2])) {
      expire_off = atoi(parv[2]);
    } else {
      expire_off = ParseInterval(parv[2]);
    reason = parv[3];
    flags |= JUPE_LOCAL;
  } else if (parc > 4) {
    target = parv[2];
    if (is_timestamp(parv[3])) {
      expire_off = atoi(parv[3]);
    } else {
      expire_off = ParseInterval(parv[3]);
    reason = parv[4];
  } else
    return need_more_params(sptr, "JUPE");

  if (target) {
    if (!(target[0] == '*' && target[1] == '\0')) {
      if (!(acptr = find_match_server(target)))
	return send_reply(sptr, ERR_NOSUCHSERVER, target);

      if (!IsMe(acptr)) { /* manually propagate, since we don't set it */
	if (!HasPriv(sptr, PRIV_JUPE))
	  return send_reply(sptr, ERR_NOPRIVILEGES);

	sendcmdto_one(sptr, CMD_JUPE, acptr, "%C %c%s %s %Tu :%s", acptr,
		      flags & JUPE_ACTIVE ? '+' : '-', server, parv[3],
		      TStime(), reason);
	return 0;
      } else if (!HasPriv(sptr, PRIV_LOCAL_JUPE))
	return send_reply(sptr, ERR_NOPRIVILEGES);

      flags |= JUPE_LOCAL;
    } else if (!HasPriv(sptr, PRIV_JUPE))
      return send_reply(sptr, ERR_NOPRIVILEGES);

  ajupe = jupe_find(server);

  if (ajupe) {
    if (JupeIsLocal(ajupe) && !(flags & JUPE_LOCAL)) /* global over local */
    else {
      if (flags & JUPE_ACTIVE)
	return jupe_activate(cptr, sptr, ajupe, TStime(), flags);
	return jupe_deactivate(cptr, sptr, ajupe, TStime(), flags);

  return jupe_add(cptr, sptr, server, reason, expire_off, TStime(), flags);
Exemplo n.º 5
static struct globalMessage*
message_create(struct userNode *user, unsigned int argc, char *argv[])
    unsigned long duration = 0;
    char *text = NULL;
    char *sender;
    long flags = 0;
    unsigned int i;

    sender = user->handle_info->handle;

    for(i = 0; i < argc; i++)
	if((i + 1) > argc)
	    global_notice(user, "MSG_MISSING_PARAMS", argv[argc]);
	    return NULL;

	if(!irccasecmp(argv[i], "text"))
	    text = unsplit_string(argv + i, argc - i, NULL);
	} else if (!irccasecmp(argv[i], "sourceless")) {
	} else if (!irccasecmp(argv[i], "target")) {

	    if(!irccasecmp(argv[i], "all")) {
            } else if(!irccasecmp(argv[i], "authed")) {
                flags |= MESSAGE_RECIPIENT_AUTHED;
	    } else if(!irccasecmp(argv[i], "users")) {
	    } else if(!irccasecmp(argv[i], "helpers")) {
	    } else if(!irccasecmp(argv[i], "opers")) {
	    } else if(!irccasecmp(argv[i], "staff") || !irccasecmp(argv[i], "privileged")) {
	    } else if(!irccasecmp(argv[i], "channels")) {
	    } else if(!irccasecmp(argv[i], "rchannels")) {
            } else if(!irccasecmp(argv[i], "announcement") || !irccasecmp(argv[i], "announce")) {
                flags |= MESSAGE_RECIPIENT_ANNOUNCE;
	    } else {
		global_notice(user, "GMSG_INVALID_TARGET", argv[i]);
		return NULL;
	} else if (irccasecmp(argv[i], "duration") == 0) {
	    duration = ParseInterval(argv[++i]);
        } else if (irccasecmp(argv[i], "from") == 0) {
            sender = argv[++i];
	} else {
	    global_notice(user, "MSG_INVALID_CRITERIA", argv[i]);
	    return NULL;


    if(!text) {
	global_notice(user, "GMSG_MESSAGE_REQUIRED");
	return NULL;

    return message_add(flags, now, duration, sender, text);