/* This example turns all 4 leds on and then off */ int main(void) { // Access 4 leds predefined as LED1, LED2, LED3, LED4 Pin_t leds[] = { Pin_Init(LED1, 1, Output), Pin_Init(LED2, 1, Output), Pin_Init(LED3, 1, Output), }; int nleds = 3; Pin_t button = Pin_Init(SW1, 1, Output); Pin_Input(button), Pin_Mode(button, PullUp); // Get the sensor enabler Pin_t enabler = Pin_Init(LED_EN, 1, Output); Pin_Output(enabler), Pin_On(enabler); // Get AnalogIns uint32_t sensors[] = { AnalogIn_Get(SENS0), AnalogIn_Get(SENS1), AnalogIn_Get(SENS2), AnalogIn_Get(SENS3), AnalogIn_Get(SENS4) }; int nsensors = 5; while (1) { if (Pin_Read(button) == SW_ON) { Pin_Off(leds[2]); } else { Pin_On(leds[2]); } if (AnalogIn_Read(sensors[0]) > 0) { Pin_Off(leds[1]); } else { Pin_On(leds[1]); } /* for (i = 0; i < nleds; i++) { Pin_On(leds[i]); Delay(0.2); } for (i = 0; i < nleds; i++) { Pin_Off(leds[i]); Delay(0.2); }*/ } }
AnalogIn_t AnalogIn_Init(PinName pin_name) { // Check if the global initialization is needed. if (!(PMC->PMC_PCER0 & ADC_POWER_BITMASK)) { ADC_Init(); } AnalogIn_t analog_in = AnalogIn_Get(pin_name); // Set the pin bit function Pin_t pin = Pin_Get(pin_name); Pin_Input(pin); Pin_Mode(pin, PullNone); Pin_Mode(pin, PD); return analog_in; }