WCSketchAlignmentSuggestion Evaluate(WCSketchWorkbench *wb, WCGeometricObject *object, WPFloat &x, WPFloat &y) {
		WPFloat dist = 10.0;
		WCVector4 start, end;
		//Look through all lines
		std::map<WCGeometricLine*,WCEventController*>::iterator lineIter;
		for (lineIter = wb->Sketch()->LineMap().begin(); lineIter != wb->Sketch()->LineMap().end(); lineIter++) {		
			//See if matches object - if not evaluate for match
			if ((*lineIter).first != object) {		
				//Inverse project line onto plane
				start = (*lineIter).first->Begin();
				end = (*lineIter).first->End();
				start = wb->Sketch()->ReferencePlane()->InverseTransformMatrix() * start;
				end = wb->Sketch()->ReferencePlane()->InverseTransformMatrix() * end;
				//Determine distance to line
				dist = PointToLineDistance2(start.I(), start.J(), end.I(), end.J(), x, y);
				//If close enough, project to closest point on line
				if (dist < (0.6 * wb->Grid()->XSpacing())) {
					if (IsWithinLine(start.I(), start.J(), end.I(), end.J(), x, y)) {
						//Move x, y onto the line
						ProjectPointToLine2(start.I(), start.J(), end.I(), end.J(), x, y);
						//Return the suggestion
						return WCSketchAlignmentSuggestion::CoincidentToLine((*lineIter).first);
		//Otherwie, no suggestion at this time
		return WCSketchAlignmentSuggestion::None();
float PointToLineDistance1( float x, float y, float slope, float intercept ) {
	float xa, ya;
	if ( slope == NaN ) {
		return ABS(x-intercept);
	} else if ( slope == 0.0 ) {
		return ABS(intercept-y);
	} else {
		ya = x*slope + intercept;
		xa = ( y - intercept ) / slope;
	return PointToLineDistance2(x,ya,xa,y,x,y);
Polygon PolygonLineReduction( Polygon poly, int minr, int maxr ) {
	int size = poly->numberOfVertices;
	FVec hist1 = FVecNew(0,size-1);
	int range, i, r, l;	
	float x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3;
	for (range=minr;range<=maxr;range++) {
		for (i=0;i<size;i++) {
			x2 = poly->vertices[i].x;
			y2 = poly->vertices[i].y;
			r = ( i + range ) % size;
			l = ( i + size - range ) % size;
			x1 = poly->vertices[l].x;
			y1 = poly->vertices[l].y;
			x3 = poly->vertices[r].x;
			y3 = poly->vertices[r].y;
			float dist = PointToLineDistance2(x1,y1,x3,y3,x2,y2);
			hist1->values[i] += dist;

	Polygon peaks = NewPolygon(10);
	for ( i = 0; i < size ; i++ ) {
		float peak = hist1->values[i];
		if ( peak < 0.3 ) continue;
		l = ( i + size - 1 ) % size;
		r = ( i + 1 ) % size;
		if ( hist1->values[r] > peak ) continue;
		if ( hist1->values[l] > peak ) continue;
		x1 = poly->vertices[i].x;
		y1 = poly->vertices[i].y;
	size = peaks->numberOfVertices;
	for (i=0;i<size;i++) {
		r = ( i + 1 ) % size;
		x1 = peaks->vertices[i].x;
		y1 = peaks->vertices[i].y;
		x2 = peaks->vertices[r].x - x1;
		y2 = peaks->vertices[r].y - y1;
		float dist1 = sqrt( x2*x2 + y2*y2 );
		peaks->vertices[i].z = dist1;
	return peaks;