Exemplo n.º 1
void Accelerators::ParseMenu(wxMenu* menu) {
	wxMenuItemList& items = menu->GetMenuItems();
	for(unsigned int c = 0; c < items.size(); c++) {
		wxMenuItem* item = items[c];
		if(item->IsSubMenu()) {
		} else {
Exemplo n.º 2
CContextMenuAddon::CContextMenuAddon(const cp_extension_t *ext)
  : CAddon(ext)
  cp_cfg_element_t* menu = CAddonMgr::GetInstance().GetExtElement(ext->configuration, "menu");
  if (menu)
    int tmp = 0;
    ParseMenu(menu, "", tmp);
    //backwards compatibility. add first item definition
    ELEMENTS items;
    if (CAddonMgr::GetInstance().GetExtElements(ext->configuration, "item", items))
      cp_cfg_element_t *item = items[0];

      std::string visCondition = CAddonMgr::GetInstance().GetExtValue(item, "visible");
      if (visCondition.empty())
        visCondition = "false";

      std::string parent = CAddonMgr::GetInstance().GetExtValue(item, "parent") == "kodi.core.manage"
          ? CContextMenuManager::MANAGE.m_groupId : CContextMenuManager::MAIN.m_groupId;

      auto label = CAddonMgr::GetInstance().GetExtValue(item, "label");
      if (StringUtils::IsNaturalNumber(label))
        label = g_localizeStrings.GetAddonString(ID(), atoi(label.c_str()));

      CContextMenuItem menuItem = CContextMenuItem::CreateItem(label, parent,LibPath(),
          g_infoManager.Register(visCondition, 0));

Exemplo n.º 3
void rc2wxr::Convert(wxString wxrfile, wxString rcfile)
    if( (m_wxr  = wxFopen( wxrfile, _T("wt") )) == NULL )

    wxString tok,prevtok;

    while (!m_done)

        if (tok==_T("DIALOG"))

        if (tok==_T("MENU"))



Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: parse.c Projeto: Nehamkin/jwm
/** Parse a dynamic menu (called from menu code). */
Menu *ParseDynamicMenu(const char *command)
   Menu *menu = NULL;
   TokenNode *start = ParseMenuIncludeHelper(NULL, command);
   if(JLIKELY(start)) {
      menu = ParseMenu(start);
   return menu;
Exemplo n.º 5
void BundlePane::ParseMenu(unsigned int bundleId, const PListArray& itemsArray, const PListDict& submenuDict, const wxTreeItemId& parentItem, const map<wxString, const BundleItemData*>& actionMap) {
	const bool hasSubmenus = submenuDict.IsOk();
	PListDict subDict;

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < itemsArray.GetSize(); ++i) {
		const char* item = itemsArray.GetString(i);

		if (item[0] == '-') {
			m_bundleTree->AppendItem(parentItem, wxT("---- separator ----"), 8, -1, new BundleItemData(BUNDLE_SEPARATOR, bundleId));
		else {
			// Look for submenu
			if (hasSubmenus && submenuDict.GetDict(item, subDict)) {
				const wxString name = subDict.wxGetString("name");
				const wxString uuid(item, wxConvUTF8);
				const wxTreeItemId subItem = m_bundleTree->AppendItem(parentItem, name, 6, -1, new BundleItemData(BUNDLE_SUBDIR, bundleId, uuid));

				PListArray subArray;
				if (subDict.GetArray("items", subArray)) {
					ParseMenu(bundleId, subArray, submenuDict, subItem, actionMap);


			const wxString uuid(item, wxConvUTF8);

			// Look for action
			map<wxString, const BundleItemData*>::const_iterator s = actionMap.find(uuid);
			if (s != actionMap.end()) {
				const BundleItemData& ba = *s->second;

				if (ba.m_type == BUNDLE_COMMAND || ba.m_type == BUNDLE_SNIPPET) {
					const PListDict itemDict = m_plistHandler.Get(ba.m_type, ba.m_bundleId, ba.m_itemId);
					const wxString name = itemDict.wxGetString("name");
					BundleItemData* itemData = new BundleItemData(ba);
					itemData->m_isMenuItem = true;
					const int imageId = (ba.m_type == BUNDLE_COMMAND) ? 1 : 2;
					m_bundleTree->AppendItem(parentItem, name, imageId, -1, itemData);

			// Unknown item
			const wxTreeItemId unknownItem = m_bundleTree->AppendItem(parentItem, _("unsupported action"), 7, -1, new BundleItemData(BUNDLE_NONE, bundleId, uuid));
			wxFont font = m_bundleTree->GetItemFont(unknownItem);
			m_bundleTree->SetItemFont(unknownItem, font);
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: parse.c Projeto: Nehamkin/jwm
/** Parse a root menu. */
void ParseRootMenu(const TokenNode *start)
   Menu *menu;
   char *onroot;

   menu = ParseMenu(start);

   onroot = FindAttribute(start->attributes, ONROOT_ATTRIBUTE);
   if(!onroot) {
      onroot = "123";

   SetRootMenu(onroot, menu);

Exemplo n.º 7
void CContextMenuAddon::ParseMenu(cp_cfg_element_t* elem, const std::string& parent, int& anonGroupCount)
  auto menuId = CAddonMgr::GetInstance().GetExtValue(elem, "@id");
  auto menuLabel = CAddonMgr::GetInstance().GetExtValue(elem, "label");
  if (StringUtils::IsNaturalNumber(menuLabel))
    menuLabel = g_localizeStrings.GetAddonString(ID(), atoi(menuLabel.c_str()));

  if (menuId.empty())
    //anonymous group. create a new unique internal id.
    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << ID() << ++anonGroupCount;
    menuId = ss.str();

  m_items.push_back(CContextMenuItem::CreateGroup(menuLabel, parent, menuId));

  ELEMENTS subMenus;
  if (CAddonMgr::GetInstance().GetExtElements(elem, "menu", subMenus))
    for (const auto& subMenu : subMenus)
      ParseMenu(subMenu, menuId, anonGroupCount);

  ELEMENTS items;
  if (CAddonMgr::GetInstance().GetExtElements(elem, "item", items))
    for (const auto& item : items)
      auto visCondition = CAddonMgr::GetInstance().GetExtValue(item, "visible");
      auto library = CAddonMgr::GetInstance().GetExtValue(item, "@library");
      auto label = CAddonMgr::GetInstance().GetExtValue(item, "label");
      if (StringUtils::IsNaturalNumber(label))
        label = g_localizeStrings.GetAddonString(ID(), atoi(label.c_str()));

      if (!label.empty() && !library.empty() && !visCondition.empty())
        auto menu = CContextMenuItem::CreateItem(label, menuId,
            URIUtils::AddFileToFolder(Path(), library), g_infoManager.Register(visCondition, 0));

Exemplo n.º 8
void Accelerators::ParseBundlesMenu(wxMenuItem* item) {
	// Non-bundle items can be processed like normal menu items
	const type_info& typeInfo = typeid(*item);
	if(typeInfo == typeid(wxMenuItem)) {

	BundleMenuItem* bItem = (BundleMenuItem*) item;

	// now check if there is a custom shortcut
	map<wxString, wxString>::iterator iterator;
	iterator = m_customBindings.find(normalize(bItem->GetLabel()));
	if(iterator != m_customBindings.end()) {
		wxString accel = iterator->second.Trim();
	} else {
Exemplo n.º 9
// toplevel entry for menu parser
Menu * MakeRootMenu(const char *menu_id, const char *path, const char *default_menu, bool pop)
    Menu *m = NULL;
    char IDString[MAX_PATH];
    struct menu_src src;

    src.level = 0;
    src.default_menu = default_menu;
    src.popup = pop;

    if (false == add_inc_level(&src, path)) {
        if (NULL == default_menu)
            return m;

    m = ParseMenu(&src, NULL, Core_IDString(IDString, menu_id));

    while (src.level)
    return m;
Exemplo n.º 10
 * Traverses the menubar.
 * For each menu item, it grabs the binding from the menu
 * and it checks if there is a custom binding for that menu item.
void Accelerators::ParseMenu() {
	std::map<int, KeyChord*>::iterator iterator;
	for(iterator = m_chords.begin(); iterator != m_chords.end(); iterator++) {
		KeyChord* chord = iterator->second;
		std::map<int, KeyBinding*>::iterator iterator2;
		for(iterator2 = chord->bindings.begin(); iterator2 != chord->bindings.end(); iterator2++) {
			KeyBinding* binding = iterator2->second;
			delete binding;
		delete chord;
	std::map<int, KeyBinding*>::iterator iterator2;
	for(iterator2 = m_bindings.begin(); iterator2 != m_bindings.end(); iterator2++) {
		KeyBinding* binding = iterator2->second;
		delete binding;


	for(unsigned int c = 0; c < m_definedBindings.size(); c++) {
		// If the original binding is inserted, and it also appears on the menu, it will be deleted when the menu is reparsed and lead to a later segfault
		InsertBinding(new KeyBinding(m_definedBindings[c]->accel, m_definedBindings[c]->id));

	m_needDefault = m_defaultBindings.size() == 0;

	wxMenuBar* menuBar = m_editorFrame->GetMenuBar();
	if(!menuBar) return;

	const unsigned int bundles = menuBar->FindMenu(_("&Bundles"));
	for(unsigned int c = 0; c < menuBar->GetMenuCount(); c++) {
		if(c == bundles) ParseBundlesMenu(menuBar->GetMenu(c));
		else ParseMenu(menuBar->GetMenu(c));
Exemplo n.º 11
void BundlePane::LoadBundles() {
	// Add an empty root node (will not be shown)
	const wxTreeItemId rootItem = m_bundleTree->AddRoot(wxEmptyString);

	const vector<unsigned int> bundles = m_plistHandler.GetBundles();
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bundles.size(); ++i) {
		const unsigned int bundleId = bundles[i];

		// Add Bundle Root
		const PListDict infoDict = m_plistHandler.GetBundleInfo(bundleId);
		const wxString bundleName = infoDict.wxGetString("name");
		const wxTreeItemId bundleItem = m_bundleTree->AppendItem(rootItem, bundleName, 0, -1, new BundleItemData(bundleId));

		// Add the menu
		const wxTreeItemId menuItem = m_bundleTree->AppendItem(bundleItem, _("Menu"), 6, -1, new BundleItemData(BUNDLE_MENU, bundleId));
		map<wxString, const BundleItemData*> actionMap;

		// Add commands
		const vector<unsigned int> commands =  m_plistHandler.GetList(BUNDLE_COMMAND, bundleId);
		for (unsigned int c = 0; c < commands.size(); ++c) {
			const unsigned int commandId = commands[c];

			const PListDict cmdDict = m_plistHandler.Get(BUNDLE_COMMAND, bundleId, commandId);
			const wxString cmdName = cmdDict.wxGetString("name");
			const wxString uuid = cmdDict.wxGetString("uuid");

			BundleItemData* itemData = new BundleItemData(BUNDLE_COMMAND, bundleId, commandId, uuid);
			actionMap[uuid] = itemData;

			m_bundleTree->AppendItem(bundleItem, cmdName, 1, -1, itemData);

		// Add snippets
		const vector<unsigned int> snippets =  m_plistHandler.GetList(BUNDLE_SNIPPET, bundleId);
		for (unsigned int n = 0; n < snippets.size(); ++n) {
			const unsigned int snippetId = snippets[n];

			const PListDict snipDict = m_plistHandler.Get(BUNDLE_SNIPPET, bundleId, snippetId);
			const wxString snipName = snipDict.wxGetString("name");
			const wxString uuid = snipDict.wxGetString("uuid");

			BundleItemData* itemData = new BundleItemData(BUNDLE_SNIPPET, bundleId, snippetId, uuid);
			actionMap[uuid] = itemData;

			m_bundleTree->AppendItem(bundleItem, snipName, 2, -1, itemData);

		// Add DragCommands
		const vector<unsigned int> dragCommands =  m_plistHandler.GetList(BUNDLE_DRAGCMD, bundleId);
		for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dragCommands.size(); ++d) {
			const unsigned int commandId = dragCommands[d];

			const PListDict cmdDict = m_plistHandler.Get(BUNDLE_DRAGCMD, bundleId, commandId);
			const wxString cmdName = cmdDict.wxGetString("name");

			m_bundleTree->AppendItem(bundleItem, cmdName, 3, -1, new BundleItemData(BUNDLE_DRAGCMD, bundleId, commandId));

		// Add Preferences
		const vector<unsigned int> preferences =  m_plistHandler.GetList(BUNDLE_PREF, bundleId);
		for (unsigned int p = 0; p < preferences.size(); ++p) {
			const unsigned int prefId = preferences[p];

			const PListDict prefDict = m_plistHandler.Get(BUNDLE_PREF, bundleId, prefId);
			const wxString name = prefDict.wxGetString("name");

			m_bundleTree->AppendItem(bundleItem, name, 4, -1, new BundleItemData(BUNDLE_PREF, bundleId, prefId));

		// Add Languages
		const vector<unsigned int> languages =  m_plistHandler.GetList(BUNDLE_LANGUAGE, bundleId);
		for (unsigned int l = 0; l < languages.size(); ++l) {
			const unsigned int langId = languages[l];

			const PListDict langDict = m_plistHandler.Get(BUNDLE_LANGUAGE, bundleId, langId);
			const wxString name = langDict.wxGetString("name");

			m_bundleTree->AppendItem(bundleItem, name, 5, -1, new BundleItemData(BUNDLE_LANGUAGE, bundleId, langId));

		// Check if there is a menu
		PListDict menuDict;
		if (infoDict.GetDict("mainMenu", menuDict)) {
			PListArray itemsArray;
			if (menuDict.GetArray("items", itemsArray)) {
				PListDict submenuDict;
				menuDict.GetDict("submenus", submenuDict);

				// Parse the menu
				ParseMenu(bundleId, itemsArray, submenuDict, menuItem, actionMap);
		else {
			// If there is no main menu structure, we use the ordering
			PListArray itemsArray;
			if (infoDict.GetArray("ordering", itemsArray)) {
				// Parse the menu
				ParseMenu(bundleId, itemsArray, PListDict(), menuItem, actionMap);


Exemplo n.º 12
// recursive parsing of menu file
static Menu* ParseMenu(struct menu_src *src, const char *title, const char *IDString)
    char line[4000];
    char data[4000];
    char buffer[4000];
    char command[40];
    char label[MAX_PATH];

    Menu *pMenu, *pSub;
    MenuItem *pItem;
    int f, e_cmd;
    const char *p_label, *p_data, *cp, *p_cmd;

    pMenu = NULL;
        p_label = NULL;
        p_data = data;

        if (0 == src->level) {
            // read default menu from string
            NextToken(line, &src->default_menu, "\n");
        } else {
            f = ReadNextCommand(src->fp[src->level-1], line, sizeof(line));
            if (!f) {
                if (src->level > 1) {
                    continue; // continue from included file
                e_cmd = e_no_end;
                goto skip;

        cp = replace_environment_strings(line, sizeof line);

        //dbg_printf("Menu %08x line:%s", pMenu, line);

        // get the command
        if (false == get_string_within(command, sizeof command, &cp, "[]"))
        // search the command
        e_cmd = get_string_index(command, menu_cmds);

        if (get_string_within(label, sizeof label, &cp, "()"))
            p_label = label;

        if (false == get_string_within(data, sizeof data, &cp, "{}"))
            p_data = label;

        if (NULL == pMenu)
            if (e_begin == e_cmd) {
                // If the line contains [begin] we create the menu
                // If no menu title has been defined, display Blackbox version...
#ifdef BBXMENU
                if (src->default_menu)
                    strcpy(label, "bbXMenu");
                if (0 == label[0] && src->default_menu)
                    p_label = GetBBVersion();
                pMenu = MakeNamedMenu(p_label, IDString, src->popup);

            if (NULL == title)
                title = NLS0("missing [begin]");

            pMenu = MakeNamedMenu(title, IDString, src->popup);

        pItem = NULL;

        switch (e_cmd) {

        // [begin] is like [submenu] when within the menu
        case e_begin:
        case e_submenu:
            sprintf(buffer, "%s_%s", IDString, label);
            strlwr(buffer + strlen(IDString));
            pSub = ParseMenu(src, p_data, buffer);
            if (pSub)
                pItem = MakeSubmenu(pMenu, pSub, label);
                pItem = MakeMenuNOP(pMenu, label);

        case e_no_end:
            MakeMenuNOP(pMenu, NLS0("missing [end]"));
        case e_end:
            MenuOption(pMenu, BBMENU_ISDROPTARGET);
            return pMenu;

        case e_include:
            char dir[MAX_PATH];
            file_directory(dir, src->path[src->level-1]);
            replace_shellfolders_from_base(buffer, p_data, false, dir);
            if (false == add_inc_level(src, buffer)) {
                replace_shellfolders(buffer, p_data, false);
                if (false == add_inc_level(src, buffer))
                    MakeMenuNOP(pMenu, NLS0("[include] failed"));

        // a [nop] item will insert an inactive item with optional text
        case e_nop:
            pItem = MakeMenuNOP(pMenu, label);

        // a insert separator, we treat [sep] like [nop] with no label
        case e_sep1:
        case e_sep2:
            pItem = MakeMenuNOP(pMenu, NULL);

        // a [path] item is pointing to a dynamic folder...
        case e_path:
            p_cmd = get_special_command(&p_data, buffer, sizeof buffer);
            pItem = MakeMenuItemPath(pMenu, label, p_data, p_cmd);

        // a [insertpath] item will insert items from a folder...
        case e_insertpath:
            p_cmd = get_special_command(&p_data, buffer, sizeof buffer);
            pItem = MakeMenuItemPath(pMenu, NULL, p_data, p_cmd);

        // a [stylemenu] item is pointing to a dynamic style folder...
        case e_stylesmenu:
            pItem = MakeMenuItemPath(pMenu, label, p_data, MM_STYLE_BROAM);

        // a [styledir] item will insert styles from a folder...
        case e_stylesdir:
            pItem = MakeMenuItemPath(pMenu, NULL, p_data, MM_STYLE_BROAM);

        // a [rcmenu] item is pointing to a dynamic rc files folder...
        case e_rcmenu:
            pItem = MakeMenuItemPath(pMenu, label, p_data, MM_EDIT_BROAM);

        case e_themesmenu:
            pItem = MakeMenuItemPath(pMenu, label, p_data, MM_THEME_BROAM);

        // special items...
        case e_workspaces:
            pItem = MakeSubmenu(pMenu, MakeDesktopMenu(0, src->popup), p_label);
        case e_icons:
            pItem = MakeSubmenu(pMenu, MakeDesktopMenu(1, src->popup), p_label);
        case e_tasks:
            pItem = MakeSubmenu(pMenu, MakeDesktopMenu(2, src->popup), p_label);
        case e_config:
            pItem = MakeSubmenu(pMenu, MakeConfigMenu(src->popup), p_label);

        case e_exec:
            if ('@' == data[0]) {
                pItem = MakeMenuItem(pMenu, label, data, false);
                MenuItemOption(pItem, BBMENUITEM_UPDCHECK);
            } else {
                goto core_broam;

        case e_other:
            f = get_workspace_number(command); // check for 'workspace1..'
            if (-1 != f) {
                pItem = MakeSubmenu(pMenu, MakeTaskFolder(f, src->popup), p_label);
            } else {
                p_data = data;
                goto core_broam;

        // everything else is converted to a '@BBCore.xxx' broam
            f = sprintf(buffer, "@bbCore.%s", command);
            if (p_data[0])
                sprintf(buffer + f, " %s", p_data);
            pItem = MakeMenuItem(pMenu, label[0]?label:command, buffer, false);

		if ( Settings_menu.iconSize ) {
			if (pItem && get_string_within(label,  sizeof label, &cp, "<>"))
				MenuItemOption(pItem, BBMENUITEM_SETICON, label);