Exemplo n.º 1
void FileListBox::StartListing(const char* dirname)
  if (dirname)
Exemplo n.º 2
Widget* FileListBox::ClickUp(const Point2i & mousePosition, uint button)
  if (!Contains(mousePosition))
    return NULL;

  ItemBox::ClickUp(mousePosition, button);

  const std::string *name = (std::string*)GetSelectedValue();
  if (name && DoesFolderExist(*name)) {
    Uint32 now = SDL_GetTicks();

    // Check we didn't click too fast
    if (now - last_time > 1000)
    return NULL;

  return (name) ? this : NULL;
// This function performs actions that are common whenever the directory
// level is changed up or down.  It populates the correct menu structure with
// the list of files in the directory.
static bool
ProcessDirChange(char *pcDir, uint32_t ui32Level)
    FRESULT fresult;
    uint32_t ui32Reason;
    uint32_t ui32FileCount;

    // Attempt to change to the new directory.
    fresult = ChangeToDirectory(pcDir, &ui32Reason);

    // If the directory change was successful, populate the
    // list of files for the new subdirectory.
    if((fresult == FR_OK) && (ui32Level < MAX_SUBDIR_DEPTH))
        // Get a pointer to the current menu for this CWD.
        tSlideMenu *psMenu = &g_psFileMenus[ui32Level];

        // Populate the menu items with the file list for the new CWD.
        ui32FileCount = PopulateFileList(ui32Level);

        // Initialize the file menu with the list of menu items,
        // which are just files and dirs in the root directory
        psMenu->psSlideMenuItems = g_psFileMenuItems[ui32Level & 1];
        psMenu->ui32Items = ui32FileCount;

        // Set the parent directory, if there is one.  If at level 0
        // (CWD is root), then there is no parent directory.
            psMenu->psParent = &g_psFileMenus[ui32Level - 1];
            psMenu->psParent = 0;

        // If we are descending into a new subdir, then initialize the other
        // menu item fields to default values.
        if(ui32Level > g_ui32Level)
            psMenu->ui32CenterIndex = 0;
            psMenu->ui32FocusIndex = 0;
            psMenu->bMultiSelectable = 0;

        // Return a success indication

    // Directory change was not successful
        // Return failure indication