Exemplo n.º 1
Attribute::Attribute(const DataColumn& col)
    totalUnique = 0;
    name = col.Name();
    totalEntities = col.size;
Exemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

	// This program should receive one parameter - the folder of compressed bits
	if(argc != 2) {
		std::cout << "Pass correct parameters. Usage: " << argv[0]
			<< " <folder of compressed bit files" << std::endl;
		return -1;

	// Check if the folder exist
	boost::filesystem::path libPath(argv[1]);
	if(!boost::filesystem::exists(libPath)) {
		std::cout << "The folder " << libPath.string().c_str() << " does not exist" << std::endl;
		return -1;

	// Maps to store the information on tile type, elements and configs
	std::vector<ConfigBitMap> configMapVector;
	std::vector<ElementConfigMap> elementMapVector;
	TiletypeElementMap tileMap;

	// Write the database file to disk
	std::string dbFileName = kFamily + ".ldb";
	boost::filesystem::path dbFilePath = libPath / dbFileName;
	std::ofstream dbFile(dbFilePath.string().c_str(), std::ofstream::binary);
	if(!dbFile.good()) {
		std::cout << "Could not open file " << dbFilePath.string() << " to write" << std::endl;
		return -1;

	// Populate the maps
	PopulateMaps(libPath, tileMap, elementMapVector, configMapVector);

	std::cout << "Opened file " << dbFilePath.string() << " to store library database" << std::endl;
	dbFile.write("<<<<BITLIBDB>>>>", 16);
//	std::cout << "Tile map size " << sizeof(tileMap.size()) << std::endl;
	uint32_t dataSize;
	dataSize = tileMap.size();
	dbFile.write((char *) (&dataSize), sizeof(dataSize));

	// Now go over the map data structure and write it to a file
	// File format is given at the top of this file
	TiletypeElementMap::const_iterator pTiletypes = tileMap.begin();
	TiletypeElementMap::const_iterator eTiletypes = tileMap.end();
	while(pTiletypes != eTiletypes) {

		// Write the tile name char count, name string and element count
		dataSize = pTiletypes->first.size();
		dbFile.write((const char *) &dataSize, sizeof(dataSize));
		dbFile.write((const char *) pTiletypes->first.c_str(), pTiletypes->first.size());
		dataSize = pTiletypes->second.size();
		dbFile.write((const char*) &dataSize, sizeof(dataSize));
		std::cout << "Tile type " << pTiletypes->first << " has " << pTiletypes->second.size()
			<< " elements." << std::endl;

		// Iterate over elements
		ElementConfigMap::const_iterator pElements = pTiletypes->second.begin();
		ElementConfigMap::const_iterator eElements = pTiletypes->second.end();
		while(pElements != eElements) {

			// Write element name char count, name string and config count
			dataSize = pElements->first.size();
			dbFile.write((const char *) &dataSize, sizeof(dataSize));
			dbFile.write((const char *) pElements->first.c_str(), pElements->first.size());
			dataSize = pElements->second.size();
			dbFile.write((const char *) &dataSize, sizeof(dataSize));
//			std::cout << "   Element type " << pElements->first << " has "
//				<< pElements->second.size() << " configs." << std::endl;

			// Itereate over configs
			ConfigBitMap::const_iterator pConfigs = pElements->second.begin();
			ConfigBitMap::const_iterator eConfigs = pElements->second.end();
			while(pConfigs != eConfigs) {
				// Write config namem char count, name string and count of bit addresses
				dataSize = pConfigs->first.size();
				dbFile.write((const char *) &dataSize, sizeof(dataSize));
				dbFile.write(pConfigs->first.c_str(), pConfigs->first.size());
				dataSize = pConfigs->second.size();
				dbFile.write((const char *) &dataSize, sizeof(dataSize));

				// Write the bit addresses
				for(std::vector<uint32_t>::const_iterator iter = pConfigs->second.begin(); iter
					!= pConfigs->second.end(); iter++) {
					dbFile.write((char *) &*iter, sizeof(uint32_t));
//				std::cout << "\t" << pConfigs->first << " " << pConfigs->second.size();
//			std::cout << std::endl;


	return 0;