/* * Append Data sent from File daemon * */ bool do_append_data(JCR *jcr) { int32_t n; int32_t file_index, stream, last_file_index; BSOCK *fd = jcr->file_bsock; bool ok = true; DEV_RECORD rec; char buf1[100], buf2[100]; DCR *dcr = jcr->dcr; DEVICE *dev; char ec[50]; if (!dcr) { Jmsg0(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("DCR is NULL!!!\n")); return false; } dev = dcr->dev; if (!dev) { Jmsg0(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("DEVICE is NULL!!!\n")); return false; } Dmsg1(100, "Start append data. res=%d\n", dev->num_reserved()); memset(&rec, 0, sizeof(rec)); if (!fd->set_buffer_size(dcr->device->max_network_buffer_size, BNET_SETBUF_WRITE)) { jcr->setJobStatus(JS_ErrorTerminated); Jmsg0(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Unable to set network buffer size.\n")); return false; } if (!acquire_device_for_append(dcr)) { jcr->setJobStatus(JS_ErrorTerminated); return false; } jcr->setJobStatus(JS_Running); dir_send_job_status(jcr); if (dev->VolCatInfo.VolCatName[0] == 0) { Pmsg0(000, _("NULL Volume name. This shouldn't happen!!!\n")); } Dmsg1(50, "Begin append device=%s\n", dev->print_name()); begin_data_spool(dcr); begin_attribute_spool(jcr); Dmsg0(100, "Just after acquire_device_for_append\n"); if (dev->VolCatInfo.VolCatName[0] == 0) { Pmsg0(000, _("NULL Volume name. This shouldn't happen!!!\n")); } /* * Write Begin Session Record */ if (!write_session_label(dcr, SOS_LABEL)) { Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Write session label failed. ERR=%s\n"), dev->bstrerror()); jcr->setJobStatus(JS_ErrorTerminated); ok = false; } if (dev->VolCatInfo.VolCatName[0] == 0) { Pmsg0(000, _("NULL Volume name. This shouldn't happen!!!\n")); } /* Tell File daemon to send data */ if (!fd->fsend(OK_data)) { berrno be; Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Network send error to FD. ERR=%s\n"), be.bstrerror(fd->b_errno)); ok = false; } /* * Get Data from File daemon, write to device. To clarify what is * going on here. We expect: * - A stream header * - Multiple records of data * - EOD record * * The Stream header is just used to sychronize things, and * none of the stream header is written to tape. * The Multiple records of data, contain first the Attributes, * then after another stream header, the file data, then * after another stream header, the MD5 data if any. * * So we get the (stream header, data, EOD) three time for each * file. 1. for the Attributes, 2. for the file data if any, * and 3. for the MD5 if any. */ dcr->VolFirstIndex = dcr->VolLastIndex = 0; jcr->run_time = time(NULL); /* start counting time for rates */ for (last_file_index = 0; ok && !jcr->is_job_canceled(); ) { /* Read Stream header from the File daemon. * The stream header consists of the following: * file_index (sequential Bacula file index, base 1) * stream (Bacula number to distinguish parts of data) * info (Info for Storage daemon -- compressed, encrypted, ...) * info is not currently used, so is read, but ignored! */ if ((n=bget_msg(fd)) <= 0) { if (n == BNET_SIGNAL && fd->msglen == BNET_EOD) { break; /* end of data */ } Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Error reading data header from FD. ERR=%s\n"), fd->bstrerror()); possible_incomplete_job(jcr, last_file_index); ok = false; break; } if (sscanf(fd->msg, "%ld %ld", &file_index, &stream) != 2) { Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Malformed data header from FD: %s\n"), fd->msg); ok = false; possible_incomplete_job(jcr, last_file_index); break; } Dmsg2(890, "<filed: Header FilInx=%d stream=%d\n", file_index, stream); /* * We make sure the file_index is advancing sequentially. * An incomplete job can start the file_index at any number. * otherwise, it must start at 1. */ if (jcr->rerunning && file_index > 0 && last_file_index == 0) { goto fi_checked; } if (file_index > 0 && (file_index == last_file_index || file_index == last_file_index + 1)) { goto fi_checked; } Jmsg2(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("FI=%d from FD not positive or sequential=%d\n"), file_index, last_file_index); possible_incomplete_job(jcr, last_file_index); ok = false; break; fi_checked: if (file_index != last_file_index) { jcr->JobFiles = file_index; last_file_index = file_index; } /* Read data stream from the File daemon. * The data stream is just raw bytes */ while ((n=bget_msg(fd)) > 0 && !jcr->is_job_canceled()) { rec.VolSessionId = jcr->VolSessionId; rec.VolSessionTime = jcr->VolSessionTime; rec.FileIndex = file_index; rec.Stream = stream; rec.maskedStream = stream & STREAMMASK_TYPE; /* strip high bits */ rec.data_len = fd->msglen; rec.data = fd->msg; /* use message buffer */ Dmsg4(850, "before writ_rec FI=%d SessId=%d Strm=%s len=%d\n", rec.FileIndex, rec.VolSessionId, stream_to_ascii(buf1, rec.Stream,rec.FileIndex), rec.data_len); while (!write_record_to_block(dcr->block, &rec)) { Dmsg2(850, "!write_record_to_block data_len=%d rem=%d\n", rec.data_len, rec.remainder); if (!write_block_to_device(dcr)) { Dmsg2(90, "Got write_block_to_dev error on device %s. %s\n", dev->print_name(), dev->bstrerror()); ok = false; break; } } if (!ok) { Dmsg0(400, "Not OK\n"); break; } jcr->JobBytes += rec.data_len; /* increment bytes this job */ Dmsg4(850, "write_record FI=%s SessId=%d Strm=%s len=%d\n", FI_to_ascii(buf1, rec.FileIndex), rec.VolSessionId, stream_to_ascii(buf2, rec.Stream, rec.FileIndex), rec.data_len); send_attrs_to_dir(jcr, &rec); Dmsg0(650, "Enter bnet_get\n"); } Dmsg1(650, "End read loop with FD. Stat=%d\n", n); if (fd->is_error()) { if (!jcr->is_job_canceled()) { Dmsg1(350, "Network read error from FD. ERR=%s\n", fd->bstrerror()); Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Network error reading from FD. ERR=%s\n"), fd->bstrerror()); possible_incomplete_job(jcr, last_file_index); } ok = false; break; } } /* Create Job status for end of session label */ jcr->setJobStatus(ok?JS_Terminated:JS_ErrorTerminated); if (ok) { /* Terminate connection with FD */ fd->fsend(OK_append); do_fd_commands(jcr); /* finish dialog with FD */ } else { fd->fsend("3999 Failed append\n"); } /* * Don't use time_t for job_elapsed as time_t can be 32 or 64 bits, * and the subsequent Jmsg() editing will break */ int32_t job_elapsed = time(NULL) - jcr->run_time; if (job_elapsed <= 0) { job_elapsed = 1; } Jmsg(dcr->jcr, M_INFO, 0, _("Job write elapsed time = %02d:%02d:%02d, Transfer rate = %s Bytes/second\n"), job_elapsed / 3600, job_elapsed % 3600 / 60, job_elapsed % 60, edit_uint64_with_suffix(jcr->JobBytes / job_elapsed, ec)); Dmsg1(200, "Write EOS label JobStatus=%c\n", jcr->JobStatus); /* * Check if we can still write. This may not be the case * if we are at the end of the tape or we got a fatal I/O error. */ if (ok || dev->can_write()) { if (!write_session_label(dcr, EOS_LABEL)) { /* Print only if ok and not cancelled to avoid spurious messages */ if (ok && !jcr->is_job_canceled()) { Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Error writing end session label. ERR=%s\n"), dev->bstrerror()); possible_incomplete_job(jcr, last_file_index); } jcr->setJobStatus(JS_ErrorTerminated); ok = false; } if (dev->VolCatInfo.VolCatName[0] == 0) { Pmsg0(000, _("NULL Volume name. This shouldn't happen!!!\n")); Dmsg0(000, _("NULL Volume name. This shouldn't happen!!!\n")); } Dmsg0(90, "back from write_end_session_label()\n"); /* Flush out final partial block of this session */ if (!write_block_to_device(dcr)) { /* Print only if ok and not cancelled to avoid spurious messages */ if (ok && !jcr->is_job_canceled()) { Jmsg2(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Fatal append error on device %s: ERR=%s\n"), dev->print_name(), dev->bstrerror()); Dmsg0(100, _("Set ok=FALSE after write_block_to_device.\n")); possible_incomplete_job(jcr, last_file_index); } jcr->setJobStatus(JS_ErrorTerminated); ok = false; } } if (!ok && !jcr->is_JobStatus(JS_Incomplete)) { discard_data_spool(dcr); } else { /* Note: if commit is OK, the device will remain blocked */ commit_data_spool(dcr); } if (ok) { ok = dvd_close_job(dcr); /* do DVD cleanup if any */ } /* * Release the device -- and send final Vol info to DIR * and unlock it. */ release_device(dcr); if ((!ok || jcr->is_job_canceled()) && !jcr->is_JobStatus(JS_Incomplete)) { discard_attribute_spool(jcr); } else { commit_attribute_spool(jcr); } dir_send_job_status(jcr); /* update director */ Dmsg1(100, "return from do_append_data() ok=%d\n", ok); return ok; }
void dump_bsr(BSR *bsr, bool recurse) { int save_debug = debug_level; debug_level = 1; if (!bsr) { Pmsg0(-1, _("BSR is NULL\n")); debug_level = save_debug; return; } Pmsg1(-1, _("Next : 0x%x\n"), bsr->next); Pmsg1(-1, _("Root bsr : 0x%x\n"), bsr->root); dump_volume(bsr->volume); dump_sessid(bsr->sessid); dump_sesstime(bsr->sesstime); dump_volfile(bsr->volfile); dump_volblock(bsr->volblock); dump_voladdr(bsr->voladdr); dump_client(bsr->client); dump_jobid(bsr->JobId); dump_job(bsr->job); dump_findex(bsr->FileIndex); if (bsr->count) { Pmsg1(-1, _("count : %u\n"), bsr->count); Pmsg1(-1, _("found : %u\n"), bsr->found); } Pmsg1(-1, _("done : %s\n"), bsr->done?_("yes"):_("no")); Pmsg1(-1, _("positioning : %d\n"), bsr->use_positioning); Pmsg1(-1, _("fast_reject : %d\n"), bsr->use_fast_rejection); if (recurse && bsr->next) { Pmsg0(-1, "\n"); dump_bsr(bsr->next, true); } debug_level = save_debug; }
/* Print staticstics on memory pool usage */ void print_memory_pool_stats() { Pmsg0(-1, "Pool Maxsize Maxused Inuse\n"); for (int i=0; i<=PM_MAX; i++) Pmsg4(-1, "%5s %7d %7d %5d\n", pool_name(i), pool_ctl[i].max_allocated, pool_ctl[i].max_used, pool_ctl[i].in_use); Pmsg0(-1, "\n"); }
void labelPage::okButtonPushed() { QString scmd; if (volumeName->text().toUtf8().data()[0] == 0) { QMessageBox::warning(this, "No Volume name", "No Volume name given", QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::Ok); return; } this->hide(); scmd = QString("label volume=\"%1\" pool=\"%2\" storage=\"%3\" slot=%4\n") .arg(volumeName->text()) .arg(poolCombo->currentText()) .arg(storageCombo->currentText()) .arg(slotSpin->value()); if (mainWin->m_commandDebug) { Pmsg1(000, "sending command : %s\n", scmd.toUtf8().data()); } if (m_console) { m_console->write_dir(scmd.toUtf8().data()); m_console->displayToPrompt(m_conn); m_console->notify(m_conn, true); } else { Pmsg0(000, "m_console==NULL !!!!!!\n"); } closeStackPage(); mainWin->resetFocus(); }
/* * Either because we are going to hang a new volume, or because * of explicit user request, we release the current volume. */ void DCR::release_volume() { unload_autochanger(this, -1); if (WroteVol) { Jmsg0(jcr, M_ERROR, 0, _("Hey!!!!! WroteVol non-zero !!!!!\n")); Pmsg0(190, "Hey!!!!! WroteVol non-zero !!!!!\n"); } /* * First erase all memory of the current volume */ free_volume(dev); dev->block_num = dev->file = 0; dev->EndBlock = dev->EndFile = 0; memset(&dev->VolCatInfo, 0, sizeof(dev->VolCatInfo)); dev->clear_volhdr(); /* Force re-read of label */ dev->clear_labeled(); dev->clear_read(); dev->clear_append(); dev->label_type = B_BACULA_LABEL; VolumeName[0] = 0; if (dev->is_open() && (!dev->is_tape() || !dev->has_cap(CAP_ALWAYSOPEN))) { dev->close(); } /* If we have not closed the device, then at least rewind the tape */ if (dev->is_open()) { dev->offline_or_rewind(); } // Dmsg0(50, "set_unload\n"); // dev->set_unload(); Dmsg0(190, "release_volume\n"); }
void labelPage::cancelButtonPushed() { this->hide(); if (m_console) { m_console->notify(m_conn, true); } else { Pmsg0(000, "m_console==NULL !!!!!!\n"); } closeStackPage(); mainWin->resetFocus(); }
char *DEVICE::status_dev() { char *status; status = (char *)malloc(BMT_BYTES); clear_all_bits(BMT_MAX, status); if (bit_is_set(ST_EOT, state) || bit_is_set(ST_WEOT, state)) { set_bit(BMT_EOD, status); Pmsg0(-20, " EOD"); } if (bit_is_set(ST_EOF, state)) { set_bit(BMT_EOF, status); Pmsg0(-20, " EOF"); } set_bit(BMT_ONLINE, status); set_bit(BMT_BOT, status); return status; }
/* * Called here for each record from read_records() */ static bool record_cb(DCR *dcr, DEV_RECORD *rec) { if (rec->FileIndex < 0) { get_session_record(dev, rec, &sessrec); return true; } /* * File Attributes stream */ switch (rec->maskedStream) { case STREAM_UNIX_ATTRIBUTES: case STREAM_UNIX_ATTRIBUTES_EX: if (!unpack_attributes_record(jcr, rec->Stream, rec->data, rec->data_len, attr)) { if (!forge_on) { Emsg0(M_ERROR_TERM, 0, _("Cannot continue.\n")); } else { Emsg0(M_ERROR, 0, _("Attrib unpack error!\n")); } num_files++; return true; } attr->data_stream = decode_stat(attr->attr, &attr->statp, sizeof(attr->statp), &attr->LinkFI); build_attr_output_fnames(jcr, attr); if (file_is_included(ff, attr->fname) && !file_is_excluded(ff, attr->fname)) { if (verbose) { Pmsg5(-1, _("FileIndex=%d VolSessionId=%d VolSessionTime=%d Stream=%d DataLen=%d\n"), rec->FileIndex, rec->VolSessionId, rec->VolSessionTime, rec->Stream, rec->data_len); } print_ls_output(jcr, attr); num_files++; } break; case STREAM_PLUGIN_NAME: { char data[100]; int len = MIN(rec->data_len+1, sizeof(data)); bstrncpy(data, rec->data, len); Pmsg1(000, "Plugin data: %s\n", data); break; } case STREAM_RESTORE_OBJECT: Pmsg0(000, "Restore Object record\n"); break; default: break; } return true; }
static PyObject *job_write(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { char *text = NULL; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s:write", &text)) { Pmsg0(000, _("Parse tuple error in job_write\n")); return NULL; } if (text) { Jmsg(NULL, M_INFO, 0, "%s", text); } Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; }
restorePage::restorePage(int conn) : Pages() { Dmsg1(dbglvl, "Construcing restorePage Instance connection %i\n", conn); m_conn = conn; QStringList titles; setupUi(this); m_name = tr("Restore Select"); pgInitialize(); QTreeWidgetItem* thisitem = mainWin->getFromHash(this); thisitem->setIcon(0,QIcon(QString::fromUtf8(":images/restore.png"))); m_console->notify(m_conn, false); /* this should already be off */ connect(fileWidget, SIGNAL(itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*, int)), this, SLOT(fileDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem *, int))); connect(directoryWidget, SIGNAL( currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *, QTreeWidgetItem *)), this, SLOT(directoryItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *, QTreeWidgetItem *))); connect(upButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(upButtonPushed())); connect(markButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(markButtonPushed())); connect(unmarkButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(unmarkButtonPushed())); connect(okButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(okButtonPushed())); connect(cancelButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(cancelButtonPushed())); fileWidget->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::ActionsContextMenu); fileWidget->addAction(actionMark); fileWidget->addAction(actionUnMark); connect(actionMark, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(markButtonPushed())); connect(actionUnMark, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(unmarkButtonPushed())); setFont(m_console->get_font()); m_console->displayToPrompt(m_conn); titles << tr("Mark") << tr("File") << tr("Mode") << tr("User") << tr("Group") << tr("Size") << tr("Date"); fileWidget->setHeaderLabels(titles); get_cwd(); readSettings(); /* wait was entered from pre-restore * will exit, but will reenter in fillDirectory */ mainWin->waitExit(); fillDirectory(); dockPage(); setCurrent(); this->show(); if (mainWin->m_miscDebug) Pmsg0(000, "Leave restorePage\n"); }
static PyObject *set_job_events(PyObject *self, PyObject *arg) { PyObject *eObject; JCR *jcr; Dmsg0(100, "In set_job_events.\n"); if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(arg, "O:set_events", &eObject)) { Pmsg0(000, _("Error in ParseTuple\n")); return NULL; } jcr = get_jcr_from_PyObject(self); Py_XDECREF((PyObject *)jcr->Python_events); Py_INCREF(eObject); jcr->Python_events = (void *)eObject; Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int ch; #if defined(HAVE_DYNAMIC_CATS_BACKENDS) alist *backend_directories = NULL; #endif char *jobids = (char *)"1"; char *path=NULL, *client=NULL; uint64_t limit=0; bool clean=false; setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); bindtextdomain("bareos", LOCALEDIR); textdomain("bareos"); init_stack_dump(); Dmsg0(0, "Starting bvfs_test tool\n"); my_name_is(argc, argv, "bvfs_test"); init_msg(NULL, NULL); OSDependentInit(); while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "h:c:l:d:D:n:P:Su:vf:w:?j:p:f:T")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'd': /* debug level */ if (*optarg == 't') { dbg_timestamp = true; } else { debug_level = atoi(optarg); if (debug_level <= 0) { debug_level = 1; } } break; case 'D': db_driver = optarg; break; case 'l': limit = str_to_int64(optarg); break; case 'c': client = optarg; break; case 'h': db_host = optarg; break; case 'n': db_name = optarg; break; case 'w': working_directory = optarg; break; case 'u': db_user = optarg; break; case 'P': db_password = optarg; break; case 'v': verbose++; break; case 'p': path = optarg; break; case 'f': file = optarg; break; case 'j': jobids = optarg; break; case 'T': clean = true; break; case '?': default: usage(); } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc != 0) { Pmsg0(0, _("Wrong number of arguments: \n")); usage(); } JCR *bjcr = new_jcr(sizeof(JCR), NULL); bjcr->JobId = getpid(); bjcr->setJobType(JT_CONSOLE); bjcr->setJobLevel(L_FULL); bjcr->JobStatus = JS_Running; bjcr->client_name = get_pool_memory(PM_FNAME); pm_strcpy(bjcr->client_name, "Dummy.Client.Name"); bstrncpy(bjcr->Job, "bvfs_test", sizeof(bjcr->Job)); #if defined(HAVE_DYNAMIC_CATS_BACKENDS) backend_directories = New(alist(10, owned_by_alist)); backend_directories->append((char *)backend_directory); db_set_backend_dirs(backend_directories); #endif if ((db = db_init_database(NULL, NULL, db_name, db_user, db_password, db_host, 0, NULL)) == NULL) { Emsg0(M_ERROR_TERM, 0, _("Could not init Bareos database\n")); } Dmsg1(0, "db_type=%s\n", db_get_type(db)); if (!db_open_database(NULL, db)) { Emsg0(M_ERROR_TERM, 0, db_strerror(db)); } Dmsg0(200, "Database opened\n"); if (verbose) { Pmsg2(000, _("Using Database: %s, User: %s\n"), db_name, db_user); } bjcr->db = db; if (clean) { Pmsg0(0, "Clean old table\n"); db_sql_query(db, "DELETE FROM PathHierarchy", NULL, NULL); db_sql_query(db, "UPDATE Job SET HasCache=0", NULL, NULL); db_sql_query(db, "DELETE FROM PathVisibility", NULL, NULL); bvfs_update_cache(bjcr, db); } Bvfs fs(bjcr, db); fs.set_handler(result_handler, &fs); fs.set_jobids(jobids); fs.update_cache(); if (limit) fs.set_limit(limit); if (path) { fs.ch_dir(path); fs.ls_special_dirs(); fs.ls_dirs(); while (fs.ls_files()) { fs.next_offset(); } if (fnid && client) { Pmsg0(0, "---------------------------------------------\n"); Pmsg1(0, "Getting file version for %s\n", file); fs.get_all_file_versions(fs.get_pwd(), fnid, client); } exit (0); } Pmsg0(0, "list /\n"); fs.ch_dir("/"); fs.ls_special_dirs(); fs.ls_dirs(); fs.ls_files(); Pmsg0(0, "list /tmp/\n"); fs.ch_dir("/tmp/"); fs.ls_special_dirs(); fs.ls_dirs(); fs.ls_files(); Pmsg0(0, "list /tmp/regress/\n"); fs.ch_dir("/tmp/regress/"); fs.ls_special_dirs(); fs.ls_files(); fs.ls_dirs(); Pmsg0(0, "list /tmp/regress/build/\n"); fs.ch_dir("/tmp/regress/build/"); fs.ls_special_dirs(); fs.ls_dirs(); fs.ls_files(); fs.get_all_file_versions(1, 347, "zog4-fd"); char p[200]; strcpy(p, "/tmp/toto/rep/"); bvfs_parent_dir(p); if(!bstrcmp(p, "/tmp/toto/")) { Pmsg0(000, "Error in bvfs_parent_dir\n"); } bvfs_parent_dir(p); if(!bstrcmp(p, "/tmp/")) { Pmsg0(000, "Error in bvfs_parent_dir\n"); } bvfs_parent_dir(p); if(!bstrcmp(p, "/")) { Pmsg0(000, "Error in bvfs_parent_dir\n"); } bvfs_parent_dir(p); if(!bstrcmp(p, "")) { Pmsg0(000, "Error in bvfs_parent_dir\n"); } bvfs_parent_dir(p); if(!bstrcmp(p, "")) { Pmsg0(000, "Error in bvfs_parent_dir\n"); } return 0; }
/* TODO: See if we want to let the FD do all kind * of catalog request/update */ void catalog_request(JCR *jcr, BSOCK *bs) { MEDIA_DBR mr, sdmr; JOBMEDIA_DBR jm; char Job[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; char pool_name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; int index, ok, label, writing; POOLMEM *omsg; POOL_DBR pr; uint64_t MediaId; utime_t VolFirstWritten; utime_t VolLastWritten; int n; memset(&sdmr, 0, sizeof(sdmr)); memset(&jm, 0, sizeof(jm)); Dsm_check(100); /* * Request to find next appendable Volume for this Job */ Dmsg1(200, "catreq %s", bs->msg); if (!jcr->db) { omsg = get_memory(bs->msglen+1); pm_strcpy(omsg, bs->msg); bs->fsend(_("1990 Invalid Catalog Request: %s"), omsg); Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Invalid Catalog request; DB not open: %s"), omsg); free_memory(omsg); return; } /* * Find next appendable medium for SD */ n = sscanf(bs->msg, Find_media, &Job, &index, &pool_name, &mr.MediaType, &mr.VolType); if (n == 5) { memset(&pr, 0, sizeof(pr)); bstrncpy(pr.Name, pool_name, sizeof(pr.Name)); unbash_spaces(pr.Name); ok = db_get_pool_record(jcr, jcr->db, &pr); if (ok) { mr.PoolId = pr.PoolId; set_storageid_in_mr(jcr->wstore, &mr); mr.ScratchPoolId = pr.ScratchPoolId; ok = find_next_volume_for_append(jcr, &mr, index, fnv_create_vol, fnv_prune); Dmsg3(050, "find_media ok=%d idx=%d vol=%s\n", ok, index, mr.VolumeName); } else { /* Report problem finding pool */ Jmsg1(jcr, M_WARNING, 0, _("Pool \"%s\" not found for SD find media request.\n"), pr.Name); } /* * Send Find Media response to Storage daemon */ if (ok) { send_volume_info_to_storage_daemon(jcr, bs, &mr); } else { bs->fsend(_("1901 No Media.\n")); Dmsg0(500, "1901 No Media.\n"); } goto ok_out; } Dmsg1(1000, "Tried find_media. fields wanted=4, got=%d\n", n); /* * Request to find specific Volume information */ n = sscanf(bs->msg, Get_Vol_Info, &Job, &mr.VolumeName, &writing); if (n == 3) { Dmsg1(100, "CatReq GetVolInfo Vol=%s\n", mr.VolumeName); /* * Find the Volume */ unbash_spaces(mr.VolumeName); if (db_get_media_record(jcr, jcr->db, &mr)) { const char *reason = NULL; /* detailed reason for rejection */ /* * If we are reading, accept any volume (reason == NULL) * If we are writing, check if the Volume is valid * for this job, and do a recycle if necessary */ if (writing) { /* * SD wants to write this Volume, so make * sure it is suitable for this job, i.e. * Pool matches, and it is either Append or Recycle * and Media Type matches and Pool allows any volume. */ if (mr.PoolId != jcr->jr.PoolId) { reason = _("not in Pool"); } else if (strcmp(mr.MediaType, jcr->wstore->media_type) != 0) { reason = _("not correct MediaType"); } else { /* * Now try recycling if necessary * reason set non-NULL if we cannot use it */ check_if_volume_valid_or_recyclable(jcr, &mr, &reason); } } if (!reason && mr.Enabled != 1) { reason = _("is not Enabled"); } if (reason == NULL) { /* * Send Find Media response to Storage daemon */ send_volume_info_to_storage_daemon(jcr, bs, &mr); } else { /* Not suitable volume */ bs->fsend(_("1998 Volume \"%s\" catalog status is %s, %s.\n"), mr.VolumeName, mr.VolStatus, reason); } } else { bs->fsend(_("1997 Volume \"%s\" not in catalog.\n"), mr.VolumeName); Dmsg1(100, "1997 Volume \"%s\" not in catalog.\n", mr.VolumeName); } goto ok_out; } Dmsg1(1000, "Tried get_vol_info. fields wanted=3, got=%d\n", n); /* * Request to update Media record. Comes typically at the end * of a Storage daemon Job Session, when labeling/relabeling a * Volume, or when an EOF mark is written. */ n = sscanf(bs->msg, Update_media, &Job, &sdmr.VolumeName, &sdmr.VolJobs, &sdmr.VolFiles, &sdmr.VolBlocks, &sdmr.VolBytes, &sdmr.VolABytes, &sdmr.VolHoleBytes, &sdmr.VolHoles, &sdmr.VolMounts, &sdmr.VolErrors, &sdmr.VolWrites, &sdmr.MaxVolBytes, &VolLastWritten, &sdmr.VolStatus, &sdmr.Slot, &label, &sdmr.InChanger, &sdmr.VolReadTime, &sdmr.VolWriteTime, &VolFirstWritten, &sdmr.VolType); if (n == 22) { db_lock(jcr->db); Dmsg3(400, "Update media %s oldStat=%s newStat=%s\n", sdmr.VolumeName, mr.VolStatus, sdmr.VolStatus); bstrncpy(mr.VolumeName, sdmr.VolumeName, sizeof(mr.VolumeName)); /* copy Volume name */ unbash_spaces(mr.VolumeName); if (!db_get_media_record(jcr, jcr->db, &mr)) { Jmsg(jcr, M_ERROR, 0, _("Unable to get Media record for Volume %s: ERR=%s\n"), mr.VolumeName, db_strerror(jcr->db)); bs->fsend(_("1991 Catalog Request for vol=%s failed: %s"), mr.VolumeName, db_strerror(jcr->db)); db_unlock(jcr->db); return; } /* Set first written time if this is first job */ if (mr.FirstWritten == 0) { if (VolFirstWritten == 0) { mr.FirstWritten = jcr->start_time; /* use Job start time as first write */ } else { mr.FirstWritten = VolFirstWritten; } mr.set_first_written = true; } /* If we just labeled the tape set time */ if (label || mr.LabelDate == 0) { mr.LabelDate = jcr->start_time; mr.set_label_date = true; if (mr.InitialWrite == 0) { mr.InitialWrite = jcr->start_time; } Dmsg2(400, "label=%d labeldate=%d\n", label, mr.LabelDate); } else { /* * Insanity check for VolFiles get set to a smaller value */ if (sdmr.VolFiles < mr.VolFiles) { Jmsg(jcr, M_INFO, 0, _("Attempt to set Volume Files from %u to %u" " for Volume \"%s\". Ignored.\n"), mr.VolFiles, sdmr.VolFiles, mr.VolumeName); sdmr.VolFiles = mr.VolFiles; /* keep orginal value */ } } Dmsg2(400, "Update media: BefVolJobs=%u After=%u\n", mr.VolJobs, sdmr.VolJobs); /* * Check if the volume has been written by the job, * and update the LastWritten field if needed. */ if (mr.VolBlocks != sdmr.VolBlocks && VolLastWritten != 0) { mr.LastWritten = VolLastWritten; } /* * Update to point to the last device used to write the Volume. * However, do so only if we are writing the tape, i.e. * the number of VolWrites has increased. */ if (jcr->wstore && sdmr.VolWrites > mr.VolWrites) { Dmsg2(050, "Update StorageId old=%d new=%d\n", mr.StorageId, jcr->wstore->StorageId); /* Update StorageId after write */ set_storageid_in_mr(jcr->wstore, &mr); } else { /* Nothing written, reset same StorageId */ set_storageid_in_mr(NULL, &mr); } /* Copy updated values to original media record */ mr.VolJobs = sdmr.VolJobs; mr.VolFiles = sdmr.VolFiles; mr.VolBlocks = sdmr.VolBlocks; mr.VolBytes = sdmr.VolBytes; mr.VolABytes = sdmr.VolABytes; mr.VolHoleBytes = sdmr.VolHoleBytes; mr.VolHoles = sdmr.VolHoles; mr.VolMounts = sdmr.VolMounts; mr.VolErrors = sdmr.VolErrors; mr.VolWrites = sdmr.VolWrites; mr.Slot = sdmr.Slot; mr.InChanger = sdmr.InChanger; mr.VolType = sdmr.VolType; bstrncpy(mr.VolStatus, sdmr.VolStatus, sizeof(mr.VolStatus)); if (sdmr.VolReadTime >= 0) { mr.VolReadTime = sdmr.VolReadTime; } if (sdmr.VolWriteTime >= 0) { mr.VolWriteTime = sdmr.VolWriteTime; } Dmsg2(400, "db_update_media_record. Stat=%s Vol=%s\n", mr.VolStatus, mr.VolumeName); /* * Update the database, then before sending the response to the * SD, check if the Volume has expired. */ if (!db_update_media_record(jcr, jcr->db, &mr)) { Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Catalog error updating Media record. %s"), db_strerror(jcr->db)); bs->fsend(_("1993 Update Media error\n")); Pmsg0(000, "1993 Update Media error\n"); } else { (void)has_volume_expired(jcr, &mr); send_volume_info_to_storage_daemon(jcr, bs, &mr); } db_unlock(jcr->db); goto ok_out; } Dmsg1(1000, "Tried update_media. fields wanted=20, got=%d\n", n); /* * Request to create a JobMedia record */ if (sscanf(bs->msg, Create_jobmedia, &Job) == 1) { if (jcr->wjcr) { jm.JobId = jcr->wjcr->JobId; } else { jm.JobId = jcr->JobId; } ok = true; db_lock(jcr->db); db_start_transaction(jcr, jcr->db); while (bs->recv() >= 0) { if (ok && sscanf(bs->msg, "%u %u %u %u %u %u %lld\n", &jm.FirstIndex, &jm.LastIndex, &jm.StartFile, &jm.EndFile, &jm.StartBlock, &jm.EndBlock, &MediaId) != 7) { ok = false; continue; } if (ok) { jm.MediaId = MediaId; Dmsg6(400, "create_jobmedia JobId=%d MediaId=%d SF=%d EF=%d FI=%d LI=%d\n", jm.JobId, jm.MediaId, jm.StartFile, jm.EndFile, jm.FirstIndex, jm.LastIndex); ok = db_create_jobmedia_record(jcr, jcr->db, &jm); } } db_end_transaction(jcr, jcr->db); if (!ok) { Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Catalog error creating JobMedia record. %s"), db_strerror(jcr->db)); db_unlock(jcr->db); bs->fsend(_("1992 Create JobMedia error\n")); goto ok_out; } db_unlock(jcr->db); Dmsg0(400, "JobMedia record created\n"); bs->fsend(OK_create); goto ok_out; } /* Handle snapshot catalog request */ if (snapshot_catreq(jcr, bs)) { goto ok_out; } Dmsg1(1000, "Tried create_jobmedia. fields wanted=10, got=%d\n", n); /* Everything failed. Send error message. */ omsg = get_memory(bs->msglen+1); pm_strcpy(omsg, bs->msg); bs->fsend(_("1990 Invalid Catalog Request: %s"), omsg); Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Invalid Catalog request: %s"), omsg); free_memory(omsg); ok_out: Dmsg1(400, ">CatReq response: %s", bs->msg); Dmsg1(400, "Leave catreq jcr 0x%x\n", jcr); return; }
/* * Called here for each record from read_records() */ static bool record_cb(DCR *dcr, DEV_RECORD *rec) { int status; JCR *jcr = dcr->jcr; if (rec->FileIndex < 0) { return true; /* we don't want labels */ } /* File Attributes stream */ switch (rec->maskedStream) { case STREAM_UNIX_ATTRIBUTES: case STREAM_UNIX_ATTRIBUTES_EX: /* If extracting, it was from previous stream, so * close the output file. */ if (extract) { if (!is_bopen(&bfd)) { Emsg0(M_ERROR, 0, _("Logic error output file should be open but is not.\n")); } set_attributes(jcr, attr, &bfd); extract = false; } if (!unpack_attributes_record(jcr, rec->Stream, rec->data, rec->data_len, attr)) { Emsg0(M_ERROR_TERM, 0, _("Cannot continue.\n")); } if (file_is_included(ff, attr->fname) && !file_is_excluded(ff, attr->fname)) { attr->data_stream = decode_stat(attr->attr, &attr->statp, sizeof(attr->statp), &attr->LinkFI); if (!is_restore_stream_supported(attr->data_stream)) { if (!non_support_data++) { Jmsg(jcr, M_ERROR, 0, _("%s stream not supported on this Client.\n"), stream_to_ascii(attr->data_stream)); } extract = false; return true; } build_attr_output_fnames(jcr, attr); if (attr->type == FT_DELETED) { /* TODO: choose the right fname/ofname */ Jmsg(jcr, M_INFO, 0, _("%s was deleted.\n"), attr->fname); extract = false; return true; } extract = false; status = create_file(jcr, attr, &bfd, REPLACE_ALWAYS); switch (status) { case CF_ERROR: case CF_SKIP: break; case CF_EXTRACT: extract = true; print_ls_output(jcr, attr); num_files++; fileAddr = 0; break; case CF_CREATED: set_attributes(jcr, attr, &bfd); print_ls_output(jcr, attr); num_files++; fileAddr = 0; break; } } break; case STREAM_RESTORE_OBJECT: /* nothing to do */ break; /* Data stream and extracting */ case STREAM_FILE_DATA: case STREAM_SPARSE_DATA: case STREAM_WIN32_DATA: if (extract) { if (rec->maskedStream == STREAM_SPARSE_DATA) { ser_declare; uint64_t faddr; wbuf = rec->data + OFFSET_FADDR_SIZE; wsize = rec->data_len - OFFSET_FADDR_SIZE; ser_begin(rec->data, OFFSET_FADDR_SIZE); unser_uint64(faddr); if (fileAddr != faddr) { fileAddr = faddr; if (blseek(&bfd, (boffset_t)fileAddr, SEEK_SET) < 0) { berrno be; Emsg2(M_ERROR_TERM, 0, _("Seek error on %s: %s\n"), attr->ofname, be.bstrerror()); } } } else { wbuf = rec->data; wsize = rec->data_len; } total += wsize; Dmsg2(8, "Write %u bytes, total=%u\n", wsize, total); store_data(&bfd, wbuf, wsize); fileAddr += wsize; } break; /* GZIP data stream */ case STREAM_GZIP_DATA: case STREAM_SPARSE_GZIP_DATA: case STREAM_WIN32_GZIP_DATA: #ifdef HAVE_LIBZ if (extract) { uLong compress_len = compress_buf_size; int status = Z_BUF_ERROR; if (rec->maskedStream == STREAM_SPARSE_GZIP_DATA) { ser_declare; uint64_t faddr; char ec1[50]; wbuf = rec->data + OFFSET_FADDR_SIZE; wsize = rec->data_len - OFFSET_FADDR_SIZE; ser_begin(rec->data, OFFSET_FADDR_SIZE); unser_uint64(faddr); if (fileAddr != faddr) { fileAddr = faddr; if (blseek(&bfd, (boffset_t)fileAddr, SEEK_SET) < 0) { berrno be; Emsg3(M_ERROR, 0, _("Seek to %s error on %s: ERR=%s\n"), edit_uint64(fileAddr, ec1), attr->ofname, be.bstrerror()); extract = false; return true; } } } else { wbuf = rec->data; wsize = rec->data_len; } while (compress_len < 10000000 && (status = uncompress((Byte *)compress_buf, &compress_len, (const Byte *)wbuf, (uLong)wsize)) == Z_BUF_ERROR) { /* The buffer size is too small, try with a bigger one */ compress_len = 2 * compress_len; compress_buf = check_pool_memory_size(compress_buf, compress_len); } if (status != Z_OK) { Emsg1(M_ERROR, 0, _("Uncompression error. ERR=%d\n"), status); extract = false; return true; } Dmsg2(100, "Write uncompressed %d bytes, total before write=%d\n", compress_len, total); store_data(&bfd, compress_buf, compress_len); total += compress_len; fileAddr += compress_len; Dmsg2(100, "Compress len=%d uncompressed=%d\n", rec->data_len, compress_len); } #else if (extract) { Emsg0(M_ERROR, 0, _("GZIP data stream found, but GZIP not configured!\n")); extract = false; return true; } #endif break; /* Compressed data stream */ case STREAM_COMPRESSED_DATA: case STREAM_SPARSE_COMPRESSED_DATA: case STREAM_WIN32_COMPRESSED_DATA: if (extract) { uint32_t comp_magic, comp_len; uint16_t comp_level, comp_version; #ifdef HAVE_LZO lzo_uint compress_len; const unsigned char *cbuf; int r, real_compress_len; #endif if (rec->maskedStream == STREAM_SPARSE_COMPRESSED_DATA) { ser_declare; uint64_t faddr; char ec1[50]; wbuf = rec->data + OFFSET_FADDR_SIZE; wsize = rec->data_len - OFFSET_FADDR_SIZE; ser_begin(rec->data, OFFSET_FADDR_SIZE); unser_uint64(faddr); if (fileAddr != faddr) { fileAddr = faddr; if (blseek(&bfd, (boffset_t)fileAddr, SEEK_SET) < 0) { berrno be; Emsg3(M_ERROR, 0, _("Seek to %s error on %s: ERR=%s\n"), edit_uint64(fileAddr, ec1), attr->ofname, be.bstrerror()); extract = false; return true; } } } else { wbuf = rec->data; wsize = rec->data_len; } /* read compress header */ unser_declare; unser_begin(wbuf, sizeof(comp_stream_header)); unser_uint32(comp_magic); unser_uint32(comp_len); unser_uint16(comp_level); unser_uint16(comp_version); Dmsg4(200, "Compressed data stream found: magic=0x%x, len=%d, level=%d, ver=0x%x\n", comp_magic, comp_len, comp_level, comp_version); /* version check */ if (comp_version != COMP_HEAD_VERSION) { Emsg1(M_ERROR, 0, _("Compressed header version error. version=0x%x\n"), comp_version); return false; } /* size check */ if (comp_len + sizeof(comp_stream_header) != wsize) { Emsg2(M_ERROR, 0, _("Compressed header size error. comp_len=%d, msglen=%d\n"), comp_len, wsize); return false; } switch(comp_magic) { #ifdef HAVE_LZO case COMPRESS_LZO1X: compress_len = compress_buf_size; cbuf = (const unsigned char*) wbuf + sizeof(comp_stream_header); real_compress_len = wsize - sizeof(comp_stream_header); Dmsg2(200, "Comp_len=%d msglen=%d\n", compress_len, wsize); while ((r=lzo1x_decompress_safe(cbuf, real_compress_len, (unsigned char *)compress_buf, &compress_len, NULL)) == LZO_E_OUTPUT_OVERRUN) { /* The buffer size is too small, try with a bigger one */ compress_len = 2 * compress_len; compress_buf = check_pool_memory_size(compress_buf, compress_len); } if (r != LZO_E_OK) { Emsg1(M_ERROR, 0, _("LZO uncompression error. ERR=%d\n"), r); extract = false; return true; } Dmsg2(100, "Write uncompressed %d bytes, total before write=%d\n", compress_len, total); store_data(&bfd, compress_buf, compress_len); total += compress_len; fileAddr += compress_len; Dmsg2(100, "Compress len=%d uncompressed=%d\n", rec->data_len, compress_len); break; #endif default: Emsg1(M_ERROR, 0, _("Compression algorithm 0x%x found, but not supported!\n"), comp_magic); extract = false; return true; } } break; case STREAM_MD5_DIGEST: case STREAM_SHA1_DIGEST: case STREAM_SHA256_DIGEST: case STREAM_SHA512_DIGEST: break; case STREAM_SIGNED_DIGEST: case STREAM_ENCRYPTED_SESSION_DATA: // TODO landonf: Investigate crypto support in the storage daemon break; case STREAM_PROGRAM_NAMES: case STREAM_PROGRAM_DATA: if (!prog_name_msg) { Pmsg0(000, _("Got Program Name or Data Stream. Ignored.\n")); prog_name_msg++; } break; case STREAM_UNIX_ACCESS_ACL: /* Deprecated Standard ACL attributes on UNIX */ case STREAM_UNIX_DEFAULT_ACL: /* Deprecated Default ACL attributes on UNIX */ case STREAM_ACL_AIX_TEXT: case STREAM_ACL_DARWIN_ACCESS_ACL: case STREAM_ACL_FREEBSD_DEFAULT_ACL: case STREAM_ACL_FREEBSD_ACCESS_ACL: case STREAM_ACL_HPUX_ACL_ENTRY: case STREAM_ACL_IRIX_DEFAULT_ACL: case STREAM_ACL_IRIX_ACCESS_ACL: case STREAM_ACL_LINUX_DEFAULT_ACL: case STREAM_ACL_LINUX_ACCESS_ACL: case STREAM_ACL_TRU64_DEFAULT_ACL: case STREAM_ACL_TRU64_DEFAULT_DIR_ACL: case STREAM_ACL_TRU64_ACCESS_ACL: case STREAM_ACL_SOLARIS_ACLENT: case STREAM_ACL_SOLARIS_ACE: case STREAM_ACL_AFS_TEXT: case STREAM_ACL_AIX_AIXC: case STREAM_ACL_AIX_NFS4: case STREAM_ACL_FREEBSD_NFS4_ACL: case STREAM_ACL_HURD_DEFAULT_ACL: case STREAM_ACL_HURD_ACCESS_ACL: if (extract) { wbuf = rec->data; wsize = rec->data_len; pm_strcpy(acl_data.last_fname, attr->fname); parse_acl_streams(jcr, &acl_data, rec->maskedStream, wbuf, wsize); } break; case STREAM_XATTR_HURD: case STREAM_XATTR_IRIX: case STREAM_XATTR_TRU64: case STREAM_XATTR_AIX: case STREAM_XATTR_OPENBSD: case STREAM_XATTR_SOLARIS_SYS: case STREAM_XATTR_SOLARIS: case STREAM_XATTR_DARWIN: case STREAM_XATTR_FREEBSD: case STREAM_XATTR_LINUX: case STREAM_XATTR_NETBSD: if (extract) { wbuf = rec->data; wsize = rec->data_len; pm_strcpy(xattr_data.last_fname, attr->fname); parse_xattr_streams(jcr, &xattr_data, rec->maskedStream, wbuf, wsize); } break; case STREAM_NDMP_SEPERATOR: break; default: /* If extracting, weird stream (not 1 or 2), close output file anyway */ if (extract) { if (!is_bopen(&bfd)) { Emsg0(M_ERROR, 0, _("Logic error output file should be open but is not.\n")); } set_attributes(jcr, attr, &bfd); extract = false; } Jmsg(jcr, M_ERROR, 0, _("Unknown stream=%d ignored. This shouldn't happen!\n"), rec->Stream); break; } /* end switch */ return true; }
/** * After writing a Volume, send the updated statistics * back to the director. The information comes from the * dev record. */ bool dir_update_volume_info(DCR *dcr, bool label, bool update_LastWritten) { JCR *jcr = dcr->jcr; BSOCK *dir = jcr->dir_bsock; DEVICE *dev = dcr->dev; VOLUME_CAT_INFO *vol = &dev->VolCatInfo; char ed1[50], ed2[50], ed3[50], ed4[50], ed5[50], ed6[50]; int InChanger; bool ok = false; POOL_MEM VolumeName; /* If system job, do not update catalog */ if (jcr->is_JobType(JT_SYSTEM)) { return true; } if (vol->VolCatName[0] == 0) { Jmsg0(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("NULL Volume name. This shouldn't happen!!!\n")); Pmsg0(000, _("NULL Volume name. This shouldn't happen!!!\n")); return false; } /* Lock during Volume update */ P(vol_info_mutex); Dmsg1(dbglvl, "Update cat VolBytes=%lld\n", vol->VolCatBytes); /* Just labeled or relabeled the tape */ if (label) { bstrncpy(vol->VolCatStatus, "Append", sizeof(vol->VolCatStatus)); } // if (update_LastWritten) { vol->VolLastWritten = time(NULL); // } pm_strcpy(VolumeName, vol->VolCatName); bash_spaces(VolumeName); InChanger = vol->InChanger; dir->fsend(Update_media, jcr->Job, VolumeName.c_str(), vol->VolCatJobs, vol->VolCatFiles, vol->VolCatBlocks, edit_uint64(vol->VolCatBytes, ed1), vol->VolCatMounts, vol->VolCatErrors, vol->VolCatWrites, edit_uint64(vol->VolCatMaxBytes, ed2), edit_uint64(vol->VolLastWritten, ed6), vol->VolCatStatus, vol->Slot, label, InChanger, /* bool in structure */ edit_int64(vol->VolReadTime, ed3), edit_int64(vol->VolWriteTime, ed4), edit_uint64(vol->VolFirstWritten, ed5)); Dmsg1(dbglvl, ">dird %s", dir->msg); /* Do not lock device here because it may be locked from label */ if (!jcr->is_canceled()) { if (!do_get_volume_info(dcr)) { Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, "%s", jcr->errmsg); Dmsg2(dbglvl, _("Didn't get vol info vol=%s: ERR=%s"), vol->VolCatName, jcr->errmsg); goto bail_out; } Dmsg1(420, "get_volume_info() %s", dir->msg); /* Update dev Volume info in case something changed (e.g. expired) */ dev->VolCatInfo = dcr->VolCatInfo; ok = true; } bail_out: V(vol_info_mutex); return ok; }
/********************************************************************* * * Program to send email */ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { char buf[1000]; int i, ch; unsigned long maxlines, lines; #if defined(HAVE_WIN32) SOCKET s; #else int s, r; struct passwd *pwd; #endif char *cp, *p; #ifdef HAVE_GETADDRINFO int res; struct addrinfo hints; struct addrinfo *ai, *rp; char mail_port[10]; #else struct hostent *hp; struct sockaddr_in sin; #endif #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 const char *options = "468ac:d:f:h:r:s:l:?"; #else const char *options = "48ac:d:f:h:r:s:l:?"; #endif setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US"); bindtextdomain("bareos", LOCALEDIR); textdomain("bareos"); my_name_is(argc, argv, "bsmtp"); maxlines = 0; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, options)) != -1) { switch (ch) { case '4': default_resolv_type = RESOLV_PROTO_IPV4; break; #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 case '6': default_resolv_type = RESOLV_PROTO_IPV6; break; #endif case '8': content_utf8 = true; break; case 'a': default_resolv_type = RESOLV_PROTO_ANY; break; case 'c': Dmsg1(20, "cc=%s\n", optarg); cc_addr = optarg; break; case 'd': /* set debug level */ if (*optarg == 't') { dbg_timestamp = true; } else { debug_level = atoi(optarg); if (debug_level <= 0) { debug_level = 1; } } Dmsg1(20, "Debug level = %d\n", debug_level); break; case 'f': /* from */ from_addr = optarg; break; case 'h': /* smtp host */ Dmsg1(20, "host=%s\n", optarg); p = strchr(optarg, ':'); if (p) { *p++ = 0; mailport = atoi(p); } mailhost = optarg; break; case 's': /* subject */ Dmsg1(20, "subject=%s\n", optarg); subject = optarg; break; case 'r': /* reply address */ reply_addr = optarg; break; case 'l': Dmsg1(20, "maxlines=%s\n", optarg); maxlines = (unsigned long) atol(optarg); break; case '?': default: usage(); } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc < 1) { Pmsg0(0, _("Fatal error: no recipient given.\n")); usage(); exit(1); } /* * Determine SMTP server */ if (mailhost == NULL) { if ((cp = getenv("SMTPSERVER")) != NULL) { mailhost = cp; } else { mailhost = "localhost"; } } #if defined(HAVE_WIN32) WSADATA wsaData; _setmode(0, _O_BINARY); WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsaData); #endif /* * Find out my own host name for HELO; * if possible, get the fully qualified domain name */ if (gethostname(my_hostname, sizeof(my_hostname) - 1) < 0) { Pmsg1(0, _("Fatal gethostname error: ERR=%s\n"), strerror(errno)); exit(1); } #ifdef HAVE_GETADDRINFO memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo)); hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_socktype = 0; hints.ai_protocol = 0; hints.ai_flags = AI_CANONNAME; if ((res = getaddrinfo(my_hostname, NULL, &hints, &ai)) != 0) { Pmsg2(0, _("Fatal getaddrinfo for myself failed \"%s\": ERR=%s\n"), my_hostname, gai_strerror(res)); exit(1); } strncpy(my_hostname, ai->ai_canonname, sizeof(my_hostname) - 1); my_hostname[sizeof(my_hostname) - 1] = '\0'; freeaddrinfo(ai); #else if ((hp = gethostbyname(my_hostname)) == NULL) { Pmsg2(0, _("Fatal gethostbyname for myself failed \"%s\": ERR=%s\n"), my_hostname, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } strncpy(my_hostname, hp->h_name, sizeof(my_hostname) - 1); my_hostname[sizeof(my_hostname) - 1] = '\0'; #endif Dmsg1(20, "My hostname is: %s\n", my_hostname); /* * Determine from address. */ if (from_addr == NULL) { #if defined(HAVE_WIN32) DWORD dwSize = UNLEN + 1; LPSTR lpszBuffer = (LPSTR)alloca(dwSize); if (GetUserName(lpszBuffer, &dwSize)) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s@%s", lpszBuffer, my_hostname); } else { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "unknown-user@%s", my_hostname); } #else if ((pwd = getpwuid(getuid())) == 0) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "userid-%d@%s", (int)getuid(), my_hostname); } else { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s@%s", pwd->pw_name, my_hostname); } #endif from_addr = bstrdup(buf); } Dmsg1(20, "From addr=%s\n", from_addr); /* * Connect to smtp daemon on mailhost. */ lookup_host: #ifdef HAVE_GETADDRINFO memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo)); switch (default_resolv_type) { case RESOLV_PROTO_ANY: hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; break; case RESOLV_PROTO_IPV4: hints.ai_family = AF_INET; break; #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 case RESOLV_PROTO_IPV6: hints.ai_family = AF_INET6; break; #endif default: hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; break; } hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_protocol = 0; hints.ai_flags = 0; snprintf(mail_port, sizeof(mail_port), "%d", mailport); if ((res = getaddrinfo(mailhost, mail_port, &hints, &ai)) != 0) { Pmsg2(0, _("Error unknown mail host \"%s\": ERR=%s\n"), mailhost, gai_strerror(res)); if (!bstrcasecmp(mailhost, "localhost")) { Pmsg0(0, _("Retrying connection using \"localhost\".\n")); mailhost = "localhost"; goto lookup_host; } exit(1); } for (rp = ai; rp != NULL; rp = rp->ai_next) { #if defined(HAVE_WIN32) s = WSASocket(rp->ai_family, rp->ai_socktype, rp->ai_protocol, NULL, 0, 0); #else s = socket(rp->ai_family, rp->ai_socktype, rp->ai_protocol); #endif if (s < 0) { continue; } if (connect(s, rp->ai_addr, rp->ai_addrlen) != -1) { break; } close(s); } if (!rp) { Pmsg1(0, _("Failed to connect to mailhost %s\n"), mailhost); exit(1); } freeaddrinfo(ai); #else if ((hp = gethostbyname(mailhost)) == NULL) { Pmsg2(0, _("Error unknown mail host \"%s\": ERR=%s\n"), mailhost, strerror(errno)); if (!bstrcasecmp(mailhost, "localhost")) { Pmsg0(0, _("Retrying connection using \"localhost\".\n")); mailhost = "localhost"; goto lookup_host; } exit(1); } if (hp->h_addrtype != AF_INET) { Pmsg1(0, _("Fatal error: Unknown address family for smtp host: %d\n"), hp->h_addrtype); exit(1); } memset((char *)&sin, 0, sizeof(sin)); memcpy((char *)&sin.sin_addr, hp->h_addr, hp->h_length); sin.sin_family = hp->h_addrtype; sin.sin_port = htons(mailport); #if defined(HAVE_WIN32) if ((s = WSASocket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0, NULL, 0, 0)) < 0) { Pmsg1(0, _("Fatal socket error: ERR=%s\n"), strerror(errno)); exit(1); } #else if ((s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) { Pmsg1(0, _("Fatal socket error: ERR=%s\n"), strerror(errno)); exit(1); } #endif if (connect(s, (struct sockaddr *)&sin, sizeof(sin)) < 0) { Pmsg2(0, _("Fatal connect error to %s: ERR=%s\n"), mailhost, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } Dmsg0(20, "Connected\n"); #endif #if defined(HAVE_WIN32) int fdSocket = _open_osfhandle(s, _O_RDWR | _O_BINARY); if (fdSocket == -1) { Pmsg1(0, _("Fatal _open_osfhandle error: ERR=%s\n"), strerror(errno)); exit(1); } int fdSocket2 = dup(fdSocket); if ((sfp = fdopen(fdSocket, "wb")) == NULL) { Pmsg1(0, _("Fatal fdopen error: ERR=%s\n"), strerror(errno)); exit(1); } if ((rfp = fdopen(fdSocket2, "rb")) == NULL) { Pmsg1(0, _("Fatal fdopen error: ERR=%s\n"), strerror(errno)); exit(1); } #else if ((r = dup(s)) < 0) { Pmsg1(0, _("Fatal dup error: ERR=%s\n"), strerror(errno)); exit(1); } if ((sfp = fdopen(s, "w")) == 0) { Pmsg1(0, _("Fatal fdopen error: ERR=%s\n"), strerror(errno)); exit(1); } if ((rfp = fdopen(r, "r")) == 0) { Pmsg1(0, _("Fatal fdopen error: ERR=%s\n"), strerror(errno)); exit(1); } #endif /* * Send SMTP headers. Note, if any of the strings have a < * in them already, we do not enclose the string in < >, otherwise * we do. */ get_response(); /* banner */ chat("HELO %s\r\n", my_hostname); chat("MAIL FROM:%s\r\n", cleanup_addr(from_addr, buf, sizeof(buf))); for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { Dmsg1(20, "rcpt to: %s\n", argv[i]); chat("RCPT TO:%s\r\n", cleanup_addr(argv[i], buf, sizeof(buf))); } if (cc_addr) { chat("RCPT TO:%s\r\n", cleanup_addr(cc_addr, buf, sizeof(buf))); } Dmsg0(20, "Data\n"); chat("DATA\r\n"); /* * Send message header */ fprintf(sfp, "From: %s\r\n", from_addr); Dmsg1(10, "From: %s\r\n", from_addr); if (subject) { fprintf(sfp, "Subject: %s\r\n", subject); Dmsg1(10, "Subject: %s\r\n", subject); } if (reply_addr) { fprintf(sfp, "Reply-To: %s\r\n", reply_addr); Dmsg1(10, "Reply-To: %s\r\n", reply_addr); } if (err_addr) { fprintf(sfp, "Errors-To: %s\r\n", err_addr); Dmsg1(10, "Errors-To: %s\r\n", err_addr); } #if defined(HAVE_WIN32) DWORD dwSize = UNLEN + 1; LPSTR lpszBuffer = (LPSTR)alloca(dwSize); if (GetUserName(lpszBuffer, &dwSize)) { fprintf(sfp, "Sender: %s@%s\r\n", lpszBuffer, my_hostname); Dmsg2(10, "Sender: %s@%s\r\n", lpszBuffer, my_hostname); } else { fprintf(sfp, "Sender: unknown-user@%s\r\n", my_hostname); Dmsg1(10, "Sender: unknown-user@%s\r\n", my_hostname); } #else if ((pwd = getpwuid(getuid())) == 0) { fprintf(sfp, "Sender: userid-%d@%s\r\n", (int)getuid(), my_hostname); Dmsg2(10, "Sender: userid-%d@%s\r\n", (int)getuid(), my_hostname); } else { fprintf(sfp, "Sender: %s@%s\r\n", pwd->pw_name, my_hostname); Dmsg2(10, "Sender: %s@%s\r\n", pwd->pw_name, my_hostname); } #endif fprintf(sfp, "To: %s", argv[0]); Dmsg1(10, "To: %s", argv[0]); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { fprintf(sfp, ",%s", argv[i]); Dmsg1(10, ",%s", argv[i]); } fprintf(sfp, "\r\n"); Dmsg0(10, "\r\n"); if (cc_addr) { fprintf(sfp, "Cc: %s\r\n", cc_addr); Dmsg1(10, "Cc: %s\r\n", cc_addr); } if (content_utf8) { fprintf(sfp, "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\r\n"); Dmsg0(10, "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\r\n"); } get_date_string(buf, sizeof(buf)); fprintf(sfp, "Date: %s\r\n", buf); Dmsg1(10, "Date: %s\r\n", buf); fprintf(sfp, "\r\n"); /* * Send message body */ lines = 0; while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin)) { if (maxlines > 0 && ++lines > maxlines) { Dmsg1(20, "skip line because of maxlines limit: %lu\n", maxlines); while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin)) { ++lines; } break; } buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = '\0'; buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0'; if (buf[0] == '.') { /* add extra . see RFC 2821 4.5.2 */ fputs(".", sfp); } fputs(buf, sfp); fputs("\r\n", sfp); } if (lines > maxlines) { Dmsg1(10, "hit maxlines limit: %lu\n", maxlines); fprintf(sfp, "\r\n\r\n[maximum of %lu lines exceeded, skipped %lu lines of output]\r\n", maxlines, lines-maxlines); } /* * Send SMTP quit command */ chat(".\r\n"); chat("QUIT\r\n"); /* * Go away gracefully ... */ exit(0); }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int ch; FILE *fd; char line[1000]; bool got_inc = false; setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); bindtextdomain("bareos", LOCALEDIR); textdomain("bareos"); init_stack_dump(); lmgr_init_thread(); working_directory = "/tmp"; my_name_is(argc, argv, "bextract"); init_msg(NULL, NULL); /* setup message handler */ OSDependentInit(); ff = init_find_files(); binit(&bfd); while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "b:c:D:d:e:i:pvV:?")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'b': /* bootstrap file */ bsr = parse_bsr(NULL, optarg); // dump_bsr(bsr, true); break; case 'c': /* specify config file */ if (configfile != NULL) { free(configfile); } configfile = bstrdup(optarg); break; case 'D': /* specify director name */ if (DirectorName != NULL) { free(DirectorName); } DirectorName = bstrdup(optarg); break; case 'd': /* debug level */ if (*optarg == 't') { dbg_timestamp = true; } else { debug_level = atoi(optarg); if (debug_level <= 0) { debug_level = 1; } } break; case 'e': /* exclude list */ if ((fd = fopen(optarg, "rb")) == NULL) { berrno be; Pmsg2(0, _("Could not open exclude file: %s, ERR=%s\n"), optarg, be.bstrerror()); exit(1); } while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fd) != NULL) { strip_trailing_junk(line); Dmsg1(900, "add_exclude %s\n", line); add_fname_to_exclude_list(ff, line); } fclose(fd); break; case 'i': /* include list */ if ((fd = fopen(optarg, "rb")) == NULL) { berrno be; Pmsg2(0, _("Could not open include file: %s, ERR=%s\n"), optarg, be.bstrerror()); exit(1); } while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fd) != NULL) { strip_trailing_junk(line); Dmsg1(900, "add_include %s\n", line); add_fname_to_include_list(ff, 0, line); } fclose(fd); got_inc = true; break; case 'p': forge_on = true; break; case 'v': verbose++; break; case 'V': /* Volume name */ VolumeName = optarg; break; case '?': default: usage(); } /* end switch */ } /* end while */ argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc != 2) { Pmsg0(0, _("Wrong number of arguments: \n")); usage(); } if (configfile == NULL) { configfile = bstrdup(CONFIG_FILE); } config = new_config_parser(); parse_sd_config(config, configfile, M_ERROR_TERM); LockRes(); me = (STORES *)GetNextRes(R_STORAGE, NULL); if (!me) { UnlockRes(); Emsg1(M_ERROR_TERM, 0, _("No Storage resource defined in %s. Cannot continue.\n"), configfile); } UnlockRes(); if (DirectorName) { foreach_res(director, R_DIRECTOR) { if (bstrcmp(director->hdr.name, DirectorName)) { break; } } if (!director) { Emsg2(M_ERROR_TERM, 0, _("No Director resource named %s defined in %s. Cannot continue.\n"), DirectorName, configfile); } } load_sd_plugins(me->plugin_directory); read_crypto_cache(me->working_directory, "bareos-sd", get_first_port_host_order(me->sdaddrs)); if (!got_inc) { /* If no include file, */ add_fname_to_include_list(ff, 0, "/"); /* include everything */ } where = argv[1]; do_extract(argv[0]); if (bsr) { free_bsr(bsr); } if (prog_name_msg) { Pmsg1(000, _("%d Program Name and/or Program Data Stream records ignored.\n"), prog_name_msg); } if (win32_data_msg) { Pmsg1(000, _("%d Win32 data or Win32 gzip data stream records. Ignored.\n"), win32_data_msg); } term_include_exclude_files(ff); term_find_files(ff); return 0; }
/* * Return the status of the device. This was meant * to be a generic routine. Unfortunately, it doesn't * seem possible (at least I do not know how to do it * currently), which means that for the moment, this * routine has very little value. * * Returns: status */ uint32_t status_dev(DEVICE *dev) { struct mtget mt_stat; uint32_t stat = 0; if (dev->state & (ST_EOT | ST_WEOT)) { stat |= BMT_EOD; Pmsg0(-20, " EOD"); } if (dev->state & ST_EOF) { stat |= BMT_EOF; Pmsg0(-20, " EOF"); } if (dev->is_tape()) { stat |= BMT_TAPE; Pmsg0(-20,_(" Bacula status:")); Pmsg2(-20,_(" file=%d block=%d\n"), dev->file, dev->block_num); if (dev->d_ioctl(dev->fd(), MTIOCGET, (char *)&mt_stat) < 0) { berrno be; dev->dev_errno = errno; Mmsg2(dev->errmsg, _("ioctl MTIOCGET error on %s. ERR=%s.\n"), dev->print_name(), be.bstrerror()); return 0; } Pmsg0(-20, _(" Device status:")); #if defined(HAVE_LINUX_OS) if (GMT_EOF(mt_stat.mt_gstat)) { stat |= BMT_EOF; Pmsg0(-20, " EOF"); } if (GMT_BOT(mt_stat.mt_gstat)) { stat |= BMT_BOT; Pmsg0(-20, " BOT"); } if (GMT_EOT(mt_stat.mt_gstat)) { stat |= BMT_EOT; Pmsg0(-20, " EOT"); } if (GMT_SM(mt_stat.mt_gstat)) { stat |= BMT_SM; Pmsg0(-20, " SM"); } if (GMT_EOD(mt_stat.mt_gstat)) { stat |= BMT_EOD; Pmsg0(-20, " EOD"); } if (GMT_WR_PROT(mt_stat.mt_gstat)) { stat |= BMT_WR_PROT; Pmsg0(-20, " WR_PROT"); } if (GMT_ONLINE(mt_stat.mt_gstat)) { stat |= BMT_ONLINE; Pmsg0(-20, " ONLINE"); } if (GMT_DR_OPEN(mt_stat.mt_gstat)) { stat |= BMT_DR_OPEN; Pmsg0(-20, " DR_OPEN"); } if (GMT_IM_REP_EN(mt_stat.mt_gstat)) { stat |= BMT_IM_REP_EN; Pmsg0(-20, " IM_REP_EN"); } #elif defined(HAVE_WIN32) if (GMT_EOF(mt_stat.mt_gstat)) { stat |= BMT_EOF; Pmsg0(-20, " EOF"); } if (GMT_BOT(mt_stat.mt_gstat)) { stat |= BMT_BOT; Pmsg0(-20, " BOT"); } if (GMT_EOT(mt_stat.mt_gstat)) { stat |= BMT_EOT; Pmsg0(-20, " EOT"); } if (GMT_EOD(mt_stat.mt_gstat)) { stat |= BMT_EOD; Pmsg0(-20, " EOD"); } if (GMT_WR_PROT(mt_stat.mt_gstat)) { stat |= BMT_WR_PROT; Pmsg0(-20, " WR_PROT"); } if (GMT_ONLINE(mt_stat.mt_gstat)) { stat |= BMT_ONLINE; Pmsg0(-20, " ONLINE"); } if (GMT_DR_OPEN(mt_stat.mt_gstat)) { stat |= BMT_DR_OPEN; Pmsg0(-20, " DR_OPEN"); } if (GMT_IM_REP_EN(mt_stat.mt_gstat)) { stat |= BMT_IM_REP_EN; Pmsg0(-20, " IM_REP_EN"); } #endif /* !SunOS && !OSF */ if (dev->has_cap(CAP_MTIOCGET)) { Pmsg2(-20, _(" file=%d block=%d\n"), mt_stat.mt_fileno, mt_stat.mt_blkno); } else { Pmsg2(-20, _(" file=%d block=%d\n"), -1, -1); } } else { stat |= BMT_ONLINE | BMT_BOT; } return stat; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int ch; bool ok; char *iVolumeName = NULL; char *oVolumeName = NULL; char *DirectorName = NULL; DIRRES *director = NULL; bool ignore_label_errors = false; DCR *in_dcr, *out_dcr; setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); bindtextdomain("bareos", LOCALEDIR); textdomain("bareos"); init_stack_dump(); my_name_is(argc, argv, "bcopy"); lmgr_init_thread(); init_msg(NULL, NULL); while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "b:c:D:d:i:o:pvw:?")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'b': bsr = parse_bsr(NULL, optarg); break; case 'c': /* specify config file */ if (configfile != NULL) { free(configfile); } configfile = bstrdup(optarg); break; case 'D': /* specify director name */ if (DirectorName != NULL) { free(DirectorName); } DirectorName = bstrdup(optarg); break; case 'd': /* debug level */ if (*optarg == 't') { dbg_timestamp = true; } else { debug_level = atoi(optarg); if (debug_level <= 0) { debug_level = 1; } } break; case 'i': /* input Volume name */ iVolumeName = optarg; break; case 'o': /* output Volume name */ oVolumeName = optarg; break; case 'p': ignore_label_errors = true; forge_on = true; break; case 'v': verbose++; break; case 'w': wd = optarg; break; case '?': default: usage(); } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc != 2) { Pmsg0(0, _("Wrong number of arguments: \n")); usage(); } OSDependentInit(); working_directory = wd; if (configfile == NULL) { configfile = bstrdup(CONFIG_FILE); } my_config = new_config_parser(); parse_sd_config(my_config, configfile, M_ERROR_TERM); if (DirectorName) { foreach_res(director, R_DIRECTOR) { if (bstrcmp(director->hdr.name, DirectorName)) { break; } } if (!director) { Emsg2(M_ERROR_TERM, 0, _("No Director resource named %s defined in %s. Cannot continue.\n"), DirectorName, configfile); } } load_sd_plugins(me->plugin_directory, me->plugin_names); read_crypto_cache(me->working_directory, "bareos-sd", get_first_port_host_order(me->SDaddrs)); /* * Setup and acquire input device for reading */ Dmsg0(100, "About to setup input jcr\n"); in_dcr = New(DCR); in_jcr = setup_jcr("bcopy", argv[0], bsr, director, in_dcr, iVolumeName, true); /* read device */ if (!in_jcr) { exit(1); } in_jcr->ignore_label_errors = ignore_label_errors; in_dev = in_jcr->dcr->dev; if (!in_dev) { exit(1); } /* * Setup output device for writing */ Dmsg0(100, "About to setup output jcr\n"); out_dcr = New(DCR); out_jcr = setup_jcr("bcopy", argv[1], bsr, director, out_dcr, oVolumeName, false); /* write device */ if (!out_jcr) { exit(1); } out_dev = out_jcr->dcr->dev; if (!out_dev) { exit(1); } Dmsg0(100, "About to acquire device for writing\n"); /* * For we must now acquire the device for writing */ out_dev->rLock(false); if (!out_dev->open(out_jcr->dcr, OPEN_READ_WRITE)) { Emsg1(M_FATAL, 0, _("dev open failed: %s\n"), out_dev->errmsg); out_dev->Unlock(); exit(1); } out_dev->Unlock(); if (!acquire_device_for_append(out_jcr->dcr)) { free_jcr(in_jcr); exit(1); } out_block = out_jcr->dcr->block; ok = read_records(in_jcr->dcr, record_cb, mount_next_read_volume); if (ok || out_dev->can_write()) { if (!out_jcr->dcr->write_block_to_device()) { Pmsg0(000, _("Write of last block failed.\n")); } } Pmsg2(000, _("%u Jobs copied. %u records copied.\n"), jobs, records); in_dev->term(); out_dev->term(); free_jcr(in_jcr); free_jcr(out_jcr); return 0; }
static BSR *store_joblevel(LEX *lc, BSR *bsr) { /* *****FIXME****** */ Pmsg0(-1, _("JobLevel not yet implemented\n")); return bsr; }
/* * read_records() calls back here for each record it gets */ static bool record_cb(DCR *in_dcr, DEV_RECORD *rec) { if (list_records) { Pmsg5(000, _("Record: SessId=%u SessTim=%u FileIndex=%d Stream=%d len=%u\n"), rec->VolSessionId, rec->VolSessionTime, rec->FileIndex, rec->Stream, rec->data_len); } /* * Check for Start or End of Session Record * */ if (rec->FileIndex < 0) { get_session_record(in_dcr->dev, rec, &sessrec); if (verbose > 1) { dump_label_record(in_dcr->dev, rec, 1); } switch (rec->FileIndex) { case PRE_LABEL: Pmsg0(000, _("Volume is prelabeled. This volume cannot be copied.\n")); return false; case VOL_LABEL: Pmsg0(000, _("Volume label not copied.\n")); return true; case SOS_LABEL: if (bsr && rec->match_stat < 1) { /* Skipping record, because does not match BSR filter */ if (verbose) { Pmsg0(-1, _("Copy skipped. Record does not match BSR filter.\n")); } } else { jobs++; } break; case EOS_LABEL: if (bsr && rec->match_stat < 1) { /* Skipping record, because does not match BSR filter */ return true; } while (!write_record_to_block(out_block, rec)) { Dmsg2(150, "!write_record_to_block data_len=%d rem=%d\n", rec->data_len, rec->remainder); if (!write_block_to_device(out_jcr->dcr)) { Dmsg2(90, "Got write_block_to_dev error on device %s: ERR=%s\n", out_dev->print_name(), out_dev->bstrerror()); Jmsg(out_jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Cannot fixup device error. %s\n"), out_dev->bstrerror()); return false; } } if (!write_block_to_device(out_jcr->dcr)) { Dmsg2(90, "Got write_block_to_dev error on device %s: ERR=%s\n", out_dev->print_name(), out_dev->bstrerror()); Jmsg(out_jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Cannot fixup device error. %s\n"), out_dev->bstrerror()); return false; } return true; case EOM_LABEL: Pmsg0(000, _("EOM label not copied.\n")); return true; case EOT_LABEL: /* end of all tapes */ Pmsg0(000, _("EOT label not copied.\n")); return true; default: return true; } } /* Write record */ if (bsr && rec->match_stat < 1) { /* Skipping record, because does not match BSR filter */ return true; } records++; while (!write_record_to_block(out_block, rec)) { Dmsg2(150, "!write_record_to_block data_len=%d rem=%d\n", rec->data_len, rec->remainder); if (!write_block_to_device(out_jcr->dcr)) { Dmsg2(90, "Got write_block_to_dev error on device %s: ERR=%s\n", out_dev->print_name(), out_dev->bstrerror()); Jmsg(out_jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Cannot fixup device error. %s\n"), out_dev->bstrerror()); return false; } } return true; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int ch; char *iVolumeName = NULL; char *oVolumeName = NULL; bool ignore_label_errors = false; bool ok; setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); bindtextdomain("bacula", LOCALEDIR); textdomain("bacula"); init_stack_dump(); my_name_is(argc, argv, "bcopy"); init_msg(NULL, NULL); while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "b:c:d:i:o:pvw:?")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'b': bsr = parse_bsr(NULL, optarg); break; case 'c': /* specify config file */ if (configfile != NULL) { free(configfile); } configfile = bstrdup(optarg); break; case 'd': /* debug level */ if (*optarg == 't') { dbg_timestamp = true; } else { debug_level = atoi(optarg); if (debug_level <= 0) { debug_level = 1; } } break; case 'i': /* input Volume name */ iVolumeName = optarg; break; case 'o': /* output Volume name */ oVolumeName = optarg; break; case 'p': ignore_label_errors = true; forge_on = true; break; case 'v': verbose++; break; case 'w': wd = optarg; break; case '?': default: usage(); } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc != 2) { Pmsg0(0, _("Wrong number of arguments: \n")); usage(); } OSDependentInit(); working_directory = wd; if (configfile == NULL) { configfile = bstrdup(CONFIG_FILE); } config = new_config_parser(); parse_sd_config(config, configfile, M_ERROR_TERM); /* Setup and acquire input device for reading */ Dmsg0(100, "About to setup input jcr\n"); in_jcr = setup_jcr("bcopy", argv[0], bsr, iVolumeName, 1); /* read device */ if (!in_jcr) { exit(1); } in_jcr->ignore_label_errors = ignore_label_errors; in_dev = in_jcr->dcr->dev; if (!in_dev) { exit(1); } /* Setup output device for writing */ Dmsg0(100, "About to setup output jcr\n"); out_jcr = setup_jcr("bcopy", argv[1], bsr, oVolumeName, 0); /* no acquire */ if (!out_jcr) { exit(1); } out_dev = out_jcr->dcr->dev; if (!out_dev) { exit(1); } Dmsg0(100, "About to acquire device for writing\n"); /* For we must now acquire the device for writing */ out_dev->r_dlock(); if (out_dev->open(out_jcr->dcr, OPEN_READ_WRITE) < 0) { Emsg1(M_FATAL, 0, _("dev open failed: %s\n"), out_dev->errmsg); out_dev->dunlock(); exit(1); } out_dev->dunlock(); if (!acquire_device_for_append(out_jcr->dcr)) { free_jcr(in_jcr); exit(1); } out_block = out_jcr->dcr->block; ok = read_records(in_jcr->dcr, record_cb, mount_next_read_volume); if (ok || out_dev->can_write()) { if (!write_block_to_device(out_jcr->dcr)) { Pmsg0(000, _("Write of last block failed.\n")); } } Pmsg2(000, _("%u Jobs copied. %u records copied.\n"), jobs, records); free_jcr(in_jcr); free_jcr(out_jcr); in_dev->term(); out_dev->term(); return 0; }
/* * Write a block to the spool file * * Returns: true on success or EOT * false on hard error */ bool write_block_to_spool_file(DCR *dcr) { uint32_t wlen, hlen; /* length to write */ bool despool = false; DEV_BLOCK *block = dcr->block; if (job_canceled(dcr->jcr)) { return false; } ASSERT(block->binbuf == ((uint32_t) (block->bufp - block->buf))); if (block->binbuf <= WRITE_BLKHDR_LENGTH) { /* Does block have data in it? */ return true; } hlen = sizeof(spool_hdr); wlen = block->binbuf; P(dcr->dev->spool_mutex); dcr->job_spool_size += hlen + wlen; dcr->dev->spool_size += hlen + wlen; if ((dcr->max_job_spool_size > 0 && dcr->job_spool_size >= dcr->max_job_spool_size) || (dcr->dev->max_spool_size > 0 && dcr->dev->spool_size >= dcr->dev->max_spool_size)) { despool = true; } V(dcr->dev->spool_mutex); P(mutex); spool_stats.data_size += hlen + wlen; if (spool_stats.data_size > spool_stats.max_data_size) { spool_stats.max_data_size = spool_stats.data_size; } V(mutex); if (despool) { char ec1[30], ec2[30]; if (dcr->max_job_spool_size > 0) { Jmsg(dcr->jcr, M_INFO, 0, _("User specified Job spool size reached: " "JobSpoolSize=%s MaxJobSpoolSize=%s\n"), edit_uint64_with_commas(dcr->job_spool_size, ec1), edit_uint64_with_commas(dcr->max_job_spool_size, ec2)); } else { Jmsg(dcr->jcr, M_INFO, 0, _("User specified Device spool size reached: " "DevSpoolSize=%s MaxDevSpoolSize=%s\n"), edit_uint64_with_commas(dcr->dev->spool_size, ec1), edit_uint64_with_commas(dcr->dev->max_spool_size, ec2)); } if (!despool_data(dcr, false)) { Pmsg0(000, _("Bad return from despool in write_block.\n")); return false; } /* Despooling cleared these variables so reset them */ P(dcr->dev->spool_mutex); dcr->job_spool_size += hlen + wlen; dcr->dev->spool_size += hlen + wlen; V(dcr->dev->spool_mutex); Jmsg(dcr->jcr, M_INFO, 0, _("Spooling data again ...\n")); } if (!write_spool_header(dcr)) { return false; } if (!write_spool_data(dcr)) { return false; } Dmsg2(800, "Wrote block FI=%d LI=%d\n", block->FirstIndex, block->LastIndex); empty_block(block); return true; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int ch; char *jobids = (char *)"1"; char *path=NULL, *client=NULL; uint64_t limit=0; bool clean=false; setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); bindtextdomain("bareos", LOCALEDIR); textdomain("bareos"); init_stack_dump(); Dmsg0(0, "Starting ing_test tool\n"); my_name_is(argc, argv, "ing_test"); init_msg(NULL, NULL); OSDependentInit(); while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "h:c:l:d:n:P:Su:vf:w:?j:p:f:T")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'd': /* debug level */ if (*optarg == 't') { dbg_timestamp = true; } else { debug_level = atoi(optarg); if (debug_level <= 0) { debug_level = 1; } } break; case 'l': limit = str_to_int64(optarg); break; case 'c': client = optarg; break; case 'h': db_host = optarg; break; case 'n': db_name = optarg; break; case 'w': working_directory = optarg; break; case 'u': db_user = optarg; break; case 'P': db_password = optarg; break; case 'v': verbose++; break; case 'p': path = optarg; break; case 'f': file = optarg; break; case 'j': jobids = optarg; break; case 'T': clean = true; break; case '?': default: usage(); } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc != 0) { Pmsg0(0, _("Wrong number of arguments: \n")); usage(); } if ((db = db_init_database(NULL, "ingres", db_name, db_user, db_password, db_host, 0, NULL)) == NULL) { Emsg0(M_ERROR_TERM, 0, _("Could not init Bareos database\n")); } Dmsg1(0, "db_type=%s\n", db_get_type(db)); if (!db_open_database(NULL, db)) { Emsg0(M_ERROR_TERM, 0, db_strerror(db)); } Dmsg0(200, "Database opened\n"); if (verbose) { Pmsg2(000, _("Using Database: %s, User: %s\n"), db_name, db_user); } /* * simple CRUD test including create/drop table */ Pmsg0(0, "\nsimple CRUD test...\n\n"); const char *stmt1[8] = { "CREATE TABLE t1 ( c1 integer, c2 varchar(29))", "INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, 'foo')", "SELECT c1,c2 FROM t1", "UPDATE t1 SET c2='bar' WHERE c1=1", "SELECT * FROM t1", "DELETE FROM t1 WHERE c2 LIKE '\%r'", "SELECT * FROM t1", "DROP TABLE t1" }; int (*hndl1[8])(void*,int,char**) = { NULL, NULL, test_handler, NULL, test_handler, NULL, test_handler, NULL }; for (int i=0; i<8; ++i) { Pmsg1(0, "DB-Statement: %s\n",stmt1[i]); if (!db_sql_query(db, stmt1[i], hndl1[i], NULL)) { Emsg0(M_ERROR_TERM, 0, _("Stmt went wrong\n")); } } /* * simple SELECT tests without tables */ Pmsg0(0, "\nsimple SELECT tests without tables...\n\n"); const char *stmt2[8] = { "SELECT 'Test of simple SELECT!'", "SELECT 'Test of simple SELECT!' as Text", "SELECT VARCHAR(LENGTH('Test of simple SELECT!'))", "SELECT DBMSINFO('_version')", "SELECT 'This is a ''quoting'' test with single quotes'", "SELECT 'This is a \"quoting\" test with double quotes'", "SELECT null", "SELECT ''" }; int (*hndl2[8])(void*,int,char**) = { string_handler, string_handler, string_handler, string_handler, string_handler, string_handler, string_handler, string_handler }; for (int i=0; i<8; ++i) { Pmsg1(0, "DB-Statement: %s\n",stmt2[i]); if (!db_sql_query(db, stmt2[i], hndl2[i], NULL)) { Emsg0(M_ERROR_TERM, 0, _("Stmt went wrong\n")); } } /* * testing aggregates like avg, max, sum */ Pmsg0(0, "\ntesting aggregates...\n\n"); const char *stmt[11] = { "CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 integer, c2 varchar(29))", "INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,'foo')", "INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2,'bar')", "INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (3,'fun')", "INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (4,'egg')", "SELECT max(c1) from t1", "SELECT sum(c1) from t1", "INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (5,NULL)", "SELECT count(*) from t1", "SELECT count(c2) from t1", "DROP TABLE t1" }; int (*hndl[11])(void*,int,char**) = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, string_handler, string_handler, NULL, string_handler, string_handler, NULL }; for (int i=0; i<11; ++i) { Pmsg1(0, "DB-Statement: %s\n",stmt[i]); if (!db_sql_query(db, stmt[i], hndl[i], NULL)) { Emsg0(M_ERROR_TERM, 0, _("Stmt went wrong\n")); } } /* * datatypes test */ Pmsg0(0, "\ndatatypes test... (TODO)\n\n"); Dmsg0(200, "DB-Statement: CREATE TABLE for datatypes\n"); if (!db_sql_query(db, "CREATE TABLE t2 (" "c1 integer," "c2 varchar(255)," "c3 char(255)" /* some more datatypes... "c4 ," */ ")" , NULL, NULL)) { Emsg0(M_ERROR_TERM, 0, _("CREATE-Stmt went wrong\n")); } Dmsg0(200, "DB-Statement: DROP TABLE for datatypes\n"); if (!db_sql_query(db, "DROP TABLE t2", NULL, NULL)) { Emsg0(M_ERROR_TERM, 0, _("DROP-Stmt went wrong\n")); } db_close_database(NULL, db); db_flush_backends(); Dmsg0(200, "Database closed\n"); return 0; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, ch; FILE *fd; char line[1000]; char *VolumeName = NULL; char *bsrName = NULL; char *DirectorName = NULL; bool ignore_label_errors = false; DIRRES *director = NULL; setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); bindtextdomain("bareos", LOCALEDIR); textdomain("bareos"); init_stack_dump(); lmgr_init_thread(); working_directory = "/tmp"; my_name_is(argc, argv, "bls"); init_msg(NULL, NULL); /* initialize message handler */ OSDependentInit(); ff = init_find_files(); while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "b:c:D:d:e:i:jkLpvV:?")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'b': bsrName = optarg; break; case 'c': /* specify config file */ if (configfile != NULL) { free(configfile); } configfile = bstrdup(optarg); break; case 'D': /* specify director name */ if (DirectorName != NULL) { free(DirectorName); } DirectorName = bstrdup(optarg); break; case 'd': /* debug level */ if (*optarg == 't') { dbg_timestamp = true; } else { debug_level = atoi(optarg); if (debug_level <= 0) { debug_level = 1; } } break; case 'e': /* exclude list */ if ((fd = fopen(optarg, "rb")) == NULL) { berrno be; Pmsg2(0, _("Could not open exclude file: %s, ERR=%s\n"), optarg, be.bstrerror()); exit(1); } while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fd) != NULL) { strip_trailing_junk(line); Dmsg1(100, "add_exclude %s\n", line); add_fname_to_exclude_list(ff, line); } fclose(fd); break; case 'i': /* include list */ if ((fd = fopen(optarg, "rb")) == NULL) { berrno be; Pmsg2(0, _("Could not open include file: %s, ERR=%s\n"), optarg, be.bstrerror()); exit(1); } while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fd) != NULL) { strip_trailing_junk(line); Dmsg1(100, "add_include %s\n", line); add_fname_to_include_list(ff, 0, line); } fclose(fd); break; case 'j': list_jobs = true; break; case 'k': list_blocks = true; break; case 'L': dump_label = true; break; case 'p': ignore_label_errors = true; forge_on = true; break; case 'v': verbose++; break; case 'V': /* Volume name */ VolumeName = optarg; break; case '?': default: usage(); } /* end switch */ } /* end while */ argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (!argc) { Pmsg0(0, _("No archive name specified\n")); usage(); } if (configfile == NULL) { configfile = bstrdup(CONFIG_FILE); } my_config = new_config_parser(); parse_sd_config(my_config, configfile, M_ERROR_TERM); LockRes(); me = (STORES *)GetNextRes(R_STORAGE, NULL); if (!me) { UnlockRes(); Emsg1(M_ERROR_TERM, 0, _("No Storage resource defined in %s. Cannot continue.\n"), configfile); } UnlockRes(); if (DirectorName) { foreach_res(director, R_DIRECTOR) { if (bstrcmp(director->hdr.name, DirectorName)) { break; } } if (!director) { Emsg2(M_ERROR_TERM, 0, _("No Director resource named %s defined in %s. Cannot continue.\n"), DirectorName, configfile); } } load_sd_plugins(me->plugin_directory, me->plugin_names); read_crypto_cache(me->working_directory, "bareos-sd", get_first_port_host_order(me->SDaddrs)); if (ff->included_files_list == NULL) { add_fname_to_include_list(ff, 0, "/"); } for (i=0; i < argc; i++) { if (bsrName) { bsr = parse_bsr(NULL, bsrName); } jcr = setup_jcr("bls", argv[i], bsr, director, VolumeName, 1); /* acquire for read */ if (!jcr) { exit(1); } jcr->ignore_label_errors = ignore_label_errors; dev = jcr->dcr->dev; if (!dev) { exit(1); } dcr = jcr->dcr; rec = new_record(); attr = new_attr(jcr); /* * Assume that we have already read the volume label. * If on second or subsequent volume, adjust buffer pointer */ if (dev->VolHdr.PrevVolumeName[0] != 0) { /* second volume */ Pmsg1(0, _("\n" "Warning, this Volume is a continuation of Volume %s\n"), dev->VolHdr.PrevVolumeName); } if (list_blocks) { do_blocks(argv[i]); } else if (list_jobs) { do_jobs(argv[i]); } else { do_ls(argv[i]); } do_close(jcr); } if (bsr) { free_bsr(bsr); } term_include_exclude_files(ff); term_find_files(ff); return 0; }
/* * Write a Volume Label * !!! Note, this is ONLY used for writing * a fresh volume label. Any data * after the label will be destroyed, * in fact, we write the label 5 times !!!! * * This routine should be used only when labeling a blank tape. */ bool write_new_volume_label_to_dev(DCR *dcr, const char *VolName, const char *PoolName, bool relabel) { JCR *jcr = dcr->jcr; DEVICE *dev = dcr->dev; DEV_BLOCK *block = dcr->block; Dmsg0(150, "write_volume_label()\n"); if (*VolName == 0) { Pmsg0(0, "=== ERROR: write_new_volume_label_to_dev called with NULL VolName\n"); goto bail_out; } if (relabel) { volume_unused(dcr); /* mark current volume unused */ /* Truncate device */ if (!dev->truncate(dcr)) { goto bail_out; } if (!dev->is_tape()) { dev->close(dcr); /* make sure file closed for rename */ } } /* Set the new filename for open, ... */ dev->setVolCatName(VolName); dcr->setVolCatName(VolName); Dmsg1(150, "New VolName=%s\n", VolName); if (!dev->open(dcr, OPEN_READ_WRITE)) { /* If device is not tape, attempt to create it */ if (dev->is_tape() || !dev->open(dcr, CREATE_READ_WRITE)) { Jmsg3(jcr, M_WARNING, 0, _("Open device %s Volume \"%s\" failed: ERR=%s\n"), dev->print_name(), dcr->VolumeName, dev->bstrerror()); goto bail_out; } } Dmsg1(150, "Label type=%d\n", dev->label_type); /* * Let any stored plugin know that we are about to write a new label to the volume. */ if (generate_plugin_event(jcr, bsdEventLabelWrite, dcr) != bRC_OK) { Dmsg0(200, "Error from bsdEventLabelWrite plugin event.\n"); goto bail_out; } for ( ;; ) { empty_block(block); if (!dev->rewind(dcr)) { Dmsg2(130, "Bad status on %s from rewind: ERR=%s\n", dev->print_name(), dev->print_errmsg()); if (!forge_on) { goto bail_out; } } /* Temporarily mark in append state to enable writing */ dev->set_append(); /* Create PRE_LABEL */ create_volume_label(dev, VolName, PoolName); /* * If we have already detected an ANSI label, re-read it * to skip past it. Otherwise, we write a new one if * so requested. */ if (dev->label_type != B_BAREOS_LABEL) { if (read_ansi_ibm_label(dcr) != VOL_OK) { dev->rewind(dcr); goto bail_out; } } else if (!write_ansi_ibm_labels(dcr, ANSI_VOL_LABEL, VolName)) { goto bail_out; } create_volume_label_record(dcr, dev, dcr->rec); dcr->rec->Stream = 0; dcr->rec->maskedStream = 0; if (!write_record_to_block(dcr, dcr->rec)) { Dmsg2(130, "Bad Label write on %s: ERR=%s\n", dev->print_name(), dev->print_errmsg()); goto bail_out; } else { Dmsg2(130, "Wrote label of %d bytes to %s\n", dcr->rec->data_len, dev->print_name()); } Dmsg0(130, "Call write_block_to_dev()\n"); if (!dcr->write_block_to_dev()) { Dmsg2(130, "Bad Label write on %s: ERR=%s\n", dev->print_name(), dev->print_errmsg()); goto bail_out; } break; } dev = dcr->dev; Dmsg0(130, " Wrote block to device\n"); if (dev->weof(1)) { dev->set_labeled(); write_ansi_ibm_labels(dcr, ANSI_EOF_LABEL, dev->VolHdr.VolumeName); } if (debug_level >= 20) { dump_volume_label(dev); } Dmsg0(100, "Call reserve_volume\n"); if (reserve_volume(dcr, VolName) == NULL) { Mmsg2(jcr->errmsg, _("Could not reserve volume %s on %s\n"), dev->VolHdr.VolumeName, dev->print_name()); Dmsg1(100, "%s", jcr->errmsg); goto bail_out; } dev = dcr->dev; /* may have changed in reserve_volume */ dev->clear_append(); /* remove append since this is PRE_LABEL */ return true; bail_out: volume_unused(dcr); dev->clear_volhdr(); dev->clear_append(); /* remove append since this is PRE_LABEL */ return false; }
/* * Function called from fill directory when a directory is found to see if this * directory exists in the directory pane and then add it to the directory pane */ void restorePage::addDirectory(QString &newdirr) { QString newdir = newdirr; QString fullpath = m_cwd + newdirr; bool ok = true; if (mainWin->m_miscDebug) { QString msg = QString(tr("In addDirectory cwd \"%1\" newdir \"%2\" fullpath \"%3\"\n")) .arg(m_cwd) .arg(newdir) .arg(fullpath); Pmsg1(dbglvl, "%s\n", msg.toUtf8().data()); } if (isWin32Path(fullpath)) { if (mainWin->m_miscDebug) Pmsg0(dbglvl, "Windows drive\n"); if (fullpath.left(1) == "/") { fullpath.replace(0, 1, ""); /* strip leading / */ } /* If drive and not already in add it */ if (fullpath.length() == 3 && !m_dirPaths.contains(fullpath)) { QTreeWidgetItem *item = new QTreeWidgetItem(directoryWidget); item->setIcon(0,QIcon(QString::fromUtf8(":images/folder.png"))); item->setText(0, fullpath.toUtf8().data()); if (mainWin->m_miscDebug) { Pmsg1(dbglvl, "Pre Inserting %s\n",fullpath.toUtf8().data()); } m_dirPaths.insert(fullpath, item); m_dirTreeItems.insert(item, fullpath); directoryWidget->setCurrentItem(NULL); } } else { // Unix add / first if not already there if (m_dirPaths.empty()) { QTreeWidgetItem *item = new QTreeWidgetItem(directoryWidget); item->setIcon(0,QIcon(QString::fromUtf8(":images/folder.png"))); QString text("/"); item->setText(0, text.toUtf8().data()); if (mainWin->m_miscDebug) { Pmsg1(dbglvl, "Pre Inserting %s\n",text.toUtf8().data()); } m_dirPaths.insert(text, item); m_dirTreeItems.insert(item, text); } } /* Does it already exist ?? */ if (!m_dirPaths.contains(fullpath)) { QTreeWidgetItem *item = NULL; if (isWin32Path(fullpath)) { /* this is the base widget */ item = new QTreeWidgetItem(directoryWidget); item->setText(0, fullpath.toUtf8().data()); if (mainWin->m_miscDebug) Pmsg1(dbglvl, "Windows: %s\n", fullpath.toUtf8().data()); item->setIcon(0,QIcon(QString::fromUtf8(":images/folder.png"))); } else { QTreeWidgetItem *parent = m_dirPaths.value(m_cwd); if (parent) { /* new directories to add */ item = new QTreeWidgetItem(parent); item->setText(0, newdir.toUtf8().data()); item->setIcon(0,QIcon(QString::fromUtf8(":images/folder.png"))); directoryWidget->expandItem(parent); if (mainWin->m_miscDebug) { Pmsg1(dbglvl, "%s\n", newdir.toUtf8().data()); } } else { ok = false; if (mainWin->m_miscDebug) { QString msg = QString(tr("In else of if parent cwd \"%1\" newdir \"%2\"\n")) .arg(m_cwd) .arg(newdir); Pmsg1(dbglvl, "%s\n", msg.toUtf8().data()); } } } /* insert into both forward and reverse hash */ if (ok) { if (mainWin->m_miscDebug) { Pmsg1(dbglvl, "Inserting %s\n",fullpath.toUtf8().data()); } m_dirPaths.insert(fullpath, item); m_dirTreeItems.insert(item, fullpath); } } }
void dump_label_record(DEVICE *dev, DEV_RECORD *rec, bool verbose) { const char *type; int dbl; if (rec->FileIndex == 0 && rec->VolSessionId == 0 && rec->VolSessionTime == 0) { return; } dbl = debug_level; debug_level = 1; switch (rec->FileIndex) { case PRE_LABEL: type = _("Fresh Volume"); break; case VOL_LABEL: type = _("Volume"); break; case SOS_LABEL: type = _("Begin Job Session"); break; case EOS_LABEL: type = _("End Job Session"); break; case EOM_LABEL: type = _("End of Media"); break; case EOT_LABEL: type = _("End of Tape"); break; default: type = _("Unknown"); break; } if (verbose) { switch (rec->FileIndex) { case PRE_LABEL: case VOL_LABEL: unser_volume_label(dev, rec); dump_volume_label(dev); break; case SOS_LABEL: dump_session_label(rec, type); break; case EOS_LABEL: dump_session_label(rec, type); break; case EOM_LABEL: Pmsg7(-1, _("%s Record: File:blk=%u:%u SessId=%d SessTime=%d JobId=%d DataLen=%d\n"), type, dev->file, dev->block_num, rec->VolSessionId, rec->VolSessionTime, rec->Stream, rec->data_len); break; case EOT_LABEL: Pmsg0(-1, _("End of physical tape.\n")); break; default: Pmsg7(-1, _("%s Record: File:blk=%u:%u SessId=%d SessTime=%d JobId=%d DataLen=%d\n"), type, dev->file, dev->block_num, rec->VolSessionId, rec->VolSessionTime, rec->Stream, rec->data_len); break; } } else { SESSION_LABEL label; char dt[50]; switch (rec->FileIndex) { case SOS_LABEL: unser_session_label(&label, rec); bstrftimes(dt, sizeof(dt), btime_to_utime(label.write_btime)); Pmsg6(-1, _("%s Record: File:blk=%u:%u SessId=%d SessTime=%d JobId=%d\n"), type, dev->file, dev->block_num, rec->VolSessionId, rec->VolSessionTime, label.JobId); Pmsg4(-1, _(" Job=%s Date=%s Level=%c Type=%c\n"), label.Job, dt, label.JobLevel, label.JobType); break; case EOS_LABEL: char ed1[30], ed2[30]; unser_session_label(&label, rec); bstrftimes(dt, sizeof(dt), btime_to_utime(label.write_btime)); Pmsg6(-1, _("%s Record: File:blk=%u:%u SessId=%d SessTime=%d JobId=%d\n"), type, dev->file, dev->block_num, rec->VolSessionId, rec->VolSessionTime, label.JobId); Pmsg7(-1, _(" Date=%s Level=%c Type=%c Files=%s Bytes=%s Errors=%d Status=%c\n"), dt, label.JobLevel, label.JobType, edit_uint64_with_commas(label.JobFiles, ed1), edit_uint64_with_commas(label.JobBytes, ed2), label.JobErrors, (char)label.JobStatus); break; case EOM_LABEL: case PRE_LABEL: case VOL_LABEL: default: Pmsg7(-1, _("%s Record: File:blk=%u:%u SessId=%d SessTime=%d JobId=%d DataLen=%d\n"), type, dev->file, dev->block_num, rec->VolSessionId, rec->VolSessionTime, rec->Stream, rec->data_len); break; case EOT_LABEL: break; } } debug_level = dbl; }
static BSR *store_jobtype(LEX *lc, BSR *bsr) { /* *****FIXME****** */ Pmsg0(-1, _("JobType not yet implemented\n")); return bsr; }
/* * Append Data sent from Client (FD/SD) * */ bool do_append_data(JCR *jcr) { int32_t n; int32_t file_index, stream, last_file_index; uint64_t stream_len; BSOCK *fd = jcr->file_bsock; bool ok = true; DEV_RECORD rec; char buf1[100], buf2[100]; DCR *dcr = jcr->dcr; DEVICE *dev; char ec[50]; POOLMEM *eblock = NULL; POOL_MEM errmsg(PM_EMSG); if (!dcr) { pm_strcpy(jcr->errmsg, _("DCR is NULL!!!\n")); Jmsg0(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, jcr->errmsg); return false; } dev = dcr->dev; if (!dev) { pm_strcpy(jcr->errmsg, _("DEVICE is NULL!!!\n")); Jmsg0(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, jcr->errmsg); return false; } Dmsg1(100, "Start append data. res=%d\n", dev->num_reserved()); memset(&rec, 0, sizeof(rec)); if (!fd->set_buffer_size(dcr->device->max_network_buffer_size, BNET_SETBUF_WRITE)) { jcr->setJobStatus(JS_ErrorTerminated); pm_strcpy(jcr->errmsg, _("Unable to set network buffer size.\n")); Jmsg0(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, jcr->errmsg); return false; } if (!acquire_device_for_append(dcr)) { jcr->setJobStatus(JS_ErrorTerminated); return false; } jcr->sendJobStatus(JS_Running); //ASSERT(dev->VolCatInfo.VolCatName[0]); if (dev->VolCatInfo.VolCatName[0] == 0) { Pmsg0(000, _("NULL Volume name. This shouldn't happen!!!\n")); } Dmsg1(50, "Begin append device=%s\n", dev->print_name()); begin_data_spool(dcr); begin_attribute_spool(jcr); Dmsg0(100, "Just after acquire_device_for_append\n"); //ASSERT(dev->VolCatInfo.VolCatName[0]); if (dev->VolCatInfo.VolCatName[0] == 0) { Pmsg0(000, _("NULL Volume name. This shouldn't happen!!!\n")); } /* * Write Begin Session Record */ if (!write_session_label(dcr, SOS_LABEL)) { Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Write session label failed. ERR=%s\n"), dev->bstrerror()); jcr->setJobStatus(JS_ErrorTerminated); ok = false; } //ASSERT(dev->VolCatInfo.VolCatName[0]); if (dev->VolCatInfo.VolCatName[0] == 0) { Pmsg0(000, _("NULL Volume name. This shouldn't happen!!!\n")); } /* Tell File daemon to send data */ if (!fd->fsend(OK_data)) { berrno be; Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Network send error to FD. ERR=%s\n"), be.bstrerror(fd->b_errno)); ok = false; } /* * Get Data from File daemon, write to device. To clarify what is * going on here. We expect: * - A stream header * - Multiple records of data * - EOD record * * The Stream header is just used to synchronize things, and * none of the stream header is written to tape. * The Multiple records of data, contain first the Attributes, * then after another stream header, the file data, then * after another stream header, the MD5 data if any. * * So we get the (stream header, data, EOD) three time for each * file. 1. for the Attributes, 2. for the file data if any, * and 3. for the MD5 if any. */ dcr->VolFirstIndex = dcr->VolLastIndex = 0; jcr->run_time = time(NULL); /* start counting time for rates */ GetMsg *qfd; qfd = New(GetMsg(jcr, fd, NULL, GETMSG_MAX_MSG_SIZE)); qfd->start_read_sock(); for (last_file_index = 0; ok && !jcr->is_job_canceled(); ) { /* Read Stream header from the File daemon. * The stream header consists of the following: * file_index (sequential Bacula file index, base 1) * stream (Bacula number to distinguish parts of data) * stream_len (Expected length of this stream. This * will be the size backed up if the file does not * grow during the backup. */ n = qfd->bget_msg(NULL); if (n <= 0) { if (n == BNET_SIGNAL && qfd->msglen == BNET_EOD) { Dmsg0(200, "Got EOD on reading header.\n"); break; /* end of data */ } Jmsg3(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Error reading data header from FD. n=%d msglen=%d ERR=%s\n"), n, qfd->msglen, fd->bstrerror()); // ASX TODO the fd->bstrerror() can be related to the wrong error, I should Queue the error too possible_incomplete_job(jcr, last_file_index); ok = false; break; } if (sscanf(qfd->msg, "%ld %ld %lld", &file_index, &stream, &stream_len) != 3) { // TODO ASX already done in bufmsg, should reuse the values char buf[256]; Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Malformed data header from FD: %s\n"), asciidump(qfd->msg, qfd->msglen, buf, sizeof(buf))); ok = false; possible_incomplete_job(jcr, last_file_index); break; } Dmsg3(890, "<filed: Header FilInx=%d stream=%d stream_len=%lld\n", file_index, stream, stream_len); /* * We make sure the file_index is advancing sequentially. * An incomplete job can start the file_index at any number. * otherwise, it must start at 1. */ if (jcr->rerunning && file_index > 0 && last_file_index == 0) { goto fi_checked; } Dmsg2(400, "file_index=%d last_file_index=%d\n", file_index, last_file_index); if (file_index > 0 && (file_index == last_file_index || file_index == last_file_index + 1)) { goto fi_checked; } Jmsg2(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("FI=%d from FD not positive or last_FI=%d\n"), file_index, last_file_index); possible_incomplete_job(jcr, last_file_index); ok = false; break; fi_checked: if (file_index != last_file_index) { jcr->JobFiles = file_index; last_file_index = file_index; } /* Read data stream from the File daemon. * The data stream is just raw bytes */ while ((n=qfd->bget_msg(NULL)) > 0 && !jcr->is_job_canceled()) { rec.VolSessionId = jcr->VolSessionId; rec.VolSessionTime = jcr->VolSessionTime; rec.FileIndex = file_index; rec.Stream = stream; rec.StreamLen = stream_len; rec.maskedStream = stream & STREAMMASK_TYPE; /* strip high bits */ rec.data_len = qfd->msglen; rec.data = qfd->msg; /* use message buffer */ Dmsg4(850, "before writ_rec FI=%d SessId=%d Strm=%s len=%d\n", rec.FileIndex, rec.VolSessionId, stream_to_ascii(buf1, rec.Stream,rec.FileIndex), rec.data_len); ok = dcr->write_record(&rec); if (!ok) { Dmsg2(90, "Got write_block_to_dev error on device %s. %s\n", dcr->dev->print_name(), dcr->dev->bstrerror()); break; } jcr->JobBytes += rec.data_len; /* increment bytes this job */ jcr->JobBytes += qfd->bmsg->jobbytes; // if the block as been downloaded, count it Dmsg4(850, "write_record FI=%s SessId=%d Strm=%s len=%d\n", FI_to_ascii(buf1, rec.FileIndex), rec.VolSessionId, stream_to_ascii(buf2, rec.Stream, rec.FileIndex), rec.data_len); send_attrs_to_dir(jcr, &rec); Dmsg0(650, "Enter bnet_get\n"); } Dmsg2(650, "End read loop with FD. JobFiles=%d Stat=%d\n", jcr->JobFiles, n); if (fd->is_error()) { if (!jcr->is_job_canceled()) { Dmsg1(350, "Network read error from FD. ERR=%s\n", fd->bstrerror()); Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Network error reading from FD. ERR=%s\n"), fd->bstrerror()); possible_incomplete_job(jcr, last_file_index); } ok = false; break; } } qfd->wait_read_sock(); free_GetMsg(qfd); if (eblock != NULL) { free_pool_memory(eblock); } /* Create Job status for end of session label */ jcr->setJobStatus(ok?JS_Terminated:JS_ErrorTerminated); if (ok) { /* Terminate connection with Client */ fd->fsend(OK_append); do_client_commands(jcr); /* finish dialog with Client */ } else { fd->fsend("3999 Failed append\n"); } Dmsg1(200, "Write EOS label JobStatus=%c\n", jcr->JobStatus); /* * Check if we can still write. This may not be the case * if we are at the end of the tape or we got a fatal I/O error. */ if (ok || dev->can_write()) { if (!write_session_label(dcr, EOS_LABEL)) { /* Print only if ok and not cancelled to avoid spurious messages */ if (ok && !jcr->is_job_canceled()) { Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Error writing end session label. ERR=%s\n"), dev->bstrerror()); possible_incomplete_job(jcr, last_file_index); } jcr->setJobStatus(JS_ErrorTerminated); ok = false; } /* Flush out final partial block of this session */ if (!dcr->write_final_block_to_device()) { /* Print only if ok and not cancelled to avoid spurious messages */ if (ok && !jcr->is_job_canceled()) { Jmsg2(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Fatal append error on device %s: ERR=%s\n"), dev->print_name(), dev->bstrerror()); Dmsg0(100, _("Set ok=FALSE after write_final_block_to_device.\n")); possible_incomplete_job(jcr, last_file_index); } jcr->setJobStatus(JS_ErrorTerminated); ok = false; } } flush_jobmedia_queue(jcr); if (!ok && !jcr->is_JobStatus(JS_Incomplete)) { discard_data_spool(dcr); } else { /* Note: if commit is OK, the device will remain blocked */ commit_data_spool(dcr); } /* * Don't use time_t for job_elapsed as time_t can be 32 or 64 bits, * and the subsequent Jmsg() editing will break */ int32_t job_elapsed = time(NULL) - jcr->run_time; if (job_elapsed <= 0) { job_elapsed = 1; } Jmsg(dcr->jcr, M_INFO, 0, _("Elapsed time=%02d:%02d:%02d, Transfer rate=%s Bytes/second\n"), job_elapsed / 3600, job_elapsed % 3600 / 60, job_elapsed % 60, edit_uint64_with_suffix(jcr->JobBytes / job_elapsed, ec)); /* * Release the device -- and send final Vol info to DIR * and unlock it. */ release_device(dcr); if ((!ok || jcr->is_job_canceled()) && !jcr->is_JobStatus(JS_Incomplete)) { discard_attribute_spool(jcr); } else { commit_attribute_spool(jcr); } jcr->sendJobStatus(); /* update director */ Dmsg1(100, "return from do_append_data() ok=%d\n", ok); return ok; }