Exemplo n.º 1
int main (int argc, char ** argv)
	if (argc != 5)
		printf("\nInvalid number of arguments");
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	//Assign inputs to variables
	char * mode = argv[1];
	char * in_file = argv[2];
	char * seq_file = argv[3];
	char * out_file = argv[4];

	int Size = 0;	
	long * arr;

	double N_Comp = 0;
	double N_Move = 0;

	clock_t sort_t = 0; //keeps track of sort time
	clock_t io_sum = 0; //keeps track of total I/O time
	clock_t io = clock();
	arr = Load_File(in_file, &Size); //Load the fille and store the contents in arr
	io_sum = clock() - io;

	if (*mode == 'i')
		sort_t = clock();
		Shell_Insertion_Sort(arr, Size, &N_Comp, &N_Move);
		sort_t = clock() - sort_t;
	else if (*mode == 's')
		sort_t = clock();
		Shell_Selection_Sort(arr, Size, &N_Comp, &N_Move);
		sort_t = clock() - sort_t;
		printf("\nInvalid argument for sort type");
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	io = clock();
	Print_Seq(seq_file, Size);	
	Save_File(out_file, arr, Size);
	io_sum += clock() - io;

	printf("Number of comparisons: %le\n", N_Comp);
	printf("Number of moves: %le\n", N_Move);
	printf("I/O Time: %le\n", ((double)io_sum) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
	printf("Sorting Time: %le\n", ((double)sort_t) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

Exemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])  {

   char           Seq[SEQLEN], Pat[MAXPATLEN];
   int            I, *MatchLocs, PatLen;
   void           Print_Seq(char *Seq, int SeqLen);
   void           Print_Pat(char *Pat, int PatLen);
   int            *Match(char *Pat, int PatLen, char *Seq, int SeqLen);

   srand((unsigned int) time(NULL));              // seed random number generator
   PatLen = (rand() % MAXPATLEN) + 1;             // compute pattern length	
   for (I = 0; I < SEQLEN; I++)
      Seq[I] = Alphabet[rand() % NUMCHAR];        // create sequence
   for (I = 0; I < PatLen; I++)
      Pat[I] = Alphabet[rand() % NUMCHAR];        // create pattern
   Print_Pat(Pat, PatLen);                        // print pattern
   Print_Seq(Seq, SEQLEN);                        // print sequence
   MatchLocs = Match(Pat, PatLen, Seq, SEQLEN);    // match pattern in sequence
   printf("Pattern detected at the following locations:\n");
   while (*MatchLocs != 0) printf("Base pair %d in the sequence\n", *MatchLocs++);
   return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
  // Check to make sure the correct number of input arguments are provided
  if(argc != 5)
    printf("Usage: ./proj1 <sorting_method> <input_file> <sequence_file> <output_file>\n");
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // Set these variables to the input arguments (Make things easier)
  char method = * argv[1];
  char * input_file = argv[2];
  char * sequence_file = argv[3];
  char * output_file = argv[4];

  // Used to store values used in this program
  int Size;
  long * values;
  clock_t t_sort, t_load, t_save, t_seq;

  // Load the file, keeping track of the time it takes to load the file
  t_load = clock();
  values = Load_File(input_file, &Size);
  t_load = clock() - t_load;

  // Check to make sure the files was loaded correctly
  if(values == NULL)
    printf("Error loading the input file\n");
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // Print the sequence to a file, keeping track of the time it takes to write to the file
  t_seq = clock();
  int i = Print_Seq(sequence_file, Size);
  t_seq = clock() - t_seq;
  // Check to make sure the sequence was correctly output to the file
  if(i == 0)
    printf("Failed to print sequence\n");
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  // Used to keep track of the number of moves and comparisons in the sorting algorithms
  double N_Comp = 0.0, N_Move = 0.0;

  // Check for the sorting method chosen by the user
  // Keep track of the time it takes to sort the values as well
  t_sort = clock();
  if(method == 'i')
    Shell_Insertion_Sort(values, Size, &N_Comp, &N_Move);
  else if(method == 's')
    Shell_Selection_Sort(values, Size, &N_Comp, &N_Move);
    printf("Sorting method must be either i (Insertion) or s (Selection) sort\n");
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  t_sort = clock() - t_sort;

  // Save the sorted array to the output file, keeping track of th time it takes as well
  t_save = clock();
  int returned = Save_File(output_file, values, Size);
  t_save = clock() - t_save;

  // Check to make sure that the file was correctly output to
  if (!returned)
    printf("Failed to output values to file\n");
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  else if(returned != Size)
    printf("Number of values returned not equal to number of values specified\n");
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  // Free the malloced values

  // Display all the required information to the screen
  Screen_Dump(N_Comp, N_Move, (t_save + t_load + t_seq) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC, t_sort);

  // SUCCESS!!!
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;