Exemplo n.º 1
void CMenuState::HandleEvents(CGameEngine* game)
	// wait for an event (mouse movement, key press, etc.)
	al_wait_for_event(game->event_queue, &ev);

	switch(ev.type) {

		if(ev.keyboard.keycode == ALLEGRO_KEY_ESCAPE)

		else if(ev.keyboard.keycode == ALLEGRO_KEY_RIGHT)

		else if(ev.keyboard.keycode == ALLEGRO_KEY_LEFT)

		else if(ev.keyboard.keycode == ALLEGRO_KEY_ENTER || ev.keyboard.keycode == ALLEGRO_KEY_SPACE)

Exemplo n.º 2
void MoveItemFirst(long ptr)
  long next, prev, first, loc0, root;

  /* Check pointer */

  CheckPointer(FUNCTION_NAME, "(ptr)", DATA_ARRAY, ptr);

  /* Get pointer to common data */

  loc0 = (long)RDB[ptr + LIST_PTR_COMMON];
  CheckPointer(FUNCTION_NAME, "(loc0)", DATA_ARRAY, loc0);

  /* Get pointers to previous and next items */

  prev = PrevItem(ptr);
  next = NextItem(ptr);

  /* Check if already first and put pointer */

  if (prev < VALID_PTR)
    WDB[prev + LIST_PTR_NEXT] = (double)next;

  /* Check if last and put pointer */

  if (next < VALID_PTR)
    WDB[loc0 + LIST_COMMON_PTR_LAST] = (double)prev;
    WDB[next + LIST_PTR_PREV] = (double)prev;

  /* Get pointer to first */

  first = (long)RDB[loc0 + LIST_COMMON_PTR_FIRST];
  CheckPointer(FUNCTION_NAME, "(first)", DATA_ARRAY, first);

  /* Put pointers */
  WDB[first + LIST_PTR_PREV] = (double)ptr;
  WDB[ptr + LIST_PTR_NEXT] = (double)first;
  WDB[loc0 + LIST_COMMON_PTR_FIRST] = (double)ptr;
  /* Get pointer to root */

  root = (long)RDB[loc0 + LIST_COMMON_PTR_ROOT];

  /* Put pointer */

  WDB[root] = (double)ptr;
Exemplo n.º 3
void RemoveItem(long ptr)
  long prev, next, loc0, root;
  /* Check pointer */
  CheckPointer(FUNCTION_NAME, "(ptr)", DATA_ARRAY, ptr);
  /* Check if list is closed */

  if ((long)RDB[ptr + LIST_PTR_DIRECT] > VALID_PTR)
    Die(FUNCTION_NAME, "Trying to remove an item from a closed list");

  /* Get pointers to previous and next items */

  prev = PrevItem(ptr);
  next = NextItem(ptr);

  /* Put pointers */

  if (prev > VALID_PTR)
    WDB[prev + LIST_PTR_NEXT] = (double)next;

  if (next > VALID_PTR)
    WDB[next + LIST_PTR_PREV] = (double)prev;

  /* Get pointer to common data */

  loc0 = (long)RDB[ptr + LIST_PTR_COMMON];
  CheckPointer(FUNCTION_NAME, "(loc0)", DATA_ARRAY, loc0);
  /* Get pointer to root */
  root = (long)RDB[loc0 + LIST_COMMON_PTR_ROOT];

  /* Check root pointer */

  if (root < 1)
    Die(FUNCTION_NAME, "Pointer error");
  /* Replace pointers if item was first */

  if (prev < VALID_PTR)
      WDB[root] = (double)next;
      WDB[loc0 + LIST_COMMON_PTR_FIRST] = (double)next;

  /* Replace last pointer if item was last */

  if (next < VALID_PTR)
    WDB[loc0 + LIST_COMMON_PTR_LAST] = (double)prev;

  /* Update number of items */


  /* Reset root pointer if list is empty */

  if ((long)RDB[loc0 + LIST_COMMON_N_ITEMS] == 0)
    WDB[root] = NULLPTR;
Exemplo n.º 4
double OTFSabXS(long rea, double E, double T, long id){

  long nuc, sab1, sab2, nuc1, nuc2, mt, rea2, sab0, ptr, ncol; 
  double f, xs1, xs2, T1, T2, xs;
  /* Check reaction pointer */

  CheckPointer(FUNCTION_NAME, "(rea)", DATA_ARRAY, rea);

  /* Avoid compiler warning */

  sab1 = -1;

  /* Get reaction mt and rea nuclide */

  mt = (long)RDB[rea + REACTION_MT];

  nuc = (long)RDB[rea + REACTION_PTR_NUCLIDE];
  CheckPointer(FUNCTION_NAME, "(nuc)", DATA_ARRAY, nuc);

  if (E > RDB[nuc + NUCLIDE_SAB_EMAX])
    return MicroXS(rea, E, id);

  /* Check that data exists */

  if ((sab2 = (long)RDB[nuc + NUCLIDE_PTR_SAB]) < VALID_PTR )
    Die(FUNCTION_NAME, "S(a,b) data not available for nuclide %s", 
	GetText(nuc + NUCLIDE_PTR_NAME));
  /* Find correct temperature */
  while(sab2 > VALID_PTR)
      if (RDB[sab2 + SAB_T] > T)
      sab2 = NextItem(sab2);

  /* Check that sab was found */

  if (sab2 < VALID_PTR)
    Die(FUNCTION_NAME, "S(a,b) OTF nuclide not found for %s", 
	GetText(nuc + NUCLIDE_PTR_NAME));

  sab1 = PrevItem(sab2);

  /* Check Pointers */

  CheckPointer(FUNCTION_NAME, "(sab1)", DATA_ARRAY, sab1);
  CheckPointer(FUNCTION_NAME, "(sab2)", DATA_ARRAY, sab2);

  /* Temperatures */

  T1 = RDB[sab1 + SAB_T];
  T2 = RDB[sab2 + SAB_T];

  /* Pointers to S(a,b) nuclides */

  nuc1 = RDB[sab1 + SAB_PTR_ISO];
  nuc2 = RDB[sab2 + SAB_PTR_ISO];

  CheckPointer(FUNCTION_NAME, "(nuc1)", DATA_ARRAY, nuc1);
  CheckPointer(FUNCTION_NAME, "(nuc2)", DATA_ARRAY, nuc2);

  /* Find reaction pointers in S(a,b) data */
  /* Elastic scattering xs = total xs in case of S(a,b) nuclides 
     (which only have 1004 and 1002 reactions and total is 
     calculated over them) */
  if ((mt == 1) || (mt == 2))
    rea2 = (long)RDB[nuc1 + NUCLIDE_PTR_TOTXS];
  /* Find reaction at first temperature */

      /* Pointer to reaction */

      rea2 = (long)RDB[nuc1 + NUCLIDE_PTR_REA];
      CheckPointer(FUNCTION_NAME, "(rea2)", DATA_ARRAY, rea2);

      /* JLe: Tässä voisi käyttää SeekList():iä */

      while (rea2 > VALID_PTR)
	  if ((long)RDB[rea2 + REACTION_MT] == mt - 1000)
	  rea2 = NextItem(rea2);
      if (rea2 < VALID_PTR)
	Die(FUNCTION_NAME, "mt %ld not found for S(a,b) nuclide %s", mt, 
	    GetText(nuc1 + NUCLIDE_PTR_NAME));

  /* Get cross section */

  xs1 = MicroXS(rea2, E, id);
  CheckValue(FUNCTION_NAME, "xs1", "", xs1, 0.0, 1E+10);

  if ((mt == 1) || (mt == 2))
    rea2 = (long)RDB[nuc2 + NUCLIDE_PTR_TOTXS];

    /* Find reaction at second temperature */

      rea2 = (long)RDB[nuc2 + NUCLIDE_PTR_REA];
      CheckPointer(FUNCTION_NAME, "(rea2)", DATA_ARRAY, rea2);

      /* JLe: Tässä voisi käyttää SeekList():iä */

      while (rea2 > VALID_PTR)
	  if ((long)RDB[rea2 + REACTION_MT] == mt - 1000)
	  rea2 = NextItem(rea2);
      if (rea2 < VALID_PTR)
	Die(FUNCTION_NAME, "mt %ld not found for S(a,b) nuclide %s", mt, 
	    GetText(nuc1 + NUCLIDE_PTR_NAME));

  /* Get cross section */

  xs2 = MicroXS(rea2, E, id);
  CheckValue(FUNCTION_NAME, "xs2", "", xs2, 0.0, 1E+10);

  /* Avoid compiler warning */
  f = -1.0;

  /* Calculate factor */

  if (T1 != T2)
    f = (T-T1)/(T2-T1);
    Die(FUNCTION_NAME, "Division by zero");

  /* Check value */

  CheckValue(FUNCTION_NAME, "f", "", f, 0.0, 1.0);

  /* Get collision number */
  ncol = (long)GetPrivateData(ptr, id);

  /* Pointer to first item in sab list */

  sab0 = (long)RDB[nuc + NUCLIDE_PTR_SAB];

  /* Store values */

  StoreValuePair(sab0 + SAB_PTR_PREV_FRAC, ncol, f, id);
  StoreValuePair(sab0 + SAB_PTR_PREV_SAB1, ncol, (double)sab1, id);

  xs = xs1 + f*(xs2-xs1);

  /* Tämä poistettiin juuri ennen 2.1.25:n jakelua, sillä se sotkee */
  /* myöhemmin käytettävän kokonaisvaikutusalan arvon (JLe / 19.2.2016). */
  StoreValuePair(rea + REACTION_PTR_PREV_XS, E, xs, id);

  /* Näillä voisi varmaan optimoida myös tuota rutiinin alkupäätä */

  /* JLe: Jos palautettava arvo on samalla energialla aina sama, niin   */
  /* alkuun voi laittaa TestValuePair() -kutsun. Onko nuo kaksi ylempää */
  /* tosiaan tarkoitus kiinnittää törmäykseen eikä energiaan? */

  return xs;
void FindInterfaceRegions(long loc0, long  uni, long lvl, long recu, double x0, 
			  double y0, double z0, long idx0)
  long loc1, loc2, nst, ptr, reg, n, cell, lat, lst, mat0, mat, nx, ny;
  long nr, i0, j0, i, j, type, surf, idx, idx1, ifcmat;
  double x, y, z, pitch, wdth, phi, rad;

  /* Check flag */

  if ((long)RDB[loc0 + IFC_CALC_OUTPUT] == NO)

  /* Get interface material */

  ifcmat = (long)RDB[loc0 + IFC_PTR_MAT];

  /* Update level pointer or get pointer to first level and universe */

  if (lvl < VALID_PTR)
      lvl = (long)RDB[DATA_PTR_LVL0];
      uni = (long)RDB[DATA_PTR_ROOT_UNIVERSE];
    lvl = NextItem(lvl);

  /* Check level and universe pointers */

  CheckPointer(FUNCTION_NAME, "(lvl)", DATA_ARRAY, lvl);
  CheckPointer(FUNCTION_NAME, "(uni)", DATA_ARRAY, uni);

  /* Check infinite loop */

  if (recu++ > 1000)
    Die(FUNCTION_NAME, "Infinite geometry loop involving universe %s",
	GetText(uni + UNIVERSE_PTR_NAME));

  /* Coordinate transformation to local origin */
  if ((ptr = (long)RDB[uni + UNIVERSE_PTR_TRANS]) > VALID_PTR)
      x0 = x0 + RDB[ptr + TRANS_X0];
      y0 = y0 + RDB[ptr + TRANS_Y0];
      z0 = z0 + RDB[ptr + TRANS_Z0];

  /* Check symmetries */

  if ((long)RDB[uni + UNIVERSE_PTR_SYM] > VALID_PTR)
    Error(0, "Interface output doesn't work with symmetries (to be fixed)");

  /* Check universe type */
  switch((long)RDB[uni + UNIVERSE_TYPE])
	/***** Nest universe *************************************************/

	/* Pointer to nest */
	nst = (long)RDB[uni + UNIVERSE_PTR_NEST];
	CheckPointer(FUNCTION_NAME, "(nst)", DATA_ARRAY, nst);

	/* Get pointer to regions */
	reg = (long)RDB[nst + NEST_PTR_REGIONS];
	CheckPointer(FUNCTION_NAME, "(reg)", DATA_ARRAY, reg);

	/* Loop over regions */ 
	while (reg > VALID_PTR)
	    /* Get region index and update global index */

	    idx = (long)RDB[reg + NEST_REG_IDX];
	    idx1 = idx0 + ((long)RDB[lvl + LVL_ZONE_IDX_MULT])*idx;

	    /* Check fill pointer */
	    if ((uni = RDB[reg + NEST_REG_PTR_FILL]) > VALID_PTR)
		/* Filled region, call recursively */
		FindInterfaceRegions(loc0, uni, lvl, recu, x0, y0, z0, idx1);

	    /* Next region */

	    reg = NextItem(reg);

	/* Get pointer to outermost region */

	reg = (long)RDB[nst + NEST_PTR_REGIONS];
	reg = LastItem(reg);

	/* Get pointer to cell */

	cell = (long)RDB[reg + NEST_REG_PTR_CELL];
	CheckPointer(FUNCTION_NAME, "(cell)", DATA_ARRAY, cell);

	/* Check that the region is not the only one and get pointer */
	/* to material */

	if ((PrevItem(reg) > VALID_PTR) &&
	    ((mat0 = (long)RDB[cell + CELL_PTR_MAT]) > VALID_PTR))
	    /* Reset pointer */

	    mat = -1;

	    /* Compare name */
	    if (mat0 == ifcmat)
	      mat = mat0;
	    /* Check if material was divided for burnup calculation */
	    if ((ptr = (long)RDB[mat0 + MATERIAL_DIV_PTR_PARENT]) > VALID_PTR)
	      if (ptr == ifcmat)
		mat = mat0;

	    /* Check match */

	    if (mat > VALID_PTR)
		/* Get pointer to surface */

		surf = (long)RDB[reg + NEST_REG_PTR_SURF_OUT];
		CheckPointer(FUNCTION_NAME, "(surf)", DATA_ARRAY, surf);

		/* Check type */

		if ((long)RDB[surf + SURFACE_TYPE] != SURF_CYL)
		  Error(loc0, "Interface allowed only with cylindrical nests");

		/* Pointer to parameter list */

		ptr = (long)RDB[surf + SURFACE_PTR_PARAMS];
		CheckPointer(FUNCTION_NAME, "(ptr)", DATA_ARRAY, ptr);

		/* Get radius */

		rad = RDB[ptr + 2];

		/* Create new structure */

		loc1 = NewItem(loc0 + IFC_PTR_OUT, IFC_OUT_LIST_BLOCK_SIZE);

		/* Put data */

		WDB[loc1 + IFC_OUT_X0] = x0;
		WDB[loc1 + IFC_OUT_Y0] = y0;
		WDB[loc1 + IFC_OUT_R] = rad;
		WDB[loc1 + IFC_OUT_PTR_IFC] = (double)loc0;

		/* Add scoring regions */
		reg = (long)RDB[nst + NEST_PTR_REGIONS];
		while (reg > VALID_PTR)
		    /* Exclude last */

		    if (NextItem(reg) < VALID_PTR)

		    /* Get pointer to cell */

		    cell = (long)RDB[reg + NEST_REG_PTR_CELL];
		    CheckPointer(FUNCTION_NAME, "(cell)", DATA_ARRAY, cell);
		    /* Pointer to material */

		    mat = (long)RDB[cell + CELL_PTR_MAT];

		    /* Check material pointer and fissile flag */

		    if (mat > VALID_PTR)
		      if ((long)RDB[mat + MATERIAL_OPTIONS] & OPT_FISSILE_MAT)
			  /* Get region index global index */

			  idx = (long)RDB[reg + NEST_REG_IDX];
			  idx1 = idx0 
			    + ((long)RDB[lvl + LVL_ZONE_IDX_MULT])*idx;
			  /* Create new structure */

			  loc2 = NewItem(loc0 + IFC_PTR_SCORE,
			  /* Put region index */
			  WDB[loc2 + IFC_SCORE_REG_IDX] = (double)idx1;

			  /* Reset stat index */
			  WDB[loc2 + IFC_SCORE_STAT_IDX] = -1.0;

			  /* Put pointers */

			  WDB[loc2 + IFC_SCORE_PTR_OUT] = (double)loc1;
			  WDB[loc1 + IFC_OUT_PTR_SCORE] = (double)loc2;

		    /* Next region */
		    reg = NextItem(reg);

	/* Break case */
	/***** Cell universe *************************************************/
	/* Pointer to cell list */
	lst = (long)RDB[uni + UNIVERSE_PTR_CELL_LIST];
	CheckPointer(FUNCTION_NAME, "(lst)", DATA_ARRAY, lst);  
	/* Loop over cell list */
	while (lst > VALID_PTR)
	    /* Get region index and update global index */

	    idx = (long)RDB[lst + CELL_LIST_REG_IDX];
	    idx1 = idx0 + ((long)RDB[lvl + LVL_ZONE_IDX_MULT])*idx;

	    /* Pointer to cell */
	    cell = (long)RDB[lst + CELL_LIST_PTR_CELL];
	    CheckPointer(FUNCTION_NAME, "(cell)", DATA_ARRAY, cell);

	    /* Check fill pointer */
	    if ((uni = RDB[cell + CELL_PTR_FILL]) > 0)
		/* Filled region, call recursively */

		FindInterfaceRegions(loc0, uni, lvl, recu, x0, y0, z0, idx1);

	    /* Next */

	    lst = NextItem(lst);
	/* Break case */
	/***** Lattice universe **********************************************/

	/* Pointer to lattice */
	lat = (long)RDB[uni + UNIVERSE_PTR_LAT];
	CheckPointer(FUNCTION_NAME, "(lat)", DATA_ARRAY, lat);
	/* Check type */
	if ((long)RDB[lat + LAT_TYPE] == LAT_TYPE_CLU)
	    /***** Circular array ********************************************/
	    /* Get pointer to rings */
	    reg = (long)RDB[lat + LAT_PTR_FILL];
	    CheckPointer(FUNCTION_NAME, "(reg)", DATA_ARRAY, reg);

	    /* Reset index */

	    idx = 0;
	    /* Loop over rings */ 
	    while (reg > VALID_PTR)
		/* Pointer to items */ 
		ptr = (long)RDB[reg + RING_PTR_FILL];
		CheckPointer(FUNCTION_NAME, "(ptr)", DATA_ARRAY, ptr);

		/* Number of sectors */

		nr = (long)RDB[reg + RING_N_SEC];

		/* Sector width */

		wdth = 2.0*PI/((double)nr);

		/* Loop over sectors */

		for (n = 0; n < (long)RDB[reg + RING_N_SEC]; n++)
		    /* Get global index and update local */
		    idx1 = idx0 + ((long)RDB[lvl + LVL_ZONE_IDX_MULT])*idx;

		    /* Sector center angle */
		    phi = n*wdth + RDB[reg + RING_TILT];

		    /* Adjust */

		    while (phi < 0.0)
		      phi = phi + 2.0*PI;
		    while (phi >= 2.0*PI)
		      phi = phi - 2.0*PI;
		    /* Transfer co-ordinates */
		    x = x0 + RDB[reg + RING_RAD]*cos(phi);
		    y = y0 + RDB[reg + RING_RAD]*sin(phi);
		    z = z0;

		    /* Pointer to universe */
		    uni = (long)RDB[ptr + n];
		    CheckPointer(FUNCTION_NAME, "(uni)", DATA_ARRAY, uni);

		    /* Call recursively */

		    FindInterfaceRegions(loc0, uni, lvl, recu, x, y, z, idx1); 

		/* Next ring */

		reg = NextItem(reg);
	    /***** Simple types **********************************************/

	    /* Get parameters */
	    nx = (long)RDB[lat + LAT_NX];
	    ny = (long)RDB[lat + LAT_NY];
	    pitch = RDB[lat + LAT_PITCH];
	    type = (long)RDB[lat + LAT_TYPE];

	    /* Transfer coordinates */

	    x0 = x0 + RDB[lat + LAT_ORIG_X0];
	    y0 = y0 + RDB[lat + LAT_ORIG_Y0];

	    /* If even number of cells, shift origin by pitch/2 */
	    x0 = x0 + (1 - (nx % 2))*0.5*pitch;
	    y0 = y0 + (1 - (ny % 2))*0.5*pitch;

	    /* Get pointer to lattice cells */
	    ptr = (long)RDB[lat + LAT_PTR_FILL];
	    CheckPointer(FUNCTION_NAME, "(ptr)", DATA_ARRAY, ptr);
	    /* Reset index */

	    idx = 0;

	    /* Loop over items */

	    for (j0 = 0; j0 < ny; j0++)
	      for (i0 = 0; i0 < nx; i0++)
		  /* Get global index and update local */
		  idx1 = idx0 + ((long)RDB[lvl + LVL_ZONE_IDX_MULT])*idx;

		  /* Transfer to centered indexing system */

		  i = i0 - (long)(nx/2.0);
		  j = j0 - (long)(ny/2.0);

		  /* Avoid compiler warning */

		  x = 0.0;
		  y = 0.0;
		  z = z0;

		  /* Calculate local coordinates */
		  if (type == LAT_TYPE_S)
		      x = x0 + i*pitch;
		      y = y0 + j*pitch;
		  else if (type == LAT_TYPE_HX)
		      x = x0 + (i + COS60*j)*pitch; 
		      y = y0 + j*SIN60*pitch; 
		  else if (type == LAT_TYPE_HY)
		      x = x0 + j*SIN60*pitch; 
		      y = y0 + (i + COS60*j)*pitch; 
		    Die (FUNCTION_NAME, "Unsupported lattice type %ld", type);
		  /* Index to lattice element */
		  n = i0 + nx*j0;

		  /* Call recursively */

		  if ((uni = (long)RDB[ptr + n]) > VALID_PTR)
		    FindInterfaceRegions(loc0, uni, lvl, recu, x, y, z, idx1);

	/* Break case */
Exemplo n.º 6
int Playlist::MQTTHandler(std::string topic, std::string msg)
	LogDebug(VB_PLAYLIST, "Playlist::MQTTHandler('%s', '%s') while playing '%s'\n",
		topic.c_str(), msg.c_str(), m_name.c_str());

	// note the leading /set/playlist will be removed from topic by now

	int pos = topic.find("/");
	if (pos == std::string::npos) {
		LogWarn(VB_PLAYLIST, "Ignoring Invalid playlist topic: playlist/%s\n", 
		return 0;
	std::string newPlaylistName = topic.substr(0,pos);
	std::string topicEnd = topic.substr(pos);

	 * NOTE: This because multiple playlist are not supported, the newPlaylistname value
	 * is only considered when starting a playlist.  All other actions will
	 * apply to the current running playlist even if the names don't match

	// ALLPLAYLIST should be checked first to avoid name colision.
	if (topic == "ALLPLAYLISTS/stop/now") {

	} else if (topic == "ALLPLAYLISTS/stop/graceful") {

	} else if (topic == "ALLPLAYLISTS/stop/afterloop") {

	// Playlist specific versions
	} else if (topicEnd == "/start") {
		// Play from begging keeping previous value of repeate
		Play(newPlaylistName.c_str(), 0, m_repeat);
	} else if (topicEnd == "/next") {

	} else if (topicEnd == "/prev") {

	} else if (topicEnd == "/repeat") {

	} else if (topicEnd == "/startPosition") {

	} else if (topicEnd == "/stop/now") {

	} else if (topicEnd == "/stop/graceful") {

	} else if (topicEnd == "/stop/afterloop") {

	// These three are depgrecated and should be removed
	} else if (topic == "name/set") {
	        LogInfo(VB_PLAYLIST, "playlist/%s is deprecated and will be removed in a future release\n",
		Play(msg.c_str(), m_sectionPosition, m_repeat);

	} else if (topic == "repeat/set") {
	        LogInfo(VB_PLAYLIST, "playlist/%s is deprecated and will be removed in a future release\n",
	} else if (topic == "sectionPosition/set") {
	        LogInfo(VB_PLAYLIST, "playlist/%s is deprecated and will be removed in a future release\n",

	} else {
		LogWarn(VB_PLAYLIST, "Ignoring Invalid playlist topic: playlist/%s\n", topic.c_str());
		return 0;	

	return 1;