void Transform::SetTransform(const Pose2& rPose1, const Pose2& rPose2)
    if (rPose1 == rPose2)
      m_Transform = Pose2();

    // heading transformation
    m_Rotation.FromAxisAngle(0, 0, 1, rPose2.GetHeading() - rPose1.GetHeading());
    m_InverseRotation.FromAxisAngle(0, 0, 1, rPose1.GetHeading() - rPose2.GetHeading());

    // position transformation
    Pose2 newPosition;
    if (rPose1.GetX() != 0.0 || rPose1.GetY() != 0.0)
      newPosition = rPose2 - m_Rotation * rPose1;
      newPosition = rPose2;

    m_Transform = Pose2(newPosition.GetPosition(), rPose2.GetHeading() - rPose1.GetHeading());
void FAnimationNode_TwoWayBlend::Evaluate(FPoseContext& Output)
	const float ActualAlpha = AlphaScaleBias.ApplyTo(Alpha);
		if (ActualAlpha < 1.0f - ZERO_ANIMWEIGHT_THRESH)
			FPoseContext Pose1(Output);
			FPoseContext Pose2(Output);


			FAnimationRuntime::BlendTwoPosesTogether(Pose1.Pose, Pose2.Pose, Pose1.Curve, Pose2.Curve, (1.0f - ActualAlpha), Output.Pose, Output.Curve);
// refine the plane given set of inlier points
gtsam::Pose2 PoseEstimator::refine(const Datums& ps, const Mask& mask,
    boost::optional<Model> bestModel) {

  // filter inlier
  std::vector<Point2Pair> putatives;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < ps.size(); i++) {
    if (!mask[i]) continue;

  // check inlier size
  if (putatives.size() < 2)
    throw std::runtime_error("minimal pose solver must have input inlier size >= 2");

  // method of 'A Method for Registration of 3­D Shapes', by Besl and McKay, 1992
  // TODO: not sure this is correct in 2D
  // 1. find centroids of each dataset
  Vector2 cent1 = zero(2);
  Vector2 cent2 = zero(2);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < putatives.size(); i++) {
    cent1 += putatives[i].first.vector();
    cent2 += putatives[i].second.vector();
  cent1 = cent1 / static_cast<double>(putatives.size());
  cent2 = cent2 / static_cast<double>(putatives.size());

  // 2. SVD
  Matrix H = zeros(2,2);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < putatives.size(); i++)
    H = H + (putatives[i].first.vector() - cent1) *
        (putatives[i].second.vector() - cent1).transpose();

  Matrix U,V;
  Vector S;
  svd(H, U, S, V);

  // 3. get rotation matrix
  Matrix R = V * U.transpose();
  if (R.determinant() < 0) {
    V(0,1) = -V(0,1);
    V(1,1) = -V(1,1);
    R = V * U.transpose();

  // 4. translation
  Vector2 t = -R * cent1 + cent2;
  return Pose2(Rot2(atan2(R(1,0), R(0,0))), Point2(t));
gtsam::NonlinearFactorGraph Matcher2D::findLocalLoopClosure(
  const PoseD slam_pose, LaserScan2D& scan) {

  NonlinearFactorGraph graph;
#if 0
  // get looped index
  vector<LoopResult2d> loop_result;
  loop_result = this->findLoopClosure(scan);

  // perform small EM only after init
  if (local_smallEM_.flag_init) {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < loop_result.size(); i++) {
      Pose2 relpose = loop_result[i].delta_pose;
      pair<size_t, size_t> relidx = make_pair(loop_result[i].loop_idx, pose_count_);
      // inlier
      if (pose_count_ - loop_result[i].loop_idx > setting_.local_loop_interval &&
          local_smallEM_.perform(relpose, relidx, curr_values_, isam_.getFactorsUnsafe())) {

        cout << "local loop detected! " << endl;
        cout << "robot_" << ID_ << ": [" << loop_result[i].loop_idx << ", " << pose_count_ << "]" << endl;
        cout << "Press Enter to continue ... " << endl;

        // matched: insert between robot factor
        graph.push_back(BetweenFactor<Pose2>(Symbol(ID_, loop_result[i].loop_idx), Symbol(ID_, pose_count_),
            relpose, setting_.loop_default_model));

  } else {
    // only init small EM after certain count
    if (local_measure_poses_.size() >= setting_.local_loop_count_smallEM) {
      local_smallEM_.init(local_measure_poses_, local_measure_index_, Pose2());

    // insert in local cache
    } else {
      for (size_t i = 0; i < loop_result.size(); i++) {
        local_measure_index_.push_back(make_pair(loop_result[i].loop_idx, pose_count_));
  return graph;
 Transform::Transform(const Pose2& rPose)
   SetTransform(Pose2(), rPose);
   SetTransform(Pose2(), Pose2());
Exemplo n.º 7
 Sensor::Sensor(const Name& rName)
   : Object(rName)
   m_pOffsetPose = new Parameter<Pose2>("OffsetPose", Pose2(), GetParameterManager());
// compute covariance, using input format from errorminizer
Eigen::Matrix3d ICPMatcher::estimateCovariance(
    const PMatcher::DataPoints& reading,
    const PMatcher::DataPoints& reference,
    const PMatcher::Matches& matches,
    const PMatcher::OutlierWeights& outlierWeights,
    const PMatcher::TransformationParameters& trans) {

  // prepare vars
  size_t max_nr_point = outlierWeights.cols();

  Eigen::Matrix3d d2J_dx2 = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(3,3); // Hessian
  Eigen::MatrixXd d2J_dxdz_reading = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(3,max_nr_point); // Jacobian
  Eigen::MatrixXd d2J_dxdz_reference = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(3,max_nr_point); // Jacobian
  Eigen::Vector2d reading_point(2);
  Eigen::Vector2d reference_point(2);
  Eigen::Vector2d normal(2);
  Eigen::Vector2d reading_direction(2);
  Eigen::Vector2d reference_direction(2);

  // normals of ref
  Eigen::MatrixXd normals = reference.getDescriptorCopyByName("normals");

  if (normals.rows() < 2)    // Make sure there are normals in DataPoints
    throw std::runtime_error("[ERROR:ICPMatcher] normals of reference not exist");

  Pose2 trans_pose = Pose2(trans);
  double theta = trans_pose.theta();
  double x = trans_pose.x();
  double y = trans_pose.y();

  size_t valid_points_count = 0;

  // calculate each point
  for (size_t i = 0; i < max_nr_point; ++i) {

    // only select inlier point
    if (outlierWeights(0, i) > 0.0) {

      // prepare data
      reading_point = reading.features.block<2, 1>(0, i);
      //cout << reading_point << endl;
      int reference_idx = matches.ids(0, i);
      reference_point = reference.features.block<2, 1>(0, reference_idx);
      //cout << reference_point << endl;

      normal = normals.block<2, 1>(0, reference_idx);
      //cout << normal << endl;
      //normal = normal/normal.norm();

      double reading_range = reading_point.norm();
      reading_direction = reading_point / reading_range;
      double reference_range = reference_point.norm();
      reference_direction = reference_point / reference_range;

      // the covariance paper gives the following:
      // cov(x) = inv(d2J_dx2) * d2J_dxdz * cov(z) * d2J_dxdz' * inv(d2J_dx2)
      // cov(z) is diagonal so process later
      Eigen::Matrix3d tmp_mat3(3,3);
      Eigen::Vector3d tmp_vec3(3);

      // 1. d2J_dx2
      tmp_mat3(0,0) = 2.0 * normal(0)*normal(0);
      tmp_mat3(1,1) = 2.0 * normal(1)*normal(1);
      tmp_mat3(1,0) = 2.0 * normal(0)*normal(1);  tmp_mat3(0,1) = tmp_mat3(1,0);
      double a_cvx_a_svy = cos(reference_direction(0)) + sin(reference_direction(1));
      double m_svx_a_cvy = -sin(reference_direction(0)) + cos(reference_direction(1));
      double tmp1 = reference_range * (normal(1)*m_svx_a_cvy + normal(0)*a_cvx_a_svy);
      tmp_mat3(2,0) = 2.0 * normal(0) * tmp1;
      tmp_mat3(2,1) = 2.0 * normal(1) * tmp1;
      tmp_mat3(0,2) = tmp_mat3(2,0);  tmp_mat3(1,2) = tmp_mat3(2,1);
      tmp_mat3(2,2) = 2.0 * tmp1 * tmp1;

      d2J_dx2 += tmp_mat3;

      // d2J_dxdz_reading
      tmp1 = -normal(0)*reading_direction(0) - normal(1)*reading_direction(1);
      tmp_vec3(0) = 2.0 * normal(0) * tmp1;
      tmp_vec3(1) = 2.0 * normal(1) * tmp1;
      tmp_vec3(2) = 2.0 * tmp1 *reference_range * (normal(1)*m_svx_a_cvy + normal(0)*a_cvx_a_svy);

      d2J_dxdz_reading.block(0,valid_points_count,3,1) = tmp_vec3;

      // d2J_dxdz_reference
      double a_ctvx_a_stvy = cos(theta)*reference_direction(0) + sin(theta)*reference_direction(1);
      double m_stvx_a_ctvy = -sin(theta)*reference_direction(0) + cos(theta)*reference_direction(1);
      tmp1 = normal(1)*m_stvx_a_ctvy + normal(0)*a_ctvx_a_stvy;
      tmp_vec3(0) = 2.0 * normal(0) * tmp1;
      tmp_vec3(1) = 2.0 * normal(1) * tmp1;
      double tmp2 = normal(1)*m_svx_a_cvy + normal(0)*a_cvx_a_svy;
      tmp_vec3(2) = 2.0*reference_range * tmp2 * tmp1
          + 2.0*tmp2 * (normal(0)*(reference_range*a_ctvx_a_stvy - reading_range*reading_direction(0) + x)
              + normal(1)*(reference_range*m_stvx_a_ctvy - reading_range*reading_direction(1) + y));

      d2J_dxdz_reference.block(0,valid_points_count,3,1) = tmp_vec3;

      // valid counter

  // only cut out the valid d2J_dxdz
  Eigen::MatrixXd d2J_dxdz = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(3, 2 * valid_points_count);
  d2J_dxdz.block(0,0,3,valid_points_count) = d2J_dxdz_reading.block(0,0,3,valid_points_count);
  d2J_dxdz.block(0,valid_points_count,3,valid_points_count) = d2J_dxdz_reference.block(0,0,3,valid_points_count);

  Eigen::Matrix3d inv_J = d2J_dx2.inverse();
  Eigen::Matrix3d cov = param_.sensor_sdv * param_.sensor_sdv
      * inv_J * (d2J_dxdz * d2J_dxdz.transpose()) * inv_J;

  return cov;
// faster mode: if batch meory copy possible, call this to save time dealing with memory
MatchResult ICPMatcher::matchPointClouds(const Eigen::MatrixXd &queryMat,
    const Eigen::MatrixXd &refMat, const gtsam::Pose2 &initpose) {

  MatchResult result;

  // pipe data in
  PMatcher::DataPoints::Labels label;

  const PMatcher::DataPoints query(queryMat, label);
  const PMatcher::DataPoints ref(refMat, label);

  // perform icp and catch possible converge error
  PMatcher::TransformationParameters trans;
  try {
    trans = icp_(query, ref, initpose.matrix());

    // check whether reach iteration
    if ((*icp_.transformationCheckers.begin())->getConditionVariables()[0] >=
        (*icp_.transformationCheckers.begin())->getLimits()[0]) {
      result.status = false;
      return result;

  } catch (PMatcher::ConvergenceError error) {
    // catch error, cannot match
    result.status = false;
    return result;

  // compute covariance, prepare all things needed
  Eigen::Matrix3d cov;
  // filtered point cloud
  PMatcher::DataPoints query_after_filter(query), ref_after_filter(ref);
  // apply
  PMatcher::DataPoints stepReading(query_after_filter);
  icp_.transformations.apply(stepReading, trans);

  // matches
  PMatcher::Matches matches = icp_.matcher->findClosests(stepReading);
  // outlier weight
  PMatcher::OutlierWeights outlier_weight =
      icp_.outlierFilters.compute(stepReading, ref_after_filter, matches);

  cov = this->estimateCovariance(query_after_filter, ref_after_filter, matches,
      outlier_weight, trans);

  // prepare the result strcuture
  result.status = true;
  result.delta_pose = Pose2(trans);
  result.inlier_ratio = icp_.errorMinimizer->getPointUsedRatio();
  result.cov = cov;

  return result;