int SNM_SendPatcher::AddReceive(MediaTrack* _srcTr, int _sendType, char* _vol, char* _pan) { m_srcId = _srcTr ? CSurf_TrackToID(_srcTr, false) : -1; if (m_srcId <= 0) return 0; m_sendType = _sendType; m_vol = _vol; m_pan = _pan; m_sndRcv = NULL; return ParsePatch(-1, 1, "TRACK", "MIDIOUT"); }
int SNM_SendPatcher::RemoveReceivesFrom(MediaTrack* _srcTr) { m_srcId = _srcTr ? CSurf_TrackToID(_srcTr, false) : -1; if (m_srcId <= 0) return 0; /* can fail since v4.1: freeze char buf[32]; return _snprintfStrict(buf, sizeof(buf), "AUXRECV %d", srcId-1)>0 && RemoveLines(buf); */ return ParsePatch(-2, 1, "TRACK", "AUXRECV", -1, -1, NULL, NULL, "MIDIOUT"); // REAPER will remove related envelopes, if any }
/* ================ ProcessMapEntity ================ */ static bool ProcessMapEntity( idMapEntity *mapEnt ) { idMapPrimitive *prim; uEntity = &dmapGlobals.uEntities[dmapGlobals.num_entities]; memset( uEntity, 0, sizeof( *uEntity ) ); uEntity->mapEntity = mapEnt; dmapGlobals.num_entities++; for( entityPrimitive = 0; entityPrimitive < mapEnt->GetNumPrimitives(); entityPrimitive++ ) { prim = mapEnt->GetPrimitive( entityPrimitive ); if( prim->GetType() == idMapPrimitive::TYPE_BRUSH ) { ParseBrush( static_cast<idMapBrush *>( prim ), entityPrimitive ); } else if( prim->GetType() == idMapPrimitive::TYPE_PATCH ) { ParsePatch( static_cast<idMapPatch *>( prim ), entityPrimitive ); } } // never put an origin on the world, even if the editor left one there if( dmapGlobals.num_entities != 1 ) { uEntity->mapEntity->epairs.GetVector( "origin", "", uEntity->origin ); } return true; }
void DynamicHouseUpdateCallback::operator()( osg::Node* node, osg::NodeVisitor* nv ) { m_pGroup = dynamic_cast< osg::Group* >( node ); if ( m_pGroup ) { //вернуть ссылку на массив видимых патчей const std::vector< dataPatch > &data_vis = VisiblePatchArray::Instance().GetVisibleArray512(); //очистить данные с предыдущего шага ClearPrevStep(); for ( int i = 0 ; i < data_vis.size() ; ++i ) { unsigned char ucR , ucG; PatchInfo::Instance().Convert( data_vis[ i ].m_iX , data_vis[ i ].m_iY , &ucR , &ucG ); //обратиться к патчу по индексу binPatch &_binPatch = PatchInfo::Instance().GetBinPatch( ucR , ucG ); //перебрать все содержимое патча и добавить его в m_mHause ParsePatch( _binPatch , data_vis[ i ].m_iX , data_vis[ i ].m_iY ); } //заполнить вектор FillVector(); if ( !m_mHause.empty() ) { std::cout << m_mHause.begin()->second.size() << " "; } } // first update subgraph to make sure objects are all moved into position traverse(node,nv); }
/* ================= ParseMapEntity parses a single entity out of a map file ================= */ static bool ParseMapEntity( bool onlyLights ) { epair_t *ep; token_t token; const char *classname, *value; float lightmapScale; char shader[ MAX_SHADERPATH ]; shaderInfo_t *celShader = NULL; brush_t *brush; parseMesh_t *patch; bool funcGroup; int castShadows, recvShadows; static bool map_type = false; if( !Com_ReadToken( mapfile, SC_ALLOW_NEWLINES|SC_COMMENT_SEMICOLON, &token )) return false; // end of .map file if( com.stricmp( token.string, "{" )) Sys_Break( "ParseEntity: found %s instead {\n", token.string ); if( numEntities >= MAX_MAP_ENTITIES ) Sys_Break( "MAX_MAP_ENTITIES limit exceeded\n" ); entitySourceBrushes = 0; mapEnt = &entities[numEntities]; numEntities++; memset( mapEnt, 0, sizeof( *mapEnt )); mapEnt->mapEntityNum = numMapEntities; numMapEntities++; while( 1 ) { if( !Com_ReadToken( mapfile, SC_ALLOW_NEWLINES|SC_COMMENT_SEMICOLON, &token )) Sys_Break( "ParseEntity: EOF without closing brace\n" ); if( !com.stricmp( token.string, "}" )) break; if( !com.stricmp( token.string, "{" )) { // parse a brush or patch if( !Com_ReadToken( mapfile, SC_ALLOW_NEWLINES, &token )) break; if( !com.stricmp( token.string, "patchDef2" )) { numMapPatches++; ParsePatch( onlyLights ); g_bBrushPrimit = BRUSH_RADIANT; } else if( !com.stricmp( token.string, "terrainDef" )) { MsgDev( D_WARN, "Terrain entity parsing not supported in this build.\n" ); Com_SkipBracedSection( mapfile, 0 ); g_bBrushPrimit = BRUSH_RADIANT; } else if( !com.stricmp( token.string, "brushDef" )) { // parse brush primitive g_bBrushPrimit = BRUSH_RADIANT; ParseBrush( onlyLights ); } else { if( g_bBrushPrimit == BRUSH_RADIANT ) Sys_Break( "mixed brush primitive with another format\n" ); if( g_bBrushPrimit == BRUSH_UNKNOWN ) g_bBrushPrimit = BRUSH_WORLDCRAFT_21; // QuArK or WorldCraft map (unknown at this point) Com_SaveToken( mapfile, &token ); ParseBrush( onlyLights ); } entitySourceBrushes++; } else { // parse a key / value pair ep = ParseEpair( mapfile, &token ); if( !com.strcmp( ep->key, "mapversion" )) { if( com.atoi( ep->value ) == VALVE_FORMAT ) { Msg( "Valve Format Map detected\n" ); g_bBrushPrimit = BRUSH_WORLDCRAFT_22; } else if( com.atoi( ep->value ) == GEARBOX_FORMAT ) { Msg( "Gearcraft Format Map detected\n" ); g_bBrushPrimit = BRUSH_GEARCRAFT_40; } else g_bBrushPrimit = BRUSH_WORLDCRAFT_21; } if( ep->key[0] != '\0' && ep->value[0] != '\0' ) { ep->next = mapEnt->epairs; mapEnt->epairs = ep; } } } if( !map_type && g_bBrushPrimit != BRUSH_UNKNOWN ) { MAPTYPE(); map_type = true; } classname = ValueForKey( mapEnt, "classname" ); if( onlyLights && com.strnicmp( classname, "light", 5 )) { numEntities--; return true; } if( !com.stricmp( "func_group", classname )) funcGroup = true; else funcGroup = false; // worldspawn (and func_groups) default to cast/recv shadows in worldspawn group if( funcGroup || mapEnt->mapEntityNum == 0 ) { castShadows = WORLDSPAWN_CAST_SHADOWS; recvShadows = WORLDSPAWN_RECV_SHADOWS; } else // other entities don't cast any shadows, but recv worldspawn shadows { castShadows = ENTITY_CAST_SHADOWS; recvShadows = ENTITY_RECV_SHADOWS; } // get explicit shadow flags GetEntityShadowFlags( mapEnt, NULL, &castShadows, &recvShadows ); // get lightmap scaling value for this entity if( com.strcmp( "", ValueForKey( mapEnt, "lightmapscale" )) || com.strcmp( "", ValueForKey( mapEnt, "_lightmapscale" ))) { // get lightmap scale from entity lightmapScale = FloatForKey( mapEnt, "lightmapscale" ); if( lightmapScale <= 0.0f ) lightmapScale = FloatForKey( mapEnt, "_lightmapscale" ); if( lightmapScale > 0.0f ) Msg( "Entity %d (%s) has lightmap scale of %.4f\n", mapEnt->mapEntityNum, classname, lightmapScale ); } else lightmapScale = 0.0f; // get cel shader :) for this entity value = ValueForKey( mapEnt, "_celshader" ); if( value[0] == '\0' ) value = ValueForKey( &entities[0], "_celshader" ); if( value[0] != '\0' ) { com.snprintf( shader, sizeof( shader ), "textures/%s", value ); celShader = ShaderInfoForShader( shader ); Msg( "Entity %d (%s) has cel shader %s\n", mapEnt->mapEntityNum, classname, celShader->shader ); } else celShader = NULL; // attach stuff to everything in the entity for( brush = mapEnt->brushes; brush != NULL; brush = brush->next ) { brush->entityNum = mapEnt->mapEntityNum; brush->castShadows = castShadows; brush->recvShadows = recvShadows; brush->lightmapScale = lightmapScale; brush->celShader = celShader; } for( patch = mapEnt->patches; patch != NULL; patch = patch->next ) { patch->entityNum = mapEnt->mapEntityNum; patch->castShadows = castShadows; patch->recvShadows = recvShadows; patch->lightmapScale = lightmapScale; patch->celShader = celShader; } SetEntityBounds( mapEnt ); // load shader index map (equivalent to old terrain alphamap) LoadEntityIndexMap( mapEnt ); // get entity origin and adjust brushes GetVectorForKey( mapEnt, "origin", mapEnt->origin ); if( mapEnt->origin[0] || mapEnt->origin[1] || mapEnt->origin[2] ) AdjustBrushesForOrigin( mapEnt ); // group_info entities are just for editor grouping if( !com.stricmp( "group_info", classname )) { numEntities--; return true; } // group entities are just for editor convenience, toss all brushes into worldspawn if( funcGroup ) { MoveBrushesToWorld( mapEnt ); numEntities--; return true; } return true; }
bool SNM_TakeEnvParserPatcher::SetVal(const char* _envKeyWord, int _val) { m_val = _val; return (ParsePatch(-1, 1, _envKeyWord) > 0); }
bool SNM_TrackEnvParserPatcher::OffsetEnvelopes(double _delta) { m_parsingEnv = false; m_addDelta = _delta; return (ParsePatch(-2) > 0); }
bool SNM_TrackEnvParserPatcher::RemoveEnvelopes() { m_parsingEnv = false; return (ParsePatch(-1) > 0); }
FMultiPatchTexture::FMultiPatchTexture (FScanner &sc, ETextureType usetype) : Pixels (0), Spans(0), Parts(0), bRedirect(false), bTranslucentPatches(false) { TArray<TexPart> parts; TArray<TexInit> inits; bool bSilent = false; bMultiPatch = true; sc.SetCMode(true); sc.MustGetString(); const char* textureName = NULL; if (sc.Compare("optional")) { bSilent = true; sc.MustGetString(); if (sc.Compare(",")) { // this is not right. Apparently a texture named 'optional' is being defined right now... sc.UnGet(); textureName = "optional"; bSilent = false; } } Name = !textureName ? sc.String : textureName; Name.ToUpper(); sc.MustGetStringName(","); sc.MustGetNumber(); Width = sc.Number; sc.MustGetStringName(","); sc.MustGetNumber(); Height = sc.Number; UseType = usetype; bool offset2set = false; if (sc.CheckString("{")) { while (!sc.CheckString("}")) { sc.MustGetString(); if (sc.Compare("XScale")) { sc.MustGetFloat(); Scale.X = sc.Float; if (Scale.X == 0) sc.ScriptError("Texture %s is defined with null x-scale\n", Name.GetChars()); } else if (sc.Compare("YScale")) { sc.MustGetFloat(); Scale.Y = sc.Float; if (Scale.Y == 0) sc.ScriptError("Texture %s is defined with null y-scale\n", Name.GetChars()); } else if (sc.Compare("WorldPanning")) { bWorldPanning = true; } else if (sc.Compare("NullTexture")) { UseType = ETextureType::Null; } else if (sc.Compare("NoDecals")) { bNoDecals = true; } else if (sc.Compare("Patch")) { TexPart part; TexInit init; ParsePatch(sc, part, init); if (init.TexName.IsNotEmpty()) { parts.Push(part); init.UseType = ETextureType::WallPatch; init.Silent = bSilent; init.HasLine = true; = sc; inits.Push(init); } part.Texture = NULL; part.Translation = NULL; } else if (sc.Compare("Sprite")) { TexPart part; TexInit init; ParsePatch(sc, part, init); if (init.TexName.IsNotEmpty()) { parts.Push(part); init.UseType = ETextureType::Sprite; init.Silent = bSilent; init.HasLine = true; = sc; inits.Push(init); } part.Texture = NULL; part.Translation = NULL; } else if (sc.Compare("Graphic")) { TexPart part; TexInit init; ParsePatch(sc, part, init); if (init.TexName.IsNotEmpty()) { parts.Push(part); init.UseType = ETextureType::MiscPatch; init.Silent = bSilent; init.HasLine = true; = sc; inits.Push(init); } part.Texture = NULL; part.Translation = NULL; } else if (sc.Compare("Offset")) { sc.MustGetNumber(); _LeftOffset[0] = sc.Number; sc.MustGetStringName(","); sc.MustGetNumber(); _TopOffset[0] = sc.Number; if (!offset2set) { _LeftOffset[1] = _LeftOffset[0]; _TopOffset[1] = _TopOffset[0]; } } else if (sc.Compare("Offset2")) { sc.MustGetNumber(); _LeftOffset[1] = sc.Number; sc.MustGetStringName(","); sc.MustGetNumber(); _TopOffset[1] = sc.Number; offset2set = true; } else { sc.ScriptError("Unknown texture property '%s'", sc.String); } } NumParts = parts.Size(); Parts = new TexPart[NumParts]; memcpy(Parts, &parts[0], NumParts * sizeof(*Parts)); Inits = new TexInit[NumParts]; for (int i = 0; i < NumParts; i++) { Inits[i] = inits[i]; } } if (Width <= 0 || Height <= 0) { UseType = ETextureType::Null; Printf("Texture %s has invalid dimensions (%d, %d)\n", Name.GetChars(), Width, Height); Width = Height = 1; } CalcBitSize (); sc.SetCMode(false); }