Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: pool.c Projeto: bhanug/mps
Res PoolAlloc(Addr *pReturn, Pool pool, Size size)
  Res res;

  AVER(pReturn != NULL);
  AVERT(Pool, pool);
  AVER(size > 0);

  res = Method(Pool, pool, alloc)(pReturn, pool, size);
  if (res != ResOK)
    return res;
  /* Make sure that the allocated address was in the pool's memory. */
  /* .hasaddr.critical: The PoolHasAddr check is expensive, and in */
  /* allocation-bound programs this is on the critical path. */
  AVER_CRITICAL(PoolHasAddr(pool, *pReturn));
  /* All allocations should be aligned to the pool's alignment */
  AVER_CRITICAL(AddrIsAligned(*pReturn, pool->alignment));

  /* All PoolAllocs should advance the allocation clock, so we count */
  /* it all in the fillMutatorSize field. */
  ArenaGlobals(PoolArena(pool))->fillMutatorSize += size;

  EVENT3(PoolAlloc, pool, *pReturn, size);

  return ResOK;
Exemplo n.º 2
/* AMSTSegSizePolicy
 * Picks double the default segment size.
static Res AMSTSegSizePolicy(Size *sizeReturn,
                             Pool pool, Size size, RankSet rankSet)
  Arena arena;
  Size basic, want;

  AVER(sizeReturn != NULL);
  AVERT(Pool, pool);
  AVER(size > 0);
  AVERT(RankSet, rankSet);

  arena = PoolArena(pool);

  basic = SizeArenaGrains(size, arena);
  if (basic == 0) {
    /* overflow */
    return ResMEMORY;
  want = basic + basic;
  if (want <= basic) {
    /* overflow */
    return ResMEMORY;
  *sizeReturn = want;
  return ResOK;
Exemplo n.º 3
Res BufferCreate(Buffer *bufferReturn, BufferClass klass,
                 Pool pool, Bool isMutator, ArgList args)
  Res res;
  Buffer buffer;
  Arena arena;
  void *p;

  AVER(bufferReturn != NULL);
  AVERT(BufferClass, klass);
  AVERT(Pool, pool);

  arena = PoolArena(pool);

  /* Allocate memory for the buffer descriptor structure. */
  res = ControlAlloc(&p, arena, klass->size);
  if (res != ResOK)
    goto failAlloc;
  buffer = p;

  /* Initialize the buffer descriptor structure. */
  res = BufferInit(buffer, klass, pool, isMutator, args);
  if (res != ResOK)
    goto failInit;

  *bufferReturn = buffer;
  return ResOK;

  ControlFree(arena, buffer, klass->size);
  return res;
Exemplo n.º 4
void SACDestroy(SAC sac)
  AVERT(SAC, sac);
  sac->sig = SigInvalid;
  ControlFree(PoolArena(sac->pool), sac,
              sacSize(sac->middleIndex, sac->classesCount));
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: pool.c Projeto: bhanug/mps
Res PoolWhiten(Pool pool, Trace trace, Seg seg)
  AVERT(Pool, pool);
  AVERT(Trace, trace);
  AVERT(Seg, seg);
  AVER(PoolArena(pool) == trace->arena);
  AVER(SegPool(seg) == pool);
  return Method(Pool, pool, whiten)(pool, trace, seg);
Exemplo n.º 6
/* MVFFAddSeg -- Allocates a new segment from the arena
 * Allocates a new segment from the arena (with the given
 * withReservoirPermit flag) of at least the specified size.  The
 * specified size should be pool-aligned.  Adds it to the free list.
static Res MVFFAddSeg(Seg *segReturn,
                      MVFF mvff, Size size, Bool withReservoirPermit)
  Pool pool;
  Arena arena;
  Size segSize;
  Seg seg;
  Res res;
  Align align;
  Addr base, limit;

  AVERT(MVFF, mvff);
  AVER(size > 0);
  AVERT(Bool, withReservoirPermit);

  pool = MVFF2Pool(mvff);
  arena = PoolArena(pool);
  align = ArenaAlign(arena);

  AVER(SizeIsAligned(size, PoolAlignment(pool)));

  /* Use extendBy unless it's too small (see */
  /* <design/poolmvff/#design.seg-size>). */
  if (size <= mvff->extendBy)
    segSize = mvff->extendBy;
    segSize = size;

  segSize = SizeAlignUp(segSize, align);

  res = SegAlloc(&seg, SegClassGet(), mvff->segPref, segSize, pool,
                 withReservoirPermit, argsNone);
  if (res != ResOK) {
    /* try again for a seg just large enough for object */
    /* see <design/poolmvff/#design.seg-fail> */
    segSize = SizeAlignUp(size, align);
    res = SegAlloc(&seg, SegClassGet(), mvff->segPref, segSize, pool,
                   withReservoirPermit, argsNone);
    if (res != ResOK) {
      return res;

  mvff->total += segSize;
  base = SegBase(seg);
  limit = AddrAdd(base, segSize);
  DebugPoolFreeSplat(pool, base, limit);
  res = MVFFAddToFreeList(&base, &limit, mvff);
  AVER(res == ResOK);
  AVER(base <= SegBase(seg));
  if (mvff->minSegSize > segSize) mvff->minSegSize = segSize;

  /* Don't call MVFFFreeSegs; that would be silly. */

  *segReturn = seg;
  return ResOK;
Exemplo n.º 7
static Res ResPoolInit(Pool pool, ArgList arg)
    AVER(pool != NULL);

    /* Caller will set sig and AVERT. */
    EVENT3(PoolInit, pool, PoolArena(pool), ClassOfPool(pool));
    return ResOK;
Exemplo n.º 8
static Res BufferAbsInit(Buffer buffer, Pool pool, Bool isMutator, ArgList args)
  Arena arena;

  AVER(buffer != NULL);
  AVERT(Pool, pool);
  AVERT(ArgList, args);

  /* Superclass init */
  InstInit(CouldBeA(Inst, buffer));
  arena = PoolArena(pool);

  /* Initialize the buffer.  See <code/mpmst.h> for a definition of
     the structure.  sig and serial comes later .init.sig-serial */
  buffer->arena = arena;
  buffer->pool = pool;
  buffer->isMutator = isMutator;
  if (ArenaGlobals(arena)->bufferLogging) {
    buffer->mode = BufferModeLOGGED;
  } else {
    buffer->mode = 0;
  buffer->fillSize = 0.0;
  buffer->emptySize = 0.0;
  buffer->alignment = PoolAlignment(pool);
  buffer->base = (Addr)0;
  buffer->initAtFlip = (Addr)0;
  /* In the next three assignments we really mean zero, not NULL, because
     the bit pattern is compared.  It's pretty unlikely we'll encounter
     a platform where this makes a difference. */
  buffer->ap_s.init = (mps_addr_t)0;
  buffer->ap_s.alloc = (mps_addr_t)0;
  buffer->ap_s.limit = (mps_addr_t)0;
  buffer->poolLimit = (Addr)0;
  buffer->rampCount = 0;

  /* .init.sig-serial: Now the vanilla stuff is initialized, sign the
     buffer and give it a serial number. It can then be safely checked
     in subclass methods. */
  buffer->serial = pool->bufferSerial; /* .trans.mod */
  SetClassOfPoly(buffer, CLASS(Buffer));
  buffer->sig = BufferSig;
  AVERT(Buffer, buffer);

  /* Attach the initialized buffer to the pool. */
  RingAppend(&pool->bufferRing, &buffer->poolRing);

  EVENT3(BufferInit, buffer, pool, BOOLOF(buffer->isMutator));

  return ResOK;
static Res NInit(Pool pool, va_list args)
    PoolN poolN = PoolPoolN(pool);


    /* Initialize pool-specific structures. */

    AVERT(PoolN, poolN);
    EVENT_PPP(PoolInit, pool, PoolArena(pool), ClassOfPool(pool));
    return ResOK;
Exemplo n.º 10
/* AMSTStressBufferedSeg -- Stress test for a buffered seg
 * Test splitting or merging a buffered seg.
 * .bmerge: A merge is performed when the segment had previously
 * been split and the segment above meets the constraints (i.e. empty,
 * not already attached to a buffer and similar colour)
 * .bsplit: Whether or not a merge happpened, a split is performed if
 * the limit of the buffered region is also the limit of an arena
 * grain, and yet does not correspond to the segment limit, provided
 * that the part of the segment above the buffer is all free.
static void AMSTStressBufferedSeg(Seg seg, Buffer buffer)
  AMSTSeg amstseg;
  AMST amst;
  Arena arena;
  Addr limit;
  Buffer segBuf;

  AVERT(Seg, seg);
  AVERT(Buffer, buffer);
  AVER(SegBuffer(&segBuf, seg) && segBuf == buffer);
  amstseg = Seg2AMSTSeg(seg);
  AVERT(AMSTSeg, amstseg);
  limit = BufferLimit(buffer);
  arena = PoolArena(SegPool(seg));
  amst = PoolAMST(SegPool(seg));
  AVERT(AMST, amst);

  if (amstseg->next != NULL) {
    Seg segHi = AMSTSeg2Seg(amstseg->next);
    if (AMSSegIsFree(segHi) && SegGrey(segHi) == SegGrey(seg)) {
      /* .bmerge */
      Seg mergedSeg;
      Res res;
      res = SegMerge(&mergedSeg, seg, segHi);
      if (ResOK == res) {
      } else {
        /* deliberate fails only */

  if (SegLimit(seg) != limit &&
      AddrIsArenaGrain(limit, arena) &&
      AMSSegRegionIsFree(seg, limit, SegLimit(seg))) {
    /* .bsplit */
    Seg segLo, segHi;
    Res res;
    res = SegSplit(&segLo, &segHi, seg, limit);
    if (ResOK == res) {
    } else {
      /* deliberate fails only */
Exemplo n.º 11
void MFSExtend(Pool pool, Addr base, Size size)
  MFS mfs;
  Tract tract;
  Word i, unitsPerExtent;
  Size unitSize;
  Header header = NULL;

  AVERT(Pool, pool);
  mfs = PoolPoolMFS(pool);
  AVERT(MFS, mfs);
  AVER(size == mfs->extendBy);

  /* Ensure that the memory we're adding belongs to this pool.  This is
     automatic if it was allocated using ArenaAlloc, but if the memory is
     being inserted from elsewhere then it must have been set up correctly. */
  AVER(PoolHasAddr(pool, base));
  /* .tract.chain: chain first tracts through TractP(tract) */
  tract = TractOfBaseAddr(PoolArena(pool), base);

  AVER(TractPool(tract) == pool);

  TractSetP(tract, (void *)mfs->tractList);
  mfs->tractList = tract;

  /* Update accounting */
  mfs->total += size;
  mfs->free += size;

  /* Sew together all the new empty units in the region, working down */
  /* from the top so that they are in ascending order of address on the */
  /* free list. */

  unitSize = mfs->unitSize;
  unitsPerExtent = size/unitSize;
  AVER(unitsPerExtent > 0);

#define SUB(b, s, i)    ((Header)AddrAdd(b, (s)*(i)))

  for(i = 0; i < unitsPerExtent; ++i)
    header = SUB(base, unitSize, unitsPerExtent-i - 1);
    AVER(AddrIsAligned(header, pool->alignment));
    AVER(AddrAdd((Addr)header, unitSize) <= AddrAdd(base, size));
    header->next = mfs->freeList;
    mfs->freeList = header;

#undef SUB
Exemplo n.º 12
Arquivo: pool.c Projeto: bhanug/mps
Res PoolInit(Pool pool, Arena arena, PoolClass klass, ArgList args)
  Res res;

  AVERT(PoolClass, klass);

  res = klass->init(pool, arena, klass, args);
  if (res != ResOK)
    return res;

  EVENT3(PoolInit, pool, PoolArena(pool), ClassOfPoly(Pool, pool));

  return ResOK;
Exemplo n.º 13
/* MVFFFreeSegs -- Free segments from given range
 * Given a free range, attempts to find entire segments within
 * it, and returns them to the arena, updating total size counter.
 * This is usually called immediately after MVFFAddToFreeList.
 * It is not combined with MVFFAddToFreeList because the latter
 * is also called when new segments are added under MVFFAlloc.
static void MVFFFreeSegs(MVFF mvff, Addr base, Addr limit)
  Seg seg = NULL;       /* suppress "may be used uninitialized" */
  Arena arena;
  Bool b;
  Addr segLimit;  /* limit of the current segment when iterating */
  Addr segBase;   /* base of the current segment when iterating */
  Res res;

  AVERT(MVFF, mvff);
  AVER(base < limit);
  /* Could profitably AVER that the given range is free, */
  /* but the CBS doesn't provide that facility. */

  if (AddrOffset(base, limit) < mvff->minSegSize)
    return; /* not large enough for entire segments */

  arena = PoolArena(MVFF2Pool(mvff));
  b = SegOfAddr(&seg, arena, base);

  segBase = SegBase(seg);
  segLimit = SegLimit(seg);

  while(segLimit <= limit) { /* segment ends in range */
    if (segBase >= base) { /* segment starts in range */
      /* Must remove from free list first, in case free list */
      /* is using inline data structures. */
      res = CBSDelete(CBSOfMVFF(mvff), segBase, segLimit);
      AVER(res == ResOK);
      mvff->free -= AddrOffset(segBase, segLimit);
      mvff->total -= AddrOffset(segBase, segLimit);

    /* Avoid calling SegNext if the next segment would fail */
    /* the loop test, mainly because there might not be a */
    /* next segment. */
    if (segLimit == limit) /* segment ends at end of range */

    b = SegNext(&seg, arena, segBase);
    segBase = SegBase(seg);
    segLimit = SegLimit(seg);

Exemplo n.º 14
static Bool EPVMSaveCheck(EPVMSave save)
  CHECKS(EPVMSave, save);
  CHECKU(EPVM, save->epvm);
  CHECKL(save->level <= save->epvm->maxSaveLevel);
  CHECKL(save->size <= PoolManagedSize(EPVM2Pool(save->epvm)));
  if (save->level > save->epvm->saveLevel) /* nothing at this level */
    CHECKL(save->size == 0);

  return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 15
void mps_pool_check_free_space(mps_pool_t mps_pool)
  Pool pool = (Pool)mps_pool;
  Arena arena;
  /* TESTT not AVERT, see <design/interface-c#.check.space */
  AVER(TESTT(Pool, pool));
  arena = PoolArena(pool);


  AVERT(Pool, pool);

Exemplo n.º 16
void mps_pool_check_fenceposts(mps_pool_t mps_pool)
  Pool pool = (Pool)mps_pool;
  Arena arena;
  /* TESTT not AVERT, see <design/interface-c/#check.space */
  AVER(TESTT(Pool, pool));
  arena = PoolArena(pool);


  AVERT(Pool, pool);

Exemplo n.º 17
static Res MFSInit(Pool pool, ArgList args)
  Size extendBy = MFS_EXTEND_BY_DEFAULT;
  Bool extendSelf = TRUE;
  Size unitSize;
  MFS mfs;
  Arena arena;
  ArgStruct arg;

  AVER(pool != NULL);
  AVERT(ArgList, args);
  ArgRequire(&arg, args, MPS_KEY_MFS_UNIT_SIZE);
  unitSize = arg.val.size;
  if (ArgPick(&arg, args, MPS_KEY_EXTEND_BY))
    extendBy = arg.val.size;
  else {
    if (extendBy < unitSize)
      extendBy = unitSize;
  if (ArgPick(&arg, args, MFSExtendSelf))
    extendSelf = arg.val.b;

  AVER(extendBy >= unitSize);
  AVERT(Bool, extendSelf);
  mfs = PoolPoolMFS(pool);
  arena = PoolArena(pool);

  mfs->unroundedUnitSize = unitSize;

  if (unitSize < UNIT_MIN)
    unitSize = UNIT_MIN;
  unitSize = SizeAlignUp(unitSize, MPS_PF_ALIGN);
  extendBy = SizeAlignUp(extendBy, ArenaAlign(arena));

  mfs->extendBy = extendBy;
  mfs->extendSelf = extendSelf;
  mfs->unitSize = unitSize;
  mfs->freeList = NULL;
  mfs->tractList = NULL;
  mfs->sig = MFSSig;

  AVERT(MFS, mfs);
  EVENT5(PoolInitMFS, pool, arena, extendBy, BOOL(extendSelf), unitSize);
  return ResOK;
Exemplo n.º 18
Res SegAlloc(Seg *segReturn, SegClass klass, LocusPref pref,
             Size size, Pool pool, ArgList args)
  Res res;
  Arena arena;
  Seg seg;
  Addr base;
  void *p;

  AVER(segReturn != NULL);
  AVERT(SegClass, klass);
  AVERT(LocusPref, pref);
  AVER(size > (Size)0);
  AVERT(Pool, pool);

  arena = PoolArena(pool);
  AVERT(Arena, arena);
  AVER(SizeIsArenaGrains(size, arena));

  /* allocate the memory from the arena */
  res = ArenaAlloc(&base, pref, size, pool);
  if (res != ResOK)
    goto failArena;

  /* allocate the segment object from the control pool */
  res = ControlAlloc(&p, arena, klass->size);
  if (res != ResOK)
    goto failControl;
  seg = p;

  res = SegInit(seg, klass, pool, base, size, args);
  if (res != ResOK)
    goto failInit;

  EVENT5(SegAlloc, arena, seg, SegBase(seg), size, pool);
  *segReturn = seg;
  return ResOK;

  ControlFree(arena, seg, klass->size);
  ArenaFree(base, size, pool);
  EVENT3(SegAllocFail, arena, size, pool);
  return res;
Exemplo n.º 19
static Res SegAbsInit(Seg seg, Pool pool, Addr base, Size size, ArgList args)
  Arena arena;
  Addr addr, limit;
  Tract tract;
  AVER(seg != NULL);
  AVERT(Pool, pool);
  arena = PoolArena(pool);
  AVER(AddrIsArenaGrain(base, arena));
  AVER(SizeIsArenaGrains(size, arena));
  AVERT(ArgList, args);

  NextMethod(Inst, Seg, init)(CouldBeA(Inst, seg));

  limit = AddrAdd(base, size);
  seg->limit = limit;
  seg->rankSet = RankSetEMPTY;
  seg->white = TraceSetEMPTY;
  seg->nailed = TraceSetEMPTY;
  seg->grey = TraceSetEMPTY;
  seg->pm = AccessSetEMPTY;
  seg->sm = AccessSetEMPTY;
  seg->defer = WB_DEFER_INIT;
  seg->depth = 0;
  seg->queued = FALSE;
  seg->firstTract = NULL;
  TRACT_FOR(tract, addr, arena, base, limit) {
    AVERT(Tract, tract);
    AVER(TractP(tract) == NULL);
    AVER(TractPool(tract) == pool);
    AVER(TractWhite(tract) == TraceSetEMPTY);
    TRACT_SET_SEG(tract, seg);
    if (addr == base) {
      AVER(seg->firstTract == NULL);
      seg->firstTract = tract;
    AVER(seg->firstTract != NULL);
Exemplo n.º 20
/* MVTFinish -- finish an MVT pool
static void MVTFinish(Inst inst)
  Pool pool = MustBeA(AbstractPool, inst);
  MVT mvt = MustBeA(MVTPool, pool);
  Arena arena = PoolArena(pool);
  Ring ring;
  Ring node, nextNode;
  AVERT(MVT, mvt);

  mvt->sig = SigInvalid;

  /* Free the segments in the pool */
  ring = PoolSegRing(pool);
  RING_FOR(node, ring, nextNode) {
    /* We mustn't call MVTSegFree, because we don't know whether or not
     * there was any fragmented (unavailable) space in this segment,
     * and so we can't keep the accounting correct. */
Exemplo n.º 21
void SegFree(Seg seg)
  Arena arena;
  Pool pool;
  Addr base;
  Size size, structSize;

  AVERT(Seg, seg);
  pool = SegPool(seg);
  AVERT(Pool, pool);
  arena = PoolArena(pool);
  AVERT(Arena, arena);
  base = SegBase(seg);
  size = SegSize(seg);
  structSize = ClassOfPoly(Seg, seg)->size;

  ControlFree(arena, seg, structSize);
  ArenaFree(base, size, pool);

  EVENT2(SegFree, arena, seg);
Exemplo n.º 22
Bool MFSCheck(MFS mfs)
  Arena arena;

  CHECKS(MFS, mfs);
  CHECKC(MFSPool, mfs);
  CHECKD(Pool, MFSPool(mfs));
  CHECKC(MFSPool, mfs);
  CHECKL(mfs->unitSize >= UNIT_MIN);
  CHECKL(mfs->extendBy >= UNIT_MIN);
  arena = PoolArena(MFSPool(mfs));
  CHECKL(SizeIsArenaGrains(mfs->extendBy, arena));
  CHECKL(SizeAlignUp(mfs->unroundedUnitSize, PoolAlignment(MFSPool(mfs))) ==
  if(mfs->tractList != NULL) {
    CHECKD_NOSIG(Tract, mfs->tractList);
  CHECKL(mfs->free <= mfs->total);
  CHECKL((mfs->total - mfs->free) % mfs->unitSize == 0);
  return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 23
static Res DebugPoolInit(Pool pool, ArgList args)
  Res res;
  PoolDebugOptions options;
  PoolDebugMixin debug;
  TagInitMethod tagInit;
  Size tagSize;
  ArgStruct arg;

  AVERT(Pool, pool);

  /* TODO: Split this structure into separate keyword arguments,
     now that we can support them. */
  ArgRequire(&arg, args, MPS_KEY_POOL_DEBUG_OPTIONS);
  options = (PoolDebugOptions)arg.val.pool_debug_options;
  AVERT(PoolDebugOptions, options);

  /* @@@@ Tag parameters should be taken from options, but tags have */
  /* not been published yet. */
  tagInit = NULL; tagSize = 0;

  res = SuperclassOfPool(pool)->init(pool, args);
  if (res != ResOK)
    return res;

  debug = DebugPoolDebugMixin(pool);
  AVER(debug != NULL);

  /* fencepost init */
  /* @@@@ This parses a user argument, options, so it should really */
  /* go through the MPS interface.  The template needs to be copied */
  /* into Addr memory, to avoid breaking <design/type/#addr.use>. */
  debug->fenceSize = options->fenceSize;
  if (debug->fenceSize != 0) {
    if (debug->fenceSize % PoolAlignment(pool) != 0) {
      res = ResPARAM;
      goto alignFail;
    /* Fenceposting turns on tagging */
    if (tagInit == NULL) {
      tagSize = 0;
      tagInit = TagTrivInit;
    debug->fenceTemplate = options->fenceTemplate;

  /* free-checking init */
  /* @@@@ This parses a user argument, options, so it should really */
  /* go through the MPS interface.  The template needs to be copied */
  /* into Addr memory, to avoid breaking <design/type#addr.use>. */
  debug->freeSize = options->freeSize;
  if (debug->freeSize != 0) {
    if (PoolAlignment(pool) % debug->freeSize != 0) {
      res = ResPARAM;
      goto alignFail;
    debug->freeTemplate = options->freeTemplate;

  /* tag init */
  debug->tagInit = tagInit;
  if (debug->tagInit != NULL) {
    debug->tagSize = tagSize + sizeof(tagStruct) - 1;
    /* This pool has to be like the arena control pool: the blocks */
    /* allocated must be accessible using void*. */
    MPS_ARGS_BEGIN(pcArgs) {
      MPS_ARGS_ADD(pcArgs, MPS_KEY_EXTEND_BY, debug->tagSize); /* FIXME: Check this */
      MPS_ARGS_ADD(pcArgs, MPS_KEY_MFS_UNIT_SIZE, debug->tagSize);
      res = PoolCreate(&debug->tagPool, PoolArena(pool), PoolClassMFS(), pcArgs);
    } MPS_ARGS_END(pcArgs);
    if (res != ResOK)
      goto tagFail;
    debug->missingTags = 0;
    SplayTreeInit(&debug->index, TagComp, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 24
static Res DebugPoolInit(Pool pool, Arena arena, PoolClass klass, ArgList args)
  Res res;
  PoolDebugOptions options = &debugPoolOptionsDefault;
  PoolDebugMixin debug;
  TagInitFunction tagInit;
  Size tagSize;
  ArgStruct arg;

  AVER(pool != NULL);
  AVERT(Arena, arena);
  AVERT(PoolClass, klass);
  AVERT(ArgList, args);

  if (ArgPick(&arg, args, MPS_KEY_POOL_DEBUG_OPTIONS))
    options = (PoolDebugOptions)arg.val.pool_debug_options;
  AVERT(PoolDebugOptions, options);

  /* @@@@ Tag parameters should be taken from options, but tags have */
  /* not been published yet. */
  tagInit = NULL; tagSize = 0;

  res = SuperclassPoly(Pool, klass)->init(pool, arena, klass, args);
  if (res != ResOK)
    return res;

  SetClassOfPoly(pool, klass);
  debug = DebugPoolDebugMixin(pool);
  AVER(debug != NULL);

  /* fencepost init */
  /* @@@@ This parses a user argument, options, so it should really */
  /* go through the MPS interface.  The template needs to be copied */
  /* into Addr memory, to avoid breaking <design/type#.addr.use>. */
  debug->fenceSize = options->fenceSize;
  if (debug->fenceSize != 0) {
    /* Fenceposting turns on tagging */
    if (tagInit == NULL) {
      tagSize = 0;
      tagInit = TagTrivInit;
    debug->fenceTemplate = options->fenceTemplate;

  /* free-checking init */
  /* @@@@ This parses a user argument, options, so it should really */
  /* go through the MPS interface.  The template needs to be copied */
  /* into Addr memory, to avoid breaking <design/type#addr.use>. */
  debug->freeSize = options->freeSize;
  if (debug->freeSize != 0) {
    debug->freeTemplate = options->freeTemplate;

  /* tag init */
  debug->tagInit = tagInit;
  if (debug->tagInit != NULL) {
    debug->tagSize = tagSize + sizeof(tagStruct) - 1;
    /* This pool has to be like the arena control pool: the blocks */
    /* allocated must be accessible using void*. */
    MPS_ARGS_BEGIN(pcArgs) {
      /* By setting EXTEND_BY to debug->tagSize we get the smallest
         possible extensions compatible with the tags, and so the
         least amount of wasted space. */
      MPS_ARGS_ADD(pcArgs, MPS_KEY_EXTEND_BY, debug->tagSize);
      MPS_ARGS_ADD(pcArgs, MPS_KEY_MFS_UNIT_SIZE, debug->tagSize);
      res = PoolCreate(&debug->tagPool, PoolArena(pool), PoolClassMFS(), pcArgs);
    } MPS_ARGS_END(pcArgs);
    if (res != ResOK)
      goto tagFail;
    debug->missingTags = 0;
    SplayTreeInit(&debug->index, TagCompare, TagKey, SplayTrivUpdate);
Exemplo n.º 25
static Res MVFFInit(Pool pool, ArgList args)
  Size align = MVFF_ALIGN_DEFAULT;
  MVFF mvff;
  Arena arena;
  Res res;
  void *p;
  ArgStruct arg;

  AVERT(Pool, pool);
  arena = PoolArena(pool);

  /* .arg: class-specific additional arguments; see */
  /* <design/poolmvff/#method.init> */
  /* .arg.check: we do the same checks here and in MVFFCheck */
  /* except for arenaHigh, which is stored only in the segPref. */
  if (ArgPick(&arg, args, MPS_KEY_EXTEND_BY))
    extendBy = arg.val.size;
  if (ArgPick(&arg, args, MPS_KEY_MEAN_SIZE))
    avgSize = arg.val.size;
  if (ArgPick(&arg, args, MPS_KEY_ALIGN))
    align = arg.val.align;

  if (ArgPick(&arg, args, MPS_KEY_MVFF_SLOT_HIGH))
    slotHigh = arg.val.b;
  if (ArgPick(&arg, args, MPS_KEY_MVFF_ARENA_HIGH))
    arenaHigh = arg.val.b;
  if (ArgPick(&arg, args, MPS_KEY_MVFF_FIRST_FIT))
    firstFit = arg.val.b;

  AVER(extendBy > 0);           /* .arg.check */
  AVER(avgSize > 0);            /* .arg.check */
  AVER(avgSize <= extendBy);    /* .arg.check */
  AVER(SizeIsAligned(align, MPS_PF_ALIGN));
  AVERT(Bool, slotHigh);
  AVERT(Bool, arenaHigh);
  AVERT(Bool, firstFit);

  mvff = Pool2MVFF(pool);

  mvff->extendBy = extendBy;
  if (extendBy < ArenaAlign(arena))
    mvff->minSegSize = ArenaAlign(arena);
    mvff->minSegSize = extendBy;
  mvff->avgSize = avgSize;
  pool->alignment = align;
  mvff->slotHigh = slotHigh;
  mvff->firstFit = firstFit;

  res = ControlAlloc(&p, arena, sizeof(SegPrefStruct), FALSE);
  if (res != ResOK)
    return res;

  mvff->segPref = (SegPref)p;
  SegPrefExpress(mvff->segPref, arenaHigh ? SegPrefHigh : SegPrefLow, NULL);

  mvff->total = 0;
  mvff->free = 0;

  res = FreelistInit(FreelistOfMVFF(mvff), align);
  if (res != ResOK)
    goto failInit;

  res = CBSInit(CBSOfMVFF(mvff), arena, (void *)mvff, align,
                /* fastFind */ TRUE, /* zoned */ FALSE, args);
  if (res != ResOK)
    goto failInit;

  mvff->sig = MVFFSig;
  AVERT(MVFF, mvff);
  EVENT8(PoolInitMVFF, pool, arena, extendBy, avgSize, align,
         BOOL(slotHigh), BOOL(arenaHigh), BOOL(firstFit));
  return ResOK;

  ControlFree(arena, p, sizeof(SegPrefStruct));
  return res;
Exemplo n.º 26
/* MVFFFreeSegs -- Free segments from given range
 * Given a free range, attempts to find entire segments within
 * it, and returns them to the arena, updating total size counter.
 * This is usually called immediately after MVFFAddToFreeList.
 * It is not combined with MVFFAddToFreeList because the latter
 * is also called when new segments are added under MVFFAlloc.
static void MVFFFreeSegs(MVFF mvff, Addr base, Addr limit)
  Seg seg = NULL;       /* suppress "may be used uninitialized" */
  Arena arena;
  Bool b;
  Addr segLimit;  /* limit of the current segment when iterating */
  Addr segBase;   /* base of the current segment when iterating */
  Res res;

  AVERT(MVFF, mvff);
  AVER(base < limit);
  /* Could profitably AVER that the given range is free, */
  /* but the CBS doesn't provide that facility. */

  if (AddrOffset(base, limit) < mvff->minSegSize)
    return; /* not large enough for entire segments */

  arena = PoolArena(MVFF2Pool(mvff));
  b = SegOfAddr(&seg, arena, base);

  segBase = SegBase(seg);
  segLimit = SegLimit(seg);

  while(segLimit <= limit) { /* segment ends in range */
    if (segBase >= base) { /* segment starts in range */
      RangeStruct range, oldRange;
      RangeInit(&range, segBase, segLimit);

      res = CBSDelete(&oldRange, CBSOfMVFF(mvff), &range);
      if (res == ResOK) {
        mvff->free -= RangeSize(&range);
      } else if (ResIsAllocFailure(res)) {
        /* CBS ran out of memory for splay nodes, which must mean that
         * there were fragments on both sides: see
         * <design/cbs/#function.cbs.delete.fail>. Handle this by
         * deleting the whole of oldRange (which requires no
         * allocation) and re-inserting the fragments. */
        RangeStruct oldRange2;
        res = CBSDelete(&oldRange2, CBSOfMVFF(mvff), &oldRange);
        AVER(res == ResOK);
        AVER(RangesEqual(&oldRange2, &oldRange));
        mvff->free -= RangeSize(&oldRange);
        AVER(RangeBase(&oldRange) != segBase);
          Addr leftBase = RangeBase(&oldRange);
          Addr leftLimit = segBase;
          res = MVFFAddToFreeList(&leftBase, &leftLimit, mvff);
        AVER(RangeLimit(&oldRange) != segLimit);
          Addr rightBase = segLimit;
          Addr rightLimit = RangeLimit(&oldRange);
          res = MVFFAddToFreeList(&rightBase, &rightLimit, mvff);
      } else if (res == ResFAIL) {
        /* Not found in the CBS: must be found in the Freelist. */
        res = FreelistDelete(&oldRange, FreelistOfMVFF(mvff), &range);
        AVER(res == ResOK);
        mvff->free -= RangeSize(&range);

      AVER(res == ResOK);
      AVER(RangesNest(&oldRange, &range));

      /* Can't free the segment earlier, because if it was on the
       * Freelist rather than the CBS then it likely contains data
       * that needs to be read in order to update the Freelist. */
      mvff->total -= RangeSize(&range);

    /* Avoid calling SegNext if the next segment would fail */
    /* the loop test, mainly because there might not be a */
    /* next segment. */
    if (segLimit == limit) /* segment ends at end of range */

    b = SegFindAboveAddr(&seg, arena, segBase);
    segBase = SegBase(seg);
    segLimit = SegLimit(seg);

Exemplo n.º 27
  AVERT(Pool, pool);
  mvff = Pool2MVFF(pool);
  AVERT(MVFF, mvff);

  ring = PoolSegRing(pool);
  RING_FOR(node, ring, nextNode) {
    seg = SegOfPoolRing(node);
    AVER(SegPool(seg) == pool);

  /* Could maintain mvff->total here and check it falls to zero, */
  /* but that would just make the function slow.  If only we had */
  /* a way to do operations only if AVERs are turned on. */

  arena = PoolArena(pool);
  ControlFree(arena, mvff->segPref, sizeof(SegPrefStruct));


  mvff->sig = SigInvalid;

/* MVFFDebugMixin - find debug mixin in class MVFFDebug */

static PoolDebugMixin MVFFDebugMixin(Pool pool)
  MVFF mvff;
Exemplo n.º 28
Res SACCreate(SAC *sacReturn, Pool pool, Count classesCount,
              SACClasses classes)
  void *p;
  SAC sac;
  Res res;
  Index i, j;
  Index middleIndex;  /* index of the size in the middle */
  Size prevSize;
  unsigned totalFreq = 0;
  mps_sac_t esac;

  AVER(sacReturn != NULL);
  AVERT(Pool, pool);
  AVER(classesCount > 0);
  /* In this cache type, there is no upper limit on classesCount. */
  prevSize = sizeof(Addr) - 1; /* must large enough for freelist link */
  /* @@@@ It would be better to dynamically adjust the smallest class */
  /* to be large enough, but that gets complicated, if you have to */
  /* merge classes because of the adjustment. */
  for (i = 0; i < classesCount; ++i) {
    AVER(classes[i]._block_size > 0);
    AVER(SizeIsAligned(classes[i]._block_size, PoolAlignment(pool)));
    AVER(prevSize < classes[i]._block_size);
    prevSize = classes[i]._block_size;
    /* no restrictions on count */
    /* no restrictions on frequency */

  /* Calculate frequency scale */
  for (i = 0; i < classesCount; ++i) {
    unsigned oldFreq = totalFreq;
    totalFreq += classes[i]._frequency;
    AVER(oldFreq <= totalFreq); /* check for overflow */
    UNUSED(oldFreq); /* <code/mpm.c#check.unused> */

  /* Find middle one */
  totalFreq /= 2;
  for (i = 0; i < classesCount; ++i) {
    if (totalFreq < classes[i]._frequency) break;
    totalFreq -= classes[i]._frequency;
  if (totalFreq <= classes[i]._frequency / 2)
    middleIndex = i;
    middleIndex = i + 1; /* there must exist another class at i+1 */

  /* Allocate SAC */
  res = ControlAlloc(&p, PoolArena(pool), sacSize(middleIndex, classesCount),
  if(res != ResOK)
    goto failSACAlloc;
  sac = p;

  /* Move classes in place */
  /* It's important this matches SACFind. */
  esac = ExternalSACOfSAC(sac);
  for (j = middleIndex + 1, i = 0; j < classesCount; ++j, i += 2) {
    esac->_freelists[i]._size = classes[j]._block_size;
    esac->_freelists[i]._count = 0;
    esac->_freelists[i]._count_max = classes[j]._cached_count;
    esac->_freelists[i]._blocks = NULL;
  esac->_freelists[i]._size = SizeMAX;
  esac->_freelists[i]._count = 0;
  esac->_freelists[i]._count_max = 0;
  esac->_freelists[i]._blocks = NULL;
  for (j = middleIndex, i = 1; j > 0; --j, i += 2) {
    esac->_freelists[i]._size = classes[j-1]._block_size;
    esac->_freelists[i]._count = 0;
    esac->_freelists[i]._count_max = classes[j]._cached_count;
    esac->_freelists[i]._blocks = NULL;
  esac->_freelists[i]._size = 0;
  esac->_freelists[i]._count = 0;
  esac->_freelists[i]._count_max = classes[j]._cached_count;
  esac->_freelists[i]._blocks = NULL;

  /* finish init */
  esac->_trapped = FALSE;
  esac->_middle = classes[middleIndex]._block_size;
  sac->pool = pool;
  sac->classesCount = classesCount;
  sac->middleIndex = middleIndex;
  sac->sig = SACSig;
  AVERT(SAC, sac);
  *sacReturn = sac;
  return ResOK;

  return res;
Exemplo n.º 29
/* AMSTBufferFill -- the pool class buffer fill method
 * Calls next method - but possibly splits or merges the chosen
 * segment.
 * .merge: A merge is performed when the next method returns the
 * entire segment, this segment had previously been split from the
 * segment below, and the segment below is appropriately similar
 * (i.e. not already attached to a buffer and similarly coloured)
 * .split: If we're not merging, a split is performed if the next method
 * returns the entire segment, and yet lower half of the segment would
 * meet the request.
static Res AMSTBufferFill(Addr *baseReturn, Addr *limitReturn,
                          Pool pool, Buffer buffer, Size size)
  Addr base, limit;
  Arena arena;
  AMS ams;
  AMST amst;
  Bool b;
  Seg seg;
  AMSTSeg amstseg;
  Res res;

  AVERT(Pool, pool);
  AVER(baseReturn != NULL);
  AVER(limitReturn != NULL);
  /* other parameters are checked by next method */
  arena = PoolArena(pool);
  ams = PoolAMS(pool);
  amst = PoolAMST(pool);

  /* call next method */
  res = NextMethod(Pool, AMSTPool, bufferFill)(&base, &limit, pool, buffer, size);
  if (res != ResOK)
    return res;

  b = SegOfAddr(&seg, arena, base);
  amstseg = Seg2AMSTSeg(seg);

  if (SegLimit(seg) == limit && SegBase(seg) == base) {
    if (amstseg->prev != NULL) {
      Seg segLo = AMSTSeg2Seg(amstseg->prev);
      if (!SegHasBuffer(segLo) &&
          SegGrey(segLo) == SegGrey(seg) &&
          SegWhite(segLo) == SegWhite(seg)) {
        /* .merge */
        Seg mergedSeg;
        Res mres;

        AMSUnallocateRange(ams, seg, base, limit);
        mres = SegMerge(&mergedSeg, segLo, seg);
        if (ResOK == mres) { /* successful merge */
          AMSAllocateRange(ams, mergedSeg, base, limit);
          /* leave range as-is */
        } else {            /* failed to merge */
          AVER(amst->failSegs); /* deliberate fails only */
          AMSAllocateRange(ams, seg, base, limit);

    } else {
      Size half = SegSize(seg) / 2;
      if (half >= size && SizeIsArenaGrains(half, arena)) {
        /* .split */
        Addr mid = AddrAdd(base, half);
        Seg segLo, segHi;
        Res sres;
        AMSUnallocateRange(ams, seg, mid, limit);
        sres = SegSplit(&segLo, &segHi, seg, mid);
        if (ResOK == sres) { /* successful split */
          limit = mid;  /* range is lower segment */
        } else {            /* failed to split */
          AVER(amst->failSegs); /* deliberate fails only */
          AMSAllocateRange(ams, seg, mid, limit);


  *baseReturn = base;
  *limitReturn = limit;
  return ResOK;
Exemplo n.º 30
static Res MVFFInit(Pool pool, va_list arg)
  Size extendBy, avgSize, align;
  Bool slotHigh, arenaHigh, firstFit;
  MVFF mvff;
  Arena arena;
  Res res;
  void *p;
  ZoneSet zones;

  AVERT(Pool, pool);

  /* .arg: class-specific additional arguments; see */
  /* <design/poolmvff/#method.init> */
  /* .arg.check: we do the same checks here and in MVFFCheck */
  /* except for arenaHigh, which is stored only in the segPref. */
  extendBy = va_arg(arg, Size);
  avgSize = va_arg(arg, Size);
  align = va_arg(arg, Size);
  slotHigh = va_arg(arg, Bool);
  arenaHigh = va_arg(arg, Bool);
  firstFit = va_arg(arg, Bool);
  AVER(extendBy > 0);           /* .arg.check */
  AVER(avgSize > 0);            /* .arg.check */
  AVER(avgSize <= extendBy);    /* .arg.check */

  mvff = Pool2MVFF(pool);
  arena = PoolArena(pool);

  mvff->extendBy = extendBy;
  if (extendBy < ArenaAlign(arena))
    mvff->minSegSize = ArenaAlign(arena);
    mvff->minSegSize = extendBy;
  mvff->avgSize = avgSize;
  pool->alignment = align;
  mvff->slotHigh = slotHigh;
  mvff->firstFit = firstFit;

  res = ControlAlloc(&p, arena, sizeof(SegPrefStruct), FALSE);
  if (res != ResOK)
    return res;

  mvff->segPref = (SegPref)p;
  *mvff->segPref = *SegPrefDefault();
  SegPrefExpress(mvff->segPref, arenaHigh ? SegPrefHigh : SegPrefLow, NULL);
  /* If using zoneset placement, just put it apart from the others. */
  zones = ZoneSetComp(ArenaDefaultZONESET);
  SegPrefExpress(mvff->segPref, SegPrefZoneSet, (void *)&zones);

  mvff->total = 0;
  mvff->free = 0;

  res = CBSInit(arena, CBSOfMVFF(mvff), (void *)mvff, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                mvff->extendBy, align, TRUE, TRUE);

  if (res != ResOK)
    goto failInit;

  mvff->sig = MVFFSig;
  AVERT(MVFF, mvff);
  EVENT8(PoolInitMVFF, pool, arena, extendBy, avgSize, align,
                 slotHigh, arenaHigh, firstFit);
  return ResOK;

  ControlFree(arena, p, sizeof(SegPrefStruct));
  return res;