Exemplo n.º 1
// Enumerate D3D adapters
void GFXPCD3D9Device::enumerateAdapters( Vector<GFXAdapter*> &adapterList )
   // Grab a D3D9 handle here to first get the D3D9 devices
   LPDIRECT3D9 d3d9;
   LPDIRECT3D9EX d3d9ex;
   createDirect3D9( d3d9, d3d9ex); 

   // If we could not create the d3d9 object then either the system
   // is corrupt or they need to update the directx runtime.
   if ( !d3d9 )
      Con::errorf( "Unsupported DirectX version!" );
      Platform::messageBox(   Con::getVariable( "$appName" ),
                              "DirectX could not be started!\r\n"
                              "Please be sure you have the latest version of DirectX installed.",
                              MBOk, MIStop );
      Platform::forceShutdown( -1 );

   for( U32 adapterIndex = 0; adapterIndex < d3d9->GetAdapterCount(); adapterIndex++ ) 
      GFXAdapter *toAdd = new GFXAdapter;
      toAdd->mType  = Direct3D9;
      toAdd->mIndex = adapterIndex;
      toAdd->mCreateDeviceInstanceDelegate = mCreateDeviceInstance;

      // Grab the shader model.
      D3DCAPS9 caps;
      d3d9->GetDeviceCaps(adapterIndex, D3DDEVTYPE_HAL, &caps);
      U8 *pxPtr = (U8*) &caps.PixelShaderVersion;
      toAdd->mShaderModel = pxPtr[1] + pxPtr[0] * 0.1;

      // Get the device description string.
      d3d9->GetAdapterIdentifier( adapterIndex, NULL, &temp ); // The NULL is the flags which deal with WHQL

      dStrncpy(toAdd->mName, temp.Description, GFXAdapter::MaxAdapterNameLen);
      dStrncat(toAdd->mName, " (D3D9)", GFXAdapter::MaxAdapterNameLen);

      // And the output display device name
      dStrncpy(toAdd->mOutputName, temp.DeviceName, GFXAdapter::MaxAdapterNameLen);

      // Video mode enumeration.
      Vector<D3DFORMAT> formats( __FILE__, __LINE__ );
      formats.push_back( D3DFMT_R5G6B5 );    // D3DFMT_R5G6B5 - 16bit format
      formats.push_back( D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8 );  // D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8 - 32bit format

      for( S32 i = 0; i < formats.size(); i++ ) 
         DWORD MaxSampleQualities;
         d3d9->CheckDeviceMultiSampleType(adapterIndex, D3DDEVTYPE_HAL, formats[i], FALSE, D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONMASKABLE, &MaxSampleQualities);

         for( U32 j = 0; j < d3d9->GetAdapterModeCount( adapterIndex, formats[i] ); j++ ) 
            D3DDISPLAYMODE mode;
            d3d9->EnumAdapterModes( adapterIndex, formats[i], j, &mode );

            GFXVideoMode vmAdd;

            vmAdd.bitDepth    = ( i == 0 ? 16 : 32 ); // This will need to be changed later
            vmAdd.fullScreen  = true;
            vmAdd.refreshRate = mode.RefreshRate;
            vmAdd.resolution  = Point2I( mode.Width, mode.Height );
            vmAdd.antialiasLevel = MaxSampleQualities;

            toAdd->mAvailableModes.push_back( vmAdd );

      adapterList.push_back( toAdd );

Exemplo n.º 2
void TerrCell::_init( TerrainBlock *terrain,               
                      const Point2I &point,
                      U32 size,
                      U32 level )
   PROFILE_SCOPE( TerrCell_Init );

   mTerrain = terrain;
   mPoint = point;
   mSize = size;
   mLevel = level;

   // Generate a VB (and maybe a PB) for this cell, unless we are the Root cell.
   if ( level > 0 )
   if ( mSize <= smMinCellSize )
      // Update our bounds and materials... the 
      // parent will use it to update itself.

   // Create our children and update our 
   // bounds and materials from them.

   const U32 childSize = mSize / 2;
   const U32 childLevel = mLevel + 1;

   mChildren[0] = new TerrCell;
   mChildren[0]->_init( mTerrain,               
                        Point2I( mPoint.x, mPoint.y ),
                        childLevel );
   mBounds = mChildren[0]->getBounds();
   mMaterials = mChildren[0]->getMaterials();

   mChildren[1] = new TerrCell;
   mChildren[1]->_init( mTerrain,               
                        Point2I( mPoint.x + childSize, mPoint.y ),
                        childLevel );
   mBounds.intersect( mChildren[1]->getBounds() );
   mMaterials |= mChildren[1]->getMaterials();

   mChildren[2] = new TerrCell;
   mChildren[2]->_init( mTerrain,               
                        Point2I( mPoint.x, mPoint.y + childSize ),
                        childLevel );
   mBounds.intersect( mChildren[2]->getBounds() );
   mMaterials |= mChildren[2]->getMaterials();

   mChildren[3] = new TerrCell;
   mChildren[3]->_init( mTerrain,               
                        Point2I( mPoint.x + childSize, mPoint.y + childSize ),
                        childLevel );
   mBounds.intersect( mChildren[3]->getBounds() );
   mMaterials |= mChildren[3]->getMaterials();

   mRadius = mBounds.len() * 0.5f;

Exemplo n.º 3
void GuiRiverEditorCtrl::_process3DMouseDown( const Gui3DMouseEvent& event )
	// Get the raycast collision position
   Point3F tPos;
   if ( !getStaticPos( event, tPos ) )

   // Construct a LineSegment from the camera position to 1000 meters away in
   // the direction clicked.
   // If that segment hits the terrain, truncate the ray to only be that length.

   // We will use a LineSegment/Sphere intersection test to determine if a RiverNode
   // was clicked.   

   Point3F startPnt = event.pos;
   Point3F endPnt = event.pos + event.vec * 1000.0f;

   RayInfo ri;   

   if ( gServerContainer.castRay(startPnt, endPnt, StaticShapeObjectType, &ri) )
      endPnt = ri.point;

   River *riverPtr = NULL;
   River *clickedRiverPtr = NULL;

   // Did we click on a river? check current selection first
   U32 insertNodeIdx = -1;
   Point3F collisionPnt;
   if ( mSelRiver != NULL && mSelRiver->collideRay( event.pos, event.vec, &insertNodeIdx, &collisionPnt ) )
      clickedRiverPtr = mSelRiver;
      for ( SimSetIterator iter(mRiverSet); *iter; ++iter )
         riverPtr = static_cast<River*>( *iter );

         // Do not select or edit a River within a Prefab.
         if ( Prefab::getPrefabByChild(riverPtr) )

         if ( riverPtr->collideRay( event.pos, event.vec, &insertNodeIdx, &collisionPnt ) )
            clickedRiverPtr = riverPtr;

   // Did we click on a riverNode?
   bool nodeClicked = false;   
   S32 clickedNodeIdx = -1;
   F32 clickedNodeDist = mNodeSphereRadius;

   // If we clicked on the currently selected river, only scan its nodes
   if ( mSelRiver != NULL && clickedRiverPtr == mSelRiver )
      for ( U32 i = 0; i < mSelRiver->mNodes.size(); i++ )
         const Point3F &nodePos = mSelRiver->mNodes[i].point;

         Point3F screenPos;
         project( nodePos, &screenPos );

         F32 dist = ( event.mousePoint - Point2I(screenPos.x, screenPos.y) ).len();
         if ( dist < clickedNodeDist )
            clickedNodeDist = dist;
            clickedNodeIdx = i;
            insertNodeIdx = i;
            nodeClicked = true;
      for ( SimSetIterator iter(mRiverSet); *iter; ++iter )
         riverPtr = static_cast<River*>( *iter );

         // Do not select or edit a River within a Prefab.
         if ( Prefab::getPrefabByChild(riverPtr) )
         for ( U32 i = 0; i < riverPtr->mNodes.size(); i++ )
            const Point3F &nodePos = riverPtr->mNodes[i].point;

            Point3F screenPos;
            project( nodePos, &screenPos );

            F32 dist = ( event.mousePoint - Point2I(screenPos.x, screenPos.y) ).len();
            if ( dist < clickedNodeDist )
               // we found a hit!
               clickedNodeDist = dist;
               clickedNodeIdx = i;
               insertNodeIdx = i;
               nodeClicked = true;
               clickedRiverPtr = riverPtr;
	// shortcuts
	bool dblClick = ( event.mouseClickCount > 1 );
	if( dblClick )
		if( mMode == mSelectRiverMode )
			setMode( mAddRiverMode, true );
		if( mMode == mAddNodeMode )
			// Delete the node attached to the cursor.
			mMode = mAddRiverMode;

	//this check is here in order to bounce back from deleting a whole road with ctrl+z
	//this check places the editor back into addrivermode
	if ( mMode == mAddNodeMode )
      if ( !mSelRiver )
         mMode = mAddRiverMode;

	if ( mMode == mSelectRiverMode )
      // Did not click on a River or a node.
      if ( !clickedRiverPtr  )
         setSelectedRiver( NULL );
         setSelectedNode( -1 );

      // Clicked on a River that wasn't the currently selected River.
      if ( clickedRiverPtr != mSelRiver )
         setSelectedRiver( clickedRiverPtr );
         setSelectedNode( clickedNodeIdx );

     // Clicked on a node in the currently selected River that wasn't
      // the currently selected node.
      if ( nodeClicked )
         setSelectedNode( clickedNodeIdx );
   else if ( mMode == mAddRiverMode )
		if ( nodeClicked )
			// A double-click on a node in Normal mode means set AddNode mode.  
         if ( clickedNodeIdx == 0 )
				setSelectedRiver( clickedRiverPtr );
				setSelectedNode( clickedNodeIdx );

				mAddNodeIdx = clickedNodeIdx;
            mMode = mAddNodeMode; 

            mSelNode = mSelRiver->insertNode( tPos, mDefaultWidth, mDefaultDepth, mDefaultNormal, mAddNodeIdx );
            mIsDirty = true;

			else if ( clickedNodeIdx == clickedRiverPtr->mNodes.size() - 1 )
				setSelectedRiver( clickedRiverPtr );
				setSelectedNode( clickedNodeIdx );

            mAddNodeIdx = U32_MAX;
				mMode = mAddNodeMode;

            mSelNode = mSelRiver->addNode( tPos, mDefaultWidth, mDefaultDepth, mDefaultNormal);
            mIsDirty = true;
				setSelectedNode( mSelNode );


		if ( !isMethod( "createRiver" ) )
			Con::errorf( "GuiRiverEditorCtrl::on3DMouseDown - createRiver method does not exist." );

      const char *res = Con::executef( this, "createRiver" );

      River *newRiver;
      if ( !Sim::findObject( res, newRiver ) )
         Con::errorf( "GuiRiverEditorCtrl::on3DMouseDown - createRiver method did not return a river object." );

      // Add to MissionGroup                              
      SimGroup *missionGroup;
      if ( !Sim::findObject( "MissionGroup", missionGroup ) )               
         Con::errorf( "GuiRiverEditorCtrl - could not find MissionGroup to add new River" );
         missionGroup->addObject( newRiver );

      Point3F pos( endPnt );
      pos.z += mDefaultDepth * 0.5f;

      newRiver->insertNode( pos, mDefaultWidth, mDefaultDepth, mDefaultNormal, 0 );
      U32 newNode = newRiver->insertNode( pos, mDefaultWidth, mDefaultDepth, mDefaultNormal, 1 );

      // Always add to the end of the road, the first node is the start.
      mAddNodeIdx = U32_MAX;
      setSelectedRiver( newRiver );      
      setSelectedNode( newNode );

      mMode = mAddNodeMode;

      // Disable the hover node while in addNodeMode, we
      // don't want some random node enlarged.
      mHoverNode = -1;

      // Grab the mission editor undo manager.
      UndoManager *undoMan = NULL;
      if ( !Sim::findObject( "EUndoManager", undoMan ) )
         Con::errorf( "GuiMeshRoadEditorCtrl::on3DMouseDown() - EUndoManager not found!" );

      // Create the UndoAction.
      MECreateUndoAction *action = new MECreateUndoAction("Create MeshRoad");
      action->addObject( newRiver );

      // Submit it.               
      undoMan->addAction( action );

	else if ( mMode == mAddNodeMode )
		// Oops the road got deleted, maybe from an undo action?
      // Back to NormalMode.
      if ( mSelRiver )
			// A double-click on a node in Normal mode means set AddNode mode.  
         if ( clickedNodeIdx == 0 )
				submitUndo( "Add Node" );
				mAddNodeIdx = clickedNodeIdx;
            mMode = mAddNodeMode;
            mSelNode = mSelRiver->insertNode( tPos, mDefaultWidth, mDefaultDepth, mDefaultNormal, mAddNodeIdx );
            mIsDirty = true;
				setSelectedNode( mSelNode );

				if( clickedRiverPtr && clickedNodeIdx == clickedRiverPtr->mNodes.size() - 1 )
					submitUndo( "Add Node" );
					mAddNodeIdx = U32_MAX;
					mMode = mAddNodeMode;
					U32 newNode = mSelRiver->addNode( tPos, mDefaultWidth, mDefaultDepth, mDefaultNormal);  
               mIsDirty = true;
					setSelectedNode( newNode );

					submitUndo( "Insert Node" );
					// A single-click on empty space while in
					// AddNode mode means insert / add a node.
					//submitUndo( "Add Node" );
					//F32 width = mSelRiver->getNodeWidth( mSelNode );
					U32 newNode = mSelRiver->insertNode( tPos, mDefaultWidth, mDefaultDepth, mDefaultNormal, mAddNodeIdx);
               mIsDirty = true;
					setSelectedNode( newNode );

	else if ( mMode == mInsertPointMode && mSelRiver != NULL )
		if ( clickedRiverPtr == mSelRiver )
			// NOTE: I guess we have to determine the if the clicked ray intersects a road but not a specific node...
         // in order to handle inserting nodes in the same way as for DecalRoad

         U32 prevNodeIdx = insertNodeIdx;
         U32 nextNodeIdx = ( prevNodeIdx + 1 > mSelRiver->mNodes.size() - 1 ) ? prevNodeIdx : prevNodeIdx + 1;

         const RiverNode &prevNode = mSelRiver->mNodes[prevNodeIdx];
         const RiverNode &nextNode = mSelRiver->mNodes[nextNodeIdx];

         F32 width = ( prevNode.width + nextNode.width ) * 0.5f;
         F32 depth = ( prevNode.depth + nextNode.depth ) * 0.5f;
         Point3F normal = ( prevNode.normal + nextNode.normal ) * 0.5f;

         submitUndo( "Insert Node" );
         U32 newNode = mSelRiver->insertNode( collisionPnt, width, depth, normal, insertNodeIdx + 1 );
         mIsDirty = true;
         setSelectedNode( newNode );

	else if ( mMode == mRemovePointMode && mSelRiver != NULL )
		if ( nodeClicked && clickedRiverPtr == mSelRiver )
			setSelectedNode( clickedNodeIdx );
	else if ( mMode == mMovePointMode )
		if ( nodeClicked && clickedRiverPtr == mSelRiver )
			setSelectedNode( clickedNodeIdx );
	else if ( mMode == mScalePointMode )
		if ( nodeClicked && clickedRiverPtr == mSelRiver )
			setSelectedNode( clickedNodeIdx );
	else if ( mMode == mRotatePointMode )
		if ( nodeClicked && clickedRiverPtr == mSelRiver )
			setSelectedNode( clickedNodeIdx );
Exemplo n.º 4
void GuiRiverEditorCtrl::on3DMouseMove(const Gui3DMouseEvent & event)
   if ( mSelRiver != NULL && mMode == mAddNodeMode )
      Point3F pos;
      if ( getStaticPos( event, pos ) )         
         pos.z += mSelRiver->getNodeDepth(mSelNode) * 0.5f;
         mSelRiver->setNodePosition( mSelNode, pos );
         mIsDirty = true;


   if ( mSelRiver != NULL && mSelNode != -1 )
      mGizmo->on3DMouseMove( event );

   // Is cursor hovering over a river?
   if ( mMode == mSelectRiverMode )
      mHoverRiver = NULL;

      Point3F startPnt = event.pos;
      Point3F endPnt = event.pos + event.vec * 1000.0f;

      RayInfo ri;   

      if ( gServerContainer.castRay(startPnt, endPnt, StaticShapeObjectType, &ri) )
         endPnt = ri.point;

      River *pRiver = NULL;

      for ( SimSetIterator iter(mRiverSet); *iter; ++iter )
         pRiver = static_cast<River*>( *iter );

         // Do not select or edit a River within a Prefab.
         if ( Prefab::getPrefabByChild(pRiver) )

         if ( pRiver->collideRay( event.pos, event.vec ) )
            mHoverRiver = pRiver;

   // Is cursor hovering over a RiverNode?
   if ( mHoverRiver )
      River *pRiver = mHoverRiver;

      S32 hoverNodeIdx = -1;
      F32 hoverNodeDist = mNodeSphereRadius;

      //for ( SimSetIterator iter(mRiverSet); *iter; ++iter )
      //   River *pRiver = static_cast<River*>( *iter );

         for ( U32 i = 0; i < pRiver->mNodes.size(); i++ )
            const Point3F &nodePos = pRiver->mNodes[i].point;

            Point3F screenPos;
            project( nodePos, &screenPos );

            F32 dist = ( event.mousePoint - Point2I(screenPos.x, screenPos.y) ).len();
            if ( dist < hoverNodeDist )
               // we found a hit!
               hoverNodeDist = dist;
               hoverNodeIdx = i;

      mHoverNode = hoverNodeIdx;
Exemplo n.º 5
void TSLastDetail::_update()
#if 0
   // We're gonna render... make sure we can.
   bool sceneBegun = GFX->canCurrentlyRender();
   if ( !sceneBegun )


   Vector<GBitmap*> bitmaps;
   Vector<GBitmap*> normalmaps;

   // We need to create our own instance to render with.
   TSShapeInstance *shape = new TSShapeInstance( mShape, true );

   // Animate the shape once.
   shape->animate( mDl );

   // So we don't have to change it everywhere.
   const GFXFormat format = GFXFormatR8G8B8A8;  

   S32 imposterCount = ( ((2*mNumPolarSteps) + 1 ) * mNumEquatorSteps ) + ( mIncludePoles ? 2 : 0 );

   // Figure out the optimal texture size.
   Point2I texSize( smMaxTexSize, smMaxTexSize );
   while ( true )
      Point2I halfSize( texSize.x / 2, texSize.y / 2 );
      U32 count = ( halfSize.x / mDim ) * ( halfSize.y / mDim );
      if ( count < imposterCount )
         // Try half of the height.
         count = ( texSize.x / mDim ) * ( halfSize.y / mDim );
         if ( count >= imposterCount )
            texSize.y = halfSize.y;

      texSize = halfSize;

   GBitmap *imposter = NULL;
   GBitmap *normalmap = NULL;
   GBitmap destBmp( texSize.x, texSize.y, true, format );
   GBitmap destNormal( texSize.x, texSize.y, true, format );

   U32 mipLevels = destBmp.getNumMipLevels();

   ImposterCapture *imposterCap = new ImposterCapture();

   F32 equatorStepSize = M_2PI_F / (F32)mNumEquatorSteps;

   static const MatrixF topXfm( EulerF( -M_PI_F / 2.0f, 0, 0 ) );
   static const MatrixF bottomXfm( EulerF( M_PI_F / 2.0f, 0, 0 ) );

   MatrixF angMat;

   F32 polarStepSize = 0.0f;
   if ( mNumPolarSteps > 0 )
      polarStepSize = -( 0.5f * M_PI_F - mDegToRad( mPolarAngle ) ) / (F32)mNumPolarSteps;


   S32 currDim = mDim;
   for ( S32 mip = 0; mip < mipLevels; mip++ )
      if ( currDim < 1 )
         currDim = 1;
      dMemset( destBmp.getWritableBits(mip), 0, destBmp.getWidth(mip) * destBmp.getHeight(mip) * GFXFormat_getByteSize( format ) );
      dMemset( destNormal.getWritableBits(mip), 0, destNormal.getWidth(mip) * destNormal.getHeight(mip) * GFXFormat_getByteSize( format ) );


      F32 rotX = 0.0f;
      if ( mNumPolarSteps > 0 )
         rotX = -( mDegToRad( mPolarAngle ) - 0.5f * M_PI_F );

      // We capture the images in a particular order which must
      // match the order expected by the imposter renderer.

      imposterCap->begin( shape, mDl, currDim, mRadius, mCenter );

      for ( U32 j=0; j < (2 * mNumPolarSteps + 1); j++ )
         F32 rotZ = -M_PI_F / 2.0f;

         for ( U32 k=0; k < mNumEquatorSteps; k++ )
            angMat.mul( MatrixF( EulerF( rotX, 0, 0 ) ),
                        MatrixF( EulerF( 0, 0, rotZ ) ) );

            imposterCap->capture( angMat, &imposter, &normalmap );

            bitmaps.push_back( imposter );
            normalmaps.push_back( normalmap );

            rotZ += equatorStepSize;

         rotX += polarStepSize;

         if ( mIncludePoles )
            imposterCap->capture( topXfm, &imposter, &normalmap );

            normalmaps.push_back( normalmap );

            imposterCap->capture( bottomXfm, &imposter, &normalmap );

            bitmaps.push_back( imposter );
            normalmaps.push_back( normalmap );


      Point2I texSize( destBmp.getWidth(mip), destBmp.getHeight(mip) );

      // Ok... pack in bitmaps till we run out.
      for ( S32 y=0; y+currDim <= texSize.y; )
         for ( S32 x=0; x+currDim <= texSize.x; )
            // Copy the next bitmap to the dest texture.
            GBitmap* bmp = bitmaps.first();
            destBmp.copyRect( bmp, RectI( 0, 0, currDim, currDim ), Point2I( x, y ), 0, mip );
            delete bmp;

            // Copy the next normal to the dest texture.
            GBitmap* normalmap = normalmaps.first();
            destNormal.copyRect( normalmap, RectI( 0, 0, currDim, currDim ), Point2I( x, y ), 0, mip );
            delete normalmap;

            // Did we finish?
            if ( bitmaps.empty() )

            x += currDim;

         // Did we finish?
         if ( bitmaps.empty() )

         y += currDim;

      // Next mip...
      currDim /= 2;

   PROFILE_END(); // TSLastDetail_snapshots

   delete imposterCap;
   delete shape;   
   // Should we dump the images?
   if ( Log::getBoolVariable( "$TSLastDetail::dumpImposters", false ) )
      String imposterPath = mCachePath + ".imposter.png";
      String normalsPath = mCachePath + ".imposter_normals.png";

      FileStream stream;
      if ( stream.open( imposterPath, FileStream::Write  ) )
         destBmp.writeBitmap( "png", stream );

      if ( stream.open( normalsPath, FileStream::Write ) )
         destNormal.writeBitmap( "png", stream );

   // DEBUG: Some code to force usage of a test image.
   //GBitmap* tempMap = GBitmap::load( "./forest/data/test1234.png" );
   //mTexture.set( tempMap, &GFXDefaultStaticDiffuseProfile, false );
   //delete tempMap;

   DDSFile *ddsDest = DDSFile::createDDSFileFromGBitmap( &destBmp );
   DDSUtil::squishDDS( ddsDest, GFXFormatDXT3 );

   DDSFile *ddsNormals = DDSFile::createDDSFileFromGBitmap( &destNormal );
   DDSUtil::squishDDS( ddsNormals, GFXFormatDXT5 );

   // Finally save the imposters to disk.
   FileStream fs;
   if ( fs.open( _getDiffuseMapPath(), FileStream::Write ) )
      ddsDest->write( fs );
   if ( fs.open( _getNormalMapPath(), FileStream::Write ) )
      ddsNormals->write( fs );

   delete ddsDest;
   delete ddsNormals;

   // If we did a begin then end it now.
   if ( !sceneBegun )
Exemplo n.º 6
/// Function to draw a set of boxes blending throughout an array of colors
void GuiGradientCtrl::drawBlendRangeBox(RectI &bounds, bool vertical, Vector<ColorRange> colorRange)

   // Create new global dimensions
   S32 l = bounds.point.x + mSwatchFactor, r = bounds.point.x + bounds.extent.x - mSwatchFactor;
   S32 t = bounds.point.y, b = bounds.point.y + bounds.extent.y - mSwatchFactor;

   // Draw border using new global dimensions
   if (mProfile->mBorder)
      GFX->getDrawUtil()->drawRect(RectI(Point2I(l, t), Point2I(r, b)), mProfile->mBorderColor);

   // Update local dimensions
   mBlendRangeBox.point = globalToLocalCoord(Point2I(l, t));
   mBlendRangeBox.extent = globalToLocalCoord(Point2I(r, b));

   if (colorRange.size() == 1) // Only one color to draw
      PrimBuild::begin(GFXTriangleStrip, 4);

      PrimBuild::vertex2i(l, t);
      PrimBuild::vertex2i(r, t);

      PrimBuild::vertex2i(l, b);
      PrimBuild::vertex2i(r, b);

      PrimBuild::begin(GFXTriangleStrip, 4);

      PrimBuild::vertex2i(l, t);
      PrimBuild::vertex2i(l + colorRange.first().swatch->getPosition().x, t);

      PrimBuild::vertex2i(l, b);
      PrimBuild::vertex2i(l + colorRange.first().swatch->getPosition().x, b);


      for (U16 i = 0; i < colorRange.size() - 1; i++)
         PrimBuild::begin(GFXTriangleStrip, 4);
         if (!vertical)  // Horizontal (+x)
            // First color
            PrimBuild::vertex2i(l + colorRange[i].swatch->getPosition().x, t);
            PrimBuild::color(colorRange[i + 1].swatch->getColor());
            PrimBuild::vertex2i(l + colorRange[i + 1].swatch->getPosition().x, t);

            // First color
            PrimBuild::vertex2i(l + colorRange[i].swatch->getPosition().x, b);
            PrimBuild::color(colorRange[i + 1].swatch->getColor());
            PrimBuild::vertex2i(l + colorRange[i + 1].swatch->getPosition().x, b);

      PrimBuild::begin(GFXTriangleStrip, 4);

      PrimBuild::vertex2i(l + colorRange.last().swatch->getPosition().x, t);
      PrimBuild::vertex2i(r, t);

      PrimBuild::vertex2i(l + colorRange.last().swatch->getPosition().x, b);
      PrimBuild::vertex2i(r, b);

Exemplo n.º 7
void GuiTextEditSliderCtrl::onRender(Point2I offset, const RectI &updateRect)
   if(mTextAreaHit != None)
      U32 elapseTime = Sim::getCurrentTime() - mMouseDownTime;
      if(elapseTime > 750 || mTextAreaHit == Slider)
         mIncCounter += mMulInc;
         if(mIncCounter >= 1.0f || mIncCounter <= -1.0f)
            mValue = (mMulInc > 0.0f) ? mValue+mIncAmount : mValue-mIncAmount;
            mIncCounter = (mIncCounter > 0.0f) ? mIncCounter-1 : mIncCounter+1;
            mCursorPos = 0;
	Parent::onRender(offset, updateRect);

   Point2I start(offset.x + getWidth() - 14, offset.y);
   Point2I midPoint(start.x + 7, start.y + (getExtent().y/2));

   GFX->getDrawUtil()->drawRectFill(Point2I(start.x+1,start.y+1), Point2I(start.x+13,start.y+getExtent().y-1) , mProfile->mFillColor);

   GFX->getDrawUtil()->drawLine(start, Point2I(start.x, start.y+getExtent().y),mProfile->mFontColor);

   GFXVertexBufferHandle<GFXVertexPCT> verts(GFX, 6, GFXBufferTypeVolatile);

   verts[0].color.set( 0, 0, 0 );
	verts[1].color.set( 0, 0, 0 );
	verts[2].color.set( 0, 0, 0 );
	verts[3].color.set( 0, 0, 0 );
	verts[4].color.set( 0, 0, 0 );
	verts[5].color.set( 0, 0, 0 );

   if(mTextAreaHit == ArrowUp)
      verts[0].point.set( (F32)midPoint.x, (F32)start.y + 1.0f, 0.0f );
      verts[1].point.set( (F32)start.x + 11.0f, (F32)midPoint.y - 2.0f, 0.0f );
      verts[2].point.set( (F32)start.x + 3.0f, (F32)midPoint.y - 2.0f, 0.0f );
      verts[0].point.set( (F32)midPoint.x, (F32)start.y + 2.0f, 0.0f );
      verts[1].point.set( (F32)start.x + 11.0f, (F32)midPoint.y - 1.0f, 0.0f );
      verts[2].point.set( (F32)start.x + 3.0f, (F32)midPoint.y - 1.0f, 0.0f );

   if(mTextAreaHit == ArrowDown)
      verts[3].point.set( (F32)midPoint.x, (F32)(start.y + getExtent().y - 1), 0.0f );
      verts[4].point.set( (F32)start.x + 11.0f, (F32)midPoint.y + 3.0f, 0.0f );
      verts[5].point.set( (F32)start.x + 3.0f, (F32)midPoint.y + 3.0f, 0.0f );
      verts[3].point.set( (F32)midPoint.x, (F32)(start.y + getExtent().y - 2), 0.0f );
      verts[4].point.set( (F32)start.x + 11.0f, (F32)midPoint.y + 2.0f, 0.0f );
      verts[5].point.set( (F32)start.x + 3.0f, (F32)midPoint.y + 2.0f, 0.0f );


   GFX->setVertexBuffer( verts );
   GFX->drawPrimitive( GFXTriangleList, 0, 2 );
Exemplo n.º 8

#if 0
Point4I vPoints[4] =

Point2I dpvPoints[4] =

Point4I* pVPoints[4] = 

Point2I* dpVPoints[4] = 
Exemplo n.º 9
   "new MissionArea(GlobalMissionArea)\n"
   "	  Area = \"-152 -352 1008 864\";\n"
   "	  flightCeiling = \"300\";\n"
   "	  flightCeilingRange = \"20\";\n"
   "	  canSaveDynamicFields = \"1\";\n"
   "		 enabled = \"1\";\n"
   "		 TypeBool locked = \"false\";\n"

   "@ingroup enviroMisc\n"

RectI MissionArea::smMissionArea(Point2I(768, 768), Point2I(512, 512));

MissionArea * MissionArea::smServerObject = NULL;


   mArea.set(Point2I(768, 768), Point2I(512, 512));
   mNetFlags.set(Ghostable | ScopeAlways);

   mFlightCeiling      = 2000;
   mFlightCeilingRange = 50;

void ServerInfoCtrl::onWake(void)
   setSize(Point2I(1, 0));
   if (parent) cellSize.set(parent->extent.x, hFont->getHeight() + 2);
Exemplo n.º 11
/// Core rendering method for this control.
/// This method scans through all the current client ShapeBase objects.
/// If one is named, it displays the name and damage information for it.
/// Information is offset from the center of the object's bounding box,
/// unless the object is a PlayerObjectType, in which case the eye point
/// is used.
/// @param   updateRect   Extents of control.
void afxGuiTextHud::onRender( Point2I, const RectI &updateRect)
   // Background fill first
   if (mShowFill)
      GFX->getDrawUtil()->drawRectFill(updateRect, mFillColor.toColorI());

   // Must be in a TS Control
   GuiTSCtrl *parent = dynamic_cast<GuiTSCtrl*>(getParent());
   if (!parent) return;

   // Must have a connection and control object
   GameConnection* conn = GameConnection::getConnectionToServer();
   if (!conn)

   GameBase * control = dynamic_cast<GameBase*>(conn->getControlObject());
   if (!control)

   // Get control camera info
   MatrixF cam;
   Point3F camPos;
   VectorF camDir;
   cam.getColumn(3, &camPos);
   cam.getColumn(1, &camDir);

   F32 camFovCos;
   camFovCos = mCos(mDegToRad(camFovCos) / 2);

   // Visible distance info & name fading
   F32 visDistance = gClientSceneGraph->getVisibleDistance();
   F32 visDistanceSqr = visDistance * visDistance;
   F32 fadeDistance = visDistance * mDistanceFade;

   // Collision info. We're going to be running LOS tests and we
   // don't want to collide with the control object.
   static U32 losMask = TerrainObjectType | TerrainLikeObjectType | ShapeBaseObjectType;

   if (!mEnableControlObjectOcclusion)

   if (mLabelAllShapes)
     // This section works just like GuiShapeNameHud and renders labels for
     // all the shapes.

     // All ghosted objects are added to the server connection group,
     // so we can find all the shape base objects by iterating through
     // our current connection.
     for (SimSetIterator itr(conn); *itr; ++itr) 
       ///if ((*itr)->getTypeMask() & ShapeBaseObjectType) 
       ShapeBase* shape = dynamic_cast<ShapeBase*>(*itr);
       if ( shape ) {
         if (shape != control && shape->getShapeName()) 

           // Target pos to test, if it's a player run the LOS to his eye
           // point, otherwise we'll grab the generic box center.
           Point3F shapePos;
           if (shape->getTypeMask() & PlayerObjectType) 
             MatrixF eye;

             // Use the render eye transform, otherwise we'll see jittering
             eye.getColumn(3, &shapePos);
             // Use the render transform instead of the box center
             // otherwise it'll jitter.
             MatrixF srtMat = shape->getRenderTransform();
             srtMat.getColumn(3, &shapePos);

           VectorF shapeDir = shapePos - camPos;

           // Test to see if it's in range
           F32 shapeDist = shapeDir.lenSquared();
           if (shapeDist == 0 || shapeDist > visDistanceSqr)
           shapeDist = mSqrt(shapeDist);

           // Test to see if it's within our viewcone, this test doesn't
           // actually match the viewport very well, should consider
           // projection and box test.
           F32 dot = mDot(shapeDir, camDir);
           if (dot < camFovCos)

           // Test to see if it's behind something, and we want to
           // ignore anything it's mounted on when we run the LOS.
           RayInfo info;
           SceneObject *mount = shape->getObjectMount();
           if (mount)
           bool los = !gClientContainer.castRay(camPos, shapePos,losMask, &info);
           if (mount)

           if (!los)

           // Project the shape pos into screen space and calculate
           // the distance opacity used to fade the labels into the
           // distance.
           Point3F projPnt;
           shapePos.z += mVerticalOffset;
           if (!parent->project(shapePos, &projPnt))
           F32 opacity = (shapeDist < fadeDistance)? 1.0:
             1.0 - (shapeDist - fadeDistance) / (visDistance - fadeDistance);

           // Render the shape's name
           drawName(Point2I((S32)projPnt.x, (S32)projPnt.y),shape->getShapeName(),opacity);

   // This section renders all text added by afxGuiText effects.
   for (S32 i = 0; i < text_items.size(); i++)
     HudTextSpec* spec = &text_items[i];
     if (spec->text && spec->text[0] != '\0') 
       VectorF shapeDir = spec->pos - camPos;

       // do range test
       F32 shapeDist = shapeDir.lenSquared();
       if (shapeDist == 0 || shapeDist > visDistanceSqr)
       shapeDist = mSqrt(shapeDist);

       // Test to see if it's within our viewcone, this test doesn't
       // actually match the viewport very well, should consider
       // projection and box test.
       F32 dot = mDot(shapeDir, camDir);
       if (dot < camFovCos)

       // Test to see if it's behind something, and we want to
       // ignore anything it's mounted on when we run the LOS.
       RayInfo info;
       if (spec->obj)
       bool los = !gClientContainer.castRay(camPos, spec->pos, losMask, &info);
       if (spec->obj)
       if (!los)

       // Project the shape pos into screen space.
       Point3F projPnt;
       if (!parent->project(spec->pos, &projPnt))

       // Calculate the distance opacity used to fade text into the distance.
       F32 opacity = (shapeDist < fadeDistance)? 1.0 : 1.0 - (shapeDist - fadeDistance) / (25.0f);
       if (opacity > 0.01f)
        drawName(Point2I((S32)projPnt.x, (S32)projPnt.y), spec->text, opacity, &spec->text_clr);

   // Restore control object collision
   if (!mEnableControlObjectOcclusion)

   // Border last
   if (mShowFrame)
      GFX->getDrawUtil()->drawRect(updateRect, mFrameColor.toColorI());
