Exemplo n.º 1
 * Finds a child menu item.
 * \param Item The parent menu item.
 * \param Flags A combination of the following:
 * \li \c PH_EMENU_FIND_DESCEND Searches recursively within child menu items.
 * \li \c PH_EMENU_FIND_STARTSWITH Performs a partial text search instead of an exact search.
 * \li \c PH_EMENU_FIND_LITERAL Performs a literal search instead of ignoring prefix characters
 * (ampersands).
 * \param Text The text of the menu item to find. If NULL, the text is ignored.
 * \param Id The identifier of the menu item to find. If 0, the identifier is ignored.
 * \return The found menu item, or NULL if the menu item could not be found.
    _In_ PPH_EMENU_ITEM Item,
    _In_ ULONG Flags,
    _In_opt_ PWSTR Text,
    _In_opt_ ULONG Id
    return PhFindEMenuItemEx(Item, Flags, Text, Id, NULL, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 2
VOID PhInsertHandleObjectPropertiesEMenuItems(
    _In_ struct _PH_EMENU_ITEM *Menu,
    _In_ ULONG InsertBeforeId,
    _In_ BOOLEAN EnableShortcut,
    PPH_EMENU_ITEM parentItem;
    ULONG indexInParent;

    if (!PhFindEMenuItemEx(Menu, 0, NULL, InsertBeforeId, &parentItem, &indexInParent))

    if (PhIsNullOrEmptyString(Info->TypeName))

    if (PhEqualString2(Info->TypeName, L"File", TRUE) || PhEqualString2(Info->TypeName, L"DLL", TRUE) ||
        PhEqualString2(Info->TypeName, L"Mapped file", TRUE) || PhEqualString2(Info->TypeName, L"Mapped image", TRUE))
        if (PhEqualString2(Info->TypeName, L"File", TRUE))
            PhInsertEMenuItem(parentItem, PhCreateEMenuItem(0, ID_HANDLE_OBJECTPROPERTIES2, L"File propert&ies", NULL, NULL), indexInParent);

        PhInsertEMenuItem(parentItem, PhCreateEMenuItem(0, ID_HANDLE_OBJECTPROPERTIES1, PhaAppendCtrlEnter(L"Open &file location", EnableShortcut), NULL, NULL), indexInParent);
    else if (PhEqualString2(Info->TypeName, L"Key", TRUE))
        PhInsertEMenuItem(parentItem, PhCreateEMenuItem(0, ID_HANDLE_OBJECTPROPERTIES1, PhaAppendCtrlEnter(L"Open &key", EnableShortcut), NULL, NULL), indexInParent);
    else if (PhEqualString2(Info->TypeName, L"Process", TRUE))
        PhInsertEMenuItem(parentItem, PhCreateEMenuItem(0, ID_HANDLE_OBJECTPROPERTIES1, PhaAppendCtrlEnter(L"Process propert&ies", EnableShortcut), NULL, NULL), indexInParent);
    else if (PhEqualString2(Info->TypeName, L"Section", TRUE))
        PhInsertEMenuItem(parentItem, PhCreateEMenuItem(0, ID_HANDLE_OBJECTPROPERTIES1, PhaAppendCtrlEnter(L"Read/Write &memory", EnableShortcut), NULL, NULL), indexInParent);
    else if (PhEqualString2(Info->TypeName, L"Thread", TRUE))
        PhInsertEMenuItem(parentItem, PhCreateEMenuItem(0, ID_HANDLE_OBJECTPROPERTIES1, PhaAppendCtrlEnter(L"Go to t&hread", EnableShortcut), NULL, NULL), indexInParent);
Exemplo n.º 3
 * Finds a child menu item.
 * \param Item The parent menu item.
 * \param Flags A combination of the following:
 * \li \c PH_EMENU_FIND_DESCEND Searches recursively within child menu items.
 * \li \c PH_EMENU_FIND_STARTSWITH Performs a partial text search instead of an exact search.
 * \li \c PH_EMENU_FIND_LITERAL Performs a literal search instead of ignoring prefix characters
 * (ampersands).
 * \param Text The text of the menu item to find. If NULL, the text is ignored.
 * \param Id The identifier of the menu item to find. If 0, the identifier is ignored.
 * \param FoundParent A variable which receives the parent of the found menu item.
 * \param FoundIndex A variable which receives the index of the found menu item.
 * \return The found menu item, or NULL if the menu item could not be found.
    _In_ PPH_EMENU_ITEM Item,
    _In_ ULONG Flags,
    _In_opt_ PWSTR Text,
    _In_opt_ ULONG Id,
    _Out_opt_ PPH_EMENU_ITEM *FoundParent,
    _Out_opt_ PULONG FoundIndex
    PH_STRINGREF searchText;
    ULONG i;
    PPH_EMENU_ITEM item;

    if (!Item->Items)
        return NULL;

    if (Text && (Flags & PH_EMENU_FIND_LITERAL))
        PhInitializeStringRef(&searchText, Text);

    for (i = 0; i < Item->Items->Count; i++)
        item = Item->Items->Items[i];

        if (Text)
            if (Flags & PH_EMENU_FIND_LITERAL)
                PH_STRINGREF text;

                PhInitializeStringRef(&text, item->Text);

                if (Flags & PH_EMENU_FIND_STARTSWITH)
                    if (PhStartsWithStringRef(&text, &searchText, TRUE))
                        goto FoundItemHere;
                    if (PhEqualStringRef(&text, &searchText, TRUE))
                        goto FoundItemHere;
                if (PhCompareUnicodeStringZIgnoreMenuPrefix(Text, item->Text,
                    TRUE, !!(Flags & PH_EMENU_FIND_STARTSWITH)) == 0)
                    goto FoundItemHere;

        if (Id && item->Id == Id)
            goto FoundItemHere;

        if (Flags & PH_EMENU_FIND_DESCEND)
            PPH_EMENU_ITEM foundItem;
            PPH_EMENU_ITEM foundParent;
            ULONG foundIndex;

            foundItem = PhFindEMenuItemEx(item, Flags, Text, Id, &foundParent, &foundIndex);

            if (foundItem)
                if (FoundParent)
                    *FoundParent = foundParent;
                if (FoundIndex)
                    *FoundIndex = foundIndex;

                return foundItem;

    return NULL;

    if (FoundParent)
        *FoundParent = Item;
    if (FoundIndex)
        *FoundIndex = i;

    return item;