HRESULT CALLBACK CheckForUpdatesCallbackProc( _In_ HWND hwndDlg, _In_ UINT uMsg, _In_ WPARAM wParam, _In_ LPARAM lParam, _In_ LONG_PTR dwRefData ) { PPH_UPDATER_CONTEXT context = (PPH_UPDATER_CONTEXT)dwRefData; switch (uMsg) { case TDN_NAVIGATED: { if (!PhTestEvent(&InitializedEvent)) { // Taskdialog is now initialized PhSetEvent(&InitializedEvent); } } break; case TDN_BUTTON_CLICKED: { if ((INT)wParam == IDOK) { ShowCheckingForUpdatesDialog(hwndDlg, dwRefData); return S_FALSE; } } break; } return S_OK; }
PET_PROCESS_ICON EtProcIconReferenceSmallProcessIcon( __inout PET_PROCESS_BLOCK Block ) { PET_PROCESS_ICON smallProcessIcon; smallProcessIcon = Block->SmallProcessIcon; if (!smallProcessIcon && PhTestEvent(&Block->ProcessItem->Stage1Event)) { smallProcessIcon = EtProcIconCreateProcessIcon(Block->ProcessItem->SmallIcon); if (_InterlockedCompareExchangePointer( &Block->SmallProcessIcon, smallProcessIcon, NULL ) != NULL) { EtProcIconDereferenceProcessIcon(smallProcessIcon); smallProcessIcon = Block->SmallProcessIcon; } } if (smallProcessIcon) { EtProcIconReferenceProcessIcon(smallProcessIcon); } return smallProcessIcon; }
VOID PhpThreadProviderUpdate( __in PPH_THREAD_PROVIDER ThreadProvider, __in PVOID ProcessInformation ) { PPH_THREAD_PROVIDER threadProvider = ThreadProvider; PSYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION process; SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION localProcess; PSYSTEM_THREAD_INFORMATION threads; ULONG numberOfThreads; ULONG i; process = PhFindProcessInformation(ProcessInformation, threadProvider->ProcessId); if (!process) { // The process doesn't exist anymore. Pretend it does but // has no threads. process = &localProcess; process->NumberOfThreads = 0; } threads = process->Threads; numberOfThreads = process->NumberOfThreads; // System Idle Process has one thread per CPU. // They all have a TID of 0, but we can't have // multiple TIDs, so we'll assign unique TIDs. if (threadProvider->ProcessId == SYSTEM_IDLE_PROCESS_ID) { for (i = 0; i < numberOfThreads; i++) { threads[i].ClientId.UniqueThread = (HANDLE)i; } } // Look for dead threads. { PPH_LIST threadsToRemove = NULL; ULONG enumerationKey = 0; PPH_THREAD_ITEM *threadItem; while (PhEnumHashtable(threadProvider->ThreadHashtable, (PPVOID)&threadItem, &enumerationKey)) { BOOLEAN found = FALSE; // Check if the thread still exists. for (i = 0; i < numberOfThreads; i++) { PSYSTEM_THREAD_INFORMATION thread = &threads[i]; if ((*threadItem)->ThreadId == thread->ClientId.UniqueThread) { found = TRUE; break; } } if (!found) { // Raise the thread removed event. PhInvokeCallback(&threadProvider->ThreadRemovedEvent, *threadItem); if (!threadsToRemove) threadsToRemove = PhCreateList(2); PhAddItemList(threadsToRemove, *threadItem); } } if (threadsToRemove) { PhAcquireFastLockExclusive(&threadProvider->ThreadHashtableLock); for (i = 0; i < threadsToRemove->Count; i++) { PhpRemoveThreadItem( threadProvider, (PPH_THREAD_ITEM)threadsToRemove->Items[i] ); } PhReleaseFastLockExclusive(&threadProvider->ThreadHashtableLock); PhDereferenceObject(threadsToRemove); } } // Go through the queued thread query data. { PSLIST_ENTRY entry; PPH_THREAD_QUERY_DATA data; entry = RtlInterlockedFlushSList(&threadProvider->QueryListHead); while (entry) { data = CONTAINING_RECORD(entry, PH_THREAD_QUERY_DATA, ListEntry); entry = entry->Next; if (data->StartAddressResolveLevel == PhsrlFunction && data->StartAddressString) { PhSwapReference(&data->ThreadItem->StartAddressString, data->StartAddressString); data->ThreadItem->StartAddressResolveLevel = data->StartAddressResolveLevel; } PhSwapReference2(&data->ThreadItem->ServiceName, data->ServiceName); data->ThreadItem->JustResolved = TRUE; if (data->StartAddressString) PhDereferenceObject(data->StartAddressString); PhDereferenceObject(data->ThreadItem); PhFree(data); } } // Look for new threads and update existing ones. for (i = 0; i < numberOfThreads; i++) { PSYSTEM_THREAD_INFORMATION thread = &threads[i]; PPH_THREAD_ITEM threadItem; threadItem = PhReferenceThreadItem(threadProvider, thread->ClientId.UniqueThread); if (!threadItem) { ULONG64 cycles; PVOID startAddress = NULL; threadItem = PhCreateThreadItem(thread->ClientId.UniqueThread); threadItem->CreateTime = thread->CreateTime; threadItem->KernelTime = thread->KernelTime; threadItem->UserTime = thread->UserTime; PhUpdateDelta(&threadItem->ContextSwitchesDelta, thread->ContextSwitches); threadItem->Priority = thread->Priority; threadItem->BasePriority = thread->BasePriority; threadItem->State = (KTHREAD_STATE)thread->ThreadState; threadItem->WaitReason = thread->WaitReason; // Try to open a handle to the thread. if (!NT_SUCCESS(PhOpenThread( &threadItem->ThreadHandle, THREAD_QUERY_INFORMATION, threadItem->ThreadId ))) { PhOpenThread( &threadItem->ThreadHandle, ThreadQueryAccess, threadItem->ThreadId ); } // Get the cycle count. if (NT_SUCCESS(PhpGetThreadCycleTime( threadProvider, threadItem, &cycles ))) { PhUpdateDelta(&threadItem->CyclesDelta, cycles); } // Initialize the CPU time deltas. PhUpdateDelta(&threadItem->CpuKernelDelta, threadItem->KernelTime.QuadPart); PhUpdateDelta(&threadItem->CpuUserDelta, threadItem->UserTime.QuadPart); // Try to get the start address. if (threadItem->ThreadHandle) { NtQueryInformationThread( threadItem->ThreadHandle, ThreadQuerySetWin32StartAddress, &startAddress, sizeof(PVOID), NULL ); } if (!startAddress) startAddress = thread->StartAddress; threadItem->StartAddress = (ULONG64)startAddress; // Get the Win32 priority. threadItem->PriorityWin32 = GetThreadPriority(threadItem->ThreadHandle); if (PhTestEvent(&threadProvider->SymbolsLoadedEvent)) { threadItem->StartAddressString = PhpGetThreadBasicStartAddress( threadProvider, threadItem->StartAddress, &threadItem->StartAddressResolveLevel ); } if (!threadItem->StartAddressString) { threadItem->StartAddressResolveLevel = PhsrlAddress; threadItem->StartAddressString = PhCreateStringEx(NULL, PH_PTR_STR_LEN * 2); PhPrintPointer( threadItem->StartAddressString->Buffer, (PVOID)threadItem->StartAddress ); PhTrimToNullTerminatorString(threadItem->StartAddressString); } PhpQueueThreadQuery(threadProvider, threadItem); // Is it a GUI thread? if (threadItem->ThreadHandle && KphIsConnected()) { PVOID win32Thread; if (NT_SUCCESS(KphQueryInformationThread( threadItem->ThreadHandle, KphThreadWin32Thread, &win32Thread, sizeof(PVOID), NULL ))) { threadItem->IsGuiThread = win32Thread != NULL; } } // Add the thread item to the hashtable. PhAcquireFastLockExclusive(&threadProvider->ThreadHashtableLock); PhAddEntryHashtable(threadProvider->ThreadHashtable, &threadItem); PhReleaseFastLockExclusive(&threadProvider->ThreadHashtableLock); // Raise the thread added event. PhInvokeCallback(&threadProvider->ThreadAddedEvent, threadItem); } else { BOOLEAN modified = FALSE; if (threadItem->JustResolved) modified = TRUE; threadItem->KernelTime = thread->KernelTime; threadItem->UserTime = thread->UserTime; threadItem->Priority = thread->Priority; threadItem->BasePriority = thread->BasePriority; threadItem->State = (KTHREAD_STATE)thread->ThreadState; if (threadItem->WaitReason != thread->WaitReason) { threadItem->WaitReason = thread->WaitReason; modified = TRUE; } // If the resolve level is only at address, it probably // means symbols weren't loaded the last time we // tried to get the start address. Try again. if (threadItem->StartAddressResolveLevel == PhsrlAddress) { if (PhTestEvent(&threadProvider->SymbolsLoadedEvent)) { PPH_STRING newStartAddressString; newStartAddressString = PhpGetThreadBasicStartAddress( threadProvider, threadItem->StartAddress, &threadItem->StartAddressResolveLevel ); PhSwapReference2( &threadItem->StartAddressString, newStartAddressString ); modified = TRUE; } } // If we couldn't resolve the start address to a // module+offset, use the StartAddress instead // of the Win32StartAddress and try again. // Note that we check the resolve level again // because we may have changed it in the previous // block. if ( threadItem->JustResolved && threadItem->StartAddressResolveLevel == PhsrlAddress ) { if (threadItem->StartAddress != (ULONG64)thread->StartAddress) { threadItem->StartAddress = (ULONG64)thread->StartAddress; PhpQueueThreadQuery(threadProvider, threadItem); } } // Update the context switch count. { ULONG oldDelta; oldDelta = threadItem->ContextSwitchesDelta.Delta; PhUpdateDelta(&threadItem->ContextSwitchesDelta, thread->ContextSwitches); if (threadItem->ContextSwitchesDelta.Delta != oldDelta) { modified = TRUE; } } // Update the cycle count. { ULONG64 cycles; ULONG64 oldDelta; oldDelta = threadItem->CyclesDelta.Delta; if (NT_SUCCESS(PhpGetThreadCycleTime( threadProvider, threadItem, &cycles ))) { PhUpdateDelta(&threadItem->CyclesDelta, cycles); if (threadItem->CyclesDelta.Delta != oldDelta) { modified = TRUE; } } } // Update the CPU time deltas. PhUpdateDelta(&threadItem->CpuKernelDelta, threadItem->KernelTime.QuadPart); PhUpdateDelta(&threadItem->CpuUserDelta, threadItem->UserTime.QuadPart); // Update the CPU usage. // If the cycle time isn't available, we'll fall back to using the CPU time. if (PhEnableCycleCpuUsage && (threadProvider->ProcessId == SYSTEM_IDLE_PROCESS_ID || threadItem->ThreadHandle)) { threadItem->CpuUsage = (FLOAT)threadItem->CyclesDelta.Delta / PhCpuTotalCycleDelta; } else { threadItem->CpuUsage = (FLOAT)(threadItem->CpuKernelDelta.Delta + threadItem->CpuUserDelta.Delta) / (PhCpuKernelDelta.Delta + PhCpuUserDelta.Delta + PhCpuIdleDelta.Delta); } // Update the Win32 priority. { LONG oldPriorityWin32 = threadItem->PriorityWin32; threadItem->PriorityWin32 = GetThreadPriority(threadItem->ThreadHandle); if (threadItem->PriorityWin32 != oldPriorityWin32) { modified = TRUE; } } // Update the GUI thread status. if (threadItem->ThreadHandle && KphIsConnected()) { PVOID win32Thread; if (NT_SUCCESS(KphQueryInformationThread( threadItem->ThreadHandle, KphThreadWin32Thread, &win32Thread, sizeof(PVOID), NULL ))) { BOOLEAN oldIsGuiThread = threadItem->IsGuiThread; threadItem->IsGuiThread = win32Thread != NULL; if (threadItem->IsGuiThread != oldIsGuiThread) modified = TRUE; } } threadItem->JustResolved = FALSE; if (modified) { // Raise the thread modified event. PhInvokeCallback(&threadProvider->ThreadModifiedEvent, threadItem); } PhDereferenceObject(threadItem); } } PhInvokeCallback(&threadProvider->UpdatedEvent, NULL); threadProvider->RunId++; }