void UGripMotionControllerComponent::TickComponent(float DeltaTime, enum ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction *ThisTickFunction)
	Super::TickComponent(DeltaTime, TickType, ThisTickFunction);

	// Moved this here instead of in the polling function, it was ticking once per frame anyway so no loss of perf
	// It doesn't need to be there and now I can pre-check
	// Also epics implementation in the polling function didn't work anyway as it was based off of playercontroller which is not the owner of this controller
	// Cache state from the game thread for use on the render thread
	// No need to check if in game thread here as tick always is
	bHasAuthority = IsLocallyControlled();
	bIsServer = IsServer();

	// Server/remote clients don't set the controller position in VR
	// Don't call positional checks and don't create the late update scene view
	if (bHasAuthority)
		if (!ViewExtension.IsValid() && GEngine)
			TSharedPtr< FViewExtension, ESPMode::ThreadSafe > NewViewExtension(new FViewExtension(this));
			ViewExtension = NewViewExtension;

		// This is the owning player, now you can get the controller's location and rotation from the correct source
		FVector Position;
		FRotator Orientation;
		bTracked = PollControllerState(Position, Orientation);

		if (bTracked)
			SetRelativeLocationAndRotation(Position, Orientation);

		if (!bTracked && !bUseWithoutTracking)
			return; // Don't update anything including location

		// Don't bother with any of this if not replicating transform
		if (bReplicates && bTracked)
			ReplicatedControllerTransform.Position = Position;
			ReplicatedControllerTransform.Orientation = Orientation;

			if (GetNetMode() == NM_Client)//bReplicateControllerTransform)
				ControllerNetUpdateCount += DeltaTime;
				if (ControllerNetUpdateCount >= (1.0f / ControllerNetUpdateRate))
					ControllerNetUpdateCount = 0.0f;

	// Process the gripped actors

void UMotionControllerComponent::TickComponent(float DeltaTime, enum ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction *ThisTickFunction)
	Super::TickComponent(DeltaTime, TickType, ThisTickFunction);

	if (bIsActive)
		FVector Position;
		FRotator Orientation;
		bTracked = PollControllerState(Position, Orientation);
		if (bTracked)
			SetRelativeLocationAndRotation(Position, Orientation);

		if (!ViewExtension.IsValid() && GEngine)
			TSharedPtr< FViewExtension, ESPMode::ThreadSafe > NewViewExtension(new FViewExtension(this));
			ViewExtension = NewViewExtension;