Exemplo n.º 1
int LAYER::GetLastForeDirection( void )
	node = (PLAYER_PATH_NODE)PeekData( &pds_path );
	if( node )
      return node->flags.BackDir;
   return NOWHERE;
Exemplo n.º 2
void LAYER::move( int32_t del_x, int32_t del_y )
	x += del_x;
	y += del_y;
	min_x += del_x;
	min_y += del_y;
		INDEX idx;
		PLAYER layer;
		LIST_FORALL( linked, idx, PLAYER, layer )
			if( layer->flags.bRoute )
				if( layer->route_end_layer.layer == this && layer->route_start_layer.layer != this )
					PLAYER_PATH_NODE node = (PLAYER_PATH_NODE)PeekData( &layer->pds_path );
					layer->LayPath( layer->x + ((!node)?0:node->x) + del_x
									  , layer->y + ((!node)?0:node->y) + del_y );
					// and here node is invalid!
				if( layer->route_start_layer.layer == this )
					PLAYER_PATH_NODE node = (PLAYER_PATH_NODE)PeekData( &layer->pds_path );
					if( layer->route_end_layer.layer )
						int32_t destx = layer->route_end_layer.layer->x + layer->route_end_layer.x;
						int32_t desty = layer->route_end_layer.layer->y + layer->route_end_layer.y;
						layer->BeginPath( layer->x + del_x, layer->y + del_y );
						layer->LayPath( destx, desty );
						lprintf( WIDE("This via should have been deleted?!") );
					// RelayPathFrom( wX, wY );
Exemplo n.º 3
int EzSockets::PeekPack(char *data, unsigned int max)
	if (CanRead())
	if (blocking)
		while ((inBuffer.length()<4) && !IsError())
		if (IsError())
			return -1;
	if (inBuffer.length()<4)
		return -1;
	unsigned int size;
	PeekData((char*)&size, 4);
	size = ntohl(size);
	if (blocking)
		while (inBuffer.length()<(size+4) && !IsError())
		if (inBuffer.length()<(size+4) || inBuffer.length()<=4)
			return -1;
	if (IsError())
		return -1; 
	//What if we get disconnected while waiting for data?
	string tBuff(inBuffer.substr(4, size));
	if (tBuff.length() > max)
		tBuff.substr(0, max);
	memcpy (data, tBuff.c_str(),tBuff.length());
	return size;
Exemplo n.º 4
int EzSockets::ReadData(char *data, unsigned int bytes)
	int bytesRead = PeekData(data,bytes);
	inBuffer = inBuffer.substr(bytesRead);
	return bytesRead;
Exemplo n.º 5
void LAYER::LayPath( int32_t wX, int32_t wY )
	int DeltaDir;
	LOGICAL bLoop = FALSE, bIsRetry;  // no looping....
	int tx, ty;
	int nPathLayed = 0;
	int nDir, nNewDir;
	LOGICAL bBackTrace = FALSE,
		bFailed = FALSE;

	lprintf( WIDE("Laying path %p to %d,%d"), this, wX, wY );
	node = (PLAYER_PATH_NODE)PeekData( &pds_path );
	// sanity validations...
	// being done already, etc...
	wX -= LAYER::x;
	wY -= LAYER::y;
	if( node )
		if( node->x == wX && node->y == wY )
			lprintf( WIDE("Already at this end point, why are you telling me to end where I already did?") );
		// should range check wX and wY to sane limits
		// but for now we'll trust the programmer...
		if( abs( node->x - wX ) > 100 || abs( node->y - wY ) > 100 )
			lprintf( WIDE("Laying a LONG path - is this okay?!") );

		Log( WIDE("Enter...") );

		//------------ FORWARD DRAWING NOW .....
	bIsRetry = FALSE;
	DeltaDir = 0;
		// get the last node in the path.
		node = (PLAYER_PATH_NODE)PeekData( &pds_path );
		while( node )
			nNewDir = FindDirection( node->x
										  , node->y
										  , wX, wY );
			if( nNewDir == NOWHERE )
				// already have this node at the current spot...
				lprintf( WIDE("Node has ended here...") );
			nDir = NOWHERE; // intialize this, in case we missed a path below...
			if( node->flags.BackDir == NOWHERE )
				// if it is newdir, we're okay to go ahead with this plan.
				if( node->flags.ForeDir != nNewDir && flags.bForced )
					lprintf( WIDE("Have a forced begin point, and no way to get there from here....") );
					if( NearDir( node->flags.ForeDir, nNewDir ) == 10 )
						lprintf( WIDE("MUST go %d , have to go %d from here.  Go nowhere."), node->flags.ForeDir, nNewDir );
						lprintf( WIDE("Okay - consider a arbitrary jump to go forward... until we can go backward.") );
						lprintf( WIDE("It's just not quite right... return, a less radical assumption may be made.") );
				// else, just go ahead, we returned above here.
				node->flags.ForeDir = nNewDir;
				// need to determine a valid foredir based on nNewDir desire, and nBackDir given.
				lprintf( WIDE("%d, %d = %d")
						 , Opposite( node->flags.BackDir )
						 , nNewDir
						 , NearDir(Opposite( node->flags.BackDir )
									 , nNewDir ) );
				lprintf( WIDE("newdir = %d backdir = %d"), nNewDir, node->flags.BackDir );
				if( NearDir( nNewDir, Opposite( node->flags.BackDir ) ) != 10 )
					// this is a valid direction to go.
					node->flags.ForeDir = nNewDir;
					lprintf( WIDE("Unlay path cause we can't get there from here.") );
					node = UnlayPath( nPathLayed + 1 );
					// at this point always unlay at least one more than we put down.
					nPathLayed = 1;
#if 0
               int nBase = Opposite( node->flags.BackDir );
					nDir = ( node->flags.BackDir + 2 ) & 7;
					if( NearDir( nNewDir, nDir ) != 10 )
						//node->flags.ForeDir = (nBase + 6) &7;
						node->flags.ForeDir = Right( nBase );
					else if( NearDir( nNewDir, Opposite( nDir ) ) != 10 )
						node->flags.ForeDir = Left(nBase);

						// this should be a random chance to go left or right...
						// maybe tend to the lower x or higher x ?
						lprintf( WIDE("Choosing an arbitrary directino of 1, and only on1") );
						//node->flags.ForeDir = Right( nBase + 1 );
						node->flags.bFlopped = 0;
						node->flags.bTry = 1;
						node->flags.bForced = 1;
						node->flags.ForeDir = LeftOrRight( nBase, node->flags.bFlopped );
						// set a flag in this node for which way to go...
						// but a left/right node needs the ability
						// to remain forced for a single unlay, and move in a direction...

				int  n;
				tx = node->x + DirDeltaMap[node->flags.ForeDir].x;
				ty = node->y + DirDeltaMap[node->flags.ForeDir].y;
				lprintf( WIDE("New coordinate will be %d,%d"), tx, ty );
				if( n = Overlaps( tx, ty ) ) // aleady drew something here...
					// the distance of the overlap is n layers, including Nth layer
					// for( ; n; PopData(&pds_stack), n-- )
					// and some fixups which unlay path does.
					lprintf( WIDE("Unlaying path %d steps to overlap") , n );
					node = UnlayPath( n );
					// at an unlay point of forced, unlay path should be 'smart' and 'wait'
					// otherwise we may unwind to our tail and be confused... specially when moving away
					// and coming back to reside at the center.
					// if the force direction to go from a forced node is excessive, that definatly
					// breaks force, and releases the path node.
					// there may be board conditions which also determine the pathing.
					// okay try this again from the top do {
					// startin laying path again.
				// otherwise we're good to go foreward.
				// at least we won't add this node if it would have
				// already been there, heck, other than that via's
				// don't exist, sometimes we'll even get the exact node
				// that this should be....
					LAYER_PATH_NODE newnode;
					// this may be set intrinsically by being an excessive force
					// causing a large direction delta
					newnode.flags.bForced = FALSE;
					newnode.flags.ForeDir = NOWHERE;
					// this of course must start(?) exactly how the other ended(?)...
					newnode.flags.BackDir = Opposite( node->flags.ForeDir );
					newnode.x = tx;
					newnode.y = ty;
						int xx = tx + x;
						int yy = ty + y;
						if( xx < min_x )
							w += min_x - xx;
							min_x = xx;
						if( xx >= ( min_x + (int32_t)w ) )
							w = xx - min_x + 1;
						if( yy < min_y )
							h += min_y - yy;
							min_y = yy;
						if( yy >= ( min_y + (int32_t)h ) )
							h = yy - min_y + 1;

					lprintf( WIDE("Push path %d,%d  min=%d,%d size=%d,%d"), newnode.x, newnode.y, min_x, min_y, w, h );
					PushData( &pds_path, &newnode );
					node = (PLAYER_PATH_NODE)PeekData( &pds_path ); // okay this is now where we are.
Exemplo n.º 6
// result is the last node (if any... which is a peekstack)
PLAYER_PATH_NODE LAYER::UnlayPath( int nLayers )
	// unwind to, and including this current spot.
	// this is to handle when the line intersects itself.
	// other conditions of unlaying via pathways may require
	// other functionality.
	int n;
	PLAYER_PATH_NODE node;// = (PLAYER_PATH_NODE)PopData( &pds_path );
	lprintf( WIDE("overlapped self at path segment %d"), nLayers );
	for( n = nLayers; (n && (node = (PLAYER_PATH_NODE)PopData( &pds_path ))), n; n-- )
		lprintf( WIDE("Popped node %d(%p)"), n, node );
		// grab the NEXT node...
		// if it has bForced set... then this node must exist.
		PLAYER_PATH_NODE next = (PLAYER_PATH_NODE)PeekData( &pds_path );
		if( next && next->flags.bForced )
			node->flags.ForeDir = NOWHERE;
			return node;
		if( node && node->flags.bForced )
         // this is SO bad.
		//if( node->x == dest_x && node->y == dest_y )
			//lprintf( WIDE("And then we find the node we overlaped...") );
	lprintf( WIDE("Okay done popping... %d, %p"), n, node );
	if( node )
		PLAYER_PATH_NODE next = (PLAYER_PATH_NODE)PeekData( &pds_path );
		// set this as nowhere, so that we can easily just step forward here..
		if( !next )
			if( !node->flags.bForced )
				node->flags.ForeDir = NOWHERE;
			PushData( &pds_path, node );
			return node;
		if( !nLayers
			&& next->flags.bForced
			&& next->flags.BackDir != NOWHERE )
			// if it was forced, then this MUST be here.  There is a reason.
			// there is also a way to end this reason, and unlay 0 path.  This
			// releases the foredir to anything.  This may be used for error correction path
			// assumptions?
			if( next->flags.bTry )
				node = (PLAYER_PATH_NODE)PopData(&pds_path );
				// this is the second attempt
				if( !node->flags.bFlopped )
					node->flags.bFlopped = 1;
					node->flags.ForeDir = LeftOrRight( Opposite( node->flags.BackDir ), 1 );
               return node;
			next->flags.bForced = 0;
			next->flags.ForeDir = NOWHERE;
         lprintf( WIDE("this node itself is okay...") );
      return next;
   return NULL;