bool ProtobufCodec::IsCorrect(const char* buf, int32_t len) { const uint32_t expectedCheckSum = PeekUInt32(buf + len - kHeaderLen);//获取检验和 const uint32_t checkSum = adler32(1, reinterpret_cast<const Bytef*>(buf), len - kHeaderLen); if (checkSum == expectedCheckSum) return true; return false; }
void CSocks5StateMachine::process_process_command_reply(bool entry) { if (entry) { m_lastReply = m_buffer[1]; unsigned char addressType = m_buffer[3]; // Process the server's reply m_ok = m_ok && m_buffer[0] == SOCKS5_VERSION && m_buffer[1] == SOCKS5_REPLY_SUCCEED; if (m_ok) { // Read BND.ADDR unsigned int portOffset = 0; switch(addressType) { case SOCKS5_ATYP_IPV4_ADDRESS: { const unsigned int addrOffset = 4; portOffset = 8; m_proxyBoundAddressIPV4.Hostname( PeekUInt32( m_buffer+addrOffset) ); m_proxyBoundAddress = &m_proxyBoundAddressIPV4; break; } case SOCKS5_ATYP_DOMAINNAME: { // Read the domain name const unsigned int addrOffset = 5; portOffset = 10 + m_buffer[4]; char c = m_buffer[portOffset]; m_buffer[portOffset] = 0; m_proxyBoundAddressIPV4.Hostname( char2unicode(m_buffer+addrOffset)); m_proxyBoundAddress = &m_proxyBoundAddressIPV4; m_buffer[portOffset] = c; break; } case SOCKS5_ATYP_IPV6_ADDRESS: { portOffset = 20; // TODO // IPV6 not yet implemented in wx //m_proxyBoundAddress.Hostname(Uint128toStringIP( // *((uint128 *)(m_buffer+addrOffset)) )); //m_proxyBoundAddress = &m_proxyBoundAddressIPV6; m_ok = false; break; } } // Set the packet length at last m_packetLenght = portOffset + 2; // Read BND.PORT m_proxyBoundAddress->Service( ENDIAN_NTOHS( RawPeekUInt16( m_buffer+portOffset) ) ); } } AddDummyEvent(); }
// +--------------------------------------------------------------+ // | message nameLen | uint32 // +--------------------------------------------------------------+ // | | // | message name | // | | // +--------------------------------------------------------------+ // | | // | data | // | | // +--------------------------------------------------------------+ // | checkSum | uint32 // adler32 of nameLen, typeName and protobufData // +--------------------------------------------------------------+ shared_ptr_Msg ProtobufCodec::Decode(const char* buf, uint32_t len) { //len is length of the namelength, name,data,checksum shared_ptr_Msg result = NULL; if (IsCorrect(buf, len)) { //get message type name uint32_t nameLen = PeekUInt32(buf); if (nameLen >= 2 && nameLen <= len - 2 * kHeaderLen) { std::string typeName(buf + kHeaderLen, buf + kHeaderLen + nameLen - 1); //create message object shared_ptr_Msg message = CreateMessage(typeName); if (message) { //parse from buffer const char* data = buf + kHeaderLen + nameLen; int32_t dataLen = len - nameLen - 2 * kHeaderLen;//namelen,name,checksum if (message->ParseFromArray(data, dataLen)) { result = message; } else { message->Clear(); } } else { // unknown message type } } else { // invalid name len } } else { // check sum error } return result; }
void CSocks4StateMachine::process_process_command_reply(bool entry) { if (entry) { m_lastReply = m_buffer[1]; // Process the server's reply m_ok = m_ok && m_buffer[0] == SOCKS4_REPLY_CODE && m_buffer[1] == SOCKS4_REPLY_GRANTED; if (m_ok) { // Read BND.PORT const unsigned int portOffset = 2; m_ok = m_proxyBoundAddressIPV4.Service(ENDIAN_NTOHS( RawPeekUInt16( m_buffer+portOffset) ) ); // Read BND.ADDR const unsigned int addrOffset = 4; m_ok = m_ok && m_proxyBoundAddressIPV4.Hostname( PeekUInt32( m_buffer+addrOffset ) ); m_proxyBoundAddress = &m_proxyBoundAddressIPV4; } } AddDummyEvent(); }
void ProtobufCodec::onMessage(const TSessionPtr& connection, const std::string& strmessage) { //message length const uint32_t len = PeekUInt32(strmessage.c_str());//after ntohl if (kMinMessageLen < len && len < kMaxMessageLen) { if (len == strmessage.size() - kHeaderLen - 2)//checksum and "\r\n" { shared_ptr_Msg message = Decode(strmessage.c_str() + kHeaderLen, len); //handle message callback messageCallback_(connection, message); } else { //invaild message } } else { //Invalid length //errorCallback_ } }
bool CNatThread::ProcessPacket(const BYTE* packet, UINT size, uint32 ip, uint16 port) { uint8 opcode=packet[4]; const uchar * realdata=packet+5; UINT realsize=size-5; CSingleLock locker(&m_Mutex, TRUE); // modiefied by robert, 2010-08-03 // beta版屏蔽try,以求暴露更多问题 #ifndef _BETA try { #endif switch(opcode) { case OP_NAT_REPING: OnReping(ip, port, realdata, realsize); break; case OP_NAT_REGISTER: // VC-SearchDream[2007-06-15]: Add Login Support if (realsize >= 2 && !m_bRegister && ip==m_dwSvrIp && port==m_wSvrPort ) { if (realsize >= 6) { WORD port = *(WORD*)(realdata); DWORD ip = *(DWORD*)(realdata + 2); if (ip != m_dwSvrIp || port != m_wSvrPort) { m_dwSvrIp = ip; m_wSvrPort = port; m_bRegister = false; RegisterMe(m_dwSvrIp,m_wSvrPort); m_dwRegAttemptTimes = 1; m_dwRegNextAttempInterval = INIT_ATTEMPT_INTERVAL*2; break; } } else { WORD port = *(WORD*)(realdata); if (port != m_wSvrPort) { m_wSvrPort = port; m_bRegister = false; RegisterMe(m_dwSvrIp,m_wSvrPort); m_dwRegAttemptTimes = 1; m_dwRegNextAttempInterval = INIT_ATTEMPT_INTERVAL*2; T_TRACE("new server port : %d.", ntohs(port)); break; } } } m_dwSvrRetTime = time(NULL); if(!m_bRegister) { m_bRegister=true; m_dwSvrKeepalive = time(NULL); m_dwRegAttemptTimes = 0; m_dwRegNextAttempInterval = INIT_ATTEMPT_INTERVAL; T_TRACE("reset svr time in register"); AddLogLine(false, _T("Registered to NAT traversal server\n")); } break; case OP_NAT_FAILED: { /* if(realdata[0]==2) { m_bRegister = false; break; } else */if(realdata[0]==1) { realdata++; realsize--; int n=realsize/16; if(ProcessStrategyPacket(realdata, ip, port, packet+4, size-4)) break; for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { TRACE(_T("failed conn request for %s\n"),UserHashToString(realdata)); CUnconnSocket * us= FindUnconnectSocket(realdata); if(us) us->m_dwState |= NAT_E_NOPEER; realdata+=16; } } } break; //case OP_NAT_SYNC2: //if(ProcessStrategyPacket(realdata+6, ip, port, packet+4, size-4)) // break; //OnSync2(ip, port, realdata, realsize); //break; case OP_NAT_SYNC2: case OP_NAT_SYNC: OnSync(ip, port, realdata, realsize); break; case OP_NAT_PING: OnPing(ip, port, realdata, realsize); break; case OP_NAT_DATA: { if(size < 4) // ACK (+ DATA) break; DWORD ConnAck = 0; memcpy(&ConnAck, realdata, 4); realdata += 4; realsize -= 4; CNatSocket* source = FindNatSocket(ip, port, ConnAck); if( source == NULL ) { #ifdef _DEBUG_NAT TRACE("\n*** no nat sock to recv NAT_DATA. connack=%08x\n", ConnAck); #endif uint32 uSequenceNr = PeekUInt32(realdata); if(uSequenceNr==1) { uchar pack[16]; GetMyUserHash(pack); CNatSocket::SendPacket(ip, port, OP_NAT_REPING, pack, 16); } else { CNatSocket::SendPacket(ip, port, OP_NAT_RST, NULL, 0); } break; } if(source->ProcessDataPacket(realdata, realsize)) { //TRACE("source->ProcessDataPacket is OK. tag=%08x. Asyncsock=%08x\n", tag,source->GetParent()); //source->OnReceive(0); source->m_Parent->TriggerEvent(FD_READ); return true; } else { T_TRACE("\nFailed to source->ProcessDataPacket. ConnAck=%08x\n\n", ConnAck); } break; } case OP_NAT_ACK: { DWORD ConnAck = 0; memcpy(&ConnAck, realdata, 4); realdata+=4; realsize-=4; CNatSocket* source = FindNatSocket(ip, port, ConnAck); if( source == NULL ) { #ifdef _DEBUG_NAT TRACE("\nsend RST for no nat sock to do NAT_ACK\n"); #endif CNatSocket::SendPacket(ip, port, OP_NAT_RST,0,0); break; } source->ProcessAckPacket(realdata, realsize); break; } case OP_NAT_RST: { break; } default: TRACE("Unknown command\n"); break; } // modiefied by robert, 2010-08-03 // beta版屏蔽try,以求暴露更多问题 #ifndef _BETA }catch(...) { TRACE("Exception: %s\n", __FUNCTION__); } #endif return true; }
bool CServerSocket::ProcessPacket(const BYTE* packet, uint32 size, uint8 opcode) { try { switch (opcode) { case OP_SERVERMESSAGE:{ if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0) Debug(_T("ServerMsg - OP_ServerMessage\n")); CServer* pServer = cur_server ? theApp.serverlist->GetServerByAddress(cur_server->GetAddress(), cur_server->GetPort()) : NULL; CSafeMemFile data(packet, size); CString strMessages(data.ReadString(pServer ? pServer->GetUnicodeSupport() : false)); if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0){ UINT uAddData = (UINT)(data.GetLength() - data.GetPosition()); if (uAddData > 0){ Debug(_T("*** NOTE: OP_ServerMessage: ***AddData: %u bytes\n"), uAddData); DebugHexDump(packet + data.GetPosition(), uAddData); } } // 16.40 servers do not send separate OP_SERVERMESSAGE packets for each line; // instead of this they are sending all text lines with one OP_SERVERMESSAGE packet. int iPos = 0; CString message = strMessages.Tokenize(_T("\r\n"), iPos); while (!message.IsEmpty()) { bool bOutputMessage = true; if (_tcsnicmp(message, _T("server version"), 14) == 0){ CString strVer = message.Mid(14); strVer.Trim(); strVer = strVer.Left(64); // truncate string to avoid misuse by servers in showing ads if (pServer){ UINT nVerMaj, nVerMin; if (_stscanf(strVer, _T("%u.%u"), &nVerMaj, &nVerMin) == 2) strVer.Format(_T("%u.%02u"), nVerMaj, nVerMin); pServer->SetVersion(strVer); theApp.emuledlg->serverwnd->serverlistctrl.RefreshServer(pServer); theApp.emuledlg->serverwnd->UpdateMyInfo(); } if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0) Debug(_T("%s\n"), message); } else if (_tcsncmp(message, _T("ERROR"), 5) == 0){ LogError(LOG_STATUSBAR, _T("%s %s (%s:%u) - %s"), GetResString(IDS_ERROR), pServer ? pServer->GetListName() : GetResString(IDS_PW_SERVER), cur_server ? cur_server->GetAddress() : _T(""), cur_server ? cur_server->GetPort() : 0, message.Mid(5).Trim(_T(" :"))); bOutputMessage = false; } else if (_tcsncmp(message, _T("WARNING"), 7) == 0){ LogWarning(LOG_STATUSBAR, _T("%s %s (%s:%u) - %s"), GetResString(IDS_WARNING), pServer ? pServer->GetListName() : GetResString(IDS_PW_SERVER), cur_server ? cur_server->GetAddress() : _T(""), cur_server ? cur_server->GetPort() : 0, message.Mid(7).Trim(_T(" :"))); bOutputMessage = false; } if (message.Find(_T("[emDynIP: ")) != -1 && message.Find(_T("]")) != -1 && message.Find(_T("[emDynIP: ")) < message.Find(_T("]"))){ CString dynip = message.Mid(message.Find(_T("[emDynIP: ")) + 10, message.Find(_T("]")) - (message.Find(_T("[emDynIP: ")) + 10)); dynip.Trim(); if (dynip.GetLength() && dynip.GetLength() < 51){ // Verify that we really received a DN. if (pServer && inet_addr(CStringA(dynip)) == INADDR_NONE){ // Update the dynIP of this server, but do not reset it's IP // which we just determined during connecting. CString strOldDynIP = pServer->GetDynIP(); pServer->SetDynIP(dynip); // If a dynIP-server changed its address or, if this is the // first time we get the dynIP-address for a server which we // already have as non-dynIP in our list, we need to remove // an already available server with the same 'dynIP:port'. if (strOldDynIP.CompareNoCase(pServer->GetDynIP()) != 0) theApp.serverlist->RemoveDuplicatesByAddress(pServer); if (cur_server) cur_server->SetDynIP(dynip); theApp.emuledlg->serverwnd->serverlistctrl.RefreshServer(pServer); theApp.emuledlg->serverwnd->UpdateMyInfo(); } } } if (bOutputMessage) { if (m_bStartNewMessageLog) { m_bStartNewMessageLog = false; theApp.emuledlg->AddServerMessageLine(LOG_INFO, _T("")); if (cur_server) { CString strMsg; if (IsObfusicating()) strMsg.Format(_T("%s: ") + GetResString(IDS_CONNECTEDTOOBFUSCATED) + _T(" (%s:%u)"), CTime::GetCurrentTime().Format(thePrefs.GetDateTimeFormat4Log()), cur_server->GetListName(), cur_server->GetAddress(), cur_server->GetObfuscationPortTCP()); else strMsg.Format(_T("%s: ") + GetResString(IDS_CONNECTEDTO) + _T(" (%s:%u)"), CTime::GetCurrentTime().Format(thePrefs.GetDateTimeFormat4Log()), cur_server->GetListName(), cur_server->GetAddress(), cur_server->GetPort()); theApp.emuledlg->AddServerMessageLine(LOG_SUCCESS, strMsg); } } theApp.emuledlg->AddServerMessageLine(LOG_INFO, message); } message = strMessages.Tokenize(_T("\r\n"), iPos); } break; } case OP_IDCHANGE:{ if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0) Debug(_T("ServerMsg - OP_IDChange\n")); if (size < sizeof(LoginAnswer_Struct)){ throw GetResString(IDS_ERR_BADSERVERREPLY); } LoginAnswer_Struct* la = (LoginAnswer_Struct*)packet; // save TCP flags in 'cur_server' CServer* pServer = NULL; ASSERT( cur_server ); if (cur_server){ if (size >= sizeof(LoginAnswer_Struct)+4){ DWORD dwFlags = *((uint32*)(packet + sizeof(LoginAnswer_Struct))); if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0){ CString strInfo; strInfo.AppendFormat(_T(" TCP Flags=0x%08x"), dwFlags); const DWORD dwKnownBits = SRV_TCPFLG_COMPRESSION | SRV_TCPFLG_NEWTAGS | SRV_TCPFLG_UNICODE | SRV_TCPFLG_RELATEDSEARCH | SRV_TCPFLG_TYPETAGINTEGER | SRV_TCPFLG_LARGEFILES | SRV_TCPFLG_TCPOBFUSCATION; if (dwFlags & ~dwKnownBits) strInfo.AppendFormat(_T(" ***UnkBits=0x%08x"), dwFlags & ~dwKnownBits); if (dwFlags & SRV_TCPFLG_COMPRESSION) strInfo.AppendFormat(_T(" Compression=1")); if (dwFlags & SRV_TCPFLG_NEWTAGS) strInfo.AppendFormat(_T(" NewTags=1")); if (dwFlags & SRV_TCPFLG_UNICODE) strInfo.AppendFormat(_T(" Unicode=1")); if (dwFlags & SRV_TCPFLG_RELATEDSEARCH) strInfo.AppendFormat(_T(" RelatedSearch=1")); if (dwFlags & SRV_TCPFLG_TYPETAGINTEGER) strInfo.AppendFormat(_T(" IntTypeTags=1")); if (dwFlags & SRV_TCPFLG_LARGEFILES) strInfo.AppendFormat(_T(" LargeFiles=1")); if (dwFlags & SRV_TCPFLG_TCPOBFUSCATION) strInfo.AppendFormat(_T(" TCP_Obfscation=1")); Debug(_T("%s\n"), strInfo); } cur_server->SetTCPFlags(dwFlags); } else cur_server->SetTCPFlags(0); // copy TCP flags into the server in the server list pServer = theApp.serverlist->GetServerByAddress(cur_server->GetAddress(), cur_server->GetPort()); if (pServer) pServer->SetTCPFlags(cur_server->GetTCPFlags()); } uint32 dwServerReportedIP = 0; uint32 dwObfuscationTCPPort = 0; if (size >= 20){ dwServerReportedIP = *((uint32*)(packet + 12)); if (::IsLowID(dwServerReportedIP)){ ASSERT( false ); dwServerReportedIP = 0; } ASSERT( dwServerReportedIP == la->clientid || ::IsLowID(la->clientid) ); dwObfuscationTCPPort = *((uint32*)(packet + 16)); if (cur_server != NULL && dwObfuscationTCPPort != 0) cur_server->SetObfuscationPortTCP((uint16)dwObfuscationTCPPort); if (pServer != NULL && dwObfuscationTCPPort != 0) pServer->SetObfuscationPortTCP((uint16)dwObfuscationTCPPort); } //Xman // Maella -Activate Smart Low ID check- /* if (la->clientid == 0) { uint8 state = thePrefs.GetSmartIdState(); if ( state > 0 ) { if (state == 1) theApp.emuledlg->RefreshUPnP(false); // refresh the UPnP mappings once state++; if( state > 2 ) thePrefs.SetSmartIdState(0); else thePrefs.SetSmartIdState(state); } break; } if( thePrefs.GetSmartIdCheck() ){ if (!IsLowID(la->clientid)) thePrefs.SetSmartIdState(1); else{ uint8 state = thePrefs.GetSmartIdState(); if ( state > 0 ) { if (state == 1) theApp.emuledlg->RefreshUPnP(false); // refresh the UPnP mappings once state++; if( state > 2 ) thePrefs.SetSmartIdState(0); else thePrefs.SetSmartIdState(state); if (!m_bManualSingleConnect) break; // if this is a connect to any/multiple server connection try, disconnect and try another one } } } */ if(la->clientid == 0){ // Reset attempts counter thePrefs.SetSmartIdState(0); } else if(la->clientid >= 16777216){ // High ID => reset attempts counter thePrefs.SetSmartIdState(0); } else if(thePrefs.GetSmartIdCheck() == true){ // Low ID => Check and increment attempts counter uint8 attempts = thePrefs.GetSmartIdState(); if(attempts < 3){ //zz_fly :: not needed, rebind upnp on ipchange :: start //Official UPNP /* if (!thePrefs.m_bUseACATUPnPCurrent && (attempts == 1)) theApp.emuledlg->RefreshUPnP(false); // refresh the UPnP mappings once */ //zz_fly :: end SetConnectionState(CS_ERROR); thePrefs.SetSmartIdState(++attempts); AddLogLine(true, _T("LowID -- Trying Again (attempts %i)"), attempts); break; // Retries } else if (!m_bManualSingleConnect) break; // if this is a connect to any/multiple server connection try, disconnect and try another one } //Xman end // we need to know our client's HighID when sending our shared files (done indirectly on SetConnectionState) serverconnect->clientid = la->clientid; if (connectionstate != CS_CONNECTED) { SetConnectionState(CS_CONNECTED); theApp.OnlineSig(); // Added By Bouc7 } serverconnect->SetClientID(la->clientid); if (::IsLowID(la->clientid) && dwServerReportedIP != 0) theApp.SetPublicIP(dwServerReportedIP); AddLogLine(false, GetResString(IDS_NEWCLIENTID), la->clientid); //Xman -Reask sources after IP change- v4 if(serverconnect->GetClientID() != 0 && theApp.last_valid_ip != 0 && serverconnect->GetClientID() != theApp.last_valid_ip && serverconnect->GetClientID() != theApp.last_valid_serverid) { //remark: this code doesn't trigger when changing low->hidh-ID and we already had //a session with this HighID-IP. This is because we don't know when this last lowID-session was. //but there is no need to trigger when changing low to high-id but keeping the IP, we can'tt loose the waiting-position! { // Public IP has been changed, it's necessary to inform all sources about it // All sources would be informed during their next session refresh (with TCP) // about the new IP. // ==> Quick start [TPT] - Max if(thePrefs.GetQuickStart() && thePrefs.GetQuickStartAfterIPChange()) { theApp.downloadqueue->quickflag = 0; theApp.downloadqueue->quickflags = 0; } // <== Quick start [TPT] - Max if(GetTickCount() - theApp.last_ip_change > FILEREASKTIME + 60000){ theApp.clientlist->TrigReaskForDownload(true); theApp.last_ip_change=::GetTickCount(); theApp.m_bneedpublicIP=false; AddLogLine(false, _T("Change from %u (%s ID) to %u (%s ID) detected%s"), theApp.last_valid_serverid, (theApp.last_valid_serverid < 16777216) ? _T("low") : _T("high"), serverconnect->GetClientID(), (serverconnect->GetClientID() < 16777216) ? _T("low") : _T("high"), _T(", all sources will be reasked immediately")); } else { theApp.clientlist->TrigReaskForDownload(false); theApp.last_ip_change=::GetTickCount(); theApp.m_bneedpublicIP=false; AddLogLine(false, _T("Change from %u (%s ID) to %u (%s ID) detected%s"), theApp.last_valid_serverid, (theApp.last_valid_serverid < 16777216) ? _T("low") : _T("high"), serverconnect->GetClientID(), (serverconnect->GetClientID() < 16777216) ? _T("low") : _T("high"), _T(", all sources will be reasked within the next 10 minutes")); } // ==> UPnP support [MoNKi] - leuk_he /* // official UPNP theApp.emuledlg->RefreshUPnP(false); // refresh the UPnP mappings once // official UPNP */ theApp.RebindUPnP(); // <== UPnP support [MoNKi] - leuk_he } } if(serverconnect->GetClientID() != 0 && theApp.last_ip_change==0) theApp.last_ip_change=::GetTickCount(); if(serverconnect->GetClientID() != 0 && serverconnect->GetClientID() != theApp.last_valid_serverid){ // Keep track of a change of the global IP theApp.last_valid_serverid = serverconnect->GetClientID(); } theApp.last_valid_ip=theApp.GetPublicIP(true); //can also be 0 theApp.last_traffic_reception=::GetTickCount(); theApp.internetmaybedown=false; //we have to reopen here if we are using server only // Xman end theApp.downloadqueue->ResetLocalServerRequests(); break; } case OP_SEARCHRESULT:{ if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0) Debug(_T("ServerMsg - OP_SearchResult\n")); CServer* cur_srv = (serverconnect) ? serverconnect->GetCurrentServer() : NULL; CServer* pServer = cur_srv ? theApp.serverlist->GetServerByAddress(cur_srv->GetAddress(), cur_srv->GetPort()) : NULL; (void)pServer; bool bMoreResultsAvailable; UINT uSearchResults = theApp.searchlist->ProcessSearchAnswer(packet, size, true/*pServer ? pServer->GetUnicodeSupport() : false*/, cur_srv ? cur_srv->GetIP() : 0, cur_srv ? cur_srv->GetPort() : (uint16)0, &bMoreResultsAvailable); theApp.emuledlg->searchwnd->LocalEd2kSearchEnd(uSearchResults, bMoreResultsAvailable); break; } case OP_FOUNDSOURCES_OBFU: case OP_FOUNDSOURCES:{ if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0) Debug(_T("ServerMsg - OP_FoundSources%s; Sources=%u %s\n"), (opcode == OP_FOUNDSOURCES_OBFU) ? _T("_OBFU") : _T(""), (UINT)packet[16], DbgGetFileInfo(packet)); ASSERT( cur_server ); if (cur_server) { CSafeMemFile sources(packet, size); uchar fileid[16]; sources.ReadHash16(fileid); if (CPartFile* file = theApp.downloadqueue->GetFileByID(fileid)) file->AddSources(&sources,cur_server->GetIP(), cur_server->GetPort(), (opcode == OP_FOUNDSOURCES_OBFU)); } break; } case OP_SERVERSTATUS:{ if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0) Debug(_T("ServerMsg - OP_ServerStatus\n")); // FIXME some statuspackets have a different size -> why? structur? if (size < 8) break;//throw "Invalid status packet"; uint32 cur_user = PeekUInt32(packet); uint32 cur_files = PeekUInt32(packet+4); CServer* pServer = cur_server ? theApp.serverlist->GetServerByAddress(cur_server->GetAddress(), cur_server->GetPort()) : NULL; if (pServer){ pServer->SetUserCount(cur_user); pServer->SetFileCount(cur_files); theApp.emuledlg->ShowUserCount(); theApp.emuledlg->serverwnd->serverlistctrl.RefreshServer(pServer); theApp.emuledlg->serverwnd->UpdateMyInfo(); } if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0){ if (size > 8){ Debug(_T("*** NOTE: OP_ServerStatus: ***AddData: %u bytes\n"), size - 8); DebugHexDump(packet + 8, size - 8); } } break; } case OP_SERVERIDENT:{ // OP_SERVERIDENT - this is sent by the server only if we send a OP_GETSERVERLIST if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0) Debug(_T("ServerMsg - OP_ServerIdent\n")); if (size<16+4+2+4){ if (thePrefs.GetVerbose()) DebugLogError(_T("%s"), GetResString(IDS_ERR_KNOWNSERVERINFOREC)); break;// throw "Invalid server info received"; } CServer* pServer = cur_server ? theApp.serverlist->GetServerByAddress(cur_server->GetAddress(),cur_server->GetPort()) : NULL; CString strInfo; CSafeMemFile data(packet, size); uint8 aucHash[16]; data.ReadHash16(aucHash); if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0) strInfo.AppendFormat(_T("Hash=%s (%s)"), md4str(aucHash), DbgGetHashTypeString(aucHash)); uint32 nServerIP = data.ReadUInt32(); uint16 nServerPort = data.ReadUInt16(); if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0) strInfo.AppendFormat(_T(" IP=%s:%u"), ipstr(nServerIP), nServerPort); UINT nTags = data.ReadUInt32(); if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0) strInfo.AppendFormat(_T(" Tags=%u"), nTags); CString strName; CString strDescription; for (UINT i = 0; i < nTags; i++){ CTag tag(&data, pServer ? pServer->GetUnicodeSupport() : false); if (tag.GetNameID() == ST_SERVERNAME){ if (tag.IsStr()){ strName = tag.GetStr(); if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0) strInfo.AppendFormat(_T(" Name=%s"), strName); } } else if (tag.GetNameID() == ST_DESCRIPTION){ if (tag.IsStr()){ strDescription = tag.GetStr(); if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0) strInfo.AppendFormat(_T(" Desc=%s"), strDescription); } } else if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0) strInfo.AppendFormat(_T(" ***UnkTag: 0x%02x=%u"), tag.GetNameID(), tag.GetInt()); } if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0){ strInfo += _T('\n'); Debug(_T("%s"), strInfo); UINT uAddData = (UINT)(data.GetLength() - data.GetPosition()); if (uAddData > 0){ Debug(_T("*** NOTE: OP_ServerIdent: ***AddData: %u bytes\n"), uAddData); DebugHexDump(packet + data.GetPosition(), uAddData); } } if (pServer){ pServer->SetListName(strName); pServer->SetDescription(strDescription); if (((uint32*)aucHash)[0] == 0x2A2A2A2A){ const CString& rstrVersion = pServer->GetVersion(); if (!rstrVersion.IsEmpty()) pServer->SetVersion(_T("eFarm ") + rstrVersion); else pServer->SetVersion(_T("eFarm")); } theApp.emuledlg->ShowConnectionState(); theApp.emuledlg->serverwnd->serverlistctrl.RefreshServer(pServer); } break; } // tecxx 1609 2002 - add server's serverlist to own serverlist case OP_SERVERLIST:{ if (!thePrefs.GetAddServersFromServer()) break; if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0) Debug(_T("ServerMsg - OP_ServerList\n")); try{ CSafeMemFile servers(packet, size); UINT count = servers.ReadUInt8(); // check if packet is valid if (1 + count*(4+2) > size) count = 0; int addcount = 0; while(count) { uint32 ip = servers.ReadUInt32(); uint16 port = servers.ReadUInt16(); CServer* srv = new CServer(port, ipstr(ip)); srv->SetListName(srv->GetFullIP()); srv->SetPreference(SRV_PR_LOW); if (!theApp.emuledlg->serverwnd->serverlistctrl.AddServer(srv, true)) delete srv; else addcount++; count--; } if (addcount) AddLogLine(false, GetResString(IDS_NEWSERVERS), addcount); if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0){ UINT uAddData = (UINT)(servers.GetLength() - servers.GetPosition()); if (uAddData > 0){ Debug(_T("*** NOTE: OP_ServerList: ***AddData: %u bytes\n"), uAddData); DebugHexDump(packet + servers.GetPosition(), uAddData); } } } catch(CFileException* error){ if (thePrefs.GetVerbose()) DebugLogError(_T("%s"), GetResString(IDS_ERR_BADSERVERLISTRECEIVED)); error->Delete(); } break; } case OP_CALLBACKREQUESTED:{ if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0) Debug(_T("ServerMsg - OP_CallbackRequested: %s\n"), (size >= 23) ? _T("With Cryptflag and Userhash") : _T("Without Cryptflag and Userhash")); if (size >= 6) { uint32 dwIP = PeekUInt32(packet); if (theApp.ipfilter->IsFiltered(dwIP)){ theStats.filteredclients++; if (thePrefs.GetLogFilteredIPs()) AddDebugLogLine(false, _T("Ignored callback request (IP=%s) - IP filter (%s)"), ipstr(dwIP), theApp.ipfilter->GetLastHit()); break; } if (theApp.clientlist->IsBannedClient(dwIP)){ if (thePrefs.GetLogBannedClients()){ CUpDownClient* pClient = theApp.clientlist->FindClientByIP(dwIP); //Xman Code Fix /* AddDebugLogLine(false, _T("Ignored callback request from banned client %s; %s"), ipstr(dwIP), pClient->DbgGetClientInfo()); */ AddDebugLogLine(false, _T("Ignored callback request from banned client %s; %s"), ipstr(dwIP), pClient ? pClient->DbgGetClientInfo() : _T("unknown")); //Xman end } break; } uint16 nPort = PeekUInt16(packet+4); uint8 byCryptOptions = 0; uchar achUserHash[16]; if (size >= 23){ byCryptOptions = packet[6]; md4cpy(achUserHash, packet + 7); } CUpDownClient* client = theApp.clientlist->FindClientByIP(dwIP,nPort); if (client == NULL) { client = new CUpDownClient(0,nPort,dwIP,0,0,true); //Xman Code Improvement don't search new generated clients in lists /* theApp.clientlist->AddClient(client); */ theApp.clientlist->AddClient(client, true); //Xman end } if (size >= 23 && client->HasValidHash()){ if (md4cmp(client->GetUserHash(), achUserHash) != 0){ DebugLogError(_T("Reported Userhash from OP_CALLBACKREQUESTED differs with our stored hash")); // disable crypt support since we dont know which hash is true client->SetCryptLayerRequest(false); client->SetCryptLayerSupport(false); client->SetCryptLayerRequires(false); } else{ client->SetConnectOptions(byCryptOptions, true, false); client->SetDirectUDPCallbackSupport(false); } } else if (size >= 23){ client->SetUserHash(achUserHash); client->SetCryptLayerSupport((byCryptOptions & 0x01) != 0); client->SetCryptLayerRequest((byCryptOptions & 0x02) != 0); client->SetCryptLayerRequires((byCryptOptions & 0x04) != 0); client->SetDirectUDPCallbackSupport(false); } client->TryToConnect(); } break; } case OP_CALLBACK_FAIL:{ if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0) Debug(_T("ServerMsg - OP_Callback_Fail %s\n"), DbgGetHexDump(packet, size)); break; } case OP_REJECT:{ if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0) Debug(_T("ServerMsg - OP_Reject %s\n"), DbgGetHexDump(packet, size)); // this could happen if we send a command with the wrong protocol (e.g. sending a compressed packet to // a server which does not support that protocol). if (thePrefs.GetVerbose()) DebugLogError(_T("Server rejected last command")); break; } default: if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0) Debug(_T("***NOTE: ServerMsg - Unknown message; opcode=0x%02x %s\n"), opcode, DbgGetHexDump(packet, size)); ; } return true; } catch(CFileException* error) { if (thePrefs.GetVerbose()) { TCHAR szError[MAX_CFEXP_ERRORMSG]; error->m_strFileName = _T("server packet"); error->GetErrorMessage(szError, ARRSIZE(szError)); ProcessPacketError(size, opcode, szError); } ASSERT(0); error->Delete(); if (opcode==OP_SEARCHRESULT || opcode==OP_FOUNDSOURCES) return true; } catch(CMemoryException* error) { ProcessPacketError(size, opcode, _T("CMemoryException")); ASSERT(0); error->Delete(); if (opcode==OP_SEARCHRESULT || opcode==OP_FOUNDSOURCES) return true; } catch(CString error) { ProcessPacketError(size, opcode, error); ASSERT(0); } #ifndef _DEBUG catch(...) { ProcessPacketError(size, opcode, _T("Unknown exception")); ASSERT(0); } #endif SetConnectionState(CS_DISCONNECTED); return false; }
bool CServerSocket::ProcessPacket(char* packet, uint32 size, uint8 opcode) { try { switch(opcode) { case OP_SERVERMESSAGE: { if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0) Debug(_T("ServerMsg - OP_ServerMessage\n")); CServer* pServer = cur_server ? theApp.serverlist->GetServerByAddress(cur_server->GetAddress(),cur_server->GetPort()) : NULL; CSafeMemFile data((const BYTE*)packet, size); CString strMessages(data.ReadString(pServer ? pServer->GetUnicodeSupport() : false)); if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0) { UINT uAddData = data.GetLength() - data.GetPosition(); if (uAddData > 0) { Debug(_T("*** NOTE: OP_ServerMessage: ***AddData: %u bytes\n"), uAddData); DebugHexDump((uint8*)packet + data.GetPosition(), uAddData); } } // 16.40 servers do not send separate OP_SERVERMESSAGE packets for each line; // instead of this they are sending all text lines with one OP_SERVERMESSAGE packet. int iPos = 0; CString message = strMessages.Tokenize(_T("\r\n"), iPos); while (!message.IsEmpty()) { bool bOutputMessage = true; if (_tcsnicmp(message, _T("server version"), 14) == 0) { CString strVer = message.Mid(14); strVer.Trim(); strVer = strVer.Left(64); // truncate string to avoid misuse by servers in showing ads if (pServer) { pServer->SetVersion(strVer); theApp.emuledlg->serverwnd->serverlistctrl.RefreshServer(pServer); theApp.emuledlg->serverwnd->UpdateMyInfo(); } if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0) Debug(_T("%s\n"), message); } else if (_tcsncmp(message, _T("ERROR"), 5) == 0) { LogError(LOG_STATUSBAR, _T("%s %s (%s:%u) - %s"), GetResString(IDS_ERROR), pServer ? pServer->GetListName() : GetResString(IDS_PW_SERVER), cur_server ? cur_server->GetAddress() : _T(""), cur_server ? cur_server->GetPort() : 0, message.Mid(5).Trim(_T(" :"))); bOutputMessage = false; } else if (_tcsncmp(message, _T("WARNING"), 7) == 0) { LogWarning(LOG_STATUSBAR, _T("%s %s (%s:%u) - %s"), GetResString(IDS_WARNING), pServer ? pServer->GetListName() : GetResString(IDS_PW_SERVER), cur_server ? cur_server->GetAddress() : _T(""), cur_server ? cur_server->GetPort() : 0, message.Mid(7).Trim(_T(" :"))); bOutputMessage = false; } if (message.Find(_T("[emDynIP: ")) != -1 && message.Find(_T("]")) != -1 && message.Find(_T("[emDynIP: ")) < message.Find(_T("]"))) { CString dynip = message.Mid(message.Find(_T("[emDynIP: ")) + 10, message.Find(_T("]")) - (message.Find(_T("[emDynIP: ")) + 10)); dynip.Trim(_T(" ")); if (dynip.GetLength() && dynip.GetLength() < 51) { if (pServer) { pServer->SetDynIP(dynip); if (cur_server) cur_server->SetDynIP(dynip); theApp.emuledlg->serverwnd->serverlistctrl.RefreshServer(pServer); theApp.emuledlg->serverwnd->UpdateMyInfo(); } } } if (bOutputMessage) theApp.emuledlg->AddServerMessageLine(message); message = strMessages.Tokenize(_T("\r\n"), iPos); } break; } case OP_IDCHANGE: { if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0) Debug(_T("ServerMsg - OP_IDChange\n")); if (size < sizeof(LoginAnswer_Struct)) { throw GetResString(IDS_ERR_BADSERVERREPLY); } LoginAnswer_Struct* la = (LoginAnswer_Struct*)packet; // save TCP flags in 'cur_server' ASSERT( cur_server ); if (cur_server) { if (size >= sizeof(LoginAnswer_Struct)+4) { DWORD dwFlags = *((uint32*)(packet + sizeof(LoginAnswer_Struct))); if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0) { CString strInfo; strInfo.AppendFormat(_T(" TCP Flags=0x%08x"), dwFlags); const DWORD dwKnownBits = SRV_TCPFLG_COMPRESSION | SRV_TCPFLG_NEWTAGS | SRV_TCPFLG_UNICODE; if (dwFlags & ~dwKnownBits) strInfo.AppendFormat(_T(" ***UnkBits=0x%08x"), dwFlags & ~dwKnownBits); if (dwFlags & SRV_TCPFLG_COMPRESSION) strInfo.AppendFormat(_T(" Compression=1")); if (dwFlags & SRV_TCPFLG_NEWTAGS) strInfo.AppendFormat(_T(" NewTags=1")); if (dwFlags & SRV_TCPFLG_UNICODE) strInfo.AppendFormat(_T(" Unicode=1")); Debug(_T("%s\n"), strInfo); } cur_server->SetTCPFlags(dwFlags); } else cur_server->SetTCPFlags(0); // copy TCP flags into the server in the server list CServer* pServer = theApp.serverlist->GetServerByAddress(cur_server->GetAddress(), cur_server->GetPort()); if (pServer) pServer->SetTCPFlags(cur_server->GetTCPFlags()); } if (la->clientid == 0) { uint8 state = thePrefs.GetSmartIdState(); if ( state > 0 ) { state++; if( state > 3 ) thePrefs.SetSmartIdState(0); else thePrefs.SetSmartIdState(state); } break; } if( thePrefs.GetSmartIdCheck() ) { if (!IsLowID(la->clientid)) thePrefs.SetSmartIdState(1); else { uint8 state = thePrefs.GetSmartIdState(); if ( state > 0 ) { state++; if( state > 3 ) thePrefs.SetSmartIdState(0); else thePrefs.SetSmartIdState(state); break; } } } //==>Lowid retry by SlugFiller [cyrex2001] #ifdef LOWID if (thePrefs.GetLowIdRetried()) { if (la->clientid < 16777216 ) { SetConnectionState(CS_ERROR); AddLogLine(true,GetResString(IDS_LOWIDRETRYING),thePrefs.GetLowIdRetried()); thePrefs.SetLowIdRetried(); break; } } #endif //Lowid retry //<==Lowid retry [cyrex2001] // we need to know our client's HighID when sending our shared files (done indirectly on SetConnectionState) serverconnect->clientid = la->clientid; if (connectionstate != CS_CONNECTED) { SetConnectionState(CS_CONNECTED); theApp.OnlineSig(); // Added By Bouc7 } serverconnect->SetClientID(la->clientid); AddLogLine(false, GetResString(IDS_NEWCLIENTID), la->clientid); //==>Reask sourcen after ip change [cyrex2001] #ifdef RSAIC_MAELLA theApp.CheckIDChange(); #endif //Reask sourcen after ip change //<==Reask sourcen after ip change [cyrex2001] theApp.downloadqueue->ResetLocalServerRequests(); break; } case OP_SEARCHRESULT: { if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0) Debug(_T("ServerMsg - OP_SearchResult\n")); CServer* cur_srv = (serverconnect) ? serverconnect->GetCurrentServer() : NULL; CServer* pServer = cur_srv ? theApp.serverlist->GetServerByAddress(cur_srv->GetAddress(), cur_srv->GetPort()) : NULL; bool bMoreResultsAvailable; uint16 uSearchResults = theApp.searchlist->ProcessSearchanswer(packet, size, true/*pServer ? pServer->GetUnicodeSupport() : false*/, cur_srv ? cur_srv->GetIP() : 0, cur_srv ? cur_srv->GetPort() : 0, &bMoreResultsAvailable); theApp.emuledlg->searchwnd->LocalSearchEnd(uSearchResults, bMoreResultsAvailable); break; } case OP_FOUNDSOURCES: { if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0) Debug(_T("ServerMsg - OP_FoundSources; Sources=%u %s\n"), (UINT)(uchar)packet[16], DbgGetFileInfo((uchar*)packet)); ASSERT( cur_server ); if (cur_server) { CSafeMemFile sources((BYTE*)packet,size); uchar fileid[16]; sources.ReadHash16(fileid); if (CPartFile* file = theApp.downloadqueue->GetFileByID(fileid)) file->AddSources(&sources,cur_server->GetIP(), cur_server->GetPort()); } break; } case OP_SERVERSTATUS: { if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0) Debug(_T("ServerMsg - OP_ServerStatus\n")); // FIXME some statuspackets have a different size -> why? structur? if (size < 8) break;//throw "Invalid status packet"; uint32 cur_user = PeekUInt32(packet); uint32 cur_files = PeekUInt32(packet+4); CServer* update = cur_server ? theApp.serverlist->GetServerByAddress(cur_server->GetAddress(), cur_server->GetPort()) : NULL; if (update) { update->SetUserCount(cur_user); update->SetFileCount(cur_files); theApp.emuledlg->ShowUserCount(); theApp.emuledlg->serverwnd->serverlistctrl.RefreshServer( update ); theApp.emuledlg->serverwnd->UpdateMyInfo(); } if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0) { if (size > 8) { Debug(_T("*** NOTE: OP_ServerStatus: ***AddData: %u bytes\n"), size - 8); DebugHexDump((uint8*)packet + 8, size - 8); } } break; } case OP_SERVERIDENT: { // OP_SERVERIDENT - this is sent by the server only if we send a OP_GETSERVERLIST if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0) Debug(_T("ServerMsg - OP_ServerIdent\n")); if (size<16+4+2+4) { if (thePrefs.GetVerbose()) DebugLogError(_T("%s"), GetResString(IDS_ERR_KNOWNSERVERINFOREC)); break;// throw "Invalid server info received"; } CServer* pServer = cur_server ? theApp.serverlist->GetServerByAddress(cur_server->GetAddress(),cur_server->GetPort()) : NULL; CString strInfo; CSafeMemFile data((BYTE*)packet, size); uint8 aucHash[16]; data.ReadHash16(aucHash); if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0) strInfo.AppendFormat(_T("Hash=%s (%s)"), md4str(aucHash), DbgGetHashTypeString(aucHash)); uint32 nServerIP = data.ReadUInt32(); uint16 nServerPort = data.ReadUInt16(); if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0) strInfo.AppendFormat(_T(" IP=%s:%u"), ipstr(nServerIP), nServerPort); UINT nTags = data.ReadUInt32(); if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0) strInfo.AppendFormat(_T(" Tags=%u"), nTags); CString strName; CString strDescription; for (UINT i = 0; i < nTags; i++) { CTag tag(&data, pServer ? pServer->GetUnicodeSupport() : false); if (tag.GetNameID() == ST_SERVERNAME) { if (tag.IsStr()) { strName = tag.GetStr(); if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0) strInfo.AppendFormat(_T(" Name=%s"), strName); } } else if (tag.GetNameID() == ST_DESCRIPTION) { if (tag.IsStr()) { strDescription = tag.GetStr(); if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0) strInfo.AppendFormat(_T(" Desc=%s"), strDescription); } } else if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0) strInfo.AppendFormat(_T(" ***UnkTag: 0x%02x=%u"), tag.GetNameID(), tag.GetInt()); } if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0) { strInfo += _T('\n'); Debug(_T("%s"), strInfo); UINT uAddData = data.GetLength() - data.GetPosition(); if (uAddData > 0) { Debug(_T("*** NOTE: OP_ServerIdent: ***AddData: %u bytes\n"), uAddData); DebugHexDump((uint8*)packet + data.GetPosition(), uAddData); } } if (pServer) { pServer->SetListName(strName); pServer->SetDescription(strDescription); if (((uint32*)aucHash)[0] == 0x2A2A2A2A) { const CString& rstrVersion = pServer->GetVersion(); if (!rstrVersion.IsEmpty()) pServer->SetVersion(_T("eFarm ") + rstrVersion); else pServer->SetVersion(_T("eFarm")); } theApp.emuledlg->ShowConnectionState(); theApp.emuledlg->serverwnd->serverlistctrl.RefreshServer(pServer); theApp.emuledlg->serverwnd->UpdateMyInfo(); } break; } // tecxx 1609 2002 - add server's serverlist to own serverlist case OP_SERVERLIST: { if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0) Debug(_T("ServerMsg - OP_ServerList\n")); try { CSafeMemFile servers((BYTE*)packet,size); UINT count = servers.ReadUInt8(); // check if packet is valid if (1 + count*(4+2) > size) count = 0; int addcount = 0; while(count) { uint32 ip = servers.ReadUInt32(); uint16 port = servers.ReadUInt16(); CServer* srv = new CServer(port, ipstr(ip)); srv->SetListName(srv->GetFullIP()); if (!theApp.emuledlg->serverwnd->serverlistctrl.AddServer(srv, true)) delete srv; else addcount++; count--; } if (addcount) AddLogLine(false, GetResString(IDS_NEWSERVERS), addcount); if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0) { UINT uAddData = servers.GetLength() - servers.GetPosition(); if (uAddData > 0) { Debug(_T("*** NOTE: OP_ServerList: ***AddData: %u bytes\n"), uAddData); DebugHexDump((uint8*)packet + servers.GetPosition(), uAddData); } } } catch(CFileException* error) { if (thePrefs.GetVerbose()) DebugLogError(_T("%s"), GetResString(IDS_ERR_BADSERVERLISTRECEIVED)); error->Delete(); } break; } case OP_CALLBACKREQUESTED: { if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0) Debug(_T("ServerMsg - OP_CallbackRequested\n")); if (size == 6) { uint32 dwIP = PeekUInt32(packet); if (theApp.ipfilter->IsFiltered(dwIP)) { theStats.filteredclients++; if (thePrefs.GetLogFilteredIPs()) AddDebugLogLine(false, _T("Ignored callback request (IP=%s) - IP filter (%s)"), ipstr(dwIP), theApp.ipfilter->GetLastHit()); break; } if (theApp.clientlist->IsBannedClient(dwIP)) { if (thePrefs.GetLogBannedClients()) { CUpDownClient* pClient = theApp.clientlist->FindClientByIP(dwIP); AddDebugLogLine(false, _T("Ignored callback request from banned client %s; %s"), ipstr(dwIP), pClient->DbgGetClientInfo()); } break; } uint16 nPort = PeekUInt16(packet+4); CUpDownClient* client = theApp.clientlist->FindClientByIP(dwIP,nPort); if (client) client->TryToConnect(); else { client = new CUpDownClient(0,nPort,dwIP,0,0,true); theApp.clientlist->AddClient(client); client->TryToConnect(); } } break; } case OP_CALLBACK_FAIL: { if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0) Debug(_T("ServerMsg - OP_Callback_Fail %s\n"), DbgGetHexDump((uint8*)packet, size)); break; } case OP_REJECT: { if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0) Debug(_T("ServerMsg - OP_Reject %s\n"), DbgGetHexDump((uint8*)packet, size)); // this could happen if we send a command with the wrong protocol (e.g. sending a compressed packet to // a server which does not support that protocol). if (thePrefs.GetVerbose()) DebugLogError(_T("Server rejected last command")); break; } default: if (thePrefs.GetDebugServerTCPLevel() > 0) Debug(_T("***NOTE: ServerMsg - Unknown message; opcode=0x%02x %s\n"), opcode, DbgGetHexDump((uint8*)packet, size)); ; } return true; } catch(CFileException* error) { if (thePrefs.GetVerbose()) { TCHAR szError[MAX_CFEXP_ERRORMSG]; error->m_strFileName = _T("server packet"); error->GetErrorMessage(szError, ARRSIZE(szError)); DebugLogError(GetResString(IDS_ERR_PACKAGEHANDLING), szError); } error->Delete(); ASSERT(0); if (opcode==OP_SEARCHRESULT || opcode==OP_FOUNDSOURCES) return true; } catch(CMemoryException* error) { if (thePrefs.GetVerbose()) DebugLogError(GetResString(IDS_ERR_PACKAGEHANDLING), _T("CMemoryException")); error->Delete(); ASSERT(0); if (opcode==OP_SEARCHRESULT || opcode==OP_FOUNDSOURCES) return true; } catch(CString error) { if (thePrefs.GetVerbose()) DebugLogError(GetResString(IDS_ERR_PACKAGEHANDLING), error); ASSERT(0); } catch(...) { if (thePrefs.GetVerbose()) DebugLogError(GetResString(IDS_ERR_PACKAGEHANDLING), _T("Unknown exception")); ASSERT(0); } SetConnectionState(CS_DISCONNECTED); return false; }
wxDatagramSocket &CDatagramSocketProxy::RecvFrom( wxSockAddress &addr, void* buf, wxUint32 nBytes ) { wxMutexLocker lock(m_socketLocker); m_lastUDPOperation = UDP_OPERATION_RECV_FROM; if (m_proxyTCPSocket.GetUseProxy()) { if (m_udpSocketOk) { char *bufUDP = NULL; if (nBytes + PROXY_UDP_MAXIMUM_OVERHEAD > PROXY_BUFFER_SIZE) { bufUDP = new char[nBytes + PROXY_UDP_MAXIMUM_OVERHEAD]; } else { bufUDP = m_proxyTCPSocket.GetBuffer(); } wxDatagramSocket::RecvFrom( m_proxyTCPSocket.GetProxyBoundAddress(), bufUDP, nBytes + PROXY_UDP_MAXIMUM_OVERHEAD); unsigned int offset; switch (m_proxyTCPSocket.GetBuffer()[3]) { case SOCKS5_ATYP_IPV4_ADDRESS: { offset = PROXY_UDP_OVERHEAD_IPV4; try { amuleIPV4Address &a = dynamic_cast<amuleIPV4Address &>(addr); a.Hostname( PeekUInt32( m_proxyTCPSocket.GetBuffer()+4 ) ); a.Service( ENDIAN_NTOHS( RawPeekUInt16( m_proxyTCPSocket.GetBuffer()+8) ) ); } catch (const std::bad_cast& WXUNUSED(e)) { AddDebugLogLineN(logProxy, wxT("(2)bad_cast exception!")); wxFAIL; } } break; case SOCKS5_ATYP_DOMAINNAME: offset = PROXY_UDP_OVERHEAD_DOMAIN_NAME; break; case SOCKS5_ATYP_IPV6_ADDRESS: offset = PROXY_UDP_OVERHEAD_IPV6; break; default: /* Error! */ offset = 0; break; } memcpy(buf, bufUDP + offset, nBytes); // Uncomment here to see the buffer contents on console // DumpMem(bufUDP, wxDatagramSocket::LastCount(), wxT("RecvFrom"), 3); /* Only delete buffer if it was dynamically created */ if (bufUDP != m_proxyTCPSocket.GetBuffer()) { /* We should use a fixed buffer to avoid * new/delete it all the time. * I need an upper bound */ delete bufUDP; } /* There is still one problem pending, fragmentation. * Either we support it or we have to drop fragmented * messages. I vote for drop :) */ } } else { wxDatagramSocket::RecvFrom(addr, buf, nBytes); } return *this; }