//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: DisplayLocalApplicationInfo // Purpose: Prints out locally registered applications // Parameters: // pApplication : [in] pointer to PEER_APPLICATION_REGISTRATION_INFO object // void DisplayLocalApplicationInfo(__in PCPEER_APPLICATION_REGISTRATION_INFO pApplication) { wprintf(L"Application:\n"); wprintf(L"\tId: "); PrintGUID(&pApplication->application.id); if (pApplication->application.pwzDescription != NULL) { wprintf(L"\tDescription: %s\n", pApplication->application.pwzDescription); } if (pApplication->pwzApplicationToLaunch != NULL) { wprintf(L"\tApplication Path: %s\n", pApplication->pwzApplicationToLaunch); } if (pApplication->pwzApplicationArguments != NULL) { wprintf(L"\tApplication Arguments: %s\n", pApplication->pwzApplicationArguments); } wprintf(L"\tPublication Scope: %s\n", PublicationScope(pApplication->dwPublicationScope)); }
void ParseData() { currentObjects = calloc( sizeof (MediaObject), streamCount ); printf( "Data begins...\n" ); printf( "File ID: " ); PrintGUID(); printf( "Total packets: %llu\n", ReadQWord() ); cursor += 2; // Skip reserved field while (cursor < end) { uint8_t *tmp = cursor; ParsePacket(); cursor = tmp + packetSize; } }
void ParseFileProperties() { printf( "\t\tFile ID: " ); PrintGUID(); printf( "\t\tFile size: %llu\n", ReadQWord() ); printf( "\t\tCreation date: %llu\n", ReadQWord() ); printf( "\t\tPacket count: %llu\n", ReadQWord() ); printf( "\t\tPlay duration: %llu\n", ReadQWord() ); printf( "\t\tSend duration: %llu\n", ReadQWord() ); printf( "\t\tPreroll: %llu\n", ReadQWord() ); printf( "\t\tFlags: %u\n", ReadDWord() ); packetSize = ReadDWord() ; printf( "\t\tMin Pack. size %u\n", packetSize ); uint32_t maxPacketSize = ReadDWord(); printf( "\t\tMax Pack. size %u\n", maxPacketSize ); printf( "\t\tMax bitrate %u\n", ReadDWord() ); printf( "\tend file properties\n" ); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { const unsigned int width = 16, height = 16; const unsigned int mc_types[2] = {XVMC_MOCOMP | XVMC_MPEG_2, XVMC_IDCT | XVMC_MPEG_2}; const unsigned int subpic_width = 16, subpic_height = 16; Display *display; XvPortID port_num; int surface_type_id; unsigned int is_overlay, intra_unsigned; int colorkey; XvMCContext context; XvImageFormatValues *subpics; int num_subpics; XvMCSubpicture subpicture = {0}; int i; display = XOpenDisplay(NULL); if (!GetPort ( display, width, height, XVMC_CHROMA_FORMAT_420, mc_types, 2, &port_num, &surface_type_id, &is_overlay, &intra_unsigned )) { XCloseDisplay(display); fprintf(stderr, "Error, unable to find a good port.\n"); exit(1); } if (is_overlay) { Atom xv_colorkey = XInternAtom(display, "XV_COLORKEY", 0); XvGetPortAttribute(display, port_num, xv_colorkey, &colorkey); } assert(XvMCCreateContext(display, port_num, surface_type_id, width, height, XVMC_DIRECT, &context) == Success); subpics = XvMCListSubpictureTypes(display, port_num, surface_type_id, &num_subpics); assert((subpics && num_subpics) > 0 || (!subpics && num_subpics == 0)); for (i = 0; i < num_subpics; ++i) { printf("Subpicture %d:\n", i); printf("\tid: 0x%08x\n", subpics[i].id); printf("\ttype: %s\n", subpics[i].type == XvRGB ? "XvRGB" : (subpics[i].type == XvYUV ? "XvYUV" : "Unknown")); printf("\tbyte_order: %s\n", subpics[i].byte_order == LSBFirst ? "LSB First" : (subpics[i].byte_order == MSBFirst ? "MSB First" : "Unknown")); PrintGUID(subpics[i].guid); printf("\tbpp: %u\n", subpics[i].bits_per_pixel); printf("\tformat: %s\n", subpics[i].format == XvPacked ? "XvPacked" : (subpics[i].format == XvPlanar ? "XvPlanar" : "Unknown")); printf("\tnum_planes: %u\n", subpics[i].num_planes); if (subpics[i].type == XvRGB) { printf("\tdepth: %u\n", subpics[i].depth); printf("\tred_mask: 0x%08x\n", subpics[i].red_mask); printf("\tgreen_mask: 0x%08x\n", subpics[i].green_mask); printf("\tblue_mask: 0x%08x\n", subpics[i].blue_mask); } else if (subpics[i].type == XvYUV) { printf("\ty_sample_bits: %u\n", subpics[i].y_sample_bits); printf("\tu_sample_bits: %u\n", subpics[i].u_sample_bits); printf("\tv_sample_bits: %u\n", subpics[i].v_sample_bits); printf("\thorz_y_period: %u\n", subpics[i].horz_y_period); printf("\thorz_u_period: %u\n", subpics[i].horz_u_period); printf("\thorz_v_period: %u\n", subpics[i].horz_v_period); printf("\tvert_y_period: %u\n", subpics[i].vert_y_period); printf("\tvert_u_period: %u\n", subpics[i].vert_u_period); printf("\tvert_v_period: %u\n", subpics[i].vert_v_period); } PrintComponentOrder(subpics[i].component_order); printf("\tscanline_order: %s\n", subpics[i].scanline_order == XvTopToBottom ? "XvTopToBottom" : (subpics[i].scanline_order == XvBottomToTop ? "XvBottomToTop" : "Unknown")); } if (num_subpics == 0) { printf("Subpictures not supported, nothing to test.\n"); return 0; } /* Test NULL context */ assert(XvMCCreateSubpicture(display, NULL, &subpicture, subpic_width, subpic_height, subpics[0].id) == XvMCBadContext); /* Test NULL subpicture */ assert(XvMCCreateSubpicture(display, &context, NULL, subpic_width, subpic_height, subpics[0].id) == XvMCBadSubpicture); /* Test invalid subpicture */ assert(XvMCCreateSubpicture(display, &context, &subpicture, subpic_width, subpic_height, -1) == BadMatch); /* Test huge width */ assert(XvMCCreateSubpicture(display, &context, &subpicture, 16384, subpic_height, subpics[0].id) == BadValue); /* Test huge height */ assert(XvMCCreateSubpicture(display, &context, &subpicture, subpic_width, 16384, subpics[0].id) == BadValue); /* Test huge width & height */ assert(XvMCCreateSubpicture(display, &context, &subpicture, 16384, 16384, subpics[0].id) == BadValue); for (i = 0; i < num_subpics; ++i) { /* Test valid params */ assert(XvMCCreateSubpicture(display, &context, &subpicture, subpic_width, subpic_height, subpics[i].id) == Success); /* Test subpicture id assigned */ assert(subpicture.subpicture_id != 0); /* Test context id assigned and correct */ assert(subpicture.context_id == context.context_id); /* Test subpicture type id assigned and correct */ assert(subpicture.xvimage_id == subpics[i].id); /* Test width & height assigned and correct */ assert(subpicture.width == width && subpicture.height == height); if (subpics[i].type == XvRGB) /* Test no palette support */ assert(subpicture.num_palette_entries == 0 && subpicture.entry_bytes == 0); else /* Test palette support */ assert(subpicture.num_palette_entries == 16 && subpicture.entry_bytes == 4); /* Test valid params */ assert(XvMCDestroySubpicture(display, &subpicture) == Success); } /* Test NULL surface */ assert(XvMCDestroySubpicture(display, NULL) == XvMCBadSubpicture); assert(XvMCDestroyContext(display, &context) == Success); free(subpics); XvUngrabPort(display, port_num, CurrentTime); XCloseDisplay(display); return 0; }
// Gets new location data from the user, and prints the report data. // The location data includes fields for both a civic address report // and a latitude/longitude report. // The error radius, altitude, and altitude error fields are not // displayed in the Default Location Control Panel, but they are // available from the Location API. HRESULT EnterLocation(CLocationReport * pLocationReport) { WCHAR address1[ADDRESS_FIELD_LENGTH]; WCHAR address2[ADDRESS_FIELD_LENGTH]; WCHAR city[ADDRESS_FIELD_LENGTH]; WCHAR stateprovince[ADDRESS_FIELD_LENGTH]; WCHAR zipcode[ADDRESS_FIELD_LENGTH]; WCHAR countryregion[COUNTRYREGION_FIELD_LENGTH]; // ISO-3166 2-digit or 3-digit code DOUBLE latitude = 0; DOUBLE longitude = 0; DOUBLE errorradius = 0; DOUBLE altitude = 0; DOUBLE altitudeerror = 0; int numberfieldsread = 0; // number of fields successfully read by wscanf_s // Interface for civic address report CComPtr<ICivicAddressReport> spCivicAddressReport; // Interface for latitude/longitude report CComPtr<ILatLongReport> spLatLongReport; // prompt user to enter line 1 of the street address. wprintf(PROMPT_ADDRESS1); SafeGetws(address1, ARRAYSIZE(address1)); fflush(stdin); // Set line 1 of the street address in the new report CComBSTR bstrAddress1(address1); HRESULT hr = pLocationReport->SetAddressLine1(bstrAddress1); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // prompt user to enter line 2 of the street address. wprintf(PROMPT_ADDRESS2); SafeGetws(address2, ARRAYSIZE(address2)); fflush(stdin); // Set line 2 of the street address in the new report CComBSTR bstrAddress2(address2); hr = pLocationReport->SetAddressLine2(bstrAddress2); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // prompt user to enter the city. wprintf(PROMPT_CITY); SafeGetws(city, ARRAYSIZE(city)); fflush(stdin); // Set the city in the new report CComBSTR bstrCity(city); hr = pLocationReport->SetCity(bstrCity); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // prompt user to enter the state/province. wprintf(PROMPT_STATEPROVINCE); SafeGetws(stateprovince, ARRAYSIZE(city)); fflush(stdin); // Set the state/province in the new report CComBSTR bstrStateProvince(stateprovince); hr = pLocationReport->SetStateProvince(bstrStateProvince); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // prompt user to enter the postal code. wprintf(PROMPT_POSTALCODE); SafeGetws(zipcode, ARRAYSIZE(zipcode)); fflush(stdin); // Set the postal code in the new report CComBSTR bstrZipCode(zipcode); hr = pLocationReport->SetPostalCode(bstrZipCode); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // prompt user to enter the country code. wprintf(PROMPT_COUNTRYREGION); SafeGetws(countryregion, ARRAYSIZE(countryregion)); fflush(stdin); // Set the country/region in the new report CComBSTR bstrCountryRegion(countryregion); hr = pLocationReport->SetCountryRegion(bstrCountryRegion); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // prompt the user to enter latitude wprintf(PROMPT_LATITUDE); numberfieldsread = wscanf_s(L"%lf", &latitude); fflush(stdin); if (0 == numberfieldsread) { wprintf(L"Error reading input. The report field will be set to zero.\n"); } else { // Set the latitude hr = pLocationReport->SetLatitude(latitude); } } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // prompt the user to enter longitude wprintf(PROMPT_LONGITUDE); numberfieldsread = wscanf_s(L"%lf", &longitude); fflush(stdin); if (0 == numberfieldsread) { wprintf(L"Error reading input. The report field will be set to zero.\n"); } else { // Set the longitude hr = pLocationReport->SetLongitude(longitude); } } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // prompt the user to enter the error radius for the latitude/longitude wprintf(PROMPT_ERRORRADIUS); numberfieldsread = wscanf_s(L"%lf", &errorradius); fflush(stdin); if (0 == numberfieldsread) { wprintf(L"Error reading input. The report field will be set to a default value.\n"); } else { // Set the error radius hr = pLocationReport->SetErrorRadius(errorradius); } } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // prompt the user to enter altitude wprintf(PROMPT_ALTITUDE); numberfieldsread = wscanf_s(L"%lf", &altitude); fflush(stdin); if (0 == numberfieldsread) { wprintf(L"Error reading input. The report field will be set to zero.\n"); } else { // Set the altitude hr = pLocationReport->SetAltitude(altitude); } } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // prompt the user to enter altitude error wprintf(PROMPT_ALTITUDEERROR); numberfieldsread = wscanf_s(L"%lf", &altitudeerror); fflush(stdin); if (0 == numberfieldsread) { wprintf(L"Error reading input. The report field will be set to zero.\n"); } else { // Set the altitude error hr = pLocationReport->SetAltitudeError(altitudeerror); } } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Print the GUID SENSOR_ID SensorID; hr = pLocationReport->GetSensorID(&SensorID); PrintGUID(SensorID); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Print the timestamp SYSTEMTIME systime; hr = pLocationReport->GetTimestamp(&systime); PrintTime(systime); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pLocationReport->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(&spCivicAddressReport)); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { PrintCivicAddress(spCivicAddressReport); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pLocationReport->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(&spLatLongReport)); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { PrintLatLong(spLatLongReport); } return hr; }